Sorry this is so late lol…
Things to feel close to your paracosm:
This fake text message website lets you make fake text messages so you can pretend you and your para can text!
Make multiple snap chats with their name and bitmoji and send messages from them to yourself so it feels like you’re talking to them. If you don’t want to do this, you can…
… assign contacts on your phone as the names of your para’s, if the fake messaging and fake snaps don’t do it for you. Try to get the people closest to your para’s personalities.
This TikTok filter makes it look like you’re taking a photo with a para. You can screenshot the photo if you press “Select Cover”, tap the screen to remove the preview, and scroll to where you want, and then screenshot :)
Adding on to this, print out the photo and put it in a picture frame!
My Guide to Cuddling with a Para
Write letters to your para! Or have little notes for them. Place the notes on your desk or places in your house (ex. the fridge) so it’s like your leaving it for them to find!
Make a music playlist with music your para would like and pretend you’re listening to it with them! If you don’t like the same music, you can pretend its their turn to play music because you already had your turn.
(Kinda derives from my cuddle post) take a sweater you think your para would wear, spray cologne or perfume or whatever on your sweater that you think they’d smell like, and wear it! It feels like you’ve stolen their clothes and that’s always amazing AJDJSJDJ-
Lastly, leave things your para has around the house! If your para smokes (and you’re of age), get a pack of cigarettes and leave it on the table! This works with most items, but only do it if it’s legal, because having like… swords and stuff might not be very legal depending on where you live.
@logan-sanders-enthusiast @bandobsessed-welldressed-spork @transpoettryingtheirbest @just-moth @eat-th3-rich @rabbit-boy-daydreams @chaoticadhdmaddblog @fallingmaddlyinlove @idonthavealifebutidohavemadd @onlyaboutme @genesis-767 @acircusfullofdemons @infiniteorangethethird the people who wanted a tag :>
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ace meme for ace week lol
*based on real events*
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I think growing up both not having any close friends during certain times and also having toxic friends at other times is a big reason why I'm so stuck in my head, and why I have trouble feeling fully connected to friends now. I've always been a daydreamer, and I daydreamed a lot when I didn't have friends as a child. I still daydream a lot. I feel closer with fictional characters than with other people, and I find solace within myself and my mind as its feels like the only one that fully understands me.
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Aight I've been dreaming about a certain ~para~ for four days straight lately and I woke up crying each time.
It was all so vivid
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madd is not visiting a paracosm in months because you’re not hyper-fixated on that *thing* anymore
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Oh heck yeah
Would everyone like a “Things to do to feel closer to your paracosm” list?
If you would want it, tell me and I’ll tag you in the post :)
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Me thinking of ways to relate a new song i discovered to my daydreams
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I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while. I accidentally ghosted my own blog cuz I forgot I had a life outside of my daydreams. How ironic.
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Well fellas. Just had a dream where my (significant other) para was falling asleep with me and holding me in his arms. Now I can’t be stable anymore
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Please spread this!!
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Anyone else wanted to change some bad characters writing and decision (like a para’s name, hairstyle, etc) that you made when you were younger but can’t because it’s been that way for too long and it’s too “iconic” to change by now
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Anyone else feeling very ashamed or embarrassed in a way for how self-insert your daydreams are?
For me I daydream through my parame, who is already a self-insert version of me, and I feel weird for making everything about myself especially if I took a plot or a character from an already existing media. I know MADD is suppose to be self-insert since it’s basically an ideal fantasy life, but when I keep on viewing my daydreams as if it’s an actual fandom in a real world it feels very selfish how I’m the all-important character (and borderline Mary-sue in a way).
Or when I take a character(s) from something that already exists with a proper fandom, it feels cringey having them be part of my fantasy. And it feels strange seeing them having a different life(?) or personality or actions in their respective fandom.
There’s a certain kind of shame that comes in wanting to be loved so badly
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writer: this is one of my male characters! he cares about his guy friends and loves them deeply.
tumblr: oh! so he’s gay!
writer: uh…no, he’s attracted to women.
tumblr: ….so he’s bi!
writer: uhh…no…….he loves his guy friends but he’s not romantically/sexually attracted to them.
tumblr: ….so you’re homophobic.
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Oh btw how was you guys’s Valentine’s Day? I don’t really celebrate it but I did daydreamed to some love songs I guess
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