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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
First Vacation to Granite Falls. Stopping to get supplies before heading over to the campsite. Four days of fun :)
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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
Time to make some money so Autumn can do to her favorite vacation stop Granite Falls ^^
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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
Autumn is happy to be out and doing what she loves. ^^
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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
Autumn didn't like the fruitcake but didn't want to hurt anyone's feeling. So, when they all left, she tried to cook... She is wishing she would have listened to her mom, when she tried to teach her how to cook. :(
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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
Some neighbors come over with some fruitcake and brightened up Autumn's morning. ^^
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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
Autumn woke up from a nightmare. Great way to start a new day in a new town. :(
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Generation 1: Outdoor Retreat
Pack Legacy Challenge by Rosannatxt.
Autunm Packwood Gen 1
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Part 3
Julie was doing good until she caught on fire, but eggs and toast didn't burn. LOL^^
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Part 2
Julie's morning tea was disappointing :(
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Part 1
Sim: Julie Childs
Just had to take some screen shots. So pretty.
Reshade by TheBlondeSimmer (on cloud 9) I changed the setting a little to add the blur.
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just waiting by the door ^^
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Pretty :)
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they just started dancing ^^
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cute ^^
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Prologue: Part one
Bailey: "Dad, I can't stand it here anymore! I'm leaving! Know I understand why mom left you! All you care about is that stupid farm that steals everything and gives nothing back."
Bailey throws her last box in the truck and Clayton heard something break but Bailey didn't even react. Thats when he knew she was really going to leave him. Just like her mother had when Bailey was a baby. Crayton never told Bailey the reason why her mother left, but it didn't have to do with him or the farm.
Clayton: "Honey, please calm down. Come back inside so we can talk."
Clayton moves closer but she just got in the truck slamming the door. He heard is heart creak along with the live the truck engine.
Bailey: "I will call you when I get to Paul's. I'm...I just can't be here anymore. Goodbye dad, love you."
She didn't wait for him to tell her he loved her. Just peeled out. Clayton watched his little girl speed away. Taking with her the reason he fought, so hard to keep the farm going. With her gone he didn't see a reason to continue. Sighing he slowly started his long walk into town.
Clayton: "Well, you know this day was coming. She is her mother's daughter. I just hope she doesn't leave her child with a stranger after he stops to help her in a snowstorm."
He hopes the pub was still open when he got to there. He normally didn't drink but he was going to make an exception today. Tomorrow he would start seeing what he needs to sale to make the bills for the month. Then see about selling the place off. He had lost almost all the lemons in the freeze. Tight wasn't what he was. Nope he was broke and been hoping to make some money on the harvest.
Clayton: "Not that folks want lemons these days. it's all about the coffee. Never understood that. Give me lemonade morning, noon and night..."
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pretty ^^
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