echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
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Theo finally grew in his horns!! I’m so happy for him!
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Bonus art of him thinking he’s all grown up even though he’s not even a year old yet ahahsgsgab-
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
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The leaks need to stop! It’s sad to go on YouTube, Twitter, Trumblr and etc just to browsers for a few minutes but you caution because you want to avoid leak picture or video that you see on accident. I know a lot of people not just in TGAMM fandom that can relate to this.
For the leakers:
The leaks hurt the fandoms and honestly I’m going to say this in the most respectful way possible but if your reading this and you have leaked something of your favorite show, moive, and etc, your not really a true fan.
A true fan will wait till the episode is out or movie, that way one we don’t sailor the surprises and two it’s respecting the creators and people involved in the show, movie or etc.
Some of you think leaking a good thing serve to the fandom if you will but it not! Again it hurt those who want to watch the show then get spoiled by a leak image or scene.
I’m not trying to shame or blame anyone I’m just trying to stand for what’s right and for the people who worked on the show like Matt, Bob, Bill and etc. They will appreciate the leaks to stop.
Heh if you do feel bad for leaking don’t worry I forgive you and your not a bad preson. I don’t understand why you leaked those images or videos but I just understand that I know it seem like im putting blame but again I just want to just hold you accountable and informing yiu how this hurt the fandom, how it hurts me.
I don’t know what’s going on in your hurt or pain your going though but it’s going to be okay though Gods love and grace. I hope you understand this situation and have a great day.
For those who haven’t leaked:
Now for those who haven’t leaked anything and agree with what I’m saying good for you honestly but we need to spread the word. Share this to not just here but to all platforms you have! Spread the word that leaks need to stop so we can all just enjoy a show week by week, movie by movie, and etc by etc like the good old days.
It’s time to take action!
Thanks and have a great day.
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
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Before and after images of Theo’s eyes being straightened out! So glad I bought that fabric glue lol
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
I’ve got this headcanon that my OC children see Kiwi (from Wandersong) as their uncle!
Theo has been doing some nightly training, and he always relies on Kiwi to make sure he does his training right (all he has to do is stare at the moon for 10 minutes), and also to make sure he gets to bed every night.
Then Fizzy Pop relies on Kiwi to help him be more social! Fizzy is really shy, so Kiwi has been trying to help with his confidence!
Kiwi will also play with baby Manaphy from time to time; he’s really good with children!
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
(Posting this here too ^^)
Theo: “I wonder how many people would believe that I’m not even a year old yet-“
Darwin: “Wait what?? How old ARE you then?”
Theo: “I dunno, like… 8 months now?”
Fizzy Pop: “Ye, he’s pretty mature for his age.”
Maxwell: “Ya don’t say?”
Manaphy: “Mana?” *tilts head*
Draco: *pats Manaphy’s head gently*
Toxolotl: *is just sleeping in the corner*
Darwin: “… Okay, at this point, anything may as well make sense in this crazy world-“
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
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I drew a picture of all my kids hanging out together! I wonder what they’re talking about? OwO
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
Had to update the ask blog again ahshdgabaj-
Feel free to ask my OC children anything!
(Updated intro 2.0)
Hello, Foxtrot here to introduce y’all to my OC children for asks! Here they are!
Theo: “Ohhh hi! I’m Theo! It’s nice to meet y’all!”
Fizzy Pop: *hiding behind Theo* “… Uhm.. hi… I’m Fizzy Pop.. my siblings call me Fizzy.. (but you can call me that too if you want)”
Darwin: “I don’t think you need to hide, Fizzy, I think they’re friendly! Hi, I’m Darwin!”
Maxwell: *jumping up and down* “I’m so excited to meet you guys!! I’m Max!”
Manaphy: “Mana mana! Phyyy!!”
Theo: “Oh yeah, that’s Manaphy! He can’t talk quite yet!”
Draco: *happy roaring*
Toxolotl: *happy trilling*
Darwin: “And Draco and Tox can’t talk at all.”
Theo: “So yeah, that’s all of us! Just send us questions, anything at all, and we’ll answer them as soon as we can!”
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echoedfoxtrot · 8 months
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Made another new plushie! This is Toxolotl from the game Temtem! He’s my new son ^^ (except now I gotta update the kids’ ask blog again ashdjioufxvv-)
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
Repost boost! Asks are open for my OC children on their ask blog!
Hi! Foxtrot here! Just wanna introduce y’all to my OC children! Here they are!
Theo: “Ohhh! Hello! I’m Theo!”
Fizzy Pop: *hiding behind Theo* “Uhh… are they friendly..?”
Darwin: “I think so! Hi, I’m Darwin, and the one hiding behind Theo is Fizzy Pop!”
Maxwell: “Oooo I’m so excited to meet y’all!! I’m Max!”
Manaphy: “Mana mana!! Phyyy!”
Theo: “That’s Manaphy! He can’t talk yet by the way.”
Draco: *happy roars*
Darwin: “And Draco can’t talk at all.”
Theo: “So yeah, based on what Mama has explained to us, just send us asks, anything at all, and we’ll answer them as soon as we can!”
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
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I just finished making a plushie of Fizzy Pop!! This one actually took last night and most of today to finish-
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Plus some other plushies I made in sewing class!
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
If it brings you joy it's not a waste of time.
If it brings you joy it's not a waste of time.
If it brings you joy it's not a waste of time.
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
This genuinely made me so happy like, I have to reblog this, there’s SO MANY PLUSHIES AGAHSHSGCA-
(This honestly makes me super excited to make more plushies for myself-)
Hi! So I’ve got a curious question: How many plushies have you made in total? And if possible, I’d love to see them all! (It’s just really inspiring to me honestly-)
I have made probably like over 40 or 50!
Some ive given away as gifts and some are just sort of in a pile!
Some of the plushes like Sans, Kiwi and Spiderman and a few others are store bought but the rest are all hand sewn.
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The most complex plush ive made is Candybug from Wreck it Ralph for my husband
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The simplest plush ive made is Ghost from Hollow Knight
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This is my usual couch crew that i hang out with (they're all mostly my F/Os)
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Bonus Fantoccio in an apron.
He helps me cook sometimes.
I'm a very lonely person and make my own family uwu;;;;
My whole house is strewn with plushies!
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
What’s the story behind your OCs? What world do they live in and what relationship do they have to each other?
All 6 of them are adoptive siblings, all adopted by me! So as for the world they live in, it would be just this world, Earth! Thanks for the ask!
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
My kids are so funny lol
Maxwell: “You ever just stop and think of the fact that none of us have opposable thumbs?”
Darwin: “what”
Theo: “… Huh. True.”
Fizzy Pop: “Why is that so funny-“
Draco and Manaphy: *just looks at each other in confusion*
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
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I decided to draw a picture that included every one of my OC children! From left to right, we have Maxwell (OC), Theo (OC), Manaphy (from Pokémon), Fizzy Pop (OC), Darwin (OC), and Draco (from Little Dragons Cafe)! I love them all so much!
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echoedfoxtrot · 9 months
Asks are open for my OC children!! So if you want to, ask them anything!
Hi! Foxtrot here! Just wanna introduce y’all to my OC children! Here they are!
Theo: “Ohhh! Hello! I’m Theo!”
Fizzy Pop: *hiding behind Theo* “Uhh… are they friendly..?”
Darwin: “I think so! Hi, I’m Darwin, and the one hiding behind Theo is Fizzy Pop!”
Maxwell: “Oooo I’m so excited to meet y’all!! I’m Max!”
Manaphy: “Mana mana!! Phyyy!”
Theo: “That’s Manaphy! He can’t talk yet by the way.”
Draco: *happy roars*
Darwin: “And Draco can’t talk at all.”
Theo: “So yeah, based on what Mama has explained to us, just send us asks, anything at all, and we’ll answer them as soon as we can!”
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