noctiselusio · 2 months
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yunze exorcism service - ao3 (lesbian fanfic)
jiang zhaoyun x lan ze ; modern au. lovers from past lives, they find each other again to do what they've always been doing: exorcize vengeful spirits and fall in love all over again.
mandatory accompanying playlist (dark lesbian romance vibes)
[main characters come from legend of yunze, but i was heavily inspired by sell your haunted house and the untamed]
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noctiselusio · 2 months
thank you for the tag<3
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
i don’t really cry that much and I tend to suppress my tears, so this questions hits especially different since i just cried today lol💀
3. Do you have kids?
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
not really🤔
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
i’d say hair and voice
6. What's your eye colour?
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
scary movie but with a friend
8. Any special talents?
i made my friend’s most introverted cat like me, and that’s an honor I will cherish for life
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
watching kdramas and anime, walking while listening to music, reading, writing
11. Do you have pets?
yes, one cat:3
12. What sports do you/have you played?
i did karate as a kid and then tae kwon do up until middle school, after that i also had periods where i tried some sports but quit after a few months, like tennis, swimming, kickboxing.
I don’t practice anything currently, though if i want to be active right now, i’d probably just join a gym.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in high school?
science, physics, french and english
15. Dream job?
I wouldn’t say I have a dream job, but if i have to choose, then a neurosurgeon
gynecology and endocrinology are also options i started considering recently
I’m tagging my closest mutual and great friend @cottagehorror-lesbians-stuff if you want to do this:3
15 questions, 15 people
Thank youu for tagging me @killerandhealerqueen!!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. I am named after the concept of flourishing or prospering.
2. When was the last time you cried?
The day before yesterday.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. But I want to be the cool aunt someday.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not as much as I used to.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
In one-on-one conversations, I notice their smile. And in a group setting, it's the way they treat their friends.
6. What's your eye colour?
Dark brown
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Happy ending! I'm okay with bittersweet endings too. Just as long as there is some sweetness to balance out the excruciating pain, I'm fine :D
8. Any special talents?
None. Nil. Tumbleweed rolling around in a barren stretch of land *cue the wawawa music*
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, reading, collecting phrases/quotes from books and fanfics
11. Do you have pets?
12. What sports do you/have you played?
I used to play Kho Kho in my school days.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in high school?
History (Psychology tooo)
15. Dream job?
Becoming an industrial/organizational psychologist. (At this point, I need the money to build a mini library, buy books at a whim, buy merch, go to concerts and FOOD)
Tagging: @noctiselusio @akanesoma @harshitadekasblog @evil-moonlight @minimoni-archive @joonie @pien-art @pineappland @hemaris @koreanthrillerenjoyer @khaotunqs @cyphernet @fr-wiwiw @forgive-and-take @knjspjm
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noctiselusio · 2 months
Thank you for the tag❣️
Here’s for a belated participation:3
These are some of the songs I usually have on repeat:
1. Koi geba by ATARASHII GAKKO!
2. Habanera by Vinny Marchi
3. Why didn’t you stop me? by Mitski
4. Bakhtaran by Khaled
5. Words Words Words by Bo Burnham
I’m tagging @uraosol @efadefoks @theallknowingowl @plineythefish @cumberbatchedandproud @striving4mikey @friendlynbhddevil @arbeeboo @b1uetrees feel free to take part if you want to:)
RULES: put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people.
Thanks to @ikilledyvette for tagging me :)
It so happens that a lot of songs I’ve been listening to lately are from fanvids.
1. Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths (Word of Honor)
2. Freaks by The Hawk in Paris (Sherlock)
3. Can't Pretend by Tom Odell (Beyond Evil)
4. What Could Have Been by Sting (Good Omens)
5. Lovely by Billie Eilish, Khalid (Designated Survivor: 60 Days)
Bonus: if someone made a fanvid combining The Devil Judge and the old Depeche Mode song Dangerous, they would have my deepest gratitude!
Tagging @la-muerta @clawbehavior @frances-and-the-moon @godotismissingx @cottagehorror-lesbians-stuff @hannigramislife @amethystina @thedevildeer @artemis099 @brighteyedjill Participate if you want to :)
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noctiselusio · 2 months
BYEE THIS IS SO SWEET 😭😭😭😭 *hugs back* thank you omg this just made my day🫶🫶
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noctiselusio · 4 months
Love is...
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Today is Valentine's Day, and this is a good reason to repost an article about my favorite love drama.
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The problem with most romantic stories, in my opinion, is that they use formulaic moves. As a result, showing love only on a very superficial level. While true love is not expressed only in isolated romantic scenes, it is woven into life, becomes part of the personality and permeates the world in the eyes of the loving person. This is exactly what we are shown in Beyond Evil. In honor of this, let's look at Beyond Evil as a love story.
1. Love is - mystery
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Love begins with a meeting with a stranger (even if you are friends with them from school). Interest, the desire to know a person for who he really is, and not just to use their resources - that distinguishes a real feeling from a superficial attraction.
The ability to see the other person as a mystery, interesting in itself, an unexplored land.
2. Love is - to go out into foreign territory.
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In another person, we are primarily attracted to what we lack in ourselves. But here lies the main problem. What we lack in ourselves is what we could not assimilate, what causes confusion or even fear.
And falling in love, we sometimes have to meet with what we have been avoiding for so long and diligently. And learn to understand and appreciate it.
3. Love is - desire to touch
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This is how the great director Stanislavsky defined love. Behind this is not only sexual attraction, but above all the need for a sense of reality. The reality of the other, and the reality of oneself in contact with them .
Each of us needs someone else to feel the reality of our existence, we need a touch - with someone with whom we want to share this reality.
In Beyond Evil we see a great example, how love can manifest itself in this desire to touch, even before the person realizes their feelings
4. Love is - to see
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Loving means being willing to see a person for who they are, even in those aspects that they prefers not to show to others or even trying not to see themselves . But the person who shared your darkest experiences becomes really especially close to you.
5. Love is - to protect
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In love, we begin, often quite unconsciously, to extend to the other person our own instinct for self-preservation and our own sense of boundaries.
6. Love is - to share life
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The desire to share - impressions, ideas, memories and just food. Sharing food is like sharing life, letting the other person into your personal space and giving them some of your life energy.
7. Love is - strive to be seen
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Love energizes life. Raises the desire to be brighter, more noticeable, live your life more fully and, of course, attract the attention of a loved one
8. Love is - "Ram into you and bite"
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Partner love, unlike other types of love, involves more than just gentle touching.
It is natural to want to penetrate lover’s borders - and in this desire there is something annoying, sometimes even aggressive. The desire to tease, to provoke each other, may be born from the desire for a sharper and more intimate contact.
9. Love is - compassion
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In light infatuation, people use affection as a source of positive emotions, but leave as soon as it becomes stressful. But truly loving, we inevitably share not only the joy, but also the pain of a loved one. In the end, the lovers share each other's fate.
10. Love is - to Let go and to Catch
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This is the name of the last two, final series of Beyond Evil and in these words the dynamics of harmonious relations. Intimacy is a wave, not a straight line.
We catch and release each other, only to catch again later. And it takes a special trust in both cases - to let go and wait for the return. To fall into the arms of another and know that they will catch us.
11. Love is - to share a common silence
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Particularly deep relationships are distinguished by the ability to be together in silence. And to withstand that special level of intimacy when there are not even words between you.
12. Love is - to walk beside
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It is hardly possible to stay in a long-term relationship if you make completely different decisions, choose different paths. The ability to look in one direction, to create some kind of joint world - this is what makes people a real partners.
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noctiselusio · 4 months
i am an ally to all embarrassing and uncool women forever and ever
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noctiselusio · 4 months
never gonna argue with an butch lesbian. whatever u say handsome. wanna make out
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noctiselusio · 4 months
the way some profs just kill your drive😵‍💫 why are you so adamant on making your students hate you
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noctiselusio · 4 months
here it is a collection of poems about hope and or holding on despite everything !
I Am Not Ready To Die Yet by Aracelis Girmay
A Litany for Survival by Audre Lorde
Snowdrops by Louise Glück
Most Days I Want to Live by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Insha’Allah by Danusha Laméris
A Good Day by Kait Rokowski
Invitation by Mary Oliver
Instructions on Not Giving Up by Ada Limón
Tommorow is a Place by Sanna Wani
The World Has Need of You by Ellen Bass
Let This Darkness Be a Bell Tower by Rainer Maria Rilke
To the Young Who Want to Die by Gwendolyn Brooks
Night Walk by Franz Wright
Sorrow is Not My Name by Ross Gay
Everything Is Waiting For You by David Whyte
The Letter by Linda Greg
Testify by Eve L. Ewing
Every Day as a Wide Field, Every Page by Naomi Shihab Nye
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noctiselusio · 4 months
I'm so obsessed with the themes bernkastel and lambdadelta represent witch of miracles and witch of certainty witch of relentless pursuit and witch of unwavering obsession one in a million chances and one single inescapable outcome most of all I'm obsessed with how there's overlap the way it's again and again said things along the lines of this miracle happened to me only thanks to my certainty to see it through they're together they're at odds they're separate but we are only human at the end of the day and may confuse which of the two is to blame for our fortune we call a faint illusory hope certainty and an achievement obtained through clear intent a miracle it's all fables we tell ourselves to keep our view of how the world works intact at the end of or during a long period of struggle a structure around the inherent cruelty of it all to tell ourselves we'll be rewarded eventually
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noctiselusio · 4 months
having a month of exams should be illegal😭 just gotta… get through… another week..😵‍💫
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noctiselusio · 4 months
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one of the best academic paper titles
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noctiselusio · 4 months
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Chen Chen Poplar Street // pinterest // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Janet Fitch // Taylor Swift seven // @girltwinkabigail // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Mitski Class of 2013 // Taylor Swift You're On Your Own, Kid // Margaret Atwood Selected Poems: 1965-1975 (via @freshberries) // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Salman Rushdie East, West // Emily Palermo // 괴물 Beyond Evil (2021) dir. Shim Nayeon // Desireé Dallagiacomo Sink
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noctiselusio · 5 months
i need to compile every beyond evil-esque film because im a movie enjoyer before television and post the list here because some of you need something to scratch the same itch as me and i need more recommendations too so this kind of post would just create a circlejerk(?) feedback loop(?) for it 🤔
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noctiselusio · 5 months
Weird peeve time. Calling lab grown gemstones “fake” is stupid because it’s the same shit just not formed naturally. An artificially grown diamond is the same shit as a natural diamond it is the exact same material bro it’s all fuckign carbon
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noctiselusio · 5 months
The dramatic story of Juwon's wardrobe
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In Beyond Evil, there is so much attention to detail that even the characters' clothing looks loaded with meaning. This is especially true for Juwon. He is a very closed hero and changes in appearance are a good way to show his inner dynamics.
The first time we see Juwon in an expensive but formal suit.
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I want to note one point - the suit, although it looks stylish, is boring. This outfit is not so much for asserting superiority as a refuge, a case. Compare this to Han Gihwan, who always tries to look spectacular.
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Another detail is that Juwon almost never wears ties, unlike his father and Hyuk. In the first half of the drama, he walks with an open throat all the time.
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This can be a manifestation of rebelliousness, hidden vulnerability (willingness to open the throat of a potential enemy), or maybe his breathing problems due to suppressed anxiety.
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Juwon's change starts … with the boots. After surviving a panic attack and making a public statement about serial murders, he arrives in Dongsik's basement wearing soiled boots. And he doesn't even notice it.
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By Episode 7, Juwon is changing the narrow jacket for a more spacious raincoat. And since then, he has never changed the style of clothing-tent. He became more aware of his feelings and the need for freedom and space became more obvious.
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During his three-month vacation, Juwon seems to have completely come to terms with the dirt - he doesn't even shake it off. And pay attention to the shoes!
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In the first half of the series, Juwon's clothes were more of a protective case. After his vacation, he returns to rebel and impress.
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And it changes not only the style of clothing, but also the hairstyle.
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After Nam Sanbae's death, Juwon returns to his low-key style again. But the colors appear warmer and softer, and even the texture of the fabric itself creates a softer image.
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The investigation gets closer and closer to his father, becomes personal - and Juwon begins to close his throat. His desire to warm up and take cover is almost palpable.
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In the famous arrest scene, Juwon has the softest and lightest image. Here he relies on the other trusting himself in the hands of Dongsik. Although the chunky knit turtleneck sweater is a bit like chain mail.
Allusions to a knight and a bride in one image are a very typical combination for Juwon.
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After falling to his knees in the rain, Juwon reverts to his style until Episode 9. Simpler and more open. He no longer defends himself.
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This wardrobe story ends with "paired" outfits. Like Yin and Yang
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noctiselusio · 5 months
"Idiots to lovers" works best when the idiots in question are extremely intelligent
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