So I don’t really know how to bring this up beyond just saying it but I’ve come to the decision that I’m just going to archive this blog.
I didn’t disappear again in the first place, if anyone’s wondering. I had a long weekend of partying and I just haven’t recuperated entirely. Even now I still feel just exhausted and haven’t felt like doing anything.
But in the meantime, I’ve been here. And the blog has been dead the whole time, excepting a few new followers. Which is great, I’m really really happy that y’all showed up. But the problem is this is a blog that runs on y’all. Not me. I’ve never pretended that I was going to post my written fanfics on here, and I never have posted any. This blog was never for that. So without asks, the blog doesn’t run.
The above isn’t a callout or really complaining that no one is interacting, I’m just stating how it is on this side. I know, and have stated, that the reason the blog is dead is because my writing was less than stellar for a lot of the time, and that was because my heart wasn’t in it.  I would guess that my disappearing for a year or more didn’t help either. I took things too seriously and by the time I realized my mistake it was too late. The lack of notes was disheartening, but it could’ve been overlooked had I chosen to, and I didn’t.
On to the next note, I have almost 350 followers and I suspect that well over half of those blogs are inactive. That doesn’t have any bearing on anything besides that I just want a more accurate measure of people that are actually seeing my stuff.
Third is that I just feel stagnant here, probably because the blog is pretty well stagnant. I haven’t really put as much time as I potentially should have to try and bring it back, but I don’t want to have to constantly ask for people to engage the blog. It’s annoying on my end as much as I’m sure it is on y’all’s.
I don’t know if I covered everything I wanted to as well as I wanted to, but given I don’t really want to make this post in the first place, I think it does cover everything.
All that being said, I’m not going to leave the fandom or even the imagines blog here. That’s actually a fourth point I just remembered. I’ve mentioned my other blog before, and it’s just a bit tedious to bounce from this account to the other all the time. So I have decided that because of that, the fact that this blog is dead, I need a new start, and am hoping that distancing myself from this blog a little will help reinvigorate me, I’m essentially moving this to my other account. It won’t be under the any of the same names, although I suppose some of you may recognize my style. As an fyi, the new blog is a sideblog attatched to the one I linked before, but none of them are outwardly affiliated with each other. I’m not going to advertise my other blogs on each other.
That being said x2, I don’t want to post the name of the blog here just because I don’t want a whole flood of people to follow over there and I end up in the same boat as with this one, which is where there’s no actual interaction. I’m not trying to make it secretive or more dramatic than it has to be lol but #1 it’s my blog and I can do what I want and #2 I don’t really know if I can bounce back from this one, because I’m not sure what the main problem(s) are so I’m just trying different things to see if they work.
I’ve turned anon off, purely so I can answer asks privately, so if you do happen to want the name of the new blog, just ask and I will give it to you.
Last few things are:
#1: to my new followers, terribly sorry to do this to you. It wasn’t my intention to, but also I’m putting a lot of work into something that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.
#2: to my old followers, I’m especially sorry. I’m sure it doesn’t really upset you, but I loved this blog, and Kingdom Hearts. Maybe that’s why I took it so seriously, I don’t know.
#3: to the anon who was filling my inbox whenever I asked, you are probably my favorite person ever and I appreciate it so much. But also, it wasn’t your responsibility to keep this blog afloat, so I’m sorry if you felt that it was. If it was just pity, ouch but fair lol. Anyway, thank you.
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Please reblog this for my cat
We just got back from the vet. It’s kind of bad news.
We thought the biggest thing would be “oh he’s too fat, we’ll need to put him on a diet!” While he is one fat little jerk, all 15lbs of him, that’s not the primary concern.
Peetie has an autoimmune disease that is causing his body to reject his back teeth. His gums are like, the same color as my avatar, bright red. He needs surgery. All his molars (13 in total) need to be removed. He’s in terrible pain, so says the vet, although it doesn’t affect his eating. 
The surgery will cost around $1,200
Since the surgery is around my birthday, I’ll have to give up some things I had planned to celebrate. It’s no big deal. I love this little shit with all my heart. I’d do anything for him.
Please only donate if you can, otherwise reblog. Thank you.
@mostlycatsmostly @princesstigerbelle
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guardians of light
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Hey so I hate to do this, but we're a bit fucked money wise rn and might lose our home! Paul (my partners dad) has a new job coming, but he wont be paid till a long while and we have bills to pay on the 7th.
Please please PLEASE if you can, donate and or share this post!!
We have no where to go if we get kicked out!!
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Was it ever explained why Xemnas didn't use a keyblade? Was there something he didn't want MoM to see (through the eye) or did MoM already reclaim it and Xemnas couldn't use it?
this ask got me THINKING so I went to check the wiki and THIS showed up 
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If the picture is too small and crusty to read, here’s what it says : 
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Ultimania, Interviewer: “Roxas, the "Sora + Ventus” Nobody, was able to use a Keyblade. In contrast Xemnas, the “Terra + Master Xehanort” Nobody, wasn’t able to use a Keyblade. Why is this?“ Tetsuya Nomura: "I’d rather that point remain a mystery. It’s possible that he intentionally wasn’t using one.” [ Translation via Krexia. ] 
Keep reading
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I need some Isa fluff. Sorry if this was already done, but how would he react if his SO offered him a Paopu fruit?
if they offered it to him too soon then he would reject them, and depending on their reaction to it, he might even straight up break up with them
if they offered it to him as a joke, he might take it as such and laugh or jokingly agree, but if it wasn’t presented in a nice way, he would be really hurt bc that essentially says that they don’t take their relationship with him seriously
if they offered it to him as a consolation or comfort thing, he could react with anger or by just confessing his love for them which is my personal favorite headcanon and why i wrote a scenario under the cute to go along with it
It had been Lea’s idea to travel to the Destiny Islands for a little vacation. Everyone was in agreement that, for as much as they loved Twilight Town, they wanted something a little different. And seeing Riku, Sora and Kairi wasn’t going to hurt them either.
As far as you were aware, everything was fine for the better part of the day. Everyone was having fun playing in the water, and there wasn’t a quiet moment to be found. Maybe that was the problem. Not long ago, a couple of hours before sunset, you realized that Isa was nowhere to be found and, thinking back to the day, you hadn’t seen him in quite a few hours.
You admit, you panicked a little, because it was unusual for him to just pop smoke like that. Usually, he would just let you or someone know if he needed a little solitude, but he knew better than to disappear without a word. The first, and last, time he had tried it, Lea nearly got arrested for disturbing the peace in his panicked search for Isa.
That being said, Lea was too preoccupied to notice Isa missing this time. Hell, you hadn’t even noticed for who knew how long, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty, even if disappearing without a trace was a specialty of his. You decided that you were going to look for him, but you were going to do it alone. There was no real need to upset Lea; the island wasn’t that big and Isa couldn’t have left the island without the rest of you.
It took the better part of an hour before you finally did find him, though. He was on the direct opposite side of the island, hidden in a copse of trees atop a cliff, hidden from the direct light of the setting sun. You had passed it by at least twice before realizing that you could actually get in there, and were surprised when he was actually in there.
“You jerk,” were the first words out of your mouth when you saw him, sitting as calm and pretty as could be on the worn rock perched near the cliff edge. Clearly someone knew that the view was gorgeous and had managed to position it just perfectly for sitting and relaxing. He had to have heard you stumbling around out there and hadn’t said a word to alert you to his presence. “You could have said something. I’ve been looking for you for at least an hour.”
He snorted, glaring at you before turning back to face the ocean. “Only an hour? I’ve been gone for at least five.” He sounded unusually petulant, and his mouth was set in a hard line, giving him a sour expression.
Okay, that was weird. Was it your imagination, or did he sound hurt that it took you “so long” to find him? In fact, he sounded almost sullen.
“Isa?” you asked, taking a seat next to him. You took his hand in yours, locking your fingers together and just gazing at him. His mouth was twisting, like he was biting his tongue, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before he started talking.
True to form, it only took a minute before he was spilling, and you couldn’t tell if it was more sadness or anger in his words.
“Everyone else is so happy together. They all went through so much together, they saved the worlds together. Hell, even Hayner, Pence, and Olette helped. And it shows. I just feel so out of place.” His voice dropped to a whisper, and he wouldn’t look at you, not even a glance from the corner of his eye. “I don’t belong with them, not after what I did to all of them. I don’t deserve to be happy.”
You pursed your lips, turning to face the ocean, watching a wave roll up and break against a rock protruding from the surface of the water. He had told you some time ago that he was part of the group that had caused all the chaos, and had even gone back to them after his defeat at Sora’s hands, but it wasn’t something that you had actually talked about. Sometimes, he got into a funk of sorts, and you knew that it always had something to do with his past, but this didn’t feel the same. He had never acted like he didn’t want to be with you or the others, and had definitely never expressed such a negative sentiment before. It worried you that he was hiding just how badly it effected him on a daily basis, and you would have to address that later.
For now, you had this to deal with. “Isa, I know that’s how you feel, and I don’t want to diminish that, but the other’s already know what you did. You did it too them. Don’t you think if they were holding it against you, you would know it?”
He snorted again, a cross between annoyed and amused. “They’re all just too nice to push me out. They think I wasn’t myself. But it was me, _____. I can still feel it, sometimes, trying to rear back up. It’s easier to push it down now, but sometimes... I’m afraid I’m going to hurt you.” There, he’d said it. It had been sitting in his heart for so long that it felt like a weight was lifted physically from his shoulders, even as a new fear replaced it. But the new one, the one that feared you wouldn’t know how to handle his, admittedly deep, well of issues was easier to handle, if only because now you at least knew.
Your silence stretched out, and he couldn’t find words to ease you, even though everything in him screamed to console you, to lie and say he wouldn’t, he would never, that he was strong enough to reign it in, because he couldn’t be sure of that. And it wasn’t fair to you to claim that.
After what seemed like forever, you stood up, letting go of his hand. Fear lanced through him, a steady diatribe of negative words building up in his head as he watched you turn towards to the hidden opening of the grove. Then you turned back, a warm, if not quite tight, smile on your face and promised to be right back. And then you were gone.
The sun seemed to be so much brighter, the air so much warmer outside of the dense cluster of trees and, as much as your mind tried to attribute it to the conversation, you were beholden to no such ideas. An idea you were willing to give into, though, was a much better one, a legend you had been told by the natives about a certain star-shaped fruit that only grew on the islands. They were in abundance here, and it didn’t take you long to find one. It was heavier than you imagined it to be, bigger too, and surprisingly it did make an impact on your return back to Isa.
By the time you made it, the sun was nearly gone and you were out of breath. Isa was staring at you, sitting in the same spot you had left him, and you had the feeling that he had been watching the path the whole time, waiting for you to appear again.
Skepticism swept across his face when he caught sight of the fruit in your hands, followed by confusion. “What is that?”
“Oh, the others didn’t tell you about these?” you asked, looking down at the bright yellow star in your hands. He hadn’t been around when you were told, but you had assumed someone would tell him, given how popular the legend was here. You blushed a little as you sat down next to him, close enough that your thighs touched and you could feel the warmth radiation off of him. It had sounded cute in your head, but the idea of explaining it was less appealing. “The islanders have a superstition about these. They’re called paopu fruits, and supposedly if two people share them, their destinies will be bound together. They’ll always find their way back to each other.”
You could see Isa’s eyes widen, flick to your face for just a second, before they landed back on the fruit. He took it from your hands gingerly, as if he was afraid it would bite him, and examined it, like he was looking from some sign of magic in it. He set it down in his lap, still just staring at it without a word, and you half-expected him to start laughing and reject it.
But to your surprise, he sounded almost hopeful as he asked, “Do you want to share it with me?”
Without a word, you took the fruit back and split it as evenly as you could down the middle, handing him half and without hesitation taking a bite out of the other. Wonder filled his eyes, and they never left yours as he took a bite from the center. The both of you waited a few seconds for a sense that something had changed, for magic to swirl around you, for something. The seconds turned into minutes and...nothing.
Your lips twitched before spreading into a grin, and then you started laughing. “Well, that was anticlimactic. I don’t know what I was expecting but...” you said, looking down at the piece in your hands. It still looked like just a regular piece of fruit. “Well, at least it tasted good.”
Isa chuckled as well, but he was still staring at you in awe. You had been willing, with no hesitation whatsoever, to tie your destiny with his. His sense of worth had never been tied to what other people thought of him, but as he sat there and watched you laugh, it made him realize that you, of everyone, treated him the most normal. The others never meant to, but they always made him feel like he was outside of their little bubble of friendship, like he was only ever included because he was there, like he was an afterthought and could disappear without notice. When you appeared and weaseled your way into his heart, he had been reluctant to let it go any further, afraid that you were going to turn on him when everything came to light.
But you hadn’t. You had taken him by the hand and brought him into the fold, made him feel like he could belong.
Warmth towards you filled his chest, and he took the fruit from your hands and flung them into the water far below.
“Isa?” you said, watching him turn back towards you. Your hands were sticky from the fruit juice, as were his, but it didn’t seem to deter him as he pulled you up from the rock and into his chest.
His voice was a deep rumble and full of wonder when he said, “Thank you, _____. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but thank you.”
All you had time to do was squeak as his lips covered yours, warm and sticky and sweet. Your eyes fluttered closed and you wrapped your arms around his neck, preventing him from moving back as you opened your mouth to his. It was bliss in it’s purest form and you never wanted it to stop.
But from a distance, you heard the sounds of your names being called, and started to pull back.
“Not yet,” Isa said, keeping you pressed close. “It’ll take them a minute to find us. Let’s just stay here for a while longer.”
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jesus christ this is so long now askdhfa;j i’ve no idea how it got so out of hand? somehow it’s 2k words??? well enjoy the fluff anyway lol
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How would Tifa handle Scrooge McDuck so that she would open a restaurant/bar in Radiant Garden?
bc it’s tifa, she probably owned a restaurant & bar before the darkness took rg
so really, it’s the only logical choice that she open up another one
and it isn’t hard to get scrooge to agree to fund it
she’s already got the experience, the numbers from her old bar were quite high, there’s definitely a market for it
he’s a bit reserved bc there isn’t really a huge a group of people to bring business to the bar
but tifa counters it by saying they’ll be in the red for a bit, but only until she manages to level out the product to customer ratio
plus she’s opening it more for the restaurant side, to give the residents of rg a place to feel “normal” and to take a break from literally rebuild their lives
and that is the argument that wins him over, bc it’ll be popular bc tifa owning the bar will bring a sense of normalcy to rg that it’s lacking in spades
and the fact that tifa will have a literal monopoly isn’t gonna hurt his feelings either
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How fucking annoying is it when you feel so restless with creative energy but you can’t decide what to do with it and when you finally try to create something it comes out shit so you just give up and sit there being all creatively annoyed and jittery.
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This one might be silly, but how do you think the residences of RG (not just the FF crew but Ex-organization guys) would react IF Sora was allowed to take Baymax 2 back?
lol the idea of baymax and sora in rg is what’s ridiculous
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leon went straight up dad mode like, “sora no”
yuffie, on the other hand, is cheering him on from the ground
aerith is the definite mom friend and is in the same camp as leon
even and ienzo are for sure wondering what would happen if sora were to fall from such a high altitude, savior of worlds be damned
aeleus and dilan took bets as soon as sora said it could fly
demyx is up there with sora no doubt
cid is hella torn bc on one hand sora is an idiot and is definitely gonna fall but on the other it’s really nifty tech and he wants to examine it
he will whether sora is “there” to give him permission or not
thankfully for everyone but definitely not demyx who certainly didn’t fall off like a dope merlin has a nice spell at the ready to keep them from splattering all over the ground at high velocity
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can I request some HCs for Xigbar with a s/o who's shy or introverted?
“shy” isn’t really in xigbar’s vocabulary
so at first, he thinks you don’t like him
it takes him ages to begin to recognize what’s actually going on
and when he does, he takes the liberty of “bringing them out of their shell”
as one would guess, it backfires spectacularly
they think that he doesn’t like them for who they are, so they distance themselves, and xig fails to realize what’s going on
he ends up pushing them too far and they finally break, and explain to him what’s going on
xig is good about it and apologizes, but also chastises them, saying that they should have just told him that in the first place
he realizes that they have to be handled differently than he would handle most others, and if he doesn’t want to push them away he better make the effort
on the other hand, his partner needs to recognize that he isn’t introverted and that they need to make the effort to meet his needs too
they each learn to compromise with the other, especially when it comes to dates and outings with friends
if he wants to go out with friends and wants them to tag along, they’ll agree to go, but he won’t make them interact outside their comfort zone, and if they say that they would like to go, he won’t stop them or he’ll go with them
some date nights are going to have to be at home, just quiet and relaxed, but also they’ll go do things that xig wants to do
he knows that places like bars and clubs are just straight up off limits, and won’t even bring them up as potential places to go
likewise, his partner knows that they have to make an effort to join him in things they know he enjoys
soon enough, they find it easier to be comfortable in crowds and around strangers, and does begin to make friends with his and starts to look forward to going out
of course, there’s still times where they refuse to go, just bc they don’t feel like socializing
and he begins to enjoy just staying in more often, drinking in the relaxing atmosphere that just being with you in a familiar place brings, and will even bring up just curling up on the couch and watching a movie together
these somehow turned into modern sort of headcanons? idrk how but there it is lol
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It's been so long, so I don't know if this has been done before or not, but Axel and Roxas reacting to an SO who has amnesia? Before or after recompletion is fine as is headcanons or scenario. Whatever suits your fancy
i can say without a doubt, that i have a spectacular memory and i haven’t done an amnesia one at all. also i think if it isn’t org specific then i’m going to do requests as post-kh3 bc i like the idea of them being happy
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so lea is stunned when he finds out
like just ready to lose his shit bc he just got his best friends back everything was supposed to be okay now but now his partner doesn’t even remember who he is
this poor man just breaks down into tears
it’s really not fair to his partner bc now there’s someone who they’re supposed to be super close to but they can’t remember just sobbing and they feel so guilty but there’s nothing they can do about it
once the shock wears off tho, he bounces back quick
he works super hard to help them remember, without being overbearing, but is also working towards making new memories with them just in case they don’t get their old ones back
bc to lea, the only thing that matters is that they’re happy, and new happy memories aren’t going to hurt them one bit
roxas withdraws initially bc, like lea, he thinks that everything is supposed to be okay now
he becomes really sullen, even after his partner comes up and apologizes for not remembering (which someone else has to explain to them about who roxas was to them)
he’s actually really unfair to his partner but also everyone can understand bc he’s been through a lot already
so someone would have to go in and talk with him bc he needs support just as much as his partner does
and after that he comes out and apologizes to his partner and starts to do the things the doctor suggests to help them regain their memories
trips to the clock tower, the beach, the mansion, just things that they used to do together
after a while he tends to forget that you even lost they memories, and, while he wishes that they did remember, he also realizes that they’re still themselves even without them
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Ok so...I'm not sure how much of the original FF7 story you know. Ever heard of cross dressing Cloud? Think he would have to be forced to do it again in Radiant Garden?
google is usually your friend in cases like this but i watched the scene on youtube and i am concerned. 1. cloud’s spine 2. the part where it’s just????? black screen and text???? you can’t tell me that’s not suggestive 3. he wakes up and it’s definitely no longer suggestive what is this 4. why is aerith outside the strip club thing whatever 5. cloud got r e j e c t e d didn’t know aerith was such a savage lmao 6. i hope cloud looks better in pigtails in the remake 7. what’s tifa doing in there???? 8. these girls are savages and gods oof 9. sorry my ass aerith 10. okay why does he call aerith little girl that makes me Uncomfortable™ 11. i just realized it’s a brothel jfc i can’t read japanese ok 12. cloud just literally and figuratively wig snatched a whole room what a legend 13. last but not least why was that whole scene almost 20 minutes nomura explain yourself
tl’dr anon you’re the worst and i need a stiff drink also that was hilarious and let’s just assume that, yes, he does need to do that again
to be fair, i very very very much doubt that there’s a brothel in rg, so this is literally all bullshit don’t @ me
so bloody tifa went looking for cloud in the wrong spot and got stuck bc well, she’s pretty sure that he isn’t there but what if? so she can’t just break everyone like twigs
this is acording to yuffie of course but leon won’t let her go in and he isn’t really sure how to go about it bc, let’s face it that man’s face is too rugged there’s no way they’d believe he’s a woman (not without him really selling it, anyway)
so they manage to track down cloud and explain the whole situation and he’s just, so done
but he agrees without too much resistance bc it’s tifa and they aren’t wrong, he does have the prettiest face
aerith does agree to go with him bc it’ll look better but lol she can’t fight
yuffie would probably be more helpful but also she can’t keep her damn mouth shut and the first time someone hits on cloud she’ll just lose her shit and blow their cover
so they go through looking for tifa and it’s literally just nonstop, the women are too nice and there are no men and suddenly cloud is very suspicious
the absolute relief this man feels when they finally find her is indescribable and he’s sure that tifa is going to be relieved and grateful to him that he came looking for her
but no, tifa just starts laughing at the lengths he went to get her
bc actually it turns out that it’s just a fucking women’s hot spring or like a massage parlor or even just a convent or something
and cloud is just gonna leave and murder yuffie bc this was humiliating and tifa and aerith had better not say a word about it to anyone
they swear to keep their mouths shut
and keep the dress on a mannequin and periodically ask if he’ll model it for them again
cloud just yeets himself off the castle balcony
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lol i lost 2 followers the other day and the only reason i can think is bc i keep making posts about asks but like, they’ll get over it bc ik i have to work at rebuilding the blog so until i start getting more asks regularly or i give up it’s just gonna keep happening which leads me to my next statement:
inbox is empty :^) posts are queued :^)
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What a concept!!
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No I Do Not Take Constructive Criticism :)
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Kingdom Hearts III Re:Mind DLC trailer → Keyblade to Chakrams
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