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Blind Faith is back on sale in all good online stores TOMORROW. You can pre-order order(or buy tomorrow)on this link. https://www.books2read.com/BlindFaith #writersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #amwriting #romanceauthorsofinstgram #readersofinstagram #bookstagram #bookbuzz #justinbieber
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Blind Faith is back on the shelves TOMORROW! You can buy it on this link https://www.books2read.com/BlindFaith #bookstagram #bookbuzz #bookboost #authorsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #amwriting #romanceauthorsofinstgram #readersofinstagram #romanceauthor
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On sale Monday 16th. Pre-orders here https://www.books2read.com/BlindFaith #amwriting #justwrite #romanceauthorsofinstgram #romanceauthor #authorsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #bookstagram #bookbuzz #readersofinstagram #release
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Blind Faith is back on sale on Monday. You can pre-order here https://www.books2read.com/BlindFaith #release#romanceauthorsofinstgram #readersofinstagram #romanceauthor #authorsofinstagram #amwriting #bookstagram #bookboost #bookbuzz
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#inspirationalquotes #writingquotes #writersofinstagram #justwrite #amwriting #authorsofinstagram
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#believe #inspirationalquotes #authorsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #writingquotes #amwriting #selflove
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Coming soon! Details following very soon. #blindfaith #novel #romance #romanceauthor #romanceauthorsofinstgram #novel #justwrite #authorsofinstagram #amwriting (at George Hotel, Huntingdon)
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We are looking for people to pimp our books on social media. Just work for perks. Mainly e-books but the occasional paperback at author discretion. #pimp #writersofinstagram #justwrite #readersofinstagram
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#writingquotes #inspirationalquotes #mustwrite #justwrite #authorsofinstagram #writersofinstagram
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Things take time, don’t loose hope… You will win, not immediately, but definitely!
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Tuesday is the new Sunday! Or painting, pressure washing and patios.
Well, this weekend in the UK was a public holiday - long weekend - YAY...except, I have a new house(well, its a very old house, but to me, it’s new). So, instead of lounging in the garden and enjoying that unseasonably warm bank holiday weather with a nice cold pinot grigio, I had a hectic weekend ahead of me. The first task was to take the pressure washer to the patio, which had around 30 years of dirt and grim on it. I have never used a pressure washer before...so after my initial ‘Ghostbusters’ moment..Think the boys vs Zool on top of the apartment block and you get the picture, I turned it on and immediately shot two feet back as the spray hit the flagstones. As the water did its thing, my grubby, grey flagstones turned a pretty pink and cream chequerboard pattern. Who knew? So, now I have a lovely, clean patio. Unfortunately, the water has sprayed all over the rest of the garden and I now have odd little piles of gravel and soil. The pansies look decidedly battered and even grumpier than usual and the shed looks like it has been pebble dashed. I, myself look like I had just had a bucket of water, mixed with garden scrapping poured over me. I have no time for a shower, however as I have my second task to start finishing the job of painting the porch before the man comes to level the floor....I grab the emulsion and start slapping the paint around, sweating in the heat of the all-glass porch. Now I know how tomatoes feel in a green house. I finish and proudly step back to admire my handiwork, trying to not catch a glimpse of my sweaty, paint-splattered, soggy, and mud-smeared figure, when my mum walks in, looks around the porch and declares “You’ve missed a bit!”.
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Are you ready for this bad boy? Cassio is BACK . You can read his story here. https://www.books2read.com/u/bP55kj #release #romanceauthor #romanceauthorsofinstagram #rockstar #erotica #BDSM
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Our First Release, an interview with the author.
All of us at Team Syductive were thrilled to release My Brothers Best Friend, our first ever and we are delighted to have an interview with the author, the lovely Kerry Carter. You can buy the book on these two links. The first for kindle, the second for everywhere else,   MyBook.to/MyBrosBF and https://www.books2read.com/u/ApOg 
1.      What is the first book that made you cry?   The last song, by Nicholas Sparkes. It’s the story of a man trying to make amends with his children before he dies. Its beautifully written.
2.      Does writing energize or exhaust you? Writing energizes me, I love it when ideas pop up from nowhere.
3.      What is your writing Kryptonite? Social media, I know I should be writing but can’t resist having a peek on social media, usually for a lot longer than I should do.
4.      Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want? I prefer to write stories that I would like to read myself.
5.      Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly? I think it may be a struggle, you need to be able to write down how your characters are feeling, their thoughts and what drives them forward.
6.      What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer? I follow several authors on social media and their love of writing and passion for books is contagious. When I have days when I feel like I can’t get the scenes right I look to them for inspiration knowing that they too would have had times when they struggled, but that they got through it with hard work and determination.t
7.      What is your favourite under-appreciated novel? A diary for Nicholas by James Patterson. It isn’t one of his well-known books and is also in a completely different style to his usual work, it deserves a lot more credit than it gets.t
8.      What do you owe the real people upon whom you base your characters? I often take little bits of people I know or meet, and combine them to make a character, for example their traits and personalities. In my crime novel that I wrote, two of the characters are based on my brothers personalities. The real people are valuable so that we can write a believable character, without them our characters would be flat and unrealistic.
9.      How many unpublished and half-finished books do you have? I have a crime novel which is soon going to be published by Titan InKorp. I also have a further three books of the crime series which are completed. I have a second romance novella which is almost completed. And I have many more books which are outlined and waiting to be written.
10.  What does literary success look like to you? Happy readers, who are excited to read your novels.
11.  What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book? For my crime novel I had to do a lot of research in to Police procedures, pathologist procedures and crime in general. I also had to research the time period that my novel was set. For my romance novel I didn’t need to do as much research other than the fashions of today.
12.  What is the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex? I enjoy writing characters of the opposite sex the most difficult part is making sure that I get their reactions to situations and how they deal with their emotions right.
13.  How many hours a day do you write? Sometimes I can write for up to ten hours per day, I often feel like I have run out of hours.
14.  Do you read your book reviews? How do you deal with bad or good ones? I haven’t had any yet.
15.  Do you hide any secrets in your books that only a few people will find? I haven’t done so yet, but I do like to leave little Easter eggs of things that will come later on in the book or series. 
16.  What was your hardest scene to write? The death of one of my characters, he wasn’t a main character, but I liked him, the fact I had already planned his death before I had even started writing the book didn’t help.t
17.  What one thing would you give up to, become a better writer? Maybe social media, its too distracting. I would most probably write a lot quicker without it.
18.  What is your favourite childhood book? The haunting of Cassie Palmer, I loved this book when I was a child.
19.  How long on average does it take you to write a book? Anything from one to six months.
20.   Do you believe in writers block? Yes I think that some writers can hit a stumbling block.
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Our first release is now LIVE! My Brothers Best Friend by Kerry Carter is out on all platforms from Kindle to kobo. You can buy it on Kindle here MyBook.to/MyBrosBF and everywhere else https://www.books2read.com/u/ApOg #newbook #newrelease #ebook #eroticauthorsofinstagram #novella #authorsofinstagram #amwriting
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My gorgeous Drew is back out for sale. You can find him on this link https://www.books2read.com/Drew #release#romance#romanceauthor #romanceauthorsofinstagram #rockstar #authorsofinstagram
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Thursday is the new Monday or when you have to paint instead of write.
 As I may have mentioned, in my ramblings, I am a writer, except when I have just moved into a new house and the last occupants thought dark chocolate brown is a good colour for woodwork. So, instead of tapping away at my red-hot keyboard, here I am, slapping soft grey gloss all over the window frames and creating a wonderful grey-streaked hair do in the process. In-between my hairstyling and interior re-designing, I am also herding two black cats, who seem determined to channel their inner Pepe le Pew by rubbing up against the nice, new and very wet paintwork to get the lovely signature strip down their back
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When Witchy Authors Talk
                    One of the joys of my life is the sudden random and surreal conversations I have. I was chatting a fellow author who also happens to be a fellow (or sister) witch. The subject of this conversation was book marketing. How we can find new readers through all the various social media sites and what we found worked best. Well, that was the theory... when I get a picture of the biggest piece of obsidian, it looked like a giant snail! After saying how pretty it was and no, I can’t guess how much it costs, and get warned to expect something in the mail, while being told no I wont tell you what it is, but it’s from Morocco. My immediate response was ˜you got me a camel!” only to be told no.“it a goat? I love goats” Only to be told that it would die before it got to me, so I would be sad (I know, but I love goats). Next, I get a link on pre-loved of..yep a baby goat. SO, now, instead of working on marketing.....I’m..you got it...looking a cute goat videos on YouTube!
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