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Legends of a Lost Galaxy:Tales of Herstoria. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/306168178-legends-of-a-lost-galaxy-tales-of-herstoria?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=M_Elisabeth_H1&wp_originator=NZBZn6AO6RtOrzvQ0mH0lXuKeLzxteAQGG5RvmDaoKJmbA9imD1ODucLkcDlO9mz%2BqTXpNJNzV%2FNp0iI2oSCYqZCwWeU1CgbljSRrdn3Jq%2FwAkB26kI3qzMkeAtV850v In the beginning when the creator created the lost galaxy, she made four systems. Ria, Lackt, Ecko and Transit. In each system she put planets, each consisting with the others, she created them. In Ria she placed the planets, hung them in the space, she placed them: Herstoria, Labraeos, Soblaria and Chaiitonia. In Lackt she placed them: Earia, Seccyria and Quarentina. In Ecko she placed them: Mkrain, Sarm, Tehra, Sanruu, Suneve, Wrath, Jinju, Enupe and Toplu. In Transit she placed them: Uphua. Maiddon, Emyx and Zivia. Now that the creator had done this, she created the sisters. The Sisterhood of M.E.H. The sisters she created them, one for each planet, she created them. Chantella, Callie, Rhea, Melody, Silvia, Dixie, Bonny, Moria, Perspirira, Titty, Dannella, Thyme, Marie, Edda, Eryl, Elysabeth, Rosalie, Eden, Estella and Agatha she created them. With all the sisters assembled in front of the creator, she decided she needed people for the sisters to help and enjoy. So she created them. the people she created them, The Herstorians, The Labraeans, The Soblarians, The Chaiitionians, The Earians, The Seccyrians, The Quarentinians, The Mckrainians, The Sarmans, The Tehrans, The Sanruuans, The Sunevens, The Wrathians, The Jinjuans, The Enupians, The Uphuans, The Maiddonians, The Emyians, The Zivians, she created them. And now is now, I am she and she is me. I am M.Elisabeth.H, and this is the Legends of a lost Galaxy. ⇇↶↫↟↬↷⇉
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