spoopytickles · 4 years
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spoopytickles · 4 years
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hey so,,,@ t community I draw!! It’s all about the anticipation
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spoopytickles · 4 years
Hey, hope it's ok to send a drabble prompt!! Since you're one of the few people in the community into TAZ, how about Taakitz and tummy? ~ticklishsupernerd
1000% Okay!! im in such a Huge Taz mood an Taakitz is so good. these are shorter ones but i do wanna do some longer fics sometime in the future haha
*crosses fingers for more ppl to get into taz* 
Kravitz let out a short gasp, a short smile on his lips as her nervously looked down at Taako, who mid cuddle had made his way down to snuggling against Kravitz torso, face now to his stomach as he nuzzled gently. Taako looked up, eyes mischievous, telling just what was about to come.
“Taako, babe, now, don’t do-H-hehey!!” Before he could even finish, Taako had already begun his gentle attack, watching Kravitz through the corner of his eye. 
He smirked, hands sneaking up the lilac button up Kravitz had summoned on. “What was that babe? I was caught in the thrall of tickling your tummy- too cute, how could any mortal resist??” 
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spoopytickles · 5 years
I'm writing this cause no one else will!!!!!! and screw it I'm here for a GOOD time
Double Trouble tk hcs!!!!!!!!
okay so shapeshifter right???? to their dismay no matter what form they shift into they're always ticklish
if you tickle them for long (or in a bad enough spot 👀) enough they'll shift back into they're regular form
they really like tickling!! they're a switch through and through
no matter what they Will Be Teasy
they're most ticklish on their ears, back and thighs
they're also most sensitive to you know those scratching tickles where you drag your nails over someone's skin? those. those wreck them BAD
okay so you know how they are
very teasy oml
will wiggle their fingers over a spot and just coo "awwwwww is it that bad honey? I'm not even touching you >:)"
calls themself the tickle monster or says they've been bit by the tickle bug
very good about hunting down their victims worst spots
really good at tickling and figuring out the best styles
sharp teeth???? sharp teef???? nibbling that's all
where did they get that feather? or hair brush????
okay so they like being tickled but hell if you wanna get it out of them
will not admit it unless they have just been thoroughly Wrecked
if you even wiggle your fingers at them BOOM there they go off like a shot bye bye double trouble
so u gotta be sneaky okay get behind them wrap your arms around them like a hug, then BOOM you've got your fingers wiggling on their sides
and down goes double trouble all fight or flight responses are GONE
all they can do is curl up into a ball and laugh
oh absolutely cannot take what they dish out
"awww is someone ticklish? it's cute :)!" "shuhuhuhu-UHT uhahaahPPP"
likes those teasy tickles where you just kinda trace over someone's back it makes them feel all sleepy but do not lighten the pressure because uh oh now their laughing and squirming and that just wont do will it?
you have to cuddle with them after they've been wrecked it's a rule okay
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spoopytickles · 5 years
Whats really wack about liking tickling is how
If you’re a normal person requesting a tickle fight fic/art, they dont see anything wrong with it
But if you’re someone who likes it, you immediately think that the person will think it’s weird and will start suspecting something
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spoopytickles · 5 years
Hello I’m new to the tickle community
So I finally have the confidence to start a tickle blog. I’m an artist so I’ll be posting a lot of tickle art or just regular art on here maybe I’ll post head cannons and shit but mostly art. I’m still kinda figuring out my art style so be nice🙂 I do like constructive criticism tho it helps me a lot just none of that “your art is bad” or “you suck” bs. I just want to have a safe place to post my art and have fun. Requests are open btw.
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spoopytickles · 5 years
invader zim t hcs !!
sup mothaFUCKAS im back at it with the HEADCANONS YO!!! this isnt ler or lee OR switch headcanons, this is where theyre ticklish!! i might make ler/lee hcs maybe?? if nyall like this owo,, 
Keep reading
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spoopytickles · 5 years
Date a dork who loves being tickled but is really embarrassed about it
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spoopytickles · 5 years
oof you know what really gets me as a ler?
when you’re tickling a lee so much that they can’t even form coherent words anymore, and all that comes out of their mouth is frantic giggles and half-formed begs
music to my ears.
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spoopytickles · 5 years
psa bc im kinda tired of this
HEY if u type stutters out l-l-like th-this to express being embarrassed or flustered please. dont do that, maybe.
embarrassed/flustered stutters actually involve interjections (for example: "um", "uh", "well", etc.) and short pauses. maybe sometimes followed with nervous laughter
stutters l-like th-th-this are pretty much speech disorders. they suck!!! if you have a speech disorder, people most likely not consider you to be cute, but rather they will either ignore you, make fun of you, patronize you, finish your sentences before you can (which is rude), and/or flat out lose their patience with you.
(oh and btw, speech disorder stutters dont actually sound l-l-like th-this, they sound-sound-sound l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-like th-th-th-th-th-th-this-s-s-s-s-s-s-s).
someone who used to have a speech disorder stutter and can tell you first-hand how sucky they are ੈ✩‧₊˚
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spoopytickles · 5 years
Wonderful sheeby. Thank yuo
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spoopytickles · 5 years
Does your ticklish level depend on who’s ticking you?
Ah! Well.. I think so.. I can’t like.. turn it off but I def feel more t*cklish with partners or my friends djdjdjdj
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spoopytickles · 5 years
“Tickle tickle tickle” is Lawful Evil.
“Coochie coochie coo” is Neutral Evil.
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spoopytickles · 5 years
saying the t-word in my head:
mannn, all these TICKLE posts make me want to get TICKLED now, like...... i’m in such a TICKLEE mood honestly like no cap i’m craving a good ol’ TICKLING today
saying the t-word out my mouth:
t....t-t-t.... téęcōl,,’))
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spoopytickles · 5 years
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H. Hello… it js. Self indulgent time because i was feeling sad
Hghghghhghjtjgg psychic. tiggles
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spoopytickles · 5 years
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Just more to lo- er, be generally fond of, is all.
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spoopytickles · 5 years
AH FUCK! To the person who sent me asks from that ask game? Could u kindly send them again bc tumblr ate your ask, pally pal
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