strawbrrysun287 · 10 months
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Knock Knock!
Whose there? 👀
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strawbrrysun287 · 11 months
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People pleasing everyone? That's nearly impossible. But pissing people off? That's a piece of cake... and I do love cake.
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strawbrrysun287 · 11 months
Fanfic recommendations about Pete Phongsakorn Saengtham
- Just some of my favorite fics that center around his character, with or without VP elements - Hello people! I've done the same post on Twitter a while back but it needs to be in here as well, where I can actually tag the people responsible for giving me so many feelings about my son (+ no word limit so I can show my appreciation properly). I love all of you, you're the best ❤️
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Deep Dive by @ameliarating I need to start this off with my favorite Pete fic of all time. Zaatar's writing brings so much emotion out of me. It felt like I was slowly suffocating underwater, a sense of claustrophobia consuming me, making my chest feel tight. The mix of good and bad memories Pete has about the safehouse is impeccably utilized in this fic, instances when he wanted the rope, when he didn't, when he wanted to hide etc. He feels conflicted and it's so obvious in its subtlety here, in a good way. Even thinking about it now makes me want to cry, truly an incredible fic. I would also suggest you read Civil Hands by them as well, a fantastic character study about Pete and his relationship with violence.
drank every scar by @Lirelyn Oh my lord, this fic destroyed me. There's been only a small amount of instances in which every sentence of a fic made me gasp and need a minute to gather my thoughts and this is one of them. I can't believe how accurately they portrayed Pete here. His total disregard for his own well being, his reluctance to open up to Vegas about his injury, his total lack of self worth. It made me go feral and it's only (almost) 3k words. So much impact, so much characterization, such spectacular work. As a Pete fan, thank you immensely for this, I keep coming back to it a lot.
won't give up these ghosts by @fleet-off This fic blew me away when I first read it. What might sound like a silly, grim idea at first glance actually managed to capture the core aspects of Pete's character and how they bounce off of Vegas' character, showcasing their relationship post canon in a way that felt so real and so them. His need to shut off and be invisible to the world expressed through this weird habit of his captured my attention and never let it go, which was only possible because of fleet's spectacular writing. Go read all of her fics, she's a gifted writer and the VP fandom becomes richer every time she posts.
Once You Are Real by @veliseraptor Oh God, this fic lives rent free in my mind. The "Pete got forgotten" storyline has so much potential post canon and Lise's way of dealing with it blew me away. It was explored wonderfully and Pete's feelings came through so beautifully, it stuck with me after finishing it. It's a concept that's difficult to portray well, keeping characters as close to canon behavior as possible, but Lise managed to pull through and bring us this fantastic fic. I would suggest checking out the rest of their fics, they're a very talented writer.
splinter by @lu-sn Here comes lusn with her mission to cause me emotional damage with every fic she writes. She usually does so with her Macau centric fics, making me an even bigger fan of the cute, little gremlin than I already was, but in this list, I want to talk about splinter and how it devastated me. The relationship between Pete and Chan has captivated me and the way it was showcased here made me gasp by the end of it. It's nice to read fics with a little more realistic approach to Pete's situation once he returned to the main family from the safehouse and Lusn nailed it! Read all of her fics immediately, she's great!
It's There for the Asking by @minorfamilysupremacy I simply cannot express how much this fic touched me. While reading it, I kept picturing Pete from ep 9 and his bubbly, drunk self; Ellie captured that image perfectly in her fic. So many emotions packed in 1.5k words, I don't know how she did it but she gets Pete's character so much and she portrays him so well. His conversation with Vegas was one of the best I've ever read in any VP fic, in regards to being centered around him. I can't thank her enough for this gift. Check out the rest of her fics, each and every one of them is phenomenal.
Winning and Losing by @thelastperformer OMG, pls go read this fic immediately, I don't know why it's so underrated. The concept, Pete's characterization, the other characters, the narrative choices, the writing, all of it is so so good and deserves to be experienced, especially from Pete fans. Pete shines brilliantly here, his violent side, his efficiency, his love and concern for those he loves. I enjoyed the hell out of it and you should definitely give it a chance.
I Ain't Done by @kuipereris This fic punched me multiple times in the face and I said thanks. It isn't for everyone - as it has a MCD - but for those who can stomach it, the concept and how it's executed brought so much emotion out of me (surprisingly, I didn't cry but I felt everything to my core). We see how Pete struggles post safehouse and the choices he made, trying to navigate this new reality he lives in and it's just so effective in its narrative. I hadn't seen Pete's feelings being explored in this way before and I immensely appreciated it. Go check out the rest of their fics, they're angsty af and delicious.
words spilling out like sand by @loveable-sea-lemon VegasPete and poetry?? From Pete's POV?? HELL YES! I keep coming back to it from time to time, the poems are so mesmerizing and pack so much emotion into them. I really liked how Pete's feelings about Vegas were explored in this form, it's very unique. Check out the other poem as well from the poems for pete <;3 series, it's emotional and a very good read.
'cause your hands and lips still know their way around by @waitforthestars This was one of the first fics I read I believe, when I had first joined the VP fandom. I really like it and it holds a fond place of nostalgia in my heart now, even though it's been a couple of months since I read it. The thoughts Pete has here flow like blood, messy and jumbled like his mind. I loved the writing style, it felt like it fit with Pete's mental state once he escaped from the safehouse. Good job!
Of course, I'm sure there are more amazing Pete centric fics out there that I could very well not have discovered or not mentioned in this post. I just wanted to gather some of my favorites so that I can share the love for them with the rest of you. Pls pls pls, if you know of more Pete centric fics and want to talk about them, share them. I can't get enough of my boy, I'll appreciate it to no end. Thank you ❤️
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strawbrrysun287 · 11 months
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I immediately break into pieces during this scene 😌
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strawbrrysun287 · 11 months
Oh shit. Hey Tumblr. It's... it's been a while 😅
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
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jin losing his mind laughing while joon calmly goes “rj looks like he lost weight, he looks like he dieted a lot, guys please donate to rj” is peak namjin energy (trans cr. miiniyoongs, bonsaidilf)
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
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Matching icons (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Two Seconds
Two seconds.
Jin was going to lose it in exactly two seconds.
He has spent the last 10 years trying to express his feelings for Namjoon. His stupid childhood best friend that he has had feelings for since freshman year of high school.
Ten. Fucking. Years.
At first, he sent things anonymously but always would add enough personality that if Namjoon thought hard enough he would realize who it was from.
After that didn’t work the first three years of his crush he moved on to more bold gestures. Giving Namjoon little gifts just because or treating him out to eat whenever he was able to and always, ALWAYS, flirting just a little.
After four, FOUR, years of that he decided to just say fuck it and be open about it. Always inviting Namjoon to holidays, introducing Namjoon as his special friend, giving him gifts on holidays solely meant for couples but not giving any of their other friends’ gifts.
But over the course of the past three years being bold and just plain open about it didn’t work out either.
Ten years. For ten years he has been crushing hard, maybe a little or a lot in love, on his best friend. Finally, he decided to give it up.
Namjoon was brilliant. He had to have figured it out by now, there was no way he didn’t.
But then today happened.
Namjoon came over.
Moping and pouty.
So of course Seokjin asked what was wrong.
Sweet, stupid Namjon decided on the day Seokjin was done trying to woo the other that he was going to complain about how single he was.
How no one ever met his standards and if he could find someone like Seokjin who would actually love him back maybe he wouldn’t be so grouchy about love.
And wait a minute.
At first, Seokjin thought he heard the idiot incorrectly.
Someone like Seokjin? To love him BACK?
“What do you mean someone like me?” He had asked. Which thus in turn caused Namjoon to flush like he didn’t actually mean to say it.
“Well… I mean? You’re kinda perfect. Everything about you is perfect but I know you aren’t interested in me that way just as a caring hyung and I love that because it means you’ll always be in my life but sometimes I just wish I had someone to come home to and curl up in bed with and love… Ya know?”
Which led Seokjin to where he was right now.
“I will kill you Namjoon.”
“But hyu-”
“No. NO. I WILL kill you. Ten years. TEN YEARS. I have tried everything in the book to make you notice me and to make you realized I was in love with you. EVERYTHING. I even bought those stupid cosmo magazines that everyone raves over and my god I’m never doing that again but even those tricks didn’t work!”
“TEN YEARS. I left anonymous letters and cards all with stupid puns that only I make! I would buy you gifts and take you out for late-night dinners at ROMANTIC places. I INTRODUCED YOU TO MY FAMILY AS MY SPECIAL FRIEND, NAMJOON. I bought you things for couple holidays! I even told you I love you in a special way that no one else can ever replace!”
“B… but those things can be done for a best friend right?”
Taking a deep breath, Seokjin rubbed at his temples knowing the oncoming headache would not be worth it.
“No Namjoon. Normally you only give those you are in love with couple gifts and treat them like I treat you. I literally bought us matching couples sweaters and watches! AND RINGS!!”
“But… you never… you never gave me a sign!”
And if murder wasn’t illegal, Seokjin would kill Namjoon just for the satisfaction only to bring him back to life.
“How about this. Kim Namjoon. As in YOU. Will you please just fucking date me?”
“See! That’s a clear sign!”
A twitch. Namjoon had caused Seokjin to have an eye twitch.
“OH! Oh! It was an actual question!! Yes! Yes! I would love to date you, hyung!”
“I’m going to murder you Namjoon. Two seconds. I am two seconds from murdering you.”
“What if I kiss you?”
“Then I can hold off for another ten seconds.”
“At least I’ll die having kissed my boyfriend”
And that stupid smile. That stupid dimpled smile.
“Okay maybe I’ll keep you…”
“I love you hyu-”
“I’ll just keep you hanging for ten years like you kept me waiting~”
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Stupid Candles
It was a daily occurrence. Okay not daily, but it seemed to be happening at least four or five days a week.
A loud knock would echo through the living room before Jungkook would rush to get it. They may live in a nice apartment building but that didn’t mean that some of the kids here didn’t like to snatch packages up in some game.
Before they actually moved in together Jungkook would still grab packages when Yoongi was preoccupied or out but he had no idea it was of this caliber.
What was his tiny hyung even ordering so much of? Some packages felt like there was just air in them and others felt like they were filled with bricks encased in cement. Then of course all the in-between packages.
As Jungkook started to drift off into daydreams there was a knock on the door and immediately his head hung between his shoulders.
Damn Amazon. They always had the worst timing and this wasn’t even the first time they interrupted something. Even if just now he was only daydreaming.
One time he had Yoongi in such a nice pliant state ready to devour him for hours only for a package to be delivered. Yoongi ended up snapping right out of that pliant state cause he was so excited about the arrival of his package, and of course, Jungkook ended up lying naked, face down on their bed for hours listening to Yoongi coo over his cute new stuffed animal set.
With a sigh, Jungkook gave up on his daydreaming and instead made his way to the front door of the apartment. Opening the door he questioned how heavy the package would be this time only to find himself staring blankly down at the nine boxes stacked precariously all the same size.
Tongue poking at his cheek, Jungkook bent down to pick them up carrying the wobbly stack to the small kitchen island.
As he stared at the packages the curiosity got the best of him. He knew Yoongi wouldn’t mind him opening them up because he had before with no qualms from the smaller. And he had to admit, he wanted to know why there were nine different packages instead of just one.
After starring for five minutes he finally decided to go for it. Grabbing a kitchen knife cause he didn’t want to waste time he sliced the tape open on the first box before eagerly opening the cardboard flaps.
An entire box full of short thick white candles. Candles?
Okay, that was a bit anti-climatic.
On to the next box.
A couple of slices and cardboard flaps out of the way and…
Black candles?
There was no way. There was no possible way Yoongi ordered nine boxes of candles…
At his astonishment and confusion, he didn’t even hear the door opening. What he did hear was the squeal of excitement that every package received. Big or little, Amazon or a small business Yoongi fell in love with. Each package always received the same excited squeal and happiness.
“They came in! I was wondering if they would come in while I was out! Hurry and take your banana milk so I can open the rest pleeease?”
“Please tell me you didn’t order nine boxes of just candles…”
Even at his words he still took the bag filled with banana milk and started putting them in the fridge along with the iced coffees.
“It’s not just candles bun. Each box has different colored candles. I got white, black, red, orange, brown, yellow, green, gray, and purple!”
Within seconds all nine boxes of candles were opened spread across the kitchen island with a gleeful Yoongi looking over them all.
“So nine boxes of colored candles? What is the reason hyung? I know you love candles and you have your own business but NINE different colors?”
With a roll of his eyes, Yoongi put the candles down and made his way over to Jungkook who just shut the fridge and wrapped his arms around the taller’s waist.
“Each candle color has a different meaning and use for what I do with them. However, a white candle can actually replace any other color candle in any kind of spell or creation. Just like rosemary can be used as a replacement for any kind of herb. White and rosemary are both used all around.”
The dumbfounded look on Jungkook’s face made Yoongi laugh softly. He loved seeing Jungkook so confused when it came to this stuff because he looked so adorable.
“You know Kook, I could always give you a lesson on these things~ Then you could help me in the office?”
“You know very well if I was in that office with you we would get nothing done. I would be like a bull in one of those shops that only sell little glass trinkets that cost more than my monthly pay. Then you would yell at me to sit down, I would get turned on and grab you, then we would have sex in your office, and that’s a no-sex zone as you have told me countless times… Unless… maybe you changed your mind hyung?”
“Your libido is higher than a literal bunny rabbit you know that, Bun? And no, I did not change my mind. The office is still a no-sex zone because I have too many fragile things in there.”
“You’re the most fragile thing in there, baby”
At his sappy nature, Yoongi shoved playfully at Jungkook’s chest before rolling his eyes and going back over to his boxes of candles.
“And at that, you dork, I am going to go play with my new candles and maybe carve some. I’ve been waiting on these for weeks because there was a shortage on the purple ones and I wanted them all shipped together.”
“Aw come on! I have something even better you can play with?”
“Nah, I think I would get more fun out of playing with my new candles~”
And with that the office door shut behind Yoongi leaving a baffled and pouty Jungkook behind.
Maybe laying naked face down on their bed for hours would become his new normal…
Stupid candles.
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Rocks AND Crystals
(The first in a series of Witch!Yoongi and Human!Jungkook <3<3)
Jungkook and Yoongi had officially been dating a year and for their one-year anniversary, Kook decided that he was going to ask Yoongi to move in with him. However, that got flipped on him when Yoongi ended up asking him first resulting in lots of laughter, lots of kissing, and lots of sex. Not in the restaurant of course.
In the end, Kook was grateful Yoongi popped the moving in question first because his apartment was well above and beyond the hole in the wall he himself lived in. So one week later found Kook staring at all of the boxes gathered up in the living room, if you could call it that, of his apartment waiting for the movers to get there.
He had offered Yoon that he could pay for the movers or that he himself could do all the moving but Yoongi insisted that he hire movers so they could just relax during the whole process. Which granted, he was happy to be able to not have to worry about moving everything and just let the movers take over the whole process.
“Babe? Are you ready to head back to my- well, our place now? The movers are going to be here in about ten minutes and I figured we could head off before they get here since they have a key and we can grab some food yeah? Lamb skewers on me? Or better yet, we could go back to our place and order lamb skewers then we can watch whatever movie you want?” came Yoongi’s sweet voice.
“Even if it’s Iron Man?” Kook couldn’t help but whip his head around to face the older with a grin spread across his lips.
“Yes, you absolute nerd. We can watch Iron Man for the hundredth time only if you cuddle me… and play with my hair…?” His gummy little smile was on full display as he reached his hand out to the taller.
“Then it’s a deal hyung. Let’s head back to yours and just spend some time together before we have to start unpacking tomorrow.”
Less than an hour later found the two curled up on the couch. Jungkook’s legs perched up on the couch with Yoongi sitting on his lap, shorter legs sprawled over the taller’s, and bellies filled with delicious lamb skewers that they didn’t hesitate in devouring.
Even as the movers worked around them bringing boxes in, they were lost in their own little world. Curled up together with loud screaming coming from the TV as Tony Stark dove into his American-style burger.
“Hey, Kook-ah…? Now that we have moved in together… maybe we should talk a little bit more…? You know that my busi-”
“Yes! Listen to him! He is such an inspiration. I wish I could be Tony Stark. You could be the pepper to my Tony Stark?”
“As much as I would love to walk around in pencil skirts and killer heels berating you all day, I kind of like you as Jeon Jungkook. My boyfriend. My muscle bunny. My everything. I think you are a thousand times better than Tony Stark… but then again he is kinda sexy. Has the whole daddy vibe going on.”
“Says the one who moaned out daddy when I fucked him in my office at the gym during my shift hm? Really want to go there, hyung?”
“Okay. Some points have been made. No need to continue.”
Yoongi’s bottom lip poked out into a pout before Jungkook finally gave in, leaning his head down to peck at his hyung’s lips.
“You’re such a baby, hyung. But you’re my baby hyung. Get it? My baby hyung?”
“Yes, I get it you little gremlin. Now back to what I was saying before we were interrupted by your obsession with Tony Stark.”
“Not obsession hyung. Just eternal undying unfathomable love.”
“... Same thing. Anyways… What I’ve been trying to tell you is now that we have moved in together you will probably start to notice some odd things laying around here or there and I don’t want you to freak out if you see anything odd. Just come to me and ask me about it if you’re curious okay?”
“Okay… but like what kind of weird things?”
“Well you know I run a business from here right?”
“Of course hyung. It’s how we met. Jimin bought some weird rock for you and gifted it to Taehyung. He turned it into a necklace and never takes it off. Is that even hygienic?”
Jungkook was truly curious. After Jimin gave Taehyung the oddly breathtaking rock, Taehyung instantly turned it into a necklace with a corded material and has yet to ever take it off.
“It wasn’t a ROCK it was a CRYSTAL you absolute uncultured swine. And on top of that, it was a charmed and charged love quartz. As for why Taehyung is so obsessed you would have to ask him. That’s his story to tell. But do you realize what exactly my business entails…?”
“Uh… don’t you make super personalized items for people? And you have an odd fascination with rocks AND crystals which I think is part of what your business is, yeah?”
At that Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh. He reached for Kook’s hand that was resting on his waist and laced their fingers together with a small smile.
“Yes the rocks and crystals are part of what I do but that is just scratching the surface of what I do. So before we get too deep into it, you should know I practice witchcraft. I’m classified as a witch. My services include different health and beauty products that help people. Charms and different items which is where the rocks come in along with the crystals. I also do tarot readings for others. Those are things I do for the humans at least…”
“For the humans…?”
“Yeah. There are humans and non-humans. My friend, another witch, performs services for non-humans and makes a lot of money doing it. So I figured I could make things for humans that need questions answered or an extra boost in their life. I make good money with it and I absolutely love it and because of how I appear I am able to practice most of my magik without hiding it. Of course, there are still things I have to practice in secret because it doesn’t fall under what most humans would practice but it’s easy enough to hide.”
Yoongi carefully watched the younger’s face seeing the confusion but understanding flitter across his eyes.
“So you’re a non-human but pretend to be a normal human performing witchcraft and run a business based on it?”
“Yes, essentially. I know I should have told you… you know… before you moved in. But I was so nervous just about asking you to actually move in I kinda forgot a few details… You aren’t reconsidering are you…?”
Without a second of hesitation, both of Jungkook’s arms wrapped tight around Yoongi’s small waist and pulled him tight against his chest. His nose nuzzling into the crook of the older’s neck with a soft huff of laughter.
“Did you really think I would be upset just because of this? I admit it’s kind of jarring because I never would have thought you are a witch but you being a witch doesn’t change you. Are you still the dork who cries when the right song comes on? Are you still my tiny baby hyung who fell in love with me even when I was still sleeping on Jimin’s couch and didn’t have anything to my name? Are you still Yoongi, the one who starts to whine when I don’t cuddle him quick enough when it is time for bed? Or the one who sleeps curled up next to me making me feel warm and loved? How about are you still the one who will play with my hair on hard days and make me food and baby me when I need it? You being a witch doesn’t change any of those things… I still love you Yoongi and I have not a single regret agreeing to move in. I’m just even happier now that you asked me first because… my old place definitely wasn’t big enough…”
Yoongi melted into the younger with his eyes fluttering close. In Jungkook’s arms is where he always felt safest and that never changed. No protection charm or spell ever made him feel the way Jungkook did.
“Thank you Kook-ah… Your words and more importantly YOU always make me feel so much better when my mind starts racing. It will be fun learning to live with each other but more importantly, not having to pay two sets of bills and you not having to leave early in the morning because you forgot something in your own apartment.”
“It will be a lot easier and less stressful. I’ll get to come home to each night kitten. What could be better than that?”
And if Yoongi slipped into a perfect little daydream world with Jungkook coming home from work to a nice dinner Yoongi made for them and then having sex on every surface of their shared apartment (again), well, that will be his little secret.
Several hours later as they both lay in bed, curled up together once again, Jungkook lets out a loud exclaim like he learned the answer to life.
“Rocks AND crystals you absolute heathen!!”
0 notes
strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Need a Blanket?
Jin just KNEW that the three little brats on the floor above his dorm had everything to do with this.
Jin KNEW that Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung the ungrateful brats they were started the fire. No one else was stupid enough to be doing something to cause a fire at TWO IN THE DAMN MORNING.
He was having a perfectly good dream about owning his own cafe, being the talk of the town, and rolling around in a pile of money. Only to be rudely woken up by the screeching of the fire alarm and his resident advisor using the master key to bust his door down then rushing him out into the freezing cold night.
Jin hated his resident advisor because the college-level senior always seemed to have the biggest stick up his ass. Then again having something up the ass nine out of ten times was pleasurable so maybe he had the stick shoved down his throat… Well, if done correctly even that could be delightful… okay maybe the stick was embedded into his shriveled-up brain who the fuck knows.
Back to the issue at hand, his stupid resident advisor refused to let him grab a jacket or anything and it was freezing out in the middle of November. Of course, he was turning into a damn popsicle and getting crankier by the minute.
Every time he tried to ask someone what was going on they would just wave him away like he was some first grader who kept bugging them about when their next snack time would be and if they kept it up he would be turning them into the next snack and feed them to ravenous starved freshmen.
As he looked around at all the students rushed out of the dorm he noticed most had the decency to bring jackets or blankets. Except for one poor soul who was rushed out in a simple pair of briefs but at least he had friends who were wrapping him up in their collective blankets.
Jin knew he should have said fuck it to the advisor and grabbed a jacket anyway. It wasn’t like the fire was on their floor and it seemed like the sprinkles that were activated stopped the fire from spreading anywhere except the room where it was started.
Speaking of the fire that started and ruined a perfectly pleasant night, Jin continued to look around seeing if he could find the culprits just so he could give them a piece of his mind.
Even if he already knew deep down who started the fire that caused all of this.
Finally, his eyes landed on his three annoying dongsaengs with their heads down looking properly chastened by the firefighter who seemed to be more than a tad red in the face.
Okay, now he kinda felt bad for the three shitheads. Jimin looked close to crying while Taehyung and Jungkook looked like they were two seconds from dropping to their knees and begging for forgiveness.
Maybe he wouldn’t be so hard on them later but as the chill seeped into his bones he debated on whether or not he should go over and take over for the poor fire captain just so he could lecture the idiots himself.
After he lectured them of course he would make them a good breakfast to remind them he still loved the idiots.
Idiots that they have always been.
Still loved nonetheless.
His entire body started to sag between the tiredness that was finally catching up to him and the cold that had his body going numb.
Before he could think of a plan to steal one of the blankets someone from his dorm had he suddenly had a wall of warmth envelope him causing him to stiffen before relaxing without even thinking about how weird it was.
Once that thought finally occurred, his eyes snapped open in surprise, and looked around frantically for the cause of the warmth.
Immediately he noticed a thick plush royal blue blanket draped around his shoulders and someone a little taller than him standing directly in front of him with a questioning look on his face.
Oh fuck, the mystery man was talking. What did he say? He really should pay more attention to these things. Uh… maybe he can pretend he was confused. Well, he was confused so he doesn’t have to pretend.
“I’m... I’m sorry. I wasn’t paying attention.” Was he really that cold? Was that his teeth chattering together?
“No no no. You’re fine! You’re fine! I was looking for my hyung and seen you shaking. Your lips are kinda a... They are kinda turning a weird blue shade? Noticed you didn’t have a blanket or jacket and figured I could share mine. I sleep curled up with my sweater on and cocooned into my blanket so when they woke me up it just all kinda came with me instead of taking time to untangle.”
“Thank you. For the blanket. My resident advisor just kind of pulled me out of bed then shoved me out the door. He’s kinda a dick and I’ve been spending the last hour and a half thinking about how I was going to kill him and use him as an ingredient in my next meal then serve it to all the freshmen.”
“That’s... That’s a little violent, isn’t it? I mean, on second thought, it is freezing out here so yeah. Just make sure I don’t eat any of it okay? The thought of eating human flesh doesn’t exactly get me warm and fuzzy…” Mystery man let out a soft chuckle and wow that sound made Seokjin feel warm and fuzzy. What the hell?
“I promise I won’t feed you any of it. I honestly wouldn’t even feed it to the poor freshmen. I would just throw his body into the lake. No use ruining my perfect cooking dishes over him.”
With a grin, Seokjin held out his finally warm hand.
“Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you uh…?”
“Kim Namjoon!”
Okay so maybe Jin was a little weak for the other’s large hand wrapped around his. And maybe they held hands for a little longer than necessary but it was warmth and Jin was not about to say no.
Plus he kinda liked it.
“You know, I feel kinda bad keeping all of this warmth to myself. I bet I would warm up even faster and you could stay warm too if you join me under the blanket?”
Seokjin’s lips pursed like he was trying to be completely serious but a flirty smile broke out over his lips instead as he opened up his arms to let Namjoon get closer to him.
Jin was gonna take his chance. He was cold, tired, okay maybe a little delirious but Namjoon was hot and what did Jin really have to lose?
Seeing Namjoon’s lips quirk up into a smirk, Jin knew he made the right decision and shook his arms a little telling the other to hurry up.
Quickly Namjoon shuffled forward and Jin’s arms wrapped tight around the other’s waist before burying his face against Joon’s chest. His nose was cold okay?
“You know… we’ve shared a blanket and this counts as snuggling. I feel like I should ask you out on a date. Get to know each other more? Maybe share more than a blanket?” And fuck. Seokjin thought he was bold but this guy was BOLD.
“I think I would like that Namjoon… I think I would REALLY like that. How about after we get some sleep we can go out for coffee together? I’m gonna need some type of caffeine in order to survive throughout the day.”
“You know you could always come back to my ro-”
“Seokjin Hyung!”
“Seokjin Hyungie!!!!”
“Ungrateful disrespectful brats who will not live to see morning…”
“Technically Seokjin it is morning?”
“Shut it Namjoon or I am stealing your blanket and will leave you here freezing.”
“Yes, Seokjin~”
Taking a deep breath Seokjin waddled a little in a circle so that he and Namjoon were still pressed up tight against each other but in a way that he could stare at his three dongsaengs approaching them.
“Hyung that fire captain kept yelling at us! He yelled at us for an entire hour about fire safety and blah blah blah. It’s not like the fire KILLED anyone. Honestly, the dramatics were not needed.”
Seokjin loved Taehyung but right now he wanted to wrap his now warm hands around the younger’s neck and choke him out.
“Well in his defense, we did kinda start a dorm fire and now our entire room is charred after being up in flames and the school has to deal with insurance and getting out stuff back. Which they graciously said they would but in the meantime, we have to find a place to stay.”
And okay, maybe Jimin was Seokjin’s favorite because of the way his cheeks puffed out when he was pouty and how he was responsible yet irresponsible at the time. But always managed to keep his two best friends under his thumb so things never got too out of hand.
Well, no one has ended up in jail yet, so Seokjin hasn’t had to give them bail money which is a plus in his book. Nor has anyone ever had to go to the hospital. So on that note, it’s a definite win-win.
“You know Seokjin hyung… we could always stay with you… Jimin and Tae can crash on the couch in your dorm and I can take the floor? Please? It will be like we aren’t even there!!”
Seokjin called bullshit immediately but at the same time, he knew he couldn’t leave the three on their own. All of them were like his younger brothers, even if one, unfortunately, was his younger brother that he loved dearly but would never admit to.
“I… yeah. Yes. You guys can go ahead and stay in my dorm. You three are lucky I have a single or else it wouldn’t have been so easy. PLEASE do not touch anything that could even possibly start a fire though do you hear me? If I catch any of you three in the kitchen area I will have your heads on a platter by the end of the hour.”
“Yes, Hyung!”
“Yes, Hyungie!”
“Yes Seokjin”
“Better… Now you three go I need to finish warming up.”
Seokjin was hoping and praying to the fates that the three would just completely ignore Namjoon’s presence and leave the two be to continue to flirt but no. It was never going to be that easy.
Before he knew it he had all three of the little gremlins surrounding him all staring at Namjoon with curious and amused eyes.
“So… Who are you?”
“Why are you holding hyung like that?”
“Aren’t you Yoongi hyung’s friend?”
There goes the tiny hope of peace Seokjin was so desperately craving.
“You don’t have to answer their questions, Namjoon-ah. They are little brats who are going to be sleeping in the grass for the rest of the night.”
“It’s okay Seokjin, really. I don’t mind answering their questions. Ah, I’m Kim Namjoon, your hyung was cold and turning into a popsicle so I intervened. And I am Yoongi hyung’s friend but I can’t seem to find him? I know he is fine because we got ushered out together but then he disappeared somewhere. Probably to keep sleeping.”
Okay, so he was attractive, warm, amazing voice. How much more could he take of this?
“Namjoon, this is Jimin AKA my favorite dongsaeng. The one beside him is his soulmate Taehyung. Then the third rascal is actually my younger brother, Jungkook. He is the one you have to watch out for when it comes to puppy dog eyes. He is the reason I got dared to get a tattoo on my ass then when I tried to back out of it he conned me into it.”
“You have a tattoo on your…?”
“Yeah that’s more second date material don’t you think?”
Seokjin stared at Namjoon with an impish grin and watched as the other nodded his head in agreement.
“Second date. Right. How do you feel about making this our first date, yeah?”
With a playful smack to Namjoon’s stomach, Seokjin just shook his head with a smile.
“How about we go back to your room while these idiots go back to mine and we can get to know each other a little more personally?”
“You know what, that’s the best offer I’ve heard in my life. Let’s get out of here yeah?”
As Namjoon and Seokjin headed back into the door rooms that were now accessible the three stood staring at them with a mixture of shock and amusement spread across their faces.
(I couldn't get this idea out of my head so with tired eyes and tired minds, here ya go <3 Happy reading <3)
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We miss you so much too :(
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
The way my heart pitter patters when it comes to these two <3
And would it be alright if I Pulled you closer
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The red string of fate is strong with these two soulmates.
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Smooth like butter Pull you in like no other
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