dikansong · 1 year
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Baby blue
⭐⭐Story summary ⭐⭐
The day he walked into your pastry shop marked a new beginning for you, the blossoming of a beautiful friendship. But you should have known, humans are good at hiding their dark sides.
⭐Tags: Dubious Consent, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Possessive Behavior, Power Play, Name-Calling, Smut, Kissing, Rough Sex Overstimulation, Gojo Satoru is His Own Warning, Size Kink, No Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Cheating(?) Friends With Benefits, Mild Blood/injury, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!! Not Beta Read Gojo Satoru is unhinged this fic is dark, No use of y/n Female Reader Non-Curse AU, curses don't exist here Gojo is super rich, you are a programmer, S&M
⭐I wrote this is one evening. Word count: 7.1k
⭐Minors please please please, do not interact
⭐Cross posted on AO3 under the same name @DikanSong
How did you two meet? You liked to think it was pure luck. Your shift had just ended and you were packing your things, ready to return home and take a long hot bath after so many hours of hard work. Maybe treat yourself to a snack and some home movies. After all the next day was your day off, it wasn't like you had much to do anyway. Just as you were about to leave, your colleague and closest friend at work, Hibiki, rushed in with urgency in his voice. He asked if you could cover for him, his sister suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. Being the only family she has, he had to be by her side. You didn't think much to it, instantly agreeing to cover for him. You told yourself that he would do same for you anyway.
The evening was turning out to be a slow one. You worked at a sweets and baked goods store. It wasn't exactly your dream job (you already had that,) but you were making a steady income from it. It was a nice side hustle, you got to meet with people and work on your social skills anyway. And sometimes it was fun. Your heart would always belong to coding and programming.
You positioned yourself at your post, putting on your best charismatic smile. You tried not to think too much about staying out so late, but anything for a friend right? When the doorbell rang throughout the quiet air, you straightened your back
"Good evening." You greeted with cheer. "May I take your order?" Your words died in your throat the moment you saw him.
He was tall. So tall he had to bend to enter the shop. He was dressed in a white shirt and black pants, expensive looking dress shoes in his feet. He walked towards the counter and smiled brightly. His smile was utterly stunning and his white hair gave him an ethereal appearance. You however couldn't see his eyes as they were hidden behind dark sunglasses.
He was so handsome.
Clearing your throat, you pulled yourself from your thoughts. The man leaned over the counter.
"Good evening," He replied your greeting. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around."
Oh, he must be a regular customer then. "No sir, I'm not new." You replied curtly. "May I take your order?"
He proceeded to order quite a large batch of sweets. He paid and tipped very generously. The exchange didn't take long, he left but not without dropping a casual 'see you later'. You reminded yourself to ask Hibiki about him.
You didn't think much about him, since you probably won't see him again. When you asked Hibiki abouut him your colleague replied that he was a regular and that was all. Your life seemingly went back to normal. But three weeks later he showed up again, this time on your shift. The both of you talked while you put his order together. Mindless small talk, weather and news. You had to calm your racing heart a lot. It was awfully easy for you to slip up and mess up when in the presence of a stunning person. Especially one as stunning as him.
From that day on, he would visit almost everyday, buy sweets and talk. You slowly found yourself looking forward to work just for a chance to see him and chat about what ever came up. You never asked for him name and he never asked for yours. It was frankly refreshing. And you liked it. This went on for two weeks. Till one day he asked if you were free after work. Shocked, you had said yes. He gave you his card. Gojo Satoru, that was his name. Call me when you're ready, he had said.
And so you found yourself putting extra time into your make up and outfit. You'd stop and scold yourself. It wasn't even a date, you told yourself. You were just hanging out. That was it. Still you didn't stop going over your hair and making sure it was perfect. He picked you up and drove to a decent restaurant.
Gojo Satoru was bored. As the heir of a very successful multi billion dollar line of companies, his life was set forever. He was bored with everything and constantly seeking out new forms of entertainment. On that fateful evening when he walked into his regular sweets store and met you rather than the kid he was accustomed to, he found the change interesting. As the days went by and your conversations bloomed, he found that he enjoyed them. You were easy going but professional at the same. He honestly had no intention of roping you into his life but…he was bored. And so he asked you out.
So for that evening he treated you like a princess. The both of you talked over the most delicious curry you'd ever tasted. He asked questions about you, surface questions, nothing too serious. When the night was over, you admitted to having a great time.
"Maybe we should do this again?" He suggested, half expecting you to refuse, half expecting you to say yes.
You thought for a while, "that'd be fun."
And fun it was.
It was the blossoming of a beautiful friendship. The two of you became friends after that. And for a while, Gojo's boredom was satiated. You would got to the movies, hang out, sometimes you'd invite him over to your place and you'd play video games or watch a movie or something. It was really nice. You felt really flattered that a man as beautiful as him was friends with you.
Maybe that realization was what kicked it off.
After a year of this, you were invited to a friend's birthday party. What you hadn't expected was for Gojo to be there too. Your friend, Shouko, who was also invited asked how you knew Gojo. Shouko and you had basically no secrets from each other. Having being born in the same hospital on the same day and growing up together you knew each other so well. People often joked that you two were twins.
"He's my friend." You replied while sipping on champagne. The expensive bubbles ticked your tongue and made you feel relaxed.
Shouko's dark brown eyes narrowed. "Just friends?" She asked.
"Yea.." You replied. "You don't actually think I have a chance with him, do you?"
Shouko shook her head, a playful smile tugging on her red lips. "Just saying…just saying. But seriously though, I'd stay away from Gojo Satoru if I were you."
You didn't have time to ponder on her words as the celebrant dragged you off for a photo session. You hardly saw Shouko after that, assuming she'd left. After a few more glasses of champagne you started to feel tipsy and thought it best to get some air outside. You met Gojo outside. He was leaning against the wall, staring at the night sky.
"Hi," You greeted. He turned to you and smiled. You wished you could see his eyes. Those damn sunglasses. "Wanna go home?"
"You're drunk." He remarked casually, a small smile on his lips.
"Nope. Just a lil bit tipsy." You joined him on the wall. "Would you like to watch movies with me?"
"My place or yours?" At that moment it didn't cross your mind that you hadn't actually been to his place.
"Mine" You replied. "Hope you're not drunk?"
He smiled. "One of us has to be sober, don't you think?"
You giggled. He drove you to your place. You invited him in. After a cold shower and light dinner, you both settled down on your couch to watch a Disney classic. You blamed it on the alcohol. He blamed it on bad decisions. You kissed him. He returned your kiss. Soon hands were roaming each others bodies, clothes were flung off and you woke up alone with a burning between your legs and a tray of painkillers on your bedside table.
You went back to work, your mind in a hazy state. You remembered very well what had happened, and you remembered it was you who started everything. You felt kind of bad, for reasons you couldn't place. You didn't expect him to show up as usual, but to your greatest surprise he did. And he didn't bring up the previous night, neither did you. But after that something changed. The way you saw Gojo began to change as well.
Had you caught feelings? Was that even possible?
You couldn't deny it, he was insanely attractive. He could get any woman he wanted to jump in his lap. And he was incredible in bed too. You found yourself wanting more of him.
The next time you both were alone, you couldn't keep to yourself. This time you were free from the influence of alcohol. He was incredibly gentle with you taking his time to give you pleasure. When you wanted to return the favour he declined, telling you that this was about you. You felt wanted. It was a new feeling. When the night was over you asked him what you were. He hesitated.
Gojo was excellent at reading people. And as a result of that he knew exactly how to act around certain types of people. He knew what to say. And when it came to you, you were a wide open book. There were no secrets. He knew the type of woman you were. He knew you needed constant validation and affection. He had truly hoped you'd grow bored and leave. But to his surprise you stuck around. He saw it in your eyes as he rutted his hips into yours. The hazed look, the lovesick gaze. He knew you were in love with him. A stupid foolish thing for you to do.
"I can't do relationships." He said at last. "I can't give you that. Love and romance. If that's what you want, you should better go." He expected, really expected you to accept this and just leave.
Your heart broke, you weren't going to lie. "Oh,"
"But if you want, if it suits you, we can continue doing this." He offered. You were a modest girl, he knew that. You should refuse. You should walk away. But you didn't. Your eyes shone and you nodded. And he hated you for that. Why were you giving him the green light? We're you that fucking dumb? Couldn't you see what was going on?
"Of course…" You whispered shyly.
That was when all hell went loose.
You don't know exactly what changed but something did. It became clear to you your feelings for him. You were in love with him. You didn't know if he knew though, you hadn't told him. Gojo began to take you on expensive dates. When he came over he would bring gifts. Expensive fruit, jewelry, clothes, desserts, random stuff, whatever he saw fit. You would shyly accept those gifts. When he was not on trips you would bake him something, you knew he had a sweet tooth. And when he was away on trips he would call and check up on you regularly. It was like a relationship, except you still knew nothing about him and he wouldn't make you his girlfriend. But you couldn't deny how good it felt being spoiled like this. It only made your feelings for him grow.
You began to notice a change in his behaviors. He was a very busy man, you knew that much. But the times he was available he became possessive. You noticed how his expression would change when he saw you with a guy. You found it a bit too intense for someone who insisted on a "no strings attached attachment". But you ignored it. Of course you would ignore it, because you were so in love with him and wanted him to stay with you.
"You should stop going to work." He said after a very steamy night at his place that left your breathless and sore followed by the sweetest aftercare ever. The both of you laid in his bed, not talking. You were enjoying the silence, because it frankly hurt your throat to talk. Your back was turned to him, he held you close to him tight his thumb rubbed circles into your hip through your pajamas.
"I…I have to p-pay bills." You gasped, feeling very exhausted. You just wanted to sleep, and maybe take some painkillers. Your throat hurt so much.
"I can take care of you, you know that." His voice had a edge and his arm around you tightened.
You heart sank. You didn't like the sound of that at all. You knew he was rich alright, filthy rich and he could take care of you. But to drop your work? That hurt just to think about it. Out of the question.
You turned to face Gojo. He was staring intently at you. His brilliant blue eyes unreadable. You blinked to remind yourself why you turned. It was awfully easy to get lost staring at his jewel-like eyes.
"Why?" You asked, your heart racing. Was this the moment he was going to ask you to be his official girlfriend? You doubted it. But still it didn't hurt to dream. Then you added bitterly, "It's not like we're dating."
His jaw clenched. Often times you would pipe up the topic of dating to him and he would quickly shut it down. It was conflicting how he didn't want to date you but continued to act like you two were dating.
"Because I said so." He replied calmly, the edge in his voice gone.
He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, his bright blue eyes locked onto yours. The gesture was too affectionate for your liking, the eye contact too intense. He just stared at you, as if he was reading your mind. Held spellbound by his eyes, you could do nothing but blink. His lips formed a small soft smile. He raised his hand, his fingertips massaged your earlobe. And for a while his eyes flashed with lust.
You turned away from him, focusing your gaze on a beautiful painting ahead of you. His hand moved to your hair, caressing your scalp softly. You became aware of the feeling of the silk pajamas you wore. Maybe he chose the softest silk so your bruises would suffer less. Gojo was talking, but you weren't listening to him. You wondered how much the painting on the wall cost, if he would get mad should you destroy it.
From then on things got worse for you. Everything. You'd come home one day to find him already at your place. And in a bad mood.
"Where have you been?" He asked straight without a greeting.
"Well hello," You mumbled. You were beyond exhausted. And you weren't expecting to see him. How did he even have the key to your house? You didn't recall ever giving it to him.
"I asked you a question." His voice was clipped, annoyed.
"I went on a date." You replied casually. "Actually it's ready late and I have work tomorrow so…"
"A date?" He was quick on his feet, his body blocking you and stopping you from moving. You backed up and stared at him. His eyes were angry. So beautiful and so angry. You chest hurt. How dare he?! He kept you around as an option but didn't allow you to have other options.
"Yes." You replied quietly. "I went on a date." You'd barely finished before his hand gripped your neck cutting off your air flow. Caught off guard, you yelped and dropped your bags, trying to pry him off you. It was difficult. He didn't even budge.
He said your name, his voice calm. He backed you up into the nearest wall. His hold on your neck didn't let up. "You're mine. Don't you ever forget that. That being said, I don't want you with another man. Okay?"
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to kick him. You wanted to tell him you hated him and that it was over. You wondered what was holding you back.
But you knew the answer.
You loved Gojo. And you wanted to make him happy. You wanted to make him love you back. And you thought that if you stuck around long enough that would happen, he would fall in love with you. So that was why you nodded, slowly and defeated. The smile that graced his face was nothing short of malicious. It was a sharp contrast to his angelic features. His hand left your neck and you took in an exaggerated amount of breath. He patted your head like one would an obedient dog.
"That's my girl…"
Yes. What a good girl you were for him. That night he was rough with you. He ignored your pleas and your cries, bending your body past your limits. He pushed your face into the sheets so your cries were muffled. His nails dug into your skin leaving cuts. You couldn't help but feel that he was punishing you, being rough with you to drive a point home. It hurt. But at the same time he knew the buttons to push. He knew how to make you feel good. When the pain was distracting from the pleasure you tried to focus on, he would switch and become gentler. The switch was maddening and you couldn't tell which was worse - the pain or the pleasure. When he was done, he handled you like glass, cleaning you up and drawing a bath. When he left you to soak in the bath, you cried.
"What is it?" His voice on the other side of the door asked with a sigh.
You glared at the door. "I'm okay!"
"If you're okay then why are you crying?" Gojo asked, annoyance clear in his voice.
So many things rushed to your mind at once. So many words you wanted to say. You bit them down. When you took too long to answer you heard his footsteps recede. You only cried even more.
Gojo treated you worse after that. He did things without your consent. For instance he changed your entire wardrobe, claiming your old clothes were too "drab". He made your boss fire you and when you got another job he just did the same thing. You just knew he had people watching you. In all these you know you should've ran. But you didn't. Because if you left him, how could you make him love you?
He would show up without prior information at your place and his hands would be all over you. Sometimes he'd take you to his place but nothing would change.
At first he would talk to you, ask about your day, but then he got bored of it and just went straight to taking off your clothes. You tried to get him to stay after, to talk or watch movies like our used to. But he wouldn't listen to you. He'd come, fuck you and leave. He gave you more expensive gifts, like some sort of apology for nearly breaking your body Everytime. You began to detest those gifts because for each one you had a scar or mark on your body for it from Gojo's rough handling of your body. He would tell you how much be cared for you, and how much he didn't want anyone to lay their filthy hands on you. How no man deserved you but him. He would tell you how everything he did he did for you.
He never once told you that he loved you.
You would cry yourself to sleep. And still hold on to the hope that he'd love you. How naive and stupid you were. To him you were just a meat sack with fuckable holes. You were just an option, not the option. It hurt and your heart broke everytime. You didn't know how much longer you could take it. How much longer your body could take his manhandling. You missed the old days. When things were much more simpler. When the two of you did mundane things and actually enjoyed each other's company. When the joy of seeing him was true.
Gojo on the other hand knew he was an asshole for treating you the way he was. He knew you didn't deserve it. He couldn't imagine another man treating you the way he was treating you. He wanted to let you go, yet at the same time he couldn't bear the thought of another man touching you. He hated to admit it, but you were fun. You were lonely, easy to manipulate and control. Even though you pretended to be bold he knew your resistance withered everytime he pressed for what he wanted. And damn did he know how to press. He knew something was wrong with him. But he also didn't care. The sick pleasure he got from seeing your face contorted in pain was satisfying. Your pleas and whines he found cute. Something about the way you took everything he gave you, the way you'd stare at him as he rutted his hips into you, the emotion in your eyes, the silent hope…it was an elixir he could never get enough of. You were so eager, so pliant, so demure. He wanted to ruin you.
All because of the sick love you had for him.
Who could love someone like him? He was disgusted. With you or himself he didn't know. He wanted you to fight back. He wanted you to hit him. He wanted you to yell at him. To do something other than cry in the bathroom and into your pillow. He wanted you to call him out, to get up and leave. Call it quits. But he knew very well that he wouldn't let you leave. He's too selfish for that. It's too much fun. You're too much fun. It's sick and it's abnormal, but he doesn't care.
So he continues to play with his toy, breaking it each time to see how much it can take before it falls apart. It's a sick game, but he enjoys it. Seeing you helpless, hearing you beg, being a good girl while he pushes your body into positions he knows you can't handle. Watching fear stirring in your eyes. Fear and that sick love.
Maybe something was wrong with you too. Maybe you were as messed up as he was.
You stared at your laptop absentmindedly. You were trying to work on a freelance project. But you couldn't focus at all. You felt miserable. You felt depressed, drained. Gojo was on a business trip, he didn't specify when he'd be back, he never did. You shut your laptop and walked to your fridge. There was nothing interesting there. With a heavy sigh you ran your hands through your hair. You had the urge to get drunk. Very drunk and wasted. You wanted to forget about Gojo, even for a night. With this energy you showered and got ready. You wore a racy dress that drew attention to your figure. You were proud of your body, Gojo seemed to worship it anyway. It felt like your greatest weapon. Natural makeup and dainty heels. You drove to a fancy but really good club.
The loud music was overpowering. Not really in the mood to dance, you headed over to the bar to get a drink. You thought the bartender looked really familiar. Long dark hair, ear hoops, a devilishly handsome face.
He called you name, as if confused or unsure if it truly was you.
You almost squinted. But then it but you. He was Geto Suguru, and you knew him from your uni days. Your face broke into a bright smile.
"Suguru!" You screamed above the music. "Gods, I've missed you!"
Suguru smiled coyly. "It's certainly been a while, my dear. Although I have to point out you're not one for places like this."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I want to get drunk! Can you do that for me?" You didn't stop to think how you'd have to drive home. You weren't thinking at all.
He raised his brows questionably but didn't ask "Of course." He poured you a drink and you drowned it in three gulps.
You tried to make small talk. It had been a long time since you had last seen each other. And in that time he hadn't changed that much. He was still handsome as ever, and still chose to wear all black. Not that you were complaining, it always looked good on him. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, or maybe it was the club atmosphere but you clenched your thighs the longer Suguru talked. You watched his lips move, utterly mesmerized.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" You suddenly blurted. He looked taken aback then laughed.
"No, I don't. Is anything the matter?"
You sighed. "Just some stress."
He gave you a glass of water. You scowled at him darkly. He flashed a charming smile. "Boy problem?"
You rolled your eyes. But you didn't touch the water. You didn't come her to drink water. "Duh.."
"Little wonder you're here. Do you want to talk or…" He didn't finish his sentence but you got the drift.
At first you wanted to decline. But then you recalled the countless times you'd seen Gojo with women. The countless lipstick stains, he always complained about lipstick stains, made you wear lip tints, but still managed to get some. It's not even like you were dating. If he wasn't exclusive to you what made him think you should be to him?
"You won't feel bad?" You asked Suguru.
"Nope." He replied with a wink. "I'd be happy to help out an old friend."
You knew you were making a bad mistake. You had the nagging fear that Gojo would know. But those fears were put in the back of your mind. For one night, for one fucking night, you didn't want to think about him. No. Not as Suguru's lips were on yours. Not as he locked the door to the toilet stall you found yourself in. Not as his hands explored your body at a relaxed pace. Not while he looked at you like you were the most exquisite woman to walk the earth.
"You're beautiful," He whispered in your ear, his hot breath making you shiver. He undid the zipper of the your dress, careful not to rip it. He kissed your bare skin. There was something about how he explored your body. He seemed relaxed, like he had all the time in the world. He was very vocal, praising and worshipping your body. Gojo hardly spoke to you during sex, unless he was trying to drive a point home and he did so using such derogatory words that you couldn't believe came from his beautiful mouth. You frowned when you found your thoughts drifting to him. You didn't want to think about him at all.
Suguru's skillful fingers finding your slick core drew you from your thoughts. A loud moan left your mouth as he pumped his fingers slowly while rubbing your clit with his thumb. He was being so gentle as though you'd break if he applied force, which you probably would. Backing you up against the wall, one hand in your folds, the other peeling your gown off your body. You felt him pause and opened your eyes. He was staring at the bruises and marks that littered your skin, his expression unreadable.
You bit your lip. "Suguru please," You held onto him tightly. "Please just fuck me." Your face was bright red. But you meant every word you said. He leaned in and kissed your lips softly while resuming the motion of his fingers inside you. It wasn't long before you came hard, twitching and biting your lip so hard it bled.
"I don't think we should do this."
You were still calming down from your high. You stared at Suguru, his gaze moved to your bare body, but there was nothing sexual about it. He was angry. You suddenly wanted to cry. You immediately detached yourself from him and hastily fixed your clothes.
"M-maybe you're right." You said with a half chuckle. What were you thinking? If Gojo learns of this there was no telling what he would do. "I'm sorry…I…"
Suguru pulled you into a hug. "I understand. And as much as I want to know the bastard that did this to you, I can tell you're scared about something."
You returned the hug, your body trembling. "Thank you." He gave you his card.
"Call me if you need help. And I mean it."
You nodded. Without any more words you left. You headed straight outside. Tears stung your eyes. Hurt and scared tears. Gojo will be so mad, that was all you thought about. You couldn't find your car. Utterly confused, you stared at the empty spot you had parked it. Your heart began to sink.
You knew that voice too well. You didn't recognize the car that pulled up in front of you but you recognized the driver.
You could feel his eyes sweep over your appearance even through his dark shades. You felt it on your face, his eyes taking in your teary eyes and revealing clothes. His jaw clenched. From what you could see he was wearing a suit. He'd probably just gotten back. He got out of the car and held open the door for you.
"I've arranged for your car to be sent home. Let's go, you'll catch a cold dressed like that." He said. His voice was calm. Too calm. You obeyed. He got into the car and started driving.
"How was your trip?" You asked, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.
"It was cancelled." He replied simply and said nothing else.
"I'm… I'm sorry. I..I didn't mean to I just needed to get some stress off my chest and I…."
"You're sorry for what?" He cut you off, glancing at you briefly.
You hung your head. A tear breached your lashes. Your shoulders trembled. "I…I was with a man."
There was no sound in the car. It had become deadly quiet. Then a very low 'oh' From Gojo. You knew you'd fucked up.
He drove to his place. He hadn't said a word to you. You mind was whirling with the possibilities of what he could do to you. He ushered you into the white penthouse and locked the door behind him. He took off his jacket and tie. Without glancing at you he walked over to his bar and poured himself a drink.
"Satoru I…"
"Why are you so selfish?" He asked. He hadn't shouted but his tone made you flinch. His eyes were on the drink in his hand, or so you guessed. "what haven't I done for you? Am I not enough for you?"
You bit your lip. "It's not that."
"Humour me." He sat on one of the couches, stretching his long legs in front of him. You felt his gaze move to you. You remained where you stood, trying not to feel small.
"I," You struggled for words. You searched for his eyes through his dark shades but couldn't find them. "I want to be loved. I want to feel wanted for who I am and not just my body.."
"And you thought a fucking one night stand would give you that?" He scoffed. "You're more dumb than I thought." You can't really say his words hurt you, your heart ached enough already.
"You're the one being selfish here!" You suddenly screamed. "You want me all to yourself but you wouldn't even date me! You're free to do as you please, sleep with as many women as you want but I'm not! How am I selfish?!"
"Is that what this about?" He sighed in a bored manner. He took off his sunglasses, bright blue eyes now dark and muddled with something you couldn't name. "I told you at the start of this, didn't I? I told you that I cannot give you romance. Did I not give you a chance to walk away?"
Tears filled your eyes. This was beyond cruel. "That's…"
"But you didn't, you chose to stay. And now you're acting out. You're overreacting dear. Look at what you've done to yourself."
His words cut like a knife. You could feel yourself trembling under his gaze. "Satoru…."
"I have been good to you. But that's not good enough is it? You want some sappy dude to lie to you." He chuckled to himself. "Love? Love is a curse, y/n. It's something people came up with to hide what they actually want. Did I ever hide what I wanted? Did I ever lie to you? Why do you have to be so selfish?"
"Please….Satoru….stop.. "
His eyes flashed. A sadistic smile formed on his face. "You're so fucking ungrateful. You know that right?"
This was not fair. He was turning the tables on you. You hadn't done anything! It was he who was wrong! Why wouldn't he just listen to you?!
"That's not true!" You cried. "Just stop! Stop it! Please…"
He didn't. If anything your tears spurred him on. Ah, you should've known. He loved seeing you suffer.
"I get it now. You thought you could change me. Damn, you're really that dumb?" He scoffed while staring at you like you were a stupid child. His eyes were filled with disgust and anger and hatred it made you feel sick. "I thought you were a smart girl."
You wiped your eyes. Something inside you hardened. "I'm leaving. It's over." You turned to leave, your hands pulled into tight fists.
He rose to his feet in an instant and grabbed your arms, spinning your body to face him. "No. You're not going anywhere. Is that clear? You had you cahbce to leave, you didn't take it."
"I hate you!" You screamed at him. You were sure new bruises would decorate your arm with how hard he was holding, and how his grip tightened each time you struggled. "Let me go!"
He grabbed you by the hair and pulled you to the couch. He flung you carelessly but before you could escape he grabbed the back of your neck and pushed your face into the couch. You felt a sharp pain radiate from your nose to your head.
"Maybe if I fuck you senseless you won't have enough brains to think of looking at another man." You heard him say behind you, his tone full of vitriol.
You tried to scream, to beg for mercy but your face in the couch muffled your voice. You couldn't breathe. His grip on your neck was hard. Your nose was probably bleeding by now with the force he slammed your face into the couch with. Your head was pounding so badly. And the tears didn't stop. He pushed your gown up so it bunched at your hips. In a smooth motion he tore your underwear off, the straps digging into your skin and making you whine with pain.
Gojo chuckled, spreading your lips his middle finger swiping your slit. "You're already wet. I guess I don't need to prep you then."
You began trashing violently, trying to scream, to beg him to prep you first. He responded to your struggle by slapping your ass so hard all breath was knocked out of your lungs.
"Behave." His voice was dark.
You sobbed into the expensive leather couch. Your ass throbbed where he had hit you. It hurt so bad. He raised your head, forcing your body into a painful arch. You tried to get as much air into your lungs, trying to ignore the warm blood that trickled down your nose.
"Satoru please…." you cried, hating how miserable you sounded. "Please I'm sorry! Don't do this .. please…. I'll be… I'll be good I swear!"
You barely heard him undoing his belt by how much noise you made sobbing. He filled you up without any prior warning. He was huge and you were unprepared. Even though you were wet it took a lot of preparation to take his size. A scream ripped through your throat. You tried to form a coherent sentence but all you could form were gabbled words. Still you tried. You screamed for him to take it out, to be gentle. He either didn't understand you or just ignored you. He began thrusting into you at a bruising pace. Each time he hit your cervix it felt uncomfortable. You tried your best to imagine yourself somewhere else. Somewhere happy. But each harsh snap of his hips brought you back to your cruel reality.
"You feel good you know?" He grabbed your hair and raised your head whispering in your ear. "My own personal cock sleeve. So fucking perfect."
"Please!" You cried. "Please stop! It hurts! Please!"
He shushed you. "You deserve it. Take it like the fucking slut you are." He let your head drop, his hand moving to your hips, holding you perfectly in place as he bruised your insides. His other hand moved to your neck and squeezed, cutting off your air flow. Black dots were appearing on your vision. You desperately wished he'd just let you pass out. But he didn't. He lets up when you're about to faint, leaving you gasping and choking.
It hurt.
Your insides burned with the stretch he forced upon you. Your head pounded. Your throat was dry and painful from how much you'd screamed. It hurt. It hurt so much. You weeped into the couch, your skin starting to feel hot. You didn't want to feel good from this but that was near impossible. Gojo knew your body too well. And he was hitting the right spot inside you that made you see stars.
He would rub your pearl at a pace that contradicted that of his hips, so slow and gentle it was difficult to not feel good. At a point you couldn't tell if your cries were cries of pain or pleasure. Even when it became clear to him that you'd climaxed, he didn't stop. He continued to play your body like an instrument, lengthening the pleasure and setting your nerves on fire. When it began to feel really good he would grip your neck painfully hard. His nails would dig harder into your skin, he would hit you. The pain would make you cry even more but still you'd tighten around him.
"I knew something was wrong with you" he said, his body folded above yours, soft lips close to your ear. "You like this, don't you?"
"Stop lying." It was so unfair how level his voice remained even though he was slamming you down on him. "I can feel how hard you're clenching around me. You're one crazy slut, you know that right? You're really sick in the head if you enjoy it this much. You're practically dripping right now."
He'd drive his point home by hitting your ass so hard your body lunged forward. Pitiful cries fell from your lips, fresh tears joining the dried ones on your cheeks.
"I knew it. You're just as fucked up. Tell me, did you think he could fuck you like this? Answer me!" He gripped your chin and turned your head so you met his gaze. You could barely recognize him with how crazed he looked.
"PL…please…" You didn't even know what you were begging for. Tears clouded your eyes.
He drove his hips harder into yours. You cried out, trying to crawl away from him and give your battered body a break. He let up his grip, giving you false hope that he was done with you, only to pull you back to meet his brutal thrusts.
"That's right. No one can make you feel this good." He leaned into your neck and bit the soft skin above your pulse, leaving a very visible mark. You whined with discomfort, your body going limp. "So now, be a good girl and take it."
By the time Gojo was done with you you were in an hyper stimulated state. You'd lost count of how many times he'd made you climax, how long you had to ignore the pain. The room around you barely even existed anymore. Everywhere hurt. Bite marks, bruises, hand prints, cuts where his fingernails dug into your skin littered your body. Your entire body trembled. Your throat felt hoarse with how much you had screamed. And your core felt like it was on fire. You didn't even have tears left anymore. You just wanted it to be over. In your muddled state of mind you wished he'd snapped your neck by mistake when he gripped too hard.
Gojo stared at your naked body, sweat covering your skin in a translucent second skin, his marks littering your body with bruises and he felt a sense of pride. Something about seeing you looking so small and broken made him want to protect you forever. To shield you from the outside world. Even covered in his marks and fluids, you looked demure. You were so beautiful, even though he didn't tell you that.
He ran a shower and gently washed your body. Everywhere hurt but somehow his hands soothed your skin. He prepared a soothing bath, scooped you up and placed you in the bathtub. He joined you, holding you as physically close as possible. He kissed your hair and told you how much he cared for you. And how this was all your fault. And he told you how you'll spend the rest of your days with him, how he'd arranged for your things to be moved in. That way you'd never leave. Ever. And no man would ever get to touch you again.
You barely even heard him, your ears still ringing from the amount of times you'd screamed and nearly had your brain fried with pleasure.
He turned your head and kissed the side of your mouth. His gaze was soft, almost loving. "My perfect doll," He said. "Made for me, all for me."
Turns out you still had a tear left in you. It fell from your eye, he flicked it away.
"Don't worry, you'll be safe with me."
You didn't have even the energy to move your arms. Yet you smiled at him, a tired smile. He kissed your temple.
"I love you." He whispered against your skin. He meant it. After all, you were covered in evidence of his love.
And you believed him.
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dikansong · 1 year
Baby blue
⭐⭐Story summary ⭐⭐
The day he walked into your pastry shop marked a new beginning for you, the blossoming of a beautiful friendship. But you should have known, humans are good at hiding their dark sides.
⭐Tags: Dubious Consent, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Possessive Behavior, Power Play, Name-Calling, Smut, Kissing, Rough Sex Overstimulation, Gojo Satoru is His Own Warning, Size Kink, No Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Cheating(?) Friends With Benefits, Mild Blood/injury, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat!! Not Beta Read Gojo Satoru is unhinged this fic is dark, No use of y/n Female Reader Non-Curse AU, curses don't exist here Gojo is super rich, you are a programmer, S&M
⭐I wrote this is one evening. Word count: 7.1k
⭐Minors please please please, do not interact
⭐Cross posted on AO3 under the same name @DikanSong
How did you two meet? You liked to think it was pure luck. Your shift had just ended and you were packing your things, ready to return home and take a long hot bath after so many hours of hard work. Maybe treat yourself to a snack and some home movies. After all the next day was your day off, it wasn't like you had much to do anyway. Just as you were about to leave, your colleague and closest friend at work, Hibiki, rushed in with urgency in his voice. He asked if you could cover for him, his sister suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. Being the only family she has, he had to be by her side. You didn't think much to it, instantly agreeing to cover for him. You told yourself that he would do same for you anyway.
The evening was turning out to be a slow one. You worked at a sweets and baked goods store. It wasn't exactly your dream job (you already had that,) but you were making a steady income from it. It was a nice side hustle, you got to meet with people and work on your social skills anyway. And sometimes it was fun. Your heart would always belong to coding and programming.
You positioned yourself at your post, putting on your best charismatic smile. You tried not to think too much about staying out so late, but anything for a friend right? When the doorbell rang throughout the quiet air, you straightened your back
"Good evening." You greeted with cheer. "May I take your order?" Your words died in your throat the moment you saw him.
He was tall. So tall he had to bend to enter the shop. He was dressed in a white shirt and black pants, expensive looking dress shoes in his feet. He walked towards the counter and smiled brightly. His smile was utterly stunning and his white hair gave him an ethereal appearance. You however couldn't see his eyes as they were hidden behind dark sunglasses.
He was so handsome.
Clearing your throat, you pulled yourself from your thoughts. The man leaned over the counter.
"Good evening," He replied your greeting. "Are you new here? I haven't seen you around."
Oh, he must be a regular customer then. "No sir, I'm not new." You replied curtly. "May I take your order?"
He proceeded to order quite a large batch of sweets. He paid and tipped very generously. The exchange didn't take long, he left but not without dropping a casual 'see you later'. You reminded yourself to ask Hibiki about him.
You didn't think much about him, since you probably won't see him again. When you asked Hibiki abouut him your colleague replied that he was a regular and that was all. Your life seemingly went back to normal. But three weeks later he showed up again, this time on your shift. The both of you talked while you put his order together. Mindless small talk, weather and news. You had to calm your racing heart a lot. It was awfully easy for you to slip up and mess up when in the presence of a stunning person. Especially one as stunning as him.
From that day on, he would visit almost everyday, buy sweets and talk. You slowly found yourself looking forward to work just for a chance to see him and chat about what ever came up. You never asked for him name and he never asked for yours. It was frankly refreshing. And you liked it. This went on for two weeks. Till one day he asked if you were free after work. Shocked, you had said yes. He gave you his card. Gojo Satoru, that was his name. Call me when you're ready, he had said.
And so you found yourself putting extra time into your make up and outfit. You'd stop and scold yourself. It wasn't even a date, you told yourself. You were just hanging out. That was it. Still you didn't stop going over your hair and making sure it was perfect. He picked you up and drove to a decent restaurant.
Gojo Satoru was bored. As the heir of a very successful multi billion dollar line of companies, his life was set forever. He was bored with everything and constantly seeking out new forms of entertainment. On that fateful evening when he walked into his regular sweets store and met you rather than the kid he was accustomed to, he found the change interesting. As the days went by and your conversations bloomed, he found that he enjoyed them. You were easy going but professional at the same. He honestly had no intention of roping you into his life but…he was bored. And so he asked you out.
So for that evening he treated you like a princess. The both of you talked over the most delicious curry you'd ever tasted. He asked questions about you, surface questions, nothing too serious. When the night was over, you admitted to having a great time.
"Maybe we should do this again?" He suggested, half expecting you to refuse, half expecting you to say yes.
You thought for a while, "that'd be fun."
And fun it was.
It was the blossoming of a beautiful friendship. The two of you became friends after that. And for a while, Gojo's boredom was satiated. You would got to the movies, hang out, sometimes you'd invite him over to your place and you'd play video games or watch a movie or something. It was really nice. You felt really flattered that a man as beautiful as him was friends with you.
Maybe that realization was what kicked it off.
After a year of this, you were invited to a friend's birthday party. What you hadn't expected was for Gojo to be there too. Your friend, Shouko, who was also invited asked how you knew Gojo. Shouko and you had basically no secrets from each other. Having being born in the same hospital on the same day and growing up together you knew each other so well. People often joked that you two were twins.
"He's my friend." You replied while sipping on champagne. The expensive bubbles ticked your tongue and made you feel relaxed.
Shouko's dark brown eyes narrowed. "Just friends?" She asked.
"Yea.." You replied. "You don't actually think I have a chance with him, do you?"
Shouko shook her head, a playful smile tugging on her red lips. "Just saying…just saying. But seriously though, I'd stay away from Gojo Satoru if I were you."
You didn't have time to ponder on her words as the celebrant dragged you off for a photo session. You hardly saw Shouko after that, assuming she'd left. After a few more glasses of champagne you started to feel tipsy and thought it best to get some air outside. You met Gojo outside. He was leaning against the wall, staring at the night sky.
"Hi," You greeted. He turned to you and smiled. You wished you could see his eyes. Those damn sunglasses. "Wanna go home?"
"You're drunk." He remarked casually, a small smile on his lips.
"Nope. Just a lil bit tipsy." You joined him on the wall. "Would you like to watch movies with me?"
"My place or yours?" At that moment it didn't cross your mind that you hadn't actually been to his place.
"Mine" You replied. "Hope you're not drunk?"
He smiled. "One of us has to be sober, don't you think?"
You giggled. He drove you to your place. You invited him in. After a cold shower and light dinner, you both settled down on your couch to watch a Disney classic. You blamed it on the alcohol. He blamed it on bad decisions. You kissed him. He returned your kiss. Soon hands were roaming each others bodies, clothes were flung off and you woke up alone with a burning between your legs and a tray of painkillers on your bedside table.
You went back to work, your mind in a hazy state. You remembered very well what had happened, and you remembered it was you who started everything. You felt kind of bad, for reasons you couldn't place. You didn't expect him to show up as usual, but to your greatest surprise he did. And he didn't bring up the previous night, neither did you. But after that something changed. The way you saw Gojo began to change as well.
Had you caught feelings? Was that even possible?
You couldn't deny it, he was insanely attractive. He could get any woman he wanted to jump in his lap. And he was incredible in bed too. You found yourself wanting more of him.
The next time you both were alone, you couldn't keep to yourself. This time you were free from the influence of alcohol. He was incredibly gentle with you taking his time to give you pleasure. When you wanted to return the favour he declined, telling you that this was about you. You felt wanted. It was a new feeling. When the night was over you asked him what you were. He hesitated.
Gojo was excellent at reading people. And as a result of that he knew exactly how to act around certain types of people. He knew what to say. And when it came to you, you were a wide open book. There were no secrets. He knew the type of woman you were. He knew you needed constant validation and affection. He had truly hoped you'd grow bored and leave. But to his surprise you stuck around. He saw it in your eyes as he rutted his hips into yours. The hazed look, the lovesick gaze. He knew you were in love with him. A stupid foolish thing for you to do.
"I can't do relationships." He said at last. "I can't give you that. Love and romance. If that's what you want, you should better go." He expected, really expected you to accept this and just leave.
Your heart broke, you weren't going to lie. "Oh,"
"But if you want, if it suits you, we can continue doing this." He offered. You were a modest girl, he knew that. You should refuse. You should walk away. But you didn't. Your eyes shone and you nodded. And he hated you for that. Why were you giving him the green light? We're you that fucking dumb? Couldn't you see what was going on?
"Of course…" You whispered shyly.
That was when all hell went loose.
You don't know exactly what changed but something did. It became clear to you your feelings for him. You were in love with him. You didn't know if he knew though, you hadn't told him. Gojo began to take you on expensive dates. When he came over he would bring gifts. Expensive fruit, jewelry, clothes, desserts, random stuff, whatever he saw fit. You would shyly accept those gifts. When he was not on trips you would bake him something, you knew he had a sweet tooth. And when he was away on trips he would call and check up on you regularly. It was like a relationship, except you still knew nothing about him and he wouldn't make you his girlfriend. But you couldn't deny how good it felt being spoiled like this. It only made your feelings for him grow.
You began to notice a change in his behaviors. He was a very busy man, you knew that much. But the times he was available he became possessive. You noticed how his expression would change when he saw you with a guy. You found it a bit too intense for someone who insisted on a "no strings attached attachment". But you ignored it. Of course you would ignore it, because you were so in love with him and wanted him to stay with you.
"You should stop going to work." He said after a very steamy night at his place that left your breathless and sore followed by the sweetest aftercare ever. The both of you laid in his bed, not talking. You were enjoying the silence, because it frankly hurt your throat to talk. Your back was turned to him, he held you close to him tight his thumb rubbed circles into your hip through your pajamas.
"I…I have to p-pay bills." You gasped, feeling very exhausted. You just wanted to sleep, and maybe take some painkillers. Your throat hurt so much.
"I can take care of you, you know that." His voice had a edge and his arm around you tightened.
You heart sank. You didn't like the sound of that at all. You knew he was rich alright, filthy rich and he could take care of you. But to drop your work? That hurt just to think about it. Out of the question.
You turned to face Gojo. He was staring intently at you. His brilliant blue eyes unreadable. You blinked to remind yourself why you turned. It was awfully easy to get lost staring at his jewel-like eyes.
"Why?" You asked, your heart racing. Was this the moment he was going to ask you to be his official girlfriend? You doubted it. But still it didn't hurt to dream. Then you added bitterly, "It's not like we're dating."
His jaw clenched. Often times you would pipe up the topic of dating to him and he would quickly shut it down. It was conflicting how he didn't want to date you but continued to act like you two were dating.
"Because I said so." He replied calmly, the edge in his voice gone.
He brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, his bright blue eyes locked onto yours. The gesture was too affectionate for your liking, the eye contact too intense. He just stared at you, as if he was reading your mind. Held spellbound by his eyes, you could do nothing but blink. His lips formed a small soft smile. He raised his hand, his fingertips massaged your earlobe. And for a while his eyes flashed with lust.
You turned away from him, focusing your gaze on a beautiful painting ahead of you. His hand moved to your hair, caressing your scalp softly. You became aware of the feeling of the silk pajamas you wore. Maybe he chose the softest silk so your bruises would suffer less. Gojo was talking, but you weren't listening to him. You wondered how much the painting on the wall cost, if he would get mad should you destroy it.
From then on things got worse for you. Everything. You'd come home one day to find him already at your place. And in a bad mood.
"Where have you been?" He asked straight without a greeting.
"Well hello," You mumbled. You were beyond exhausted. And you weren't expecting to see him. How did he even have the key to your house? You didn't recall ever giving it to him.
"I asked you a question." His voice was clipped, annoyed.
"I went on a date." You replied casually. "Actually it's ready late and I have work tomorrow so…"
"A date?" He was quick on his feet, his body blocking you and stopping you from moving. You backed up and stared at him. His eyes were angry. So beautiful and so angry. You chest hurt. How dare he?! He kept you around as an option but didn't allow you to have other options.
"Yes." You replied quietly. "I went on a date." You'd barely finished before his hand gripped your neck cutting off your air flow. Caught off guard, you yelped and dropped your bags, trying to pry him off you. It was difficult. He didn't even budge.
He said your name, his voice calm. He backed you up into the nearest wall. His hold on your neck didn't let up. "You're mine. Don't you ever forget that. That being said, I don't want you with another man. Okay?"
You wanted to scream at him. You wanted to kick him. You wanted to tell him you hated him and that it was over. You wondered what was holding you back.
But you knew the answer.
You loved Gojo. And you wanted to make him happy. You wanted to make him love you back. And you thought that if you stuck around long enough that would happen, he would fall in love with you. So that was why you nodded, slowly and defeated. The smile that graced his face was nothing short of malicious. It was a sharp contrast to his angelic features. His hand left your neck and you took in an exaggerated amount of breath. He patted your head like one would an obedient dog.
"That's my girl…"
Yes. What a good girl you were for him. That night he was rough with you. He ignored your pleas and your cries, bending your body past your limits. He pushed your face into the sheets so your cries were muffled. His nails dug into your skin leaving cuts. You couldn't help but feel that he was punishing you, being rough with you to drive a point home. It hurt. But at the same time he knew the buttons to push. He knew how to make you feel good. When the pain was distracting from the pleasure you tried to focus on, he would switch and become gentler. The switch was maddening and you couldn't tell which was worse - the pain or the pleasure. When he was done, he handled you like glass, cleaning you up and drawing a bath. When he left you to soak in the bath, you cried.
"What is it?" His voice on the other side of the door asked with a sigh.
You glared at the door. "I'm okay!"
"If you're okay then why are you crying?" Gojo asked, annoyance clear in his voice.
So many things rushed to your mind at once. So many words you wanted to say. You bit them down. When you took too long to answer you heard his footsteps recede. You only cried even more.
Gojo treated you worse after that. He did things without your consent. For instance he changed your entire wardrobe, claiming your old clothes were too "drab". He made your boss fire you and when you got another job he just did the same thing. You just knew he had people watching you. In all these you know you should've ran. But you didn't. Because if you left him, how could you make him love you?
He would show up without prior information at your place and his hands would be all over you. Sometimes he'd take you to his place but nothing would change.
At first he would talk to you, ask about your day, but then he got bored of it and just went straight to taking off your clothes. You tried to get him to stay after, to talk or watch movies like our used to. But he wouldn't listen to you. He'd come, fuck you and leave. He gave you more expensive gifts, like some sort of apology for nearly breaking your body Everytime. You began to detest those gifts because for each one you had a scar or mark on your body for it from Gojo's rough handling of your body. He would tell you how much be cared for you, and how much he didn't want anyone to lay their filthy hands on you. How no man deserved you but him. He would tell you how everything he did he did for you.
He never once told you that he loved you.
You would cry yourself to sleep. And still hold on to the hope that he'd love you. How naive and stupid you were. To him you were just a meat sack with fuckable holes. You were just an option, not the option. It hurt and your heart broke everytime. You didn't know how much longer you could take it. How much longer your body could take his manhandling. You missed the old days. When things were much more simpler. When the two of you did mundane things and actually enjoyed each other's company. When the joy of seeing him was true.
Gojo on the other hand knew he was an asshole for treating you the way he was. He knew you didn't deserve it. He couldn't imagine another man treating you the way he was treating you. He wanted to let you go, yet at the same time he couldn't bear the thought of another man touching you. He hated to admit it, but you were fun. You were lonely, easy to manipulate and control. Even though you pretended to be bold he knew your resistance withered everytime he pressed for what he wanted. And damn did he know how to press. He knew something was wrong with him. But he also didn't care. The sick pleasure he got from seeing your face contorted in pain was satisfying. Your pleas and whines he found cute. Something about the way you took everything he gave you, the way you'd stare at him as he rutted his hips into you, the emotion in your eyes, the silent hope…it was an elixir he could never get enough of. You were so eager, so pliant, so demure. He wanted to ruin you.
All because of the sick love you had for him.
Who could love someone like him? He was disgusted. With you or himself he didn't know. He wanted you to fight back. He wanted you to hit him. He wanted you to yell at him. To do something other than cry in the bathroom and into your pillow. He wanted you to call him out, to get up and leave. Call it quits. But he knew very well that he wouldn't let you leave. He's too selfish for that. It's too much fun. You're too much fun. It's sick and it's abnormal, but he doesn't care.
So he continues to play with his toy, breaking it each time to see how much it can take before it falls apart. It's a sick game, but he enjoys it. Seeing you helpless, hearing you beg, being a good girl while he pushes your body into positions he knows you can't handle. Watching fear stirring in your eyes. Fear and that sick love.
Maybe something was wrong with you too. Maybe you were as messed up as he was.
You stared at your laptop absentmindedly. You were trying to work on a freelance project. But you couldn't focus at all. You felt miserable. You felt depressed, drained. Gojo was on a business trip, he didn't specify when he'd be back, he never did. You shut your laptop and walked to your fridge. There was nothing interesting there. With a heavy sigh you ran your hands through your hair. You had the urge to get drunk. Very drunk and wasted. You wanted to forget about Gojo, even for a night. With this energy you showered and got ready. You wore a racy dress that drew attention to your figure. You were proud of your body, Gojo seemed to worship it anyway. It felt like your greatest weapon. Natural makeup and dainty heels. You drove to a fancy but really good club.
The loud music was overpowering. Not really in the mood to dance, you headed over to the bar to get a drink. You thought the bartender looked really familiar. Long dark hair, ear hoops, a devilishly handsome face.
He called you name, as if confused or unsure if it truly was you.
You almost squinted. But then it but you. He was Geto Suguru, and you knew him from your uni days. Your face broke into a bright smile.
"Suguru!" You screamed above the music. "Gods, I've missed you!"
Suguru smiled coyly. "It's certainly been a while, my dear. Although I have to point out you're not one for places like this."
You rolled your eyes playfully. "I want to get drunk! Can you do that for me?" You didn't stop to think how you'd have to drive home. You weren't thinking at all.
He raised his brows questionably but didn't ask "Of course." He poured you a drink and you drowned it in three gulps.
You tried to make small talk. It had been a long time since you had last seen each other. And in that time he hadn't changed that much. He was still handsome as ever, and still chose to wear all black. Not that you were complaining, it always looked good on him. Maybe it was the alcohol in your system, or maybe it was the club atmosphere but you clenched your thighs the longer Suguru talked. You watched his lips move, utterly mesmerized.
"Do you have a girlfriend?" You suddenly blurted. He looked taken aback then laughed.
"No, I don't. Is anything the matter?"
You sighed. "Just some stress."
He gave you a glass of water. You scowled at him darkly. He flashed a charming smile. "Boy problem?"
You rolled your eyes. But you didn't touch the water. You didn't come her to drink water. "Duh.."
"Little wonder you're here. Do you want to talk or…" He didn't finish his sentence but you got the drift.
At first you wanted to decline. But then you recalled the countless times you'd seen Gojo with women. The countless lipstick stains, he always complained about lipstick stains, made you wear lip tints, but still managed to get some. It's not even like you were dating. If he wasn't exclusive to you what made him think you should be to him?
"You won't feel bad?" You asked Suguru.
"Nope." He replied with a wink. "I'd be happy to help out an old friend."
You knew you were making a bad mistake. You had the nagging fear that Gojo would know. But those fears were put in the back of your mind. For one night, for one fucking night, you didn't want to think about him. No. Not as Suguru's lips were on yours. Not as he locked the door to the toilet stall you found yourself in. Not as his hands explored your body at a relaxed pace. Not while he looked at you like you were the most exquisite woman to walk the earth.
"You're beautiful," He whispered in your ear, his hot breath making you shiver. He undid the zipper of the your dress, careful not to rip it. He kissed your bare skin. There was something about how he explored your body. He seemed relaxed, like he had all the time in the world. He was very vocal, praising and worshipping your body. Gojo hardly spoke to you during sex, unless he was trying to drive a point home and he did so using such derogatory words that you couldn't believe came from his beautiful mouth. You frowned when you found your thoughts drifting to him. You didn't want to think about him at all.
Suguru's skillful fingers finding your slick core drew you from your thoughts. A loud moan left your mouth as he pumped his fingers slowly while rubbing your clit with his thumb. He was being so gentle as though you'd break if he applied force, which you probably would. Backing you up against the wall, one hand in your folds, the other peeling your gown off your body. You felt him pause and opened your eyes. He was staring at the bruises and marks that littered your skin, his expression unreadable.
You bit your lip. "Suguru please," You held onto him tightly. "Please just fuck me." Your face was bright red. But you meant every word you said. He leaned in and kissed your lips softly while resuming the motion of his fingers inside you. It wasn't long before you came hard, twitching and biting your lip so hard it bled.
"I don't think we should do this."
You were still calming down from your high. You stared at Suguru, his gaze moved to your bare body, but there was nothing sexual about it. He was angry. You suddenly wanted to cry. You immediately detached yourself from him and hastily fixed your clothes.
"M-maybe you're right." You said with a half chuckle. What were you thinking? If Gojo learns of this there was no telling what he would do. "I'm sorry…I…"
Suguru pulled you into a hug. "I understand. And as much as I want to know the bastard that did this to you, I can tell you're scared about something."
You returned the hug, your body trembling. "Thank you." He gave you his card.
"Call me if you need help. And I mean it."
You nodded. Without any more words you left. You headed straight outside. Tears stung your eyes. Hurt and scared tears. Gojo will be so mad, that was all you thought about. You couldn't find your car. Utterly confused, you stared at the empty spot you had parked it. Your heart began to sink.
You knew that voice too well. You didn't recognize the car that pulled up in front of you but you recognized the driver.
You could feel his eyes sweep over your appearance even through his dark shades. You felt it on your face, his eyes taking in your teary eyes and revealing clothes. His jaw clenched. From what you could see he was wearing a suit. He'd probably just gotten back. He got out of the car and held open the door for you.
"I've arranged for your car to be sent home. Let's go, you'll catch a cold dressed like that." He said. His voice was calm. Too calm. You obeyed. He got into the car and started driving.
"How was your trip?" You asked, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere.
"It was cancelled." He replied simply and said nothing else.
"I'm… I'm sorry. I..I didn't mean to I just needed to get some stress off my chest and I…."
"You're sorry for what?" He cut you off, glancing at you briefly.
You hung your head. A tear breached your lashes. Your shoulders trembled. "I…I was with a man."
There was no sound in the car. It had become deadly quiet. Then a very low 'oh' From Gojo. You knew you'd fucked up.
He drove to his place. He hadn't said a word to you. You mind was whirling with the possibilities of what he could do to you. He ushered you into the white penthouse and locked the door behind him. He took off his jacket and tie. Without glancing at you he walked over to his bar and poured himself a drink.
"Satoru I…"
"Why are you so selfish?" He asked. He hadn't shouted but his tone made you flinch. His eyes were on the drink in his hand, or so you guessed. "what haven't I done for you? Am I not enough for you?"
You bit your lip. "It's not that."
"Humour me." He sat on one of the couches, stretching his long legs in front of him. You felt his gaze move to you. You remained where you stood, trying not to feel small.
"I," You struggled for words. You searched for his eyes through his dark shades but couldn't find them. "I want to be loved. I want to feel wanted for who I am and not just my body.."
"And you thought a fucking one night stand would give you that?" He scoffed. "You're more dumb than I thought." You can't really say his words hurt you, your heart ached enough already.
"You're the one being selfish here!" You suddenly screamed. "You want me all to yourself but you wouldn't even date me! You're free to do as you please, sleep with as many women as you want but I'm not! How am I selfish?!"
"Is that what this about?" He sighed in a bored manner. He took off his sunglasses, bright blue eyes now dark and muddled with something you couldn't name. "I told you at the start of this, didn't I? I told you that I cannot give you romance. Did I not give you a chance to walk away?"
Tears filled your eyes. This was beyond cruel. "That's…"
"But you didn't, you chose to stay. And now you're acting out. You're overreacting dear. Look at what you've done to yourself."
His words cut like a knife. You could feel yourself trembling under his gaze. "Satoru…."
"I have been good to you. But that's not good enough is it? You want some sappy dude to lie to you." He chuckled to himself. "Love? Love is a curse, y/n. It's something people came up with to hide what they actually want. Did I ever hide what I wanted? Did I ever lie to you? Why do you have to be so selfish?"
"Please….Satoru….stop.. "
His eyes flashed. A sadistic smile formed on his face. "You're so fucking ungrateful. You know that right?"
This was not fair. He was turning the tables on you. You hadn't done anything! It was he who was wrong! Why wouldn't he just listen to you?!
"That's not true!" You cried. "Just stop! Stop it! Please…"
He didn't. If anything your tears spurred him on. Ah, you should've known. He loved seeing you suffer.
"I get it now. You thought you could change me. Damn, you're really that dumb?" He scoffed while staring at you like you were a stupid child. His eyes were filled with disgust and anger and hatred it made you feel sick. "I thought you were a smart girl."
You wiped your eyes. Something inside you hardened. "I'm leaving. It's over." You turned to leave, your hands pulled into tight fists.
He rose to his feet in an instant and grabbed your arms, spinning your body to face him. "No. You're not going anywhere. Is that clear? You had you cahbce to leave, you didn't take it."
"I hate you!" You screamed at him. You were sure new bruises would decorate your arm with how hard he was holding, and how his grip tightened each time you struggled. "Let me go!"
He grabbed you by the hair and pulled you to the couch. He flung you carelessly but before you could escape he grabbed the back of your neck and pushed your face into the couch. You felt a sharp pain radiate from your nose to your head.
"Maybe if I fuck you senseless you won't have enough brains to think of looking at another man." You heard him say behind you, his tone full of vitriol.
You tried to scream, to beg for mercy but your face in the couch muffled your voice. You couldn't breathe. His grip on your neck was hard. Your nose was probably bleeding by now with the force he slammed your face into the couch with. Your head was pounding so badly. And the tears didn't stop. He pushed your gown up so it bunched at your hips. In a smooth motion he tore your underwear off, the straps digging into your skin and making you whine with pain.
Gojo chuckled, spreading your lips his middle finger swiping your slit. "You're already wet. I guess I don't need to prep you then."
You began trashing violently, trying to scream, to beg him to prep you first. He responded to your struggle by slapping your ass so hard all breath was knocked out of your lungs.
"Behave." His voice was dark.
You sobbed into the expensive leather couch. Your ass throbbed where he had hit you. It hurt so bad. He raised your head, forcing your body into a painful arch. You tried to get as much air into your lungs, trying to ignore the warm blood that trickled down your nose.
"Satoru please…." you cried, hating how miserable you sounded. "Please I'm sorry! Don't do this .. please…. I'll be… I'll be good I swear!"
You barely heard him undoing his belt by how much noise you made sobbing. He filled you up without any prior warning. He was huge and you were unprepared. Even though you were wet it took a lot of preparation to take his size. A scream ripped through your throat. You tried to form a coherent sentence but all you could form were gabbled words. Still you tried. You screamed for him to take it out, to be gentle. He either didn't understand you or just ignored you. He began thrusting into you at a bruising pace. Each time he hit your cervix it felt uncomfortable. You tried your best to imagine yourself somewhere else. Somewhere happy. But each harsh snap of his hips brought you back to your cruel reality.
"You feel good you know?" He grabbed your hair and raised your head whispering in your ear. "My own personal cock sleeve. So fucking perfect."
"Please!" You cried. "Please stop! It hurts! Please!"
He shushed you. "You deserve it. Take it like the fucking slut you are." He let your head drop, his hand moving to your hips, holding you perfectly in place as he bruised your insides. His other hand moved to your neck and squeezed, cutting off your air flow. Black dots were appearing on your vision. You desperately wished he'd just let you pass out. But he didn't. He lets up when you're about to faint, leaving you gasping and choking.
It hurt.
Your insides burned with the stretch he forced upon you. Your head pounded. Your throat was dry and painful from how much you'd screamed. It hurt. It hurt so much. You weeped into the couch, your skin starting to feel hot. You didn't want to feel good from this but that was near impossible. Gojo knew your body too well. And he was hitting the right spot inside you that made you see stars.
He would rub your pearl at a pace that contradicted that of his hips, so slow and gentle it was difficult to not feel good. At a point you couldn't tell if your cries were cries of pain or pleasure. Even when it became clear to him that you'd climaxed, he didn't stop. He continued to play your body like an instrument, lengthening the pleasure and setting your nerves on fire. When it began to feel really good he would grip your neck painfully hard. His nails would dig harder into your skin, he would hit you. The pain would make you cry even more but still you'd tighten around him.
"I knew something was wrong with you" he said, his body folded above yours, soft lips close to your ear. "You like this, don't you?"
"Stop lying." It was so unfair how level his voice remained even though he was slamming you down on him. "I can feel how hard you're clenching around me. You're one crazy slut, you know that right? You're really sick in the head if you enjoy it this much. You're practically dripping right now."
He'd drive his point home by hitting your ass so hard your body lunged forward. Pitiful cries fell from your lips, fresh tears joining the dried ones on your cheeks.
"I knew it. You're just as fucked up. Tell me, did you think he could fuck you like this? Answer me!" He gripped your chin and turned your head so you met his gaze. You could barely recognize him with how crazed he looked.
"PL…please…" You didn't even know what you were begging for. Tears clouded your eyes.
He drove his hips harder into yours. You cried out, trying to crawl away from him and give your battered body a break. He let up his grip, giving you false hope that he was done with you, only to pull you back to meet his brutal thrusts.
"That's right. No one can make you feel this good." He leaned into your neck and bit the soft skin above your pulse, leaving a very visible mark. You whined with discomfort, your body going limp. "So now, be a good girl and take it."
By the time Gojo was done with you you were in an hyper stimulated state. You'd lost count of how many times he'd made you climax, how long you had to ignore the pain. The room around you barely even existed anymore. Everywhere hurt. Bite marks, bruises, hand prints, cuts where his fingernails dug into your skin littered your body. Your entire body trembled. Your throat felt hoarse with how much you had screamed. And your core felt like it was on fire. You didn't even have tears left anymore. You just wanted it to be over. In your muddled state of mind you wished he'd snapped your neck by mistake when he gripped too hard.
Gojo stared at your naked body, sweat covering your skin in a translucent second skin, his marks littering your body with bruises and he felt a sense of pride. Something about seeing you looking so small and broken made him want to protect you forever. To shield you from the outside world. Even covered in his marks and fluids, you looked demure. You were so beautiful, even though he didn't tell you that.
He ran a shower and gently washed your body. Everywhere hurt but somehow his hands soothed your skin. He prepared a soothing bath, scooped you up and placed you in the bathtub. He joined you, holding you as physically close as possible. He kissed your hair and told you how much he cared for you. And how this was all your fault. And he told you how you'll spend the rest of your days with him, how he'd arranged for your things to be moved in. That way you'd never leave. Ever. And no man would ever get to touch you again.
You barely even heard him, your ears still ringing from the amount of times you'd screamed and nearly had your brain fried with pleasure.
He turned your head and kissed the side of your mouth. His gaze was soft, almost loving. "My perfect doll," He said. "Made for me, all for me."
Turns out you still had a tear left in you. It fell from your eye, he flicked it away.
"Don't worry, you'll be safe with me."
You didn't have even the energy to move your arms. Yet you smiled at him, a tired smile. He kissed your temple.
"I love you." He whispered against your skin. He meant it. After all, you were covered in evidence of his love.
And you believed him.
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