dahliycia · 3 years
A while back I did a piece for @douxiezine , and I guess it's about time to publish it here :)
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It was an honor to participate in this project! Great thanks to the mods and all the artists! ❤️
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dahliycia · 3 years
Hi all! It's my piece for the zine! <3
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Pre-orders for Fuzzbuckets: A Douxie Zine are NOW OPEN! Visit our post for more information about the zine, and follow us for updates!!
We’ve got another Douxie and Claire preview for you today. This beautiful piece is by @dahliycia
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dahliycia · 3 years
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Fuzzbuckets: A Douxie Zine is a charity zine for fans of Douxie from the Netflix/DWA series Wizards: Tales of Arcadia. All proceeds from the Douxie Zine will be donated to The Miracle Foundation, an international nonprofit organization supporting orphaned children in India, the United States, and many other countries. Find out more about what they do HERE
The zine is a soft cover perfect bound at 6" by 9" with over 70 pages of full-color art and fics from talented creators, featuring a forward by @aaronwaltke
Our merch include:
(1) 2.5" double-sided charm by @ferisae
(1) A5 kiss cut sticker sheet by @nadbov
(2) 5.5" by 8.5" print by @theeio and denise_ixhanion
(1) exclusive 5.5" by 8.5" print by @tenyai
We decided to add some more prints last minute, so that unfortunately means we don’t have previews of them ready yet. But, we will update you when we do. Apologies!
Stretch goal merch will be automatically added to the Wizard Apprentice, Spellcaster, and Master Wizard Tiers ONLY at no extra cost to the buyer
At 75 physical zine orders we will include (2) 1.25″ acyrlic pins by @emzurl and @teacuptomes
At 100 physical zine orders we will include (2) 2″ holographic die cut stickers by @ferisae and @shannonsketches​
At 125 physical zine orders we will include (1) 5.5″ by 8.5″ holographic print by @blue-potatoo
Full participant list below the cut
bryar6 🤘 @unexpected-possibilities 🤘 ao3 maviswrites 🎸 @warriorqueenleia 🎸 ao3 nightrosebud 🔥 @nightrosebud 🔥 ao3
@artbyfarouche-eclaire​ [insta] [twitter]  🤘 autumn.artz [insta]  🤘 @thebadgerfoxdraws​​  🤘 @bewaretheidiotsofmarch​​ [insta]  🤘 blue [@blue-potatoo​​] [insta]
clairemxj [insta] [twitter]  🎸 @coffeemacaroniart​ [insta]  🎸 @cryptid-paint​ [insta] [twitter]  🎸 @dahliycia​​  🎸 @dorkafricska​ [insta]
@emzurl​ [insta] [twitter] 🔥 eris brenae [insta] 🔥 @ferisae​ [insta] [twitter] 🔥 gwibart [@trollhuntersimp​] [insta] [twitter] 🔥 @inhonoredglory​ [insta]
kactus.kid [insta] 🤘 @kirathecricket​ [insta] [twitter] 🤘 klaariie [insta] 🤘 langlocke [@lockey-doodle-doo​] 🤘 limonade.art [insta] [twitter]
@littleaipom​ [insta] [twitter] 🎸 mayoshirobuta [insta] [twitter] 🎸 @nadbov​ [insta] [twitter] 🎸 @narnian-neverlander​ [insta] 🎸 @netydraws-blog​​ [insta]
noelle davidson [insta] 🔥 @peanutbell​ [insta] 🔥 @shannonsketchess​ 🔥 @sheerakk​ [insta] [twitter] 🔥 @sidlaux​ [insta] [twitter]
silver [@silvers-artblog​] 🤘 sophi [@soapi-leaf​​] [insta] 🤘 @stix-n-bread​ 🤘 @teacuptomes​​ [insta] [twitter] 🤘 @theeio​​ [insta]
trinity berry [@dearest-sparksandstars​] [insta] [twitter] 🎸 @wild-wild-horses [insta] 🎸 @worteltje7 [insta] 🎸 @zale-hell [insta]
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dahliycia · 3 years
Ahhhhh u never show up on my dash so I've just seen all ur recent arts and ahhhhhhhhh
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Hello! Thank you so much, Darling! <3 I am not very active here recently, so that might be the case :)
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dahliycia · 3 years
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@a-s-levynn I love your tags <3
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Winter is coming.
You'll freeze off your earsies, Karim. Remember what happened to grandpa in 1954?
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dahliycia · 3 years
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Night for the Prince 
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dahliycia · 3 years
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Winter is coming.
You'll freeze off your earsies, Karim. Remember what happened to grandpa in 1954?
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dahliycia · 3 years
This is fun! Thanks for tagging me, @nikibogwater <3
I think what I find the easiest to draw is... braided hair :D it just has a flow that comes out naturally from my hand.
I am currently trying to figure out the traditional clothing and hairstyles for my OCs, and this suits the game well, so I quickly drew them:
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I tag @furblrwurblr @alovesongshewrote and @a-s-levynn <3 (if you wanna do it of course ;) )
Easiest Thing To Draw Tag Game
Rules: Post what you find easy to draw. You can even post a pic of your drawing if you want, totally optional. Tag 3 people.
I find drawing tornadoes the easiest thing for me to do.
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Tagging with no obligation: @nikibogwater @brushes-of-sage @nattikay
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dahliycia · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and if you want, send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog ❤😉
Oh no I forgot to answer this, I am so sorry!
Hmmm three things, IDK.
- I drive a Ford Fiesta,
- which I kinda bought because I wanted to hit on a guy who is a Ford fan, so I went like "hey I wanna check this car out, and you know fords, it kinda looks like it could be your Focus's girlfriend, would you help me?"
- I literally drove the second time since I got my license that day, and the face of the owner of the car when I told him that was priceless. The face of the guy I was so subtly trying to win was also absolutely unforgettable xD
- he is my husband now so, I count this as a win 🤭
Lol does this count? XD
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dahliycia · 4 years
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For the first time, he slept through the night.
@a-s-levynn is right. Misha, you've got a stunning boyfriend.
Where did you get him from, a forest?
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dahliycia · 4 years
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Beware Misha on sugar.
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dahliycia · 4 years
Just a quick question Darling, you refer both to Kalim and Misha as "he" , though on the picture Karim looks more feminine, is it intentional? Please tell more about this, I'd like to understand them better ^^,
Hi Honey! <3 they are both guys, however their build is very different, which is related to the fact Misha is half human, and his dark skinned father was a big man, and it shows. Karim is definitely more feminine, and the truth is I struggle with drawing his slim features and pointed-up nose in a way that still shows he is a guy. But yeah, he is quite delicate. He definitely has a very queer vibe. Elves don't care much culturally about gender roles. In their society it's actually Michael who is unusually masculine.
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dahliycia · 4 years
I know i already know a little about Michael and Karim but just in case someone else is interested but too shy to ask, please tell us a little about them! 😊❤
🥺 in fact, you do know the more about them than anyone else ^^' thank you for asking! I wonder what I should say here, so I'll just go with a bunch of random info, so it's something new for you, too ;)
- they have a 4 years age difference, with Karim being the older one.
- their couple name is Cherry Chocolate, which comes from the nicknames they have for each other. "Chocolate" was a nickname Karim gave Michael when they were kids, because of the color of his skin (which is very unusual for elves). "Cherry" was a nickname Michael gave Karim at their pre-relationship flirting stage, when Karim was blushing red every five minutes.
- They are both quite tall, with Karim being 181cm and Michael 193cm, which means they have 12cm height difference. Their size/weight difference is way bigger thought, as Karim is very slim and skinny, while Michael is broad and more muscular.
- Karim calls Michael "Misha", and he uses "Michael" only when he really needs to reach him (like, Michael's mind tends to drift). Michael usually doesn't shorten Karim's name, unless they are alone/intimate - then he would call him "Mimi".
- since in the story they are separated as Misha leaves the elven village because of *plot*, and they cannot use phones for quick communication because the village is like, no electricity no signal, they bind their skin with a spell that causes them to have dermographism, but whatever they write on their skin will appear on the skin of the other. They use it to write to each other, and usually start from the left forearm, but often end up scratching all over their bodies due to lack of space.
- the elves have their own language and alphabet. The alphabet is designed with lines and dots (ticks) (*I am still figuring it out*) and is always written in large print. The reason is that majority of the elves have albinism, which also implies a significant part of the village is visually impaired, and their alphabet is designed to be readable both by looking and by touching, with books being enchanted to have the print "come out" as you open the page. Most of the elves can read both ways (however Michael sucks at this, because of concentration issues), and that also means that the skin binding spell Karim and Michael share is readable in this way, too, since the writing comes out swollen.
- Karim also has albinism, but with his eyes being blue, and his vision isn't significantly impacted. He does get sunburned very easily though.
- All elves are more or less connected to magic - specifically a rather ancient, nature magic and magic of light - the forest where they live is pretty much void of dark-originating magic. Karim is in fact very good at it and has a strong connection to magic, and he is generally a bookworm. Misha is completely not good at it, he cannot control it well and he doesn't care much about it, it's just not his thing.
- Michael is an ADHD machine and Karim is the only one who can get him to sit still for a longer period of time (this requires a lot of petting and stroking though).
- Mike is the "act before thinking" one while Karim is the "think before acting" type, which leads to arguments between them, because Mike just tends to do stupid and reckless things without much regret.
- Karim is a great and skilled caretaker while Misha is skilled at getting in trouble and whining about getting hurt.
- unexpectedly, Karim has a very sharp tongue when someone pisses him off, and turns from a calm and nice cutie into a scary dagger in a blink of an eye.
- at the beginning of their relationship, when Mike leaves the village for his last year of school, he gives Karim an old walkman with a stack of batteries (because, no electricity) and a few tapes. One of them starts with Bon Jovi's Livin' on a Prayer, which becomes "their relationship song". The bass line of this song is also a first line Mike plays to Karim on his bass at one of their first dates.
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dahliycia · 4 years
Your ocs are lovely! 💖 Do you have a story for them or are you figuring it out? Are they elves or something similar?
Hi! Thank you for asking! I am extremely happy you like them!
Yes, they have a story that is under construction, and it is a part of a ToA Wizards fanfiction I am trying to put together, but lately it has been growing so big I think they will have a complete side story and universe, too :)
They are elves, with Karim (the shorter one) being born in an elf family, and Michael (the dark skinned one) being a child of an elf woman and a human man :)
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dahliycia · 4 years
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dahliycia · 4 years
I'm in a mood today 💁
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Beware, dear people, my headcanon about
Ash Dispersal Pattern
Because why not?
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- lead guitar
- composes a lot
- has to write most lyrics because nobody bothers
- tunes everyone's instruments as he just can't stand notes going off
- does everyone's hair before concerts
- rarely plays exact same solo twice
- bass, joined recently
- cannot sit still for a minute
- ball of energy jumping on the stage like a mad man
- argues with David about shit
- every week he gets a new piercing
- a sweet baby
- plays the keys
- improvises a lot
- often writes music and never writes lyrics
- takes care of their social media
- will throw things at people when they play off key
- helps others with stage attire and makeup
- drums and the leader
- the oldest and David's brother
- a big soft teddy bear
- patience from heaven, mothers them all
- no one listens to him
- all mothers love him
- vocalist with a deep, raspy voice
- cute in appearance
- fans think he is an angel but in reality he is a demon child
- will shout too much and throw insults
- soulmate with Zoe, they complain about everything together
- the most popular, especially among highschoolers
- makes out with girls after concerts
- sometimes plays guitar, too, but forgets to play half of the notes when singing
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dahliycia · 4 years
@furblrwurblr if you are interested, I wrote down a few scene-skeletons with them in my chat with @a-s-levynn today, so for anyone who likes this, I am sharing (warning: not very smart):
Ash Dispersal Pattern shenanigans
#1 - the search
After their old bassist John moved to another state for University, they were looking for someone to take his place. They had little luck so they announced auditions. The door to Adam’s garage – their usual place for practice, was open. David sat behind a makeshift table made from a small ladder, a chair and a piece of plywood. Zoe was scrolling her phone behind her keys. Douxie played with his guitar, trying to come up with a new melody.
There was a “pick a number” sign in front of the house with a basket of numbers.
They had two people audition and both of them were terrible.
It is already dark when they see someone coming and fiddling with the numbers.
“Hey, just come…”
“Shhh.” David interrupted his brother. “The show must go on.”
Finally, a tall guy walked in with a number “#1349” sticked to his chest. “Hey! I’m here for the tryouts.”
“Good. Tell us about yourself.” David said firmly with a judgmental look, and everybody facepalmed.
“I’m Michael. Did you really have these many people try out?” He asked, pointing at the number on his shirt.
“That’s right! And none of them made it out alive!” David smashed his coffee mug on the makeshift table sending it to the ground, the chair falling over and coffee spilling on the floor.
“Please don’t mind him.” Adam got up and extended his hand to Michael. “I’m Adam and this is my brother, David, who might not make it out alive today.” He says, sending the vocalist a death glare.
#2 - patterns
It’s their first practice with Mikey. Someone knocks on the door and Adam goes to answer, and they wait for him to return.
“So, what’s with the band’s name?” Mike asks.
“It comes from the Chladni patterns, which can be formed by sand on a vibrating rigid surface. It is used in the construction process of some acoustic instruments.” Douxie answers. Michael’s eyes grow huge and he gets up and starts bouncing around the room.
“Show me, can you show me?”
David picks up an acoustic guitar from the corner of the room. “Let’s try on this one.”
“Can’t you just show him a video?” Zoe asks, brow raised.
“Why not do it? We need something sand-like for this.” Douxie picks the guitar and places it on the table.
A minute later David comes from the kitchen with a pack of salt.
Adam comes back to see them all hovering above a table with the guitar lying flat, trying to get the right frequency. Half of the salt has already fallen through the sound hole into the instrument. He just stares.
“I think your guitar is broken, it doesn’t wanna do the pattern thing.” Michael points out politely.
“Is. That. Salt. In my guitar?” He asks, dumbphoned.
“Oh, don’t be so salty!” David smacks him on the back.
#3 - chips
“I’m so sorry for the trouble.” Douxie says to Adam’s wife, and barely hears his own voice over the cacophony of voices coming from the kitchen. Everyone is shouting.
He locks his gaze with Zoe who just rolls her eyes.
David and Michael are throwing various snacks at each other near the kitchen island, laughing and screaming.
“Enough!” Adam slams his hand on the kitchen counter, only to be hit in the face with a handful of chips. Everyone goes quiet, save for David’s evil laughter that follows. Adam tries to grab him, but he dodges and bolts out of the kitchen, knocking off a mug which shatters on the ground.
“I can fix this!” Douxie immediately kneels to pick up the pieces.
Michael stands and stares, a sealed pack of chips in his hands, his eyes going wide while he realizes he really crossed the line this time. He accidentally squeezes the bag in stress, and it explodes in his face, sending chips flying all over the place.
David runs by, jumps over crouching Douxie, grabs a chip which was sitting on Mike’s head, shoves it in his mouth and jumps out of the window to the garden.
#4 - milkshake
They were sitting in Adam’s living room, getting ready for a concert. Adam was packing things up, Zoe was doing Douxie’s make-up and David and Mikey chased each other around the kitchen island, David throwing insults.
“What is this about again?” Adam asked. He had no strength. He had already removed all fragile items from the kitchen countertops before they all trashed in his house that day.
“The fucker ate my milkshake!”
“For the last time, I did not! I don’t even tolerate lactose!”
“How can you eat a shake? Do you also drink your sandwich?” Zoe furrowed her brows, drawing a line on Douxie’s eye with a black pencil.
There was a thud, a yelp and a battle cry and the two of them ran into the garden.
“O shit. That really wasn’t my milkshake.” Douxie scratched his neck, licking the stains in the corners of his lips.
“I am gonna stab you in the eye, Casperan.” Zoe clenched the pencil in her hand.
Beware, dear people, my headcanon about
Ash Dispersal Pattern
Because why not?
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- lead guitar
- composes a lot
- has to write most lyrics because nobody bothers
- tunes everyone's instruments as he just can't stand notes going off
- does everyone's hair before concerts
- rarely plays exact same solo twice
- bass, joined recently
- cannot sit still for a minute
- ball of energy jumping on the stage like a mad man
- argues with David about shit
- every week he gets a new piercing
- a sweet baby
- plays the keys
- improvises a lot
- often writes music and never writes lyrics
- takes care of their social media
- will throw things at people when they play off key
- helps others with stage attire and makeup
- drums and the leader
- the oldest and David's brother
- a big soft teddy bear
- patience from heaven, mothers them all
- no one listens to him
- all mothers love him
- vocalist with a deep, raspy voice
- cute in appearance
- fans think he is an angel but in reality he is a demon child
- will shout too much and throw insults
- soulmate with Zoe, they complain about everything together
- the most popular, especially among highschoolers
- makes out with girls after concerts
- sometimes plays guitar, too, but forgets to play half of the notes when singing
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