flameandfeather · 5 years
New Blog Reminder
I’m over @lyinginwait now! Brand new blog with the same two muses! Hit me up over there!
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flameandfeather · 5 years
New Blog!
{ I’ve been working on my fresh blog to house these two miscreants. It’s still pretty rough around the edges, but it should work for now with bio pages and rules. I will be slowly moving to that blog and will be archiving this one at a later date (once I feel like I have all of the necessary posts & information transferred from here). This blog will remain up & I will check it now & then. Please give the new blog a follow, and give feedback for anything missing/ you’d like to see - PLEASE!
Until then, I will begin roleplaying from there...I think I only have one active thread which I will respond to from there, @dcvahrend. I will send out other updates as they occur. }
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flameandfeather · 5 years
dalamusrex replied to your post: What have you found to be most difficult about...
Art for Tor-Acr you say? HMmmmmmm I’m gonna!
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{ That would be mighty fine, there, miss
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flameandfeather · 5 years
{ 14 and 19 for either! )
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
Tor 1: He is a good guy at heart but he has a monster inside him, which he rarely shows to others. Tor 2: While he could potentially be overpowered, I will always do my best to write him as a balanced character. I will always ask if it’s okay if Tor feels the need to do anything physically overt to your character.
Syldra 1: While she is curt and bereft of commonplace manners and mannerisms, she isn’t always mean just to be mean. Syldra typically distrusts humans and males over females and elves. She hasn’t really had any close encounters with any beastfolk and has hardly a perception of them beyond what she’s overhead others say.Syldra 2: Syldra is pretty eager to return home to Valenwood. She is pretty clearly out of place in Skyrim, as she clearly doesn’t have a keen grasp on Nord culture.
19. {already answered}
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flameandfeather · 5 years
1, 12, 19
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
{ Tor: I really wanted to make a midnight blue-scaled Argonian with these bright, tropical markings on him in a color palette I thought was fun. I then found Agaceph Argonians to be a thing and was like “OH HELL YEAH.”
Syldra: The ruddy-auburn red hair, and being half-elven. That was the biggest part of her creation, alongside her archery expertise (which stems from my middle name, Archer) }
12. {already answered}
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
{ Tor: I love the fact that in his future, he will be riding a senche-raht khajiit into battle. This friend will be made by nurturing him back to health after having been kicked out of his village. The two end up taking on the skooma ring in Tor’s story together.
Syldra: I love the headcanon’d part of her character that says she enchants shards of soul gems and fashions them as magic-infused arrowheads. I would love to do a thread where she gets to show these off. }
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flameandfeather · 5 years
How did you choose their names?
{ Tor-Acr is a name I created back in middle school for the name of a dragon in the PSP Eragon game. I then later ended up using it as the name for my Argonian character in Skyrim when I got it on my old computer. That character soon developed somewhat of a personality and then I discovered the machinations of the tumblr rp world. 
Syldra Braigh is a name I thought up because I wanted something that said both Breton & Bosmer when said together, but still sounded good off the tongue. She’s pleasant to look at, and it’s pleasant to say her name. I like first names for female elves that start with S (My first WoW character was Slyfox, who eventually turned into Sleafalia, and Syllara). Braigh has a fun Irish-feeling twang to it, and is a hard stop compared to her first name. }
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flameandfeather · 5 years
What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OCs (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
{ For Tor, it has definitely been the drawing aspect. Even getting art for him by someone who is comfortable with a lizard man takes some seeking for. 
For Syl, I feel like there’s a lot about her character that I still don’t know yet. Idk if she needs to kill her dad first before she becomes more interesting for me to write or what... }
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flameandfeather · 5 years
Questions About Creating Your OCs
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flameandfeather · 5 years
dalamusrex replied to your photo: { First munday back in like 5 years :O  Feel free...
I MISSED YOU. My energy is zero rn but I wanted to say IM GLAD YOU’RE BACK <3
{ *WAVES* it is good to see a friendly face still around. I am in the midst of constructing a fresh blog for these two, with a lot more maturity under my skin this time :P I wish you a speedy recovery and many warm fuzzies! We will rp at a later time!
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flameandfeather · 5 years
How you deal with the side-effects of your beast side (sensitivity to silver, herbs, insomnia, etc.)? Has being a werebeast generally effected your moral system in any way?
Tor-Acr could finally get back to some of the mail that friends had written to him. After reading the first letter, his quill responded:
“Not getting enough sleep is the hardest part, to tell the truth. The longest amount of time I can rest for is between 3 and 4 hours. That adds up over days and nights and years. It’s probably aging me faster than most saxhleel.
I tend to simply stay away from silver jewelry and I can usually smell those herbs before they get too near. The easiest part is managing the beast’s hunger, at least here in Skyrim’s bountiful woodland. It’s easy enough to stay hidden and away from society when the beast calls. 
As for my morals, well...when I first gained the gift, I had asked for it from Hircine so that I would have more power to protect those that I loved. I see now that part of who I am now endangers those around me. Hircine loves that I am both predator and prey in the bargain we have made. Still, I see it as a boon.
I justify my consumption of other sentient beings as a way of returning them to the earth, much more natural than a sword or my spear. Doing so sends their souls to Hircine or to the Void, and their bodies to the bones of the earth which feeds the Hist. 
Some may call this viewpoint cold. It may well be, but the power within the Hunt is evident in nature and the world of trade. It means survival.”~Signed,Tor-Acr
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flameandfeather · 5 years
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{ First munday back in like 5 years :O 
Feel free to ask me somethin’! }
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flameandfeather · 5 years
“ I’m sure it will come to you… or maybe it won’t. Who knows… ” Halla SHRUGGED with a grin. It was ENTERTAINING relaxing after a long day in a inn and listen to recounts of her TRIUMPHS yet not being recognized. Truthfully, it was far less ANNOYING that being noticed.
       “ It is nice meeting you too, Syldra. Halla will do just fine on it’s own. ” Perhaps in ANOTHER life she would have been a noble LADY. The proof of that life came in the form a silk blanket, a coat-of-arms EMBROIDERED into it. It belonged to NOBLE family in Rivenspire her father had been told. Often she WONDERED what that life would have been like, but NEVER did she go looking for it. The breton LOVED her family and this land too much. As far as Halla was concerned she WAS a nord. Maybe not by BLOOD, but by UPBRINGING.
Reaching into the coin purse she QUICKLY counted sixty septims and handed it to Syldra, “What’s in the north anyways? ” Biting cold and dangerous ice wraiths were among the FIRST things that came to mind. Though, she suppose there was some CHALLENGING game up north too.
Syldra continued racking her memory for a moment, hoping to find some clue on the lady’s person...but no such luck. The half-mer shrugged, “Maybe it’s best if it doesn’t.” Syl pocketed the coin quickly with one hand, and with the other grabbed Halla’s hand for a shake. She made eye contact and released. Picking up the vale sabre cloak, Syl walked around the table and held out the lapels and gestured for Halla to put an arm through.
“There’s nothing up north but snow sabres and demons from the past.” Syldra hoped her vague answer would deter the stranger from further questioning. The smaller the amount of time spent thinking of her father, the better.
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flameandfeather · 5 years
Current Timeline Notes for Tor and Syl:
Returning to Skyrim from High Rock after discovering a deep web of skooma dealers. He was captured by them and detained for a year before he was saved by his two old friends. He has been charged on recruiting capable friends to the cause of fighting against this criminal underbelly. He is residing in Whiterun currently, pleading some of the Companions to join this noble fight.
In Hammerfell, a contact gave her a lead on finding her father. It led to Skyrim, and she has been wandering for two years trying to find the next clue. She feels desperate to find the man who ruined her childhood and killed her older brother. Whenever she isn’t in taverns listening for news about her father, she is hunting furs, crafting cloaks and other garments, and enchanting some for sales on well-traveled crossroads. 
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flameandfeather · 5 years
Seventy-five septims was a REASONABLE price and something the mage could definitelyAFFORD. Her hands paused their action of grabbing her coin purse as dark brows lifted inINTEREST. A name for a possible LOWER price? While it was an ODD request it was far from an IMPOSSIBLE one. Halla PRETENDED to mull it over with a PLAYFUL smile before nodding her head.
       “ I suppose that’s something I can give you, ” the pale woman conceded after a moment, “I am Halla Spell-Slinger, perhaps you heard of me? ”
Syldra’s eyes danced about the woman’s features. The name did sound familiar. Then again, it had been some time since she’d been in town. This last hunt had lasted nearly two months. “Hal-la Spell-la-sling-a,” she let the name bounce along her mouth in a sing-song fashion. “Rings a bell, but I can’t quite put a finger on from where.” She sat one hand upon her hip.
“Well,” she gave a light grunt as she shifted, “a deal’s a deal. Make it 60 septims. That should be more than enough for me to fetch provisions for heading north.” She extended a hand gloved in dark leather, “Syldra Braigh. A pleasure, Your Highness? Excellency? Ladyship?” Her brows gave a little wiggle and she chuckled.
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flameandfeather · 5 years
CURIOUS, she leaned over the stall interested to what she was looking for. Not having to wonder too long, lilac eyes LIT UP and rosy lips parted in AWE when the other laid the pelt out to view. “ I never seen anything like it, ” the breton responded, pale fingers gently running against the fur. “ That’s quite alright, I could always enchant it myself, ” she added with a smile,“ How much were you looking to sell something like this? ”
       While Halla wasn’t SWIMMING in a pile of RICHES in a castle sized home she did have a HEALTHY amount of gold. Rarely did the dragonborn MINDLESSLY spend her gold. Only did she buy essentials when setting off on her travels, purchasing a warm bed and bath when she needed them. Halla could afford to SPLURGE if it pleased her to do so.
Syldra flashed a smile to the woman as she studied her customer’s face. Strange. There was something to the way she held herself, and those eyes, that was powerful. Syldra’s interest was piqued; who was this stranger? 
Emerald eyes flicked to the sky, retrieving an appropriate amount for how much work she’d put into the cloak thus far. “Seventy-five septims ought to be a good starting point.” Putting a finger to her auburn curls and twisting one of them, she continued, “Of course, I’m open to drop the price some if you’d be so kind as to reveal the name of who I have the honor of selling to.” A ruddy eyebrow raised slightly in expectation.
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flameandfeather · 5 years
“I just happen to know what I like,” Halla replied with a smile. Pale shoulders SLUMPED slightly at the news of there being no snow saber pelts. No matter. Eyes QUICKLY scanned over the other pelts once more. While they weren’t EXACTLY what she wanted, they were NICE. Well taken care of from what she could tell. It REMINDED Halla of her father’s work. She could always have something ELSE made out of them. Like a new pack. A dark brow rose, the breton’s ATTENTION snapped back to the half-mer, “well now, you’ve gone and made me curious.”
“I bought this with a mind of selling it to someone unique. That’s why it’s not on display.” She crouched and began rummaging through a few folds. Emerging, the woman presented a cloak of sleek black, mottled with spots and stripes of various sizes and shapes all in a green so light that sometimes the markings seemed white. As she unfolded the piece, the pattern was revealed to be symmetrical all along the spine. “This,” Syl explained, “is the rare pelt of a vale sabre. Some crazy merchant came back from Haafingar raving about a newly re-discovered valley or something like that. Honestly, I wasn’t listening that well. I knew this could fetch a good price somewhere more south.
“I understand if it’s not your style. I haven’t gotten around to enchanting it yet, either; been too focused on travel.” 
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flameandfeather · 5 years
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