Why use wireless Handheld order-taking devices?
Still using paid for taking down customers’ orders? Migrate to handheld order-taking devices to do this job. Your staff doesn’t need to tell another department for further processing. Let us help you grow your business.
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Shopify Website Design & Development
Currently, everyone is aware of the effect that the internet has on people. In this blog, I will tell you why Pixelette Technologies is implying pressure on the word “web design”. The first thing a customer looks at in your e-Commerce platform is your Shopify website design.
How to improve your Shopify website design:
Several things matter the most to a customer surfing the web. There are a few things that catch the user’s eye:
·         Design
·         Usability
·         Ease
·         Structure
·         Colour
This is the age of developing your online website. The pandemic has forced all of us to switch online. The number of users surfing the internet is relatively high as compared to the numbers before. We do not only want a web page that conveys our message but also one that is user friendly.
Website for Business:
In this computerized age, everything is on cell phones. Organizations create applications and easy to use pages to draw in clients to their organizations and keep a dependable and enduring connection with them. Web design services & custom code development is essential for a business to boom.
On occasions such as these, having a wholly evolved website page to best live up to your client’s desires is the best thing you can accomplish for your business. Recruit us to help you in your association’s web and application advancement and see moment results. We don’t just build up a site page; we build up a spirit for your business!
Web advancement can seem like a troubling assignment. However, employing a professional and splendid organization for web improvement will make the occupation much more straightforward. Our unrivalled administrations in the field ensure we stand separated, making us the best web advancement administrations on the lookout.
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Website front is the identity of your organization:
Pixelette Technologies offers the best web advancement administrations. Surely, we will help make an ideal site for your business. We utilize the most recent apparatuses and tech, and we extemporize the best website architecture as per your organization’s requirements. Indeed, Web design services & custom code development is the one factor that grabs the attention of all the customers.
We comprehend that the thought your website page conveys goes far. It generally waits in your likely clients’ psyches and encourages them to settle on a choice if they need to take up your administrations. In this way, your page is one of the central showcasing systems that your organization can receive.
Pixelette Technologies is here at your service. We have come up with the perfect solution to providing you with these services. Moreover, this Christmas we have come up with a 50 per cent discount on all of our services. If you still have any queries or trouble is thinking. Do not hesitate to hit us up or contact us on WhatsApp or Email.
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UK’s no.1 trusted shopify website
Shopify website is an ecommerce store that provides online shopping system with feasibility. Moreover, it is trusted by best partners that provides authentic products and services. For more information please visit our website now!
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How to prevent the latest cybersecurity attacks?
Pixelette Technologies is a leading cybersecurity service provider in the UK that has professional and experienced experts that provide best practices to secure businesses from the latest cybersecurity attacks.
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Trustworthy and efficient PHP development in the UK
Pixelette Technologies has an efficient and experienced team of web developers that provides interactive and robust PHP development in the UK. For the ultimate user-experience, we offer SEO-friendly web solutions for all types of businesses.
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White label SEO techniques for all clients
Pixelette Technologies has different teams of professional and experienced marketing experts that use proficient and competent White label SEO techniques to increase your sales and conversion rates.
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Hire the best woocommerce development company in town
If you are starting out in eCommerce then Woocommerce is the best plugin for you. It is easily accessible and requires very little time to build a CMS and put it up and running! Hire the best Woocommerce development company for your website.
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Proficient and transparent Social media marketing services
Pixelette Technologies offers trustworthy and remarkable social media marketing services to market businesses and increase conversions. With our qualified marketing experts, your business can achieve your goals and target the right audience.
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Terms used by Managed IT Service Company
Managed IT services allow businesses to hire third-party services for their IT operations that specialize in handling these duties. The third-party services provider is known as a managed IT service company. These companies are responsible for businesses’ IT systems, as agreed upon Service Level Agreement (SLA). Providers may offer round-the-clock monitoring, issue-resolving, and reporting.
 According to the SLA, a managed IT service company charge fee for the delivery of services over a set period of time. SLA defines the services to offer as quality of service, and measurements for performance check.
 Cloud computing allows managed IT services to bind the average break/fix IT through the adoption of infrastructure, software, and platform as a service. These facilities have allowed managed IT services to scale at a rate larger and faster than break/fixing through an in-house IT department.
 Different terms in managed IT service:
l  Backup and disaster recovery
A combination of backup and disaster recovery services ensures that your company will keep working in case of any serious incident or disaster after a short period of data recovery.
n  Break/Fix
It is an older style of managed IT services. When a company needs updating, they call the IT service provider and stop their working until the service provider resolves that issue. 
n  Fully managed IT services
Managed IT services with network operation center, monitors the systems, identify problems, and solve them with the level of expertise.
l  Help desk
The help desk is a managed IT service that provides information and support to end-users.
n  Information technology (IT)
It is a business solution for storing, creating, transmitting, and using data through computer devices, telecommunications, and networks.
l  Infrastructure as a service
A virtualized hardware over cloud computing services such as network connections, server space, and IP addresses with which customers can create their platforms.
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n  Internet of things
A network of objects with sensors and software to transfer data over the internet.
n In-house
The process in which a company hires its own people for IT service to perform IT operations.
n  IT channel
It is an industry that provides services and products to end-users by partnering with hardware and software vendors. 
n  Labor arbitrage
A process of decreasing end costs by training employees and utilizing abundant labor forces. 
n  Managed IT services
Third-party services to do IT tasks and processes.
n  Managed services provider (MSP)
A professional managed IT Service Company that offers managed IT services.
l  Mobile device management (MDM)
MDM is a security platform that monitors the mobile devices of employees for security purposes.
l  Platform as a service
It is a virtualized platform in a cloud computing environment that allows end-users to develop and manage internet applications.
l  Remote monitoring and management
An installed software in end-users’ devices to monitor and manage those devices.
l  Software as a service
Software as a service is a distribution model that utilizes a subscription basis to access the software.
n  Value-added reseller
A seller that adds features and services to a product and resells it as a new solution or product.
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Trustworthy & competent Managed IT service company in the UK
Pixelette Technologies is one of the leading managed IT service companies in the UK that provides flexible IT services to handle your daily IT operations, which is more robust and scalable to support the company's future growth.
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Pixelette Technologies Order management system trading offers trading efficiency and compliance by organizing and streamlining daily workflows associated with trading any asset.
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Learn about order processing management system trading
Order management trading is a way of facilitating and managing the execution of trade orders in a sequence. To understand order management system trading, you need to first know about the initials of the trading system. The modern order management system reacts to a complete supply of the interconnected system. This process also allows merchants to automate their internal processes. Crucial steps are involved in choosing the right order management system. Follow up on these steps for understanding order management.  
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Choose the right OMS
·         Define the system objectives  
Once you have declared your visions then you will clearly understand the absolute requirements. That also includes future thinking that you must not forget in any case.  
·         Drafting a request proposal  
By doing that, you will understand the technical as well as limitations of both vendor and organized team. You must also include a timeline for the acquisition process including volumes, several SKU’s, existing software, hardware, and networks.  
·         Research options  
The potential for an ideal fit for business is difficult to achieve at the first stage so, you need to compile at least 4 to 5 vendors.  
·         Wait and evaluate  
Always pick a method based on your objectives.
·         Review trade-offs
It is highly unlikely that you will find a vendor that fits your business 100% so, with keeping that in mind focus on features and functions. By doing this, you will want to take into account the entirety of the business relationship.  
How does it work?
Order management system trading requires a multi-dimensional system. Besides, it also includes the following
·         Customers  
·         Safe channels  
·         Productive information  
·         Inventory levels  
·         Suppliers for purchasing  
·         Customer service  
·         Order printing
·         Packing and picking  
Go smooth  
The systems that you have applied must know several things to run trading smoothly. Like, accepting orders and payments regardless of the channel and route directly from the warehouse to the primary location. You should also update the inventory level of access and sales channels. Must include order details.
E-commerce growth  
As we all know that e-commerce has greater growth in financial aspects but unfortunately, this opportunity has come to the mammoth task of managing more orders across multiple channels.  
With having different strengths, weaknesses, and unique features it is important to choose the right platform for your business. Focus on a cloud-based system, that enables e-commerce business. That will also manage your distributed inventory and orders. Access to API is limited so, you need to streamline order processing effectively.  
Precautionary measures
Well, there are other factors that you must consider while making a decision or looking for the best fit. Always understand your present and future needs for the betterment of order processing.
So, now that we have learned all about order processing management system trading you can easily, adapt these critical tips. By doing this, you can run a successful trading system.
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11 features of help desk phone service
A help desk phone is an essential part of any business. It is a single point where you contact your customers to introduce them with your products and services.
 Are you running a business that handles a constant inflow of queries and phone calls from your customers? Do you need engaging assistance on your part? Let us help you! We, Pixelette Technologies, firmly believe that customers are important and put the utmost priority on solving the queries of your customers. It is how a good business becomes the best. We will listen to the voices of your customers and work on their needs.
 Our features:
l  Single-click dialling
We are offering inbound and outbound call services. In the outbound call, we use single click dialling to increase proficiency. We store a contact list in our system and contact customers through that list by a single click. 
l  Inbound/outbound SMS
We have SMS service included in our help desk phone to send updates to your potential customers. We also receive SMS of their queries and respond to them with the best solution. 
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l  Notifications
We have a notification service to notify customers about voice calls, incoming calls, and missed calls.
l  Call recording
We record our calls to maintain a record of the previous content. 
l  Automatic ticket creation
We attach call details and voicemail recordings to the ticket, and when our agents call them again or receive a call from them, our system updates that ticket automatically. If we receive a call from an unknown number, our system creates a new ticket for it.
l  Automatic call logging
We create a log for our inbound and outbound calls. When we receive or make a call, our system notes the call details, caller name, call status, time-stamp, and phone number. If we receive a call, the system will note the name of the agent who received the call. It assists in reviewing our performance.
l  Add notes during the call
Our system remains functional while our agents are on call, and they can add notes about the call activities for further processing, instead of listening call recordings to find out the query of the customer.
l  Caller context
Our system keeps a record of customers about their purchasing history, status, and how long they have been a customer. This information pops up automatically in a widget alongside the call.
l  Call queue
If people call and all agents are busy handling other customers, then our system will inform them that they are in a queue and have to wait for an available agent. 
l  Interactive voice response
We will help you to configure your greetings. It is a numbered menu that the caller hears before contacting a concerning department.
l  Call routing
Call routing is an essential part of our services. It is a tool that distributes the call to the next available agent.
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Enhance customers’ interaction with Help desk phone service
Pixelette Technologies firmly believes that customers are important for every business, and their satisfaction is a priority. We’ll help you solve customers’ queries through experience and professional help desk phone service.
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Faster and cheaper WIFI 5ghtz  services
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Top 5 companies that provide WIFI 5ghtz
In today’s world, everybody is bound to use WIFI through best and fast internet service providers. To that end, this gives some internet provider companies a call to facilitate their clients with the best possible WIFI 5ghtz. Some of the top WIFI service providing companies are given below.
·         Pixelette Technologies  
This firm provides WIFI services through different channels to connect devices for optimized operation. They ensure to provide the connectivity range, speed, and energy-efficiency with their WIFI Ghtz. It also helps to connect large scale consumer IoT applications.
·         AT&T communication  
This firm provides the 5Ghtz WIFI service up to 213 Mbps on average. They believe that the use of internet technology keeps growing for business purposes also. They tend to deliver the WIFI connectivity approach with a feasible route.  
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·         Verizon  
This internet mobile company tends to facilitate you with their 5Ghtz WIFI service. Their 5G internet facility comes at low-cost as compared to the other providers. The speed and efficiency depend on which service you desire to have, either for home use or business.  
·         T-Mobile  
They offer limited access to the selected market and their price range is up to $50 a month. These internet providers are feasible for home use as they give limited access to the user.  
·         Starry internet  
Their price range is the same as T-Mobile, but they offer 5Ghtz WIFI for their users. Their 5G internet speed is also up to Mbps.
The most common reason for high usage of 5Ghtz WIFI is because its wireless and fiber-based internet. The efficiency of these protocols is very high that could even carry connections to neighborhoods. Small cells are positioned within a line of sight of customers. Sometimes you could even use WIFI 5Ghtz service for hotspot and internet sharing.  
5Ghtz WIFI as a home service?
WIFI 5Ghtz is linked to cellular networks and you can easily get it in selected cities. Following the importance of WIFI 5Ghtz, many companies are planning to develop these services effectively.  
Difference from other networks
Every wonder why it is different from the other networks? The 5Ghtz internet providers like Verizon, and T-Mobile believe that 5g internet could be cheaper and more feasible with benefits. This gives a sense as to why do these companies facilitate their clients with 5G services. Furthermore, it gives a package of $50 a month that is quite cheap to pay for an individual.  
Get 5Ghtz WIFI service for home use  
Like, we have talked about some companies that provide 5g internet services. So, we take Verizon for instance as they provide WIFI 5Ghtz services for home use. Their speed efficiency is up to 940 Mbps. It is now clear that the 5g internet service is widely accessible all across Europe.  
So, now that we know about WIFI 5Ghtz and its providers for home and business use, we can say 5G internet is feasible for home use as compared to other purposes.
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Enable IoT solutions for business with WIFI 5ghtz connectivity
Pixelette Technologies is providing a reliable solution to make the devices work with a better association. It supports broadband and narrowband IOT applications for building a strong connection. It can help the user to control and access WiFi-enabled devices.
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