Guess they didn’t get the memo. 🤫 Don’t tell them, let’s see how long it takes them to figure it out.
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Living in the age of brain-dead and brainwashed people
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In boystown
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During -25 degree weather
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Have you ever been told to think critically about what someone tells you before you take it as the undisputed truth.
All of the Trump supporters who were crying crocodile tears last week and complaining that they are being judged by their hat wear have to explain why two men felt confident enough to scream “This is MAGA country” as they brutally beat and put a noose around a black, gay man’s neck.
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Because now having a PhD in astrophysics means you know everything that an Environmental Scientist would know, just like how Bill Nye has a BS in engineering and is the spokesperson for what biological sex is instead of someone with a PhD in Biology. Sounds about right to me, I don’t see any problem in this.
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People generally don’t feel guilty doing things that are guilt free, aka eating a salad or taking their dog on a walk. If someone feels guilty, it’s because they are doing something they know they shouldn’t be doing because it’s harming someone, aka robbing a nickel and dime at gun point or killing their unborn child.
The anti choice protestors here played audio of a baby crying. Why tf would they do that? Why would they try and force people to look at their gore when people’s eyes instinctively follow the sound? To guilt people? Because they’re not gonna convince anyone
Guilt-tripping is a major anti-choice persuasion tactic. Equating fetuses to born infants is pretty classic and does a good job of convincing people who can’t be bothered to think about the issue thoroughly or empathize with pregnant people.-V
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You liberals and your silly ideas. Here are some simple bullet points to help you understand why many people think forced gender free language is a rediculous idea.
Freedom of speech is an important part of our consistution. Fascism has a funny way of appearing where free speech has been limited, and vis versa.
A large number of languages use male/female/neutral gender pronouns when referring to inanimate objects as well as the usual animate ones. Meaning, many languages would have to be entirely re-written to play your game.
No one has tried to change the way you speak. You may use they and their all you want. We would just like for you to do us the same courtacy and not attempt to control our language in return.
Many people are tired of the breakdown of the English language and reminisce the beauty of speech and writing that used to prevail due to our extensive and ornate vocabulary.
-Side Bar- Your English 600 teacher probably wasn’t racist or homophobic. They probably just found your writing extremely difficult to follow, as there was no way to easily follow who you were talking about in your essay or creative writing piece. They didn’t want to have to read and re-read your paper until she/he figured it out, as she/he was already burning the midnight oil trying to get through hundreds of ill written pieces by students that should have had a better vocabulary at this point in there college career, but were too busy drinking wine and talking about their human studies courses to simply open up a dictionary.
I was talking to someone and he said that “you never know whether someone is a girl or boy these days” and I told him that you can just use they/them, it’s simple. He started that he couldn’t say that Bc it’s meant for referring to more than person. I gave him loads of examples and told him to try it and he couldn’t Bc it was “weird”. The boy was acting as if I was telling him to do something absurd
I don’t get the resistance to the singular “they”. We literally do it all the time. “Oh, someone forgot THEIR umbrella. I hope THEY come back for it.” Yes, the ~*~correct~*~ grammar is “oh, someone forgot his or her umbrella. I hope he or she come back for it,” but literally no one says that. The singular “they” has been around for centuries.Also, prescriptivism is a bad look in academic linguistics as it is, so laymen who try to claim that there are hard and fast rules for English need to examine their biases. Saying what is and isn’t proper language tends to stem from racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. Language is fun and ever evolving, kids!-V
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Someone on Quora asked, “As a Republican, if someone in your family was murdered in a mass shooting, would you advocate for any gun-control policies?”
Here’s the most upvoted answer, from L. Toth, Law: 
“I’m not a Republican.
I’m not even an American.
I was nowhere near Parkland Florida.
I was nowhere near Columbine High School in Colorado.
I am a European.
What that means is that we have no “Gun-Control Debate”.
We were disarmed long ago. Our governments decided that we (law-abiding European Union Citizens) don’t have any inherent rights (Natural Rights, or God-given Rights) to self protection, and to protect our families. Our rights derive from a distant (and often unresponsive, sometimes even oppressive government), and not from God or Nature.
What government gives, government can take away. Remember that.
If your government is the source of your rights, then you have no rights.
What that all means is that, for all but the very few, the “government in far off Belgium” has decided that only a very few and select EU Citizens can own a weapon.
So, in reality, the ONLY people who have weapons in the EU are agents of the government, or they are criminals.
There is no debate. End of story. You have no right to self-protection, because the government has said so.
As I said, I was no where near America when the Parkland, FL mass shooting took place.
However, I was very, very near Utoya island, Norway, on 22 July, 2011.
Do you think that I wish that I was armed and trained on that day, ready to engage that piece of shit Anders Breivik as he spent 1 hour, randomly shooting at hundreds, injuring many, and killing 69 unarmed EU Citizens (many of them under age 18 children) on Utoya island?
You bet I do.
Did you catch that? That Anders Breivik spent 1 hour on an island (difficult place to escape, Utoya, without a readily accessible boat), shooting at anything that moved, children and whomever.
Where were the Police?
Where were the other guarantors of our rights to self-preservation, or those other government agents, whom we depend upon for our very lives, for the 1 hour that Anders Breivik was killing innocents with impunity?
Does it matter where the government was, to the 69 murdered? They all, each and every one of those murdered, and the others who were shot by Breivik and survived, were law-abiding citizens of the EU. That means they were not allowed to defend themselves, while they waited for the government to protect them from a CRIMINAL ARMED AND READY TO MURDER THEM.
While they waited for the government, from whom they must ask for their rights to self-preservation, they were murdered.
Waiting for the guarantors of their very lives, they were murdered.
Those murdered had no right to live, to protect themselves, from a murderous mad-man criminal, Hell-bent on murdering them to make a political statement. Our government has said so. You have no right to protect yourself from an armed criminal, Hell-bent on killing you.
So says our government.
If only a few of the hundreds of people on Utoya that day were trained and armed, ready and willing to live, to defend themselves and other innocents, many of those dead children and adults would probably be alive today.
But because our government, our distant, unresponsive, sometimes oppressive government, has said we don’t have the right to protect ourselves, those innocents were all murdered, without a chance in Hell to protect themselves.
Anders Breivik knew he would not have any resistance that fateful day. None whatsoever. And he knew that the government guarantors of the lives of the innocents that he brutally murdered that day were preoccupied with the bomb he had planted elsewhere as a distraction from his real target: An Island full of unarmed and unprotected children. Ready for the slaughter. His slaughter.
As a civilian, a law-abiding Citizen of the EU, I was not allowed to go and defend an island full of innocent children. Because my government has said so. And the very victims themselves were not allowed to protect themselves. All because my government has said so.
Don’t you think the children on Utoya on 22 July, 2011, had wished that someone, anyone at all, was armed and had returned fire at Anders Breivik?
Can anyone, honestly and with a straight face, tell the loved ones of those who were shot and murdered by Anders Breivik on 22 July, 2011, that it is more important that their children had no right to live, and that the rights of the government to grant said favour is more important? Honestly?
Put yourself in the place of the dead.
I’ll bet they wished that they had the God-given right to self-preservation, and that they could have personally shot back when Anders Breivik decided to murder them that day.
The American Forefathers were much wiser than our rulers in the EU. They codified into the US Constitution the truth that all Human Rights are derived from God (or from Nature via Natural Law, for you non-religious folk), and no one, not any person nor any government can take those Human Rights away from the person.
Rights given by people can be taken away by people. Rights derived from God cannot be taken away from the person. Period.
We in the EU must live with the choices and decisions made by people, often distant people, who do not know us. And often, they do not care for the individual. They do not care about me, nor you…
It is up to me, ultimately, as a Human, with God-given Human Rights, to look after myself and my family.
Even if my government says I do not have that right granted to me… I WILL CHOOSE TO LIVE, AND TO PROTECT MY FAMILY, AND ANY INNOCENTS THAT I CAN.
Don’t be a victim. Stand up and fight evil, like the evil of Anders Breivik and that piece of shit in Parkland, FL, or anywhere else, for that matter.
Parkland FL, Columbine, San Bernardino, Utoya… They all waited for the government to protect them from evil.
They all died.
Protecting yourself is the only answer.”
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So yeah, true, right now abortions in the US that happen later in pregnancy are because the mothers life is at risk. Because that was already legal, but we have opened the door, so the flood of woman getting abortions late in pregnancy out of convenience is going to rise. Just like it did when the gates where opened for early pregnancy abortion.
Just saying.
Stop using the 7% as your crutch and say what you mean. You don’t care about the baby, you care more about population control than the rights that an unborn baby should have.
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I can’t stand when people try to prove why all abortion should be legal, due to their personal anectdote in which their life was at risk. This is why...
93% of abortions done in the us are elective, meaning no rape/incest or life threatening circumstances.
Statistics and data are a much better way to support your opinion, no matter what you are talking about.
For every anecdote you bring to the table, your aponant will be able to combat with an anecdote of there own.
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y’all don’t have to agree with me on gun control but just. please don’t claim that there’s no evidence of the effectiveness of increasing gun control when australia (and, less directly, the majority of all other first-world countries on earth) is right there
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More on the whole vaccine issue in the post below;
I might believe they should have the freedom to chose vaccination or not, but that doesn’t mean I like that they can do that.
You see their bad choice can end up effecting us.
You know, like when the three YO with measles coughs on the sleeve of a delivery nurse in a hospital elevator - not like this has ever happened, or is likely to, but when you are a pregnant mother, your mind goes into many rabbit holes you would rather it not go down, just part of being a mum I guess.
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Natural selection?
As someone who subscribes to the basic libritarian beleif of freedom, I guess I can’t be upset.
But gosh darn some of those responses lmfao
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The reason why most celebrity’s are publicly liberal.
Their jobs are to get people to like them, watch them, pay attention to them. They know that liberals who watch them are going to hate, protest, or even try to banish them, if they voice any view point other than liberal propaganda. They also know that the more they talk about topics such as abortion, guns, illegal immigration, the more liberals will pay attention to them. And lastly, they know that people who align more with conservative values, don’t care what celebrities say, as long as the movie or music is good, they are good.
P.S. Does anyone remember the celebrity spokesmen the Natzi party used during they’re rise?
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I’ll speak her language for her,
It was already fucking legal to fucking abort at any time if the mothers fucking life was at risk, the only fucking thing the new law did was open up the option to abort for any fucking reason they could make up under the broad and fucking vague catagory of health reasons. Let’s also not fucking ignore the OB doctors out there saying there is no fucking reason to kill a fucking baby that can be fucking delivered. Let’s also not fucking pretend like the catagory of the babies fucking health could also mean if the fucking parents get a late term scan and find out there is some genetic fucking abnormality that would leave the baby fucking viable but just different like fucking Down syndrome.
Slaughter of the innocents reaches new heights or lows
This was primarily the article in the washington times. With roe vs wade many people argued that they were not killing a child and the question was..when conception occurred..now ny is allowing abortions up until birth. Is it killing now??? Sin..only grows…it is a shock but watch it will get worse….watch….
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“Wherever they burn books, they will end in burning human beings.”
— Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) German romantic poet.
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