redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: Arrival
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/724908446651203585/the-exposing-art
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: (Will be inserted as soon as there is one)
When Bumblebee and Bulkhead once again landed on earth, a couple of miles away from the FBI facilities where they would meet up with Fowler and Ratchet, the first thing Bulkhead asked was “Can we maybe first go see Miko?”
Bumblebee pretended like he was thinking it over seriously before answering with a blunt “No”, letting a slight irritation grow inside of Bulkhead he didn’t hide within his facial expression. That, however, didn’t deter Bumblebee from continuing to underline his point in the least.
“…She is momentarily in confinement and it should stay that way until we find out what’s going on from Fowler and Ratchet”
Bulkhead crossed his arms disapprovingly over his chest, “Isn’t that biased? What do they know about the situation?”
“As far as I’ve heard,”Bumblebee immediately countered, “Miko has helped a Decepticon, and a human ally to that Decepticon, escape. And so far, she has not denied this. She also couldn’t even if she tried since it’s already been confirmed with sufficient evidence. The only thing she apparently keeps repeating is ‘I am helping friends out!’”
“Since when do you know all this?” Bulkhead asked visibly confused.
“The council told me before you gracefully barged in”, Bumblebee teased.
“So you get the issue here, right?”, Bumblebee asked after a couple of moments of trotting through an almost dried up pine forest in silence.
“HA!”, Bulkhead laughed, “I may get the issue here but that doesn’t stop me from still trusting Miko”
“Well, then trust her in your own time!”, Bumblebee exclaimed, “I don’t understand how it could ever be morally correct to help a Decepticon, especially an important member of the cause”
“An important member?”, Bulkhead asked.
“They believe it was an officer or commander or something like Soundwave or Starscream.”, Bumblebee kept explaining.
“Hm”, Bulkhead sighed at that, “… No I still won’t change my mind”
Bumblebee ex-vented in utter annoyance before finally caving in.
“Alright, FINE, let’s make a deal: We go to Fowler and Ratchet and after that we try and get permission to talk to Miko in private and see if she’ll reveal anything to us and get her side of the story: Sound good?”
Bulkhead grinned in victory, “Very”
“… And that is that whole thing”, Fowler ended his tirade, his arms moving around and over his head in frustration as if they were moved by puppeteer strings.
“Essentially you know nothing”, Bumblebee stated and Bulkhead was starting asking himself what crawled up Bumblebee’s aft and died. He was beginning to think the whole lieutenant thing wasn’t good for him. He seemed tense…
“I wouldn’t say nothing”, Fowler hissed through his teeth in response, waking Bulkhead up from his almost- pondering, “But you are right in saying we are missing essential clues.
The most curious being, that we cannot find the identity of the person anymore that lived in that house. It’s like they never existed in the first place and that irks me greatly.”
“I can almost guarantee that to be an internal issue”, Bumblebee argued.
“You mean that someone is a snitch?”, Fowler asked outraged.
“Yes that- but we can get back to that later. For now we got from you want you got and your perspective on it… with that being said-”
“GET US TO THROUGH TO MIKO”, Bulkhead interrupted Bumblebee, impatient of this entire protocol of going back and forth politely as if they all hadn’t been team mates and friends before.
Bumblebee sighed, but this time didn’t say anything. This situation couldn’t be salvaged anymore anyways.
“Should’ve known you were on her side”, Ratchet grumbled.
“I’m not on anyone’s side, because there is none! Have you all lost your minds?!”, Bulkhead exclaimed, “I trust all of you and I know you all have good reasons… can’t you understand that I want to give Miko the benefit of the doubt?”
There was a heavy silence for a moment before Ratchet said, “Bulkhead, old friend, listen: Miko said she won’t tell anyone what’s going on… not even you.”
For a moment Bulkhead was stunned, but then frowned, “I still have to try to make her talk. And I at least want to know that she’s ok and who knows? Maybe she’ll throw me a bone and hand me a clue that brings us forward”
“Very well”, Fowler then nodded to Ratchets surprise but he allowed it, “We’ll get you to her confinement… but this will all occur under extreme supervision”
“But-“, Bulkhead wanted to argue.
“No buts or you can’t go to see Miko at all”.
“Fine”, Bulkhead murmured.
“Ok then: Follow me”, Fowler motioned and Ratchet, Bumblebee and Bulkhead obliged the command. And even though it had been Bulkheads idea, Bumblebee started to anticipate the visit with an almost joyful excitement now. More so because the promise of a good clue was nice and he felt in his spark that if anyone could find something out or squeeze anything out of Miko, then it was Bulkhead.
However, when they arrived at the door of her confinement something seemed off.
“There should be two armed guards here”, Fowler commented, immediately taking out his com device for contact and his cellphone where he looked up the guard schedule for today.
“Hello Team 227a, you are supposed to be guarding Miss Nakadai’s door”, Fowler spoke into the device, but there was only a brief dead noise.
“Hello- hello Team 227a, do you copy?”, Fowler asked. Again, nothing.
“Ok uh… let’s just go see what Miko is up to”, Fowler now said, “be on your guard” he added and everyone immediately got their gears out as Fowler opened the door… only to see the room was empty… or wait no- everyone took a second look: One had to say that there was simply emptiness, no room anymore at all to speak of. It had vanished from existence, ceased to be and left nothing but dust.
“What in the fresh hell happened here?”
But nobody had an answer.
“This just made things much more complicated”, Bumblebee mumbled to himself.
“Scrap”, Bulkhead simply said.
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: Art
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/724285350012436480/the-exposing-the-energon-mine
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/725478018837037056/the-exposing-arrival
Thank you @icy-roulette for proof and beta reading this <3
A few hours of nothingness had dragged on in the journey, leaving both you and Megatron exasperated. The two of you had equally nothing to say and held a mutual disdain for each other, the road, humans, and everything else on this earth. You didn’t dare mention it, but you felt the uncomfortable tension radiating off of each other. So you kept quiet with your eyes trained on the road, nails digging lightly into the wheel. Megatron, on the other-hand, tried to content himself with the rebellious whimsy of being just a tad bit too fast and purposefully passing all the cars in front of him in a way that was much too close, though careful enough in his weaving in-and-out of traffic to not damage himself nor cause damage to the other cars.
“Megatron!” You hissed between your teeth at various moments, but he blatantly ignored you, showing no signs of heeding your warnings nor being affected by the tone and inflections. After hours of this, you somehow couldn’t be bothered to try and convince him anymore.
Then, however, arriving with the sunrise and the pale outlines of a full half-moon in the blue and rose-colored sky, you finally spotted something that sparked your attention:
On the side of the road you approached what looked like a small open-art convention or exhibition.
A small, light-pink diner that seemed to have been built in the fifties and had never been renovated, hosted the whole thing.
Without hesitation you said, “Let’s stop here”, not as a request but as a command and surprisingly, Megatron finally listened to you, turned on the turning signal to the right and drove onto the small parking lot beside the diner.
The parking lot was completely packed, but as if fated, just as Megatron wanted to start circling and searching for something more half-legal to park, somebody left their parking space and he drove in swiftly, setting himself in place.
“I’m just gonna walk a few rounds, stretch my legs, get something to eat and drink, and then we’ll be on our way again.” You explained.
“Fine.” Megatron grumbled and then you left without another word.
Megatron seemed annoyed, and he was a little, but in truth he was curious too, which is why he followed your request at all.
He knew from the little knowledge he had bothered to gather about humans - in his Decepticon days on Earth - that they indulged in what he could assume to be art.
He knew by definition what art was, since it also existed back on Cybertron, but it had been a very rare practice, especially during the most oppressive age in Cybertronian history; the one he was born into and had completely lived.
Art had been full of precision, rules and regulations. Art had to look, sound and/or feel a certain way to be considered “art” and it was mostly (if not only) practiced by the higher class… which is why he had grown to despise and had not allowed for any of his followers to practice it. Believing art to always be the same universally, he had also punished his underlings that had secretly indulged in human art.
Now, however, Megatron saw that human art was different. So very different.
He was looking, rather intensely, at the images in his field of vision.
One piece in particular caught his attention the most: Within the image - surrounded by its swirl of different colors that coalesced to black in its middle - he found his mind racing through memories and introspection until it all came to an abrupt halt, arriving where the complete understanding of his inner-self had eluded him for all this time.
He saw the colors of his life, evoked by your kindness, your love, your understanding, but most of all he saw your seemingly endless patience. The black-hole in the middle was his dark past, his dark thoughts, dark dreams, and an all-consuming guilt. It all mixed up into one screwed up, yet beautiful imagery.
Life was twisted, but so full of wonder. Was that him too? Twisted but full of wonder? Potential for the black-hole to die, explode, and become a new universe?
He sighed quietly, letting it sink in. Suddenly, he saw himself with a canvas and colors.In his vision, he sat in a green field. He was painting a black butterfly on a red flower. Beside it shone the sun as one, perfectly bright-yellow circle, surrounded by white clouds adorned with violet hues as they floated above and around a striking sky-blue colored mountain range against a bold red sky.
The urge to recreate this vision itched inside of him and strangely, he didn’t find any voice inside his head protesting this desire.
When you eventually came back and opened the door he asked, sparkbeat hammering against his entire frame, “Can we buy colors…? And a canvas?”
You held your breath in astonishment for a moment, but then felt your heart flutter and your tired face beam up into an energetic smile.
“Of course, my love”
On the next day, you two found yourselves once again hidden in a clearing in a forest. Not having an easel, you opted to lean your canvases (you had wanted one too), against a big oak-tree you had found.
Megatron mass-displaced and gingerly took one of the brushes you had bought, looking at you with what you could only describe as beautiful, innocent playfulness. “Ready?” He called out.
“Steady,” You immediately answered with a hearty laugh.
“Go!” He exclaimed in turn, and the two of you started painting.
Time flew by and the fatigue, pressure, and boredom flowed out of you and Megatron… at least temporarily.
All his worries and joys seemed to come to light and life in the image he was creating. Even if it looked truly awful and not at all like he’d imagined, he somehow couldn’t care about the negatives; Not when he felt like he was being liberated from thoughts and feelings he otherwise couldn’t shake - no matter how much he talked.
He decided to share this thought with you.
“…Don’t get me wrong, I love poetry,” he started, “But it cannot always express everything I need to and sometimes I don’t feel like using words or talking. Especially considering I’ve always been more of a mech of action.”
“I understand,” you answered after a few moments of contemplation. “I am glad you’ve come to see the beauty of art.”
“I just didn’t realize that on Earth… art is freedom,” he said. “Or at least can be.”
“That it can,” you agreed, not bothering to explain the intricacies of some people being able to and others not depending where on Earth you live. You had a feeling he understood that perfectly fine by himself and besides - he was right. Saying that, in general,what art should be and was: the free expression of the creative mind.
He had found an outlet to show himself with all the nooks and crannies of his inner being and it was wonderful. And you, in turn, could share this joy with him.
When you were done painting and continued the journey you felt relieved and Megatron felt a little freer.
With you, he was slowly discovering the mech who he could have been… or deep down had always been. Fate and cruel oppression had shaped him, had thrown him on a single path that had seemed destined to be his only way, but now… now he was allowed to grow and be himself, like a plant in the wild, untouched by pesticides, cruel hands, concrete paths, and metal buildings.
“I love you,” he affectionately murmured with an invisible smile that, despite being in his car-mode, you could feel its warmth course through your body.
“I love you too,” you purred in return, giving the steering wheel a gentle kiss, letting your fingertips now gently rest on top of it.
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: The Energon-Mine
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin/works)
Link to the previous post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/724063076519968768/the-exposing-always-having-each-others-back?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/724908446651203585/the-exposing-art
Only when a big group of Vehicons had you surrounded in the Energon-Mine, threatening inhalation if Megatron didn’t show himself (transform), you remembered that Miko had said that there was still quite some Decepticon activity on earth.
God knows why you forgot; this had been one of the main reasons she had visited you. But since becoming friends with her you had also just hung out often, casually, and with you, she wouldn’t really talk about her work or Deceptions. One of those reasons being something you didn’t directly know but suspected with Megatron having been the founder of their cause and it maybe being sensitive for you to hear about and all that. Though in truth, you had long accepted Megatron for both for who he is and was, and, also for who he will be, no matter what. If anything, you were curious to learn more about his warlord days. Especially now about his so called Vehicon soldiers.
“I thought they had no will of their own”, you whispered, still sitting paralyzed in the drivers seat inside his vehicle form. “Not quite”, Megatron explained, whispering back, “Their will is to follow the Decepticon cause and to obey me. Although I’m not sure if it would still work after all this time and wirh everything that happened on Cybertron and whatnot. I think the Decepticon cause now is priority number one. But I will try to reason with them… Hold on to something, I will transform with you inside, it’ll shake you around a bit.” “Alright”, you agreed.
Then everything started to move and shift, the windows disappearing and the world turning dark whilst you were thrown around like you were in a washing machine. Finally, what was actually just a few seconds of transformation but had felt like an eternity, ended. You held your breath and listened: “Stand down Vehicons! It is me, your lord and master Megatron.”, he spoke and the way he said it made even you want to stand down even though you weren’t even spoken to.
Jack had the com-device in his left and the plaster gun ready at his right and pointed at Megatron who just transformed back with you inside (he had spotted you shortly, noticing you were wearing the dark-red wig that had coincidentally disappeared not too long ago from the disguise room in his work facilities).
Megatron was now talking to his Vehicons, commanding and harsh as ever.
“Should’ve known Miko and Raf were misunderstanding something, he’s just like he’s always been”, he whispered to himself, yet stayed observing the scene, wanting to know where this was going, so he had something to report.
And just as he was convinced Megatron had just shown a farce to everyone, one of the Vehicons asked: “Lord Megatron, we saw a human inside of your new automobile form. Who is that?” To which Megatron answered sternly, “Just a Holoform.”
Jack lowered his gun. So, he was protecting you after all. What he was displaying in front of the Vehicons was the farce, not the other way around.
“But Lord Megatron”, the Vehicon who had spoken up argued, “, doesn’t that require very intricate expertise? Which you currently do not posses? Besides, we have noticed the supposed Holoform communicating with you. I am sorry my liege, we cannot believe you”, the Vehicon pointed the gun again, “Who is the human in your companionship?” Now Megatron grew visibly angry, his eyes slightly bulging, his shoulders tense and his claws slowly forming fists.
“I said, it is a Holoform. And if you refuse to believe that and to follow my command you better step aside before punishment awaits you”
“So, it is true”, another Vehicon said after a few moments of silence, “You are a traitor to the kind which you have created. You have called off the Decepticon cause.” And at that all the Vehicons raised their weapons towards Megatron again.
Instead of attacking however, as Jack had expected, Megatron jumped over one of them and ran as fast as he could. Temporarily confused, the Vehicons started shooting delayed, giving Megatron a chance to dodge the shots before hiding behind a big rock inside of the huge Energon-laden cave.
Light flooded inside of the confinement, and you breathed in deep as fresh air finally found your lungs again. A little too forcefully, Megatron ripped you out of the area of his chest where you had resided and put you down where your legs collapsed under you, and you fell against the boulder and onto the dusty ground.
“Stay here my love! I will get some Energon and try to trick to Vehicons. If I’m not back in ten minutes just leave!”, Megatron ordered and before you could answer he was gone. “No”, you then whispered after a few moments, feeling tears prickle in your eyes. It couldn’t end here…
A few moments later Jack saw Megatron blast a hole into one side of the cave but running into another direction. The Vehicons took the bait, and inspected the gun shot whilst Megatron headed towards a mine wagon with a load of harvested Energon. In his hurry, he simply took some of the Energon into his arms and ran again, only to be shot at by two Vehicons. Thinking quickly, he threw some of the Energon in his arms and thusly shielded the shots and then he bolted again, trying to gather Energon again but never shooting back.
“Shit, why isn’t he fighting?”, Jack heard himself ask and was frustrated at himself for even rooting for Megatron. Not thinking too much of it, Jack decided to run towards the rock where Megatron had hid before briefly, suspecting that he had let you out there- and was proven right.
At the sight of him, you gasped a little frightened before he shushed you calmingly. “Don’t worry, I’m a friend of Miko’s”, he explained, “I’m here to help!” “Then”, you answered, “Go and help Megs. He needs you more than I do.”
Jack’s breath hitched for a moment before he asked, “Are you sure? You do know that he used to be a warlord? That he is an expert fighter? An ex-gladiator? A-“ “Yes”, you breathed out annoyed, “How often to do I have to keep telling people I know? I know everything. I love him the way he is and was, you get me?! Now help!”, you demanded, “If need be, I know how to defend myself as well”, you added, taking a stone in your hand as if it proved the point. He didn’t exactly understand how you planned on defeating a Cybertronian with simple stones, but he didn’t dare to argue, not with the way you glared at him.
“Alright alright”, he answered, moving his hand in a defensive matter, “I’ll go, sheesh…”
For the third time, Megatron had to throw his rations into the wind to block the shots. He was starting to lose his patience with his new way of being, but at the same time he had made a promise to you and to himself. He had to endure, and he would.
For a fourth time then, Megatron darted to a filled cart and took the rations that he could. From the corner of his eye, he however saw some Vehicons again and was about to scream out in frustration when suddenly the Vehicon fell to the ground, a hole where his spark used to be visible in his chassis.
“Run!”, Megatron heard a familiar voice, “I’ve got you covered! Your lover is getting anxious.” Not thinking on where he knew that voice from, he ran towards where you were hidden. Surprisingly, he found you with two unconscious Vehicons laying on the ground in front of you.
“Don’t ask”, you simply said, voice and body tired but a smirk adorning your beautiful face, “Let’s just say the pressure points you showed me worked out well.” Megatron smiled back, simply stating, “I love you.” He transformed, stashing the collected Energon in the trunk. And then you two were gone again.
After consuming some of the Energon, Megatron and you walked up the mountain where the Energon cave had been in to observe the street below and find a new vehicle mode. When you arrived, settling in place he asked: “Do you know who the human man was who helped us?”
You grinned playfully “Another former enemy of yours. Upon further thinking I believe it might have been Jack. At least from what you’ve told me about him. He was pretty keen on helping me.” At that Megatron frowned, “He better try and flirt with you. If he touches you, I’ll have to reconsider my pacifist ways.” And that you just laughed out loud, giving him the biggest, sloppiest smooch, you’d ever given.
Megatron still pretended like he was agitated, but you clearly saw a little smile, tucking at his corners, surrendering to your charms. He could never stay mad at you.
Instead, you two observed the highway in peaceful silence again, until another impressively large pick-up truck came by. It had a bit of a different silver hue, but, nonetheless, it was to Megatron’s liking. Quickly, he scanned it, testing it out by transforming into it and then back to his slightly new altered form (though he somewhat managed to keep most of his spikes, which he hid in the floor of the big trunk both in the previous and now in his newest form).
You snorted. “Really Megatron? A Chevrolet?”
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: Always having each others back
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723904915699908608/the-exposing-sacrifice
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/724285350012436480/the-exposing-the-energon-mine?source=share
Throwing more characters into the mix ‘cause why not xD I’m just noticing now how much set up this plot needs lmao
Raf understood nothing yet he couldn’t bring himself to sabotage you and Megatron…
Now it made a lot more sense why Miko would be captured by the FBI, though it seems the FBI as well as Fowler and Ratchet haven’t figured out that of all the Decepticons Miko could protect it was Megatron.
And man: Had he been tempted to bust you two.
It had taken a couple of days for him to see Megatron transform from a car of all things back into himself.
You two had been in a clearing in the middle of the woods where he then stretched himself with you.
Fear had gotten stuck in every fiber muscle of Raf’s being as he watched the one that had nearly killed him once. He wanted to scream, run, do anything but he couldn’t move. He was entranced by the way you two interacted with each other. Megatron was so full of kind words and you for him and it made his heart swell with sympathy. Maybe that’s what Miko had seen too, Raf thought. ‘I’ll give them a chance’.
Raf was by no means a spy but he had gotten a bit of field training as a child when having to escape quickly or later on as an adult when he was hired to become a chief IT manager and hacker for the same international organization Miko worked for. It was enough to be able to place a tracker on you two and then monitor where you are going.
Raf wanted to figure out if you two had any plans and who knows? Maybe you would uncover some Decepticons?
But Raf figured out soon that he needed an actually trained field agent that could get into action in case it was needed. But who to tell who wouldn’t talk right away?
Ah yes-
“Hey Jack!”, Raf greeted as the person on the other line picked up.
“I’ve been expecting a call from you”, Jack said, though not annoyed but with a teasing smile, “Miko is in deep shit and I bet she already filled you in.”
“You catch on quick”, Raf quipped back, “Alright so here’s the deal…”
“I can’t believe this”, Jack sighed when he arrived at Raf’s place, “How in the world did this even happen?”
“I actually don’t know that yet, but we also don’t have time to contemplate this much! Believe me, I wanted to bust Megatron the minute I saw him, but something was just off- something off besides him having a car vehicle mode now of course”
“I hate to admit”, Jack said, “But old Megatron definitely wouldn’t have done that. Heck, didn’t he even refuse to choose an earth based jet?”
“Yup”, Raf answered, popping the p.
“And you know”, Raf continued, “The way he interacted with that person was… like they were in love with each other”
At that Jack now widened his eyes, “In love?! Megatron in Love with a Human?! Ok Raf, that’s too hard to believe”
“Well then don’t, but I know what I saw”, Raf said, shrugging his shoulders, “But whatever is up suggests there is too much behind it to just let Fowler and the others know. They would just mindlessly try to capture and attack them and I can’t do that to Miko, not after everything she put herself through to protect them! We need to find out what these two are up to or what’s going on before we tell the agency”
Despite some doubts he still had, especially about he in love part, Jack immediately said, “Agreed! Megatron or no, I trust Miko too.
So say Raf: Where are these two?”
Raf smiled.
Miko, Raf and Jack; They would always have each others back.
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: Sacrifice
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter:
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/724063076519968768/the-exposing-always-having-each-others-back
About two weeks after running away and retrieving the new identity you and Megatron had gotten into a groove of hiding, nourishment (for you at least) (Megatron and you had to yet to reach the next Energon mine) and resting. Strangely, it was mostly beautifully exiting to you. You hadn’t had the chance to travel and explore in over two years and traveling all these secret dirt roads and small highways to nowhere made you look forward for more.
Until suddenly you didn’t. Or well, it didn’t entirely go away. You still felt the excitement, still felt wonderful with Megatron by your side, but you started to miss your animals. And a particular image of Yin and Yang on the couch whilst Jesse was lying in front of a little chimney fire in the living room suddenly made you sentimental.
“Love?”, Megatron then suddenly asked, “Is everything alright? You’re crying”.
You two were laying on a big open field deserted of any human activity where he could stretch and pop his newly acquired automobile joints. He was very soft and docile right now, the Energon depletion slowly getting to him. And yet he could only care for you, and your heartbreaking tears.
“I… I miss home”, you admitted, “And I know: It’s only been two weeks but this uncertainty when I will return makes it hard to push away”.
“You should’ve stayed there”, he said. But not with hate or distain, but because he truly meant it, in the most caring way possible, “I would never-“
“I know”, you interrupted, “You didn’t make me. I made this choice willingly and I do not and will not ever regret it”
“But how could you not regret it? I took everything from you”, Megatron almost whispered, voice silent and almost tear stricken.
“You took nothing from me”, you said harshly, standing up to loom over his body where you bore holes into his head, “How could you believe such a thing? – You know: Sometimes you sacrifice something gladly and willingly, but then still mourn it
“Life is hard my dear Megatron, you probably know that better then I do. And maybe even because of that you want to protect me from disappointment, loss and pain… but you can’t. That’s not how life works. And it certainly doesn’t do whatever you want!- You don’t rule over me, my dear ex-warlord. I have the reigns as well.”
His ex-vent caught in his body, seeing you so passionate, so furious. And he knew you weren’t really angry at him. It was more so anger over his continues doubt that he even deserved you by his side. But he knew you would just say ‘you don’t get to decide if you deserve me’ – and actually, you had said that a time not all too long ago.
So he sighed simply and said, “So mourn, my love, I’ll be here to kiss your tears away. And then we’ll go on, as a team”
“We’ll be there soon”, you said after a few moments, “Then we can see what else you can become”
“I never knew”, Megatron then said, having caught onto a train of thought, “That I could learn so much being what I have resented for so long. I still love flying more, but being a car has its peaks to. Cruising around, observing the earth not pass below me but pass by me in a colorful rush of the grey road and it’s flanks, the green of pastures and trees, and most of all the blue of the sky above. Not having it surround me but be above me like an unreachable, untouchable ceiling has given me a new goal and a new purpose to ‘make the sky my limit’ as you humans say. Here is not the end: It’s truly just the beginning”
You couldn’t say anything else to that but give him a small kiss on his face plate that felt like the tiniest electric spark had tickled him, but that held more power than any power line in the world.
Then you lay down next to him, cradled between his head and shoulder where you both would doze for a while until you would drive to reach one end of the familiar mountain range you grew up with to the Energon mind Megatron used to own.
It’s good you rested because who knows who might lurk there…
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: Before Miko was captured…
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723634819888758784/the-exposing-on-the-run
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723904915699908608/the-exposing-sacrifice
Before Miko was captured by the FBI, she managed to make a very important call:
“Hey there Raf”, she started speaking immediately as he picked up the phone before he could even say hello, “You have to grant me the biggest, hugest favor ever”
“What?”, he asked, a little annoyed, thinking it was some stupid hacking into the system of a ticket selling website to get Miko some tickets to an obscure metal band that had very limited ticket sales... again.
“You have to contact the number I’m about to give you, and tell the person that will pick up the following thing: Your identity is erased (you will make sure of that Raf), your new identity is gonna be Morgan Miller. Your new identifications and papers will be found at the following address (you will pick out where the person will pick it up). Can you do that for me?”, Miko instructed and asked, sounding, for the first time in the time that Raf has known her, truly terrified.
“Miko, what the hell is going on?”, he asked.
“Raf, I have no time! I’m going to be captured soon and I have to make sure the ones I help will be taken care of until I get myself out of this- Raf I promise, I will do you any favor you want in the future. I would literally lick your bathroom clean with only my tongue- I am very serious about this!”
Rafael was silent for a moment, not knowing what to do or say. But Miko has been a long time friend of his and even if she was sometimes quite the personality, when it counted she was reliable, and he just couldn’t but keep trusting her.
“Ok, I’ll do it. What is the person called?”
Miko quickly told him and the last thing she said was “Until soon, hopefully”, before hanging up.
There were a lot of questions left unanswered, but Raf was sure she destroyed the phone immediately after the call, which he confirmed for himself when he tried calling again and an automated voice informed him, that there was no connection under this number.
But knowing what your real name was, he decided he would try and find you himself and help you, as long as Miko was wherever she would be brought.
A new allay was thus born, a new allay who surely would’ve thought thrice if he knew who, beside you, he was protecting…
You received the call, coincidentally just as you were about to head toward the highway.
Without thinking, you picked up.
Megatron hissed your name in warning, but it was too late.
“Hello?”, you asked, immediately regretting your decision, only to be surprised when the voice said, “Don’t worry”, seemingly having detected the uncertainty in your voice, “My name is Rafael Esquivel, a friend of Miko’s, and I’m going to give you a message she gave me, a favor I did for her. I will only say that and then hang up because of the chance this may be tracked soon, even with my firewall protecting this conversation. So listen and listen good, I won’t repeat myself…”
And so he repeated what Miko had said, plus the address he had chosen. Somewhere in a secluded not occupied safe house somewhere a couple of kilometers away from your farm so you’d be able to reach it soon.
“Good luck and good bye”, he then simply said and, as already explained, hung up immediately.
“That Miko”, Megatron grumbled, “I hate to say it, but she is good at her job”
“Damn good”, you agreed, baffled by all this and without further discussion, you headed towards the given address.
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: On the run
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723586676019085312/the-exposing-becoming-a-robot-in-disguise
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723635099757838336/the-exposing-before-miko-was-captured
After an hour of tearing through the forest like a maniac, Megatron finally arrived on a little land road, leading on a curvy serpentine down a mountain to a highway.
“I don’t know if I’m used to having wheels and I feel truly degraded… at least your pick up truck had my original paint-color as well”, Megatron said after a while of driving in heavy, anticipating silence.
“I always say-“, you began but Megatron interrupted you with a chuckle.
“-That because your car has the same color and could be me that we were fated from the start and you always joked around that it could be me in hiding- yes I know, my darling, I know”
“Come on! Let me be corny! It cheers you up”, you said, a sad smile adorning your lips.
“I hate that you’re always right”, Megatron laughed back, but didn’t mean it at all.
But then you suddenly gasped out “Shit”
“What?”, Megatron asked in an indiscernible tone of voice.
“I left my pick up truck out there”, you stated.
“Well yes of course”, Megatron answered, “It would’ve been both pointless, redundant and would’ve even missed the point, to take it with us”
“Yes I know”, you immediately countered, “But I’m sure at some point some of the agents chasing Miko will find their way to my house and guess what they’ll think you will have turned into?”
“Oh”, Megatron then simply breathed out, “They’ll search for a car like this”
“Exactly”, you answered, “Of course they wouldn’t find you immediately since you don’t have a detectable life signal anymore, but the Deception sign is on the wheel and I do think if they were to scan you somehow they would at least detect the Energon inside your system- which is something that might happen anyway at some point, but we can prevent it long enough if you find a new vehicle to scan. I myself have to disguise myself as well, new hair or something and another name”
“I think your disguising will be easier than mine”, Megatron answered, “I am very low on Energon. Before I scan and Transform anew I first have to find a new mine, until then, my dear, we have to run”
“Then run we will”, you said, not hesitating even a second, “Let’s find that next Energon mine”
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: Becoming A Robot in Disguise
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin/works)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723581051037974528/the-exposing-14scenario-prologue?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: (Will be inserted as soon as there is one)
And the adventure begins
Megatron was a bit worried again, thoughts about the past circulating wildly in his mind, so you took him out for a stroll through the woods since that always seemed to successfully calm him down… only to run into Miko again. And not just again as in ‘well she’s here from time to time because of the deal and because she’s become a friend’, again as in-
“Seriously? You again?”, Megatron asked, “This is the third time this week!” “Look this time it’s really important”, Miko said very quietly, almost whispering, “And I can’t stay for long. All I know is that I’ve been tracked. All these missions these past few weeks have been a diversion to find out where I’m going because they have caught on to us! I was able to shake them off a couple of miles back, but you don’t have much time, you have to leave, Megatron, you have to leave right now”, and with that Miko was gone as fast as she came, but nothing was the same anymore.
For a couple of moments, you two stood there, frozen in place, unable to compute what just happened. “Ok then”, Megatron then said, “I guess this must be goodbye.” “No, no, no, not so fast”, you answered, your face scrouged into a determined visage, “I am coming with you! Alone, out there in the human world you will be lost and they’ll capture you in no time anyways.” “But my love”, Megatron started, “What about your life here? Your animals? Everything?-“ “I have an emergency contact for situations when I’m too sick to work. I’ll contact him immediately and then I’ll ask around for people to keep the farm going as soon as possible- What I’m saying is: None of that is unsolvable and remember this: I didn’t leave you back where I found you, so I sure as hell will leave you now. We are in this together for the long haul! When I said you won’t get rid of me anymore, I meant it”
When you went back to the farm you quickly packed a bag with only the most rudimental necessities and some clothes and after a quick call stating a family emergency had come up and you must go immediately, you ran out again. When you exited the entrance however, Megatron stood there, unmoving like a mountain, breathing heavily eyeing your pick-up truck.
“I must do, what must be done.”, he mumbled more to himself that to you, and you immediately understood. “Megatron we can just-“ “No”, he interrupted, “We don’t have time. It hurts my spark, but now that you have given me this life, I do not intend to lose it and for that, I will gladly make this sacrifice”. Megatron let in one last big in-vent, imagining one last time himself soaring through the sky in his original Cybetronian jet-form before scanning the car in front of him and transforming into it.
“A robot in disguise”, Megatron chuckled, still feeling very uncomfortable, “As the Autobots once were”. He opened the door for you, and you jumped in. “This is your last chance to let me go and be able to live a life without trouble”, Megatron warned, but you smiled. “Life is trouble, only death is not”, you cited. “Zorba the Greek”, Megatron said, remembering one of the many times you two had watched the movie at one of your movie nights and the times where you read to him from the original book. These times of comfort were over, but in turn a new adventure would begin, and somewhere deep inside his spark, so worried for your well being, he was also happy and exited that this adventure in his new life would continue with you.
 “Let’s go, drive!”, you exclaimed, voice commanding and more determined than ever before and Megatron drove wildly, trying to fly through the trees to anywhere where the road could take off to endless horizons.
When Ratchet and Fowler arrived at the location where the evidence led the house was deserted and the only evidence of a Cybetronian having been there were empty canisters of Energon.
“I can’t believe Miko actually found us out”, Fowler said, hands on his hips, “Though I’m even more surprised she hid this from us- where is she now anyways?”, he asked. “Being interrogated by the FBI”, Ratchet stated, “And I have contacted Cybertron about this. They may send some of the Autobots down here again to investigate this. We suspect from the information Miko and received and from the evidence currently found that is must have been a very important member of the Decepticon cause, perhaps Starscream. Though what seems curious is why the human living in this establishment was involved and how… Unfortunately, as you have already said, Miko seemed to have figured our scheme out in time and warned them.” “Should’ve known she was too clever for this”, Ratchet added after a while, “I had just hoped we could take the easy way.” “But I guess the hunt will go on”, Fowler added.
Back on Cybertron, the newly established, democratically chosen council were discussing the matter of Ratchets message and importance of the mission, but ultimately it was decided that the evidence was sufficient to believe this was of enough importance to send some autobots back to earth.
“Lieutenant Bumblebee, will you take on this mission?”, the council asked. “Gladly”, Bumblebee confirmed, “Whatever life-signal-cloaked Decepticon still roams the earth that has managed to somehow convince Miko to protect them will be captured! I shall be honored” “I’ll come too!”, Bumblebee suddenly heard Bulkhead say, entering the council hall, banging the doors too loudly. “Bulkhead! What in the world are you doing here? You’re not supposed to-“ “Listen here Bee: I love ya, you know that. But I was Miko’s guardian. And she still means so much to me! There were little beings, Cybertronian’s or humans alike, that understood me like she did. And yes: She was sometimes stupid or reckless, but her spark was always in the right place and when she fought for something, she fought for it because it was for something good. Whoever she is protecting is good and I will prove it! I’ll help, so I can prove you wrong about her”.
“We’ll allow it”, one of the councilmembers said, “Bulkhead was part of team prime as Bumblebee was and might be a very good asset. Will that be ok Lieutenant Bumblebee?” For a moment, Bumblebee could only sigh. On one hand he would of course be happy to bring a friend and former team member with him, but on the other hand it would be tough if this was the premise for this mission. And yet, it didn’t take Bee long to say, “Of course it’s ok: We will make a good team.”
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
The Exposing: 14.Scenario/ Prologue
The second enstallment of my series is over and now begins a new arch 
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin/works)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723365508619124736/13scenario-kisses?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: (https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723586676019085312/the-exposing-becoming-a-robot-in-disguise?source=share
“Do you think that’s really necessary?”, Agent Fowler asked Ratchet, “I think it’s bad enough that Uncle Sam always has his hawk eyes on us, you have to be in that boat too now? Besides, why is it so hard to believe that Miko simply found a nerve in information somewhere and now brings in the results? That’s all that matters! She was a tough one as a kid as well and she has only gotten tougher with time and thankfully also very mature and cooperative as well.”
Ratchet sighed, “Look, I’m not denying any of that, but it does very much matter where she gets all this information from! Especially considering she has been bringing information consistently ever since she returned from that scouting mission because of the mysterious Cybetronian signal that had popped up around April…two years ago I think that is in your time measurement. You know I had this very strange feeling about it, but I had no logical prove to doubt her reports back then. Now I do however, but I know she won’t answer honestly and there is nothing ethical I can do to her to make her talk. I don’t even think anything unethical I would do, if I were not bound by human law, would make her talk, so let us just be very honest with each other and say that what must be done, must simply be done”.
Agent Fowler sighed in defeat. He knew Ratchet was right, but Fowler just didn’t want to believe that Miko was hiding anything from them. Why in the world would she? Why wouldn’t she share the truth about her source? But if it was something crucial to know, then of course one had to get to the root of things.
“Fine then”, Agent Fowler agreed, “We’ll do it”
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
13.Scenario: Kisses
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723084502479552512/12scenario-real-love-makes-your-lungs-black
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723581051037974528/the-exposing-14scenario-prologue
I wanted Megsy’s smooches so I wrote Reader wanting and getting his smooches. Nuff’ said
“Again”, you giggled as Megatron had parted his smooth, metal mouth from yours, “I want more”.
Megatron chuckled. A grin, as wide as the rays of light could possibly travel, seemed to beam up his entire face.
“Well someone is greedy today”
“How couldn’t I be,”, you answered, “when it’s the best thing I could own? The most delicious thing I could taste? Am I not human to grave only the best and then wanting to have it an unlimited amount?”, you asked, inching closer again to capture his taste once more. Well, Megatron thought, he couldn’t complain. Not when your lips tasted just as sweet as you described his mouth to be. Not when they were so soft and kind and he could feel your gentle smile through them.
You kissed him and he you until your face trembled and your lips had turned a soft lilac color.
With loud, almost synchronized breaths, you leaned your foreheads against each other. You inhaled his intoxicating scent and almost leaned in to kiss again but felt your muscles in your face protest your want. So instead you opted to nuzzling him gently before laying down in his lap.
“Tired already?”, Megatron teased.
“Oh shut it”, you mumbled, closing your eyes and enjoying the sensation of his fingers now combing through your hair. He loved to do that whenever you had decided (whether he liked it or not) to curl up in his lap as if you were a cat.
“I love you”, you whispered before slowly drifting into a nap.
“I love you too, my sleeping beauty, more than you’ll ever guess”, Megatron answered a few moments later when you already couldn’t hear him anymore.
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redrosesartcabin · 9 months
12.Scenario: Real Love makes your lungs black, Real love is a heart attack
Sorta Pt.2 to “Unexpected Visit from the Past” (that’s the fifth scenario!”)
Title comes from a song called “Real Love” by Big Thief
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723018023104036864/11scenario-at-the-mountain-lake?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: (Will be inserted as soon as there is one)
A bit of an Angsty fic with some swearing that ends in hurt/comfort though because I’m too weak for real pain
It was on a usual late morning when you walked into the kitchen only to find Miko sitting at the dining table, enjoying a cup of coffee, not even flinching when you let out a piercing scream.
“Miko!”, you exclaimed after you took a deep breath, recovering from your shock, “You can’t just break into people’s houses!”
“We had a deal”, she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Excuse me where in the deal did it say that you could break into my house?”, you asked, putting your hands on your hips.
“I’m a secret agent, you think I knock?”, she quipped back and sadly, you had nothing cooler to counter this, so you opted for an eye roll and instead just sat down opposite to her.
“Ok so; What do you wanna know?”, you asked.
“Well- I have to admit what I want to know this fine morning is more of a personal thing”, Miko said, “You must’ve at least guessed that much, otherwise I could’ve just gone into the barn.”
“You know that he hides there?”, you asked.
Miko laughed loudly at that before she answered, “It’s incredibly obvious, besides, where do you think I’ve inquired about information with and from Megatron before?”
“Fair enough”, you mumbled, before you continued, “And so what is this personal thing you want to know about me?”
Miko sighed, “Well”, she began, “I vowed that I would never care about things like these, but it’s just too fascinating not to inquire about: What is it like? Being with Megatron? I want to know everything!”, Miko’s eyes widened further and further as she asked and inquired, leaning forward towards you slightly, curiosity plastered all over her face.
Now you were the one who burst out laughing.
“Oh, the cool, grant Miko Nakadai is curious about the awesome robot romance, hm?”, you teased.
“Hey! Can you blame me?”, she asked, slightly offended at how amused you were by this, “I mean: Is it similar to human romance? And what is Megatron like? Is he always nice now?-“
“Breathe Miko, one question at the time”, you chuckled.
“Ok alright it’s just- every time I tried to ask Megatron he really didn’t want to talk about it… which is understandable”, Miko explained.
“I thought as much”, you smiled, “Megatron is still very apprehensive even with me to talk directly about what we are. He does a lot of nice things for me and we have… some fun time-“
“-Which is something where the information can stay scarce”, Miko interrupted you. You grinned at that.
“Oh you don’t want to know everything?”
Miko sighed, “Please continue”.
You laughed again shortly before you picked up your red thread again, “-So anyways: Megatron is a very good, kind boyfriend, but he still definitely has his moments as you can imagine. It gets better and better with time, but his pride is sort of still there and sometimes he feels the way he behaves is too much unlike him and that it’s below him. It’ll take a lot longer for him to truly get used to it I feel-“
“Why are you talking to her about this?”, you suddenly heard Megatrons voice ask beside you.
Unfortunately for both you and Miko, the door to the kitchen was placed exactly so both of you couldn’t have seen him coming and for some reason, the Mech was very quiet on his pedes, especially when mass displaced.
You knew looking at him that he was more than furious with you. Both Miko and you didn’t know what to answer so you both just stared at him, bodies frozen in place.
“Oh ok, now you’re quiet”, Megatron retorted to that, “Couldn’t have shut up when it mattered”
“Hold on now a second”, you said, voice dangerously raised as you found it again where before it had gotten caught in your throat like a big, fat lump. Still, yet again, you didn’t know what else to say, your thoughts racing a thousand miles an hour.
“Hold on and what?”, he asked, “Have to witness how you belittle me in front of my former enemy?”
“I’m not belittling you!”, you now screamed.
“Really?! And what do you call telling Miko all about my personal issues?”, he yelled back.
“I’m not freaking telling her all of your issues asshole! I’m just telling her a little about us because who else can I talk to?! HUH?! Nobody else can know about you and when I try and tell you anything about yourself you just shrug it off or mope like a child!”
“So that’s how you truly feel? I’m just a burden to you is that it?”, he asked, now not screaming, but sort of whispering.
But you were still blind with rage so you screamed, “Sometimes you are! And it would be nice if I could just relieve it sometimes!”
Megatron only nodded at that and as fast as he appeared he was gone again.
For a few seconds you stood there, unmoving, staring where he had stood and with every second your world shattered more and more to pieces, then rebuilding itself again to reveal an ugly image of the consequences of your words.
“Shit”, you whispered, “I fucked up”
“It’s ok”, Miko said, more gentle than you had ever heard her speak, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you sunk to the floor and quiet bitter tears, “It’s not only your fault. You both were fighting”
“But I shouldn’t have said that he is a burden. Not even sometimes. I didn’t mean it like that it’s just- a part of me was so happy when you asked and I felt like I could finally tell someone about us. Not only the ugly parts but also all the nice things.”, you sobbed, breathing heavily, before you whispered to Miko, “I love him so much it hurts and it hurts even more that I can’t share it with the world”
Miko nodded at that, rubbing your arm in comfort, “I understand… I understand”
Later on you both went to the barn to check on Megatron, but he wasn’t to be found there.
“No no no… he didn’t run away, did he? God no”, you mumbled to yourself, terror filling your limbs, “I knew it, I said too much, I said too much…”, you repeated again and again, the panic attack taking over you until you only heard your heartbeat for a while and your body shook and nothing made sense.
As you were slumping down, now laying there on the floor, obviously not seeing or hearing anything really of your surroundings anymore, Miko tried to calm you, telling you to breathe over and over again until she heard very familiar footsteps behind her coming into the barn.
“Thank fuck!”, Miko exclaimed, “You came back!”
Megatron just looked at her at first as if she grew a second head, and then said “Of course I came ba-“, but the last syllable got lost in a nowhere-space as he detected you, curled up on the floor.
His spark ached at the sight.
“My sweet?”, he asked gently, “Do you hear me?”
You shivered but didn’t really stir. At that Megatron decided to mass displace again, walking carefully towards you to lay a couple of his long digits on your shoulder. Miko shifted back a bit as you launched forward rapidly, sitting up to look at Megatron in pure terror for a while, before your breathing became even again and you began to cry once more.
“Please, don’t scare me like that again”, you only managed to breathe out, wrapping your arms around his right one.
“I was just out, punching some trees”, he explained, “You have new firewood now”.
That coaxed a little sniffled giggle out of you that made Miko happy and relieved Megatron. As Megatron enveloped you in a bigger hug Miko motioned to him that she’d go back into the house to give the two of you some privacy.
“I am so sorry”, Megatron said after a few minutes, where you let out the last hiccups and heavy breaths.
“No, I am”, you said.
“We both can be”, he answered, giving you a gentle kiss on the head, “I… am still not the biggest fan of Miko being around you know? She used to want me dead, which is fair enough since I wanted her dead first, but it makes things a little awkward, even after the couple of normal conversations we’ve had. But after being out for a bit, letting my anger out and feeling unfairly treated by you, I realized that is not the case at all. You aren’t a therapist and I realized it must be hard to take all my burden and try to make it right.”
You smiled, giving him a kiss on his chassis, “Thank you. But I also will respect your privacy and understand your wish for your problems not to be shared like that with Miko.”
“Maybe we can say that you are allowed to vent to Miko, but to keep it as undetailed as possible. Not dive too deep in what I tell you and such.”
“That sounds good”, you agreed, “Though you know: After you went away, I also said to Miko that I lament not being able to share my love for you with anyone else. It’s not just pain I can’t share, it’s also joy. Sometimes I feel like I will burst, not being able to scream about how much I love you.”
Megatron chuckled lightly, before he said, “But you can… come! Let’s scream together!”
“Megatron! I’m not in the mood right now, also Miko is still-”
“Not that kind of screaming my love, get your mind out of the gutter”, Megatron laughed and you had to laugh as well at that.
“But what do you mean then?”, you asked.
“Come on”, he simply said, took your hand and dragged the confused you out of the barn.
Miko was drinking a glass of water, patiently waiting for you two to return, but suddenly, instead, heard yelling outside.
“God, are they fighting again?”, she asked herself and walked out to protect you if must be. Maybe your relationship wasn’t so good after all… But when she stepped outside, following the voices through the forest, a couple of meters away from your cabin and the barn, she came upon a clearing that was a little cliff from which viewpoint you could overlook a valley with more patches of the forest as well as parts of the mountain range and a small lake, resting in its center. And there you two stood, screaming into the wilderness, letting your voices travel over the valley. Megatron screamed your name again and again and then “I love you!”, and then you screamed back, “Megatron, Megatron, Megatron I love you!”, over and over, laughing and giggling as you did.
“Oh yes, the whole world should know!”, you both then yelled in union, “I love you so!” and then you began to sing it in an unidentifiable, ancient melody, dancing to it round and round until you fell to the floor with laughter and kisses.
Miko returned to the house then, deciding to leave you two for today.
 When Megatron and you returned to the barn you had spent the entire day screaming, laughing and making love, assuring each other of your importance. You felt a little bad not letting Miko know but figured she had gotten the gist herself.
When you walked into the kitchen again in the evening you found a little note on the table, signed by Miko that confirmed that thought, and revealed even more.
It read:
“I know now what your love is like, it’s like in the lyrics of a song I adore: ‘Real love, real love makes your lungs black, real love is a heart attack.’ The song sounds a bit depressing, but I always saw it as a beautiful description of how much pain in brings, but also about how wonderfully intense it is, how much emotion there is.
Your love is true love, heart wrenching, red, an exchange of breaths, the raw truth, so ugly but mesmerizing as only the raw truth can be. And I am blessed to know you were given that and that you brought Megatron to build that with you.
May the whole world have love like yours someday.
Don’t forget to keep in touch,
Your friend and perhaps one day even Megatron’s friend,
Miko Nakadai”
 And there you knew; you had gained a friend for life.
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redrosesartcabin · 10 months
11.Scenario: At the mountain lake
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722642109442801664/10scenario-tell-me-of-the-nemesis?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723084502479552512/12scenario-real-love-makes-your-lungs-black?source=share
This one-shot here is about a bit of a emotional hurt/comfort concerning body confidence ‘cause Megs doesn’t feel his best and he gets a bit of a pick me up (including implied sexy time)
Megatron gazed at his reflection in the beautiful, calm mountain lake you had gone to for a picnic, sinking into deep pondering. Though it was not unusual for him to ponder a lot these days, what was curious was the very reason for it. Because for once he didn’t think about his past (at least not directly) and he wasn’t asking himself deeply philosophical questions about his former actions and the way he acts now versus then and so on and so forth: No, he just wondered about his looks.
Megatron’s looks weren’t something he ever much struggled with before. He very much knew, especially in his earlier Gladiator days, that he had quite the appeal to many a mech or femme. He was tall, well built and strong as well as incredibly charismatic.
But the mech he saw in the water suddenly looked so sullen. The red optics dulled, his face plate full of deep, ugly scars and as he inspected his body further in the water, he saw even more scars. Sometimes he even saw little flecks or rust and sort of wobbly screws between plates in the armor. He was an old, tired being and suddenly he wondered, what you saw in him.
“My sweet, what do you find attractive about me?”, he asked you after a while. You had been laying on the picnic blanket, your eyes closed whilst enjoying the sun and a nice clear breeze.
Not quite understanding the heaviness of the situation, you laughed as you rose up from your position to look at him- though precisely the moment your eyes met your laughter faltered.
“Oh wait you’re serious”, you mumbled before you asked, “Megatron, have you seen yourself lately?”
“Just now, in this beautiful body of water”, he said, voice unusually soft and calm, “And there, this kind part of nature revealed to me the visage of an old mech. Ugly and broken. My mind used to be clouded by my shadow of pride, but now that it’s gone, I see myself, not only for who I am, but also what I actually look like”, he huffed before he asked, “Tell me, my spark, do I have faults? I do, do I not?”
You smile at him, trying not to “awe” at how cute he was being, even if it was also heartbreaking to see him so unsure of himself.
“Nobody is perfect, as you have said often yourself”, you answer, “And just as much, not everything on your body is perfect.”, at that Megatrons eyes widened a little in anticipated heartbreak. You however, were quick to continue, “But the good thing is, that nobody needs to be perfect, and every fault you have is a part of what makes you beautiful to me. I mean how do you think I felt at first?
Our bodies are very similar yet vastly different. I probably would’ve confessed even sooner if I would’ve known you could find my faulty skin and the hair I have and the nails and all of these things you do not have, as a whole, attractive. But I was scared you’d think me a fool for even suggesting so-“
“A fool for thinking I would not want to kiss every inch of you every day of the rest of my life”, Megatron intervened.
“-And you, a fool for seeing an ugly old mech in the water when there is only a beautiful man” , you countered, “Beautiful male being, with a body built like a god, staying strong whilst I will slowly fade away. Still this god holds me as if I was immortal, as if who I am will forever be and can always be loved”
“…You are like a flower”, he continued, “Fade you shall, and you will fade fast, but your beauty and your wonder never will”
“And your touch will never be forgotten”, you murmured and then the almost Shakespearean conversation faded away. For a moment again there were only the singing birds, the pine tree forest framing the deep blue lake, reflecting the midday sun in its very middle, glowing like a spark.
“This is not how I imagined that going”, Megatron admitted after a while.
“What ever does?”, you asked teasingly but then added, “Life sometimes is the one that chooses what path we will go, even if we wanted another.”
“I am glad it did”, he said with a smile before he continued, “Though, really now, my love, what do you find attractive about me?”, he asked, repeating his question from before, but with the weight now mostly lifted off his chest.
You now smiled brightly at him, feeling sunshine rise in your heart, thinking of him, “I love your face with its exited eyes, your shark-tooth smile. I love your hands, big and pointed, elegant, delightfully dangerous. And I love your upper body and legs that stand proud, strong and powerful. And maybe you are tired, and maybe you’ve been marked by a life of struggle, forever marked by scars and dents and all of that: But they tell a story, a story that I like to read with my fingers, between the softness of sheets and enveloped in the air of passion. Perhaps it’s awful to say, sugar overload from too much sweet talk but love: You are my Venus, my morning star and my evening star. When I see you, I see hope.”…
 You were laying naked on the ground now, grass clinging to the slight sheen of sweat on your skin. Megatron was beside you, mass displaced still, his hand grasping yours.
After a few moments of exchanging heavy breaths, you both got up, not having to say a word, towards the water, sinking into its ice cold but welcome freshness.
You wash off the remains of nature that had joined your sacred union, dipping into the unreal, clean and clear substance.
As your head popped up over the surface again, you faced Megatron and the picnic place, whilst Megatron faced you and the sun. The sun was right above your head, he noticed, making your head glow like a halo. ‘How fitting’, he thought, ‘For my Angel’.
And then, for a moment he looked down at the surface of the lake again and as both he and you stood quiet, he saw his face again, beaming in glee and suddenly he wondered, how there had ever been a  tired old mech. He was never here and would never return. There was only Megatron and you, and he was beautiful because you loved him, and you were beautiful because he loved you.
What else was there to be? Vain and doubt have no place here anymore.
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redrosesartcabin · 10 months
10.Scenario: “Tell me of the Nemesis...”
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722532228849139712/double-posting-my-fanfic-now?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/723018023104036864/11scenario-at-the-mountain-lake?source=share
A little bit of angst, though with hurt/comfort
There were some days where Megatron awoke in a somber mood. You could feel it radiating of him and you absolutely despised it. Not because it made you angry, but because it hurt you to see him like that.
 You tried, many times, to get him to talk when he got that way, but he would just give you a warning look and you would sigh in defeat, knowing it would just end in a fight with no outcome. So, on days like these, every meal was taken in, in contemplative silence and no body-contact was shared. It was just existing next to each other. The first time this happened, at the end of the day you had said to him. “I’m here for you”, but he only had answered with a mumbled, “I know”, voice cold and blunt, and then had disappeared into the barn again with to further explanation.
Until, suddenly, on one of these occasions, as you two sat outside by the fireplace, eating dinner, he softly spoke, “You know…”, almost making you jump out of your skin. The fork you had been holding in your hand fell with a loud clunk back onto the plate. However, undeterred by your reaction, he continued, “…I used to own my own warship. Had mechs and femmes work under me, groveling on the ground for my mercy and my blessing, even when I stood with my ped on their faces and bodies, crunching them half to death… Sometimes I wake up, knowing I have been brought back to that time in my sleep and I don’t know how to feel, because I regret much of what I did, but something inside of me also strangely misses it”, you just sat there, quietly listening, seemingly waiting for a specific point to be made, so he added, “I miss my ship, do you understand? I miss my people”, he stated, voice wavering and the way he said it almost broke your heart.
You lay a hand on his and simply said, “Tell me of the Nemesis. Tell me what your days were like and how it made you feel”.
At first, Megatron didn’t seem to follow the request, but then began to speak, suddenly letting everything flow out of him:
“There wasn’t much sleep for me to be found. I worked almost around the clock, ordering my minions around to find relics, fight Autobots, resolve issues in the ranks and so on and so forth. Our life here feels like a long-needed vacation to be honest, yet sometimes I long to have so much to do again, having so much power- And I loved my ship, you know? It had been built within what I would guess is what humans call a decade, back on Cybertron shortly before it fell. I called it ‘The Nemesis’, honestly just because it sounded epic, and in a way I and my troops were Nemeses to somebody else, and I had been a Nemesis to somebody a good chunk of my life when I was still a Gladiator in the pits of Kaon. I was branded the enemy since my youth and now I wore it like a second armor, it became my ingrained identity for many thousands of years to come. I think in a way it is what shaped me into the tyrant I had eventually become. That is no excuse of course, I know that, and I am not trying to excuse, but still, I believe it is worth mentioning.
“The Nemesis was built off the best technology on Cybertron. The Decepticons had always been further ahead with technology than the Autobots. Though not really thanks to me, or if anything only indirectly. The tale that I had spun and the words I spoke that inspired, had attracted just the right kind of people, like Shockwave. I have told you of him, right?”, you nodded, “Good- he was, until the very end, one of my most loyal followers, which, as you may recollect of other times I have spoken of this, was not very usual. Most bots in my ranks (except my vehicon soldiers) were power-hungry back-stabbing little scraplets (especially my good for nothing second in command Starscream) that wanted to find any excuse imaginable to write me off as dead or if I was well and alive, they tried to assassinate me. How I survived so long is absolutely beyond me and I should have died even long before Bumblebee had stabbed me in the spark-“
“Excuse me who did what to you? And you didn’t die?”, you suddenly interrupted, putting the plate aside and standing up, outraged.
“I never told you that I already died once?”, he asked much too calmly, even having a small smile tucking on the corners of his mouth.
“NO!”, you exclaimed, throwing your arms up in the air, “WHAT THE HECK, MAN!”
“Calm down, sweet spark”, he rumbled and somehow, the way he said it immediately let the anger flow out of you, pit pattering down your nerves until your legs gave away, and you sat down again with a heavy huff.
“Bumblebee”, he explained, “Was- or I highly assume still is- one of the finest scouts and soldiers in the Autobot ranks and had been a pain in my aft ever since his youth where he had joined them after his apprenticeship in the academy had been completed. Once, we managed to capture him and when he refused to speak, I tore his voice box out of his throat, though even with that ruthless deed I had always wished I had killed him, later on, throughout the years, when he turned out to be as skilled as he is”, you couldn’t help but cringe a little at that retelling, but it came as no surprise anymore. War was a beast that had the power to create monsters, even those that started with a noble cause as Megatron once had. The power-hungry beings he had wanted to overthrow became ingrained in himself until he wished for the same power. The oppressed becoming the oppressor.
“…And well then”, Megatron kept speaking, “At the battle of the second Omega Lock, where Optimus and I once again fought over who would revive Cybertron, it seemed Bumblebee had come to an end, falling into the substance of the Lock, with a deep hole in his spark. But apparently, the essence within the Omega Lock seemed to have revived the scout and even repaired his voice box. He yelled something I should remember but I do not, though I know for a fact it was a cry of pain, of revenge and of victory- for my defeat had come: The scout had previously tried to safe the blade of Prime and intended to throw it over to Optimus. Hence his previously thought demise… he had scarified himself for the blade for it to not get into Decepticon hands. The blade had been in his very grasp when he had fallen, and so it was once again when he struck it right through my chest as I stood with my back to the Lock. All I remember then was pain and anguish and I died… only to wake up later, on the grounds of your oceans, possessed by Unicron”
“So that’s how Unicron was capable of doing so”, you concluded with a whisper, not ready yet to digest the rest of his retelling beforehand, “But why did you not go to your proper God? Why didn’t you properly die?”
“Because Unicron was my God now, his blood having flown through my veins once”, Megatron explained a little agitated at the memory.
“Oh, your drug issue”, you said, “I remember”
“Don’t call it that”, Megatron sighed with an eyeroll.
“Oh please”, you huffed, but didn’t say anything further, though neither did Megatron.
Instead, you sat next to each other again in a rueful silence.
“What was it like, to die?”, you asked after a while.
“I don’t know”, he said, “Perhaps one can explain it to be like liberation, but that would be wrong to say as a general explanation. It was only for me because I died so painfully- and eventually it wasn’t liberating either, just for some time. I must’ve been stuck in a limbo for a while that felt like a dreamless sleep before Unicron informed me I wouldn’t go to join the Allspark, though I hope I shall do so when my time has come for good, now that Unicron’s spirit is imprisoned where once the spirit of Primus was- But anyway: Life is much better, I believe. At least if you make something of it, which you have shown me how to do.”
That made you involuntarily smile, especially with the genuine smile he gave you in return.
“Thank you for speaking to me finally I… I can barely stand it when you have those days”, you said, admitting your pain to Megatron.
“I am so sorry. I did not ever wish to hurt you. Not you, ever.”, he whispered, unable to speak any louder without his voice box cracking.
“It’s ok”, you assured him, “Loving someone also means taking some of their pain. Shared pain is half the pain, as my parents always say”.
“Am I really worth that?”, he asked you, truly unbelieving.
You kissed the part of his arm you could reach, nodded with tears welling in your eyes and answered, “Every second, my lovely Megatron, every second.”
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redrosesartcabin · 10 months
9.Scenario: The Blow Job
A little nsfw sceanario I couldn’t keep out of my head.
Obvious warning: NSFW found below! This time gender is not specified in this NSFW scenario
(Edited) This chapter was new and is now also posted on ao3
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722532045498335232/8scenario-lemon-cake?source=share
Link to the first post:
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722642109442801664/10scenario-tell-me-of-the-nemesis
It had been one of those hot summer nights where you had slept with Megatron in the barn. You then always slept on his chassis right above the calming whir of his spark, a soft blanket below you as well as a thick pillow to give you more comfort and one very thin blanket on top of you.
This time you woke up to an unusual but more than welcoming sight. As your eyelids fluttered open you saw his spike freed from his panel and erect right in your field of vision. You turned your head around to his face to find out if he was still sleeping but noticed you couldn’t see it because of his chest being so ridiculously muscular, a fact which together with the erect cock now made you as horny as he seemed to be, though you tried to push those feelings away for now. Carefully, you crawled over the chassis until you could see his face. His optics were still dark, and he was breathing evenly, so that meant he was still asleep or ‘in stasis’ as it was called for Cybertronians.
“He must have a nice little dream, and it better be about me”, you whispered to yourself, crawling back and you tried to ignore this thing happening, but you just couldn’t. Instead, you felt your body, against your own nervous thoughts, now crawl towards his spike.
It was the first time you faced it without mass displacement and with both utter fear and fascination, you inspected it, your hand feeling the soft parts that were the proto-form as well as the metallic, blue ridges you’ve come to know, quite literally, inside and out. Without further thinking, your tongue travelled, licking over it, then you stood up carefully until you reached the tip, tasting some pre-cum. Only then you noticed you had never tasted his cum and you couldn’t possibly describe what it could be compared to. It was like nothing you’ve ever tasted, just like with your first and also every kiss after. It was neither good nor bad but you were electrified by it.
As you kept going, licking the tip like a huge ice cream cone, you suddenly heard a dark, familiar chuckle.
“Baby, baby, baby…what are we doing there, hm?”, Megatron asked, his voice still sounding a bit rusty.
“Seemed you needed a little assistance here”, you answered, your mouth on autopilot whilst your heart was making summer saults in your chest, “Sorry if-“
“No no”, Megatron interrupted you, a stupidly cocky grin adorning his faceplate, “Please, continue”
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redrosesartcabin · 10 months
8.Scenario: Lemon Cake
(Edited) This chapter was new and is now also posted on ao3
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722531904486850560/7-chapter-a-cool-secret-to-keep?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722532228849139712/9scenario-the-blow-job
You weren’t that much of a cake person, but if there was one cake you spoke about often (as often as one gets to the topic of cake with someone who doesn’t eat any sort of human food), then it was lemon cake. So, he decided to bake it for you for your birthday.
Now, whilst you were out cleaning the chicken enclosure and taking care of some other things outside Megatron forgot about, he stood mass displaced and ready to rumble in your kitchen. The utensils were ready (though with one wooden ladle in the bin because he had once again underestimated his strength), and everything needed for the recipe lay neatly on the counter. It reminded him a little of one of those Wes Anderson movies you had forced him to watch, and he both hated and begrudgingly loved how he saw the counting of the utensils and ingredients in the movies’ style in front of his inner optic.
“Alright then”, Megatron said to himself, clapping his hands together.
First, he read in the recipe, one had to preheat the oven.
Done, that was easy. “I can definitely do this”, he said to himself, but then read the second step: Mixing sugar and butter together was still fine, the texture seemed alright to him after the five minutes of mixing as described, but what was that about the eggs?
“Beating the eggs?”, he asked himself. Sure, he liked to beat something up once in a while, even now.
Sometimes you allowed him to punch some old trees and then you used the remains as firewood.
“You get to let out some steam and I have some firewood!”, you had said, “I think that’s a win win”
-But beating eggs? You humans did that whilst baking? And somehow the egg ended up in the bowl?
“Well then”, he eventually concluded. The best way to beat them so they end up where they should, he then thought, was probably to throw the egg in the air and then hit it directly over the bowl. And since his hands were big enough, he threw the two big eggs needed for the recipe in the air and sliced them in one go. A lot of the yolk and egg white ended splattered on his armor, on the floor, on the walls and even on the ceiling, but there seemed to be enough in the bowl for it to be satisfactory. “The eggshells probably also give it enough sustenance” he said to himself and smiled. Beating those eggs was quite satisfactory, he hoped he could do more of that in the future. He was sure you would be delighted by his cake.
Two hours later
This was not the kind of delight Megatron imagined you having for his cake.
“What are you laughing at?!”, he almost screamed, seeing the tears of laughter streaming over your face, “I beat those eggs like nothing has ever been beaten up before”, but that only made you laugh harder.
“He beat the eggs up, he beat the freaking eggs up oh my god”, you wheezed, lying on the floor, “I can’t breathe!”
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redrosesartcabin · 10 months
7. Chapter: A Cool Secret to Keep
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722531749648793600/6scenario-poetry?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722532045498335232/8scenario-lemon-cake
It was the summer holidays, so you hosted your camp for children again, ages six to twelve. Although Megatron very much adored you to Cybertron and back, he doubted that many children would show up. It was so far into the wilderness and quite a drive to get to you. Besides, how did people even get wind of this?
What he didn’t consider though was that first of all, there was the internet and second of all, he hadn’t known that there was a special bus organized and a bus driver hired every year to get the children there and when a good forty children as well as two other adults who would help you take care of them showed up on sight Megatron felt a little overwhelmed. He didn’t dare to move even an inch.
He was hiding in the rebuilt barn, looking carefully out of its tiny glassless window.
Megatron saw you greet and instruct the children and he was impressed with what authority you spoke, the children listening to your every word. Of course, there was one or the other that whispered amongst each other or got distracted playing with whatever was laying on the ground, but you were quick to give them a glare that could burn holes and an added, “Please listen, or you can clean the chicken enclosure for the rest of your stay” did the trick.
Megatron also learned, as the activities like work around the farm or group games were done, that apparently when children didn’t come immediately when you called them that counting down from ten to one made them immediately sprint to you.
“What happens when they don’t arrive on time?”, Megatron then had asked you in the evening when you had time to sit down and you laughed loudly, a sound that made his armor tingle delightfully before you answered, “Absolutely nothing!”
A couple of days later, Megatron felt comfortable enough to leave the barn and hide behind hills and trees, fluctuating between his normal size and mass displacement if must be. He just loved watching you do your work and found a particular delight he��d take to his grave seeing the children so happy existing here. Just as happy or maybe even happier than he was.
On one particular day, you went on a trip through the forest with the children, venturing away from the farm grounds. Megatron followed quietly behind a cliff side that went parallel to the path you took. You did that on purpose, knowing Megatron followed, and you had to hide a snicker, knowing he was so curious about your and the children’s endeavors. What you however only later found out was just how good it had been that he had been there, because despite the careful watch of three adults, keeping an eye on the caravan of children, one boy slipped away from the group, straying from the path. The boy was a troublemaker who had already broken one or the other little rule and no amount of cleaning the excrements of animals away made him learn it seemed. In some way Megtaron understood the boy, seeing himself in him. ‘Some people need to learn some lessons the hard way’, he thought to himself, but still followed the unruly child. And it was good that he did because in one moment of being uncareful the boy would’ve almost fallen down a steep hillside. He probably would’ve survived it, but not without a couple of broken bones. Instead, however, the boy fell into Megatron’s hand.
At first, the boy seemed to be unconscious, but then he slowly lifted his head that had landed face down in Megatron’s palm and then looked up at the bot. The boy’s eyes widened in shock and his mouth opened to let out a scream but nothing, but croaks came out.
“Don’t be frightened, little one”, Megatron assured him.
The child breathed heavily, “What…who…”, he stammered but couldn’t form a proper question.
At first Megatron almost answered with his real name, but then decided to be creative.
“I”, he said, “am the soul of this forest. And usually, I am not allowed to interfere in a human’s fate, but in this case, it was allowed to me.”
“Why?”, the boy asked, the look in his eyes turning from horror to pure wonder which made Megatron’s spark grow warm.
“Because, little one, you are destined for greater things”, Megatron said.
“Greater than what?”, the boy asked.
“Greater than the shenanigans you are currently displaying- so in exchange for saving your life even though I usually would not have been allowed, you shall promise to keep me a secret and to not stray from the path anymore. Your rebellious spirit is admirable, but there is a difference between rebellion and stupidity. You could’ve gotten very hurt today.”
The boy had nodded at every word spoken with enthusiasm. Even if he disagreed, he wouldn’t dare to say so to the creature that held him in its hand.
“I promise to be good”, the child said, “But why do I have to keep you a secret?”, he asked.
“Because”, Megatron said, “As previously stated, I shouldn’t even have interfered. You shouldn’t know of me. And also: Am I not a cool secret to keep? You are the only one who knows the spirit of these woods. It makes you quite powerful.”
The boy smiled at that. He loved to have his own awesome, giant creature.
From that day own, the boy was as good and obedient as a child can be, though still wild in spirit, climbing every tree he could, fighting playfully with other boys and sometimes hitting things with sticks where one or the other scolding was necessary. His spirit would never be tamed and shouldn’t, but he had learned to listen when necessary and to respect the dangers of the world around him. And from time to time, he could see his giant between the trees, and sometimes for a few minutes in secret, ‘the sould of the forest’ took him onto his shoulder and let him almost fly through the forest and in-between the mountain ranges.
“… I can barely believe how he suddenly had changed so much!”, you then told Megatron after the children had departed again, “What in the world did you tell him?”, you asked, but Megatron just smiled at you, giving you a kiss before he said, “I am just a cool secret to keep.”
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redrosesartcabin · 10 months
6.Scenario: Poetry
Megatron x reader fanficition ( can be found here as well https://archiveofourown.org/users/Redrosessoulcabin)
Link to the previous chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722531581594583040/5scenario-an-unexpected-visit-from-the-past?source=share
Link to the first post: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722529797578833920/double-posting-my-fanfic-now
Link to the next chapter: https://www.tumblr.com/redrosesartcabin/722531904486850560/7-chapter-a-cool-secret-to-keep
Curious of his discovery, Megatron lifts the little booklet off the barn-floor and carefully opens it up, somewhere in the middle.
There was a text written, a little differently structured then he had seen so far in human written books.
It read:
 “The cats sleep on the humming tune
My ear aches for as well
Warmth spreading like burning coal
 You are their shelter
As you are always mine
Huge and kind
Like my house
Here rests my heart
Right beside yours
Glowing like a star
I’ve seen it before
And there in it’s pit
I could see the years just pass
Before my eyes
And I’ve seen glory and pain
Destruction and death
And once pierced through
 What pretense has let you live before?
Letting you live now?
Again, with me?
But I shall be so blessed to believe
That fate has wanted you
Dancing in my chest
Singing ‘I’m in love with you’
A crest of strength
Tattooed on our souls
And no brittle ire
Will take you anymore”
 Megatron traced the words again and again with his index finger, feeling his spark whirring incessantly.
He suddenly remembered that one very sunny day in spring, where he had lain in the freshly, after winter-born grass and tiny flowers dancing in the breeze and automatically, his optics had closed, dozing into stasis. When he had awoken again, Ying and Yang had lain on his chest, purring contentedly. “Well, hello there, little ones” he had greeted them, carefully petting their little heads, and seeing them there, he just couldn’t bring himself to up and leave, even though he wanted to stretch his numbed limbs. Stirring them from their slumber felt like disturbing good-hearted but powerful ancient gods. You must’ve seen them then, he thought, though had felt the same need not to disturb the scene and instead let it unfold and end in its own time, which eventually it did of course.
Megatron turned the page, reading over the next poem:
 “I call it head
You call it helm
I call it chest
You call it chassis
I call it heart
You call it spark
 But when its hard and broken apart
When it thinks, and cannot quieten
When it beats, but cannot speak
It becomes all the same
Differences peacefully disintegrate to dust
 And one quiet sound, envelops us in clouds
Brings us to a heaven
That belongs to only you and me
Sweet and polite like honeybees
Making liquid gold to feed our souls
Right here were we will grow to be
As one
Where you began I will begin
Where I ended you will end
Where I began you will begin
Where you ended I will end
This game, a delight for eternity
Having been
and becoming
all that ever is”
Here Megatron remembered how you had shown him honey.
“I wish you could try it”, you had said, “It’s like liquid gold, but you can actually consume it. It’s sweet, sometimes even too sweet but delightfully so. It’s something I could consider a miracle, made so easily by such small, pretty, little creatures”.
At that Megatron had smiled and said, “Sometimes that’s how I feel about you. Such a small creature, capable of miracles”.
“Well,”, you had answered to that, a little flustered, “I suppose we are all connected. Where you end, I ended, where you begin, I began and so on and so forth.”
“The circle of life”, he had said-
 -and that was also the title of the poem he now saw, written in small, neat letters on top of the page.
He decided to stop reading for now, instead wondering how long you’ve written poetry about you two and your moments. He was so deeply touched by them he felt he had to just do something.
And then suddenly, he had an idea…
It was 5:30 a.m. when you awoke. The birds chirped to the silent tune of the rising sun. You awoke, slowly opening your eyes, the world one blur until the contours of your surroundings became sharp edged and visible, reality coming into fruition.
After you got ready, you headed to the kitchen, planning on making yourself a cup of your self-brewed coffee over a real fire, outside on your little fireplace made of a simple stone circle. As you wanted to open the cabinet where the kettle resided, you saw a little post-it-note on the cabinet-door. Curiosity peaked, you removed it swiftly, bringing it closer to be able to read it properly. It said, “With a pink sunrise, an elated wish for dark, bitter essence to touch blooms within. And so, beauty decides to make it, blessing the day with that arrival”.
You cocked an eyebrow, not quite understanding what this meant, though at the same time feeling that you very much did. Not quite awake yet, you didn’t think about where this might lead and who, quite obviously, wrote this, so you just decided to keep going as you had planned.
As you headed for the front door, you saw another post-it-note there.
“The blessed being moves in graceful strides towards the outdoors, longing for the cold morning breeze. The breeze will bring company the being knows but does not expect. Someone residing in the spark, and he hopes you won’t mind this gift as he has tried to give back what has been started.”
“Megatron?”, you asked yourself now. What does he mean? For some reason you were a little nervous now, going out. But there had been no reason to be, there was only wonder. A path of light-pink flowers built a path towards the fireplace that you couldn’t but excitedly run on and towards your desired destination.
And there, as expected yet much better, sat Megatron, already having prepared the coals just like it was necessary for the coffee to brew right. Aside from that though, he had prepared little bowls of fruit and other little breakfast snacks that stood on a small wooden table you kept in your junk-room as back-up for when guests came.
“Am I still dreaming?”, you asked him in disbelief, “Or do we have some anniversary I forgot?”
He laughed, “Can I not just do something nice for you for once?”, he asked, but you just raised your eyebrows.
“Darling, I love you, but until a few days ago you absolutely refused to make any sort of art and now you write poetry, you didn’t want to make grand romantic gestures because it still irked you to be too kind-“
“You know”, he interrupted you, “I have realized that despite how much I’ve grown, I still can seem a little harsh when it comes to human mating costumes, and I still have this pride in me that sometimes makes it seem like I can never give you what you need and deserve. But yesterday I found something of yours that made me realize, that I want to at least try to give my all to you”
It only took you a few seconds to realize what he meant.
“My poetry”, you murmured.
“Yes”, he said, “It made me want to write for you too”.
“You aren’t so bad at this, mighty lord”, you teased.
“There is still much I don’t know about myself”, he answered, much more serious than you would’ve liked. He now stared contemplatively at the coals, unable to hold back a few tears, running over his face plates and he didn’t dare to speak, he was embarrassed enough you saw him in such a weak state.
Understanding of his position, you carefully sat next to him, laying a hand on his arm.
“It’s alright, my dear. You will learn in time, and you have so much of it. Don’t rush or force yourself to be something that you aren’t or aren’t yet. If you want it enough, you will become it eventually”.
He only nodded in answer, still afraid to speak.
“Thank you”, he was able to say after a while, where you had started brewing the coffee and had eaten a couple of the neatly placed strawberries- Megatron had even remembered to wash them!
“No, thank you”, you simply said.
“I hope”, he continued, “You can trust me now in the future to show your poems, I want to cherish each and every one”.
You only nodded, sitting down next to him, pulling out your cellphone out of your pocket, typing something in for only maybe a minute and then grinning up at him.
“I wrote a Haiku about this moment”, you simply stated with a wide smile adorning your gorgeous features.
“What is that?”, he asked, genuinely wanting to know because by Primus, he wanted to know everything about the things that made you glow like that.
“It’s a Japanese kind of poetry. The rules are, that you can only write three lines. In the first line there must be 5 syllables, line two has 7 and line three has 5 again so that in total, one has 17 syllables. Don’t ask me why it is that way, but it works well… with Haiku’s you can express a lot, even though it’s so short and technically says so little”.
Megatron had hummed at each information with interest and immediately as you finished the explanation, he inquired about it.
“Read it to me”, he demanded, “…please”, he added, and you patted him gently in encouragement.
“One moment”, you said, noticing the coffee had finished brewing.
You made yourself a cup and settled back into place and read:
“Once there was a void
Metal demon, angels call
Hope came in flowers”
You had been right. It said so little, but somehow, he understood, better than ever. He decided to shrink for a moment, taking you in his arms, and you complied, melting into it.
You would read to him each of your poems now.
‘Every fear broken, stones of trust lain down, the complete foundation of love’, you thought to yourself and smiled. The next opportune moment of poetry was already riding towards you, and you were more excited than ever, because you could share it with the one you loved most.
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