peiaipei · 2 months
Fasting for 12+ hours and being full after 3 bites is a sweet example of how temporary the pleasure of this dunya is and how small this life is.
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peiaipei · 1 year
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peiaipei · 1 year
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Omg look at those eyes ♡
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peiaipei · 1 year
🤍 He’s nervous. He doesn’t know what to say. He knows you’re worried, but because he’s so exposed he’s closed into himself. It’s a automatic reaction. Men don’t express themselves when it comes to emotions. 
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peiaipei · 1 year
He doesn’t know what to do. He’s confused. He wants to talk to you, but he feels he’s doing everything wrong. But he wants to try. He just doesn’t know what to say. 🤍
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peiaipei · 1 year
Once upon a time, there was a dinosaur name Rex who loved avocados. He lived in Welsh, but avocados were rampant throughout South America. How would he get there? he couldn't fit in an airplane. He'd certainly sink in a boat. Swimming would be exhausting and modern technology like rockets and air packs were out of his reach. BUT he remembered he had a dragon for a friend in Norway. he roared toothed sky and waited and waited and waited....
Three days later, his dragon friend, Bolt, had met with him and asked what was the emergency. Rex rambled on and on about his avocados and Bolt agreed to carry him to Mexico.
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peiaipei · 1 year
I think I found mine
I first texted him for something work related
Now we talk all the time
I’ve known him for one week, but it’s like I’ve known him all my life
I cried today
Because it’s so real 
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peiaipei · 1 year
I cannot unlove
The words and the secrets
I cannot unsay
The laugh and the voice
I cannot unhear
I cannot undo my affection
Keep it, I do not want to take it back
The eyes and the smile
I cannot unsee
The warmth and the calm
I cannot unfeel
I cannot unlove
How ridiculous I would sound if I said
I gave everything
My love was my everything
You were everything
To unlove would be death
So I will not unlove
I cannot unlove you
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peiaipei · 1 year
Tell him that he needs to piece himself together to get a piece of you.
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peiaipei · 2 years
The human experience is vast. You should treat each person as such. As a new opportunity, as every possibility imaginable. As gently as a newborn baby. As kindly as you would your own pets. As loving as you should yourself. Because we’re all connected. We each have our own story. You’ll never know the whole story, even if you’ve known one for an entire lifetime. Please inquire. Learn. Some people don’t want you in their business, but it doesn’t hurt to have empathy. To feel for another in their hardships, triumphs, trials, & tribulations. This is humanity. Sharing, giving, caring, in spite of all the negativity, power plays, & unfair circumstances we not only endure as individuals, but as a race. This world is so much bigger than yourself. What is your purpose? What can you give to another? We wonder why we are so unhappy, it’s because we’ve been taught to be selfish. So selfish, we don’t even share the most basic of currencies: love. Everything is conditional. We’ve been taught to think higher of ourselves than of that we have reached yet expect others to treat us as we see ourselves even though we behave as the dirt beneath our feet. We cry mine mine mine as people cry to God for help, a miracle, food, water, clothing. We see someone and we see status & money rather than another human being. I pray for the day we are humbled and understand one another as if we were blood. Give & love & care unconditionally. Without asking for anything in return. Without the expectations of a reward. Only with the feeling and thought that it is right. It is alright to be human, but it could be great. The human experience is vast. We should treat each other as such.
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peiaipei · 2 years
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peiaipei · 2 years
The way that you make me feel is beyond words
I wish I could tell you
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peiaipei · 2 years
If someone were to ask me why I do what I do, I’d say for connections. The humanity, or lack there of, I’ve witnessed in my 26 years has compelled me to go outside of myself & try to make this world a better place by being my best self. Loving, caring, empathetic, child-like, pure. I made the decision to move forward & stop looking back. To do better than I’ve done yesterday. Although, I’m not perfect I’ve improved for me. I can’t be selfish, but I can.
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peiaipei · 2 years
We hurt and we don’t understand why. We project our pain. We blame others or we show others how we feel. We become sad & depressed. We find ways to point the finger, but have decided to never look in the mirror. You confront people, you try to be open with them. But they aren’t meant for you. They aren’t set to understand you. Most won’t even try. Understand that their limitations say more about their mindset. Not everyone can be there. A lot of people won’t last. You have to accept that things just won’t be okay with everyone. But then you grow. You love again. You see the hope & good in humanity. You love people. Human connection is what you thrive on. You’d benefit from traveling & studying different cultures because you have so much respect for them/it.
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peiaipei · 2 years
I go to work and I believe that there is a way that I am supposed to be. I’ve never been able to fully be myself without being judged or looked at in some type of way. I can be quirky and I’m weird for being that way. I’ve learned to be what is acceptable. What is acceptable is what is shown to people everyday. I can’t have a mental breakdown, no not at work. People can’t see me cry. In an odd way, I have expectations for myself that I have not put on anyone else as hard as I do.
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peiaipei · 2 years
If I make a drawing and it has eraser lines (which I absolutely hate btw), there’s nothing you can really do. You can start over, but it won’t get rid of the first drawing. You can’t white out it, that just makes it more obvious. When the drawing is finished, the flaws & mistakes will really bother me, but I have to be okay with imperfection. I want to not only accept it, but love it. I’m so used to seeing the problems in me. I do the same to everyone else and that’s not okay.
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peiaipei · 2 years
As much as I could hate myself right now
I don’t
As much as I could shame myself right now
I haven’t
I break these chains
Of self doubt
Self destruction
Self criticism
Being so hard on myself and being judgmental
Perfection is not the goal
Insecurity is something that can be fixed
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