mercykatze · 9 months
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if you enjoy feral girls Please watch al rawabi school for girls on netflix ive only watched 2 eps so far but im already hooked its so good. all the characters are styled so well and the set design is also sooo fun
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My gender is her from now on
Noaf, from Alrawabi School for Girls
My new obsession
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[start ID: Noaf, a character from the 'Alrawabi School for Girls' Netflix series. She's sitting on a side position, on a toilet with her legs up folded near her chest, holding them by her knees. She's wearing a light pink shirt with the top two buttons undone, a mid length gray skirt, black boots and a black choker on her neck. She's using black eyeliner and a voluminous black chanel haircut. Behind her are some pink tiles on the restroom wall. end ID]
(I hope I did the description right, I'm not sure of it. Feel free to correct me if it has something wrong please)
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slicedblackolives · 2 years
currently watching AlRawabi with my mom and... noaf and layan are endgame right. oh my god.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Mariam's Twin - Layan x fem reader (Part 1)
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This is one of my old Wattpad requests.
request: can u make another layan oneshot? I want the reader to be Mariam sister.
summary: It's no secret that Mariam and Layan don't come along. But how does it go when Layan and (f/n), Mariam's twin sister out of all people, are in a relationship?
warnings: angst, family issues
Word count: 1.736
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
“How can you be in such a great mood in the morning?”, I asked my twin sister grumpily as we were waiting for the bus to arrive.
“How can you not be?”, Mariam shot back laughing.
“It's too early. And a school day, which means drama between Layan and you. I wish I could have stayed in bed”, I whined.
I never got how twins could be so different. And how anyone could love going to school.
“It's not my fault that she's cocky and annoying”, Mariam claimed.
A sigh left my lips.
Mariam still did not know about my relationship with Layan. I had tried to get them to make up several times, but they were both too stubborn. At one point I had given up talking to Mariam about it. She did not understand why I was spending time with Layan in the first place.
When the bus finally arrived I moved to an empty window seat as far away from Mariam and Layan as possible. Why did they always have to sit right in front of each other anyway? It was probably a sign of defiance from Mariam.
I plugged my earphones in and leaned against the window, closing my eyes. Sleep was tempting right now, but Layan let herself fall into the seat next to me before I could give in to the temptation.
“Hey”, she greeted me happily after pulling one of my earphones out.
I could not help but reciprocate her smile. “Are you coming to my birthday party tomorrow? I wanna tell my family about our relationship. Yours don't have to know, but it's really tiring to listen to Mariam's rambles about you. She needs to know the truth. And you need to stop teasing her”, I stated.
“Of course I'll come. How could I miss my girls birthday party?”, Layan questioned while playfully bumping her shoulder against mine. “And if your family knows we have a safe place to go to without having to hide. Plus … I can't wait seeing your sisters face when you tell her.”
She burst out laughing at the imagination.
“God! Stop it!”, I exclaimed laughing myself.
Layan returned to Rania which was a good thing because I had desperately wanted to rest my head on her shoulder and hold her hand. The former would not have raised any suspicions as it was not anything unusual for friends to do. But the latter probably would have followed automatically.
Soon later I was sitting at my desk in the classroom. I hated this school, too conservative and too many rules. I was yearning for my phone to listen to music again.
My gaze traveled over to my twin.
She was talking to Dina and Noaf, appearing to be happy.
It was the same with Layan.
During school time it was tough for me.
Layan was different when she was hanging around Rania and Ruqayyah. They were talking about boys and the newest trends and celebrities. So I stayed away.
My relationship with Mariam on the other hand was difficult in another sense. On some days we came along well and enjoyed spending time together. But on most days we ended up fighting, the typical sibling stuff. It was worst when the topic Layan came up.
Today Mariam seemed to be mad at me already. Probably because of my chatter with Layan in the bus.
All of that combined meant that I was staying alone for the day which was lonely and peaceful at the same time.
Back at home I told my dad that I had invited someone to my birthday after all which appeared to make him happy, in contrast to my sister.
“Don't tell me it's Layan”, she remarked disgusted.
“Could you please stop projected this on you again for one fucking second?”, I complained.
“(f/n), language”, my dad reminded me.
“Fuck language! I'm so sick of it! This isn't about you Mariam!”, I raged.
“How is this not about me? Layan is always annoying me. And it's my birthday as well. How am I supposed to enjoy it now that you invited the worst person I know?”, she inquired furiously.
“You know what? I will help you out and just stay away from YOUR party for good because obviously you can't even accept me, let alone respect me”, I accused her and left the house.
I needed some fresh air.
It was hard to breathe as my wrath and sorrow felt suffocating.
I had no clue what to do now. How was I supposed to entrust Mariam my biggest secret, when she could not even accept Layan as my birthday guest? I felt out of place in my life because Mariam made it clear that I was and she was always around. At home, school, on the way from one to another.
Mariam had a strong, cheery personality. I had always admired and slightly envied her for that. But when it came to me she was just so relentless. Since the day I had started talking to Layan, Mariam had despised me for it.
I wished I could go to see Layan. But when we had started to date, we had decided that her family should not know about me. Just to be on the safe side.
And I had not taken my phone with me meaning I could neither call nor text her. Music was out of the picture as well.
So I continued walking around aimlessly, sitting down on benches from time to time.
When I returned home it was already dark outside.
Despite unlocking the front door myself I could not avoid the conversation with my dad. He had obviously been waiting for me.
“(f/n), I was worried sick”, he proposed making me feel guilty.
He did not even appear to be mad, but rather sad and guilty himself.
“Sorry. I forgot my phone and just really needed some time away”, I apologized.
He patted the empty space next to him on the couch leading me to sit down. “Who is Layan?”, he wondered.
There was no judgment in his voice. Simply curiosity and care.
“Mariam's enemy as you just heard a few hours ago. They don't come along and always annoy the hell out of each other”, I explained.
This time he did not make me aware of my language.
“I got that. But actually I wanted to know who she is to you”, he clarified.
That caught me off guard.
I barely talked to my parents about myself. Whenever I had tried, Mariam had suddenly popped up and stolen the attention, or our little brother.
“I wanted to tell you tomorrow … together with her. But I guess that won't happen now. She's my girlfriend”, I enlightened him. “But please don't tell Mariam. I can't take another one of her rants. At first it was just annoying but by now it's hurtful.”
Suddenly my dad enveloped me in a tight hug. “(f/n) … as long as Layan makes you happy there's nothing wrong with being with her, no matter what anyone else is thinking. If Mariam can't deal with it, it's on her. Please celebrate with us tomorrow and invite her over. I would love to get to know her.”
“Are you sure?”, I questioned, close to crying.
“Yes. And it's your birthday, too. Don't forget that. You don't have to give up everything to avoid another conflict with Mariam. We still love you, even if your actions make some situations more complicated, okay? You're not alive to be easy to handle. Your mom and I want you to be happy”, he declared.
“Thanks, dad”, I whispered before getting out of his embrace and making my way over to the stairs.
Oh, how I hated sharing a room with my twin. But sooner or later I would have to face her.
I entered our room leading Mariam to quickly close her laptop. Probably some video chat. It was not like I cared at this point.
“I talked to dad. Layan is going to come over tomorrow because I want her to spend my birthday with me. If you can't accept that, I guess you'll have to leave”, I suggested while grabbing some pj's and underwear to go take a shower.
Mariam let out a frustrated growl. “Why are you doing this? Do you love making me miserable?”
That made me stop in my tracks. “I'M making YOU miserable? Seriously?”
“Obviously”, she stated matter-of-factually.
“OH, I'm so sorry that I invited someone over I actually enjoy spending time with while you have your two best friends around you all the time. They are coming too, aren't they? So what's your problem?”
“That you invited Layan out of all people! You know that we can't stand each other. You probably just invited her to piss me off”, she accused me.
“Wow”, I mumbled bitterly. “So that's what you're thinking about me. I dunno if you ever even noticed, but while you're hanging out with your friends every day at school, laughing and chatting, I'm all alone. I don't have anyone at school. Everybody avoids me because I'm your sister and you always get into fights with Layan. They want to stay away from all the drama. You are mad at me most of the time and avoid me as well because I come along with Layan. Actually I don't just come along with her. She's my girlfriend which we don't wanna announce because we're afraid how the school and her parents will react. Now you have the information to take the one thing from me that is still making me happy. Because you always make me feel like something is wrong with me. It feels like there's no place for me. Thanks to you I feel like an outsider at school and my own home. So sorry that you have to deal with someone you don't like but I love on OUR birthday. Trust me. I wish it was just yours. It would be much easier for all of us if I hadn't been born as your twin.”
Silence settled between us as soon as I stopped talking.
Somehow I could not move. The heaviness of my own words keeping me down.
Part 2
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reeve-in-a-suit · 1 year
I want like,,,, Noaf and Pluto and Nico to meet in some little gay cafe and teach each other to do eyeliner
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hiimnewheresblog · 3 months
Bro is it just me or did yall see the scene where noaf was holding layan’s hand nd layan let her in ep 5 after they (almost) get caught
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thestormlightnetwork · 3 months
someone give my girl Noaf a hug she needs it
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whitestopper · 4 months
Making the obvious Al Rawabi x Mean Girls comparisons
Layan - Regina
Rania - Karen
Ruqayya - Gretchen
Dina - Damien
Ms Abeer - Ms Norbury
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
it’s funny how Sidney reminds me of Katara & Sam reminds me of Azula (in some ways. in some ways. ok) I wouldn’t consider shipping Sidney & Sam ‘cause….. idk I just wouldn’t but I have noticed these random parallels. it’s cause Katara & Azula give off final girl vibes but in totally different ways lol
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liberty1776 · 2 months
Skeptics, Beware: This Video About Noah’s Ark Will Change Your Mind!
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s1nfultrash · 2 years
Thanks for following me, I really appreciate it
ofc! i love u writing sm !! :]
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jaegerbroshoe · 4 months
Oh. My. God. That cameo!
I really didn’t think we’d get any more insight on the previous season but I love love love how they handled this.
When I first saw Noaf and Rania, I got annoyed because I thought it was gonna be more Maryam bashing/discounting the bullies, but I was pleasantly surprised when she showed up to pay her respect and wasn’t shunned out from the memorial.
This finally confirms what I always knew (but most viewers didn’t for some reason??)—that Maryam didn’t do what she did with the intention or knowledge of getting Layan killed (still a plot hole how Rania revealed the issue of the gun to Dina/Noaf but not Maryam). I’m glad the show finally cleared that up because the issue of the honour killing lies 100% on the brother, and I really didn’t like the implication that Maryam became evil at the end and that Layan didn’t deserve any consequences.
The show finally framed the conflict in a way that’s compassionate towards all the characters and acknowledges the cruelty of both the bullying and honour killing. I love that we got to see them all grieving and learning from their mistakes, especially Miss Abeer.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
Mariam's Twin - Layan x fem reader (Part 2)
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Part 1
warnings: angst, family issues
word count: 1.147
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Thanks for the request!
Mariam did not dare to utter another word.
After a few moments of silence I disappeared into the bathroom and took a shower … or rather burned myself with how hot the water was.
I was feeling a painful numbness inside of me and the water was the only thing reminding me that I was still alive, that my feelings were not completely broken.
I was not sure if my tears were mixing with the water pouring down on me or if I was not crying at all. Both appeared like likely options to me.
When I was finished and ready for bed I reluctantly returned to my room.
Mariam was either asleep or pretending to be. Both fine with me. I was not in the mood to talk it out anyway. Honestly I doubted that we could still talk it out at this point.
I had never felt so distant with her after a fight. This was different.
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and opened my chat with Layan.
(f/n): Hey <3 So … Mariam and my dad already know. Sorry, it just happened.
I had to be aware of my phrasing in case her brothers would look through Layan's phone.
Layan: How did they take it?
(f/n): My dad took it well. Mariam not at all. We r not talking rn.
Layan: Sorry. Maybe I should have held back more with the teasing.
(f/n): No, it's not ur fault. Seeing u tomorrow is the only reason I'm not dreading my birthday tbh as I don't have any other friends.
Layan and I were calling us friends in our chat from time to time to be on the safe side. But we knew to read it differently.
Layan: Someday it will all be easier. We just have to hold out a little longer.
(f/n): I hope u r right. Anyway … heading to bed now. C u tomorrow <3
Layan: <3
Putting my phone away felt like being all alone again.
My eyes moved over to Mariam who did not even stir. A few years ago we had come along pretty well. I wished it had not changed.
The situation with Layan's family was bad enough. It did not help that my own twin was turning against us as well. No matter how much I tried to persuade myself that Mariam's behavior did not change anything about my feelings for Layan it still hurt.
I fell asleep wallowing in memories of Mariam and me being best friends instead of enemies.
The next morning we were woken up by our parents and brother singing a birthday song for us.
Our parents were each holding a cupcake with a candle on it, mom going over to Mariam and dad to me.
After blowing out the candle they cheered for us and then congratulated us.
They had even prepared a luxurious breakfast for us.
It all worked out without Mariam and me having to interact.
On the bus ride Layan congratulated me with a quick, tight hug and handed me a little box with a beautiful necklace in it.
Of course I was wearing it from that moment on.
The rest of the school day was the same as usual.
Some people actually came up to congratulate me.
I concentrated on school work to prevent myself from thinking about the situation with Mariam who was ignoring or at least not paying attention to me.
Was she mad at me after what I had said or was she feeling guilty? Either way it hurt. Our birthday had always been a bonding time.
She seemed to have a good time with Noaf and Dina, as usually.
At the end of the day Noaf, Dina and Layan were coming with Mariam and me immediately.
As soon as we had entered the house I vanished with Layan into my room. Mariam could have the living room for all I cared. I was pretty sure that she would not come up here with Layan present.
In my room I did not hesitate to kiss Layan earning a smile from her before she kissed me back.
We ended up cuddling on my bed.
“So when are you planning to tell the rest of your family?”, Layan wondered.
“Sometime around dinner, I think”, I considered.
“Mariam and you are still not talking”, she noted.
“No … and I don't think that will change anytime soon. I'm not planning to take the first step again. Everything I said to her is true”, I proposed.
“I get that. I hope she will take the first step though. No matter how much I can't stand her I know that she's important to you”, Layan stated.
During dinner it was mainly Mariam and Dina talking until my parents interjected and started talking to Layan.
Layan was pretty good with them which did not surprise me. She could be great with words after all and knew how to present herself best.
After dinner Mariam and I got our gifts.
I actually got the headphones I had wished for and was super happy about it.
“What about your necklace? Did you get it today?”, mom inquired.
Automatically my hand wandered to it to hold it. “Oh, yeah. Layan got it for me. It's pretty, isn't it?”
I flashed Layan a loving smile and rested my head on her shoulder without even thinking about it.
Mariam was glaring at the sight, but nobody else appeared to notice.
Dina and Noaf seemed to be surprised how close Layan and I actually were, although I was sure that Mariam had complained to them about it before.
It was all silent right now. It was now or never.
“Um … by the way … I still need to tell you something”, I began and sat upright again.
Layan was holding my hand under the table.
“What is it, sweetheart?”, mom questioned.
“Layan isn't just my friend … she's my girlfriend”, I confessed.
Dad smiled proudly at me.
“Okay ...”, mom uttered surprised.
Dina and Noaf were looking shocked as well. So at least Mariam had kept it secret.
“But don't make out anywhere I can see you”, my brother joked making dad and me laugh.
“Okay”, I ensured him.
“Layan, you are welcome to come over whenever you want of course. But (f/n) you know the boundaries”, mom reminded me.
“Yeah, don't worry about it”, I reassured her.
“Fine then”, she said before cleaning the dishes with dad.
“Your parents are really laid-back. Could only dream of it”, Layan pointed out.
“Yeah, guess I'm lucky in that regard”, I agreed.
I just wished my home could be a safe place. But as long as Mariam was so stubborn that was a wish that could not come true.
The End
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noah loaf. noaf.
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reeve-in-a-suit · 1 year
Blorbo thoughts while watching AlRawabi School for Girls (I’ll avoid spoilers)
Ep 1:
I was watching it in Arabic but out of curiosity played it in English for a moment and am now surprised by the British accents?
Lmao I’m going to love Rania
Y’know what this is giving Heathers
Help no this is 100% heathers
awe emo baby no
I’m going to cry
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wireheadbird · 2 months
Missing You [2]
previous chapter
(Al-Rawabi) female reader
Note : I've decided to make it into a Hiba fanfic, but this chapter is still kind of a build up. I'm working on the third chapter at the moment which will finally have much more interaction with Hiba. Also for the side characters which I don't remember the names of I will be making them up (like this chapter, one of Layan's brothers name I think wasn't mentioned?? also can someone remind me how many brothers Layan has? I think it was 3) Warnings : Mentions of death, abuse, slut shaming, mentions of bullying, angst (so much), grief, swearing, blood. Summary : Y/N goes to Layan's memorial and has a fight with the others for allowing Mariam to join, when she's back home a misunderstanding happens causing Y/N's brother to punish her just like old times.
1,440 ___________________________________
It's been a tiring first week, there were already girls who built a high reputation for themselves in such a short period of time. But a group of girls stood out the most to me. They reminded me so much of Layan and I when we hung out with our friends Rania and Ruqqaya. Especially Tasneem, she was so much like Layan and so nice and sweet. But her friend? Hiba? I despised her, hated her with a passion, ever since she banged on the bathroom stall mocking me with just a smile.
Ever since then she hasn’t left me alone as she repeatedly stopped me in halls, classes, locker rooms, restrooms, everywhere. She was everywhere taunting me just because she found it entertaining to do so. “What’s wrong, loner? Don’t have any friends? Aww no one wants to be around you, I can see why.” she would say. And because I never responded she’d eventually get bored and leave only to return the next day.
It was finally the first weekend. I was in my room when I got a text from a number I hadn’t seen pop up in a while, that read ‘It would be great to have you there y/n’ Rania then sent a location along with another attached message, ‘A memorial for Layan’. My finger hovered over the notification until I pressed it. She also sent the time and picture of the entrance. ‘It’s tonight’ she typed, I didn’t reply not wanting to promise anything. 
I put together an outfit carelessly, a sweater and jeans with sneakers. Then checked the time to see how long I had left but not before poking my head out the door listening to see if anyone other than me was home, thankfully I was alone, and I had about an hour to spare so I decided to have a walk around the area, locking my room so they’d think I’m sleeping. 
Once I arrived I was surprised and overwhelmed by how many people were going into the room the memorial was being held in, I contemplated on whether I should go in or just leave and go back home. They’d understand, right? But it didn’t feel right… So instead I decided to watch from outside of the building, the room had lots of windows so it wasn’t hard. For once I was grateful for how dark it was outside because whoever was inside couldn’t see me. More people were flooding in and so did the memories. Eventually Rania came in with Noaf and….Miss Abeer? Shit.
But that wasn’t all, when Rania sang a song in honor of Layan, she nodded towards someone at the entrance to come and sit with a smile. When I shifted my eyes in curiosity as to who came in when everyone was here… “no..” I whispered to myself. ‘How dare she show her face here?’ I thought to myself. To say I was enraged would be an understatement, tears welled up in my eyes in frustration once they comforted her as she cried. I felt betrayed. Everyone knows she’s the reason Layan was caught. If she had just minded her own business, I would still have my older sister. But instead she’s here…crying!? When she clearly has no right to.
I waited until everyone started to leave, leaving only Noaf, Dina, Rania, Ruqqaya, and Mariam catching up sitting in a circle, before slowly walking inside the room tear stains evident on my face. “y/n?” Noaf sprinted towards me for a hug which led the others to come forward as well. However, my eyes didn’t leave Mariam’s face where she awkwardly stood avoiding my gaze which eventually the others realized and let go making the tension in the room grow more intense. “I think…it’s best I leave. My mom is waiting for me” I felt too betrayed to move as I watched her leave.
“Are you guys serious? You invited HER?” My voice cracked while I stared at them in disbelief “she feels remorse, it wa-” Dina attempted to defend her “SHE’S A KILLER FOR FUCKS SAKE!” I take a step towards her with my eyes still wide in shock about the fact that they continuously defended her. “Hey. It wasn’t her fault. She was defending herself from your bullshit. If anything it’s definitely your brother’s fault he killed her for “honor” what kind of family does that? You all are SICK.” Noaf walked out after that with Dina following behind calling her name, neither sparing anyone a glance. 
I turned towards the other two who stepped closer to me in an attempt of comfort but I just stepped back and looked at them, “Is that what you think as well..?” “y/n of course not, I get where you’re coming from, but what’s done is done and throwing the blame around over something that fate had decided is no use.” Ruqqaya pulled me in for a hug, which Rania eventually joined, and my head instantly slumped on her shoulder allowing the tears of grief to fall. No matter how much I cried it never seemed like enough. Never seemed like the grief would end. “I miss her so much” my voice broke into a sob “we miss her too y/n, we miss her too” Rania sniffled patting my back gently. 
I lost track of time and arrived back home when it was close to midnight, carefully making my way up the stairs knowing that there’s a high chance my parents or brothers are back home. “Where were you?” Saleh, the second eldest, sternly asked, but before I could even think of an answer he pulled me towards him roughly by my hair while he stared intensely at my neck. He gave me a look of pure disgust and hatred, then striking my face which automatically made me yelp in shock and pain. ‘The cigarette burn! I’ve hidden it pretty well for a while I’m sure of it. Must’ve smudged and wore off leaving the angry irritated wound to stand out’ 
“What’s going on? Saleh what happened why’d you hit her??” my mom tried to pry off his hands from my hair but he only tugged harder making my face scrunch up in pain. My eyes were so dry from all the crying today I had no strength to cry anymore. “Your second mistake of a daughter is following into her older sister’s shoes.” He angrily points at the burn, it took me a while to understand what was going through his mind and when I did I tried to clear things up. “No wait you don’t understand! I swear it’s not what you think, I got burnt doing my hair I swear it” I attempted to defend but he didn’t seem to believe me, and neither did my mother with the evident look of sadness and disappointment showing up in her eyes. 
“I say we punish her so she doesn’t turn into her slutty sister. Who died in shame.” He spat, “How could you say such a thing about Layan you stupid son of a-” I attempt to repeat his actions back at him but before I lift my arm to swing it he doesn’t hesitate to smash my head against the railing causing my mom to scream at him to stop but I just feel the tugging at my hair get more intense till he throws me into the shared bathroom and locking me in. My vision was blurry and I could feel some sort of liquid trickling down my head, I reached for it and saw that it was my own blood. Suddenly the lights flickered then went off. This. THIS threw me off. They know I hate being trapped in dark tight spaces. 
“I don’t want to hear a single sound from you. UNDERSTOOD?” my father shoved his pointed finger in my tear stained face. Yelling at seven-year-old me for making a fuss about not eating my food, which I didn’t like because I hated vegetables. When I didn’t respond and just continued crying he put me in his closet and locked it with his key causing me to only scream louder and hit the closet door in an attempt to get out. After a while Layan, who was 8, would always unlock the closet with a screwdriver and get me out. As a way to comfort me we’d play Ludo or other boardgames while we hid from our dad and brothers under the bed. Yes it was tight and dark but she was there with me…protecting me.
next chapter
None of this is real, all but a figment of my imagination put into words.
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