Omorashi tips
For anyone wanting to wet or hold - If it starts to hurt so bad you’re numb, GO. It’s more fun when you can still kinda feel it, and chances are you’re hurting yourself. 
- Try to make water the most that you’re full of. Caffeine is great for more difficulty, but keep hydrated. It’ll have less smell and make for easier cleanup 
- A sign of a UTI is if it still hurts after you’ve let go. If that’s the case, wait a while before doing another hold. 
- Really, UTI’s are no fun. Try to avoid them as best as you can. 
- Be super careful with bed wetting. You may end up reverting to more common accidental wetting and that can really hurt your pride, and your sheets. 
- Cleanup: Be prepared. Try to avoid holding in places where cleanup will be tough. Sometimes the cleanup isn’t worth the earlier fun. Know what you’re getting into.
- After wetting, if you want to make absolute sure that your clothes won’t have the smell, rinse them in some water before throwing them in the washing machine, and then put dryer sheets in the dryer. After that they should be fresh.  - If you wet in the shower, remember that liquid evaporates. So try to get as mush of it as you can in the drain and be near the drain. You don’t want to experience the horror of pee droplets on the CEILING. 
- Alcohol is a tricky one. You won’t really feel like you have to go when you actually do. So if you do a hold you may deal with a flood.
- Good heavens just be careful with alcohol in general 
- Take it slow. Your body needs time to filter all that you drank through your body. Your bladder isn’t going to fill the second you drink something. Be careful.
- Don’t wet yourself in public unless you know for certain you will not leave a puddle, this isn’t exactly for your health, but it makes it very hard for others who would have to clean up after you.   
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Gaming LOLOL together (Yoosung x MC) [Omorashi]
This is about omo, if you don’t want to read this, you are free to skip this and please do, don’t kinkshame anybody of us that like omo, please, thank you >///<
You were playing LOLOL all day with Yoosung, barely taking any breaks and as addition, you drank so much tea all day and felt yourself getting desperate last round already, wiggling and twitching your legs occasionally.
Right now you’re about to get in the next round, you can just go after that one round.
“Are you ready (y/n)?” the young blonde chimes in through the headphone.
“As ready as I’ll ever be!” you answer with a smug grin.
As it turned out, this round takes longer than you expected and you start getting really desperate.
Squirming right and left, you try hard to concentrate on the game and your bladder.
“Are you alright (y/n)? You’re not moving around as much anymore
” Yoosung questions.
You manage to squek out an yes, rubbing your tighs together and holding back a small whimper.
Crossing your legs you ease your desperation a little, being able to continue gaming more normally.
After a bunch of minutes, another wave hits you, making you leak and grab yourself taking every single ounce of strength in your body to stop your flow, a whimper escaping you.
You won’t wet yourself like a little kid, especially in front of the guy you love.
“Omg, (y/n), are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?” Yoosung sounds startled.
“It’s- yeah
 I’m fine!” you squeak out.
“A-are you sure? You don’t sound normal
“A-as your pre-girlfriend, I tell you I’m completely fine.”
“Are you really sure?”
You start leaking again, this time a much longer one and you barely manage to stop it, whimpering yet another time. In this state, you’re already grabbing yourself holding your crotch with a squeeze.
“Okay, Yoo, I’ll-I’ll be right back, hmmm! Can can you please-” standing up while talking, gravity hits your bladder and your pee starts flowing again, making you whimper once again.
‘No, no, no. No wetting yourself (y/n)’ you tell yourself in your head.
You barely manage to stuftle a moan of relief while your legs start shaking and you sink to the ground, tears making their way out of your body.
” you whimper, still trying to stop your bladder from bursting.
“(y/n)? Are-are you
? He-hey, it’s okay.” you realize you’re still wearing your headset, as the blonde tries to comfort you, having caught on to your situation.
Your muscles give in and you start wetting more violently, starting to cry even more.
'I-I can’t belive this is happening. I can’t ever look him into his eyes after that!’ another sob escapes you.
“I-I’m so sorry
” you squeak out, your voice breaking.
“Hey, shhhh
 it’s okay (y/n). Yo-you don’t need to feel embarrassed, okay? Please don’t cry! It’s alright!”
“Yoo, I-I’m wetting myself and basically in front of you, ho-how is that alright?” you sob again, your pee still flowing.
“We were gaming the whole time, something like that was bound to happen. It’s alright, you really don’t have to be embarrassed,” the blonde paused for a moment, taking a breath “the same thing happened to me the day you joined the RFA. I was gaming with the whole guilt on headset and that’s when it happened. I was so embarrassed, but they didn’t seem to have realized that I did, you know.” you hear an embarrassed laugh through the headset.
“That, that’s so embarrassing, I wish I could just hug you right now, Yoo.” you sniffle a little, but your tears died down, just like your pee.
“Hehe, thank you. Just, don’t cry and don’t be embarrassed, it really is alright, okay?”
“Yeah, thank you, Yoo! I-I think I should get cleaned up
 Can-can I call you later though..?”
“Yeah, sure! I’d be so happy to talk to you!”
Aaaah >///<
That was my first omo fic, please be gentle on me.
Thank you for reading I appreciate that! >///<
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I need to write about this idea! This is so adorable, I really need that! I'm gonna write about that, maybe make it a series? Heck yeah, I will! Thank you anon and fluffy, this is such a great idea! Aaaah~! >///<
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Gah ~ 💛
I like more accidental wettings but shy purposeful wetting seem pretty cuuuuuttteeeee!
The lil announcements of when there peeing/ if it’s ok to wet, ugh yes!!
I pictured them maybe waiting to long and starts peeing their pants
. so they pop up suddenly, grabbing themselves, yelling, “I-It’s happening right now!!”
Their partner glances up at them to see a already huge damp spot spreading past the knees.
They are shifting a lil trying to stop the stream, despite their pants being pretty much soaked at this point and ask, “I-Is it ok??” While their partner just smiles reassuring them that it’s ok! Telling them to just finish up :3
The wetter stops dancing and struggling, letting out a small sigh as the finish, looking to the puddle on the floor and sheepishly back at their partner that is already up and on the way over to shower them with love and get them all clean 💛
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Normally I’m not in to female omo but i really want my virtual boyfriend to comfort me. 
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Thank you so much cheritz💜💜💜💜
[Mystic Messenger] Notice on Update Version 1.13.0 : V’s After Ending
Hello, this is Cheritz!
Please remember to update your Mystic Messenger game to the latest version to enjoy our update on V’s After Ending and Rika’s Behind Story.
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The following is the list of things that have been added and updated in the new version for Android and iOS.
Update for Version 1.13.0
- Addition of After Ending - V - Addition of DLC - Rika Behind Story - Issue fix : iPhone X screen - Illustration improvement on 31 CGs and BGs - Minor bug fix
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Original Story Common - Cat CG Common - Fried wings CG Jumin Han - Rage CG, Jumin with Elizabeth CG, Reading CG 1, Reading CG 2 ZEN -  Rooftop CG 1, Rooftop CG 2, Rika’s Present CG Jaehee Kang - Crying CG, Comfort CG, Presentation CG, Ending CG
Christmas DLC Jumin Han Ending Unknown Ending
Magenta BG Car BG Cabin BG Intelligence room BG Prison BG
※ Did you have a problem with getting your illustrations updated? Please restart the game after following these steps to get your illustrations updated. Settings → Applications → Mystic Messenger → Cache(Temporary File) → Delete
*These steps are applicable for Android users only. Therefore, we recommend simply restarting the game if you are an iPhone user. *Please be aware that if you delete the app’s data, you will lose all of your current in-game data as well.
Please refer to the announcement below for more details concerning the following update! [Mystic Messenger] New contents update and #to_Rika hashtag event
Moreover, we have also uploaded the Mystic Messenger Recording Scene : V’s After Ending & Rika’s Behind Story video on YouTube, so please check it out through the link below!
Cheritz YouTube link 
: https://youtu.be/H1a-cW32Xac
[Release Date]
Android : Release scheduled for today at 2 P.M. (KST) iOS : Release scheduled for today at 2 P.M. (KST)
Thank you. Best, Cheritz
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Thank you so much cheritz💜💜💜💜💜
[Mystic Messenger] Notice on Update Version 1.13.0 : V’s After Ending
Hello, this is Cheritz!
Please remember to update your Mystic Messenger game to the latest version to enjoy our update on V’s After Ending and Rika’s Behind Story.
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The following is the list of things that have been added and updated in the new version for Android and iOS.
Update for Version 1.13.0
- Addition of After Ending - V - Addition of DLC - Rika Behind Story - Issue fix : iPhone X screen - Illustration improvement on 31 CGs and BGs - Minor bug fix
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Original Story Common - Cat CG Common - Fried wings CG Jumin Han - Rage CG, Jumin with Elizabeth CG, Reading CG 1, Reading CG 2 ZEN -  Rooftop CG 1, Rooftop CG 2, Rika’s Present CG Jaehee Kang - Crying CG, Comfort CG, Presentation CG, Ending CG
Christmas DLC Jumin Han Ending Unknown Ending
Magenta BG Car BG Cabin BG Intelligence room BG Prison BG
※ Did you have a problem with getting your illustrations updated? Please restart the game after following these steps to get your illustrations updated. Settings → Applications → Mystic Messenger → Cache(Temporary File) → Delete
*These steps are applicable for Android users only. Therefore, we recommend simply restarting the game if you are an iPhone user. *Please be aware that if you delete the app’s data, you will lose all of your current in-game data as well.
Please refer to the announcement below for more details concerning the following update! [Mystic Messenger] New contents update and #to_Rika hashtag event
Moreover, we have also uploaded the Mystic Messenger Recording Scene : V’s After Ending & Rika’s Behind Story video on YouTube, so please check it out through the link below!
Cheritz YouTube link 
: https://youtu.be/H1a-cW32Xac
[Release Date]
Android : Release scheduled for today at 2 P.M. (KST) iOS : Release scheduled for today at 2 P.M. (KST)
Thank you. Best, Cheritz
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So accurate, lol
from now on your tumblr nickname is whatever you get from this sexual identity generator  ☆
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Gaming LOLOL together (Yoosung x MC) [Omorashi]
This is about omo, if you don't want to read this, you are free to skip this and please do, don't kinkshame anybody of us that like omo, please, thank you >///<
You were playing LOLOL all day with Yoosung, barely taking any breaks and as addition, you drank so much tea all day and felt yourself getting desperate last round already, wiggling and twitching your legs occasionally.
Right now you're about to get in the next round, you can just go after that one round.
"Are you ready (y/n)?" the young blonde chimes in through the headphone.
"As ready as I'll ever be!" you answer with a smug grin.
As it turned out, this round takes longer than you expected and you start getting really desperate.
Squirming right and left, you try hard to concentrate on the game and your bladder.
"Are you alright (y/n)? You're not moving around as much anymore
" Yoosung questions.
You manage to squek out an yes, rubbing your tighs together and holding back a small whimper.
Crossing your legs you ease your desperation a little, being able to continue gaming more normally.
After a bunch of minutes, another wave hits you, making you leak and grab yourself taking every single ounce of strength in your body to stop your flow, a whimper escaping you.
You won't wet yourself like a little kid, especially in front of the guy you love.
"Omg, (y/n), are you alright? Did you hurt yourself?" Yoosung sounds startled.
"It's- yeah
 I'm fine!" you squeak out.
"A-are you sure? You don't sound normal
"A-as your pre-girlfriend, I tell you I'm completely fine."
"Are you really sure?"
You start leaking again, this time a much longer one and you barely manage to stop it, whimpering yet another time. In this state, you're already grabbing yourself holding your crotch with a squeeze.
"Okay, Yoo, I'll-I'll be right back, hmmm! Can can you please-" standing up while talking, gravity hits your bladder and your pee starts flowing again, making you whimper once again.
'No, no, no. No wetting yourself (y/n)' you tell yourself in your head.
You barely manage to stuftle a moan of relief while your legs start shaking and you sink to the ground, tears making their way out of your body.
" you whimper, still trying to stop your bladder from bursting.
"(y/n)? Are-are you
? He-hey, it's okay." you realize you're still wearing your headset, as the blonde tries to comfort you, having caught on to your situation.
Your muscles give in and you start wetting more violently, starting to cry even more.
'I-I can't belive this is happening. I can't ever look him into his eyes after that!' another sob escapes you.
"I-I'm so sorry
" you squeak out, your voice breaking.
"Hey, shhhh
 it's okay (y/n). Yo-you don't need to feel embarrassed, okay? Please don't cry! It's alright!"
"Yoo, I-I'm wetting myself and basically in front of you, ho-how is that alright?" you sob again, your pee still flowing.
"We were gaming the whole time, something like that was bound to happen. It's alright, you really don't have to be embarrassed," the blonde paused for a moment, taking a breath "the same thing happened to me the day you joined the RFA. I was gaming with the whole guilt on headset and that's when it happened. I was so embarrassed, but they didn't seem to have realized that I did, you know." you hear an embarrassed laugh through the headset.
"That, that's so embarrassing, I wish I could just hug you right now, Yoo." you sniffle a little, but your tears died down, just like your pee.
"Hehe, thank you. Just, don't cry and don't be embarrassed, it really is alright, okay?"
"Yeah, thank you, Yoo! I-I think I should get cleaned up
 Can-can I call you later though..?"
"Yeah, sure! I'd be so happy to talk to you!"
Aaaah >///<
That was my first omo fic, please be gentle on me.
Thank you for reading I appreciate that! >///<
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