pagesandpaints · 3 years
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Her Name Is Traffic Jam.
Also I have now peaked, and I will never paint something this good again. Send help.
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
“The simplest, most effective way to make a nonbinary young person feel happy and affirmed is to respect their name and gender pronouns” 🧡
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
Pro-writing tip: if your story doesn't need a number, don't put a fucking number in it.
Nothing, I mean nothing, activates reader pedantry like a number.
I have seen it a thousand times in writing workshops. People just can't resist nitpicking a number. For example, "This scifi story takes place 200 years in the future and they have faster than light travel because it's plot convenient," will immediately drag every armchair scientist out of the woodwork to say why there's no way that technology would exist in only 200 years.
Dates, ages, math, spans of time, I don't know what it is but the second a specific number shows up, your reader is thinking, and they're thinking critically but it's about whether that information is correct. They are now doing the math and have gone off drawing conclusions and getting distracted from your story or worse, putting it down entirely because umm, that sword could not have existed in that Medieval year, or this character couldn't be this old because it means they were an infant when this other story event happened that they're supposed to know about, or these two events now overlap in the timeline, or... etc etc etc.
Unless you are 1000% certain that a specific number is adding to your narrative, and you know rock-solid, backwards and forwards that the information attached to that number is correct and consistent throughout the entire story, do yourself a favor, and don't bring that evil down upon your head.
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
Hex Codes for LGBTQ+ Flags
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for all my artists, content creators, and anyone else out there who use specific color palettes for references/designs, here are the hex codes for each of the lgbtq flags for your queer creative purposes. i hope you find these useful. enjoy!
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
i can no longer deal with my current wip, time to work on one of the seven fanfics i'm writing, make 13 playlists, cry, eat a bowl of yellow kraft mac n' cheese, play minecraft for 8 hours, practice guitar, and remember that i'm human and not a pit of motivation. <3
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
There are times when I am convinced I am unfit for any human relationship.
Franz Kafka, Letters To Felice (via perfectquote)
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
thinking about c!tommy coming back from exile and seeing all the stuff from before exile but none of it feels like it belongs to him.
because his home hasn’t changed, the world hasn’t changed, but he’s someone else completely. 
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
Okay, Wilbur Soot enjoyers and enjoyers of YCGMA, plz rb or put in the tags your favorite song from it and why! I'm doing a lil experiment. Mine is Since I Saw Vienna, there's something so comforting about that one. It makes me feel big emotions, but instead of being overwhelmed I'm just content. Big confy song ^^
*Little side note: holy shit hit 30 tags 😳 I really had a fuck ton to say huh*
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
grandparents explaining their past in 2021 < future us explaining the plot of the dsmp to our grandkids in 2070
anyone else ever think about how being in the mcyt fandom is gonna affect you in the long run. like one day 50 years from now i’m going to be driving my grandkids to school and i’ll signal to turn left and my brain will be like “omfg.. this is just like that time in mcc14 when philza minecraft went the wrong way in ace race” and then god will smite me by having a truck slam into me at full speed killing me instantly
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
headcanon that c!Wilbur make the burger van window too tall for c!Quackity since Wilbur is 6'5" and Quackity is 5'8". (Ranboo is also tall boi so he would be fine).
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
***showing people unfinished or imperfect things that you are proud of nonetheless*** 
thinking about the casual intimacy of showing someone you love an unfinished work of art, the underlying message saying, i trust you with my unpolished heart
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pagesandpaints · 3 years
hello tumblr
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