midnightsgift · 3 years
As someone who watched The Devil Judge, I feel like Yohan and Gaon's bond leans more towards a familial bond, as they're both lonely and longed to belong in a family again. But I do see many TDJ fans who strongly believes Yohan and Gaon's relationship to be on the LGBTQ radar, applying to other characters like Jinjoo and Sun Ah as well. I don't mean to offend anyone, I'm just curious about what's your take on this?
Hi, sorry for the late answer. I've just been really busy with moving and didn't see this. I don't really tend to get invested into relationships that much. What i mean by that the only time i tend to have opinions on the are when I tend to despise the 'canon'. For example Student-Teacher dynamics that aren't used to highlight how predatory and gross it is but instead choose to romanticize them, or just couples I don't like together often in Love triangles where i believe one option is clear the better choice, i.e. i hate Ross and Rachel, massive SLS from the Heirs. I also tend to like relationships between characters and love when they clear have feeling for each other but never get together i don't know why but i like the storylines more than getting what i want. I hope that last line makes sense.
Having said this when it comes to the dynamic between Yo-han and Ga-on, i think there 2 ways to look at it, no not romantic or platonic but through the eyes of it being a piece of media and almost meta or taking it as face value. I think with character relationships people can view them as what they like. I always struggled with the concept of 'friends vs acquaintance' growing up at what point is that line drawn. Now, funnily enough, i often find myself asking what is the difference between wanting to be friends with some vs wanting to f*** them vs wanting to date them. Lets take humour for an example, I want my friends to be funny, i would also want the person i'm with to be funny, if i wanna f*** someone they wouldn't necessarily have to be funny but it wouldn't hurt. The attribute of being funny is shared between ppl i like romantical and platonically the only difference is i want to be friends with some of them and date the other. Neither is better than the other it just comes down to which ever box they land into.
I hope what i said made sense, because what i'm going to say next carries on that thought. Nobody can determine how you feel about someone but yourself, they might make accurate 'educational' guesses but essentially it's just whether or not ur feeling it. I then tend to view 'shipping' under a similar set of rules. Lets say a Story has 3 characters: A, B and C.
A and B have a good relationship(generic sense of the word not romantic). A and C have some sort of rivalary. B and C are family.
Ppl can interpert A and B to have stronger 'compatibility' than A and C, while other will Favour A and C's dynamic, and those that ship B and C are gross.
What i'm trying to say is I can see it, and i can see reasons against it. Either way i don’t mind the facts but i enjoy the dynamic regardless. Ppl are gonna watch things and connect more with certain aspect than other, ppl will reject certain scenes or moments because the feel like it's a bad choice and honestly i couldn't careless except as i said before it's just plain out wrong like Insect or it's Canon and i don't agree like Ted and Robin from HIMYM.
About the other characters maybe it's because their background character's it lets each individual project their own ideas and head canons on to them.
As Fandoms we tend to be more interested in aspect we can speculate on then things that are set in stone.
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midnightsgift · 3 years
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midnightsgift · 3 years
ik 2022 closer than 2015 so i read it expecting it to be, but i thought it was gonna be a minute difference and was fully expecting to read ‘4 years away’ i had to double back when I saw the word month, double blinked and everything.
the fact that 2016 was 5 years ago and 2022 is just 4 months away is making my eye twitch…. need a support group for people who can’t process the linear progression of time
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midnightsgift · 3 years
How Food Looks Before It’s Harvested.
Sesame Seeds
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Brussel Sprouts
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midnightsgift · 3 years
Ngl this was my same thoughts when i first watched it. idk why but this was one of the first dramas i didn’t get second lead syndrome 
if it turns out Ahn Minhyuk is the secondary lead i'm gonna riot
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midnightsgift · 3 years
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midnightsgift · 3 years
like i try to not to hate remakes, especially when done okay they can exist as a different entity. But do i hate how over the top everything seems to be in the trailer. Like where the first seasons of remakes tend to be bad is they usually try to mimic the original instead of playing into their own strengths.  
The rushed release of ghosts series 3 leads me to think that they seriously suspect that the American remake isn’t going to be that good. They clearly want ghosts to be as established as possible/in the public consciousness before the remake perhaps puts the premise of the whole thing into question.
Whether it is actually good or bad is beside the point, but going by the track record of American remakes the chances aren’t good…
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midnightsgift · 3 years
I’m rewatching Ghost because i can but mostly cuz i finished the new season iin a day and now i regret not savouring it. 
But OMG does this episode still hit so hard, then tiktok had the nerve of showing me this edit by qushvs and urgh my heart is shattered into a million pieces. I love this show and i love how it can make me laugh not at the expense of the characters. And i love how well written and human they’re are. 
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midnightsgift · 3 years
yh like i’m so behind the hc that Robin died by lightning hence the ‘light power’ and obviously Mary dying by burning hence the smoke smell. Julian's is harder to link but honestly i don’t think i need more of an explanation.
what if because in life alison was the connection between living people and ghosts, her ability as a ghost was something that let her communicate with the new owners of the house...
this would be really cool! i hope we learn more about why certain ghosts have powers and why they have the ones they have, like if who they were in life or how they died always influences it or if sometimes it's just random
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midnightsgift · 3 years
I just read your analysis on Yohan cherishing his last moments with his niece since he thinks he's going to die and now I'm emo again 😭 pls pls let Yohan and Elijah live, also I saw a theory that Gaon was instead going to sacrifice his life saving the two since Soohyun died anyway, what do you think about that?
i think you're referring to my post about Yo-han and that dinner scene, if u are then yh it makes me emo to knowing Yo-han is finally at a stage where i think he's letting his walls crumble himself only to perhaps die/betrayed in the final episodes.
Idk if u want me to ramble so you don't have to read all my word vomit and skip down to where I answer your question. If not enjoy the ride.
We initially see external forces (NON Yo-han characters) trying to infiltrate this wall be it Sun-ah, Ga-on and even the House keeper at times. And we'd usually see these met with resilience (on Yo-han's part) and the only times he'd 'tolerate' it would mean it be beneficial to him/his plans and even then it wouldn't be with open arms. Take the scene where Sun-ah asks him to be kinder to her, or the Jenga scene, very different, however even in the Jenga scene we're met with that resilience to remind us that Yo-Han does not need anyone, or one step further Yo-Han would like everyone around him to believe he does not need them.
We the visibly see this change when he apologies to Elijah. The first apology is prompted by Ga-on, but episode later once Ga-on leaves Yo-han makes that decision by himself (Internal forces). His image that he has created is no longer more important that the relationship he has with his niece or how his niece sees him. And as heart-breaking it is to see him still be turned away it depict a realistic reaction from a hurting child. This is also shown when he offers to cook/ask Ga-on if he want food. I'd also like to highlight the importance that it was through food he attempted to comfort Ga-On. I could also write more on that but i don't think most ppl would want to hear that so we move.
So, i would hope that none of them die, and already we've seen 2 'keyish' characters die and idk whether to interpret as we're safe or that alot more blood is to be shed. If one of them (Ga-on and Yo-han) was to die I would be more scared it would be Yo-han. If you asked me from the beginning of the show till about the time he got shot i’d be heavily inclined (90:10 spilt) that if either we’re to die it be him. I don’t think this is rooted in many ‘hints’ from the show but from having watched other shows and personally I find it more satisfying to watch a character like him die. Fucking heart-breaking but none the less satisfying due to the fact his life revolves around this idea of him completing this mission. However if anything was to hint at his death it would be the whole Christian  symbolism we see all the time from the show. And if we remember Judas comment from earlier, if Ga-on is his Judas the he must be Jesus. We often hear Yo-Han talk about how nobody is not sinful and i don’t exactly want to say this religion believe this or that, but there is the belief that Jesus died for everyone's sins, and it may not be in the same way but i feel like there a link there. I also think Yo-han dying to save Ga-on would be a nice (not exactly parallel) parallel to Yo-han unable to save Isaac. I would like to add any of the 3 we’re to die i feel like them doing it to save each other would be valid.
So I implied i’m leaning less to Yo-han dying but i’d say it’s still a 75:25 spilt to him. Ga-on dying to save Yo-han and Elijah, seems like the only way i’d accept his death. I don’t think it’d be such a clear cut consequence but i do see Ga-on sacrifice himself to indirectly save them. IDk if that makes sense. The fact that Soo-hyun has died to me actually makes it seem like his death would have less of an impact, yes they could play up the relationship with other characters but it would seem almost cheap for him to die. Especially as his character keeps flipping sides, i feel unless in the least two episodes they really solidify where he stands it doesn’t have a great pay-off IDK maybe i should have more faith in the writers but Ga-on dying doesn’t seem like the appropriate thing to do. 
As i was correct my spelling mistakes I though of another scenario and that would be if one of them killed the other. For Ga-on to die by Yo-han’s hands would be ‘great’ to see. It would have link well to scene where we see Yo-han warning Ga-on that he obliterates those that stand in his way, but also it play for great betrayal from Yo-han who otherwise is kinda quite Loyal. It would also parallel nicely to the card scene in a similar way Soo-hyun’s death did to Ga-on and hers last meal together.
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midnightsgift · 3 years
I love a good revenge show so when this popped up into my recommendations a few days ago i knew i had to watch it. I’m not gonna say it was the best show I've watched this year or that it had the best writing, but i didn’t need it to. It knew that it wanted to convey. I also went into it knowing it was a short series and would probably not go into depth of certain actions and decisions but i made peace with that before I even pressed play. I discovered half way through that it’s a limited series which means it’s ending was written as an ending and is  very unlikely to get a second season.
With that all being said I should probably explain what i did want from the show. Before i had even started the one thing i wanted was for the main character to stick with the ‘revenge’ plan in whatever it would be. You often see in these types of  revenge shows that they often back-paddle and never commit in the end and I've seen that plenty of times before and I'd rather see something different. This also feels like an appropriate time to state that irl I'm definitely more of a cut-people-out-of-my-life and move-on type of person, and generally don’t believe in “getting people back”. 
That being said OMG did she commit and was it uncomfortably satisfying to watch at times. As a woman I'm so aware of how little it takes to tarnish our reputations, and how our image is weaponised against us so watching the ‘plans’ it really was like oh shit... Mariam is out for blood. I’d also like to state I’m not defending the trio in any way, I feel like ppl tend to hear ‘I feel some sort of pity for character A,’ and run with it till it becomes, ‘Character A is a saint/had tragic circumstance and therefore doesn’t deserve anything bad to happen to them.’ NO! No amount of shitty backstory allows a free pass to be a dick, ik so many ppl that become nicer people because of it, it ain’t justifiable. 
You then also have to acknowledge the same applies to Mariam. As audience member i’m aware of the fact these shows tend to be created for two reasons. ONE) we’ve probably all been wronged in our lives and most of us will chose to be the ‘better’ person and not do anything TWO) it to highlight the fact that it is in revenge that we lose ourselves and stoop to their level. Mariam at the end of the show is no longer the innocent victim she was at the start, in the same way the trio do not become innocent victims at the end. Yes, they become/remain ‘victims’ but what they are, or what i believe is a better category for all four of them is the ‘villain’. It’s the bad guy. 
Yes Rania becomes the victim of abuse by her dad, and Layah by her brother, and Mariam by the girls but that doesn’t erase they preformed shitty actions. Also not stating they are all equally the villains i think that’s a personal thing for you to decide. But yh that sums up my thought on that aspect of the show 
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midnightsgift · 3 years
fr i kept think this while watching the newer episodes my guy made bank then dipped
The real winner in all this is Minister Cha's secretary who took his gold and disappeared just in time for everything to go ape shit. He's probably abroad living his best life with his family.
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midnightsgift · 3 years
The shoe fitting the crime (Part 1)
I’ve been quite hesitant about posting my take on the punishments as i tend to not articulate myself well during text posts. I tend to just type out my thoughts and post not caring much for how i structure myself. It felt as if to convey how i felt about something that is woven into multiple episodes deserved more care than my usual nit-picking of isolate moments. Something that i didn’t think i could do justice however, it felt as if i would be doing a dishonour to the themes of the show if I didn’t post my thoughts. Not that I’m saying they’re worthy enough to listen to, but shows like these are created to stimulate ideas, and my mind has been thoroughly stimulated. And with the end of the show approaching i thought this is the time before it’s too late. (Yes I am aware the title is not the saying, I’m obsessed with Malaphor)
Reality vs Media:
The thing I want to touch on here are two things in particular. I have two opinions which I think aren’t mutually exclusive. They are that media affects reality, what I mean by that is that media is something we consume and as humans we process this. It can be as ‘trivial’ as seeing a characters outfit and then a adopting a similar style, learning facts about a characters culture that may or may not exist within our own world or gaining an insight into a topic you once had a strong stance on. I remember growing up and believing if you weren’t fostering to adopt it was a cruel thing, it wasn’t until exposure through some of my friends and tv shows that I realise adoption isn’t always the end result nor the best option in certain case.
          This however does not mean that your opinions on characters would be the same if they existing in our reality. What do I mean by this? If we take them out of the circumstances of being able to observe them from afar, during an activity in which we detach ourselves from the consequence of their actions we may have a very different perspective of them. Media especially in the form of Movies and Shows (Plays etc.) focus in on characters, they shape the way we experience their (the media in question) worlds. We can often find ourselves more likely to sympathise with the main characters due to the fact we learn about them, we see the “logic”  behind their actions, where as we tend to only see the consequence of other’s actions on to the main character. I’m not saying this is clear cut, but it does mean we have this bias, intentional by the creators, to understand the main characters more. Personally I strongly believe, ‘Understanding something does not equate to Justifying something,’ but I can see that’s how I take to interoperate those words. I know people who colloquially use those words interchangeably. For example I’m into true crime, so I might say I can understand why serial kill their victim, be it due to craving power or sexual gratification. Something I do not seek nor justifies what they did. They actual also touch on this in the show as well which i love but i brought this up not for that purpose but how we consume the characters on our screen.
          What do I mean? I love Yo-Han and Sun-’ahs characters, i love characters like them. However i am also well aware of the fact i would most likely dislike them in real life. No amount of backstory or tragedy (generally speaking) would make me think manipulating and murdering people for self gain is a positive or justifiable trait. I’m not talking about murdering in self defence be it in the moment or SA victims fighting back, but these are grown adults. Yes Yo-han was an abused child who never knew affection (Understanding) but there is a period in our lives where the actions we commit become our responsibility. I’m not gonna give a definitive age because it’s a grey period even in my own life. But there has to be, and it sounds harsh, even typing it this out i feel like it’ll be misunderstood and that i have no sympathy which is not what i’m saying. Yes technically even in adult you can blame the root of your actions on your shitty circumstances but if you’re not actively trying to improve yourself, it doesn’t have to be all at one and i do believe it’s a very personal thing, then that becomes a you problem. Anyway i feel like i’ve got distracted within in my points, what i mean is that most ppl who love these two characters wouldn’t love them in reality it’s the separation and the ability to digest them how ever you’d like that makes them appealing.
          However liking these characters doesn’t mean you sympathise with murderers or are bad people. The thing about media is that we can like it for different reasons, i love this show but i also love ‘shitty’ predictable tv too for contrasting and similar reasons. When we appreciate shows we do so for a multitude of reason, the writing, the acting, the actors, the cinematography, the soundtrack.... 
This also works on the flip side it’s so easy to hate and nit-pick characters for even the smallest of flaws and to extrapolate from there. Something i will talk about in my other parts if i ever continues what ever this train wreck of a post was
Crime vs Punishment:
Intent vs Effect:
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midnightsgift · 3 years
Ngl Idk if this is gonna be the most profound take on the scene with Yo-han and Ga-on but it is mine. 
Nobody else really said this (maybe they have I’m not massively active in the tags) but I felt really uncomfortable watching him (Yo-han). I was so visibly cringing (idk if that’s the right word but i was tensing up) and i first i thought it was because i’m not really an affectionate person. I have actually cringed at slow dance scenes or prolonged hugging or just other similar scenes in other shows and movies. I’m not saying that those scene must be bad therefore i don’t like them, no, i just don’t like some of them regardless of whether they’re good or not. 
But on a second thought what i believe it was, was seeing him so vulnerable. It was kinda out of character. Not out-of-character in the way it shitty writing he would never do that, but out-of-character it good writing, characters develop. What i mean is we tend to not see Yo-han ask for things, and when he does he usually already tends to have a upper hand. The scene was a clear display of Yo-han not having control, feeling like he lost something. He felt like he needed Ga-on to help complete his plan, he wanted him to be on his side, we’ve heard him say this. So it was really uncomfortable seeing him put himself out there and direct Ga-on to cut Soo-hyun out as if Ga-on would just fall in line, when he clearly wasn’t. It was seeing Yo-han who usualy the expert in ‘animal’ behaviour make such an error in judgement.
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midnightsgift · 3 years
i am not joking we need to force teach cooking in schools. like. it is an essential thing for survival. do you know how easy it is to make things if you know even the bare bones shit about how cooking works. we need to teach teenagers how far you can take an onion and some other veggies it’’s sad that people grow up not knowing how to prepare literally anything. and i’m not talking about oh this home ed class taught me how to make chicken nuggets at home i’m talking about learning the balancing of sweetness and acidity and saltiness and bitterness and shit like that and techniques and oil temperatures and how meats cook. it needs to be taught because it’s literally not even that difficult and it matters so much
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midnightsgift · 3 years
ohhhhh me not emotional over yohan again, but look. it’s very clear yohan hasn’t had a lot of mundane, typical experiences in his life - things most people consider a normal part of growing up. such as playing cards or having friends, etc.
ep 11 really stress that even more, and i love the fact that gaon does not make fun of yohan for what he lacks. watching yohan retreat to his room after being asked to play jenga, and then gaon prodding him to come join, you almost feel the deep sense of shame yohan internalizes. shame for wanting to join, for being interested, for thinking he’s welcome. he’s so hesitant when he sits down and tries to cover it up by thinking they’re annoying him for taking him away from his reading. like, that’s certainly a coping mechanism, but i just appreciate gaon’s approach to yohan’s inexperience.
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midnightsgift · 3 years
yohan and gaon at the end of ep 11
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