s-dwinchester05 · 4 years
i know that it's inevitable that SOMEONE is going to die in the last few episodes of supernatural, but I am not mentally prepared for it to happen.
so, here's an idea; can they just...not.
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s-dwinchester05 · 4 years
Little Witches | A Supernatural Story
Whole story summary: Sam and Dean’s brother got away, but when he’s dragged back into the hunt, a whole load of drama is to follow.
summary: Dean had to collect his brother, Nathan, to help him find their Father. This is where Nathan’s drama filled journey begins.
warning(s): angst, mention of suicide, sadness, supernatural level violence, fighting/arguing.
actor(s): Timothy Granaderos as Nathan Winchester Riley and Parker Busby as Destiny and Sapphire Winchester. (he’s shorter than Jensen in real life so for the sake of the story they’re about the same height)
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Nathan's house
Dean hummed along to the music as he drove through a nice, ordinary neighbourhood. He was on his way to pick up his younger brother after not seeing him for 5 years. The brothers have only called a max of 6 or 7 times since he left.
As He finally came to a stop, staring at the house, feeling slightly guilty that he had to get his little brother away from what looked like a happy life. The house was a little blue home with a small garage on the side and the car his brothers had since he was 19, was sitting in the drive way. All lights were off indicating that everyone who lived there was asleep.
Dean pulled himself out the car, headed towards the window that was slightly open at the side of the house. Slipping through it skilfully, he quietly made his way towards what looked to be the living-room.
As he walked down the hallway, he saw pictures hanging on the walls of what looked like to be two little girls, all blonde haired and posing in a silly way at the camera. Another one of what looked to be a couple on their wedding day, with big smiles on their faces, staring at each other in the most loving way.
He entered the living-room doorway, looking around to see a big silhouette on the couch sleeping with a small child laying on their chest. Dean accidentally hit the tip of his shoe on a toy, making a loud noise bounce around the room, alerting the sleeping figure on the couch.
The male slowly turned over to lay the child on the sofa, gradually getting up so the intruder didn't see any sudden movements from him.
When he fully got up and made his way round to the shadowy figure who was cussing, he pounced onto him.
Fist we're being throw left, right and centre. Finally Dean had his brother pinned to the floor, out of breathe from the fight they just had. The light had hit Deans face letting the male see who he was finally.
"Dean?!" he whisper-shouted.
"Nathan!" Dean exclaimed rather loudly.
Nathan struggled beneath his brother trying to get up, eventually getting it so he could swig it around so Dean was on the floor, instead of him.
"What are you doing here?" Nathan asked, his brother hadn't seen him in years and knowing Dean, it wasn't a good reason for why he was here.
"Daddy?" A little voice came from behind the brother, not giving Dean the chance to reply.
The lights were turned on, the men turned around to see two little girls, one up on the tips of her toes reaching towards the light switch, looking slightly scared after her sister went to wake her up after being startled awake, with her father missing beneath her. Dean stared opened mouthed at the girls, not knowing what to do. His baby brother was a father! Dean couldn't believe it. The girls stood there in matching pyjamas, wided eyed, looking up at their father.
“Babies,” Nathan replied. “What are you doing up?”
"We heard noises coming from in here" The smallest one said, hair sticking up in all different ways. Tears had slowly gathered up in their eyes, making Nathan's heart break seeing how scared his little girls were.
"Hey, hey. No tears. I'm fine, you're fine." Nathan comforted them, opening his arms up, they all but ran into his arms wanting the comfort of the father.
Nathan stood up with two of them in his arms, mumbling sweet nothings to calm them down. Turning around to look at Dean again, cringing slightly at Deans shocked expression.
"Dean, this is Sapphire," tilting his head to the one who called out Daddy, "and Destiny." He finished, point towards the smaller one who turned on the light switch.
"Girls, this is Dean, your Uncle." He said, introducing them to him.
Nathan had finally got his girls to go back to sleep in their bedroom, that they shared. Nathan closed the door behind him, heading back towards where Dean was.
"Dean," He sighed, "What are you doing here?"
"Dad went on a hunting trip and hasn't been home for a few days," Dean replies after a moment of hesitation.
Nathan started to panicked, no matter how horrible his Dad was before he left, it was his father he going to be worried.
"What do you mean missing?"
"Dad's never been missing for this long, and I need yours and Sammy's help." Dean replied.
Nathan looked down thoughtfully, he couldn't leave his girls but his neighbour did always babysit for him when he goes on his own little hunts.
"We'll have to leave tomorrow," Nathan decided, looking up towards Dean, "What was he hunting?"
The Impala
Dean and Nathan sat in a awkward tension, neither knowing what to say to the other. Music played in the background, Nathan looked out the window watching as the trees flew by, worried about not only his dad but now his daughters. What the rest of the Winchester family didn't know that his daughter's mother (His wife) was a witch, meaning that any day now the girls should show some kind of magic. Nathan rarely ever left his daughters with his neighbour, only doing it on really dangerous hunts, he normally took them with him.
"So, you're a father?" Dean finally asked, tired of the tension.
Nathan hesitated, not knowing what his father had exactly told his brother when he left them. "Yeah...It's why I left."
Dean looked over at his brother in sadness and shock. His father, like Nathan thought he would, never told him the real reason why Nathan left. Just that he abandoned the family to have a 'apple pie life'. Which was the furthest from the truth, Nathan had quit hunting for three years before starting again. No matter what Nathans life was never going to be normal.
Nathan sighed already knowing what his dad told them, turning hid head to look at Dean, "I know what Dad told you, that I abandoned you three to have the 'apple pie life'. I never left that life, the hunting, the killing of demons and other monsters." He silence for a second, "I started hunting again two years ago, three years after stopping."
"Why?" Dean asked curiously, there is always a reason why someone starts or stops hunting and it was clear in the sadness of his brothers voice that there was.
Nathan looked away trying to hold back tears, he could feel them burning at the back of his eyes. Clearing his throat quickly, "urm... My wife, Danielle, got killed on a hunt." He told Dean, completely lying, Nathan would probably never tell the truth.
His wife had always suffered with Depression and other mental health issues, but on 19th of August 2003, it finally caught up to her. Danielle died lying in her husbands arms after he had rushed home, to stop her. Nathan knew she struggled, he supported her through everything, even the days where she couldn't drag herself out of bed; he'd lay down and cuddled her all day just so she wasn't alone. After this, He was colder to everyone who wasn't family or Rebecca his neighbour. The day she died had haunted his sleep ever since, only ever finding comfort with at least one of his daughters in his arms.
Dean quickly changed the subject seeing how tore up his baby brother was, Nathan clearly didn't want to speak about it. Dean could see the unshedded tears in his eyes just before he turned away.
The rest of the way the boys talk about anything and everything but Nathan's wife. They spoke about the case their father was working on, how Sam got away by going to college. To say Nathan was shocked was an understatement, Sam had always rebelled against John but not to the extent of leaving. He was happy his little brother got the normal life he always wished for, they had stayed up late nights talking about Sam going to school and getting a job in the Law. Nathan was proud of his baby brother, though he felt guilty for having to go collect him for the thing he ran from.
Outside of Sam's Apartment
Nathan has waited outside, reading further into the case their dad had gone on, wanting to avoid the fight Dean and Sam are going to have. He knew Dean would do exactly what he did to him, sneak his way him and battle till he had Sam on the floor.
Fifteen minutes had passed before two tall, dark figures crossed the street to the Impala. Nathan opened the door slightly, gawking at how grown up his once small and skinny teenage brother is. Sadness hit him when he realised just how much of Sammys life he missed out on.
"--some normal, apple pie life?" Nathan heard dean ask, just as he opened the car door fully.
"No. Not normal." Sam disagrees. "Safe."
"And that's why you ran away." Dean concluded.
"I was just going to college. Just like me and Nathan had always talked about. Anyway, it was Dad who said if I was gonna go, I should stay gone. That's what I'm doing." Sam's eyes flickered towards Nathan, eye widening in shock. He hadn't expected Dean to get Nathan after so many years.
Nathan smiled up at Sam from where he sat with his body facing out of the car. Nodding his head in a greeting, Nathan didn't do hugs, unless it was Sapphire and Destiny, everyone knew that.
"Yeah, well, Dads in real trouble right now. If he's not dead yet. I can feel it." Dean tried reasoning, though it wasn't working as much as he planned. Sam fell silent for a second.
"We can't do this alone." Dean tried again, getting a point look from the 25 year old in the car.
"Yes you can." Sam instantly came back with, these two were two of the best hunters he knew when he was younger.
Nathan finally butted in after getting a small pleading look from Dean, "Yeah, well, we don't want to."
Sam sighed looking down, thinking about whether he was going to go or not. Dean knew Nathan would be the one to get through to Sam, it always had been like that. Nathan was the peace keeper between the three of them but if you got Nathan pissed then well let's say it never ended well for either of them. Nathans anger was like a volcano when he was mad, he was impulsive and it all came at once, and took awhile to calm again.
"What was he hunting?"
Nathan's gaze turned to Dean, brows raised. He had explained it all to him already, but he had forgot it all with the overthinking all the way to the University. Dean opened the trunk and lifts the compartment, propping it up with a shotgun, mumbling. "Where the hell did I put that thing?"
"And why didn't you go with him?" Sam continued.
"Nate, you know where the files went?" Dean asked. Nathan walked around to the back of the car, spotting it as soon as he got there. He plucked up the files and handed them to Dean. "I was working my own gig," Dean says to Sam. "This voodoo thing down in New Orleans."
Sam and Nathan looked at each other confused, "Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" Nathan asked, their father never let them do that.
Dean looked to them with furrowed eyebrows, slightly offended. "I'm twenty-six, dude."
Dean pulled some paper out of the folder, "All right, here we go. So dad was checking out this two-lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy."
He handed a piece of paper over to Sam, "They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA."
The paper was a printout of an article from the Jericho Herald, it was headlined 'Centennial Highway Disappearance' and dated September 19th 2005; it had a man's picture, which was captioned 'Andrew Carey MISSING.' Sam finished reading it and glanced up at his brothers.
"So maybe he was kidnapped." He concluded. Nathan rolled his eyes, Sam clearly didn't want to go, now finding any excuse not to.
"Yeah. Well, here's another one in April," Nathan said, tossing another article which he snatched from Dean. "Another one in December 'oh-four', 'oh-three', 'ninety-eight, 'ninety-two, ten of them over the past twenty years."
Dean took back the articles from Sam and the one Nathan tossed down when explaining, putting them back into the folder. "All men, all the same five-mile stretch of road."
Dean pulled out a bag from the arsenal in his trunk, "It started happening more and more, so dad went to go dig around. That was three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough."
Dean grabbed a handheld tape recorder, holding it out so they could both hear. "Then I got this voicemail yesterday."
He pressed play. The recording was staticky and the signal was clearly breaking up. Dean never showed this to Nathan before. Nathan was slightly pissed that he didn't till now but didn't comment on it.
"Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean We're all in danger."
"You know there's EVP on that?"
"Not bad, Sammy. Kinda like riding a bike isn't it?" Nathan joked, getting a chuckle from Dean and the shake off the head from Sam.
"All right. I slowed the message down, I ran it through a gold wave, took out the hiss, and this is what I got." Dean explained.
"I can never go home..."
"Never go home." Sam copied, seeing if he had heard it from somewhere but came up with nothing.
Dean dropped the recorder back in the trunk, put down the shotgun from where it was propped and shuts the trunk, to then turn around and lean on it. "You know, in almost two years I've never bothered you, never asked you for a thing."
Nathan kicked Deans shin for guilt tripping their baby brother, he watched as Sam looked away sighing.
As Sam looked back up to the boy, he said, "All right. I'll go. I'll help you two find him."
They nodded at him, silently cheering on the inside that he was coming with them. The three of the were back, that's all Nathan cared about in that second. But Sam broke in his inner cheering by what he said next.
"But I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here." Sam turned to head back to his apartment, started to walk away before Nathan cut in.
"What's first thing Monday?"
Sam hesitated replying, he knew Nathan would be happy but Dean however he didn't know how he'd feel. "I have this...I have an Interview."
"What, a job interview?" Dean asked, "Skip it." Which earned his a smack at the back of the head by Nathan.
"It's a law school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate." Sam replied, a small but proud smile appeared on Nathans face. Sam had got what he wanted finally.
"Law school?" Dean asked, smirking.
"So we got a deal or not?"
The brothers said nothing, leading Sam to go back to Jess and try and explain the situation as best as he could without telling the truth.
Nathan headed back to the passenger seat to call his daughters and tell them goodnight. Dean watched him while he called them seeing Nathan run his hands through his hair, it was his tell-tale sign that he was either stressed or worried. Dean wondered what sort of Dad Nathan was to the twins, after all he didn't exactly have the role model father himself to go off.
[2632 words]
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