feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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have i shown yall my grumpus ocs yet? no?
here u go bitches /j
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the nb spectrum!
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
Spawning two different Bugsnax at once will make one bugsnax have the behaviors of another. So if you type in “spawn watermelonball burger”, you get a Bunger that behaves like a Wee Mewon.
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
baby fibo
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baby fibo
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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Plus Bunger exists. wouldn’t wanna miss out on HIM. The real star of the show. 
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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Then Floofty proceeded to walk up to Eggabell and claim that they have discovered how to induce Mind Control via audio cues. 
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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When Floofty came over to witness the bonding session, they were not expecting it to be country music. 
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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whoa guys new bugsnax
white shortgrain rice and brown shortgrain lice
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
I like to HC that some grumpus (especially filbo cause hes a sweetheart) gently touch or bump their noses together to show affection.
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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Managed to draw some Floofty during my D&D game the other night. Gotta figure out more ideas for Ebby…
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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(Probably gonna want to click for better quality or smthn)
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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Gramble makes soup.
original post.
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
Grumpus Affection
This post got way out of hand. It’s a long one.
Hand feeding
To start with the most obviously relevant thing, hand feeding is a sign of affection of around the same level of intimacy as a close hug in a western human context. It’s a common gesture between romantic partners and family, a somewhat more occasional one between friends, rare between acquaintances, and typically a no-no with strangers. A grumpus asking a total stranger to hand feed them is pretty weird and maybe a bit creepy if it isn’t clearly in earnest, but not totally unacceptable.
It’s more of a gesture of trust on the part of the one offering the food than the other way around - a real bite from an adult grumpus is no joke, and putting your paw near the mouth of an unconsenting grumpus is a great way to earn yourself a trip to the hospital if they’re easily startled or have something against you.
…Is, however, still a love language, and yes, I will elaborate. In the right context, it isn’t necessarily aggressive. It’s typically done to the arm or shoulder, and is a fairly intimate gesture reserved for those you’re closer to, like partners, family, and very close friends, and (gently!) mouthing or nipping someone (and keeping your mouth on them for a short while, in a calm setting) is a sign of deep, friendly affection. It’s roughly equivalent to a light kiss in terms of who it’s reserved for, but it’s more playful as it’s a holdover from playbiting as pups.
Very similar to the behaviour in cats, though usually focussed on the forehead and top of the head rather than the cheeks. Possibly an atavistic behaviour from some point in evolution from when grumpuses might have had scent glands on the face. It can get pretty forceful and is often repeated, especially if the grumpus giving the headbutt is particularly excited about something or about the grumpus they’re headbutting, but grumpuses are sturdy creatures with thick skins and strong bones - they can take it. It’s a pretty casual gesture, common between friends and not too unusual between acquaintances.
Very common in older grumplings and pups since they don’t have the strength to do too much damage to each other and they heal quickly, but not restricted to the young. Play wrestling (with occasional light playnips) between close friends, partners and siblings is relatively common, in the same way humans might play-argue. It’s definitely regarded as a little childish, though. Care does need to be taken, however, especially since grumpuses can have claws and sharp teeth, and the size differences between two grumpuses can be pretty dramatic.
Hugs, kisses and paw-holding
I don’t feel like much needs to be said about these - they’re similar in terms of cultural significance to how they are in a western human context. However, grumpus hugs do tend to be a bit tighter and more freely given, and not all grumpuses are able to easily kiss due to their tusks, either as a couple or in general - at least not in precisely the same way as a human. Which is why…
Nose booping/pressing/rubbing
Is a very common sign of deep affection between family members and romantic partners, and sometimes close friends depending on the grumpus. It’s often paired with pressing foreheads together to deepen the impact, and can take very different tones depending on how it’s done, ranging from a light tap, to a brief playful rub, to something more prolonged and romantic, with a lot of deep gazing into one anothers’ eyes. In the same way that a human might judge someone’s lips as particularly kissable, the boopability of your nose is a definite factor in attractiveness.
Is also typical between romantic partners. It’s definitely not something done with casual friends or family, and is roughly equivalent to making out. Not limited to the face, and is often applied to the neck, shoulders, or… Well. Anywhere. You know.
Moving swiftly on, grooming behaviours are common with those you’re reasonably close to, including friends - brushing hair or fur, picking out small non-gross debris and so on. Friends bathing or showering together isn’t really weird, either, since grumpuses don’t wear much in the way of actual clothing - though of course there’s limits.
Fur, and long fur especially, needs a lot of upkeep and can be awkward to look after on your own - as an adult, unless you’re rich and shameless, more in-depth routine brushing and trimming of body fur is done either by yourself or a close romantic partner, and a partner doing it for you is very sweet and intimate.
Gentle scratching or petting, however, is fairly standard between grumpuses who know each other well and are comfortable with each other. Stroking or scratching the top of the head, upper back and arms and under the chin is common - elsewhere is less so. It’s maybe a little more intimate than a hug, but not by much, especially if it’s only brief.
This could practically be a post on its own. Grumpuses make a variety of sounds, but most relevant are grumbling and peeping.
Grumbling is a deep, guttural noise that can take the form of brief grunts and huffs or long, throaty rumbles, a little like purring but not quite - they’re closer to the sounds made by crocodiles or alligators. The depth and overall sound vary widely depending on the size and vocal pitch of the grumpus, reaching the actual approximate sound of an alligator bellow in a grumpus who’s very large and deep-voiced.
Peeping (much like a grumpling) is a little unusual but not uncommon as a request for affection or attention between romantic partners - in private, at least. It’s not done in public, as it’s definitely considered childish behaviour, a bit like using baby talk or a similar tone with your partner.
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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art trade sketch for @feelinsnaxy!
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feelinsnaxy · 3 years
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Art trade with @strabbyshortcake !
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