"[...] and put it out there for people to consume, it is fair game to be criticized[...]"
"[...] when you put something out there, it's no longer your home game, it is now a show[...]"
How fucking long have we all been saying this?! It's really so fantastic to finally hear a name in the TTRPG space outright say this!
She's talking specifically about diversity at the table, but I think we can all agree that this also holds true for other aspects as well (narrative, pacing, romance, etc.)
I bet the sycophants are still calling CR a 'home game' and think they sound intelligent.
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 6 months
The M/ighty N/ein got new art for the latest live show, and they've gotten worse. In addition to giving up on Artaghan, Jester appears to have given up pastries and candies. She's recognizable by virtue of being a blue-skinned tiefling, and little else. Beau has aged 30 years in the 7 in-universe years since the last special and has no leg muscle to speak of. Beau, the one who shouldn't age thanks to the monk's Timeless Body, has aged decades more than any of the others. Fjord looks like he's cosplaying Oskar from Jester's romance novels. Caduceus looks okay, aside from how flat his face is. Caleb also looks okay. Yasha doesn't look like a barbarian. Any muscles aside from her biceps have apparently atrophied.
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Don't care so much about Caleb, so let's focus on the others.
How does this keep happening? I understand that your style can change over time, but can you seriously get to a point where you can't even manage to keep the characters basic facial structure the same? Is that a thing? (I'm not an artist, so artists let me know.)
Originally, probably like a lot of you, I assumed they were still using Ari. Turns out that they're using a different artist (Hannah, who apparently did the C3 art), so maybe that's why everybody looks extra weird. But I'm not giving her any leeway either.
Just going by the faces, maybe Beau isn't too bad, though I was genuinely startled when I first saw her (her eyes are too big and like you anon, I think it's ridiculous that she looks SO old). And even though Fjord and Cad also aren't too bad (though I did laugh out loud when I first saw Cad's nose), I think the main problem I have is that they look too human. Jester also looks too human. Again, like I said in the past, they all look like cosplayers, and shitty ones at that.
And why the hell does Yasha look like a teenager? Honestly, if you showed this Yasha and this Beau to someone who's clueless about CR, and told them they're in a relationship, they'd probably think there was a really problematic age gap.
I know we bitched about Ari's one-shot art, but at least in her's, Yasha looked like a grown woman.
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Now the bodies. We already know Jester is a stick, that's nothing new. But it seems like BY got smaller...
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I came across a Reddit post about the art. Skimming through the comments, I saw that someone said they all have a 'bobblehead' look. And I have to agree. Heads too big for their bodies. (Especially Beau.)
Beau has never been bulky, but even she looks thinner. Yasha is a lost cause.
I guess the ONE positive is that Beau doesn't look like a white woman with a bad spray tan?
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 6 months
themetaisawesome asked: I heard through the grapevine that is my twitter feed that f*orester are engaged now and Beau is into polygamy, and I'm sitting over here, having not watched the show since Dorian left campaign 3, thinking to myself, "Y'all are happy? Y'all trust them?" because even people who I saw were disappointed or even mad at cr in the past are softening their resolve.
[NOTE: As usual, I haven't watched the one-shot, so I'm going off of whatever I came across on here and twitter)
The FJ engagement didn't surprise me. Still disappointing all the same.
About Beau being into polygamy... I don't know about that.
I saw a gifset of that moment at the live show and it was Beau mentioning Im/ogen and saying she was cute. (For those who are unaware, Beau [and Caleb] had a joint cameo in one episode of C3, don't know which one, but it was a while back). I haven't seen anything else that indicates there was more to it. Saw some people saying Beau wants an open relationship, and also making the joke of 'here's how Beaujester can still win!'
I went digging for 'discourse' posts and arguments and really found nothing, so I figured the polygamy/open relationship thing was probably exaggerated because otherwise there would've been a full on war between BY's and BJ's.
I did see a reply (from some guy) to one of beaulav/orregard's tweets about it saying that Jester would have to 'ask Fjord for permission first.' Even though it wasn't snarky, it was still unwarranted. (Why are male CR fans always so god damn pushy?)
About the people returning... why? Because of this? Do they actually think there's a possibility of a canon affair between Beau and Jester? This is good fanfic fodder, but little else.
What exactly are they happy about?
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 6 months
I just wanna say thank you for sticking around and keeping this blog up, no matter how much or how little you post. Always glad to read your posts.
This is really nice, anon, thank you.
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 8 months
Well, friends, get a load of this...
Hey, I found your account by accidentally adding a space to my search query. I've read some of your takes and have a suggestion for you: I think you should consider taking a step back from discussing shipping with others. You've obviously had experience with warring ships in the past (something that I think is incredibly immature of those who participate), and judging by your posts, it has affected you quite a bit. I still participate in shipping with friends privately, but keeping discussions offline has been great for my mental health as I don't brush up with toxic people in the fandom. Also, just so you know, you come off as quite aggressive and antagonistic with your opinions, so it might be something to be aware of (it's the only reason I felt the urge to send you this ask). This being said, I do disagree with a lot of your takes, so take my opinion for what it is. I'm a gay non-binary person and have a degree in film/screenwriting, plus primarily direct queer media, yet I have not been offended or triggered by the cast's representation of queer characters or queer relationships since some instances in Campaign 1. I think the cast & company have made great strides in efforts to have respectful representations and are constantly improving. Call it both age and experience, but when taken in the context of an improvised D&D game, characters are going to fall in love with whomever they do, and it might not be the person they were first showing interest in. That's pretty normal in real life, and not all queer relationships are the same nor have the same dynamic. I rarely send asks, but since you're someone who openly debates others, I decided I'd pass my criticism along. I genuinely hope you're enjoying I/modna more than you enjoyed Beau/yasha, and congrats on being this passionate about something. Cheers.
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Thanks so much for the unsolicited advice.
You have a degree in filmmaking... Okay, you're one of those.
Do you think that makes your opinions more valid? Also, I don't remember ever bringing up anything to do with films or even queer media. What post prompted the sharing of this information?
That's another thing about this ask. You say you 'disagree with a lot' of my takes, yet don't even bother to reference which takes those are. Where are the specifics?
'Just so you know, you come off as quite aggressive and antagonistic' 'Aggressive' huh? Wow! Thank you for pointing that out! I had no idea!
Honey, sweetie, babycakes... this as a RANT blog. That's made CLEAR AS DAY in the blog description. You must be brand spanking new to Tumblr if you don't understand what a rant blog is. It is a space for myself and others to VENT. THAT'S THE POINT.
'Antagonistic' though? I've never been antagonistic toward any of my anons, or anyone else I've interacted with on here. I'm definitely being antagonistic toward you though, but only because of your tone.
'characters are going to fall in love with whomever they do, and it might not be the person they were first showing interest in' Sure. But Beau and Jester both ended up with the person they were first interested in (despite the FACT that those initial feelings were fizzling at various points). I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.
'Openly debates others'? Um, where? I have never 'debated' anyone on this blog. Not once. Also, you're not 'debating' here either. This is a hit and run. You came across me 'accidentally' (which I have NO reason to believe), then decided to condescend, then run away.
Also, I'm really not inclined to take someone seriously (who clearly takes themselves incredibly seriously), who is willing to lecture (and psychoanalyze?) a person they randomly came across on here and not have the guts to do it with their URL attached.
Anyway, you will, more than likely, never even see this response. And honestly, I'm glad, because otherwise that would mean you've begun stalking my blog, which would be incredibly fucking weird.
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 8 months
Now, as a continuation from my previous twitter rant...
While I was doing my digging, I found out that beau/jes is the same person I screenshotted in my 'FJ was weird in the reunion' post. Here's the tweet link. (I was genuinely surprised. I tend not to remember handles once I gray them out in a screenshot.)
They're apparently 'new'. Like, started last year, new. Along with most of the people they interact with.
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The thing about them, as evidenced by their complete dislike of FJ, is that they're actually NOT a complete dumbass. They genuinely ship BJ, list it as their #1 ship (over BY), and agree with our gripes about how BJ was handled...
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Along with a bunch of other stuff. (Even their mutual in this screenshot is talking sense.)
That's why it boggles my mind how a person with seemingly this much sense, can still have such a dense take on such a casual comment.
But now, here's where my general gripe with new fans comes in...
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'Canonically lesbians from ep1' WRONG
In the very beginning, people kept going back and forth on whether Beau was gay or bi. Because of the slightly odd way Marisha was playing her at the time. I still remember the confusion and the speculation that followed Beau's interaction with a male captain. (I'm blanking on which ep this was, if someone can help me out, that'd be great. I think the party was talking to some soldiers on the road. That's not the best hint but it's all I've got.) Later in the ep, when Beau and Jester were having 'girl talk', Beau asked Jester about the guy and asked her if she thought he was 'checking her out' or was 'into her'. People were very confused, myself included. She didn't seem to be asking because she was bothered by it. She seemed... intrigued? It was fucking weird.
Much later in the campaign, there was an episode of TM, where Marisha received a question about the fandom calling Beau a 'disaster lesbian'. And all Marisha said was, "Yeah, that seems accurate." And it was only UNTIL that moment, that we had gotten any kind of official confirmation that Beau was for sure gay, and not possibly bi. (It was a very lazy confirmation, but a confirmation nonetheless.)
As for Yasha, well, I addressed this in the retcon post. She was also not confirmed as even being into women UNTIL the wife reveal in ep46. FORTY-SIX! Even then, there were people saying, "ok, but she could still be bi." And for all intents and purposes, she could've been. At the time, she was still not really responding to Beau's advances, and she never gave any hints on where her general interests lied.
So, what the fuck are these people talking about? That BY were 'canonically lesbians' since episode 1? Where does it say that? Who told them that?
It's impossible for me to take new fans seriously on most of their talking points, because they weren't here while it was happening. They have NO CLUE about all the conversations, and speculation, and drama over this shit. These people have never watched TM either. They don't know about any additional information that was disseminated or gleaned from that show that clarified some things and added depth to others. (And now, unfortunately, they never will, because CR took down all of the episodes. With good reason of course, but still, it sucks. Unless someone had the sense to rip the episodes from YT, then all we have are the little snippets/clips on Tumblr and twitter.)
So these people's takes are very often warped. Filled with either misinformation or missing context or both. A lot of the in-fandom stuff are things that you'll never find on a wiki page, or YT highlight reels, or official 'recaps'. That's why when I find a person who was not in the fandom when all this stuff was going down, yet feels bold enough to start speaking on developments in the show or fandom drama, and pontificating over what's right and what's wrong, and policing how people should feel about certain things (i.e. BJ not going anywhere), it makes my blood boil.
This has happened in almost every fandom I've been in, but it was worse with this one. Especially when we had such a large influx of new people just before and after the hiatus. And it was obvious the BY's had gotten to them right out of the gate, because these people immediately boarded the BY train, while simultaneously boarding the BJ hatewagon. They were turned against us as soon as they showed up. That misinformation I mentioned, no doubt came from BY's. As we all know, BY's LOVE to misinform people.
They're the ones who are constantly making up stories about our fandom. About the kinds of people we are. About the kinds of lives we must be living. Claiming "If they're saying this, [insert idiotic assumption here]: "they've never been in a relationship before" or "they must be straight" or "they just hate gay women being sexual" or "they must be virgins". Then there's the two most prevalent ones: BJ's are biphobic, and BJ's are TERFs.
Again, I can't take these people seriously. I cannot stand them.
Last thing... there were at least two people in the replies (of the 'heteronormative' tweet) calling BY butchfemme. In what universe is BY butchfemme?
They'll say wild shit like that but expect not to be mocked for it.
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 8 months
Yeah, they do this all the time. They cherry-pick certain sentences and twist words around, then boldly claim that you were implying something you weren’t. And they miss the point entirely.
I'm convinced they do it deliberately. They know what they're doing, but at that point, they're so desperate to argue, that they'll start grasping at anything they think they can use to try to make you look stupid or weird.
The argument was that people say 'BY is heteronormative'. No one has EVER said that. It reminded me of this:
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'BY is heteronormative' is entirely it's own phrase. Something I never said or even implied.
I still think the 1950's thing is an apt comparison though, because it was very specifically based on what I was told about the M/9 reunion. This is copy and pasted from the anon message: Yasha is not really a distinct character anymore. Beau works for the Cobalt Soul, while Yasha housekeeps and cooks roadkill for dinner. Beau, sitcom dad that she has become in these last six months, appears to expect an empty chair and a full plate when she gets home. Yasha obliges. She’s subservient to Beau’s wishes. The second I read that, I went, "This sounds like the 1950's.", because it fucking does. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less.
But you also can't help but wonder why Marisha and Ashley thought this was the ideal scenario. It could very much be, as you've pointed out, that they are two cishet women viewing this through a very specific lens, that for them, makes this the ideal. Which is honestly kind of disheartening.
Because I don't vibe with this dynamic at all, in general. And the genders of the people involved do not change my feelings on it. It's not suddenly 'better' because it's two women. The whole housewife/breadwinner thing feels boring, bland, and archaic.
I genuinely believe that if these two players were actually queer, this would not have been the scenario they chose. I don't know what they would've went with, but for sure, it would not have been this.
Theirs is a very straight take on how a lesbian relationship should function. (Straight people love to put queer things in boxes because it makes it easier for them to understand. They have a fairly narrow and limited view on relationships in general, and because of that, this fictional pairing that they're acting out ends up feeling narrow and limited too.)
This brings me to my next point. You're right when you say that the fandom doesn't want to hear that the cast is straight/majority straight. They lose their fucking minds. And I've brought this up before, in this post, and included a collection of tweets.
But this tweet was by far the worst one...
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I mean, this shit is fucking bonkers.
And every single one of these people base their beliefs off of hearsay. They take other fans' claims at face value. They believe them wholeheartedly, and don't bother trying to verify any of it. And that's why when you ask these people "can you give me a link to something?" they have nothing to give you. They're simply making inferences based on casual comments, random quips, and 'body language'. Sorry, not sorry, but that is true delusion. There is no other word for it.
To bring this back around to the main point.. I still think the 1950's comparison works. I'm not backing down from it, and I'm not correcting it, because it doesn't need correcting. This person says that "media literacy is dead" while at the same time having zero reading comprehension skills. They want to be edgy and clever so badly, and want to clapback so badly, but they just end up coming to the most brain dead conclusion over a point that's pretty straightforward and easy to understand for people who are not deliberately trying to twist it.
So, I was doing my once-in-a-blue-moon 'beaujester' twitter search, and usually expect to find some nonsense. And I found this tweet...
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(Well, I've definitely blocked you now, RON. What is it with the MEN in this fandom constantly commenting on/trying to police wlw ships/shippers?) Anyway, I found it in reply to THIS:
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Look at the amount of likes on the first tweet. Jesus... (update: I just checked again and the likes are over 600.)
Here's the LINK to the tweet, so you can go read all the infuriating replies. Free block list, ya'll!
And I also had to wonder, if that second tweet was possibly referring to me. And holy shit, I was actually right. Did a little digging and bingo...
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It's THIS post, that I made on November 20. For some reason it took her 8 days to find it/comment on it. All I tagged it with was 'op' 'ask' and '2 asks 1 post'. This person wouldn't have even been able to find that post unless they were following me or already stalking my blog.
And then brought me up NINE MONTHS LATER.
And all while sporting that handle lol
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 8 months
So, I was doing my once-in-a-blue-moon 'beaujester' twitter search, and usually expect to find some nonsense. And I found this tweet...
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(Well, I've definitely blocked you now, RON. What is it with the MEN in this fandom constantly commenting on/trying to police wlw ships/shippers?) Anyway, it was a reply to THIS:
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Look at the amount of likes on the first tweet. Jesus... (update: I just checked again and the likes are over 600.)
Here's the LINK to the tweet, so you can go read all the infuriating replies. Free block list, ya'll!
And I also had to wonder, if that second tweet was possibly referring to me. And holy shit, I was actually right. Did a little digging and bingo...
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It's THIS post, that I made on November 20. For some reason it took her 8 days to find it/comment on it. All I tagged it with was 'op' 'ask' and '2 asks 1 post'. This person wouldn't have even been able to find that post unless they were following me or already stalking my blog.
And then brought me up NINE MONTHS LATER.
And all while sporting that handle lol
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 9 months
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stomp-that-ho-regard · 10 months
So, they actually did it...
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I’m surprised Laura decided to take it there so early. Congrats to the shippers! 
In other news, I’ve seen that there’s going to be another M/9 reunion...
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Someone on twitter posted about how ‘weird’ FJ was in the reunion one-shot. Very interesting observations (that honestly, I’m a little surprised none of my anons brought up in their recaps lol).
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‘reminds me too much of sitcom husbands hating their wives trope’ Fjord has been making weird comments about Jester’s hobbies and passions since C2 began! This is nothing new, and was never funny. If FJ get married (we all know CR WILL force this), he will absolutely start referring to her as ‘the ol’ ball and chain’. I have no doubt Travis would take it there.
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Also, this...
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‘because of Travis and Laura and not the characters themselves’ I wish more FJ shippers would just admit this and not feel the need to write whole ass “um, actually...” essays on how DEEP the relationship is and how much the characters are SO SUPPORTIVE of each other.
If this is what support looks like to you, then I’ve got a bridge to sell ya.
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If you haven’t already heard, C2 is getting animated.
I have no doubt that this series is going to focus heavily on the ships (read: literally be CARRIED by them) because they don’t have any solid major plot to work with. This will be the trainwreck to end all trainwrecks.
Can’t wait to see all the BJ moments that either get cut completely (the crush confession for sure, in fact, I bet it’ll be the first to go), get rewritten so they’re less subtext-y, or Jester gets replaced with Yasha! (Already happened in one of the animated recaps, so...)
I really don’t understand how any Beaujester shippers are actually excited about this. I’ve seen it all over twitter.
They actually think CR is going to allow the flower crown, the talk on the boat, Beau wearing the dress, Beau checking out Jester in the tattoo episode, the crush reveal, etc.
Oh, honey, no. 
They’re not gonna leave any of that in. You’re gonna be in for a rude awakening when you realize they’re gonna avoid anything Beaujester like the fucking plague.
And you won’t have anyone to get mad at but yourselves.
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wrt the official art by ariana orner, it's always generally looked a little ... off to me, even back when i still liked cr. the proportions are almost never 100% right, and most of the figures just have a stiff, awkward, disjointed feeling to them, like they're sims or mannequins. plus, like 80% of the time the characters' heads are jammed onto their shoulders without a neck visible. proportions from portrait to portrait of the same character also change dramatically in a way real-life people don't actually change. compare caduceus' og portrait to his second one -- he suddenly grew like a foot in height and all his limbs got spindlier and longer. then, in the winter clothes portrait, he shrunk again to something closer to his original proportions. across the same three portraits, caleb's facial features change so much, he barely looks like the same guy. I could go on. I wouldn't be this critical of an amateur fanartist drawing for fun, but this is a paid artist, and the lack of attention to detail just looks unprofessional.
Yeah. Ariana’s work was always kind of hit and miss.
But I think her biggest misstep was when she made Beau into a white woman.
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I’m sorry, but that third person is not Beau. You can’t chalk this up to the artist’s ‘style’. This is straight-up whitewashing. Beau has obvious WHITE features there. Her almond-shaped eyes that were very clear in the first two portraits are gone.
Then there’s Jester...
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Again, who is that third person? A cosplayer? 
That third set of portraits were downright ghastly for pretty much every character.
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Boy oh boy. I didn't watch the oneshot but I watched a clip of when Kingsley went to Beau and Yasha to talk about Molly to see if we got any interesting introspection from Yasha since Molly was supposed to be her platonic soulmate, in Ashley's words. Yasha can only describe Molly in awkward, bumbling words. "Uhhh... He was fun... and caring... And uhhhhh good to talk to" while Beau gives some actual interesting insight.  Then Yasha's advice is to "Stay on the good path" and "not the bad one" and that she's "speaking from experience". I honestly don't know how people think Yasha is a well roleplayed character. Ashley is given so many chances to explore her character and she just doesn't, especially post Beau romance. Even when she and Beau decide to adopt children in the oneshot, it's in such a dumb, awkward, hamfisted way with Ashley just agreeing "Yeah yeah I like that" to what Marisha says. Ashley may be a good actress when given a script to work with, but she is not a good roleplayer.  Maybe that's why Fearne suits her better since as a faye she can do whatever chaotic thing she wants and still have it be technically "in character". I was honestly hoping the oneshot could bring a little redemption to her character but it's just more of the same.
It’s always boggled my mind how these people, majority of whom are in long-term committed relationships, can somehow end up roleplaying romance so badly. And how the cast is so close, yet end up roleplaying friendships so badly. In either case, they have such a hard time getting their characters to string words together to describe how much they love/care for one another.  
Out of Marisha and Ashley, Marisha seemed to be better at that. 
Back when Molly died... at the time, I was sort of sad because I felt bad for Taliesin. I wasn’t too broken up about the character. Then came the scene where they buried him. Beau made a little speech about him. I remember being iffy about how that was gonna go. But I teared up. I teared up over a character that we had only known for 26 episodes and who I wasn’t particularly fond of. Marisha managed to make me feel something.
To be honest, even in later episodes when she’d talk about him, Beau seemed to have better insight into Molly. Beau made me FEEL Molly’s loss. Yasha never did. Yasha and Molly were supposed to be like two peas in a pod and yet, she could never manage to talk about him as anything more than a surface-level passing thought. I keep wondering how Ashley wasn’t embarrassed by that.
I just can’t stop getting the feeling that she would come to table completely empty-headed. You could tell that 1) she wasn’t bothering to watch any previous episodes to get some sense of where everyone was at and 2) she wasn’t spending any time thinking about her character. Two things that should be a given, so that when you do come back to the table, you’re focused and clear on what you want to accomplish. You can fully engage with whatever transpires because you’re not sitting there wondering what the fuck is going on. You end up with a sense of calm continuity.
I never felt that from Ashley. There were always long silences and stumbling over words. Always struggling with what to say and how to say it. The only time Ashley’s ‘mind fog’ actually came off as funny was in ep89.
The fight club underneath the King’s Cut Butchery that you could only enter if you used a specific phrase at the door. They were like, “We’ll let Yasha talk to the guy.” (And you could see the terror on Ashley’s face. She was even looking through her notes (even though she never wrote it down). She wasn’t ‘acting’ as Yasha. SHE was confused. Even though she was present while the party was discussing the fight club, she took NOTHING in.)
She said, “Yes, uh, uh... We came here for the... Shit. The special cut of-- we have some-- a cut in the back. What?” And the rest of the table broke down in giggles. 
Her confusion worked in her favor and made for a genuinely funny moment.
The problem comes when Ashley continuously has moments like this. It’s especially disappointing in more important moments like, when talking about the person she’s supposedly in love with or when talking about the one friend she called her ‘soulmate’. Ashley never made me FEEL any of it. And clearly, nothing has changed.
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While we’re on the subject of new looks, cr’s aversion to letting Jester have meat or fat in official art makes her face in the pirate pic look… iffy. I don’t know if it’s just me, but her cheeks make her look like a 40/50 year old who’s had work done, even tho she’s supposed to be in her 20s.
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And this is supposed to be only a handful of months after the main campaign ended.
I guess all that sea air weathered the fuck out her face?
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"since she’s not adventuring anymore, it makes sense that she’d lose some muscle mass’." WHEEZE this got me losin my mind like lmaoooo WHAT... BRO MUSCLE MASS DON'T WORK LIKE THAT. that and. yall will make any excuse to justify skinnifying of buff women. if cr can make jokes abt how buff yasha is and often abt how buff jester is too then why the fuck is fjord of 12 strength built like a bodybuilder and yasha of 18 strength built like mcu black widow??? make it make sense. fucking idiots. cr brainrot is a special kind of disease i swear.
LOL I know right?
That extremely hilarious comment was actually a reply on a post. Here it is (along with another stupid reply)...
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And also, why does Jester have 20 strength and yet consistently has stick arms? She ain’t using magic to help her pick shit up, she’s using her muscles. Where the fuck are they? She always helped Yasha lift heavy things that no one else in the party could. Matt literally described her as ‘ripped’ in ep84. Why does the official art never reflect that? 
Don’t forget, the cast has total control over these character portraits. They work with the artist to get exactly what they want. They approved this. (Deep down, this cast seems to be allergic to women who are truly muscular, and unconventionally shaped and sized.)
Here’s the post in question (from user s/tickandthorn). I guess I can kinda see what they’re saying but, in regards to Yasha, it’s really just a bunch of smooth-brained nonsense.
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“people are associating pure size and combat ability with her” Well, of course we are. She’s a FUCKING BARBARIAN.
And then brings up martial arts. Yasha is not a martial artist. You know who is though? Beau! And we KNOW Beau is strong as fuck. Her size, her musculature; it works for her class. It makes sense.
Yasha is a FUCKING BARBARIAN and no longer looks like one.
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“they are almost always naturally large to begin with” Guess who that describes? Yasha! Because she’s a FUCKING BARBARIAN.
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“when you take any average person [...] they will not look like that unless their body was already naturally built to look like that.” But Yasha IS naturally built like that because she’s a FUCKING BARBARIAN.
“it’s fair to want her to be huge. i like that! i imagine her that way myself!” Here’s the thing: no one should have to imagine her that way. She is just THAT WAY. Why? Because she’s a FUCKING BARBARIAN.
I know I keep repeating myself, but clearly, it bears repeating, because apparently people in this fandom don’t understand what Barbarians are. They’re all built the same way. They are naturally muscular, naturally large. It’s inherent in the class. They do not have to WORK at it. That’s just how they’re built. They don’t suddenly lose their largeness. 
That would be like looking at a Giant and claiming “well, they haven’t been adventuring for while, so it makes sense that they would lose some height.” lol
I will keep screaming that she’s a FUCKING BARBARIAN from the god damn rooftops as a rebuke of that completely braindead post that somehow got 82 fucking notes.
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Part 2 of this nonsense continues tonight.
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