fairfoxie · 2 months
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This is such a bizarre way of saying she went and bought new foxes from a fur farm.
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fairfoxie · 2 months
I think a cool thing therians should start promoting is donating to conservation centers related to their theriotype. I think it would be a really good way to feel a connection to your theirotype, knowing that you contributed to the safety and nurturing of your species.
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fairfoxie · 2 months
It's all "be gay do crimes" "cringe culture is dead uwu" until y'all lay your eyes upon someone genuinely weird/transgressive like nonhuman-identifying people, or kinky people, or even neurodivergent people who can't mask to your satisfaction and suddenly y'all are chomping at the bit to become attack dogs for an oppressive social order/"normalcy"
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fairfoxie · 2 months
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Anyone else get annoyed at faery etiquette guides like this that only cover what you don't do? I feel like it contributes to the fearmongering that elemental spirits are all jumping at the chance to scorn and enslave you and it's simply not true. What's the point of making a guide to interacting with the Fae if all you're gonna say is don't do this or this or this like okay but what do you do???
I've always had better luck with taking my cue from nature. The wind will show you where to go. The birds will guide your senses if you listen. If you see an interesting stump or tree compliment it. Most common tree spirits are close to humans and actually like to be thanked and appreciated. Listening is often more important than looking. A genuine smile goes a long way. If you get a trick played on you, laugh it off, it's all in good fun. Faeries appreciate a good sense of humour, childlike wonder, and carefree singing. Let them approach you rather than approaching them. If you close your eyes and rest for a moment, you will hear the whole forest breathe, and feel more connected to Spirit than ever. And as for what you shouldn't do, don't bring your phone! It interrupts your aura and makes you appear more threatening.
THESE are the things I had to learn on my own that have actually been helpful on my journey. I hope they help you too.
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fairfoxie · 2 months
FAQs & Newbie Orientation (Updated February 21!)
“What do you mean when you say ‘New Age’?” I am specifically referring to forms of spirituality that revolve around the idea that the Earth is about to enter an actual new age, commonly referred to as the Age of Aquarius, Fifth Density, or Fifth Round. If a belief system doesn’t include this, it ain’t New Age, even if it did emerge in the 20th century, even if Barnes & Noble puts books on it on the New Age shelf. (A Wiccan can be a New Ager, but the idea of a new age not a central part of Wiccan beliefs.)
“Why are you so critical of New Age and starseeds?” The short answer is, it’s a belief system built on white colonialism, Orientalism, eugenics, hateful conspiracy theories, and always has been.
If you want longer answers, check these out: The Deal with New Age, in a nutshell New Age beliefs that derive from racist pseudoscience A quick intro to starseeds Various ways the New Age movement is shitty The New Age concept of ascension - what is it? Why New Age is thinly-veiled antisemitism/nazism Why David Icke’s reptilian aliens are sparkling antisemitism Starseeds: Nazis in Space? (Not my article) What is the New Age to Alt Right pipeline, and how do you stay out of it?
I also recommend checking out the #new age to alt right pipeline and #spiritual eugenics tags.
Now I want to be clear here, I’m not saying that everything associated with New Age is bad simply because it’s associated with New Age. Many practices are harmless in and of themselves - the problem is the conspiratorial, morally polarized framework they’re practiced in. For more info, see Some things associated with New Age that aren’t inherently bad.
”What do you think of reincarnation, in general?” I think it’s fine to believe in reincarnation so long as you don’t act like it gives you special knowledge or wisdom, or entitles you to tell other people what to do, or entitles you to appropriate and misrepresent other people’s cultures and spiritual traditions, or tie it in with a conspiracist worldview. (Starseeds do all of these.)
“What if I’m alienkin, or I believe my soul comes from another planet?” Nothing inherently wrong with that! The problem with the starseed movement is its politics - it’s founded on a bunch of racist, ableist, colonialist garbage. (It’s no coincidence that a number of starseeds are outright Nazis.)
“What if I want to call myself a starseed, though?” That’s like wanting to call yourself a Nazi. There is something deeply wrong with you if you do. “Why are you so critical of ancient aliens?” See Spencer McDaniel’s excellent post.
“Do you think it’s wrong to believe in alien life?” No, I just think it’s important to be critical of what you believe about it, and why you believe it. If you believe in aliens, question your assumptions about them. What are you projecting onto them? Why are you projecting that? Is that projection a bit self-centered, whether positively or negatively?
“Why are you so critical of conspiracy theories?” Simply put, because conspiracy theories are tools of reactionary violence. Most conspiracy theories are derived from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a known hoax created to demonize Jews and blame them for the world’s problems while justifying a return to monarchy; or early modern witch panic and blood libel. BTW, I recommend Justin Sledge’s video on the Satanic Panic. “But isn’t there a bunch of evidence?” ‘Fraid not. All of it’s either fabricated (EG, the aforementioned Protocols), taken out of context (EG, the Dendera “light”), extremely subjective (EG, someone’s mystical experience), based on absurd standards of what constitutes "evidence” (being a depressed teen who liked heavy metal and D&D was taken as a sure sign being involved in a satanic cult in the 80’s and 90’s), or produced through flawed methods (EG, so-called recovered memory therapy), or questioning vulnerable people until the interviewers or psychologists finally got what they wanted to hear. (If you want to get an idea of just how much of a mess this was, and just how unethical and irresponsible things could get, I recommend checking out the You’re Wrong About podcast’s episodes on Michelle Remembers.)
“Wait, do you have actual evidence that false memories exist?” Yep, you only have to peek in on the starseeds to see hundreds of 'em. See my posts hypnosis is unreliable for memory recovery, and this is one way we know and false past life memories among the starseed movement. You might also take a look at Abducted by Susan A. Clancy. Also read my post here’s the trouble with hypnotic regression for an explanation of why it’s so easy to generate false memories.
“But aren’t starseeds part of ancient traditional beliefs?” Literally no one has been able to produce a single scrap of evidence that anything like the New Age concept of starseeds existed before the Victorian period. However, New Agers are well-known for bullshitting about the age and origins of their beliefs. If you’re going to assert that starseeds are genuinely part of some ancient tradition, you need to provide some real evidence.
“What’s your problem with the Law of Assumption?” See this post and this post. See also: The prosperity gospel, explained: Why Joel Osteen believes that prayer can make you rich. (The Law of Assumption is closely related to prosperity gospel.) Why you should know about the New Thought movement (another closely related movement) “If the Law of Assumption is fake, what about the success stories?” Was Neville Goddard really trustworthy? No, modern witchcraft and the Law of Assumption are not “the same.”
“Is X spiritual person a conspiracy theorist?” See this post, Is the spiritual person a conspiracy theorist? A list of red flags.
“I’m trying to get out of a shitty situation, what can I do?” See my post, “I’m in a bad place and need to get out, what can I do?”
“Why haven’t you posted anything about X? Probably for one of the following reasons:
My primary focus is right wing conspiracy theories, and the beliefs/narratives that surround them.
I am a forgetful fuck; things can slip my mind indefinitely.
I literally do not know enough on this topic to say anything meaningful on it at this time.
I have simply never heard of X.
I literally did (maybe even post about it semi-regularly), but you missed it.
Please understand that researching conspiracy theories takes a lot of time and can be pretty draining. There’s an immense amount of media to go through, and that media is often some of the most hateful shit you’ll ever find. Sometimes I need days to decompress from it.
“Do you recommend any resources?” Yup, over here!
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fairfoxie · 2 months
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🧿 to keep you safe from people who want to do you harm.<3 🧿
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fairfoxie · 2 months
I just found out there might be a renfaire/pagan fest in my area this year and I am scratching the walls running in circles rolling on the ground I NEEEEED to go somewhere dressed as a fairy this year or I will shrivel up and decay right here in the moss 😩
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fairfoxie · 2 months
Hey you. Yeah, I mean you, alterhuman. You nonhuman. You creature hiding in a human skin. You being, you entity, under that human guise. You critter wearing that human outfit, you there with many true forms. You, the human, but just a little to the left. I'm talking to you.
I love you. You're super cool and I love you.
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fairfoxie · 2 months
looks at you with my autistic eyes
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fairfoxie · 2 months
stop complaining in my notes about my language being human-centric
1) I cannot completely remove the humanness from a human language, as it is crafted and developed by humans
2) my species of dragon has no language, so unless you plan to accommodate my ferality by discussing therianship through fights to the death in the woods with teeth and claw, then you're going to have to cope or just block me
3) the alterhuman community doesn't need to be a monolith of linguistic sameness for us to understand what point the other was trying to make
DM me for a woods fight. I won't answer. I'm in the woods.
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fairfoxie · 2 months
Concept: if a pixie's wings get damaged they enlist help from orb weavers and other web-spinning spiders to fill in the torn spot.
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fairfoxie · 2 months
I am callde Fae
And I cavort
With man and beaste
Of evry sorte
I play goode triks
Like pulling tales
And steeling coin
And ringin bells
But wen I want
To cos reel fuss
I do not goe
I send walruus
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fairfoxie · 2 months
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fairfoxie · 2 months
“why do you stretch your shoulderblades so much?” my wings boy. boy my wings
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fairfoxie · 2 months
Fae and/or Unicorn culture is having a Moon phase app on your phone (and still missing the Moon phases you had plans for).
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fairfoxie · 2 months
Sometimes being a fairy is about being fed up with human things but sometimes being a fairy is about loving them
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fairfoxie · 2 months
Ok So this one is for the Fae/Faerie kin that also identify as Therians or feel a connection with certain animals.
I've seen many Fae/Faerie kin who are also Therian, and I'll admit I have a connection to some animals myself and have been found to mimic their behaviors. However I don't remember living like an animal. Now it's possible that they are simply kin memories that have not yet surfaced, but I don't feel like that's the case. I can remember being said animals just not living as them. For example I would romp and play as a fox among other foxes but I did not survive the way they did. For me it was merely fun. Not unlike a child playing pretend. I feared no hunters and I did not need to hunt for food myself. And if ever I did hunt it was simply part of the game rather than survival. I know there are plenty of Fae that could and would change into the forms of animals, and as fun as messing with humans might be, I just don't think it was the only reason Fae would go about as animals. Which only furthers my belief that sometimes it was just for the pure fun of it. And I'd imagine that just as some people have favorite animals so too do some fae. I don't think it was always just a one time thing either. Fae can communicate with the natural world in ways most humans would only dream of, imagine just being that one deer in the herd that just disappears and reappears but after years and years of interaction the rest of the herd (while probably sensing that you are not quite a deer, no matter how much you may look like one), has also come to accept that you are not a danger to them. Perhaps over time you've kept an eye on this one herd and their descendants. steering them away from the occasional danger or leading them to the juiciest greenest hidden pastures. You become a kind of faerie god-deer (like faerie godmother). And after so much time acting like a deer, you find yourself slipping into the animalistic habits even when you're not taking the animal form. But you don't mind. Your experiences are part of you, it was only natural. And perhaps after a while you find that the courts and humanity are just not all that interesting to you. You think about the deer. Your deer. The herd you'd been watching, protecting, guiding. You start spending more and more time as a deer. It's fun, it's free and after a while most predators learn to keep their distance from your herd. You are still Fae but the deer is part of you now, perhaps just as important as the part of you that is Fae.
I'm curious are there any Fae/Faerie kin who resonate with this at all? Do you remember (if in fact you have any kin memories at all. Not everyone does. And there's nothing wrong with that 😊) being an animal living, surviving as an animal? Or, do you remember being interested and/or amused playing as an animal while all the time knowing that the other animals can sense that you are different? Does the Fae/Faerie kin side and the Therian side feel like two separate lives or do they feel almost blended? Do you remember being afraid when you were an animal or did you know that you had almost nothing to fear? That no matter what, you were a magical being that could charm, trick, or enchant your way out of most situations?
Please understand I'm not trying to invalidate anyone. As far as I'm concerned no one can tell someone who or what they are but them. If you resonate at all with this post it doesn't make you any more or less Fae/Faerie kin or Therian. In the end, only you can know who you are. I also write this post for the Fae/Faerie kin who don't quite feel Therian but find themselves acting in animalistic ways. Those that feel connection and memory but still just don't quite feel they are/were animals (at least not normal ones). Kins that feel like it was/is more play than survival but who still find it quite satisfying to shriek, bark, meow, growl, chirp, squawk, etc.
If you've read this far, then I appreciate you and may you have a most marvelous and magical day/night 😊🍀✨🌙🍄☀️👁️
Till next time
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