furiousfemmefatale · 10 months
Hi ❤️❤️❤️ actually pro lifers are very charitable to single mothers and we offer them a lot of support via churches and charities. You people just don't wanna rely on us because a) you hate Christians and b) you just want an excuse to harm children
Well hello. This is an unexpected response I got from a Christian user about the Prolife/forced birther movement not caring about women who have to have abortions. I find this funny because
A.) No where in my post about forced birthers did I say anything about Christians (telling on yourself today, huh?)
B.) I genuinely want you to name 3 national pro life organizations that help with women after having the child financially. Not just organizations that let women see the fetus's ultrasound or heartbeat so the woman feels guilty or pro life organizations that gather in front of abortion clinics to scream at teenage rape victims, but organizations that give finacial support for hospital bills, daycare, baby supplies, pre-school, AND school/college expenses or scholarships (cause you know, children are an lifelong commitment). I could only find one that remotely helps with that and of course they have this tibbit as a part of their mission statement:
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So by all means enlighten me on how forced birthers actually care about life but seem to not give a shit after the fetus comes into this broken world.
Y'all aren't prolife. Y'all are pro fear and pro fetus. Oh and by the way, the bible literally says that life doesn't begin until the first breath. Of you actually read it, you'd know that.
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Oh and P.S., just because your religion says you can't do something, doesn't mean we all have to follow your rules. Separate the church from state and if you don't like them, don't get them.
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furiousfemmefatale · 10 months
Pro choicers: Okay, I gave birth to this baby, can you help me out with childcare, daycare expenses or college?
Forced birthers: uh....
Pro choicers: Can you at least help me get some diapers or wet wipes?
Forced Birthers: Uh nope. Maybe you shouldn't have had kids. Good luck lil shit, lol
Pro lifers: We want safe alternatives to abortion that protect both the mother and her baby
Pro lifers: No, we want to consider other possibilities that would-
Pro aborts: YOU WANT THEM TO DIE!!!
Pro lifers: .....
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furiousfemmefatale · 10 months
zero judgement on my part, i just noticed i struggle with some things my friends find ridiculously easy and vice versa so i'm just curious
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furiousfemmefatale · 11 months
i think the world doesn’t know what it really means to live in a theocratic dictatorship. Let me tell you about our experiences living in the islamic regime of iran.
1. Your parents were born to muslim parents so they’re automatically muslim. You’re automatically a muslim too. You didn’t choose your religion and you can’t opt out of it or you will be executed.
2. The compulsory hijab law makes you a criminal if you choose not to wear hijab even tho you didn’t choose to be a muslim and you don’t consider yourself a muslim but the regime has forced you into that role whether you like it or not. And when you ‘break that law’, they can do with you as they please.
3. little girls as young as 7 yrs old are forced to wear hijab at school even tho the islam itself says the age is 9. and all the schools are gender segregated so imagine how they force you to get used to hijab even when you’re just surrounded by other girls. And all day long at school they tell you horrible stories about what will happen to you in hell if someone sees even a strand of your hair.
4. the regime modifies all the textbooks, story books, cartoons and movies to represent the ideal woman with full on hijab. The iranian media is ordered to photoshop every photo of a woman that may be showing a little skin. And if they’re iranian, no hair is supposed to be seen or that will be photoshopped away. Women are mostly excluded from billboards and tv commercials.
5. imagine going to work or meeting up with a friend when suddenly the morality police kidnap you in broad daylight and force you into a van to take you to a station where they will treat you like a criminal and if you don’t agree to get humiliated and do as they say, they will put you in prison. And in case of Mahsa Amini and so many more before her, they will beat you to death. My sister was barely 18 when she got kidnapped and they didn’t let her call home and she’d been so fucking scared and we had no idea where she was. Imagine all the psychological trauma.
6. If you’re in a car and not wearing hijab they will fine you and seize your car. So when u get into a taxi the driver will ask you to keep your hijab on otherwise they’ll get fined. And if you refuse they’ll ask you to get off the car.
7. And its not just about hijab. In Ramadan, they get even more vicious. If they catch you eating or even drinking water on the street they will give you lashes as punishment and even imprison you for breaking the law. If you work in a state-owned company it’s even worse. They will close the cafeteria and take away the water dispensers. All restaurants are banned from delivering food before iftar. It’s a fucking mess. Everyone has to pretend they’re fasting or they’ll be severely punished.
So if you see Islam has become for many iranians a symbol of oppression and torture and discrimination, that’s why. The regime uses islam as a weapon to silence and punish anyone who opposes them. You can love islam all you want from the safety of your home in a free country and talk about how kind and benevolent the religion is, but in iran, it’s a whole different story.
Our economy is fucked. All govt officials are corrupt as fuck. Most websites are banned in iran. Even tumblr is banned. The world has cut the iranian ppl from many services. We don’t have intl credit cards like visa card. Amazon doesn’t do delivery to iran. We cant get netflix, spotify or even a gamepass subscription. we don’t get any Apple services here. iran isn’t listed as a country you could choose when signing up for a lot of services. and when we decide to leave iran and escape this hellhole, every country out there will make it sooo much harder for us to get a visa just bc we had the misfortune to be born in iran at the wrong time.
This is the story of iran for the past 44 years. Held hostage by a corrupt regime that uses religion to suppress and torture the people and being abandoned by the rest of the world bc our lives don’t matter.
Please be our voice. Once they shut down the internet completely and silence our voice, they will start slaughtering us to stifle the protests just like they did in 2019. Please help us. We want this fucking regime gone.
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furiousfemmefatale · 1 year
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Reblog In 5 seconds for good luck
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furiousfemmefatale · 1 year
update on what's happening in Iran:
Based on the news you have heard that they 'abolished' the mortality police.
but today when I woke up and checked the new, 2 of the famous actresses who took their hijab off yesterday, Elnaz Shakerdoost and Shaghaiegh Dehghan have been summoned by the police.
an amusement park was closed permanently (for now) cause one of the female workers wasn't wearing hijab.
they are lying. they just abolished the mortality police to calm the protests, they don't care about women now as they didn't care all these damn 43 years.
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furiousfemmefatale · 1 year
Men don't know what they want.
They hate sex workers, yet if there are none they will be the first to scream and have ‘righteous’ anger
They hate wives and marriage, yet always whine how marriage is falling because stoopid feminists and how they want a housewife
They hate porn actresses, but squealed when videos of rape on PH were deleted, and will squeal more if porn is banned at all
They hate women, yet are obsessed with us
They hate mothers and single mothers, yet always squeak at child-free women, crying that it’s women’s purpose to breed
They hate stay at home 'lazy’ 'domestic prostitute’ women, yet hate women who have jobs and careers
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furiousfemmefatale · 1 year
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