paigenoelchas-blog · 1 month
CHAPTER 30: Holding on.
See the Author's Note at the end of the chapter...
Mahri's POV:
The roads had been cleared and I had, regretfully, returned home. Work was busy since we had missed so many days due to the storm. All the overtime was worth the five days we had in absolute bliss. All of the torture that has come from going back to normal life is worth it for those memories.
I pour coffee into my half of the "his" and "hers" mugs that Jake had bought me and drink it fast. I have to admit, I am not the coffee snob that Jake is. You see, I can, and often do, drink coffee from the gas station, from the pot at work that has been sitting there unattended since morning, and from my old coffee maker that I can program the night before. I save the robot, which I call Al and greet with a hello every morning, for when Jake is over because that machine is intimidating. He says I can reprogram it, but it feels weird to do so now that I have named it. So, I drank a cup of coffee that Jake would have thrown down the sink as he shook his head. 
It is early to head into the office, but I hope to leave early as well. I have to pick up Jake's Christmas present, which I am so excited about, and put some last-minute touches on his gift. As much as I desire to be with him, I am glad I have a few more days to get everything ready. 
I remember that I needed to text Dan. He would be the one to help me get Jake's gift.
MC: Dan, are you ready for the delivery tonight?
Dan: Not even a good morning for your old pal?
MC: Hey there, Danny Boy. How are you?
Dan: Much better now that I know you aren't just using me.
MC: Never, that is Jessy's job. ;)
Dan: Cute. Yes. I am ready. See you tonight?
MC: 5:30?
Dan: See you then. 
MC: Hey, tell Jessy Good Morning for me. Thank you for bing who you are.
I put away my phone, more than a little jealous that Jessy and Dan get to wake up together. I miss Jake, even though I only came back to my apartment two days ago. Sleep has not been easy for me without him. I smile knowing that I will see him for a few hours tonight.
I hope that it won't be too long before I can wake up to him every morning, not too long before that cabin belongs to both of us. I am lost in my own thoughts when I hear that a message came through on my phone.
Jake: Open the door...
Without a thought, I fly across the room to open the door. Jake rushes through the door and places the coffee he brought me on the table. Then wraps his arm around me tightly, one on my back, the other in my hair and proceeds to kiss me soundly. My back is against the wall, he is flush against me. This kiss is fast and deep, a mix of desire and hunger for each other. 
He pulls back, smiling and sighing deeply, "That is much better. I missed you."
I smile back, "Jake, it was only two days." I protest, but he knows I feel the same.
"Two long, lonely days," he pouts and lowers his voice as he meets my eyes. They are cerulean and calm. He is wearing a casual shirt and some dark jeans, his usual attire for work and casual for most, but to me, he is the finest-dressed man on the planet. I am stunned by all of him, his kiss, his appearance, his love. 
His grip is loosening on my hips and I already hate it.
"What are you doing here? Not that it isn't a pleasant surprise..." I ask trying to keep him close for a bit longer.
"Two reasons. I missed not waking up to you this morning and I had to see you for a few minutes before work." He picks up the coffee cup off of the table hands it to me, and walks into the kitchen, eying my "hers" mug. Without a word, he takes it and dumps it down the drain. "I also had to save you from that horrible coffee that you are so fond of. I bought you a new machine so you wouldn't have to settle for such garbage." I break his words with a kiss. I knew he would react poorly to my choice of beverage.
Jake holds my face in his hands as a big smile creeps across his face. "Baby, you are so cute. You know that it is a machine and has no feelings, right?" He teases and kisses me on the forehead to let me know he means no offense.
"Yes, but it feels weird. I can't do it." I mock defiance. I know it is odd, but I am not going to admit that. Not now.
With one hand still on my cheek and a smirk gracing his lips, he mockingly responds, "We are going to have to process this more thoroughly tonight. I have some concerns about you and your relationship with the Rocket."
He should.
"Al," I corrected.
"But," he continues, "Right now, I have to go to work and so do you." He places another firm kiss on my lips, one that promises more to come. "Have a good day, Love. See you at six." His voice is deep and low.
My eyes are glossed over and I am dazed. Man, he can kiss.
"Love you," I nod as he walks away. I can still hear him chuckling under his breath though I don't know if the chuckle was for my dazed appearance or for my relationship with Al.
I sip the coffee that he brought. I have to admit it is much better than what I made. I hope that he will always make the coffee. That man, that wonderful man has made me late. It may mean that I have to miss lunch, but seeing him was worth any amount of sacrifice. I grab my bag and slip on my yellow Rothys as I rush out the door. 
Once there, I greet my colleagues, pour a terrible cup of coffee, and enter my office, shutting the door behind me. I have a deadline. The magazine has to go out despite the weather. Fortunately, I had worked some in the cabin and my article was almost done. I have been researching another local murder. I am a true crime reporter. It is my job to breathe new life into real stories of murder, or betrayal. Any crime will do, as long as it is harrowing and can create a good narrative. Someday, I will write my own tale, the story of a missing woman, a reporter who falls in love with a man in hiding, and the man who deceived all of his friends in a misguided effort to assuage his own guilt. I get lost in the thought of my own story and how unlikely it was that the two of us actually came together. We have and whether I can give credit to fate or to God or simply circumstance, I know that I will forever be grateful.
I put down my coffee and start to type when my phone shows another message...
Jake: What do you and AI want for dinner? Is he picky? Does he have any dietary restrictions?
I shake my head and respond. Another smile appears on my face.
MC: We are quite close, so if you want to be with me, you have to accept our relationship. I told Al the same thing.
Jake: I don't like the idea of sharing you, but I suppose arrangements can be made in this instance. ;).
Smiling, I silence my phone and buckle down. He doesn't know it, but I have plans across town and I don't want to miss the time that we have together.
Jake's POV:
I can't help but tease her. She is too cute. Her brain works like no one I have ever met. She is a genius but can suspend reality to the point where she can find the compassion that extends to an espresso machine. I can't help but love her all the more for it.
I am having a hard time focusing at work because I have been holding on to a surprise for over a week now, one that Dan and I had been working on. I decided to wait until Christmas for the Dan surprise because of the storm, but now I had even more reason to be excited, I have a couple of more plans, big ones. If things go the way that I hope, this will be the best Christmas of her life and the best memory that I have. I used to think that I would never feel at home again after the loss of my mother and the loss of Nana. I thought that the last Christmas spent with my mother would surpass all of the rest, but Mahri has renewed my faith in tradition and love and the hope of future Christmases filled with family and laughter.
It is hard to focus when I can think only of her, but I must. 
I shake my head and clear my mind trying to focus on the computer screen in front of me, hopefully, the 0s and the 1s will distract me for a bit...
Mahri's POV: 
I manage to finish my article and get Jake's present over to Dan's with just enough time to pick some dessert on the way. 
Jake: Are you almost here? 
MC: Yes, just pulling up the drive.
I see Jake walk out to greet me. He picks me up in his arms and spins me around. He cradles his nose in my hair, taking in a deep breath. "I couldn't seem to get you off of my mind today. I had to skip lunch because I was being so unproductive." He pouts.
"I am sorry, but I brought dessert," I answer, trying to lighten the mood. 
He nibbles on my ear and in a husky voice, he whispers, "you are all the dessert that I need, well, unless you brought chocolate..." He smirks.
I feel my skin warm up as my arms wrap around his neck and his mouth meets mine. His hands make their journey down to my hips and land there as we continue to relish in the touch and taste of each other. People watching us would think that we had been separated for months.
His hands move to my hair. Without moving away from me, he leans back and meets my eyes. "Should we eat? Everything is ready." I nod and he takes my hand in his, grabs dessert in the other, which just so happens to be a chocolate cream pie, and leads me into the cabin. 
Every time I enter the cabin, I am calmer and more grounded. I don't know the reasons. Maybe it is because Jake is here, maybe the fact that it is in the woods, surrounded by trees, maybe it has to do with the professions of love and the memories it holds. It is a wonderful respite from the world. I hope with all of my heart that soon, this will be the place that I return to every night and it will be here that I can live my life with my love. 
There is soft music playing in the background. It is slow and sweet. I hope we get to dance later. It has been a while since he held me in his arms like that. The fireplace is roaring as usual, casting an orange glow to the room. In addition, candles are lit and placed around the entirety of the cottage. The smell of oregano and garlic fills the air, making my mouth water. 
He walks hand in hand to the table and pulls out my chair for me, laying the napkin in my lap before pushing me in and giving me a quick kiss on the back of my hand. The middle of the table is filled with fresh bread, pasta, and salad. He pours us each a glass of lovely red wine. I am blown away by his ability to sweep me off of my feet. "Jake, this all looks incredible. But I would have been happy with some of your world-famous grilled cheese. I just want to be in this cabin with you." 
"I wanted to make tonight special and I know that you had a long day," he responds, reaching for my plate to serve up the pasta. Our seats are next to each other so we can maintain contact. Once the food is ready to go, he picks up his glass for a toast. "To AI, my girlfriend's boyfriend. May they live long, happy lives." He smirks and I punch him in the arm. He places his hand on my thigh and leaves it there.
"Ok, Ok," He raises his glass again, "To Mahri, my love, for all that she is and for all of the love that we share." 
"And to Jake and all of the things he has taught my heart." I say as our glasses clink. The silence surrounds us in the best possible way. It allows us to decompress from the day and be enveloped in the comfort of each other.
Dinner is almost finished when he breaks the silence. "How was your day, Baby?" His hand moves behind my back on the chair and he turns his body to face mine.
"It was long. That kiss from this morning did not help my focus. I had to skip lunch too, but I finished my article." I am a little proud.
"Love," He leaned in toward my ear and whispered, "You are amazing," Jake said, finishing his sentence with some kisses that landed on my collarbone.
Pretending to be unaffected, I followed up his question with my own, "How was your day?"
"Once I figured out how to get you off of my mind, it went fast. That was no easy task. You are quite enchanting and very difficult to forget." He responds.
"Enchanting?" I ask and grab the collar of his shirt, bringing his face close to mine and giving him a sweet kiss. The kiss begins to deepen, but I pull away. We are still at the table and these activities usually call for a more comfortable location, or at the very least they require a table devoid of food.
"We have dessert to eat," I sing-song as I quickly kiss him on the cheek. I begin to pick up the plates. He quickly stops me. "I don't want our time together to be spent on such mundane things as dishes. I will do them later." He insists and leads me to the kitchen. "I will, however, " he adds, "take some of that pie.
He heads to the espresso machine and begins our drinks while I serve us each a piece of pie, then put the rest in the refrigerator. I know that pie will not be wasted, not in this house. 
He has something he wants to say. I am trying to wait for him to spill, but I can't wait any longer. "What is going on, Jake?" I look softly at him and wait for a response.
" was wondering, since you have been so accommodating tonight, I thought I might ask you something. Would you like to spend Christmas Eve here? Overnight? I would love to wake up with you in my arms on Christmas. I can't think of a better present." his voice sounds unsure, but the words carry confidence. He already knows the answer.
" I don't think that I could think of a better way to start any day, especially Christmas. I have a hard time sleeping without you after the storm." I hope he hears the depth of what I was trying to say. I want him to know that he is who I want to be with and that I am ready to be with him for all of the good and all of the bad. I believe we could fight anything as long as we are together.
Jake's POV:
I understand what she is trying to say, that her heart matches mine, that it is the right time for us to be together, that we have a future and we don't want to wait for it anymore.
I am even more excited to give her the presents that I have for her.
Our coffee cups are empty and the pie is gone. Offering her my hand I ask, " May I have this dance?" She nods and moves to my side. I wrap my arm around her. 
The music had been playing all night, but I hadn't paid much attention until now. I don't care what song is playing as long as she is the one that I am dancing with, but this song is romantic and swooping in both musically and lyrically.
There in the middle of the living room, with the fire blazing and the candles dancing, I wrap my arms around her waist, she returns the gesture and lays her head on my chest. My chin rests so perfectly on top of her head. I am reminded of how perfectly she fits in my arms, reminded of how many things had to work out for us to make it to this moment, reminded of the moment that we met, the first night we shared in this now sacred space.
Our bodies sway and move to the music and I am overwhelmed that this can be my life, our life. We stay in this moment lost in our own thoughts, breaking occasionally to meet each other's eyes or lean in for a few kisses. 
I don't know what to do with this feeling that I have. I don't even know how to describe it. I only know that in the shadow of our love, I seem small. Nothing seems as powerful as what the two of us share.
Sometimes love is loud and bold, you want to scream from the tallest building of the love you share. It forces you to run and jump and make changes. In those moments, the world seems brighter and more alive. You feel electric and invincible. Mahri has made me feel that over and over again.
But sometimes love is soft and quiet, sweet and honest, like tonight has been. It is in these moments that I feel our souls intertwine like our fingers when we hold hands. It is those moments where we are so close that I can't find her end and my beginning because we are one. With her in my arms, I feel all of our love and all of our forevers.
Later, after the candles have burned out and the coffee mugs have been emptied, I walk her to the car and give her a soft and loving kiss goodbye. I speak to her of my love and hope for the days when we won't have to leave each other, the nights when I don't have to watch her drive away. I can't help but think of her and of the future that we will share. I can not wait to ask her to share this cabin and our life together. As I watch as her taillights disappear and turn to return inside pondering all of the ways our lives are going to change, I can't help but smile. I miss her already and quickly reach for my phone and text her.
Jake: "I love you because I know no other way than this: So close that your hand on my chest is my hand -- so close that when you close your eyes, I fall asleep." **
Her response is quick. 
Mahri: I love you for all of who you are and all that you show me to be. I will love you until my soul fades because you own it in every way.
I place the phone in my pocket awed that someone like her can love me. I am still amazed at her beauty, the incredible person that she is, of the fact that she is in my world. Months ago, she ran to me in the rain and bore her soul to me in the storm. She trusted me with her heart when logically, it made no sense. She made my heart grow in love for her with every moment we spent together and made it impossible to imagine a life without her in it. That day, she took the greatest risk anyone could take and I will be forever grateful to her, to the fates, to God, or to whoever I owe my happiness to.
I close the door behind me and hear it latch. It is the door to the place that has brought me the greatest joys and the greatest pain. It was here that I entered this world and had the best of all childhoods. It was in this cabin that I first learned what love was and where I learned the pain of heartbreak. In this place, I determined that my heart would never be able to handle that pain again and in this same home, I decided to lock myself off from any form of love. 
But it is also in this cabin that I returned to love and remembered what it felt like to be treasured, protected, and cared for. Mahri has delivered me hope and given me the dream of a future that I had long given up on. She has shown me unconditional love, one that shares tears of joy and pain, one that will fight for me and with me. Our is a love that cats about our souls and not about our pasts. That is a true gift.
It is in this wonderful little cabin nestled safely in the background of a rather busy town that I intend to ask my love for a forever. It is in the cabin that I plan to share all of my future heartaches and joys. It is here, where I am determined to make her feel loved and treasured for the rest of her days, that I intend to call her my bride, dance in the rain, make love by the fire, raise my children, and grow old by her side.
With light steps, I head to the bedroom, and though I am alone and want her here, yet I am filled with a calm that I have been robbed of for so many years. I see the path before me and it is full of love, so much more love than I could have dreamt up, so much more love than I could ever deserve. 
All of my love is held in her soul and all of my being is wrapped up in her. Her eyes are the only light I need, her lips my only nourishment. She is my comfort, my solace, my joy, and my peace. In her arms, I feel safe and all of the dark corners of my past are gone.
I am going to be confident in the depth and breadth of our love. I am going to capture it, hold on tight, and never let her or it go for she alone is the place that feels like home.
**Quote from Steve Oedekirk
Authors note: I have chosen to remove a few chapters of this story and end here. I will have epilogues so we can find out what their Christmas is like, and maybe see some times when they live out their lives together, but for the most part, this is it. I didn't want to leave this story incomplete and I wanted to give this the attention that it deserves, but I need the freedom to write other things without forsaking this story. Thank you to the few of you who kept reading and for the encouragement that you gave me through this process.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 1 month
Just a quick little write to get my juices flowing again and to distract myself while I am waiting for #moonvale. I still love them so much.
Sitting and staring at the phone was driving him mad. He thought he was long past waiting for her response to his texts. He thought he was well beyond waiting in nervous torture for her to send him any notice that she was safe and happy and that she still loved him.
But it had been three days and two long nights since she had called to tell him about her day and whisper words of love to help him sleep.
It had become their habit to speak every night to share their world with each other. He hadn't realized how much he had come to depend on those moments, hadn't realized how empty his life was without her. Though they still couldn't quite be together, they were connected in a way that he suspected, most other couples were not.
She was what made him more than human. She gave him humanity and filled his heart with something that he was sure he didn't deserve.
She should have been home from her business trip a couple of hours ago. He had distracted himself for a while, watching dishes and cleaning his living area, but there was nothing else to distract him. He could not separate himself from the worry.
If she didn't text him soon, he knew he would do something reckless, like track her phone, fly to where she was, or beg her to come to him and never leave.
He stared at the phone, begging it to ring, begging for a text, for any sign from her.
He imagined her gorgeous laugh and soft voice in his head. He imagined what it would be like when, one day, they would meet and the world would vanish. He dreamed of the day their lips would meet and he could take her all in, from her aroma to her warmth. He imagined what it would be like to sweep her up in his arms and do all of the things that he had only imagined in the middle of the night.
More than that, he wished for the days when they could share a couch and talk of their days together. When they could wake up early to eat waffles and speak of their plans for the day. When their world was one and their home was in the presence of each other.
And he was still imagining her and their life when the phone notified him of a message. Finally.
"Home safe, missing you." He couldn't keep the smile from growing on his face.
But just as quickly as he read the message, he heard a knock on the door.
Cautious, he grabbed the bat that sat beside the door. He wasn't expecting deliveries or a visitor. He couldn't trust the outside world yet, so he walked cautiously to the door and squinted into the peephole.
He saw a woman, blonde and stunning, better than she had ever appeared over a screen. She looked nervous and though he knew that he should send her away, he simply could not. Dropping the bat, he flung the door open with such intensity that it caused her to jump. Her cheeks flushed a little. He couldn't help but think that it added to her beauty. She had a bag of what appeared to be food and a suitcase following behind her.
Their eyes met. He froze. She began to look nervous, tucking her hair behind her ears. Without apologizing or saying anything, he ushered her inside while reaching around to grab her suitcase. She smelled like cinnamon. Once inside, he took the bag and placed it on the table.
As soon as the back hit the counter, she ran into him, quickly wrapping her arms around his waist and almost setting him off-balance.
He returned the hold that she had on him and refused to let go for what he was sure was an inappropriate length of time. He didn't care. He couldn't believe that she was here in the flesh, that she had risked uncertain dangers to get here.
Eventually, he pulled back and stared into her eyes again, trying to convey every feeling he couldn't put words to. "You crazy, wonderful, gorgeous woman... What are you doing here?" the words fell out of his mouth in a blubber. His thoughts, normally formal and thoughtful, had betrayed his messy heart.
She looked up at him and smiled softly, "I had a craving for Chinese food and remembered a promise made to me long ago." She removed a hand from his waist and brought it to his face, gently caressing his cheek, then added, "My heart was more than a little homesick."
He chuckled. It was deep and guttural, a mix of delight and attraction and only for her. Reluctantly, he began to release her. "I guess I should make an effort to fulfill my promise and get some plates for us before the food gets cold, I mean that is the least I can...."
"We can warm it up, later, you know." She interrupted. She reached for his hand and locked their fingers together.
It was at that instant that he placed his lips on hers, gently claiming her. Then, knowing that she wanted him as much as he wanted her, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom finally showing her all of the things he had been dreaming of.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
Everafter Epilogues:
Author's Note:
This is a previous chapter from Feels Like Home, but it will be independent of that story and will be written as little snippets in the lives of the gang but mostly Jake and MC focused. The timeline will be erratic. This chapter, save a few edits, has been published under the main story, but I thought it would work here as a friendship tale. I have one more edited work and then there will be more chapters to come that are new snippets of their lives together. Also, if you haven't read Feels Like Home, it is now complete.
Mahri's POV:
Phil and Dan stand in the garage admiring the bike I had picked out for his Christmas present. Jake told me that the best gift that he had received was a bike from his mom on his tenth birthday. I wanted to remind him of that gift and let him know that there could still be a world filled with amazing Christmases and unbelievable happiness.
"He is not going to know how to handle this beautiful machine." Dan starts, "Are you sure I can't take this off your hands for you?"
"He is an excellent driver," I say defending Jake, My hands are on my hips.
"And this, "Phil adds, "Is an excellent bike. Well done, M."
"Thanks." I beam. I am proud of this bike, a 1977 Indian Chief. Of course, it has two seats, a priority of mine in case he decides to take me for a ride. He will. I think about the adventures that we are sure to share and smile. I also think about him in a black leather jacket with my arms wrapped tight around him and my smile widens. The bike had one previous owner and low mileage. She is a beauty, black and retro and classy... very Jake-like.
"He will love it, the lucky jerk," Dan says sincerely and nods his approval, "Did you get a helmet to match the bike? Seriously Mahr, he needs a cool helmet."
Panic sets in. Phil notices. "I can handle that for you. I know a guy. It isn't a problem. Besides, I couldn't think of the perfect gift for my buddy. This seems just right." I am so glad that Jake and Phil are friends now, and so grateful that he is dating Betty. I am also more than thankful that Dan and Jake have reconciled. 
"Phil, I am impressed that you have your Christmas shopping done. three whole days beforehand." I quip and nudge him in the arm. He winks at me, understanding that I am teasing him. He is much more responsible than people give him credit for. He is also much more thoughtful since he met Betty. "Thank you, that would be amazing and if you get him a helmet, that is one more thing I don't have to stress over. I hug Phil and then Dan, "Thank you so much, thank you both so much for all of this. I haven't had friends like this in a while. I don't think Jake ever has, It means a lot to us." 
Dan stiffens and clears his throat, trying to hide emotion, "When does he get his bike and how are you getting it to him?" 
"I was going to blindfold him and have him see it here."
"I have a better idea," Dan blurts out, "Leave it to me. It will be there on Christmas morning. I will deliver it myself, red ribbon and all."
I nod and hug each of these wonderful friends. Quickly, their attention turns back to the bike. They continue to stand there after I turn to walk away, I am not sure they even notice I am leaving. They just stare at the bike and occasionally grunt things at each other without approaching the bike, just staying back with their arms crossed in approval. I shake my head and leave the garage. "Boys and their toys," I whisper over my shoulder. I have no idea what men think when staring at a vehicle, but these two see something I don't.
I just hope that Jake is as delighted with the bike as they are.
Jake's POV:
The girls were supposed to be here five minutes ago. I need their help today of all days. I begin to pace. I am not nervous about my decision. I know that Mahri is the one that I want to spend all of my life with. I just want to make it perfect. I have to get this right. This is the only proposal that I will make. 
While I haven't confirmed that I am planning on proposing to Mahri, Betty knows. She knows everything and never stops reminding me of that. Confidence like that is a gift and someone who can have that without making other people feel small is a wonderful thing. Betty is incredible and I am so glad for our long friendship. 
However deep her intuition is, I don't think my affection for Mahri is a very well-kept secret. I am utterly at her disposal.
I also know that Jessy has an idea that I am going to propose. I know that she will be overjoyed. Her friendship is one of the rare sorts that truly delights in the happiness of her friends. Mahri's joy will fill her up. I am glad that the two of us are at a place where she can trust me with Mari's heart. We have become good friends, closer than that, I suppose. I am lucky to have two such tremendous women in my life. Three of course, if you count Mahri. 
I am about to text Betty to ask her location when I hear her laughter and see her peek around the corner, arms interlinked with Jessy. They are in the middle of a discussion, no doubt about Dan or Phil. Their faces light up like two women in love. I can't help but smile at the sight of them.
It is odd, I think, that those two particular men occupy their hearts. But I am odd and Mahri loves me. Dan and Phil have proven themselves to be reliable and I trust them to love these women properly. It is another thing that I am thankful for this morning. Being in love makes me appreciate all of the glories of this life. It makes me appreciate love in all of its forms. Happiness may make me a sap, but I wouldn't go back to living the other way, not for all of the money in the world.
"There he is, " Betty begins. "I am surprised that you haven't called yet. We are five minutes late."
"Six minutes," I correct her, "and my hand was on the phone." Betty's smile is broad and deep, the smile of a friend who knows you inside and out. She leans over conspiratorially into Jessy's ear but whispers loud enough for me to hear, "Look at the man who is about to make the second-best decision of his life. Have you ever seen such a sap?"
I smile, "What was the best decision?" I ask, remembering that her love language is name-calling.
"It was the day you decided that we should be friends. I have carried you a long way, brother." She responds.
"Indeed you have, but I don't think I had much say in the decision. That was all you. You have always been bossy." I say, acknowledging the impact that she has had on my life. She nods in agreement, knowing that I love her for all that she has been to me and for the person that she is. "Care to help me with one more task?"
She nods again as Jessy runs up to give me a hug which I happily return. Betty slugs me in the arm before doing the same.
"I am confused about a couple of things," Betty asks blankly. "I thought you were going to ask her to move in with you? I also thought you were unsure about her response."
"I am going to ask her to move in with me before I propose. I couldn't wait to ask her any longer life is too short to waste a second. I have already waited all of my life for her. I am confident that she will comply." I answer.
Jessy giggles. I am confused.
"Comply?" Betty makes a face. "Please tell me that you aren't going to ask her to comply with your request for marriage. Not romantic, dude. Please, please tell me that you have something less formal prepared, maybe use phrases like 'I love you' or 'the sun rises and sets in your eyes.'"
"I think I have something better to say, but nothing about the sun rising. Do I need to add that?" Now I am panicking. Am I going to mess this up? Do I need a speech written? I had planned on speaking from the heart like I usually do with Mahri.
"NO!" Betty stopped me, "You don't need a speech and you will do fine. I am just razzing you. Just stay away from your big words.  When you use them, it makes things seem too rehearsed and the words lose their meaning."
Jessy is nodding in the background. She finally speaks, "She adores you. There is nothing to worry about. Just tell her how you feel, she will say yes and remember this moment for the rest of her life." I begin to feel my nerves gurgle again at this thought. What if I mess this up and we are stuck with an awkward memory for the rest of our days?
Betty side-eyes Jessy, "No pressure. Just be honest. She can't resist you. I should know. I helped create the stud that you are now."
She always knows the right thing to say, "Right," I mumble with my head down. I have a lot of practical things to consider. I fidget with my keys.
Betty notices my nerves and breaks the silence, "Shall we go inside or stay out here and freeze our butts off?" 
Jessy is more than excited, "Go inside of course. So, Jake, what kind of cut were you thinking of, and what metal? There is the traditional gold, white gold, platinum, titanium..." She grabs my arm and pulls me through the door. 
I shrug, "Let's go see what we can find. I have the two best people with me to find the perfect ring for Mahri."
Jessy smiles and continues running through the options. I had no idea that she knew so much about this stuff. "You could do a platinum princess cut diamond, which is classic, or a...." her voice trails off as we continue inside. Betty looks at me with a pitiful smile. She knows that in about two seconds, I am going to shut down.
Betty leans in, "Hang in there, friend. This part will be over soon enough and you will be the happy sap that I have grown accustomed to." She pats me on the back as she walks ahead and tries to find an employee.
I finish my work quickly spurred on by the knowledge that it is the last thing I have to do until after Christmas. It is officially vacation and tonight I was ready to go out. Getting caught up after the storm has been exhausting and I can't wait to spend a few more days in bliss with Jake. I am hoping that I can stay with him over the next week and not just for Christmas.
The second I walk out of the door, I text Jake.
Mahri: Guess who is officially on vacation...
Jake: The woman I love?
Mahri: Assuming that is me, yes.
Jake: You know that it is you. It is only you. It will always be you.
Mahri: :)
Mahri: Can we go out tonight, maybe to the Aurora? 
Mahri: We have been cooped up for a long time. I bought a new dress.
Jake: I have some things that I have to get done at the house. 
Jake: Do you want to come over?
Jake: Wait. I have a better idea. Hang on. 
Jake: I happened to run into Betty and Jessy in town. They want to know if you want to join them for a girl's night. You haven't been out with them in a while.
Mahri: You wouldn't mind?
Jake: Of course not. I love the affection that you all have for each other.
Mahri: Then I would love that. Have them text me.
That instant, I receive two texts.
Betty: Ditch that loser boyfriend of yours and hang out with us girls tonight.
Jessy: Please come hang out with us tonight. We miss you.
M: (to both women) I would love to hang out with you both. It has been too long. See you tonight, 6:30?
Jessy: Yay! I can't wait!
Betty: See you then, Sunshine. We have some things to talk about. 
Jessy: I will invite the other girls as well if you are alright with that.
Betty: OOOH, new people. I love meeting new people.
I don't know whether to be scared or thrilled by that last statement. Hopefully, Jessy can prepare Betty for the three women that she is about to meet. I also hope that Betty can tame her tongue for Hannah's sake.
Then I remember how good Betty is at reading people. She is someone that I trust implicitly. My nerves turn back to excitement.
I am about to put away my phone when I think of one more thing.
Mahri: Jake?
Jake: Yes, Love.
Mahri: I won't see you tonight....
Jake: I know. I hope there aren't many more nights that we have to say that.
Mahri: Me too.
Jake: You could always stop by after and stay the night if you want.
Jake: I would always like that.
Mahri: I may be drunk, you won't like me when I am drunk and you have work in the morning. 
Jake: I like you in every possible scenario.  I do have work, but it would never stop me from wanting to spend the night with you.
Mahri: You are the sweetest man.
Jake: No, I am just in love with a wonderful woman. If you don't come tonight, stop by tomorrow morning. I will make you breakfast and my hangover cure.
Mahri: Love you
Jake: ...and I love you. Be safe and CALL ME if you get into trouble.
Jake: Actually, call me BEFORE you get into trouble.
Mahri: ;)
I head home to change and see the girls. I wonder if this is what my life will always be like. Will I always be surrounded by such wonderful, amazing people who love me and whom I adore? I can't imagine a better future. 
My drive home is quick. I hop in the shower and change into a tight black dress. It has lace cutouts in all of the right places. The back dips to just above my ass. Jake wouldn't let me leave the house in this dress, not because he is controlling, but because we wouldn't make it that far before he ripped the dress off me. The thought makes me blush and miss him. I think maybe I will stop by the cabin tonight and add some red, very high heels that would make any boy's head spin. I can't wait to see what he thinks of me in them. I am going to have fun with the girls, but who is to say that I can't also have fun with my man?
I am on vacation after all.
Jake's POV:
I wasn't entirely honest with Mahri. I am swamped, but never too busy to be with her. Mahri and I had been ignoring our friends for quite a while. It is easy to do when you are in love the way that we are. Spending time with Betty and Jessy today made me realize how much Mahri must miss them, whether she realizes it or not. 
Betty and Jessy were so excited by the thought of being together that I wanted Mahri to have that chance as well.
So, after I told Mahri I was busy, I did something that I never do. I invited Dan and Phil over for dinner and poker. I even invited Thomas, the idea of him was growing on me. I had almost forgiven him for his willingness to sacrifice Mahri's life at the mines. Almost. 
He is Hannah's fiancé, after all, we had to work things out eventually. I may never forgive him for his dismissive attitude toward Mahri, but we can be cordial. I am going to deal with my sisters eventually so I have to deal with him. But not tonight. Tonight is for fun and celebration. 
I am nervous and excited. I haven't hosted a party. I haven't spent time with many people. I still haven't become that acquainted with social norms. To say I am slightly nervous is an understatement, but I appreciate these men who have been added to my life and hope that tonight becomes the start of a really good thing. 
I feel anxious, but I channel my inner Betty and toughen up, make snacks, and set up the poker table. I make sure the beer is cold and the pizza is hot. 
I take one last look around the room when I hear a knock on the door. Taking one last breath, I think about how proud Betty will be that I did this and how happy Mahri will be that I consider these men friends. I smile and open the door.
"Welcome to the cabin. Allow me to rid you of your extra cash." Phil greets me and slides inside the cabin.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
Dearest writers,
No matter if original or fanfiction, no matter your fandom, no matter the genre, no matter if it's a longfic, oneshot, drabble or even a single paragraph....
Magic is woven into your words. The very act of creating something is inherently magical and your writing is no different. Pouring your heart and soul into writing? That's magic, baby.
You bring worlds to life. You bring characters to life. Your words are a haven for readers to bask themselves in, to escape this dreary world and enter yours, even if only briefly.
And for those of you with very little readership, please know your words are still just as magical and valid as those who have a lot of readers. There will be people out there who will love your words, even if they don't express it. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow, but one day someone will come along and see what you have wrote and be in awe. With that being said, I encourage all readers to let their favourite authors know how much you like their work. It could help them out!
Writing has never been easy. We pour so much of ourselves into our words, it's honestly exhausting. Yet we do it anyway. We must. Because if we don't tell the stories we want to tell, no one else will. Even when we think we've had enough, there's always that calling to write, to bring characters and worlds alive once more.
I need us writers to remember how special our talent is and how wonderful are works are. We provide magic in a world that is dark and terrible and lonely. It doesn't matter how skilled you are. It doesn't matter how long you've been writing for. Whatever your skill level, your work still matters. You matter.
I am writing this not only as motivation for myself to continue, but also to help inspire others. I don't know about the publishing world, but I know that here on the internet writing can be a thankless journey. It can be demoralizing when you don't get the feedback you want or you're work isn't as popular as you want it to be. It sucks to not get recognition sometimes.
Continue anyway.
Your chosen fandom being a shit? I know. Continue. Life getting you down? I know. Continue. You only have one reader and that person is you? I know. Continue. Why? Because you know you must. No one else can do what you do. You and your work is unique and there will be someone else out there who will be so thankful that you wrote what you wrote.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
Tumblr media
it is this every moment we are found - departure (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1403729319-it-is-this-every-moment-we-are-found-departure?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=pahinanoel&wp_originator=P7YrikOAwmmhhvF3q9ccyd4Xcljh3Pkk0pJd2ATfmeRwzH22i6tCxqb0ppF%2FAnXDuC2Bk%2F4sLesB6uQNihb16SUGgigCy%2FnYyj714WQ%2FoIS%2FB0gY25iR%2FG6iVcK4lkhS
i have only begun, but this will be a collection of poetry inspired by some fan fiction, some life, some photos and from other inspirations I find during my life.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
My beloved MC
I knew that you would come visit me in prison, even if I told you not to, I knew that you would be unaffected by it. But you were aware that it would still be a great deal of value to me to be able to enjoy your company for at least a few minutes.
But I regret that you had to see me like that, hands and feet tied up, anchored in the ground. A true miracle they didn’t stick my fingers together, I would not be surprised.
While I was being on the run, I visited many dangerous places where I witnessed terrible things. These dark truths revealed the sad world we live in once more.
The abyss of humanity, crime, drug victims, starving. But although the shadows had taken everything, and although I was hunted and could not take a step without planning everything specifically, I was free. I was at liberty.
This has now been taken from me. Now I am captured. Grey walls that seem to be suffocate me have been the only thing I see for 23 hours a day. But the very moment you were led through the door, my lonely world lit up for a moment as brightly as never before.
Everything around you looked like black and white painted but around you life shone. Looking into your eyes made me feel more hopeful than ever.
The moment you took my hand, I felt our hearts colliding again and again.
I had no idea I would ever experience such a deep feeling of happiness again, and I want to express my gratitude to you for it. Thank you with everything I have, even if this is not much at the moment.
I'm composing these words here because I couldn't express myself to you face-to-face. I'm uncertain as to why. I was lacking in confidence. Despite that, I still have a strong resistance to drag you into my dark world. But I know that you decide for yourself and I don’t have the right to decide about your life.
At least now you always know where I am, as it looks like I won’t be able to leave this place anytime soon.
But before I digress again – what I desired to tell you is that I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone.
And I want you to know that. I want you to know that thanks to you, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get out of prison.
I want you to know that you are the most wonderful phenomenon that has ever happened to me, I want you to know that my heart is yours forever and eternally.
I’m at your mercy, MC. Until the end of my miserable life, which thanks to you is not nearly as miserable as it used to be.
Please, take care of yourself out there, be careful. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. ;) On top, it would be greatly appreciated if you could convey to Hannah and Lilly that I miss them and that I love them too.
I am almost painfully - the most pleasurable pain I've felt at all times, looking forward to your next visit.
Yours, Jake.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
reblogged for th edits.
Sunshine on Her Skin on a Summer Day
She is a goddess in jeans and a white top
digging in the dirt,
planting new life,
nourishing the soil,
finding joy in the repose of the day
her face lifts to bask in the warmth of the day
i watch her mud-smeared face being kissed by the sun
it is the way i want to kiss her
...the way that i hope to kiss her
when the time is right
i pay close attention to the glow that radiates off of her olive skin
and the dew as it licks at her neck
i watch as the droplets trace their way down her body
i long to make her skin flush and glow in the same way
when i can finally step out with her
in the midst of the day
my mind wanders to the moments
that will inevitably become a lifetime of collective memory
of images
and shared emotions
that cannot be extricated from our beings
it moves to the moments
when we will have shared the deepest parts of ourselves
and told each other all of the things we held sacred,
knowing that nothing would be more sacred
than our love for each other,
had to be given away to make us both whole
i wait for the moment at the end of our lives
when we look back
without being able to remember a life apart.
i would lay down every last dollar,
every convenience,
my very life,
to have one second to taste her
like the sunshine tastes her skin
that life,
the one with her,
isn't free
and it costs more for her than I am willing to sacrifice
for now...
i am not free to sit beside her in the sun
...or hold her hand on the crowded street
...or run my fingers through her sable hair
...or whisper in her ear all of the things that my heart wishes to say
today, i stay in the shadow of the willow tree
and watch the wind tousle her hair
and the warmth of the day bring color to her cheeks
and imagine the day when I can surround her
in my love
as the sun has the great honor of doing
@ameliawarnerr thanks for reminding me of the power of poetry.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
Sunshine on Her Skin on a Summer Day
She is a goddess in jeans and a white top
digging in the dirt,
planting new life,
nourishing the soil,
finding joy in the repose of the day
her face lifts to bask in the warmth of the day
i watch her mud-smeared face being kissed by the sun
it is the way i want to kiss her
...the way that i hope to kiss her
when the time is right
i pay close attention to the glow that radiates off of her olive skin
and the dew as it licks at her neck
i watch as the droplets trace their way down her body
i long to make her skin flush and glow in the same way
when i can finally step out with her
in the midst of the day
my mind wanders to the moments
that will inevitably become a lifetime of collective memory
of images
and shared emotions
that cannot be extricated from our beings
it moves to the moments
when we will have shared the deepest parts of ourselves
and told each other all of the things we held sacred,
knowing that nothing would be more sacred
than our love for each other,
had to be given away to make us both whole
i wait for the moment at the end of our lives
when we look back
without being able to remember a life apart.
i would lay down every last dollar,
every convenience,
my very life,
to have one second to taste her
like the sunshine tastes her skin
that life,
the one with her,
isn't free
and it costs more for her than I am willing to sacrifice
for now...
i am not free to sit beside her in the sun
...or hold her hand on the crowded street
...or run my fingers through her sable hair
...or whisper in her ear all of the things that my heart wishes to say
today, i stay in the shadow of the willow tree
and watch the wind tousle her hair
and the warmth of the day bring color to her cheeks
and imagine the day when I can surround her
in my love
as the sun has the great honor of doing
@ameliawarnerr thanks for reminding me of the power of poetry.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
The Island
A/N: this has been sitting in my documents for forever and I finally finished and editted it. Its was inspired by @reds-ramblings story.
It's been ten years since we found Hannah. Ten years since I last saw him, expect on TV or the courtroom. He kept his promise and so did I. We met in Duskwood, I saw him before anyone else from the group for a night. It was heated, emotional, and passionate. However, he decided to turn himself in so we can live a life together one day. We had no idea that from one night together, we would have a little one. I was unable to see him while he was in prision even with his daughter, because we weren't officially family.  I waited, Hannah and Lilly kept him updated on me and Faye.
Oh Faye, shes the spitting image of him, even ten years later she's loving computers. I never forgot what he told me before handing himself over to the FBI "MC, I love you but don't wait for me." I couldnt see anyone else because my heart was taken.
Ten years ago my heart shattered as he was arrested. Five years ago I decided I needed to change something and I remember him telling me about someone he knew that owned an island with a resort. The whole group decided to go and I fell in love with the place. Faye and I made it a yearly trip, until this year. I saw the man was selling it and I had the savings and could get the loan so I did the irrational thing. Jake would have been the only one to talk me out of it.
Fast forward to today, I'm standing on the boat waiting for the gang with Faye. The cool spring breeze is on my face and I smell the salt in the air. Jake would be so proud of me for these last year.
"Mom, when can I see Dad?" She asks,  so excited for that moment.
This is a conversation I know too well and it breaks my heart. "Hopefully soon he should be out."
I see the cars pull up and everyone gets out. However I see an extra person and my heart jumps out of my chest.
Hannah and him walk up to the boat together and I finally see his face clear and run off the boat, almost falling. He grabs my waist and looks into my eyes.
"Hi, MC" he says with the smile that just melted my heart 10 years ago.
"Is this real? Are you really my Jake?" I ask as tears run down my cheek.
"I am" he say wiping them away.
"I wanted to surpise you with how much you've been working on this place and taking care of Faye" says Hannah.
"Oh my god! Your daughter" i exclaim. I go to turn around to call her and he grabs my chin and kisses me deep.
All concerns of everything in that moment leaves my body. I wrap my arms around his neck not wanting to pull away.
"Hey there are kids around" says Dan as he pushes past us.
We finally break the kiss and I lean into his chest. I turn around and I see Faye, looking at us and blush.
"Sweetie, this is your dad" I say with tears in my eyes.
Jake lets go of me and reaches out for her. "Hi Faye," he says with a smile and she jumps in his arms.
I look at them then look at Hannah. "You have no idea how happy you just made both of us" I say to her, her brown eyes the total opposite of Jake's and Lillys blues.
"I have an idea. I know she's been asking about him a lot lately." She says.
Watching Jake just hold her, melts my heart. My family is finally whole after 9 years.
Everyone finally gets on the boat and as always when taking out of the dock Faye runs to the front. She leans against the rail and I watch her.
"She's just like you, carefree" I hear Jake say.
"She's also yours. She's stubborn, reserved, loves computers. I swear she took after you more then me." I say watching her.
Jake spins me around looking into my eyes. "Why didn't you move on?" He asks.
"I tried but I had found out I was pregnant with Faye right after and I knew she was yours. In that moment, I knew I had to be strong so when you did get out we could be a family." I say as I look away. "I mean if that is what you want" as I bite my lip.
He lifts my chin, "I very much do. Hannah kept me uodated on you and her everytime she came to visit or we talked on the phone. I instantly knew who she was because Hannah showed me pictures." He says brushing hair away from my face.
"I want you to know, I tried to visit and get on your call list for Faye's sake '' I say looking into his eyes.
"I know you did. My lawyer told me but because we were not engaged and they didn't want to do a DNA test on her you couldn't get even her on the list.."
"Yeah" I say wanting to kiss him again. All of sudden I feel another set of arms around me and I see Faye.
"Mommy, you look so happy today" she says hugging me then running to her seat.
I blush and go to follow her. "They got her for a moment" Jake say grabbing my hand. "I got out a couple days ago and I knew I wanted to be with you." He says and I can see he's getting nervous. "So when Hannah told me you had bought this place and fixed it up, i thought it would be a perfect surprise."
"Jake, I want to be with you also" I say grabbing his face. "Seeing you get out of the car with the group my heart I swear jumped put of my chest."
"MC, will you officially be mine?" He asks.
"I mean we hav to make sure its okay with Faye'' I laugh "but yes jake!" I say wrapping my arms around him.
He kisses me deeply and passionately again. Once we pull away to catch our breath, I look up at him. 
"Yeah Faye is staying in the room with the other kids" I say with a smile.
"I do want some father daughter time if she wants it" he says, looking into my eyes.
"Oh she definitely will. She's been asking nonstop questions about you and a lot of them I cant answer. What she wants most is to spend time with you."
The boat docks and everyone runs off towards the resort. I smile watching Faye with her cousins. Jake is up there playing with the kids as I finally get off the dock. 
"MC, your girl is right, you are happier" says Dan as he comes walking back to me.
"For nine years I waited for this and I never imagined she would take to him like this" I say with a tear in my eye.
He pulls me close "she wants to know him and see her mom happy" he says.
"I just hope we can make it work. We never had a chance and now if it doesn't her heart will break too." I say hugging him.
"Hey don't think like that. I'll tell you something I probably shouldn't but your a sister to me." He says with a sigh.
"Well spit it out Dan" I say with a laugh.
"The last few days when he was around Hannah, Lilly, and the kids he just kept asking about you and her. Wanting to know everything possible from everyone." 
"Wait so everyone knew he was coming?" I say as I start walking to them.
"Yeah but with all on your plate we agreed to make it a surpise. Seeing your face light up from the boat and run towards him was worth it, MC" he says following me.
Faye comes running up with Jakes hand in hers "mom!" She calls and he follows her. "Can we go out on the water in those boats?" She asks.
"Sure, find one of your cousins to go with you." I say meeting them half way.
"But mom, I wanted to go with Dad" she whines.
I look at Jake in shock, then look back at her. I crouch down to her and try to be gentle with my words. "I want everyone to test them out including the smaller ones for you kid" I say trying to reason with her.
She pouts and runs off to find one of the kids to join her and I stand up.
"Did that really just happened?" Ask Dan
I look at Jake and he's just as surpised as me. "Yeah she called him Dad already '' I say looking at Dan.
He walks past Jake and taps his shoulder "good luck man. She's a real wild one just like her mom" he laughs as he walks past us with his bag.
"Sorry I wasn't expecting that" I say blushing.
"Neither was I. Dan's right you know, shes wild like you" he says wrapping his arms around me.
We walk hand and hand inside where everyone is and i give them all their keys. Jessy and Cleo agreed to stay in the room with the kids, even adding Faye to the bunch. I take Jake up to my room and grab the extra key I have and hand it to him. "If we are really going to try and make this work…" I say lost in thought as Faye comes running in.
"Mom! I thought I was staying in here with you!" She whines.
I turn away from Jake and as Im about to say something Jake steps in. "Your Mom and I talked, we think you could use some time with your cousins on this trip" he says in a smoothing voice.
I look at him and realize how much he's already stepping in as a parent and it melts my heart to the point I want to lock the doors and stay in bed with him this whole trip.
She whines and stomps away grabbing her bag. I hear her say something under her breath.
"Don't even go there missy" as I raise my voice to her.
She turns around "he just came into my life and your taking him away from me" she yells.
I walk up to her and sit on the bed in front of her. I take a sigh as I try to find the right words. "Faye, you need to understand your father and I need to figure some things out before we jump in as a family. I promise you will have tons of time with him apart of your life. He can teach you all that computer stuff you've been struggling with and take you out for icecream and have fun." I say looking into her eyes.
She come closer to me, "will you be there too?"
I look at Jake then back into her blue eyes, "yes" i say not wanting to break her heart more right now. "Go get ready though to go out on the water." 
She gets the biggest smile on her face and runs to the bathroom. I look at Jake and sigh hoping I just made the right call.
He comes picks me up, wrapping his arms around me. "You're doing amazing raising her. Just know I am here now and don't plan to leave anytime soon" he whispers into my ear.
"I know you don't but what if…" he stops me mid sentence with a gentle kiss. 
"No what ifs right now, MC. We will figure this all out together." He says
Its later in the day, we had a fun day st the water and around the island just all of us. We finally get all the kids into bed and we all head outside to the firepit that Dan and Thomas started for us. 
Jake pulls me close in the seat were both in and he feels me cold. He takes off his hoodie and gives it to me. 
"Its okay the fire will warm me up" I say looking at him.
"MC dont be stubborn just take it" he whispers into my ear with a growl. 
My body shivers knowing what he wants after ten years and I put it on. It smells just like him and I curl up against him.
Jessy is the first to notice how close we are right now. "Okay we need to talk about the elephant in the room. What is going on with you two?" She asks.
"Yeah I think we have the right to know if you're not going to tell Faye" says Lilly.
I look at Jake for some form of help but he's just watching me. "We're seeing what happens." I look af them as I say it. "You all know how much we were in love ten years ago .  Obviously things happened that one night. '' I laugh.
"We know how you two felt back then" says Dan.
"Yeah but what about now?" Asks Hannah.
"It's pretty obvious" says Cleo. "They are still in love."
"We are seeing where things lead. There is another heart we have to both make sure doesn't break" states Jake.
After a couple hours around the fire everyone starts to dwindle inside and while the fire is out Jake and I just sit there. I finally decidd to get up but he grabs my hand and pulls me back down.
"There's something I want to show you" i say looking into his eyes.
"Wanted to make sure you weren't leaving" he says.
"Definitely not there is a gorgeous spot that looks out over the water. It's not far fron here" i say standing up but taking his hand.
It's nearly midnight but with being with Jake I'm wide awake and we walk up to the spot. In the moonlight its even more breathtaking 
All you see is the darkness of the water and the moonlight over the cliff and hear the water crashing below. He pulls me close and between the smell of him, the smoke, and the salt water my mind is totally lost as he wraps his arms around my waist with my back to him.
"MC, are you really worried things wont work?" He asks.
"I am because its not just are hearts at stake. I have for the past ten years had someone else to watch out for. It's only day on and she loves you" i say taking a deep breath.
"I always want to be there for both of you" he says.
"I know you do Jake. However we both know that last time we were together it was passionate and strong. We didnt think about the future in that night and let things happen." I say turning towards him.
I see the love in his eyes as the moonlight hits him. I feel the warmth of him even through his hoodie I'm wearing. I lose all control over my emotions of trying to keep my heart safe for Fayes sake and kiss him like when I saw him on the dock. This time noone is around to stop us and i feel his hands move to my neck and my ass pulling me even closer as we can't stop what is going to happen.
Jakes POV
I wake up to the sun coming up over the water and I see her. She's still sleeping on my chest my hoodie is over both of us as a blanket and our clothes are on the ground. I want nothing more then to keep this feeling locked away forever but I know i need to wake her up. I kiss the top of her head and she stirs awake. 
"Good morning beautiful" I say with a smile.
"Good morning handsome" she says looking up at me with a smile. "Oh shit we should get back.” As she sits up and realizes we're both naked.
I pull her back to me, this time kissing her gently. Ahe pulls away again but all concern is gone. She reaches for our clothes and we get dressed. She throws on my hoodie which looks good on her and I take her hand.
"I guess we really are giving this a true chance" she says looking towards the water.
I grab her chin and direct her to look at me. "My love, did we even have any other choices.
She shivers as she looks into my eyes, "not really. Your my home" she says as she leans info me.
MC pov:
We walk back to the resort and thankfully as we walk in the front door it doesn't sound like anyone is away. We walk up to the room and see Faye sleeping in the bed.
"I knew she wouldn't make it the night," I says softly with a smile. I walk away from Jake and lift her up. I goes to carry her out of the room but he takes her. 
"How about we do pancakes for everyone?" He ask.
"Pancakes?" A sleepy Faye states while Jake holds her.
"Give me a few moments, okay?" I ask, smiling at Jake holding her.
He kisses my cheek and lays Faye down. I grab change if clothes and head into the bathroom. At this moment I'm so thankful I have my phone. I pull up the messages and see Jessy is online.
MC: oh my we need girl talk!
Jessy: did you even sleep?
Mc: i mean if you count a few hours outside 😜
Jessy: coffee with girl talk?
MC: we're gonna make pancakes. Oh by the way good job keeping Faye in the room last night. 🤣
Jessy: she wouldn't have it and I didnt want her to wake up the others.
Mc: its okay we actually found her this morning in the bed. But going to clean up and head down to the kitchen with Jake and Faye.
There's a knock on the bathroom door "mom, dad and I are heading to the kitchen to start pancakes" Faye says.
"Okay I'll be right down" i say. I smile at her love already for him. 
MC: Jessy! Come here so we can talk
Jessy: okay I'll be right over.
I hear them leave and a few minutes later there is a knock on the door. I open and its Jessy wearing her PJ. I grab her hand and pull her in.
"Girl, what am I going to do?" I say so worried.
"Look, he wants to be part of her life no matter what so just let this run its course."
"No you don't understand. We did it last night out on that cliff I told you about. All it took was once and we got Faye. I don't know if i could handle it if it doesn't work and us having two kids" I say breaking down.
Jessy grabs my shoulders "don't think of it like that. You're an amazing mom and he's showing he wants to be around." She says.
"Jessy, wait if all we have is passionate love explodes and then its nothing. We've never had the chance to see if we can keep these feelings" i say looking at her with tears in my eyes.
She pulls me in for a hug "just take it a day at a time sweetie. Also would it really be bad if you guys had another one?" She laughs. "That man is madly in love with you."
I realize she is telling me the truth. Jake and I need to take this a day at a time together and learn each other and build a family with Faye.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 5 months
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Jake had never been good at giving gifts. The loss of his mother at an early age deprived him of learning many skills required for such a task. Every time the need came up, he thought about what to buy and ordered it online only to rethink the gift before it even arrived. Often he bought two or three items and rejected them all, instead purchasing a gift card. He knew it was impersonal, but at least they could get what they wanted.
His lack of confidence in this area was the only time he felt ill-equipped to conquer anything that was directed at him. Jake had succeeded in foster care despite many years of torment. He learned at an early age that he had a knack for computers. Despite the fact that he had been socially awkward, he managed to find friends and a place among the misfits as well as the popular kids. Jake had earned scholarships to several of the most prestigious schools in America and even a couple overseas.
It was Jake's last year in college when he had a dream job lined up upon graduation and a small group of close friends when a strange text popped up on his phone, one that changed everything. He had a sister, two in fact. Apparently, the women had tracked him down in an effort to develop a relationship. They were older, though not by much. Hannah, the oldest had been the one to contact him first. She was sweet and lovely. He liked her instantly. They talked like they had known each other for their entire lives. Lily was the oldest and at first, she was quiet and distrustful having no idea who Jake was or what effect he could have on her or her sister. Jake understood. They had both put in work at developing a friendship and an eventual love for each other.
This Christmas was the right time to meet them. It had been two years of almost daily texts and a handful of video chats. The siblings needed to see each other in person and the women agreed when he brought up the subject. He would travel to Duskwood, a small town in Massachusetts to meet them in two weeks.
Jake wanted to see them, look into their eyes, and find similarities in their being. He couldn't wait to give them a hug, to remember what it felt like to be part of a family. It was something that he hadn't felt since his mother passed when he was ten. Something that he didn't think he needed or wanted or missed until they came along.
His sisters, Hannah and Lily, had just sent the text confirming the date of the trip. He had booked a flight a few days early in order to get a feel for the town and relieve some of the awkwardness that would inevitably be a part of their first meeting. While he was confident in their meeting and in his ability to adapt and be likable, he also knew that he needed some time to prepare for the emotions that would undoubtedly surface.
He also needed to bring gifts and these could not be gift cards. The idea that he had to come up with something wonderful for them was imposing and unfortunate. So, when he walked into the shop on the corner, his head hung a little lower than usual and his feet drug along the ground as if his body was trying to retreat.
He slugged around the store touching a few things here and there, but not really noticing much. He regarded a lovely set of gloves and picked them up just to set them down again quickly. He noticed a candle that was particularly fragrant and sighed without even leaning in to take in the candle's scent completely. He rubbed a bit of fabric on a lavender dress as he walked past. His eyes barely took in the sight of it.
It took a moment before Jake lifted his eyes to see all of the things around him. When he did, he noticed that the store was light and filled with warmth. Soft sage paint swathed the room in color and vibrancy, but somehow still had a calming effect. The shop's location on the corner allowed a great deal of light to flow in from the outside and though it was winter and quite dreary somehow everything in this place made him feel comfortable and somehow surrounded by warmth.
The clothing was placed as if in a showroom rather than a small shop, hanging from various racks with ample space between them. Gold-edged floor-length mirrors flanked the walls and eclectic gold and white tables and shelves held a myriad of accessories, from the basic black to the most vibrant of hues. Jake had no idea where to start and was about to walk out when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
"Sir? Can I help you find something?" Spinning around, Jake landed his gaze on the most beautiful green eyes that he had ever seen. Something happened to him that had never happened before--he couldn't think of a thing to say. Could he admit that she may be the something that he was hoping to find? No, he could not. Instead, he tried to find a way to keep her talking a little longer and get those gifts he was after. Though, at the moment, he couldn't decipher which task was the most important.
Finally realizing that he had been standing in silence simply staring at her and those gorgeous eyes, he cleared his throat, "I may actually need some help. I have to find the perfect gifts, but I have no idea what I am doing or where to begin. I have many skills, but shopping is not one of them." He lowered his head without failing to notice how her long honey-colored hair spun in curls around her shoulders and the way that her smile peeked out of her vermilion lips.
"Perfect gifts," she spoke in a conspiratorial way and took his hand, pulling him to the back of the shop, "are exactly why I am here. I was made to help handsome men, such as yourself, find the best gift for the people they care about." Confidence and sunshine oozed out of her.
Usually, her perky attitude would have frustrated him, but the wink that she gave him and the way she grabbed his hand unabashedly provoked and intrigued him.
"So you think I am handsome?" Jake asked, prodding her.
"You know that you are," she smiled. He was both proud of the compliment and embarrassed that he had asked, She continued without pause, "but we have a task to accomplish. Who are you buying a gift for?"
As she spoke, she directed him to a mismatched pair of chairs, one a rich tan leather and the other an uncompromising buttery velvet. These two chairs shouldn't belong together, but when they sat around the ornate table everything seemed to match.
He pondered meeting such a person in a place like this. She was beautiful, but she was also more than that. She was inviting and warm. Her clothes were vibrant and alive, but her aura was calm and gentle. He hadn't known so many things could define one person.
Jake had been thinking for a bit, thinking about her and this place that was so different from the world outside He had been thinking a little too long when he thought he should answer before she believed him to be a lunatic. "The gifts are for my sisters, whom I have never met. I have been talking to them for the last couple of years and..."
"Wait," she interrupted and leaned in, clearly intrigued, "you have never met your sisters?"
He was pleased that she was interested and wanted to chat a bit. He decided to push things a little further, "I am fine with the personal questions, but I need to know your name first."
"What a cheap way to find out my name. You get me all interested and then refuse to divulge more information. Tricky. I will tell you if you tell me your name first." She winked, but he knew that he would tell her anything that she asked for.
"Jacob...Jake," he stuttered.
"I am Macie, nice to meet you, Jake," Her voice was softer as she spoke. Their eyes met for a moment and then as if she had to pull away, she brought the formality back to her voice and said, "Now about those sisters?"
He explained the situation and when they decided to meet. He explained how he stumbled on this store and how she was his only hope for a stress-free meeting. She listened intently, her emerald eyes focused wholly on him. He could feel her interest, both in his story and in his person. The tension between them had become palpable. She leaned in closer as he spoke and he found himself mimicking her posture in response.
They were in a world entirely their own when she broke the repose, "You, Sir, are very interesting aren't you?" She stood up and walked across the room, touching his shoulder as she passed him. "You sit right there. I think I have the perfect things for Hannah and Lily."
He was impressed that she remembered their names. He was impressed by everything he knew of her. She flitted around the store occasionally asking what colors Hannah would like or if he had noticed anything in the background on the video chats? She even asked how he liked his coffee, though Jake didn't see the importance of that question.
He answered her questions but offered nothing in the way of help except a focused gaze that followed her as she flitted around from table to table and rack to rack filling some impressive baskets with personal selections. She had a lovely figure and a butt that he could only dream of getting his hands on. Jake knew that she was aware of his admiration and she flaunted it. She was unashamed.
He had completely lost track of time when she placed one basket and then the other on the table in front of him and returned to her velvet chair. On her way to her throne, the smell of her floral perfume met his nose. It filled his senses and his brain with thoughts that he was having a hard time reeling in.
"What do you think?" Macie asked, eager to hear his opinion.
Words stumbled out before he had the chance to think. "You are beautiful...I mean... What are you asking?... the presents?" He could feel the heat rise on his cheeks and pinched his arm hoping to squelch the red quickly forming on his cheeks.
She smiled and he forgot himself for a moment. Then just as quickly, he managed to pull his focus off of her and onto the baskets that she had prepared. They were incredible and filled with several items of clothing, as well as scarves and mittens, lotions, and candles. Each basket was a little different and met the unique interests of each woman. He would have never been able to pull off such wonderful creations.
He touched a few items and admired the thoughtful and skilled gifts that she had presented. "They are exactly perfect." He wanted to say more, to tell her that she was indeed also exactly perfect as far as he could tell and that he had to see her again and not in such a place but rather on a proper date, with flowers to match the blush of her cheeks and candles to make the light dance in her eyes. He couldn't say those things of course. He settled on "It is amazing that you made these based off of a fifteen-minute conversation."
"I told you that you were interesting. I hung on your every word." She met his eyes and gave a shy smile. "I have been doing this for a couple of years professionally and many years before that. I have always been good at shopping and fitting the right gift for the right person. My friends always had me do their Christmas shopping."
He admired her confidence. Most people didn't acknowledge the things that they could do well. Somehow that made her all the more attractive to him.
"Indeed. I may have to make you my own personal shopper. You have only worked here a couple of years?" Jake asked, trying to keep the conversations alive.
"You could say that." She offered nothing more. There was something in her voice that made him aware that there was more to her answer, but he wasn't ready to dig deeper just yet.
"I don't think I can repay you for relieving the stress I felt when I walked in here today. Meeting my sisters will be much easier now." He spoke in earnest.
"I am just glad to help," she paused. "Are you headed there now...to meet your sisters, I mean?"
"No, I arrived in town early. I wanted to have some time to buy gifts and relax a little, settle into the town that may become very important to me. I mean, if my sisters are here, I may be around more often." He wanted to tell her that she would also be a reason for this town's importance, but he wouldn't say that, not yet."
They walked up to the register, and as he paid, he inspected the store once more and thought of how inviting it was, and how much that was like Macie. He noticed the quality and individuality that each item inspired. He thought how very much it represented her welcoming and warm sensibilities. This was the perfect place for her and she was the perfect person to be here.
"How long did you say that you worked here?" He asked impulsively.
I opened the place two years ago today." She spoke with pride, She should be proud, he thought. Owning something that was an extension of yourself was an enormous accomplishment.
"This place is yours?" He asked though it was more of a realization rather than a question.
"Yes, and a loving testament to my mother, she passed three years ago and this was our dream. We were going to open this place together." Her voice faded a little as she mentioned her mother.
He nodded at the reminder of his own mother and what he had lost so long ago. "I am sorry for your loss. She must have been an incredible woman."
"She was...in every way. I think I was the lucky one to get to love her." She paused then shook off the storm in her eyes and added, "You know, I did do a lot for you today." A crooked smile crossed her face, "I thought of a way that you could repay me."
He wanted to scream out that he was willing to repay her in any way that she asked, but those words did not escape. "Oh yeah, what's that?"
"Buy me a cup of coffee in that diner over there. I don't think I have had my fill of talking to you."
"Coffee? I can do better than that. What would you think if I brought you a cup of coffee now and then picked you up for dinner when the shop closes."
She smiled openly now, the most gorgeous smile that he had seen, "I would accept that as a form of repayment."
He laughed. She grabbed his phone and typed in her number.
"Just in case you have to cancel, or if you change your mind about dinner."
"That won't happen, but I suppose I would like to call you for other reasons." He got the chance to wink at her for once.
"I suppose that would be a desirable option." She looked down as if embarrassed by his retort.
They said their goodbyes with smiles and quick glances, both excited about the plans for the evening. As he took his packages to the car, he realized that he felt lighter than he had in weeks.
He still hated shopping, but he sure liked this store and the woman inside. Who knew that something he hated so much could lead him to something he so desired maybe something that he even needed?
Smiling, he picked up the phone, found Macie's number, and texted.
J: What kind of coffee do you drink?
He had not forgotten about his promise and he sure wasn't going to break one to her.
M: Surprise me. I bet you will guess it right.
A slight chuckle escaped from his lips as he headed across the street to the diner. While she was incredibly intuitive and he wasn't sure he would ever be able to surprise her, something told him that he was going to keep trying for a very long time.
This story was inspired by some fellow writers who are having a bit of a hard time getting back into the writing business. Thank you to those who push me to keep going and thanks to all who read it. I appreciate all the minutes that you have spent reading something that I wrote.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 6 months
@miss-celestia13I have done it before, but I will always do something that you ask. And thanks for the tag!
Last Song: "Free Fallin'" by Tom Petty
Favorite Color: yellow and orange and burgundy and black.
Currently Watching: Friends and Hallmark Christmas movies (apologizes as she hides in the corner.)
Currently Reading: Penny Reid novels and Classic Edgar Allen Poe
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory. There are never enough salty things.
Relationship status: Married 15 years wi
Current obsession: I currently am super devastated by the death of Matthew Perry. I have been rewatching all of the things and crying.
Last thing I googled: Synonyms for the words wild and found. It is for a project that I am working on
Currently working on: finishing my longer story Feels Like Home (which has to be done by Christmas) and trying to force myself to complete my other fanfics before moving on to new things. I am also perpetually working on reading the things all of my other favorite authors on here are writing.
I am not adding tags because I think everyone that I would ask either tagged me or I tagged already.
9 people you'd like to know better
Thank you a lot for tagging me @barracuda677 and @kimberly-campbell I really appreciate it <3<3
last song: I Killed A Man - Slaughter to Prevail
favorite color: Black and Green
currently watching: V for Vendetta and The dark Knight
currently reading: Comic: V for Vendetta and just started Simon Becketts 'The Chemistry of Death'
sweet/spicy/savory: Savory
relationship status: Since I'm not interested in relationships, happily single ^^
current obsession: Too many things.
last thing I googled: brass knuckles 3d printer stl file (it's not how it looks like, it's for decoration only, I swear! xD)
currently working on: Uhh, nothing really. At least nothing like a fanfiction or similar.
Tagging: @julesisreading @itsnotzka @miss-celestia13 @cassi0-peia @booklover-01040 @hackerqueen @kyras-things @zmayadw @duskwood-disco @duskjake Of course only if you want, no pressure and no stress 💚
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paigenoelchas-blog · 6 months
Zombie by the Cranberries
If you see this you are OBLIGATED to reblog w/ the song currently stuck in your head :)
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paigenoelchas-blog · 6 months
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HELP! I want to write, to at the least finish the things that I have started, but I can't find the inspiration. Someone, please send me some ideas to write about. I have tons of prompts, but none of them seem to be working. I appreciate you.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 6 months
Thanks for the tag @ameliawarnerr!
Last song: Thriller by Michael Jackson and whatever was playing at the grocery store yesterday.
Favorite color: yellow, green, and deep teal, i think I also like orange and burgundy.
Currently Watching: MIdnight Club and Goosebumps, re-watching Dawson's Creek when I clean the house.
Currently reading: The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Savory. Salty things are my jam.
Relationship status: Married, two kids.
Current obsession: Duskwood, DND and trying to find things that I can make for Christmas gifts this year.
Last thing I googled: Alan Wake 2
Currently working on: I need to finish my first fanfic and a couple of others, but have been working on an original story and co-writing a story with a friend. Alas, none of them are finished and I haven't been writing as much as I would like.
tagging: @x3kristax3 @renneiscent @lyon-amore@duskwoodgirl4life @buleriaa@miss-celestia13 @itsnotzka @layanasstories @jake-0200 @anabellerose96 @hackerqueen
9 people you'd like to know better
tagged by: @cregan-starks tyyyyy <3
last song: punk by gorillaz
favorite color: blueee
currently watching: good omens 2... slowly
currently reading: i am Not. whoops
sweet/spicy/savory: SPICY
relationship status: single :(
current obsession: narcos, my star wars au, volcanology, historical fashion, across the spiderverse, making chai
last thing I googled: does pots run in families (LMAO)
currently working on: to the ends of the earth, my hq star wars au <333333
tagging: @redrocketpanda @spacejammie-eimmajecaps @ashlingiswriting @spooky-kakashi @grasssme @autistic-ranpo @shizuumi151 @kiyohmeohmy @solitesse idk enough ppl for this lmao
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paigenoelchas-blog · 7 months
Something in the Way
She always hoped the world couldn't see the blush that crossed her face when his eyes met hers. She hoped that their friends couldn't see the sly smile that he had or the way his eyes roamed her body whenever they all hung out, but she knew that the two of them were obvious. She knew it bordered on disgusting behavior.
He didn't care. It had been too long since he could affect anyone in this sort of way. He relished the knowledge that he could have such an impact on her. He often sat across from her when the group was around, just out of her reach. It made her yearn for his touch, the thought of her want and desire for him would color her cheeks. It delighted him more than anything. He wanted her truly in all of the ways that he could have her. He couldn't stop the gaze that fell over her body and he didn't want to.
He needed her if there was honesty in his thought. She had given him hope, a home, and a family of election. He had given her nothing but she still gave herself to him. She still shared her life freely and allowed herself to be safe in his arms.
So while she was embarrassed by their behavior, he was proud and satisfied and that was the reason that the sly smile always escaped from his lips. He wanted everyone to know that she was his. He wanted her to always feel his love and desire for her.
He paused in his thoughts to make a wish that she would always blush in these moments, and though she was embarrassed and maybe a little annoyed at her lack of self control, she hoped that he always gave her a reason to.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 7 months
A request I got from an anon to write a story about something that happened to them anyway here it is.
Please Help Me…..
Jake's POV
Today I was going to see MC for our 5th date. She invited me to her apartment for dinner. I love her cooking. The amazing smells that come from the kitchen when I enter her apartment are out of this world. We have slowly been seeing more of each other. I love spending all my free time with her. As I get closer to her apartment I can smell the different flavors coming from the kitchen. A small smile breaks out on my face and a warm feeling spreads throughout my body. I softly knock on the door and wait for MC to open the door. After a few moments of waiting I start to get concerned so I take the key she gave me out of my pocket for emergencies and open the door. 
I start to shout MCs name but she doesn't answer me back, I walk towards the kitchen and see her laying on the floor. I rush over to her and check her pulse. It's so weak I can barely feel it. I quickly take my phone out and dial 999. I stay on the phone with the operator and they tell me what to do while I wait for the ambulance to arrive. I started CPR. It felt like a lifetime waiting for an ambulance to arrive but I kept on doing CPR. Finally MC starts to breathe and coughs badly. "It's okay MC I'm here the ambulance will be here soon" MC looks at me full of concern and worry. "Jake I-i can't move please help me" a tear fell from MCs eye as she lay on the floor. 
Moments later the ambulance arrived. I stood back while they worked on MC, they placed her onto a stretcher and took her to the waiting ambulance outside. Once in the ambulance I sat next to her and held her hand the whole way there. Her breathing was shallow but she was hanging in she was always a fighter. We arrived at the hospital and a team of nurses and doctors were waiting. They took MC into the hospital and started to work on her. They put an IV into her and gave her fluids and other medications I wasn't allowed to go in but I could see everything. 
My heart felt like it had been ripped apart seeing her like this broke my heart, i wanted to rush over to her and hold her hand kiss her on her soft lips. I was forced to stand and watch while the doctors and nurses worked on her. After half an hour of waiting one of the doctors came over to me and said I could go in and see her. "She's woken up and is doing well" the doctor could see the worry and concern in my eyes. "What happened to her? Will she be okay?" "I've sent her blood work off and we will know in the next hour" the doctor gave me a reassuring smile and I walked over to MCs bedside. 
"MC, I'm here baby everything is going to be okay I promise I won't leave your side" I take hold of MCs hand and hold it in mine. "Jake? I'm so scared, please help me" tears began to flow once again from MCs eyes. "Everything is going to be okay baby I won't let anything happen to you" I give MCs hand a squeeze as I sit down next to her not leaving her side for a single second. An hour had passed and the doctor came back with the blood work results "Hi MC how are you doing? I've got the blood work back and it's showed you have had an allergic reaction to one of your meds what we will do is take you off then right away and give you something to help counteract the other meds" I looked up at the doctor and I knew which meds he was talking about. "Will she be okay? When can I take her home?" "She will make a full recovery, I want to keep her here for a few more hours and then of everything is good she can go home" the doctor left as I looked at MC for the first time today I could see hope in her eyes. 
"Everything is going to be okay MC, I can take you home in a few hours okay" MC looked up at me and gave me the most beautiful smile it warmed my heart" "Jake, thank you for everything you did I love you so much" MC took my hand and placed a soft kiss on it I couldn't help but smile. "I love you to MC and I would do it all over again if I had to. I won't let anything or anyone ever hurt you" "Jake, lay next to me" I couldn't resist that smile so I carefully and slowly climbed onto the bed and put my arm around MC. 
A few hours had passed and everything was looking really good. MC was starting to get back to her old self again. "Right MC I've checked your charts and everything is looking excellent I think we can discharge you now" my face lit up at hearing the doctor's words I was so happy I could take MC home again. 
I helped MC get dressed and made our way towards the waiting taxi, I helped her get in. I ran round the other side of the taxi and got in next to her. 20 minutes later we had arrived back at her apartment and we slowly made our way back into the building. I was so thankful for the lift I don't think MC could handle going up stairs. We entered her apartment. I helped MC into her bedroom and sat her down on the bed. "Jake, can you stay with me I don't want to be alone not ever" a tear fell from her eye it broke my heart to see her like this. "Of course MC, I told you I won't leave your side. I will stay with you for as long as you need" MC put her hand in mine and looked me in the eyes. "Jake, I was going to ask you this over dinner but then everything happened so I will ask you now, will you move in with me?" I couldn't help the smile on my face. My heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. "I'd love nothing more than to move in with you MC, I love you" "I love you to Jake" 
A few weeks had passed and I had moved in with MC, she was now back to herself and was doing amazing. We had been living together for a few weeks and I loved every second of it. She is my everything. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her. MC must have seen the concerned look on my face and came over to me and sat down next to me. "Hey, I'm okay I promise having you by my side means so much to me Jake I couldn't have gotten through to him without you" look up at MC with tears in my eyes I love this woman so much. She wrapped her arms around me and placed a soft kiss on my lips. "I'm not going anywhere Jake" "weather am I MC" we both shared a kiss and cuddled up on the bed together holding each other in our arms. 
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paigenoelchas-blog · 8 months
I will be finishing this for the season and have edited the previous chapters if you need a refresh.
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Tales Told in the Dark
A Duskwood friends fanfiction.
The gang is camping. What do you do when it gets dark and there are to be no electronics around? No adult themes, not yet.
This will be continued and all will be completed by Halloween.
Warnings: silly scary scenarios, mention of alcohol.
The group had decided to go camping. Jake was not excited, having spent too many years without things like running water. MC assured him that it would be fine and only for a couple of days. The group hadn't been together in a long time. Jessy and MC had decided they needed to go somewhere with no electronics and be one with nature. The thought of no electronics also displeased Jake.
Jake wasn't the only one displeased, but when MC and Jessy had an idea, the group always conceded to their wishes because of the group's great affection for them. Jake especially loved MC and would deny her nothing.
The girls found a place that had tents, what one might call glamping, with nearby bathrooms and showers. They had four tents, a girl's tent, a boy's tent, a Hannah and Thomas tent, and a Jake and MC tent. The tents were beautiful, filled with blankets and string lights, and even bedding raised up off of the floor. Dan had commented that this was nicer than his apartment. Neither Jake nor MC could contradict this.
The tents sprawled in a circle surrounding a fire pit which the group had planned on using that campfire to cook and warm themselves for their stay.
The day had been wonderful, the group had spent time talking and cooking, and going on hikes. Someone had brought a bag toss game which Thomas was oddly competitive about. MC noticed that Jake even seemed to relax a little bit, especially when he called her into the tent for a nap earlier.
After dinner, Thomas pulled out his guitar and Dan pulled out the whiskey. The bottle was passed around and as Thomas played, Lily and Hannah joined in the singing. Jake paused occasionally to think that he had never had such a lovely time, though he was loath to admit it. MC would never let him hear the end of it if he did.
Eventually, the sky grew dark, but it was too early to go to bed. There were too many stars to count and the weather was perfect. A sweatshirt was enough to keep them warm. MC had borrowed Jake's which didn't disappoint him. It reminded Phil of who she came here with.
"It is too early for bed, but what do we do out here without electronics?" Lily whined.
"Well, there has to be something we don't know about each other. Maybe truth or dare?" Hannah suggested. A cacophony of negative responses rang through the air.
They sat in silence for a moment. Just staring at the fire. If you were MC or Jake however, the staring was into each other's eyes.
"I know," Jessy says, enthusiastically jumping out of her chair. "Let's tell scary stories. I have a great one, but I want to go last. It is really scary."
"Is this a good idea?" Phil said. "Some of you look as though you won't be able to handle it." He looks at Jake. Making him mad was a personal joy and one of the reasons that he came on this trip with Jessy's friends. He also thought he might convince MC to dump that loser, though the odds of that happening were low.
Jake smiled sarcastically at Phil and MC patted his arm before holding his hand. "That sounds like fun," MC says enthusiastically, trying to break the tension between the two men.
Cleo, the unlikeliest of volunteers, spoke up, "If we are going to do this, I would like to go first. I had something scary just happen to me recently."
Jessy clapped her hands enthusiastically. "Awesome, Are we all settled in and ready to listen to Cleo's horrifying tale?"
"This ought to be good," Phil mumbled to himself.
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