phanielussy · 7 months
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phanielussy · 7 months
god knows she shouldn't give me a partner with a dick just yet because i have too much of a breeding kink not to fuck raw and accidentally get pregnant before i finish college
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phanielussy · 10 months
my mother's love tastes like but
it tastes like, "you're pretty, but definitely not the prettiest"
and "you're smart, but if you are why are you struggling with easy things?"
and "your body is fine, but you could lose some pounds"
and "I'll accept whatever you can give, but you're not giving enough"
and "i don't mean to offend you, but I'll do it anyways"
and "I'll never push you, but why don't you hurry in doing the things the way i want them done"
and "i believe in you, but I'm not sure you're capable of doing what you want to"
and "i won't force you to do things you don't want to, but please act like a normal human being for once"
and "i love you, but you're hard to love"
and i love her... i really do...
but i think I'd be happier without her in my life
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phanielussy · 10 months
smut readers i need to know this
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phanielussy · 11 months
just sat through half a video called "audiences don't hate strong women, they hate badly written stories", and the thing is, that while i agree that the statement has a level of truth to it, the youtuber goes on and on about how female characters must earn respect and power and have character growth or else they're just bland or overpowered or meaningless or just "woke" symbols of feminism
and fuck that tbh
but more than that is the fact that audiences do hate strong female characters, otherwise they would enjoy overpowered women for literally no reason, women who simply are the best or the smartest with no explanation, women who are strong who have had to beat up sexist pigs, women who don't kneel to what society expects from them, women who don't adhere to your expectations of them
and yeah sometimes a strong female character will come from nothing and slowly work her way up to being the best, because strong women are those who struggle to stand up for their beliefs to adhere to them anyway in a society that wants to bring them down
strong women are those who don't know enough yet, and refuse to learn by someone else teaching them bc they believe in themselves and their ability to either learn by their mistakes or teach themselves from start to finish
strong women are badasses who will take no shit from anyone else, and they're also ones who don't know how not to take shit from anyone else but are slowly working up the courage to do it
strong women are flawed but they are also perfect, and they can come in so many different ways and shapes and personalities and everything
and it all comes down to the fact that, yes you do hate strong women, because the only way you will respect her is if you can first see her beat up by society or talked down to by "her superiors" and "learning" from them or unable to deal with shit without anyone's elses help
and it also comes down to the fact, that if that character wasn't a woman, but a man instead, we wouldn't be having this conversation at all, the world would just be chilling enjoying another show or another movie or another book where the main male character has done nothing to grow or learn or change or deserve respect, but because he's a man, he's an enjoyable character already and there are twenty thousand blogs dedicated to him
thanks for coming to my ted talk, sorry for the long post, but im fucking pissed
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phanielussy · 11 months
i mean this as no hate just very very curious about the answer to this
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phanielussy · 11 months
how do i tell my friend im tired of everytime she sends a message it has to be about her new boy like ffs ik you're in love but i genuinely do not care about him
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phanielussy · 11 months
i need to rant about my christian friend please don't mind me
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phanielussy · 11 months
have i had the entire afternoon to myself with enough time to finish the fic im currently writing? absolutely
did i have the masturbate and have the most mind blowing orgasm I've had yet kinda ruining my favorite towel in the process? absolutely ✨
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phanielussy · 11 months
i think im just gonna ahead and use this account to rant about stupid shit hopefully no one evers connects me to my main <3
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phanielussy · 3 years
this is entirely ironic okay
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