moonestrus · 15 days
It shouldn't take 40 years to carry out a genocide trial. Most of the perpetrators are already dead. That's not justice. Why have these courts if they're so slow and ineffective?
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moonestrus · 19 days
I live among ghouls
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Truck fire closes major highway and some smart-ass is worried about their Amazon package
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moonestrus · 1 month
Video Ideas
for women's history month, a video celebrating Jasmine
"I've been bleeding for 100 days nonstop, and no one knows how to stop it"
how to do qRT-PCR for absolute dumb dumbs
no one sees your social media and this is why
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moonestrus · 1 month
All the things I want to do with my free time
work on my coloring books
work on my romance novels
work on my fantasy stories
draw some stuff
plant stuff
eat a ton of ice cream
take a nap
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moonestrus · 1 month
I keep thinking of all the things I really wanted to do that weren't things people wanted me to do. I didn't want to make meals or feel obligated to play games with friends. I can't do this anymore. I need time for me and just me. I can't do this.
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moonestrus · 1 month
I make the same mistakes in every relationship over and over and over and over again with very minor improvements. I can't stand it. I can't stand me.
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moonestrus · 1 month
I wanted to text you to tell your cat happy birthday, but then I was scared you would text back and all the unhappy memories might just show up all of a sudden.
why did you have to turn out to be such an awful person in the end?
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moonestrus · 1 month
Everything seems utterly and entirely hopeless.
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moonestrus · 2 months
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moonestrus · 2 months
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moonestrus · 2 months
I took the time to start looking at the copay to go to the hospital, and as I finally do this after being really sick again, my partner has a medical emergency and is blind for two days after an intervention I couldn't be there for.
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moonestrus · 2 months
I wish I didn't feel so alone.
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moonestrus · 3 months
wow, the romance really dies when you have a kid :/
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moonestrus · 5 months
My oldest loved pink. Everything that was pink, belonged to her. My purse? Hers. My sweater? Hers. Oven mitt? Hers.
My second liked blue and was always too small for hand me downs. She got light blue. She has beautiful blue eyes. She likes purple well enough, but blue is her favorite. I give her blue.
The third is a demon child. She loves chaos. She gets a lot of the blue and some pink hand me downs, but i cannot stress enough that her favorite color is chaos. Nakedness. Wires. Wet tub. You cannot assign a color to this wildling. She is medium sized, so things slightly too big for out tiny second child or small for the fat oldest go to the middle child. Balance. Order.
So when our youngest turned out to be highly social and sweet, we didn't "assign" her pink. This was not a gender thing. She outgrew the oldest child. Our baby happens to be the biggest and grew very quickly. Yes, for a short while, she had a blue phase. But now she is in pink, and like the next youngest up, she has no color preference. We are just happy to get anything on her wild, naked form.
We will (and have!) put any color or shape on our girls. Just know that the oldest child/ren decide what their hand me downs will be. If the oldestlikes pink, well, the rest of the line will have a lot of pink!
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moonestrus · 5 months
When I was a kid, we went to the movies all the time. It was awesome. You could afford to go to a bad movie. You could go to the movies every weekend. It was a classic date.
During the Great Depression, people still went to the movies. It was a distraction from how bad things were, and people could afford it.
Now if you want to go to the movies, you have to decide between your gas bill or which children you are taking with you. $25 movie admission sucks.
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moonestrus · 5 months
Not to be morbid, but if Biden dies in 2024, who will be Kamala's VP? Or who is number two and who is number 3?
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moonestrus · 5 months
Christmas is always like
😎 I got $500 for shopping. Imma spoil my loved ones.
😨 Hold on, a shirt costs how much?
😰 Wait, books cost how much now?
😱 Basic kitchen ingredients cost how many arms and legs now!?!?!
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