mike-hawkin · 2 years
The little known trick to opening up your subconscious mind for creative ideas
In my last post I talked about the method to open up your subconscious mind to allow an endless stream of amazing ideas to flourish into your mind.
The method is well known and most have heard of it before, perhaps in different words.
However, I also mentioned that there is a little trick behind it to make sure it works 90% of the time. ( anecdotal evidence only ) 
And in this post I will reveal it.
The trick is that you first off need to begin working on something, be it an everyday problem, a hobby, or work related.
You need to invest time into it first, so that the topic is subconsciously in your mind.
And afterwards, once you’ve invested a good amount of time or have exhausted yourself, you take a break.
You do whatever is completely unrelated to that topic, be it playing a video game, walking your dog, listening to a podcast, going out for drinks, watching your favourite T.V show, cooking, whatever…
And this is the most important part, whatever break time activity you are doing, the primary physical movements most correspond to whatever you are trying to work on.
For example,
If you are working on a witty title for a book you’ve been writing about, that means you are using your hands/fingers/wrist movements to write it down.
Then a good break time activity could be playing the guitar or piano, since they primarily involve hand/finger/wrist movements. 
There are a lot of reasons why this works but it would require a completely separate post to explain it further.
But one reason is that after investing a significant amount of time into whatever you are working on and taking a break afterwards, your subconscious starts to digest it, understand it, and then it starts spitting out new material related to it.
It’s quite similar to how people build muscle.
First they invest the significant time into working out, become fatigued, and take a much needed rest.
During the resting period is when the body actually understands the situation as to what the f*ck just happened, then begins to repair itself stronger/better, and after a while it grows.
So here is an exercise you can try out for yourself if you don’t believe me.
It requires barely any time to think about.
It costs you nothing.
And all the benefits go to you.
Try to come up with a list of 10-20 activities where the primary movements correspond to each other.
And then implement them in your own life whenever you are stuck on a problem, be it coming up with a new solution or a new idea.
You will be surprised at the results.
However from the anecdotal evidence that I have, this only works IF you follow the steps.
And if you can’t manage to follow simple instructions then let me ask ya,
Do you really wish to solve that 'head-scratching' problem, or open up a floodgate of insanely creative ideas?
That will be all for now.
Anyway, if you want more “obvious” methods for generating/creating incredibly creative new  ideas, then stay tuned for more of my posts.
And with that,
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
A completely counterintuitive method that can help you open up the floodgate to A-Tier ideas
How many times have you started working on a problem, hobby, or something work related, and you just can’t seem to come up with anything good.
Perhaps you are writing a book and have been trying to draft up a title you’d be happy with for hours on end.
Maybe your car is constantly making a rattling noise and you know the answer is simple but just can’t place your finger on it.
Or, possibly, you’ve finally decided to pick up that paint n’ brush and are ready to create an original masterpiece that you’ve been dreaming of for years only to realize when you begin, all the amazing ideas in your mind just seem to vanish…
If this is something that happens to you constantly, then perhaps I can lend you a helping hand by sharing what seems like a very counterintuitive method to solving this.
This method ain’t nothin’ new.
In fact, I believe it’s something everyone knows or at least has heard of, but for whatever reason, it slips our minds when we need it the most.
The method is simply to open up your subconscious mind to allow ideas to flow in…
Or in words that we’ve all heard before.
“Do something else and the idea will come to you.”
However there is a very important trick to making sure this actually works. 
And if you don’t utilize this trick then this advice is good as deadweight.
But back to the subject at hand.
The reason why this advice works would be best illustrated with an example.
Take for example a Painter who only paints landscapes. 
He has painted for years on end only landscapes and has finally decided to paint something new but hasn’t any good idea of what it’s going to be.
So the painter jots down ten to twenty ideas on a page and leaves it there.
Not fully satisfied with any of them and believing that there is something else, an idea that he could be 100% passionate about, and invested in once it comes into mind, he decides to take a break.
He picks up a dusty old Nintendo 64 and plays some of his favourite childhood games.
When suddenly an idea pops into his mind…
A brilliant idea.
As if Leonardo Da Vinci himself rose from the dead and planted it into his mind.
An idea so amazing that it compels him to drop everything and begin to bring the idea to life…
Now sure this is just a made up example but I’d be willing to wager you thousands of cows for you to truthfully say that this has never happened to you…
And you wouldn’t take it because you know it has.
It happens to everyone.
But as I mentioned before, there is a little trick to it that guarantees that this method works 90% of the time.
And if you want to find out, follow me and I will reveal it in my next post.
And for now, 
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
Cold Email Overlords Will Punish You For These Crucial Mistakes
For a few months now, I’ve cold emailed hundreds of prospects as a means to earn some bright green bucks.
And because of that, I’ve learned quite a bit from experience.
For sure it can be a time consuming, daunting and tedious process, but you gotta do it to make life brighter in the future.
And in my journey, I’ve read more than enough comments, opinions, posts, blogs, and all that good stuff about cold emails.
The consensus seems to fall under: 
“I hate unsolicited emails from strangers that just want my money! BWAAA!”
And honestly, I find it quite amusing.
Because if the cold email was an offer where it promised legitimately to fix a specific problem that’s been in their mind for what seems like eons, they would have no problem with ‘unsolicited cold emails’.
So how can you go from ‘unsolicited cold emails’ to ‘welcomed cold emails’?
Here ya go.
People want:
A) Something that will benefit them immediately.
B) Tailored specifically to them, i.e. Personalized emails.
C) An interesting read.
The first one is a no brainer. Or at least it should be..
However, it seems as though numerous people who cold email others don’t realize that. Whoever is in this category, you should probably seek a specifically tailored made dunce hat and sit in the corner for a bit.
Another common thing with these types of people is that they don’t even bother to offer the prospect something that would immediately benefit them. 
Instead they:
1) Ask for the prospect's time as if they are inclined to it. ( You gotta earn it kiddo! )
2) Direct them to clicking on their website to ‘learn more’ ( Again you gotta earn it kiddo! )
3) Have a CTA at the end. ( “How many of these will you be ordering?” )
If you do either of these things chances are, you’re just another pesky email-to-email salesman… 
Now then, I’m not going to sit here and say that this method doesn’t work at all.
They do from time to time.
But to consistently do it correctly with results that you can be satisfied with, then that’s a big NO.
You gotta have flair with that style, a certain finesses. 
Moving on…
This one shouldn’t be anything extreme.
It becomes borderline creepy to mention that the prospective son needs to improve his math…
But here is the kicker with personalization.
You gotta have an intriguing way of doing it, not this common yada-yada where you say, “Congratulations on …”. 
Shame on you if you do this.
Be better… 
Be smarter…
And finally C).
Here is the thing with this.
People love interesting stuff, especially when it involves them somehow. ( Perhaps you shouldn’t do this when emailing a CEO of a 500 fortune company, but most aren’t, so please make your stuff interesting to read. )
There will be thousands upon thousands who tell you to make your emails short and to the point.
And that’s also why thousands upon thousands of emails go unanswered…
But for this to work effectively, your SL must be as intriguing as the email. ( I don’t want to get into that, so trust me on this one ;) )
Save your soul, time, and mentality by focusing on the three main aspects to creating ‘welcomed cold-emails’ otherwise the ‘Email-Overlords’ will punish you severely.
I’m bored of writing now.
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
The Responsible idiot
A comparison between how two Students lived their life,
Student  A, smart, charming, lucky, 
Student  B, idiot, unfortunate, boring,
Student  A, flew through school without any troubles, never took time to study, he grew up praised by his peers,
Student  B, Struggled in school, studied constantly, repeated his exams, was constantly mocked by his peers,
On graduation day, everyone expected for Student  A to become a celebrity, a CEO, a Doctor, someone prestigious,
On graduation day, no one cared for Student B, not a single thought.
10 years later, on their school reunion,
Student A arrived in his barely functioning 07 Toyota Corolla, overweight and out of shape, it was noticeable that he was starting to bald, an employee at a local hardware store.
Student B arrived in his newly acquired McLaren Speedtail, physique sculpted like hercules, an owner of successful sales company,
Student A, annoyed and dying to figure out how Student B got to where he is, asked him:
“ How is it possible, you failed the exams constantly, no one thought anything of you… Explain to me please, how is this possible?”
Student B, placed his hand Student A shoulder and calmly replied,
“It is true, I did fail, and I failed again, and again. It is true that no one thought anything of me, and while I was on my journey, they still thought nothing of me, and they continued to do so until I became This.” 
He continued,
“ But even though I was an idiot and still am an idiot, I am a successful idiot. I learnt very early on in life that for me to achieve anything, I must become responsible for everything in my life, lady fortune never smiled upon me, the gifts of nature weren’t handed to me, nor did sister charm give me her blessing.”
He ended with,
“ Instead, I was responsible and I took action, to will into existence my own fortune, to acquire the gifts of nature by alternative methods and learnt to talk sister charm into giving me her blessing. I did that because I understood that I was and always will be Responsible for everything in my life.”
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
Visual poison that Flows through your Veins.
A concept foreign to most, yet a concept that needs to be reintroduced into your life,
What is it that drives you everyday to get out of bed and you to even bother living your life?
Is it to get a degree?
Is it to get a stable job?
Is it to have a family?
An average life?
Throw that out, stop lying to yourself, deep down inside you know that the reason you do what you do is because you want MORE.
Majority of people have this false belief that if they achieve the things above they will be happy, satisfied, comfortable…
News Flash, it is not.
Whatever lie you wish to tell yourself to make it easier to fall asleep every night, go on ahead and keep doing it, and watch how you everyday become more and more miserable, come up with more excuses as to why that's fine, it’s not your fault, no?
You have the internet, you have more opportunities than ever to become a someone, to leave an imprint on history, to become a Legend!
Stop chasing the poison that is small spikes of constant dopamine… 
Stop wasting your free time for a meaningless laugh, for a tweet without purpose, for a post that delivers nothing, for a drink that ruins your health, for a smoke that makes you fucking stupid…
If you aren’t using social media with a serious purpose and don't use that bullshit such as  “ I’m an influencer, blah blah blah “,  then quit it. No one gives a flying fuck about what you ate, what minor accomplishment you achieved, your weight loss, your struggles, no one CARES!
If you think I’m talking shit, then do tell me, if you are doing any of those things, are you seriously content with your life? Are you seriously where you wish to be? 
Wouldn’t you trade the “ fun “ memories you have with a future full of them or would you rather have them and keep drowning into despair where you constantly are reminiscing about the past.
If you goal isn’t to leave a mark in history, then why the fuck are you still alive? No one will remember you, no will care if you die, so why the fuck are you still bothering?
Stop trying to find excuses for your lack of discipline to achieve something great. Every single one of you can achieve Greatness yet you keep giving up when it gets hard…
Every single time you overcome a struggle you become more and more disciplined, hardened. So Stop avoiding hardship, uncomfortableness and start seeking it more and more. Whatever you do, no matter how small, give it your all. 
Apply this to every aspect in your life and watch how you become a person that others, and yourself, could actually respect and admire. A fucking LEGEND!
Break the Cycle Today.
Get the hell out of your sad little pathetic state of mind and mould that trash into Greatness!
Use that Anger as a tool that pushes you towards Excellence.
STOP allowing your useless friends to drag you down with them. Ditch them and find better ones!
Rise like a phoenix from the ashes and burn so bright that it leaves everyone you know speechless with what you have become! A Fucking LEGEND!
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
Paper that will be used to Heat Homes
In 1992-1993, when Pablo Escobar was on the run, he burned $2m just to keep him and his family warm during the cold nights in Columbia. 
Think about that, that is life changing money to any 9-5 joe smoe. No average person could ever dream of doing that, instead they are repulsed by such an idea…
To be realistic, a 9-5er would rather die protecting that amount of money than ever consider burning it…
What a waste, no?
Well soon everyone in the “ West “ will have to start burning the $ just to keep themselves warm.
Look at the ongoing political actions of the Biden Administration. They have sanctioned Russia, and 99% of The EU has followed in Biden’s footsteps, 
They are threatening to sanction China & India next. They have initiated a Coup in Pakistan.
They have kicked Russia off of Swift, and in doing so “ seized “ $300bln of Russia’s money… Do you honestly believe that once the war is over, that money will be returned to their rightful owners?
Have you ever thought about what kind of message these actions send to all the countries outside of the Western countries… 
Not a single country in Africa has sanctioned Russia, Not a single country in the Middle East has sanctioned Russia, 99% of countries in South-America have not sanctioned Russia, Most countries in Asia have not sanctioned Russia…
Only a fraction of the world's countries have sanctioned Russia…
We must be adults about this, 
This kind of aggressive manner from the West towards Russia displays a very concerning message to all the other countries. A message you can interpret however you wish, but i’ll let you in on this:
It is not a positive message to any of the countries outside the “ West “.
Make no mistake - This is not a pro-russian post.
This post is meant to make everyone in the “ West “ think. Especially in the EU.
Germany cannot replace Russia for its energy without destroying its own economy. Summer is coming so the effects won’t be felt as bad, however once winter kicks in, it’s all over.
Mark my words, if the economic side of this war doesn’t change, the EU & especially Germany will suffer on a scale that hasn’t been felt in centuries.
How do you think the EU is able to have a population of 447.7m people? Green energy? 
The EU infrastructure is largely dependent on Ukraine’s and Russia's natural resources. Without them, The EU will collapse.
The people who will suffer first will migrate to the neighbouring countries, however, the neighbouring countries won’t be able to sustain the surplus of immigrants…
There is so much more, so much more explanation to be done. However, anyone who reads this can do 30min research and start to understand how extremely dependent the EU is on Ukraine and Russia's natural resources. How much most of the world despises the West, contrary to what most of us believe. 
Check the China media, the India media, the African media. Check what their diplomats are trying to slowly establish and soon you will start to understand why these sanctions are backfiring greatly.
Please take care of your Family, stock up on food otherwise in the words of Fauchi “ Make Room for Worms on your Dinner Plate. “
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
A Generation devoid of Common Sense
A simpler time it was back when no one could voice their opinions on social media,
Just look back a couple decades, 1968, where someone from Oregon, who voted for Nixon, would have never known who another person, from Seattle, voted for, nor would they have been influenced by their uneducated opinions…
No random threats, No dm’s of wanting to do horrible things to each other, there was no plausible way for pathetic little people to run their mouths or voice their uneducated opinions,
Stupidity was contained,
The World was free from stupidity…
Come back now to 2022, where there is bullshit left and right, Fat-Acceptance is a thing, Cancel Culture is destroying great people for mistakes they’ve made in the past, for jokes… Buffoons patting each others backs for agreeing with their favourite celebrities dumb opinions on topics they have never bothered to read a single book on…
The point is, the words you speak or write no longer have the same meaning. Too many of us jump from one view to another, from one topic to the next without reflecting and/or analysing deeply if we were correct in regards to what we may have once preached.
Seeing well mannered debates is a dying skill, no snide comments, no offensive personal remarks, no shouting or screaming, no “Cancel him because he doesn’t agree with me.”,
Seeing such debates is a rarity,
Look around you, and think deeply to what is happening in your society,
Is blaming others for your misfortune really the way to fix the problems which many of us face?
Maybe, just maybe, it’s the fact that most of us do stupid shit, and never take accountability for the stupid shit we did.
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mike-hawkin · 2 years
A Tool to be Polished Everyday.
From the best Stonemasons, Carpenters, Mechanics to Software Developers, CEO’s, and smartest of Scientists,
All have one thing in common,
To remain experts in their field, to remain the best, to invent new ways of applying their craft to theories that seem otherworldly, that some would even consider ridiculous.
All of them know one thing,
All of them practice this single most important thing in the world.
They Polish this one Tool everyday…
To remain Sharp, Vigilant, Ambitious, Daring, Determined,
To push through laziness, fatigue, fear, uncomfortableness, averageness!
Everyday they wake up, just like you and me, they look in the mirror, and every single one of them practices a certain ritual…
A ritual that every single one of us ought to do. A ritual that will propel us to achieve the Excellence that we all seek.
This Ritual I write of,
It’s known as
Polishing their MIND…
Your Mind is Tool that has to be taken care of, that has to be polished every morning otherwise it will begin to rust, dull, and Break…
Look through History as my witness, as my credibility,
From the construction of The Great Pyramids of Giza, to the discovery of Fire as cavemen, to the invention of Modern Medicine, to the Unimaginable ability of splitting the Atom into half!
All of these things were possible because they originated from a human's Mind.
From a single question,
“ What if I do this? ”
These people did not wake up everyday thinking, “I’m useless, I’m sad so I can’t do anything.”
These great people woke up, and they KNEW that they could achieve greatness, Excellence.
It is because they believed, It is because their Mind had convinced them that they could achieve this.
It is because they persevered, 
They never allowed themselves to be influenced by averageness!
Polish your Mind, as the best do in their respective fields, Polish their Tools for their craft.
For it is the place of which many great ideas are born, and only a few blossom into reality. 
So I leave you with this simple message,
When you wake up, look into the mirror, 
Stare deep down into your eyes so that you see your soul, 
So that all space and time sits still for that one moment,
So that you feel your heartbeat pound inside you,
So that you feel your lungs fill with air,
For that single moment where nothing exists but you,
And ask yourself one question and one question only,
“Why have I not achieved Excellence?”
And then come back, 
Throw the excuses out,
Harness your anger and bend it to your will,
Bend that anger into motivation, 
And go out and start achieving Excellence!
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