rush-assault · 7 years
[stardust-hybrid] "All my life, I've done nothing but try to please that man."
“I know.  And look atall the good it's done you.”  Angeal clapped a hand on Sephiroth'sshoulder.  “Have you tried trying to please yourself, ever? Because maybe it's time you start.”
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rush-assault · 8 years
Hero and villain. I have been both.
rustofstardust   (via ruckgrat)
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rush-assault · 8 years
It isn’t the big tragedies that break a man – it’s the small ones. Each insignificant disappointment, each little fight, each minor inconvenience: they tear him apart until he’s nothing but what tore him apart in the first place.      …That kind of man isn’t capable of protecting anyone.
He can only destroy them. (Excerpt from “Fornever”) | m.a.w
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rush-assault · 8 years
It was still odd to Angeal how anybody managed to see through all that hair. Sephiroth, however, never seemed to have a problem with it.
“Well, I was thinking of heading down to the cafeteria to get something to eat.  Did you want anything?”
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The young SOLDIER turned his head, peering at the other from the corner of his eye.
“What are you doing.”
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rush-assault · 8 years
Angeal was used to the differences between “working” Sephiroth and “casual” Sephiroth, and what they meant.  He didn't really get it, on the one hand -- he himself tried his best to get on the level of each individual soldier he commanded -- but he also was aware that Sephiroth had his own reasons for his professional distance.  It was certainly his own decision.
He followed Sephiroth without a second thought, sliding into the small, as of yet empty room.  Almost immediately, Sephiroth's stance was different -- his shoulders lowered, his pose more relaxed, and his expression more open.  It was a minute difference for one not accustomed to seeing it, but Angeal was familiar with the change.
Angeal smiled widely at the jest, chuckling a bit.  “You are not wrong, my friend,” he agreed.
He did have to frown just a bit and raise his eyebrows at the news about the lack of communication.  He wished he could say he was surprised, but it was a small bit unnerving just how much information got lost between one report and another.  Nothing critical, of course, but things like -- well, the name of the commander of the army you were taking over for.
“Joke or not, it looks like this is a nice surprise for both of us, then,” Angeal replied, nodding.  “Look, we can talk shop and strategy later on.  I'm off duty, and technically, so are you.  So.  How have you been?  It's been a little while.”
How he wished actually making eye contact with Angeal managed to relax him in any capacity.  It was unconscious, completely automatic how his expressions were dulled simply by knowing they were being watched, that he was fully and absolutely expected to be On Duty even if he wasn’t, officially.  “You might consider me a bit of a welcoming party.”   Sephiroth managed something of a joke regardless, smile suppressed even beyond the standard subtlety.  “If I might have a word with you in private?”
Not that he exactly waited for agreement before leading the way, but there wasn’t much of a distance to walk before they could reach a door that closed, a place just the slightest bit cut off from the rest which would be either an office or a decently spacious supply closet whenever it was to be filled.  No matter; a door between them and everyone else felt necessarily.
And only then could Sephiroth breathe.  Relax, if minutely to start.  “Apparently I caught you at a more convenient moment than I would have before your shower.”  Easy, quiet humor had already returned with that physical separation from the rest of the compound.
“Before you ask.”  He interrupted with a mild sigh, crossing his arms and glancing back at the closed door as if he expected someone to be waiting behind it.  Someone he hoped would be insulted if they overheard, in any case.  “I was lead to understand that I’m here for some sort of ‘clean-up work’.  It wasn’t until I’d landed that I realized the platoon returning was yours, safely. I’m lead to wonder if it’s anywhere from a paperwork error to a phenomenally poorly thought out joke.”  Hard to tell, to say the least.
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rush-assault · 8 years
@stardust-hybrid || continued [ x ]
He had assumed the door was locked, but it didn't matter -- Sephiroth had a copy of his key anyway.  He had been dimly aware he would be missed at some point, but really, it hadn't been that long, had it?
But here was Sephiroth, sliding onto his lap with that smooth grace that flowed into everything he did.  Angeal had been dozing off to the sounds of the weather channel and had only snapped awake when the door had opened. With his boyfriend on his lap, he was suddenly aware of the fact that he was wearing a dirty t-shirt and stained sweat pants, and he hadn't showered in -- well, long enough that you could probably tell, and there were dirty dishes and empty wrappers slowly piling up around him, and the rest of the place was a wicked mess too...
Shame filled him then, and he looked away from Sephiroth.  “I didn't meant to worry you,” he said plaintively.
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rush-assault · 8 years
It might have surprised the infantryman, but Angeal knew exactly who he was before he had taken his helmet off.  He made a point of acquainting himself with the names of each trooper before missions (when possible -- for emergencies and missions with lots of back up, it wasn't always possible).  It was important to him that he wasn't lording over anyone, despite his position.  Genesis enjoyed it and Sephiroth did not seem to care overly much, but Angeal hated the reverence he often saw on others' faces.  He was no better than anyone else.
“Motion sick?  Is it better to sit up front?” he asked, making a mental note to have Cloud drive on the way back.  If it would help, of course.
To be honest, he didn’t particularly want to, because it was doing a great job of hiding his identity.  When he’d been assigned this mission, he’d been instantly nervous.  He knew Angeal through Zack’s stories, but Cloud knew it probably worked in reverse as well.  Plus Angeal was a First Class, and if he screwed something up today, he could wreck his chances of making it into SOLDIER himself.
But being able to focus on something might help his nausea, so maybe it was worth a try.
“Thank you, sir,” he muttered, trying his hardest not to barf on the other man’s shoes.  He set his helmet in his lap and took several deep breaths.  He felt marginally better.
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rush-assault · 8 years
That was...not a common reaction of worried SOLDIERs coming in here to seek out advice. Angeal got the idea, rather grimly, that this was not an average problem he was being entrusted in.  There was something very wrong here.
The fact of the matter was that the office was not bugged, and, so long as you didn't raise your voice, it was reasonably well soundproofed.  Angeal knew all of this because he had investigated.  Genesis had been jumpy since the incident in the training room, planning his little coup d'etat, and Angeal understood that, as his best friend, he was going to be suspected and watched once everything had gone down.
But, while he couldn't be one hundred percent positive that there were no listening devices or spies or whatnot, he hadn't been able to find anything, and Genesis' stunt was not yet public.
“The room isn't soundproofed, but if you keep your voice down, no one outside can hear,” he replied, in what he hoped was an encouraging, unbiased voice.  “Lock the door, if you like.  Zack doesn't always remember to knock.”
Coming to see Angeal had seemed like a smart idea at the time – and, in fact, like his only option if he had any hopes of getting help. Of course, he could have gone to the labs but… Kunsel liked being alive and not stuck to a cell.
Standing there, though, in the middle of the First’s office? Suddenly, hiding away until the last possible moment seemed like a good idea. Or maybe he could even quit SOLDIER. It was rarely heard of, but it was possible – though it also meant constant surveillance for the rest of his life.
Yeah, he was running low on options.
So after a moment too long contemplating his sad existence, and future, Kunsel decided that sitting down seemed like a nice idea. Maybe if they were sitting down, face to helmet it would lessen the shock of what he was about to say, considering that they were having a calm and private conversation.
… Kunsel didn’t hold out hope too much on that either, to be honest.
So he grabbed the chair and moved to sit in front of Angeal, sitting in it like a scolded child even though he had yet to say anything at all. How was even supposed to start this conversation?  He was the one that asked the other for a meeting, too.
“Angeal,” he began, missing the slip in the formality he so preferred, the demanding tone in his words, “are we being listened in?” Still, his motions betrayed his tone, hands wringing nervously in his lap. 
Just asking that alone was suspicious, after all.
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rush-assault · 8 years
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You know, I’ve never actually seen you use that. Don’t you think it’s sort of a waste? Use brings about wear … tear … and rust. And that’s a real waste.
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rush-assault · 8 years
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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII ↳Scenes that stuck: [9/∞]
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rush-assault · 8 years
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WIP thats looking alright but i got no idea how to colour things (if anyone guesses/remembers the AU i’ll be really impressed)
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rush-assault · 8 years
Don’t allow your wounds to turn you into a person you are not.
Paulo Coelho  (via wordsnquotes)
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rush-assault · 8 years
"Masamune may be sleek, but I'm bustier!" ;D
“Well, that's justfactually incorrect.  You don't even have breasts, Buster.”
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rush-assault · 8 years
Looks at. Looks away. Blushes slightly. Looks at again.
Notices.  Flexes alittle more than necessary next rep.  Winks, because blushingSephiroth is adorable.
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rush-assault · 8 years
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Is standing in the middle of the mess with a watermelon rind in his hair, his arms folded, and a dire look on his face.
“This is a terrible waste.  Whoever is responsible is going to sit down with me for a few hours once this is cleaned up.”
“OK, whose idea was it to attempt Fruit Ninja IRL? A third’s nose almost got cut off, the training room is covered in fruit and there’s juice everywhere.”
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“Whoever points fingers only has to clean half of their mess.”
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rush-assault · 8 years
[ Here is a post that exists for the sole purpose of making sure that picture is not the top thing on my blog anymore. :I ]
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rush-assault · 8 years
Nani?! Legs desu ka?!?
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