curatingthecool · 8 years
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Hi everyone,
My friend is in a very urgent situation. Please read.
Kris is a 23-year-old lesbian medical student in India. I have been friends with Kris since we were 13 years old and attended high school here in the United States. She moved to India, as her parents wished, to attend medical school right out of high school. While there, she fell in love with her girlfriend Deva. Deva’s homophobic parents are strongly against this relationship. Yesterday, they sent men to violently bring Deva back to their house to prevent her from moving to the United States with Kris. The two of them were beaten during this encounter, and Deva was forcibly taken. Deva is still currently being held against her will, and Kris’ camera was taken and broken so that she could not post the videos she recorded of this incident. Despite this, Kris is still trying to recover Deva. They hope to come to the United States and have a life together, since their relationship is not legal in India.
The above photo is a brief screenshot of her account on Facebook and a photo of the two of them together. She contacted me today to ask that I help spread awareness of this online, so that there is pressure on officials and Deva’s family to let Deva go.
To afford immediate plane tickets to the United States, the two of them need about $4,000. I have created a YouCaring account on their behalf - please donate if you can. I will post the plane ticket receipts if enough money is raised, and if your money is not used to help them get to the U.S., I will ensure that your money is returned to you. 
Donate Here
Even if you cannot donate, please reblog to spread awareness of what is happening. Thank you for your support.
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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Shoutout to Soulyn, I hope you enjoy graduate ball tonight 🎓 I'm officially taking clients again after a crazy 2015 I'm open for business again and any beauty bloggers I'd be grateful if you could get in touch for help with my own blog💄✌🏽️ Any booking please feel free to contact me on here, Twitter or even tumblr 😊 UK residents only unless you like to pay for flights & put me up for the night 💁🏽 I charge between £25 for normal gloss over, bridal is £85 and fashion/art shoots is £65 😁
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curatingthecool · 9 years
What was your high school experience like?
I had a monobrow, clinically obese and an introvert it was a cracking time.Nah for real I enjoyed it I built a lot of personality, confidence and discovered things I enjoyed learning :) plus when my glo up started every day feels a little more sensational than the day before!
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curatingthecool · 9 years
Heyy babygirl I just love reading your posts! Your writing is so inspired, you're really holdin' it down for us ladies out here! After reading your post about one night stands I wanted to ask your advice. I recently did the dirty and now the guy is messaging me and I actually think I like him, but I feel wrong starting something that way, should I just leave it or see? He seems like a pretty decent guy too, he wasn't at all fussed about coming back to mine but I just couldn't resist him! Help!!!
Afternoon babydoll :)Firstly majorly sorry for the late reply I've been a busy bee but I'm back!Okay there is nothing wrong at all with seeing him again, I think by the sounds of it you have this preconceived notion that he is keeping in contact because you were obviously good in the sack and that's his reason for wanting to see you again. However if you both get on sexually, personality wise and all that then go ahead I literally see no problem. Just be yourself and hey if in the long run it was just sex and good laughs then take pride in knowing you're hell of woman in bed and pretty interesting person to talk too :) it's a win win just do whatever you feel comfortable with xx
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curatingthecool · 9 years
You are remarkably sexual. I love how your appearance oozes self confidence.
Us chubby girls usually do, it's that more pushing for the cushion vibe our carb eating love gives us.
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curatingthecool · 9 years
Honk honk 😉
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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Bedhead 🎀
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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When mother nature doesn’t fuck with you but it’s all good in the hood 🐣
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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Various works by Anas Salameh.
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curatingthecool · 9 years
What if a demon were to creep after you one night, in your loneliest loneliness, and say, ‘This life which you live must be lived by you once again and innumerable times more; and every pain and joy and thought and sigh must come again to you, all in the same sequence. The eternal hourglass will again and again be turned and you with it, dust of the dust!’ Would you throw yourself down and gnash your teeth and curse that demon? Or would you answer, ‘Never have I heard anything more divine?
Friedrich Nietzsche
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curatingthecool · 9 years
"Hey I don't wanna get saved, don't wanna be saved" Pray that one of these days she'll wanna behave.
BJ the Chicago Kid ft. Chance The Rapper x Church
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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Help! I've found what I think is a bird's egg however there is no nest or mama around? How do we look after it? Aka birth it. 🐣🐥🍃🌲🌳 #egg #bird #help #WhatHashtagAttractsBirdHelp
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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I WOKE UP LIKE THIS.....FLAWLESS (with a little bit of mascara & vaseline too)
I used to have severe various skin problems from the age of 14: Facial hyperpigmentation (patches of different coloured skin) Large pores (which lead me to have random breakouts) Blackheads/ skin bumps across my forehead & nose Dehydrated looking skin Dark Circles
To be frank I don’t feel comfortable to post a before picture of my face before this skin regime. My skin made me feel very insecure, unable to leave the house without full make up, I’d to go to extreme lengths to avoid any of my exes from seeing my “natural” face and at my worst begged my mum for a facial chemical peel because I’d feel disgusted by it.
Now we have got the drama queen and  X Factor sob story out the way let me tell you how I tackled it enabling for the first time in 7 years to leave my house with nothing more than mascara & Vaseline on!
My skin type is combination; I have an oily T Zone but very dehydrated/dry skin on my cheeks & around my mouth.
My routine
SuperFacialist Salicylic Acid Purifying Cleanser Body Shop Vitamin C Skin Boost Serum Lush Breath of Fresh Air Toner Lush Skin Drink moisturiser   Paula’s Choice Skin Balancing Ultra-Sheer Daily Defense Broad Spectrum SPF 30
SuperFacialist Salicylic Acid Purifying Cleanser Paula’s Choice Resist Ultra-Light Super Antioxidant Concentrate Serum Lush Breath of Fresh Air Toner SuperFacialist Rose Hydrate Peaceful Skin Night Cream Body Shop Drops of Youth Eye Concentrate
Once a week:
Paula’s Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA Gel Exfoliant Body Shop Seaweed Ionic Clay Mask
Other factors that helped
Drinking plenty of water (6 bottles) & green/oolong teas (8 cups) Cutting dairy out of my diet  (I’m still a sucker for gelato & tiramisu though) Taking Iron tablets Exercising regularly and cutting back on alcohol Tackling anything that caused me stress
Now as a disclaimer note, time to time I still suffer from one or two of these problems HOWEVER they’ve reduced significantly and these products have definitely helped me keep them at bay! I’ve become a huge skincare junkie and there are tons of amazing products out there that can help but these so far have worked the greatest for me.  Every 4/5 months I like to switch up products just so my skin doesn’t become used to it which means they appear not to work as significantly so other brands I love are Khiels, Neautragena, Vichy, Philosophy and Clinique.
I used to work as a skincare consultant and forever trying out different products so I’m brimming with more specific in-depth advice, so if you lovelies have any questions please feel free to ask and I will answer personally or make more specific skin focused problem blogs! Remember the products you may need change depending on your skin type, lifestyle and age.
Although this is a lengthy blog, skincare is quite simple literally exfoliate weekly, moisturise, sun protect, eat healthy and have confidence!  There is no such thing as perfect skin, we are meant to have pores they will always be there so while we fill them with products to make them disappear we also need to pour ourselves with acceptance that a couple of pores and occasional spot don’t take away from our beauty.
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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Who else is blossoming into a beautiful young woman with no chill? 🌹
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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More of myy designs for the opera Xochicuicatl cuecuechtli, the first opera sung entirely in Nahuatl, performed in Mexico City. I make costumes for Danzantes; if you are interested, send me a note, and follow my facebook page devoted to my paintings and atuendo, at this link!
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curatingthecool · 9 years
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Manish Arora 2015
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