letmewritepliz · 2 days
Hello! Is this blog no longer active already? What happened? Did they bully you or something? 💔😭 Sorry for the bluntness.
Nope (or Yes, I can't even with simple English, lol), this blog is still active! Thank for caring about it this much. 💙✨
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letmewritepliz · 2 days
do u have any fuck or die fic recs that are not too long or slow burn? or do u plan on writing one? i cant whit thatm slow burn, i just want the smut stuff, ngl. but not the stupid kind, idk how to explain it... it can be about cod or any other fandom or original work. when i tell y imma out here STARVING
Forgive me, Anon, but I laughed out loud (not in a mocking way). It's just the way you phrased it. 😂💙
Anyway, I can't think of any fic / Original from the top of my head (I kinda like this trope too, but I don't usually like how others write it, so I'd prefer to write one of my own, as egocentric that sounds, lol). I can't promise you anything, right now, though.
But, maybe, if people see this ask and want to recommend fics in the replies/reblog section, I would not mind it either, you know? Hahah.
People of Tumblr! Let's help one of us out! 😂💙👀
Since I see so many people using the wrong term: it's not "poly", it's "polyam"—if that's even what the fic/imagine is about... Otherwise, just use words like 3some/0rgy/g4ngb4ng and similar concepts. Thank you, I hope you don't take this the wrong way. 🙌🏻 💙
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
Don't know if you'll answer to this, but do you have a favourite member of the 141 task force? If yes, why is he your favourite?
I don't have a problem with questions like this one. 💙
As much as I can appreciate all of the members of the 141 TF/ be intrigued by their character and psychology for different reasons, Ghost is def my "fav" one. The Reboot Version, to be exact.
Simply bc I can relate to him irl for a lot of things. That's what captured my interest in COD, the fact that I seemed to relate to him and understand him (or at least convince myself that I can understand him, Ig... lol). I read his comics too (for me they are canon until new material about his backstory comes out), and, yeah, I have a lot of respect for him, his character and his history/psychology.
Even if it is "just" a fictional character, I'm sure (and I know) there are people like him out there and that realization makes my heart ache.
I tried to keep the answer as short as possible bc I didn't want to bore you too much. I hope my words were enough to satisfy your curiosity. Thanks for having an interest in my personal preferences. 🙌🏻💙
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
Hey baby, I read your hcs about Price from Cod. Do you have any specific kink(s) you think he would be into?
Apart from the breeding kink already mentioned in that post, the manhandling, marking and sharing stuff, I think he would totally be into cockwarming in particular.
Having any kind of control over your body too, like having you wear a vibrator/dildo while he's away and stuff. Anything that can substitute his dick when his dick is not around you, Ig, lol.
To not let people know what kind of relationship you guys have (Dom x sub leaning, maybe even a softer version of Master x slave—nothing hardcore. Again, just the sweeter and easier/entry level stuff), you two would probably agree on getting your nipples pierced as a sign of submission to him. Instead of wearing a collar.
I don't think he could get any piercings done on his body. Both bc it would be dangerous for medical reasons (considering his job) and bc I don't think it would be "proper" for him to be in the military (with such an high rank) and have a piercing on his nipples or dick or whatever.
Hope that's enough to answer your question! 🙌🏻🖤
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
Hiiii! Do you do NSFW hc too? 👀 Maybe about Price...... 👀🙈 Thanks luv xx ❤❤
Sure, I can write NSFW headcanons, too, if I can think of any that could apply to a character.
I posted the NSFW headcanons about Price, that you requested, HERE 🖤
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
Captain John Price (COD) NSFW Headcanons (1) (requested)
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I think he would pretty much be into every kink you’re into/ask him to perform with/for you (except scat, but the golden shower is okay-ish). He trusts you. He wouldn’t shame you for it, rather he would find it interesting/hot that you’re into that kind of stuff. When it comes to sharing you, though, for example, he would def have to be present to watch or, even better, participate in the sharing of your body. Others can use your mouth or ass, but your pussy is his (he would make you wear a plug/wearable dildo to make sure you, and everybody else seeing it, remember that. The sharing thing shouldn't be too frequent though, otherwise it would start to annoy him, and never with the same people more than once (you get to choose them and he never says no to whomever is your choice). He would always personally make sure everybody’s clean though, he would never risk your health (or his, for that matter)
He wouldn’t pressure you into performing his own kinks, bc he’s lowkey “scared” it would backfire on him during a discussion. As long as he’s fucking you and you know you’re his, almost everything else is secondary to him
I think he would be one of those men who enjoys you sending them nudes and videos (even the ones where your face is visible). He would never share them with others or let anyone else see them on purpose, but I’m pretty sure that, if you two ever broke up, he wouldn’t delete them and would lie about having deleted them… Also, he wouldn't/couldn't send you his nudes/videos (reputation and all. I know, double standards suck, but let's also remember what his world and profession is)
He gives off the vibes of a lover who would praise and degrade you at the same time during sex (if you’re into that). For example: “Who owns this greedy pussy, love?”, “Your cunt is sucking me dry, love (he always throws the "love" in there, for good measure, lol)”, etc…
He’s gonna give you all the kids you want, seriously. He definitely has a breeding kink and likes seeing you pregnant with his kids. Plus, I'm sure he would be a great father and very patient with them (would give them life lesson speeches at every occurrence, lmao)
He likes manhandling you into every position
Don’t ask me why, but I think he would be a good and dedicated pussy eater, lol
Would def appreciate a unshaven pussy: “Like God intended”, and would not pressure you into shaving—in general
I will certainly come up with other headcanon bc this is like my fav thing to do in fandoms, lol. Ask away in my ask section if you have a particular topic in mind. 🙌🏻 Please, read my pinned post first! ✨CLICK HERE TO GO TO MY MASTERLIST✨ P.S. Any nice words and likes/reblogs are appreciated, cuz I really need it, lmao. Thank you if you do. 💙
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
just asking. do you only answer about headcannons about call of duty ghost? sorry if it's a stupid question, since your icon is ghost, but I wanted to try anyway, thank you if you answer
It's not a stupid question! Considering the fact that (as of now) I've only posted headcanons regarding Ghost's character (from COD).
I write headcanons and like to talk about other fandoms, too.
Just ask!
If I have something to say about that specific fandom, I'll gladly talk about it. 🙌🏻💙
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
Simon "Ghost" Riley Headcanons (2)
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I’m 100% sure that, by now, he has learned how to properly lie to psychiatrists and therapists about as much as he can get away with without being too obvious
Sometimes, he still has nightmares, but now they have kinda become such a regular occurrence that they don’t faze him anymore or make him question himself. He knows they’re just there to unload pent-up steam from work
He doesn’t see his bluntness as being “rude”, bc in his mind he’s just being matter-of-factly in those situations and, for how he sees it, other people should be able to understand that. If they don’t, then it’s on them to catch up
On his face, he has a couple of noticeable scars, more than a couple actually, but his body is full of them: they go in every direction and have multiple shapes and lengths
He has an almost daily drilling headache bc he doesn’t sleep very well
His back annoys him from time to time but he just pushes through the pain (he’s been through worse, right?)
He can come across as patronizing towards civilians of any age, even when he doesn’t consciously mean to
Even if most times he has his own ways of “showing” it, he could be described as a caring person. Sometimes you don’t even notice that he’s “taking care” of your wellbeing and making sure you’re holding up fine in a particular situation
I will certainly come up with other headcanon bc this is like my fav thing to do in fandoms, lol. Ask away in my ask section if you have a particular topic in mind. 🙌🏻 Please, read my pinned post first! ✨CLICK HERE TO GO TO MY MASTERLIST✨ P.S. Any nice words and likes/reblogs are appreciated, cuz I really need it, lmao. Thank you if you do. 💙 P.P.S. Credit for the photo used in this post: @yumethefrostypanda (idk if I can tag you, let me know if it annoys you and you would prefer to be given credit for the images without being tagged 💙)
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
Thank you to my first follower! It means a lot to me. 💙
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
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Simon "Ghost" Riley (COD) headcanons (1)
this guy will not stand being called a "Daddy" in a sexual way
this guy doesn't smoke & secretly (or not so secretly) judges people who smoke
he doesn't do drugs
dry humor is his specialty
black sense of humor bc of #trauma, it helps him regain a sense of "power" over what happened to him, as if wanting to appear less emotionally vulnerable than he actually is, as if he wants to get desensitized about it (but he obv can't)
if he doesn't understand it = it's wrong/you're in the wrong
he's convinced he has a higher moral compass than most people and that whatever he does that could be considered "bad" or at least "morally grey" serves a "greater purpose" and that: "If someone has to do it, it's better for everyone else that I'm that person"
I think he's 38 years old, bc I like that age for him. It just makes sense in my head, idk
I will certainly come up with other headcanon bc this is like my fav thing to do in fandoms, lol. Ask away in my ask section if you have a particular topic in mind. 🙌🏻 Please, read my pinned post first! ✨CLICK HERE TO GO TO MY MASTERLIST✨
Any nice words and likes/reblogs are appreciated, cuz I really need it, lmao. Thank you if you do. 💙
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letmewritepliz · 1 month
18+ blog
Fanwriter who is losing their spark/motivation to write, that's why I created this blog
Genderfluid (she/they), bi & polyam
English is not my first language
I like to write headcanons because I'm very picky about the psychology of the characters I like (with my OCs I'm even worse, lol)
Right now I'm focusing on Simon "Ghost" Riley from COD (the Reboot "version", and, until new material about his backstory comes out – that contradicts the already existing comics – the Ghost's comics are canon to me)
Feel free to ask me my opinion on the character and I'll try my best to answer it, if I'm able to
lgbt+ safe space
Don't be "scared" to interact with me 🙌🏻
Be nice & I'll be nice
this post is constantly updated, always keep an eye on it 💙
Simon "Ghost" Riley (COD)
Random Headcanons (1)
Random Headcanons (2)
John Price (COD)
Random NSFW headcanons (1) (requested)
More specific kinks he would be into (requested)
Which COD character is my fav? And why? (requested)
Fuck or Die fic rec (requested)
Is this blog still active? 05/06/2024 (requested)
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