despairofthefuture · 3 years
You did it Hiro, you saved the day! Well a little bit. Almost. Kinda. Maybe just a teeny bit?
Hiro looks over to the spirit. "Really? I dont...feel like the day was saved." He murmurs.
Leon sighs and rubs the back of his head. "Yeah I think we still gotta ways to go." He agrees. "For starters we still need to hurry and figure out what to say to this Miss Yukizome. Hajime is our biggest priority right now."
Hiro nods. "Right." He looks to the sea of vague figures. "So please. I need your help. What do I say to her?!"
A/N: Just a small answer/update to show I'm still alive. I just havent got enough answers to continue the story, so consider this a little push. If I dont get enough I'll have no choice but to continue, but that could have dangerous consequences on the story. I'll give you all a few more days! Figure out what Hiro should say to convince Chisa Yukizome to help him with Hajime!
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
OH THANK GOD! Ok we dont really know the exact location like we know what the area is like but not where it is so you best course of action right now is to see if he even actually accepted after all hajime isnt alowed to tell other poeple so how would she know where he needed to go
"That is a good point." Chihiro muses. "How would she even know about the project in the first place?"
Leon shrugs and crosses his arms. "I dunno, how is she able to thrust the whole world into despair and start an apocalypse?" He counters. "At this point I wouldnt put anything past her. She has this whole plot thought out. Maybe she has spies on the inside, or maybe she's just very good at Intel gathering."
Hiro bites his lip worriedly. "Either way, the safer option would be to assume shes telling the truth, right? Cause if shes not then we wasted time looking for Hajime we couldve used rescuing him."
"And what if she wasn't telling the truth?" Imposter speaks up. "Then we've broken into Hope's Peak's secret operation for no reason and possibly allowed Hajime to sign on while we were on a goose chase."
Hiro groans and grabs at his head. "AGH! I dont know! I dont know the right thing to do!" He cries out in frustration. "I'm not smart enough for this! So much could go wrong! I...I cant...do this..."
"Hey, calm down." Chiaki's calm voice causes Hiro to look up at her. The shorter girl is standing in front of him, a kind smile on her face. "You arent alone in this, alright? You have myself, Imposter, and Gundham and Sonia. Not to mention your friends." She places her hands determinedly in front of her. "And they're counting on you to stop Junko from killing them, right? You need to do this to keep your friends alive!"
The clairvoyant looks at her, his chest still rising and falling heavily, but he nods. "Man this girl is brave." He thinks, scratching his stubble with an impressed smile. "Imposter must've told her that her life is on the line too, but she didnt mention that. She doesnt even look a little scared about that. At least I know I survive in that messed up game, but Imposter and Chiaki..." He looks over to the fake Ryota, who is giving him the same assuring smile as the gamer. "...neither of them are thinking of themselves. They arent worried about themselves dying. Not right now, or in the future." He sighs in guilt and looks to the side, his arm dropping. "Meanwhile I'm over here scared for my own skin in the present, and counting on the fact that even if I fail I'll still survive. Gods, I'm the worst. I'm such a wuss. Chihiro and Leon are counting on me to do this." He looks over to the two spirits, and he clenches his fists. "No, not just them. All of my friends! If I dont do this, they'll all die! I'm scared shitless, but I cant let that control me! I have to think about the people I'll lose if I fail. The ones that really matter, way more than I ever will." He takes a deep breath, calming his nerves slightly. "Alright. Here's what we'll do."
The others look slightly surprised at the fortune teller's sudden confidence, but it quickly fades to looks of determination.
"As much as splitting up seems like a bad idea, Chiaki and Imposter, you two will go look for Hajime." Hiro says. "Meanwhile I'm going to look around for a basement entrance or something. I'm guessing its gonna be a secret one, cause it usually is with evil operations like this." He gives the closest thing to a confident smile he can muster. "Shouldnt be too hard. I got two ghosts and a countless spirits to help me! They can like, go through walls and crap, right?" He looks between his allies. "...that sound like a plan?"
Chiaki smiles proudly at him and nods. "Yep! Plus Gundham and Sonia should be meeting up with you soon, so they'll help you when they get back."
"If we find Hajime, we will notify you immediately." Imposter assures him. "On the other hand, if there are any complications, you should message us right away as well. Understood?"
Yasuhiro nods. "Yeah, got it." He takes another deep breath and looks around the building. "Just...where do I start first?"
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Hiro blinks as one of the spirits speaks up. "...huh. Ok. Yeah, no, that's a better plan." He turns to where Chiaki and Imposter have walked off. "Well, they're already gone." He scratches his head. "Wouldve been easier if they couldve talked to her since they know her." The clairvoyant sighs and looks to Leon and Chihiro. "And I guess I'm gonna have to get at least one more person involved in this, arent I?"
Leon shrugs and gives his friend a sympathetic smile. "Maybe. But this seems like itll be helpful." He suggests.
"Maybe she'll know where Hajime is being kept, since she's a staff member!" Chihiro points out. "And if she's going to get roped into Junko's plan, warning her about it will probably be important."
Hiro lets out a groan and runs his hand across his face. "Ugh...fine. Let's hurry and find her then. We dont know if Hajime is being experimented on, so every second counts." He pulls out his phone and looks up a picture of Miss Yukizome. "Kay, so that's her. Now where would she be? Maybe a teacher's lounge?"
Hiro is going to talk to Chisa Yukizome in the next post! Its once again up to you to help him figure out exactly how to convince her how to help him without making him look crazy! And remember, Hajime's entire existence is on the line!
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Hiro was walking behind Chiaki and Imposter, the two walking towards the administrative building where Hajime had gone, when he suddenly stops moving. His head shoots over to the spirit, as does Chihiro and Leon. "...What?!" Hiro says in disbelief.
"Hiro?" Chiaki calls back to him, the two living companions having stopped walking. "Is something wrong?"
Hiro turns his head to look at her, his face pale.
"I'll take that as a yes." Imposter grimaces, running over to the clairvoyant. "What is it? Did you have another vision?!"
"Not...exactly." He answers. "But I dont have time to explain. Gundham...Gundham's in danger! I-I think he's being attacked by Mukuro, Junko's sister? I-I dont know!"
Hiro was breathing heavily, and was on the verge of a panic attack. People were being attacked now? Like, he knew that if he didnt stop Junko lots of people would die, but someone was actually...being hurt.
Was it because of him?
"Hiro, calm down." Leon's voice cuts through the panicking man's thoughts. His best friend places a ghostly hand as close to his shoulder as he can. "Relax. You got this still, alright?"
"We can save Gundham and stop Junko, you j-just need to take a breath." Chihiro chimes in with a comforting smile.
Hiro looks between the ghostly apparitions of two of his closest friends and nods. The anxiety and guilt in his gut doesnt go away, but it lessens enough for him to take a breath and look to a now extremely worried Chiaki and Imposter.
"The spirits also said we needed to find a...Peko Pekoyama?" He says to them, scratching the back of his head. "They say she's a-"
"Swordswoman. The Ultimate Swordswoman." Imposter interrupts the fortune teller, having regained his own composure. "Its not a bad idea. She is extremely skilled in fighting."
Chiaki places a finger to her chin. "Maybe we could ask Akane and Nekomaru for help? They're extremely powerful fighters, too. If they were in a fighting game, they'd be a top tier choice!"
Everyone gives her a puzzled look for a moment before Leon's ghost speaks up. "We could also ask Sakura, and possibly Mondo! They'd be very strong in a-"
"No." Hiro cut Leon off with a shake of his head, and his allies give him a surprised look.
"No?" Chiaki repeats with a tilted head. "Why not?"
The underclassman frowns and rubs the back of his head. "'Cause, like....there's already a lot of people involved in this mess." He mutters. "The more we tell about Junko's plan, the more'll get hurt. Plus the more likely that a mass panic will break out."
"But if the authorities were to know, they could apprehend Junko and stop her easily." Imposter points out.
"If it was that easy dont you think the spirits wouldve suggested that?" Yasuhiro counters. "Clearly she has more power than even the police. Which is the whole reason I dont even see how I can do this!" He glances over at his ghostly friends and sighs. "But I have to at least try so...if the spirits think Peko is the best option, we'll go with her. But I dont want to drag anyone else into this, ok? Please?"
Everyone was quiet for a while, until Leon snorts. "I'm impressed. Usually you would have run away crying by now. Guess you're taking this seriously."
Hiro rolls his eyes. "I dont really have a choice. I'm still terrified and I feel like giving up with each development. But I dont want to lose any of my friends."
Imposter smiles softly at that and bows his head. "I respect your dedication, Hiro. Very well. We wont tell anyone else of your visions."
Chiaki nods in agreement. "We probably wont even have to tell Peko." She muses quietly. "Just mentioning one of our friends being in danger should be enough."
Hiro nods. "Alright. Since you two know her best, why dont you both go get her?"
Imposter raises a brow. "And what are you going to do?"
"You could sneak over to the administrative building and see how things are going." Chihiro suggests.
Hiro grimaces at the idea but sighs. "I'm gonna...go to the administrative building and scope things out....stealthily."
"Do you think you can manage that?" Chiaki asks.
Hiro hesitantly nods, and after a shared look between the two upperclassmen, they say their goodbyes and hurry to find Peko.
Yasuhiro bites his lip and lets out a large breath, turning towards his destination. "Alright...let's go."
When Hiro arrives at the scene, he is horrified by what he ses.
Gundham is all but leaning against the wall of the building, gripping his right arm with his left as blood drips from it. His shirt is sliced open in several places, blood splattered onto it. There's a large gash on the left side of his face, just below his eye, that flows even more blood down his cheek, and his usually styled hair has come undone, falling into his eyes as his chest rises and falls heavily.
The breeder glares daggers at his opponent as he attempts to catch his breath. "Y-you...vile fiend!" He curses at her, placing a palm on the wall to steady himself as he tries to walk forward despite his shaky legs. "You will never take down GUNDHAM TANAKA!"
"I'll admit. I'm impressed." Mukuro says, ignoring Gundham's words as she stalks closer. Hiro notices there's not a scratch on her, and that terrifies him even further. "Most people would be long dead from the wounds I've given you. You're much stronger than I anticipated." The teasing smile that had been on her face quickly falls to a frown as she pulls out a throwing knife. "But this game ends now. You will no longer get in Junko's way."
Hiro's eyes widen in fear. No...no, this cant happen! He was supposed to save their lives, not end them faster! Could he intervene? But what could he do? He'd just get himself killed!
As he wracks his brain for how to save Gundham, he notices Imposter and Chiaki running his way, and behind them, a girl with a sword on her back.
Peko Pekoyama.
Hope rises in his chest for a moment, before its replaced with despair. Leon and Chihiro understand as well.
"...they wont make it in time." Chihiro whispers, the three of them slowly turning to watch the horrific scene unfold before them.
Mukuro grips the throwing knife in her hand, readying herself to throw it. Gundham meanwhile takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, seemingly accepting his death. Smirking at this, Mukuro throws the knife and-
A hamster's squeak is cut short.
Gundham slowly opens his eyes in confusion as to why he had felt no pain. They widen in horror at what he sees instead. Maga-Z, one of his beloved Dark Devas, had been impaled by the knife in his stead, apparently having stowed away in his scarf.
"No....no!" Gundham cries out in agony as he picks up the tiny corpse of his pet, tears forming in his eyes.
"Well, that was unintentional." Mukuro shrugs, pulling out another knife. "But at least you get to taste the sweet nectar of despair before you d-"
Mukuro suddenly falls to the ground, Peko standing behind where she had stood with a wooden sword above her head.
Hiro lets out a breath so big he almost passes out. "Oh thank Father Time!" He exclaims, rushing over to join the others.
"We got here as fast as we could." Peko says, sheathing her sword and glaring at Mukuro.
"I dont think it was quick enough." Chiaki replies softly, looking over to where Gundham was knelt down, cradling his falled subordinate.
There is a solemn silence as everyone gives Gundham his time to grieve.
Eventually he stands, still holding Maga-Z in his hands. "I thank you mortals for your assistance." He says, his voice quiet and broken. "I know you did what you could. Maga-Z gave his life to protect me, and for that he shall be remembered." He looks down to the hamster, then to Hiro. "I am aware we are in a hurry, but do you mind if I bury him? You can go ahead. I will find you."
Hiro gives him a sad smile. "Of course. And if you see Sonia, bring her along."
"Though, maybe see Mikan first?" Chiaki suggests. "You're very hurt."
Gundham simply nods before heading off.
The others watch him go for a moment before Peko breaks the silence.
"I will bring this one back to my dorm where she will cause no harm. At least until we figure out what to do with her."
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan." Hiro agrees. "Just be careful, alright?"
Peko smiles at him and nods. "I will, do not worry." And with those final words she picks up Mukuri and walks off as well.
Theres another silence, no one knowing what to say, until it's broken again. This time by Hiro.
"So...where exactly would Hajime be kept?"
A/N: So uh...I'm sorry? 😅 Dont worry I hate myself for this lol. But now you know shit's getting real! So in the next post is really when my lack of DR 3 knowledge will shine lol.
Also in case it wasnt clear, I dont want too many characters to know about Junko's plan, cause then the tension is kinda gone.
But yeah! Hope you guys are enjoying it so far! ^_^
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Yasuhiro nods at the spirit's frantic words and looks over his shoulder to his teo living companions, all the while never stopping his sprint to the fountain. "Gundham, Sonia! They're right, I need to meet up with Chiaki and Imposter, so you two need to search for Hajime and stop him!"
The two nod and begin to split off from the group.
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Everyone freezes.
"...What?!" Hiro exclaims, looking to the spirit with wide eyes. "She...she heard?" He brought his hands to his hair and began pulling at it. "Fuck fuck fuck...Ok...Alright...We just have to hurry. We can still do this!"
"Right!" Sonia agrees. "Gundham and I will search the school! I am sure we will find Hajime before Junko!"
"You can count on us, Master of the Future." Gundham assures him with a smirk before the two runs off.
Hiro bkinks at the nickname before shaking his head and continuing his sprint to the fountain, now going even faster.
The clairvoyant was completely out of breath by the time he had reached the fountain. There he ses the Ultimate Imposter and Chiaki standing beside the bench, talking to each with worried expressions. When he walks over to them they both turn their heads to looks at him.
"Hiro!" Imposter exclaims. "There you are! I'm sorry I had to contact you so suddenly, but after what you had told me I'm afraid everything is apart of your vision."
Hiro holds a hand up as he gasps for breath. After he catches it he looks to Chiaki. "Did you...fill her in?" He asks.
She nods. "He did. You could have just told me that from the start, you know." She tells him.
Hiro just sighs. "I thought having someone you trust like Imposter tell you would make it seem less...crazy." He explains. "Whatever. Right now we need to find Hajime, cause yeah, he's involved in my vision. Pretty heavily if the spirits are right." He looks around the courtyard. "Which way did he go?!"
Gundham and Sonia have parted ways for now, the two deciding they could cover more ground that way. The princess had gone to look around the reserve course part of the school, while the breeder was making his way to the administrative building. After hearing about the Kamakura Project, he had thought that would Hajime would need to go in order to accept the invitation.
He reaches his bandaged hand out to open the door when-
"Looking for someone, Dr. Doolittle?"
Gundham freezes and quickly whirls around at the new voice. His eyes narrow at the sight of the one Hiro had shown him to be Junko, and Mukuro. However this one is not transparent, so he assumes this was the present day fiend.
"I dont believe I know you." He says bluntly, crossing his arms. "Therefore I have no business with either of you mortals."
"Oh but you do." Junko replies with a smirk, taking a step towards the boy.
He doesnt move, instead looking annoyed. "Is that so?"
"It is!" She confirms cheerily "You see, I know you're helping that loser Yasu-whatzit." She looks at the back of her hand as if bored. "Now I dont consider him a threat. He's an idiot, after all!" She slowly looks forward, meeting Gundham's eyes with her own cold, dark ones. "But he seems to have made a surprising amount of allies. Allies that are a fair bit more competent then he is."
Gundham cant help the smug grin that crosses his face. "At least you have the capacity to recognize a threat when you see one."
Junko snorts. "Threat? Ha! Now I didnt say that, Paw Patrol." She and Mukuro take another threatening step towards the taller man, who once again doesnt react. "I know you and your group of failures are trying to stop Hajime from entering the Kamakura Project. But ya see..." She smirks and brings her face close to Gundham's. "You're too late."
Gundham frowns and finally takes a step back to distance himself. "And what makes you so certain of that?"
"Because I escorted him personally to the one in charge of it!" She explains happily. "I watched as they took him to the basement." She smirks. "He's probably being experimented on as we speak."
The breeder grimaces at this. "...I see." He stands up straight and adjusts his scarf. "Well in light of that information I must bid you fiends goodbye." He takes a step past Junko and attempts to walk around Mukuro.
Gundham stumbles back and brings a hand up to his cheek. He feels a rather large gash in the side of his face, and when he brings it back down he finds it coated in blood. He looks back up to Mukuro and notices her stance has changed. She is now in an attack formation, a blade in her hand.
A blade which dripped with Gundham's blood.
"Oh please. Did you really think I would tell you something useful and let you prance off into the sunset to let your idiotic buddies know?' Junko says with an eye roll as she walks beside her sister. "Hell no! My ugly, fat, stupid sister here might be useless at a lot of things, but tying up loose ends is her one and only specialty!"
Gundham's eyes narrow and he drops into a defensive stance. "So it's a fight you want."
"I can promise you." Mukuro begins as Junko walks away with a laugh. "It wont be much of a fight."
Gundham didnt even have a chance to react.
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Hi! Sorry to break character for a second! I just thought now would be a good time to let everyone know I havent seen the Danganronpa 3 anime. I know all of the spoilers so it's alright! I just dont know certain specifics! I have been looking up what I dont know, but if I get something wrong, I apologize. Just roll with it as part of the AU I guess 😅
But yeah, dont feel bad for sending in Danganronpa 3 stuff, and you can keep doing it cause I dont mind the spoilers. I already know pretty much everything that happens in it. Just wanted to let you all know that's why there might be inconsistencies.
Alrighty so the next post will be posted very soon! I hope things arent getting to complicated or repetitive. We're still doing some setup honestly. But I promise something big is about to happen! 😈
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Gundham, do you know any kind of magic or something to protect yourself from Mukuro? I doubt she can hurt you, but you may still want to keep her away from you and the others
Gundham's gaze doesnt waver from the ghost of Mukuro, who has frozen at being seen. She slowly turns and meets the breeder's gaze.
Hiro looks between them anxiously, his eyes wide with worry. "M-Mukuro!" He stutters out. "Gundham, that's her! I-I dont know what she's planning, but you have to stop-"
"Quiet." Gundham interrupts him with a low voice, surprising the clairvoyant into silence. Without breaking his gaze from Mukuro, he takes a step towards her. "You have no power here, vile spirit. Whatever it is you wished to gain from me, I have no desire to give it to you."
The window in the room suddenly flies open, and a harsh gust of wind blew through, extinguishing all of the candles in the room and leaving it pitch black.
Hiro yelps at this, jumping back as the wind settled. "W-what happened?!"
"A simple protection incantation." Gundham replies, walking towards his wall and flipping the switch, allowing light to sill the room once more.
Hiro looks back to the bookshelf and sighs in relief seeing Mukuro was gone. "So, like...what exactly did that freaky spell do?"
Gundham frowns at the description of the spell, but answers nonetheless. "I simply made it so she is not allowed to enter my room nor take anything I own without my permission." He looks over to his books. "I felt it important to do so, considering had she managed to cipher through my tomes, she may have found spells that would be helpful for her, but not for us."
Leon nods. "Sounds about right, but it's not like she could pick em up anyway, right?"
Gundham gives the baseball player a puzzled look. "...Spirits can pick up objects, they just cannot interact with humans." He tilts his head. "You yourself are a spirit. How did you not know this?"
Leon blinks, then chuckles awkwardly.
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The self proclaimed Overlord of Ice looks over to the shimmering spirit, then over to the very confused, but very intrigued, looking Sonia. "Ah. Of course. My apologies, mistress." He apologizes, his face a light pink. "If you would like, I can perform the same ritual I used on myself on you?"
Sonia immediately nods enthusiastically. "Yes, please! I would like that very much!"
After the candles had been relit and the lights dimmed once more, Gundham had Sonia read from the book. After the same theatrics as before, Sonia opens her eyes and smiles wide as she looks at Leon and Chihiro.
"Oh, this is wonderful!" She cheers. "How interesting! My first spiritual encounter!"
Gundham chuckles softly at this, smiling at her. Leon raises a brow at this and smirks.
"So now that we have these two on our side, what do we do next?" Chihiro speaks up. "We've already stopped Junko from getting to Ryota-hopefully-so should we go back looking for this Hajime?"
"It would be a good idea." Leon said with a nod. "The spirits have been warning us about him from early on, so he must be important as hell." He looks to Hiro. "You think he might still be hanging out with Chiaki?"
Hiro opens his mouth to respond when he hears a soft ding. He blinks and pulls out his phone. His eyes widen slightly in surprise to see a message from 'Ryota' on the school's personal message system.
Ryota: Hiro, I had to look you up on the school site to find you, but this is an emergency. Please answer!
Hiro bites his lip and quickly responds.
Yasuhiro: Wat? Wat happend?!
It didnt take long for Imposter to respond.
Ryota: Hajime came to meet Chiaki like normal, but when they went to play games he began talking down on himself and how he has no talent. Chiaki tried to tell him not having a talent was fine, but he walked off in a huff. She told me you were looking for him. Did you see him in your vision?! Is something going to happen to Hajime?!!
Yasuhiro: Stay right there! Ill b there asap!
The clairvoyant quickly pocketed his phone and began rushing out of Gundham's room.
"Has something occured?" The breeder questioned, following behind with Sonia following him.
"Yes. Yes, something has!" Hiro says quickly. "I think we're about to have the creation of Izuru on our hands if we dont do something right now!"
The others look at each other for a moment before quickly following the panicking fortune teller.
In their distress, none of them noticed the pig tailed eavesdropper at the other end of the hall, an annoyed grimace on her face as she turns on her heel and leaves.
Sonia Nevermind can now hear you! She is open for questions!
A/N: Sorry it's been so long! I had friends from out of state visit, and then writers block is my arch nemesis lol. I hope you're enjoying the story so far! I have a lot of things planned! 😈
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
She may be looking for Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess, or Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder. They're both into dark occult stuff. They're also in the same class as Chiaki and Ryota. I think they're pretty close friends, so if you find one you'll probably find the other not far off.
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"Princess!?" Hiro repeats, his eyes widening. "There's a princess at this school!?"
"As amazingly cool as that is-" Leon says, trying to bring them back on topic. "-this Gundham dude....Why would a...breeder know about occult bullshit?"
"The same reason a princess would?" Hiro mutters under his breath.
Chihiro furrows his brow in thought, the small boy looking very worried. "W-well, Mukuro did say it had nothing to do with his talent." He reminds them. "So perhaps it's a hobby of his?"
"Well, regardless, this is all we have to go on, and you guys havent been wrong yet!" Leon says determinedly, flashing the spirits a grin. "Since Mukuro specifically said 'he', we should check up on this Gundham weirdo first. So hurry the hell up, Hiro! Look up this Gundham guy!"
The clairvoyant nods and does as he was told, looking up a picture of Gundham Tanaka. When he finds one he stares at it in surprise. "This...this guy works with animals?" He asks, stunned.
Leon looks over his friend's shoulder and raises a brow. "Damn. Yeah, he looks more like an Ultimate Clairvoyant than you do! He obviously seems to be embracing the occult for a start!"
This earns the ghost a glare, but Hiro quickly shakes his head and returns his phone to his pocket. "Well, whatever. We know what he looks like, so let's go to his dorm."
As he begins making his way there, Chihiro frowns. "You know, the fact that Mukuro knows about this Gundham means she and Junko must have been studying him, or at the very least his class." He points out. "Which would make sense considering how much of her plan revolves around 77-B." His face saddens. "Poor guys. It's bad enough Junko put us, her classmates and friends through something like a killing game, but to basically torture a whole other class?"
"Its sick." Leon agrees, his eyes narrowed angrily. "She's sick."
Hiro simply nods in response, a frown on his face as he walks. Suddenly, he freezes in place. "Wait, what about Hajime?!" He asks. "I was supposed to meet up with him and-"
"That can wait a minute!" Leon interrupts him. "If we dont hurry and stop Mukuro, who the hell knows what could happen!"
Hiro nods in understanding, breaking out into a sprint towards the dorms, causing a brown haired boy in a Reserve Course uniform to look up and give him an annoyed look as he passed.
Hiro was thankfully able to find Gundham's room with relative ease. As he stands in front of the Ultimate Breeder's door, he hesitates.
"Dude, what's the hold up?" Leon asks impatiently.
Hiro frowns and begins picking at his skin. "Its just...the energy surrounding this room...its...really heavy and...dark..." He mutters.
Leon groans and rolls his eyes. "Oh for the love of-Hurry the hell up!" He snaps.
Hiro sighs and nods, reaching a hand up and knocking on the door.
A quiet exchange of voices could be heard along with some shuffling until the door is opened.
"Who dares disturb the Overlord of-"
The boy behind the door stops when he sees Hiro. The two lock eyes, and a wave of energy courses through the clairvoyant.
The extravagantly dressed man before Hiro stares at him for a moment more before he smirks. "Heh. I had thought the dark lady and myself were the only ones dabbling in the forbidden arts, but I can sense they run through your veins as well."
Hiro blinks in surprise at the guy's strange speech patterns. "Uh...i-if by 'forbidden arts' you mean fortune telling, then yeah!" Hiro finally responds, forcing a smile onto his face. "My names Yasuhiro Hagakure. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant!"
The other man lets out an impressed hum. "Clairvoncy, hm? Then have your visions sent you to my side for the aid of my dark powers?!" He suddenly poses in a strange way, and Hiro blinks in confusion.
"Uh...y-yeah. More or less. Youre... Gundham Tanaka, right?" He asks, scratching his head as he begins to regret coming here.
Gundham's smirk widens as he nods. "My reputation of course precedes me. Indeed, that is my name! GUNDHAM TANAKA!" The...eccentric fellow bellows out his name, cause Chihiro to flinch slightly.
Leon rolls his eyes. "Dear Lord this guy is gonna be annoying." He mutters.
Hiro gives a subtle nod in agreement before forcing the smile onto his face again. "Well, great! Do you, uh, mind if I come in, Gundham?'
Gundham shakes his head and steps to the side. "But of course not! A fellow user of the dark arts is always welcome in my abode!" He declares. "Although my Third Eye has failed me, for I did not forsee your visit." The breeder suddenly blushes, catching Hiro even more off guard as the man attempts to hide the flush by raising his scarf over his face. "I currently have...company over. The dark princess, Sonia Nevermind. But do not fear! I am training her to be my apprentice, so you need not hold your tongue with anything you must tell me!" He declares with finality as he turns with a flourish and walks into his room.
Hiro stands still for a moment longer, sharing an unsure look with Leon and Chihiro, before following the breeder into his room and closing the door behind him.
The dark atmosphere Hiro had felt from outside the door was tripled the moment he took a step inside, and he shivered. Gundham's room was dark, light blotting curtains hung at the windows that allowed the only light inside the room to be the many lit candles that were scattered around. There was a bookcase against one of the walls, and on it several heavy looking leather cased books.
"Well I guess we found the right guy." Leon mutters.
Hiro nods in agreement as he continues scanning the environment. His gaze stops at something that seemed out of place. A brightly colored hamster cage where four happy looking hamster were currently rested inside.
"Well, he is the Ultimate Breeder." Hiro thinks to himself. "I guess it would be more weird if there wasnt anything animal related here."
"Oh, Gundham! You have company!" A sweet, feminine voice speaks up, causing Yasuhiro to turn his head in its direction. He couldnt help but stare. There was a beautiful blonde girl, sat upon Gundham's bed.
"Indeed I do, dark mistress." Gundham confirms, coming to a stop in front of the hamster cage. He opens the lid and places some treats inside, the four critters skittering over to them and eating them hungrily. "He says his name is Yasuhiro." A grin spreads on his face as he turns from his four pets. "He is also a user of the arts."
The girl, who Hiro assumes to be Sonia Nevermind, gasps and clasps her hands together excitedly. "Really?!" She exclaims happily. "There is another one at the school?!"
"It indeed seems that way, Sonia." The breeder confirms, his gaze going to Hiro. "He says he is a clairvoyant, and that he received a vision that called him to me."
Sonia gasps and looks to Hiro as well. "Is that so? Then please! I insist you inform us of the details of your vision at once!"
For some reason Hiro felt extremely compelled to bow towards the upperclasswoman and the need to hurry with the explanation. He blinks and clears his throat, attempting to calm his nerves. "R-right. Well, it's a long...and, well, pretty unbelievable story if I'm being honest." He sighs before continuing. "But I swear to you, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Earth or whatever deity you believe in its true.
It started when my classmate Junko Enoshima came to me, asking me to read her future...."
"...and then Mukuro mentioned someone else with knowledge of...occult stuff." Hiro finishes explaining, holding back the urge to explain his distaste for the occult. "And the spirits mentioned it could be one of you two." He looks between Sonia and Gundham, both of which look extremely surprised. "And since Mukuro said 'he' we went to your room first." He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. "So...yeah. We wanted to make sure Mukuro's ghost...future ghost...didnt come here and find something she could use."
Gundham stares at the clairvoyant for a while, seemingly at a loss for words. Finally he clears his throat. "Well...that certainly is...quite the ordeal." The breeder recovers quickly, a grin forming on his face as he poses. "However you are in luck! I am quite skilled in this department, and while I cannot see your apparitions-" He walks over to his bookshelf and shifts through the many books before letting out a soft 'ah ha!' and pulling out a rather large one. He flips through it before placing his finger on a page. He then begins muttering something, which causes Hiro to frown and shift uncomfortably.
Gundham's eyes close, and a soft wind suddenly blows through the room, despite there being no open window. When he opens his eyes, he meets Hiro's eyes. They then shift over to Leon and Chihiro, his grin turning to a smirk.
"Ah ha! Hello there, fiends!" He looks over to see the shimmering outlines of the unknown spirits. "And to you as well."
Hiro's eyes widen in surprise. "You...you can see them?!"
"Of course!" Gundham boasts, slamming the book shut with one hand. "Did you believe these tombs were for show?!"
Hiro holds his tongue.
"Now I can be of more help to you and your miss-" He stops, his gaze slowly moving over to his bookshelf. He narrows his eyes. "....I assume this is the fiendish ghoul you mentioned."
Hiro blinks before following his gaze. His eyes widen further. There, looking through the books, was Mukuro's ghost.
Gundham Tanaka can now hear you! He is open for questions!
A/N: I hope things arent getting too crazy lol. I promise everything has a purpose! Supernatural stuff is canon in Danganronpa, and its especially important in this AU, so please bare with me lmao
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
The ghost of Mukuro looks over to the spirit with a blank expression. "You are aware I can hear you, right?" She says before sighing and looking to Hiro with a hard glare. "Though they are correct. Despite my fate, my allegiance will never sway from Junko." A loving smile forms on her face when she mentions her sister. "She's my twin, and I love her dearly."
Hiro stares at her, a mix of horror and disbelief on his face. "But...but she betrays you!" He points out desperately. "She kills you in cold blood!"
Despite his words, Mukuro's smile doesnt waver. "She does it because she loves me." She explains. "She wants me to feel the most incredible Despair of death, because she cares for me so much!"
Leon gives the soldier a disgusted look. "That makes no sense! Shes your sister! She shouldnt kill you for any damn reason!"
Mukuro simply shakes her head. "Theres no way people like you could understand her reasoning." She says, almost sadly. "I, however, have been with her practically from the beginning. If anyone were to understand her, it would be me." A serious expression takes over her face, one that sends a shiver down Hiro's spine. "Which is why I refuse to allow you to interfere with her plans any further."
Leon snorts and rolls his eyes. "Yeah? And what are you gonna do?" He asks mockingly. "The only person we can talk to is Hiro here, and as ghosts we cant exactly interact with anything."
To all three of the heroes' surprise, Mukuro responds with a smirk. "You really think Hiro is the only person in Hope's Peak interested in occult stuff?" She snickers and shakes her head. "No. There's someone else that, while not his Ultimate, is very passionate about this topic. I have no doubt that if he isnt able to see me, he will at least have something useful I can use."
Hiro's eyes widen. "Wait...what?" He repeats, his voice quiet and shaky. "Theres....someone else?"
Leon also looks surprised, but he recovers quickly. He rushes over to Mukuro with a glare. "Who?! Who is it?!"
The soldier says nothing, simply continuing to smirk. Then she starts vanishing before their eyes.
"Mukuro, wait!" He cries out, but to no avail.
She's gone, leaving the group dumbfounded.
Hiro gapes at where Junko's sister had once been. "What...what the hell?!" He exclaims, gripping at his hair. "Who the hell was she talking about!? Who else could possibly have knowledge on this stuff?!"
"I-I dont know!" Leon answers frantically. "But we have to figure it out, and quickly! If this guy really does have something Mukuro could use, who knows what she'd be able to do?!"
Hiro begins panicking, before stopping and looking to the many spirits around. "Do...do you guys have any ideas? Who could Mukuro be talking about?!"
A/N: This update is shorter than normal, but it is very important to the story! This mystery man will play an important part in helping Hiro! So help Hiro figure out who it is! And remember, V3 isnt canon here, so it can only be a character from the first two games!
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
ok this is where thinks get difficult as we have probably changed at least something and if ryota doesnt meet junko her plans might become different that we know.
Hiro grimaces at that. "That's a good point. A very, very good point." Panic begins rising in his gut. "The more we stop Junko's plan, the less you guys may know! It could be changing!"
"Hey, just relax, bro." Leon said soothingly to his friend. "If we do enough, we wont have to worry about any of that."
"Besides, didnt one of the other spirits say Junko never intended to meet Ryota in the first place?" Chihiro reminds them. "If that's really the case, then I doubt much has changed."
Hiro nods at that. "You're probably right. The biggest thing to have changed would probably be her finding a new way to set everything in motion." His worries die down and he grins. "But, yeah! Her immediate plans most likely havent changed, so we're probably fine for now!"
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The three look over to the spirit as it speaks. Leon nods and looks back to Hiro. "That sounds like a good idea." He agrees. "You can ask about him under the guise of being his friend. Plus we'll get to check on her."
Hiro nods as well, pulling out his phone and looking up Chiaki Nanami's picture. "Got it." He says determinedly. "It says here she's the Ultimate Gamer, and since it's not class time she'd probably be in her room right?" He pockets his phone and pushes off the wall. "Let's go."
The group makes their way to the dorms, but stop part way. There, sitting on a bench beside a fountain, is the girl in question. Her head was buried in a portable gaming device, not noticing as Hiro approaches her.
Taking a breath, the clairvoyant sits beside her. Chiaki doesnt look up, and Hiro scratches his head awkwardly. Just as he was about to speak up, she beat him to it.
"...Can I help you?"
This surprises him, especially since she never once looks up from her game. "Oh! U-uh..." Hiro stammers, trying to form a sentence. "Uh...you're Chiaki Nanami, right?"
She doesnt respond for a while, and Hiro is just about to repeat the question when, "Yep, that's me. Did you need something?"
The lackadaisical tone surprises Hiro again, leaving him at a lack of words until he shakes his head. "Uh...yeah. You uh...you're friends with...Hajime Hinata, right?"
Again, Chiaki doesnt respond immediately. Hiro scratches at his stubble as he impatiently waits. "Yeah. He plays games with me a lot." She finally responds, the beeping from the console in her hands interrupting her sentence. "Do you know him?"
Hiro nods, then realizing she probably isnt paying attention to that responds verbally. "Y-yeah. He's a friend of mine, too. But uh...I havent seen him in a while. Hes mentioned you, so I was wondering if you've seen him?"
"I saw him just this morning." The girl's response came much quicker this time, surprising Hiro slightly. It was only now that Chiaki glances up at the clairvoyant, a hint of worry on her face. "Is he alright?"
Hiro, along with both ghostly apparitions let out a relieved sigh. The taller boy looks to Chiaki with a small smile. "I think so. For now at least."
This earns a confused and even more worried look from Chiaki, and Hiro quickly raises his hands to calm her fears.
"S-sorry!" He chuckles awkwardly. "Its probably nothing to worry about! I mean its definitely nothing to worry about! I-I mean-!"
"Hey, Chiaki, there you are. I needed- Oh. Hiro." Both people on the bench look up at the new voice, and Hiro smiles when he sees Imposter. "I didnt expect you to be here."
"Oh, Ryota. You know him?" Chiaki asks, the sound of her losing the game being heard. She puffs her cheeks out disappointedly and sighs as she turns the console off.
"Y-yeah." 'Ryota' answers her, glancing at the clairvoyant. "He's the Ultimate Clairvoyant from the year below us, Yasuhiro. He...gave me a reading earlier."
Hiro chuckles and nods, standing from his seat. "Heh, yeah. Well, I bothered you enough Chiaki. And Ryota looks like he has something important to talk to you about so I'll leave you to it! I'm gonna go look for Hajime." He pauses, then smiles nervously at the gamer. "Any...idea where he might be?"
Chiaki is quiet for a moment, and for a second Hiro thinks she's fallen asleep. Then suddenly she responds, spooking Hiro yet again. "He's usually headed over here around this time. So you may catch him walking this way."
Yasuhiro nods at this. "Great! Thank you!" He quickly begins heading down the path to the school entrance, waving goodbye to the two. As he runs off, the imposter watches him for a moment before taking the once filled seat beside Chiaki.
"Alright, just gotta find this Hajime dude!" Hiro says, sprinting down the path.
Leon chuckles at him, hurrying up to keep up with his friend. "Dude, slow down!" He laughs. "I get what's at stake, trust me, but calm down!"
"I cant help it!" Hiro exclaims with a smile. "We're so close to stopping Junko! I can feel it!"
"I wouldnt be so sure about that."
The voice causes Hiro to skid to a stop. His head whirls around, expecting to see Junko herself, but the one he sees instead is the ghostly image of...
Mukuro Ikusaba's ghost is now open for questions...?
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
"hey I heard you do animations" that's a good way to start
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Yasuhiro approaches the Ultimate Imposter, taking a large breath to calm his nerves. As he comes to a stop in front of him, the man posing as Ryota Mitari looks to the obstacle that has suddenly appeared in his way.
"U-um...can I help you?" He asks in a timid sounding voice.
"Uh...hi!" Hiro starts, glancing around at the many spirits surrounding him, including the two very familiar ones before looking back to Imposter. "You...you're uh...Ryota, right? The Ultimate Animator?"
The upperclassman nods slowly, confusion still on his face. "I am..."
Hiro beams. "Great! That's really cool!" He continues awkwardly. "Do you...uh...think you could show me?"
The imposter tilts his head. "Show you...my animations?" He repeats.
Hiro nods. "Y-yeah, if you dont mind of course!"
"Oh, of course not! Anime is a very important part of our culture after all!" The animator declared excitedly. "Here, why dont we go over to a bench?" The fake Ryota led Hiro to a bench underneath a tree, and he took out a tablet to show the fortune teller some of his works.
Hiro shuffles worriedly. He wasnt sure how to move on from here. How could he get to the topic he needed to talk about?!
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Hiro brightens up at the advice and grins. He lets out an impressed whistle, gaining Imposter's attention. "Dang, those look really good! I can see how you got your Ultimate!" He places an arm around the other's shoulders, to which 'Ryota' glances at Hiro's arm. "Speakin' of which, I never mentioned mine. I'm the Ultimate Clairvoyant! Name's Yasuhiro, or Hiro for short! Whaddya say to me reading your future as a thank you for letting me see those cool animations?"
The imposter looks up at the brunette before furrowing his brow in thought. "Ultimate Clairvoyant huh...yeah, sure! I dont see why not!" He smiles softly at Hiro.
The clairvoyant grins and claps his hands. "Alright great! Lemme just see your hand..." With that he takes one of Imposter's hands in his and, just as he had with Junko, begins tracing the other's palm with his finger.
Hiro watches in horror as a girl is impaled by several spears, the event playing on screens and forcing a group of people to watch the brutal death.
He's hit with an overwhelming sense of despair. The feeling was so strong Hiro immediately felt tears stream down his face. But...he didnt...hate the feeling? It was almost as if he wanted...more despair.
A set of images flash through his mind. War and destruction. Bloodshed and violence. The world in ruins as Imposter, now dressed as Byakuya Togami runs through crowds and kills off soldiers trying to stop him.
Another series of flashes show Imposter and 14 others being captured. Then a surge of pain erupts through Hiro's stomach and chest, forcing him to clench at those areas.
Imposter was dead. He was killed. He will be killed.
Hiro returns to the present with a loud gasp, which quickly turns into hyperventilation.
"Hiro? A-are you alright?"
The clairvoyant looks over to the imposter as his breathing settles down. He shakily nods. "Y-yeah..." He answers, his voice quivering. "B-but, uh..." He looks the other man dead in the eyes. "You wont be."
Imposter blinks, before reeling back. "I-Im sorry?!"
Hiro sighs and runs his hand through his hair. "L-look....I'm just gonna cut to the chase." He says, glancing over to Leon and Chihiro, who nod, urging him on. "...I didnt come here to learn about your animations."
The fake Ryota tilts his head. "Then...why did you approach me?"
Hiro bites his lip. "...I read the future of one of my classmates, a girl named Junko Enoshima." He begins. "The future...isnt pretty. She plans on forcing my class to kill each other, and throwing the whole world into despair. And she's going to use Ryota to do it."
Imposter's eyes widen slightly. "W-why did you say-"
"I know you're not the real Ryota Mitari." Hiro cuts him off. "I...uh...saw it. Yeah, that's it. I saw it in the visions. I know you're actually the Ultimate Imposter, and you're simply a close friend to Ryota."
The Imposter stares at Hiro for a while before he frowns and crosses his arms. "Well, if that's the case I suppose your fortunes are accurate." He says, his tone changing slightly to be a bit deeper. "If you were able to see that, which is correct, I suppose I have no reason to believe your other predictions are false."
Hiro lets out a breath of relief. "Oh thank Buddha." He mumbles.
"So what is it you need me for?" Imposter questions.
Hiro looks to him and nods. "Right. I need you to make sure Ryota never interacts with Junko. If he does, she'll use his talent to create a Despair brainwashing video to start the end of the world."
Imposter blinks at that before slowly nodding. "Very well...I suppose I can do that. Although this is a large amount of information to take in all at once."
Hiro huffs. "Tell me about it." He mutters before shaking his head. He pulls out his phone and looks up a picture of Junko, showing it to the other man. "This is Junko Enoshima. Keep an eye out for her and keep Ryota away from her at all costs."
The imposter looks at the photo and nods. "Alright. I'll warn Ryota to avoid her. Is that all?"
Hiro starts nodding before he stops. "Uh, actually...Chiaki Nanami. She's in your class, right?"
Imposter nods. "Yes. She's our class rep." A worried expression takes over his features. "...why?"
The fortune teller frowns. "She's going to be killed. And you, along with the rest of your class, will be forced to watch it." He shudders at the memory of the image. "Seeing that, plus Ryota's video, it fills you all with despair and causes you all to do...bad things. So along with keeping Ryota away from Junko, can you help me keep an eye on Chiaki?"
The imposter stares wide eyed at Hiro for a long time before slowly nodding. "O-of course." He finally replies. "I will do what I can."
Hiro lets out a breath, a heavy weight having been lifted from his chest. "Great. Thank you!" Hiro grins and begins to turn away. "If anything happens, come find me! But this should be a big help!"
With a final wave goodbye, Hiro runs off. He leans against the outside of the building, smiling happily. "That went way better than I thought it would!" He exclaims to his ghostly friends.
"Yeah!" Leon agrees. "Not only that, we dealt with the Chiaki problem too!"
"So now all we need to do is figure out about this Izuru guy?" Chihiro ponders.
Hiro nods, furrowing his brow in thought. "Yeah...that might be a bit tricky. I dunno how we're gonna get information on him." He grins and shrugs. "But we'll find a way! I'm sure of it!"
A/N: This was my first time ever writing for Imposter, so I hope I did a good job!
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Ok that was a close one use that underdog type beat to your atvantage she thinks you cant do anything KEEP IT THAT WAY you wont be in for a pleasent time if she sees you as a threat. Ok and one last thing Junko isnt activly seeking out ryota (as far as i know) she just randomly bumps into him so once you meet ryota just pull some strings and try to redirect him away from junko whenver possible and try to stay by his side
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The group has moved from the walkways of Hope's Peak to the courtyard of the school. Having looked up a list of Class 77-B, the three of them were now keeping an eye out for a...leaner looker Ryota.
"Yeah, they're right!" Leon agrees with the spirits around them. "As long as she thinks you're not a threat, she wont do anything to stop you! So you're best course of action is just to act like your normal stupid self!"
Hiro glares at his friend, who simply laughs. The clairvoyant rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, you have a point. I mean, I dont even think I can do this, so as long as I dont do anything obvious I could possibly stop her plan before she even notices!"
"And the fact she isnt actively looking for Ryota is a good sign!" Chihiro speaks up, floating besides the older man. "If we can convince him to stay indoors more, or to stay by us, then we wouldnt have to worry about her getting her hands on that video."
Hiro scratches the back of his head and frowns. "Yeah, the only problem I have with that is actually convincing him to listen to me. From the sounds of it the guy's a real recluse. The only one he seems to trust is that Imposter dude."
"Maybe you should get his trust first then?" Leon suggests, turning upside down in the air as he floats beside his friends. "If he were to tell Ryota you can be trusted then he'd trust you, yeah?"
"But if he's the Ultimate Imposter and he's taking over for Ryota, wouldnt he act like him?" Chihiro points out. "So wouldnt he be slow to trust us as well?"
Hiro groans and runs his hand over his hair. "Ugh! Can just one thing be simple!?"
Leon chuckles softly and mimes patting his friend's back. "Hey, it's ok. Look, if we look for this Imposter and tell him we know who is and how, maybe he'll drop the act?"
"Or he'll think I'm crazy and tell Ryota not to even talk to me." The future teller grumbles. "But it's the best shot we got, so, sure. Let's go for it, I guess."
"So do we head for his class then?" Chihiro asks, and the others nod as Hiro changes course.
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The group is silent as they walk, the spirit's question reaching their ears, but neither ghost wanting to speak up.
Finally Leon clears his throat. "Ahem. Well, yeah this isnt really the best timing." He says dryly, shooting a glare in the direction of the shimmering visage, which quickly fades. The redhead sighs and combs his fingers through his hair. "But uh...considering Hiro would effectively be erasing a timeline, according to every time travel plotline ever...." He looks over to Chihiro grimly, who simply looks at the ground.
"...We'd stop existing." The programmer finishes the sentence quietly.
Hiro frowns at this and kicks a pebble as he walks.
"But hey! When we disappear that means you successfully stopped us from dying!" Leon points out, trying to cheer the others up. "And that's better, right? You'll still have us around, and even better I can kick your ass when you do something stupid!"
Hiro chuckles quietly, not quite having been cheered up, but understanding Leon's words.
There was an uncomfortable silence between the three of them, until Chihiro speaks up. "I see Ryota! Wait, no...I'm pretty sure that's the Ultimate Imposter!"
His friends turned their heads quickly over to where the programmer was looking, and sure enough a person matching the picture Hiro had found down to the physique was seen walking out of the school building.
"Yeah, that's gotta be him." Leon agrees. "He looks exactly like his picture, and if the real Ryota isnt as...fluffy...than this is Ultimate Imposter."
Hiro nods and takes a deep breath. "Alright. I'll go and talk to him then.
Wish me luck."
Its Thinking Time!
A/N: Sorry for the interruption, but as you can see, I've decided to add a section into this blog that will hopefully make things a bit more interesting! Occasionally Hiro will encounter situations he cant figure out on his own or with the help of his ghost pals. And while you guys are always able to change the story, during these moments your input matters the most, because Hiro will repeat exactly what you say! Of course more than one of you may respond, and when that happens, Hiro will take bits from each of you and mash them together in a way that makes sense. So this is your first Thinking Time! Help Hiro figure out how to convince Imposter that Ryota has to stay away from Junko without him looking like an idiot!
I may wait a little longer than normal to post after Thinking Times in order to give more people chances to enter asks
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
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Despite the spirits' words, panic immediately filled Hiro, and the desire to run and take the second ghost's advice nearly overtook him.
Two ghostly hands rested on either shoulder of the clairvoyant, and when he looked he saw Leon and Chihiro. They were both looking ahead at the so-called fashionista, Leon with a hateful glare and Chihiro with a look of fear. Despite the contents of their looks, their presence helps calm Yasuhiro.
He looks Junko in the eyes, forcing a smile on his face. "Oh, h-hey there, Junko!" He greets her, hoping his shaking voice didnt give anything away. "I'm not really interested in Izuru, really. I just...overheard some teachers talking about him and got curious! So I wanted to do some research!"
Junko raises a brow and takes a few steps closer. "That seems a bit out of character for you." She muses. "Usually youd just ignore something like that, or chalk it up to an obvious explanation." She crosses her arms, taking another step forward. "What exactly did you hear?"
Hiro swallows, panic beginning to build up inside him again. "U-uh...N-nothing really. Just that's hes a talentless guy that became talented. That seems cool, so I was interested!"
Junko continues to look at him for a while before grinning. "Hey, that is cool! It makes sense youd wanna know more!" She shrugs as she walks past Hiro, Leon's glare following her as she does. The Ultimate Despair unknowingly walks through him, causing him to grimace in disgust and the girl to shiver. She stops for a moment at this and looks at Hiro. "I doubt you'll find much on him though. Hope's Peak is pretty tight lipped about that whole experiment."
The clairvoyant tilts his head at her, giving a quick glance at his red haired ghost friend. "Well, you seem to know about it." He points out.
Junko snickers, and her grin turns into a small smirk. This causes Hiro's blood to run cold as the other living person in the hall speaks. "Yeah, I do, dont I? Funny." The smirk widens. "Wonder how that's possible."
Hiro just looks at her, his expression now one of fear.
Junko laughs at this and walks towards him, forcing him to back up. "Let's cut the crap, shall we?" She says, her voice changing to a low and, frankly dangerous sounding one. "You and I both know what you saw when you read my future. I'm not an idiot, I knew there was a chance youd see my plans." She continues to approach him until the older man's back is pressed against the wall. "But I'm not worried about you at all! Everyone in our class thinks you're an idiot, so even if you told them, they wouldnt believe you. And let's be honest. What can you do to stop me?" She smirks into Yasuhiro's terrified eyes for a moment longer before finally stepping away. "So whatever you saw in your vision that you think you can prevent, go ahead and try!" She begins walking away, leaving him with these final parting words. "You and I both know you're too useless to really make a difference."
Hiro watches her walk away, and as soon as she leaves his sight his legs give out beneath him, causing him to slide down against the wall.
"H-holy crap..." He mutters panickedly. "S-she knows I know...She knew I knew all along! Fuck! Fuck fuck fu-!"
"Hiro! Calm down!" Leon exclaims, moving in front of his best friend. "Yeah, she said she knows. But you know what she doesnt know?" He grins and gestures to himself and Chihiro, the smaller boy giving a small smile. "She doesnt know you got us backing you up! You still got this, bro!"
"You can prove her wrong, Hiro!" Chihiro says determinedly, his hands clutched in front of him. "We believe in you!"
Hiro looks between his two friends before a small smile crosses his face. He nods and slowly stands. "Y-yeah. You're right." He agrees. "I'm still the only one who can stop her. And I cant give up!"
The fortune teller pulls out his phone and begins looking up the class of 77-B.
"Now let's see who Ryota is, and stop Junko!"
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Nice to see you Chihiro! Gang, any idea what you’re going to say to Ryota? He’s pretty stubborn and weary of other people, and he’s gonna need a good explanation for how you know he’s the real Ryota
Chihiro giggles and gives a small wave. "Hi! It's nice to meet you all!" He the places a finger on his chin as the spirit continues. "Hm. That's a good point. We shouldnt show up to his room without a plan."
Leon nods in agreement. "Yeah, now that you mention it, if Hiro were to show up and say 'Hey if you talk to this girl named Junko the entire world will die!', he'd probably think he's crazy and slam the door in his face." He looks to his oldest friend. "So whaddya got, Hiro?"
Hiro looks at him blankly before chuckling awkwardly. "...Heh. Uh...Nothing now."
Leon gives him an unamused look. "....You were planning on doing exactly that, werent you."
The clairvoyant chuckles again and looks away, causing the redhead to sigh and facepalm.
"Um, what if we start by telling him how much we like his animations?" Chihiro suggests softly. "A-as for how we know he's the real one, if we see him in his room, it wouldnt really be weird to assume he's Ryota, would it?"
Leon nods. "Yeah, that's a good start!" He agrees. "Then after we gain his trust, maybe you could mention that you're the Ultimate Clairvoyant and you saw the end of the world? Itd still probably overwhelm him, but itd be better than throwing it at him all at once. Plus even if your accuracy is dogshit, you are an Ultimate."
Hiro shoots a glare at Leon before frowning. "I mean, yeah that could work. But I'm still worried about finding the real Ryota." He points out. "Like, if this Ultimate Imposter was able to take over Ryota's spot in his class, wouldnt it be hard for me to tell them apart?"
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"Deal? What kinda deal?" Yasuhiro repeats. "You mean this is gonna be even more difficult?!" He groans and stops walking for a moment in order to face plant into a wall. "I hate this so much."
Chihiro looks to his friend worriedly. "H-hey, itll be ok, Hiro." He reassures the brunette with a soft smile. "This might be even easier! We just need to find Ryota while he's out of his room and talk to him now!"
Hiro still looks unconvinced. "I-I dunno..." He murmurs. "If this guy is as paranoid of people as these spirits say he is, I'm starting to think just feeding his ego and telling him I saw the future might not be enough. But...but what else can we do?!"
Leon looks concerned as well for a moment before shaking his head. "Hey, dont worry about it! I'm sure that wont be a problem! And if it is, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it!"
The fortune teller still looks unconvinced, but he nods. "Alright...if you say so." He takes a deep breath for continuing to walk. "I should probably find a directory of class 77-B to learn what Ryota looks, huh?"
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Hiro's thought is interrupted by the musings of another spirit. The clairvoyant yet again stops in his tracks and slowly turns to look at the transparent figure. "....what? Mukuro is involved too?! But...but I saw her die!" Hiro exclaims. "If she was working with her why would Junko kill her?! And they're sisters! A-and who's this Izuru guy?!?!"
Chihiro frowns and fiddles with his hands. "I think we should slow down on how much information we give Hiro." He suggests softly. "He's still coming to terms with the fact he saw his friends die, and having the responsibility of the world on his shoulders cant be easy!" Yasuhiro winces as Chihiro mentions this, and Chihiro looks away guiltily. "S-sorry." He mutters.
"But Chihiro's right." Leon picks up where their timid friend left off. "I have no doubt everything you guys say is important, but we need to take one step at a time. I've never even heard of this Izuru dude, so we'd have to do some research."
Hiro runs his hand through his hair and takes a large breath. "Jeez, there just keeps getting more and more I need to do." He mutters. "Alright, so first I need to find something that shows me what Ryota looks like so I can keep an eye out for him. After I talk to him and hopefully convince him to stay away from Junko, I need to find some girl named Chiaki Nanami and make sure she doesnt die at all costs." He lets out a giant sigh. "Then I need to find out who the hell this Izuru Kamakura guy is and-"
"Izuru Kamakura? Why are you interested in Izuru?"
The group freezes as a new voice rings through the halls. Hiro quickly whirls around, and his heart sinks to the bottom of his stomach.
There, standing a few feet away, is Junko Enoshima.
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Ryota is in class 77-B, but it’s not that easy because why would it be? If you went to that class right now and asked for Ryota, you’d be pointed in the direction of this overweight kid who looks like him, but isn’t. That’s the Ultimate Imposter. He goes to class in Ryota’s place so he can work on his animations
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Yasuhiro blinks as the spirits finish explaining the situation to him. He groans in frustration, throwing his hands into the air. "Ugh, of course! Of course it cant be easy! An Ultimate Imposter?! Seriously!?" He runs his hand over his face. "Great, just great."
Leon looks to his distressed friend and gives him a comforting smile. "Hey, hey, it's ok!" He points to the second spirit who spoke. "They said he'd be in his room, right? So we can just go there! Easy!"
Hiro thinks for a moment, then nods. "Yeah. Yeah, you're right." He agrees, a small smile slowly forming on his lips. "If he really is in his room all the time that should be no problem!" He turns to look at his ghost friend. "So we should head there, right?"
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Both boys stop as a third spirit speaks up. The clairvoyant looks at the shimmering image and blinks. "Wh...huh? T-there's someone else I need to keep an eye on?!" Panic returns to his features. "Oh, Buddha this really is too much!"
Leon groans and slaps the older man, which does nothing except elicit another shiver from him. "Get a hold of yourself, dude!" He exclaims firmly. "I wasnt aware of that Chiaki stuff, and that sounds super important, but right now Ryota is our biggest priority! We need to find him and tell him to stay away from Junko! After that we can find this Chiaki chick and keep her safe. Alright? So chill out."
Hiro nods, still clearly a bit panicked, but he takes a deep breath. "Yeah...yeah, you're right. God, I still wish this was a dream. I dont wanna be the one to have to save the world..." He murmurs, then slaps his cheeks. "No, I-I cant think like that right now. We gotta go." The fortune teller says this with as much determination as he can muster, then he opens his door and heads out, the ghostly visage of Leon following.
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"Huh?" Leon glances over at the transparent figure as they speak.
"Oh, yeah. I was kinda wondering that too." Yasuhiro agrees as the pair continue walking. "I mean, if you're here, the others could be here too, right?"
Leon frowns and rubs his goatee in thought. "Hmm. Well, this whole thing is complicated. Obviously Hiro is the only one who can see me 'cause of his future telling bullshit. Him reading Junko's future triggered something that allowed him to see my ghost and hear you all...I think. I think the reason I showed up here is cause of how close he and I am to each other. As for the others..." He glances around, and suddenly he smiles. "Hey. It's ok to come out. We could really use your help. I mean, you always were the smartest in the class."
Hiro furrows his brow in confusion at that, but his eyes quickly widen as an image slowly appears in front of him.
"H-hi, Hiro." A timid voice speaks up, a soft smile on their face. "S-sorry I didnt show up sooner. I didnt want to overwhelm you."
Hiro stares in awe as before him floats the image of another close friend.
Chihiro Fujisaki is now open for questions!
A/N: I hope I'm not adding ghosts too quickly! I just felt that Chihiro could be helpful, especially considering the question that was sent in. Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying it so far!
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
We're the ghost of the Yakuza coming to haunt your ass. Joking, but fr though Junko's crazy. Are you gonna try to speak to Leon again? Y'know, cause you saw his ghost?
The clairvoyant frowns at the attempt of a joke. "Hey, dont joke about that type of stuff!" He huffs, crossing his arms. "I joined Hope's Peak in order to escape from those guys! If I was being haunted by their ghosts..." He shivers, then furrows his brow at the question. "Well, yeah! Obviously I'm gonna talk to Leon again. He cant just throw all this info on me and poof away! I need more help damn it!"
"So are you calmed down, urchinhead?"
Leon's voice causes Hiro to jump, but he relaxes when the ghostly form of his best friend appears, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
Hiro nods. "Yeah. Well, as calm as I can be with ghosts around and the knowledge that the world is gonna end if I dont do something about it."
Leon snorts. "Yeah, that's fair enough. I'm really sorry its gotta be you. Honestly I'd prefer if it was anyone else. I'm as worried about you're capabilities as you!"
"Hey!" Hiro exclaims indignantly. Though he couldnt argue the redhead was wrong. "Its not my fault! All of this is so confusing! I have no idea what's going on!"
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Both boys look over in the direction of the voice, a slight shimmer in the form of a human being outlined for them to see.
"Oh, yeah. That might be a good start." Leon agrees with a nod. "That whole shitshow kinda starts the worst of it."
The fortune teller blinks, confusion on his features. "R-Ryota? What...what shitshow? What does Junko want with Ryota?!"
Leon frowns and rubs his head. "Its...a very long story. Just, dont let her meet up with him, or else she's gonna use him to make this Despair brainwashing video."
Hiro just stares at his friend in disbelief. "Youre... you're kidding, right?" He finally says. "That kinda stuff only happens in games and movies! That cant actually happen!"
Leon rolls his eyes. "You saw for yourself, dude. Junko is not to be fucked with. She's gonna force us to kill our friends! Her sole goal is filling us with despair!"
"D...despair? What...? I dont...understand.." Hiro mutters, shaking his head in confusion.
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Leon nods solemnly as the spirit finishes speaking.
Hiro, meanwhile, just gapes in horror. "..." He was speechless. He couldnt even think of any words to say.
Leon looks to his bro worriedly. "Hey...Hiro, you alright, dude?" He asks quietly, floating over to the clairvoyant and gently resting a ghostly hand on the older man's shoulder.
This seems to snap Hiro out of it, and he backs away several paces while shaking his head. "This is crazy. It...its beyond crazy! Global terrorism?! She's just a high school girl!!"
Leon chuckles darkly and scratches the back of his head. "Heh. Yeah. That's where Ryota comes in. She uses his Ultimate Animator talent to make this Despair brainwashing video, and that causes a whole bunch of people to start worshipping her and cause mayhem around the world."
Yasuhiro just stands there in silence as his brain tries to process this information. "This...this all seems so...so..." He struggles to find the words, and fails. He shakes his head. "There...theres no way I can stop something like that..."
"Yes there is!" Leon insists, grabbing Hiro by the shoulders. His hands go right through his friend, and this sends a chill down the future teller's spine as Leon continues. "You can stop her because you have to, Hiro! You're the only one who can stop the Tragedy!" He looks the frightened man dead in the eyes. "Hiro, if you dont stop this now, most of our class will be killed. The entire world will be thrown into Despair, and will basically be an apocalypse. Millions of people will die. You have to do something." He gives his friend a reassuring smile. "And hey! You wont be alone! I'll be by your side the whole time to help you." He gestures around the room. Though empty, Hiro could feel the presence of many others around him, and it filled his body with a comforting aura. "And so will they." He beams and gives Hiro a thumbs up. "You got this, bro!"
Hiro slowly smiles, and after a moment he nods. "A...alright. I...I'lll try. I dunno how, but I'll do my best.
So where would Ryota be?"
Leon Kuwata's Ghost is now open for questions!
A/N: That's right, you can not only ask Hiro questions, but you can direct questions to Leon as well! And any other ghosts that may or may not appear
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Hey bud. Maybe take a deep breath, and drink some water? You gotta have a clear head and a relatively calm attitude if you’re gonna save the world, haha 😅
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"Ah!" Hiro jumps to his feet, and his head shoots around as he scans the room. "W-who was that?! What's going on?!" His eyes are wide and fearful, his chest rising and falling wildly.
He doesnt see anything, at least not like he had seen the visage of Leon. But he can sense someone is there. Not just someone. There were many people, and if he really concentrated, he could vaguely make out the shape of a person.
This causes the fear in him to rise. The idea of seeing his best friend's ghost was already freaky enough, but random spirits?! He did not wanna deal with this occult bullcrap!
But the words the spirit spoke didnt ring of malice. They actually brought comfort to the distressed clairvoyant despite his worried state.
Taking their advice, Yasuhiro takes a deep breath. This manages to clear his head slightly, and the man shakily sits on his bed.
"Alright. So this is really happening." He murmurs, glancing around once more. "...Uh. Hi...whoever you are? ...Please dont haunt me, ghost dude. I'm already freaked enough right now."
"And how the hell am I supposed to be calm?! And saving the world?! How exactly do I do that?! I-Im just a guy in debt to the yakuza! I dont have the abilities to stop...whatever the hell Junko is planning!" He groans and falls backwards onto his bed.
"And that's another thing! I dont even know how she managed to take over the world and get us to kill each other! I have no idea what her plan even is!" Hiro suddenly stops, and he quickly sits up. "Wait...you guys are from the future, right? That was the case with that ghost Leon, so it's probably you're deal too, right? So help me out here!"
"What the hell is Junko planning, and how am I supposed to stop her?!"
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
Despair of the Future: Prologue
Knock knock knock!
A series of knocks on the door earned Yasuhiro's attention, causing the Ultimate Clairvoyant to turn his head towards the noise. He threw his legs over the side of his bed and stretched his arms over his head before standing and walking over to his door. When he opened it, he was surprised at who was on the other side.
"Junko!" The future teller exclaimed. "H-hey! What's up?"
The Ultimate Fashionista beamed at him, flashing him a peace sign. "Yo! I'm great, Hiro! Hope I didnt bother you!"
Hiro shakes his head, standing to the side to allow Junko entry. "No, no! I was just surprised to see you! Like, no offense or anything, but I wouldve thought youd be too good to spend anytime with someone like me!"
Junko raised a brow as she walks into his room. "That sounds like if anyone were to take offense itd be you."
Hiro scrunched his eyebrows as Junko continued.
"Anyway, I stopped by cause I was wondering if you could read my future!"
The older Ultimate blinked in surprise. "Wait, really?" He asked. "No one ever takes me up on that offer!"
The fashionista shrugged, looking around the boy's room. "Eh, I think they're overreacting. I mean, most fortune tellers are lucky to get a five percent accuracy rate. The fact you have thirty percent is really impressive!" She turns to him, still grinning. "And I have something I really wanna know if it comes true!"
Hiro couldnt help but smile, happy someone finally recognized his talent. "In that case, sure! I'd be more than happy to tell your future!" He told her, going over to his desk and gathering his clairvoyant supplies. "And since you're one of my friends, and the only one to recognize how amazing my abilities are, I'll even do a reading for free! Hows that sound?"
The pig tailed girl's smile widened. "Aw, that's really sweet of you, Hiro! Thank you!"
Hiro shrugs as he sits cross legged on the floor and lays his supplies in front of him. "Ah, it's no biggie." He assures her, patting the ground in front of him to signal for her to sit as well. When she does, the fortune teller beams at her. "Alright! What do you say we start with a simple palm reading? That way I can get a good feeling for if this thing you wanna happen will come true!"
Junko nods. "Sounds good to me!" She agrees, and holds her right hand out to him, palm out.
Hiro takes her hand in his own and, taking one of them, begins tracing the inside of the girl's hand. He closes his eyes, concentrating on the lines he feels as he tries to make a connection to Junko's future.
These are the only things Yasuhiro can hear.
The scent burns his nose, causing his eyes to tear up. The smell is overwhelming, as if he were standing in a pool of it up to his waist.
Panic rises in the clairvoyant's chest, and his head shoots around, desperate to see something, to find where he is.
He wished he hadnt.
Sayaka was propped up against the bathroom wall, a kitchen knife protruding from her stomach with blood splattered around the room, and on the idol's body.
Junko-no. That had to be Mukuro. Her telltale freckles gave it away, despite her attempt to disguise herself as her twin-impaled by spears and left lifeless on the gymnasium floor.
Leon, Hiro's closest friend, was pelted by baseballs, his body left battered, bruised and bloody tied to a pole.
Chihiro, bludgeoned by a dumbbell and tied by an extension cord.
Mondo, reduced to nothing but butter.
Taka and Hifumi, their heads caved in.
Celeste, burned to cinders.
Sakura, her own life taken by poison.
These images flooded his mind. No matter where he looked, he saw them. His friends, his classmates, the ones he cared about dearly, dead in brutal ways.
Yasuhiro clamped his hands over his mouth, feeling bile rise into his throat. Before anything could come up, he saw one last image, and this one caused his blood to run cold.
Junko, the one he was reading the future of, stood at a podium. She was proudly proclaiming how this was all her doing, how she wanted all the world to feel such despair, and how she loved watching them all kill each other to escape a world that was in ruins.
And suddenly he was back.
"Gah!" Hiro let out a scream as he gasped for air. His hand grasped at his chest as he looked around frantically. The comforting scenery of his room relaxed him slightly, and his heart slowly began beating normally again.
"Hiro? Are you alright?" Junko's voice caused Hiro to jump and look over to her. The girl had her head tilted. "What did you see?"
The clairvoyant stared at her, the images he saw before invading his mind, nearly causing him to panic again. He managed to swallow it back down. "A-ah, yeah. I-Im fine! Y-you uh, dont have to w-worry about a thing! Everything you want g-goes off without a hitch!" He told her shakily.
Junko furrowed her brow, but at his answer her face brightened. "Really?! Shit, nice!" She stood up. "I think that's all I need. Thanks so much, Hiro! You're the best!" She smiled at him and waves. "You take care now, you look like you've seen a ghost!" She giggled before opening Hiro's door and leaving.
And then Hiro was alone.
As soon as he heard the door closed, the fortune teller shot to his feet and began panicking. "W-what the hell did I just see?!" He exclaimed, pulling at his hair. "All my friends...they...they were dead! And...so brutally! And Junko..." His face paled. "...She did that. She caused all of that pain, that...suffering!" He shook his head, gripping it tightly with his hands. "No. No that cant be true. It cant!"
"Tch, now you dont believe in your abilities?"
Hiro whirled around at the voice, and he froze at the image of his best friend, Leon Kuwata.
The red haired boy smirked and waved. "Hey, Hiro! Wassup, bro?"
The clairvoyant just stared at him. "Wh...I...I dont understand. How did you get in my room? Why are you floating? A-and why are you transparent?!"
The baseball star rolled his eyes. "Wow, dude, you really arent the most observant." The ginger moved closer to his friend, getting right into his face, which caused Hiro to take a step back. "I'm dead, Hiro. I'm a ghost."
Yasuhiro's eyes widened. "Wh...what?! No! Hell no, that cant be true! I just saw you this morning!"
Leon held his hands up. "Whoa whoa, calm down, dude!" He tried to soothe the older man. "I'm not that Leon! I mean, I am, but not?" He scratched his head. "Its...complicated." he shrugged before continuing. "Basically I'm from the future. You know those visions you saw? Yeah. If they come true, that's what's gonna happen to me and all our friends." His expression becomes serious. "And you're the only one who can stop it."
Hiro's eyes widened even further, and he took several steps back. "What?! What the hell?! Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed. "If all of this is true, a-and I'm still not convinced this isnt all just a fucked up dream, how the hell am I of all people gonna stop it?! You know me, dude! I'm not brave, or smart, or strong or anything!"
Leon sighed. "Hiro, you're the only one who knows Junko's plan. You're the only one who can see me. You have to do something to stop her, or it wont just be our class that gets fucked over. She's gonna destroy the whole world."
Yasuhiro freezes. "The...the whole world?" He repeated, his voice a low whisper. He felt like he was going to faint. This was all too much. The fate of the world was on his shoulders? What the hell was going on?
Leon watched his best friend and frowned. "Look, I can tell you're overwhelmed. Obviously you need some time to process all of this, so take it. I'll come back later. Just...you gotta think about it."
As the redhead finished his sentence, Hiro watched as he began to disappear. "W-wait, Leon!" The brunette exclaimed, reaching his hand out towards him. "Dont go! I-Im still confused!"
But despite his pleas, Leon vanished before his eyes. Hiro stared at the spot the ghostly vision of his friend had been moments ago.
Suddenly he collapsed to his knees, the exhaustion of having learned all of these things finally catching up to him.
Yasuhiro stares blankly into space, running through everything once more in his mind. He had no idea how to process this.
And then he heard it.
The quiet whispers of many spirits as they begin making contact with him.
Yasuhiro Hagakure is now open for questions!
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