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Washington D.C.’s National Museum of Natural History has a virtual tour of their museum that you can navigate with your desktop on their website.
HERE’s the link: http://www.mnh.si.edu/vtp/1-desktop/
(Fact Source) Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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I was sent this GIF version of my last project by Eli Bary ([email protected])
I’m flattered and impressed.
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I gotta try to remember this.
Here’s a pretty great chance to be creative, guys!
Some of the most fun discussions I’ve been a part of on Tumblr have been Top 5 askbox games, so I thought it might be a good way to discuss Sam Winchester by having the bittersamgirlclub play this game with you guys.
But we don’t answer the Top 5 prompts, YOU DO! So you submit your responses to what is basically a reverse askbox “Top 5” game!
***The NEW prompt is: TOP 5 SAM HEADCANONS
Submissions must answer prompts specifically in reference to Sam in some way, like always. :)
Answers can be from any and all seasons!
Submit your answers to our submission box, or post to your own blog with the tag ”BSGC top 5 prompt” and @-tag this blog.
It can be a text post, meta, graphics, song, video, or WHATEVER. Be as simple or as creative as you’d like. :)
This prompt will be open for 2 weeks. I’ll post the responses as they are submitted/tagged and will make a round up post on the evening of Tuesday, July 21st.
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Imagine how you might feel if your wildest and most wonderful fantasies were brought to life. That’s probably how a child would feel if their drawings of strange and wondrous characters were turned into real-life plush toys, which is exactly what Budsies does.
Budsies takes children’s drawings and reinterprets them as 16-inch-tall hypoallergenic plush toys – but they’ll take playful adults’ drawings, too.
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Wait, let me back up.
Hi, my name is Cara and I’m a 21 year old woman. Every 28 days, give or take, I have a period. And it fucking sucks. Today, was one of those where I take from the 28 day cycle. I wasn’t due for another period for at least a week, but considering that my period is pretty much permanently irregular, I get to wake up a lot of mornings in a pool of my own blood. Hmm. Lovely.
I then proceed to dump my sheets, my underwear, and my pajamas in my laundry room in a tub filled with cold water, with the hopes that this time I haven’t ruined them permanently.
What next? Well, a shower of course! To wipe off the smell of rotting blood from my body! Squeaky clean and towel fresh I have about a two minute window before the volcano of blood begins to erupt again from my vagina.
What will it be today? A piece of chlorinated toilet paper cardboard with a string that I get to shove up my hole wherein the blood will sit and rot until the next time I can shove another piece of chlorinated cardboard up the same hole? Or, a plastic lined toilet paper diaper attached to my underwear that causes rug burn to my vaginal area when I walk? Well the later requires less coordination, and it is early, so I guess I’ll be sitting in a period diaper today. The best ever.
Of course, I could always just get birth control, and lessen this whole shit. But 1) I can’t afford it 2) I can’t ask my dad to pay for it because, guess what? Just like the men who run my government, my father correlates birth control with sexual promiscuity! Thus, sitting on my rotting blood, undergoing severe cramps that have on more than one occasion caused me to black out, it is! (Not that birth control is such a walk in the park either, our bodies have to learn to deal with the hormones and other chemicals and consequences that birth control entails.)
Then, I get to go to class, where I have to pretend that I am not a leaky faucet of blood and tissue. I get to sit in Calculus, and if heaven forbid, I need an additional pad, I have to be discrete about it, so as not to offend the men’s gentle sensibilities to the fact that I am the one dropping tissues and blood from my body through my vagina.  
I once asked a male to take me to the pharmacy so that I could pick up (GASP) pads, or as we like to call it “feminine products” (again, so as not to offend the gentlemen’s overly sensitive natures) and had him equate me talking about my period to him talking about his erections.
This is nothing like your fucking erection’s. I don’t derive any enjoyment from this. I can’t mentally control any ounce of this entire process. I can’t masturbate my problem away. My period does not end in orgasm.
It stays. For at least five days in my case. Draining blood out of my body. Causing me severe cramps, making me irritable -not because I’m uncomfortable (which mind you, would be reason enough) - but because my hormones are all over the place, bloating me up to two sizes larger than I normally am, I have to actively fight not to smell like a fish market, and on top of that, you want me to be hush-hush about this? Because it’s icky for you?
And this is not an attack on that one man, this is an attack on ALL MEN who on top of sitting on their throne of gender privilege want me to stay quiet and be content about the fact that five days out of every month I get to undergo this happiest of joys.
And then, these very same men have the audacity to get annoyed because we don’t want to listen to their bullshit complaining about traffic? Or whatever other meaningless story they happen to tell us while our bodies are actively fighting against us? Then we get to be the butt of their tired-ass jokes? Sorry, I am most certainly not sorry.
I repeat NO. I say women come out of the period closet and say, “You know what, this happens to me. Every. Fucking. Month. And it’s terrible. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MY MORNING.” Because the truth is, if I live in a country where Viagra is covered by medical insurance, but birth control isn’t, I can no longer keep denying that I live in a country that is actively waging a war on women. And if I live in a country that is actively waging war on my sex, the least I am going to do is break patriarchal social propriety to inform anyone and everyone of the shit biological process I was BLESSED enough to be born into.
Hello, my name is Cara, I’m a 21 year old woman, and today I’m on my period. Let me fucking tell you about it.
hello yes this is a good post
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Im ganna reblog this twice because hell hell hell yeah!!!!!!!!!
I’m reblogging this simply for the rhetoric style
So I woke up this morning in a pool of my own blood.
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general reminder
For those of you out there, like me, on income-based repayment plans please remember to resubmit your repayment plan request with this years’ tax info so you can continue to maintain a balance between your living expenses and your horrendous debt of misery.
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winchester headcanon
What do you think Mrs. Winchester was like (Henry’s wife that is?) I mean the woman was tough enough to keep going strong after her husband mysteriously vanished from a massacure where the rest of her husband’s collegues died. She kept John on the straight and narrow and apparntly instilled in him the optimism that kept John going through a war and made Mary fall for John.
Do you think she was fiesty like Mary or strong like Deana? Was she matronly like Ellen, fearless like Jo or loyal like Charlie? Was she as sturdy as Lisa or as unforgettable as Jesse?
what kinds of things did the boys inherit from this woman we never met?
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Oh my ever_screwing Zeus she reminds me of the squishy darling from the Wonder Woman comics named Etta Candy!!
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Proof that tumblr changes the world.
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I had mentioned before how my school is just plain disgusting and here is the proof students shared online recently and this is only one day. Imagine a whole year in this school. Its an okay school but this is just wrong.
Everyone came back from winter break and when we go have breakfast/lunch the juice/milk has mold and/or roaches and they just replaced the drinks didn’t even clean anything. I ended up still getting lunch and nothing to drink but even then the food had also gone bad.
This school always has problems with this kinda stuff but no one ever complains too much because it’s just the way it always has been and they know that even if they do say anything  no one will do anything about it because they never do.
The janitors don’t clean. there is only one janitor who does their job and does it well but one guy cant clean an entire school which has thousands of students and 2 large buildings.
In our school library we have signs saying don’t touch the books and don’t take them off the shelves so why do we even have a library when the books are not to be touched.
The water is always bad and ranges from green, grey and yellow its never clear and when it is it has a strange taste.
When inspections are to be done they only clean certain places and take the inspectors there and only there.
The students who posted this on twitter are being forced to write apology letters and are being threatened with suspension and/or expulsion for violating school rules and tagging news stations and district people in their twitter post. When we have a little something called freedom of speech and when it affects our health and learning environment then its worth the risk of defying school rules and their post weren’t rude in any way only sarcasm was slightly used but no cursing or inappropriate language was used whatsoever.  So this is just wrong some of you wanted to know why I said my school was gross well here it is.
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Love Wins Out
I legitimately feel like running into the streets singing and throwing skittles about in celebration of this great victory for the LGQBT community!! My next nerve-wrecking concern is that as acknowledged married people I hope all gay couples have authority for medical decisions and that no one takes away the rights of these couples to adopt because you know side-strikes like that are all too common. BUT FOR TODAY I AM SEEDING THE STREETS WITH SKITTLES!! Love Wins!!
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No, you must understand Elle Woods is like the real life Barbie that can do almost anything while still looking gorgeous and the only times she even gets close to cracking is when people treat her like she's "just the cute one". She is my childhood role model come to life!!
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I really don't think my reblogging can do much but I'll be damned if I don't reblog anyway!!
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Reposted cuz I need to know
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Want more life hacks? Follow UltraLifeTips!
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I crave the innocent acts of affection. Hold my hand and rub your thumb against my knuckles. Kiss my forehead or my nose. Just hold me tight in your arms. Rub my back or play with my hair. Draw circles on my back with your fingers. Play footsie with me. Kiss my knuckles when you are holding my hand. Kiss my cheek when you wrap your arms around me from behind. Tuck my hair behind my ear before you kiss my lips. Whisper how much you love me in my ear. I’m sure sex is great don’t get me wrong, but doing innocent intimacy will make my heart race like no other.
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*crackles to self*
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they wanna be shrek and fiona so bad 
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Supernatural/Hogwarts Headcanon for the angels
There had been a long-standing rumor that the Miltons had so many kids because they were pure-blood fanatics. The Milton children themselves were fairly convinced their parents had simply had a warped sense of tradition that made them believe they should keep having children until the magic ran out. Nearly a dozen kids later, the fact that their youngest son, Samandriel, hadn't shown any signs of magical ability until he was six years old had been considered sign enough and the family stopped pumping out infants. Michael, Raphael, Annael and Lucifer (no one had mentioned what a jarring muggle name the latter was) had all gone through Slytherin house and moved on to become steadfast beaurocrats (though Annael scandelized everyone by marrying muggle). Then Gabriel, Balthazar, and Inias, had broken the trend by going Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw respectively. Castiel had been deteremined to reclaim the family tradition of Slytherin for his family at first but upon setting eyes on Dean Winchester had immediately lost his head and wound up in Ravenclaw due to the Sorting Hat picking up on Castiel's overthinking. Inias had enjoyed the company though and Gabriel and Balthazar had both laughingly soothed Cas by saying they ended up in their Houses due mostly to just wanting personal space away from the family.
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Supernatural/Hogwarts Headcanon
John Winchester was a muggle and when he found out his eldest son was a wizard the man didn't handle things particularly well. Dean spent his first year in Gryffindor dorm feeling like a hypocrite because he was so afraid of what likely awaited him at home. He didn't even come back for the Christmas break that first year. When he did get home, Dean immediately noticed how Sam was exhibiting some of the same signs of magic that Dean had only barely noticed in himself. Rather than wait for John to find out about this and get upset, Dean packed up his and Sam's things and moved them into Bobby Singer's house, a family friend of the boys' mother. Bobby had been under restrictions imposed by the Ministry for about as long as anyone could remember but no one knew the charges and no one could ever out the man on magic for his slightly better than believeable auto-repairs. Amazingly, John accepted this move with grace and moved the majority of his parental attention onto his muggle son Adam, only remembering on odd holidays to send the boys a card and maybe a little money. When it finally came time for Sammy to go to Hogwarts the boy was terrified he'd disappoint his brother by ending up as Ravenclaw and was greatly relieved to end up in Gryffindor as well.
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