shiverr-rp · 5 years
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HailClan Applications Are Open!
Spirited and generous, cats of HailClan find themselves at home nestled in the midst of a steep, snowy basin. Their home may be dangerous, but these cats look out for each other. Blessed with the security of the great pine trees around them and the frozen lake’s abundant (if a bit difficult to catch) prey, HailClan cats have lived a rather stable lifestyle for as long as any cat can remember. But their neighbors have gone oddly silent lately, after a great avalanche rocked the upper part of the basin some moons ago. Will your character help unravel the secrets DriftClan is keeping? Will they be brave enough to face what’s to come?
Step into the world of Shiver as we reboot with the opening of HailClan.
You must be 16+ to apply. If you are on the verge of turning 16, feel free to message one of the mods and we can discuss an exception being made. Finding out that you’ve lied about your age will result in a kick from the group.
We ask that you apply only with a warrior of 30+ moons old. Once accepted, you’ll be given the chance to create younger cats and fill in the ranks.
You must be prepared to be at least semi-active. Active roleplayers will be given more chances to be involved with the plot and keep the roleplay moving.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Clans and what is expected from you in this roleplay by checking out our links below or through our blog. Then send in your application and get ready - it’s cold out here.
Applications close April 10th.
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shiverr-rp · 5 years
HailClan Deputy Applications!
HailClan warrior applications are due to open tomorrow, but the Mods are opening a special set of apps for those who just can't wait!  HailClan's deputy will be assigned to one person who applies with the form down below.  Applications will close the same day as the general apps (April 10th).
You can apply for the deputy as well as for a warrior with the general applications, but you will only be chosen for one - if you get the deputy, your warrior application will not be accepted. We’re going to be looking for very active members with a lot of roleplaying experience for the deputy position, but feel free to apply no matter how much roleplaying you’ve done in the past, as long as you can be active.  If your deputy OC is accepted, you may also be eligible for a warrior character one the roleplay opens.
Mod Lacey and Mod Scar are so excited to re-immerse in the world of Shiver with our new members!  Stay tuned for the opening of warrior applications, which will be posted around 2:00 PM EST tomorrow. 
HailClan Deputy Application Form
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shiverr-rp · 5 years
HailClan is Coming...
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hello everyone! you may have noticed Shiver fell into a bout of inactivity — we agree! in an effort to get Shiver back off the ground, we’ve decided to reboot the roleplay!
switching it up, we’ll be reopening with HailClan first — we’re aiming for April 1st. if you were in DriftClan you’re welcome to reapply, but please be aware you won’t be able to be in both clans at once. if you’d like to wait for DriftClan to reopen, we welcome you to apply again with your previous character: we’ve logged character info so you don’t have to worry about that part of the rejoining process. we’ll be taking into account your previous activity in the roleplay to help us make that decision.
otherwise, we look forward to reopening this roleplay and getting the ball rolling again! we have a lot in store and look forward to the chance to share the world with you. see you back soon!
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
DriftClan’s Accepted Applicants
First of all, we’d like to thank every person who applied, you guys have given us some incredible characters! If you don’t find your name on the list below and would like to discuss that, please feel free to contact one of us (@crowfalled​ or @scarpath). We encourage those who are still interested to apply to HailClan when it opens! We’ve just got so many amazing apps not all of them could squeeze in.
Accepted members:
Antlerdust - Frog, @clemantime
Tinystep - Nymph, @rabbitcuddle
Silverheart - Kit, @duskclandraws
Deerbellow - Alice, @haunted-cookie
Wolfhowl - Danny, @huckleberryblossom
Elkwhisker - Echo, @echoingback
Foxpounce - James, @gen-deer
Blizzardthroat - Mimi, @junipertrash
Lakemist - Breeze, @mangojango16
Skuaflower - Check, @checkinder
Snowpelt - Fen, @fenris-ing
Wigeoncatcher - Max, @moondaance
Torrentfall - Benjamin, @echoapollo
Pebblestep - Juliette, @skyzbattleblog
Smallbird - Emi, @akemi-chann
Emberglow - Sierra, @calicoolcalico
Thank you all again and congratulations to those accepted! We’ll be working on sending out invites on discord shortly. 
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
Applications Closed!
Thank you all for applying to Shiver.  We got some very amazing applications and were absolutely blown away by the amount of interest and support we received.  We appreciate all of you so much!
In terms of acceptances, we’ll be sending out invitations either today or tomorrow, and the OOC chats will open then!  The actual roleplay will only start once everyone’s settled in.  If you don’t get in to DriftClan, we highly encourage you to apply for HailClan when it opens - we had a ton of lovely applications and we wish we could accept them all!  We have big things in store for both Clans, so you won’t be missing out.
We want to thank you again for all the support.  It’s inspiring!
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
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this made me snort, loudly, at work, thank you - mod lacey
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
Hiya there! Very last minute applicant asking, In your rule regarding realistic fur colors/patterns and genetic accuracy, does this include the fact that a male calico/tortoiseshell/torbie would remain rare, and if existing would be sterile? Maybe it's an obvious answer, but I just want to be super sure so I don't regret making/not making a character appear a certain way. Thank you in advance!
sorry we didn’t get this until the last second! but correct, cis calico toms would be rare/sterile. however, you’re more than welcome to create a trans calico tom!
- mod lacey
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
Final Day!
Applications will be closing at 12:00 pm (noon) EST, so please remember to get them in before that! We adore you guys for sticking with us through this long process and can’t wait for the roleplay to open.
3 days left to apply!
Applications for DriftClan close on October 14th! If you want to apply, you have three days left to get your application in. Please make sure you read up on the clans and our rules before submitting your application.
The next round of apps will be sometime next month, for HailClan’s opening.
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
Can I ask how many applications you’ve received?
over 30! which is way more than we ever expected we’d get.
it’s going to be very tough finalizing the accepted applicants, since we were aiming for around 10-15, so if you don’t get in and are still interested, i encourage you to apply to HailClan when it opens!!
- mod lacey
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
2 Days Left!
We’ve gotten some amazing applications so far!  We can’t wait to kick off the roleplay; there are still two days left to apply if you want to join DriftClan!
3 days left to apply!
Applications for DriftClan close on October 14th! If you want to apply, you have three days left to get your application in. Please make sure you read up on the clans and our rules before submitting your application.
The next round of apps will be sometime next month, for HailClan’s opening.
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
3 days left to apply!
Applications for DriftClan close on October 14th! If you want to apply, you have three days left to get your application in. Please make sure you read up on the clans and our rules before submitting your application.
The next round of apps will be sometime next month, for HailClan’s opening.
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
y'all dont have submissions open but i have this picture of a kid pressed excitedly up against a window and thats me, waiting for october 14
We do have submissions open, actually!  At least, I’m pretty sure we do...
Anyway, thank you so much for the message, I can promise you that Mod Lacey and I are also deeply anticipating October 14th and the few days that follow.  We can’t wait, we’ve worked very hard on this roleplay and the world surrounding it and it’s so exciting to be able to share it with you!
- Mod Scar
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
Hi! I was just wondering, before I start to develop the backstory of my character, if DriftClan was an already established Clan in your plot's history, or if the plot is starting around DriftClan's founding?
both clans are already established! i’m not sure just how long, but there’s been plenty of leaders in the past/no living cats now that could have been around during the time of founding, so they’ve been here a while!
- mod lacey
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
This might be a stupid question, but how do you calculate age in moons? I've been in the Warriors fandom for years and I still don't know.
There are no stupid questions! A moon is just a month, so six moons is six months, twelve moons is one year, etc! You can always look up cat lifespan and figure out how old you want your character to be that way, too.
- Mod Scar
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
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DriftClan Applications Are Open!
The proud and resilient cats of DriftClan lay claim to the largest half of territory in the snowy basin. But while land is abundant for these lucky cats, it comes with a price. Tensions are high in DriftClan: their plentiful resources in such a harsh region draw the attention of predators and foes alike.. and their precarious rocky slopes don’t make weathering leaf-bares dangers much easier. Will your character be strong enough to make it to green-leaf?
Step into the world of Shiver with the first official opening of DriftClan.
You must be 16+ to apply. If you are on the verge of turning 16, feel free to message one of the mods and we can discuss an exception being made. Finding out that you’ve lied about your age will result in a kick from the group.
We ask that you apply only with a warrior of 30+ moons old. Once accepted, you’ll be given the chance to create younger cats and fill in the ranks.
You must be prepared to be at least semi-active. Active roleplayers will be given more chances to be involved with the plot and keep the roleplay moving.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the Clans and what is expected from you in this roleplay by checking out our links below or through our blog. Then send in your application and get ready - it’s cold out here.
Applications close October 14th.
APPLICATION || information
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
Will you accept anyone before the close date? I'm just really excited is all this role play seems soooo cool! -pun intended-
probably not, we’ll do them all at once once we close because it’s just easier to keep everything straight that way!
- mod lacey
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shiverr-rp · 6 years
How many applications do you have so far?
We have 25 applications as of now! And some really great ones, too. Reminder that the end date for applications is October 14.
- Mod Scar
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