swinginparker · 6 years
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So… this is gonna happen in the next movie, right?
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swinginparker · 6 years
“The perfect video doesn’t exi-” Credits to Voordeel on YouTube for creating this amazing and perfectly timed video you can follow @voordeel-ts the original creator of this video and check out their other awesome videos as well
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swinginparker · 6 years
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Earths mightiest hero’s and their super moms✨Happy Mother’s day🌹
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swinginparker · 6 years
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swinginparker · 6 years
Peter teaching Thor what Yeet means and Thor proceeding to shout YEET every time he throws his hammer
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swinginparker · 6 years
this is cute!!!
wanderlust || part 2
stanley uris x reader
masterlist… (-)
request here… (-)
IT prompts… (-)
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“Alright guys, w-we’re all checked in!” Bill said, climbing into the drivers seat and twisting the keys out of the ignition.
We had gotten to our first hotel, in the Montpelier Vermont. The drive had been exciting; Visiting with your friends and sharing the junk food that you and Stan had picked out together. Stan.
You thought back to when you reached into the bag of Cheeto Puffs and accidentally touched Stan’s hand. Very cliche, you thought, but the small look you exchanged afterwards was enough to make you faint. Those bright beautiful eyes, the mousy brass curls, the way his lips curled into a smile and, oh god, he had dimples that could cure disea-
“You gonna sleep in the van Y/N?”
Your thoughts were interupted by Bev, in the seat behind you, waiting to get out of the car. Bless her heart. But oh god, how long had you been sitting there? you thought. Looking around you noticed the seats next to you were empty; Eddie, Bill, Mike, and Stan were already at the trunk of the car getting bags out. “Right sorry,” you chuckled, unbuckling your seat belt and exited the van.
You skipped to the back of the car and saw the boys lugging backpacks and suitcases out. Standing awkwardly nearby, you felt a tap on your shoulder. It was Richie. “What had you so deep in thought back there, huh?” he asked, a shit eatting grin spread across his face. You turned away, a grin across yours.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, ya big mouth,” you joked. Richie scoffed.
“You wouldn’t to have been dreaming of the man sitting next to you on the van right?” he chuckled, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
Stan had grabbed two backpacks and walked between you in Richie, towards your hotel room, Richie going silent watching you and Stan exchange smiles. Your eyes followed Stan as he walked to the room. “Earth to Y/N? I asked you a question?” Richie snapped his fingers in front of your face.
Not making eye contact, you began walking towards the others to your room. “Oh shush,” you giggled, unbothered by Richie’s curiousity.
Upon entering the room, you immediately noticed the lack of places for 7 individuals to sleep. Only two queen beds were in the room and a few chairs. “Me and Y/N call a bed!” Beverly said raising her hand and flopping onto the farthest bed from the door.
You watched as Stan set two bags onto a bench against the wall, and Bill put the bag of snacks into the mini fridge. Richie entered the room last and sighed. “I guess I get the other one then,” he said flopping onto the other, copying Beverly.
Eddie rolled his eyes. “Whoever gets the other bed has to share. It’s only fair,” Eddie furrowed his brows and shoved Richie off the bed in one shift movement. Everyone erupted in laughter.
“Ha Ha. If you’re so keen on me sharing why don’t you share with me then, huh Eds?” Richie said sitting up from his new place on the ground, and adjusting his glasses.
Eddie scoffed. “So immature,” he said, sitting gently on the side of the bed. “I guess.”
Stan sat down on one of the wooden hair with a green cushion and chuckled, make your heart flutter from the other side of the room. “Guess I call this chair.”
Mike took the seat beside him. “Dibs!” he called out, making eye contact with Ben and Bill who stood awkwardly at the back of the room.
“Maybe they have a pullout bed?” Ben shrugged at a disappointed Bill.
Bill sighs. “I drive all d-day and I don’t even get a p-pl-place to sleep!” Bill sat on the bed beside Beverly, a solemn look on his face. Beverly sat up and rubs his back.
The room hangs in silence, until broken by Eddie. “Does anyone want something to drink?” He saunters over to the fridge and shuffles through cans.
“I’ll have one.” “Pepsi sounds good.” “I can drink.”
“Y/N? Do you want one?” Mike says offering his Pepsi to you.
You bite your lip, and feel a shiver run up your back. You suddenly feel dirty, and in need of a shower. “I think I’m gonna shower if you guys don’t mind,” you say, sitting up from your side of the bed and kneel at your bag. You grab a pair of shorts and sigh. Of course you didn’t bring a sweater! “Does anyone have a sweatshirt I could borrow for the night?” standing up sheepishly with your shorts in hand.
Stan sets his drink down on the hotel’s TV console and picks his bag up at his feet. “I have one you can borrow actually,” he says triffling through his bag. A certain Trashmouth’s eyes are glued to you with a knowing look on his face. Stan tosses you a blue sweatshirt, as you glare at Richie from across the room.
“Thanks Stanny,” you call, smiling warmly.
You turn the shower nozzel and water rushes against the white tiles surrounding you. You strip down and hop into the warm water
“Guys there’s a pool downstairs if anyone’s interested,” you hear Mike suggest, from the other side of the door. You hear murmuring and bags zipping and unzipping.
“We can go change in the lobby,” you hear someone say.
You scrub the hotel shampoo through your haif and try to make out the conversation happening on the other side of the wall. Suddenly a loud knock startles you in the shower. “Y-yes?” you sputter, your voice shakingly
“We’re going to the pool downstairs, alright? Are you cool just watching over the room?” Ben says from the other side of the door. You’re not sure that you’re 100% ok with that. Afterall you’re in a town you’ve never been in before, in a shitty Motel 6. You’re suprised they even have a functional pool.
“I-I guess I don’t mind,” you say trying to speak over the sound of the running water.
You here the door rattling, opening most likely. “You won’t be alone up here so don’t stress!” Richie shouts, before silence begins on the other side of the door. They were gone. You wouldn’t be alone up here? What was that suppose to mean?
You turned the shower nozzel back to ‘off’ and ran your fingers through your wet hair. Reaching out through the blue shower curtains, you grasped a white towel from a nearby shelf in the bathroom. You wrapped it around your body and reached down for your clothes on the sink.
A loud *thunk* could be heard on the other side of the wall. That couldn’t have been your room, right? They all went swimming. Could it have been the room next door? Then again, Richie had said someone would be up here with you.
You hurriedly pulled on your undergarments and light pajama shorts, pulling the Stan’s sweatshirt up and over our head, his scent immediately making you smile. You scoffed, amazed something as little as his cologne had this kind of power over you. Running a comb through your hair, you watchd yourself in the mirror, subconsciously listening for anymore clues as to who could’ve been in the hotel room with you.
Could it be Stan?
Your chest began to ache at the thought of being alone with him. But was it from anxiety or excitement. You cleared your throat, pulling you back out of your thoughts.
Opening up the door to the bathroom, steam escaped into the hotel room. You walked slowly around the corner, and your heart skipped seeing a certain curly haired boy in his claimed chair, scrolling through his phone. You trapsed over to your bag and tried to calm your heart rate. “Man am I glad you’re here,” you sighed, kicking yourself for sounding to desprete. “Uhm! I mean cause it’d be scary to be up here alone,” you tried recovering, kicking yourself harder.
Stan chuckled. Fucking chuckled. “Don’t sweat. The smell of chlorine gives me headaches,” he skimmed over you in his sweatshirt. “Aww! You look so small in that ol’ thing!” Stan cooed, putting his phone down in his lap.
You blushed under his gaze, grabbing a pillow from inside your bag and standing up. Looking down at how long the sweatshirt was, you noticed it even covered your shorts. “I swear I’m wearing pants!” you said as you giggled. Stan laughed at your comment, and watched you sit down on your bed, criss cross apple sauce facing him.
“Well it looks good on ya,” Stan says picking his phone back up and swiping through it like before. Your face flushed at his comment. This boy could effortlessly leave you speechless and he’s so painfully unaware of it.
You fiddled with your hands in your lap, the sweatshirt pooling at your waist as you sat up right on the bed. “So… Why did you come on this trip? I mean I would have been easier to just pass on it, right?” you asked, his attention wandering back to you.
Stan put his phone down again, but this time on the dresser next to him. He stared at his feet before answering. “I’m not entirely sure,” he smiled up at you, meeting your gaze. “Why did you come?”
You tapped your chin, staring up into the white ceiling to think. “I uhhh- Well I guess I’m just always down to do stuff with you all. I guess if I’m going to go across the country with anyone, it’d be you-you guys,” you spoke softly, shifted in your spot on the bed.
Stan smiled and nodded, knowingly. “That’s sweet,” he spoke back, matching your volume. You had blinked and it seemed he was gone before he appeared seatted on the side of the bed, beside you. “Can I tell you something?” he said inquistively.
You nodded. “Pfft, I mean you told me about the Cheeto Puffs,” you teased, your chest heating up from your nerves. Stan gave you a half smile and looked down at the socks on his feet. “Of course Stan,” you said more sincerely.
Stan looked up and around at anything but you, until he spoke. “Well,” he began, “I’m basically avoiding my responsibilities back in Derry. Like with Church and all…” His voice trailed off, and his confession hung in the air like fresh laundry on a clothing line.
You nodded silently, holding eye contact with him. “I understand that. I mean I don’t go to your synagogue or anything, but I… I see why you’d want to come,” you spoke, reaching out to touch his hand that laid on the sheets beside him, holding himself up.
Stan met your reach the rest of the way, taking your hand securely in his own. His hands had warmed your pruney hands, and you felt… amazed. You didn’t need Cheeto puffs to ‘accidentally’ touch his hand for this moment to happen. Stanley Uris was holding your hand.
His gaze faultered, you couldn’g help but squeeze his hand ever so slightly, just so his were back to you. “This roadtrip means a lot to mean. I do way to much planning, and I figured this could change things,” Stan said squeezing your hand back. “I’m very glad I decided to avoid my responsibilities.” He laughed and you giggled.
Your wet hair dripped on your neck and ran a shiver up your spine, your eyes drifting to your criss crossed legs. Stan scooted on top of the bed completely, letting go of your hand momentarily while he pushed his legs over the top. Mirroring you, Stan crossed his legs and held your hand in his lap.
“When do you think they’ll be back?” Stan asked softly, breaking the comfortable silence. Your chest tightened and your forearms tensed, which didn’t go unnoticed by Stan.
“U-um I’m not sure, why?” you said, the words coming out sounding lime gibberish to your own ears.
Stan chuckled, a heart stopping smile spreading across his features out of the corner of your eyes. “Shit- you’re so cute when you’re shy,” Stan began, and you couldn’t help but shoot confused look up at him, meeting his gaze. “I want to kiss you, that’s why.”
You were so caught off guard, too busy nervous about your current position, you hadn’t even though about revelling it. Stan had you sputtering like an idiot, and this time, you could tell his actions left your speechless.
“I-“ you began before you are cut off by the door flying open at the other side of the room.
“POOL’S CLOSED SO WE DECID- well what do we have here,” Richie said open entering, hands sassily on his hips. “We leave you two alone for how many minutes, and you two are already down each other’s throats?” He looks at an imaginary watch on his wrist.
Beverly smacks Richie upside the head earning a laugh from Ben. “Let’s just g-go to bed! I’m exhausted!” Bill stuttered, sinking into the opposite bed from you and Stan.
Mike walked to the bathroom to change, followed by Eddie, Ben, and Beverly. Richie fell asleep on his claimed bed besides a knocked out Bill, both still in their swim shorts. “Why am I not used to this by now,” Eddie said crawling between both boys after getting in his pajama pants and top, and curling up to sleep.
Stan had gotten up to take a shower, giving Beverly her opportunity to talk to you. “I don’t mind if you share the bed with Stan tonight,” she whispered to you, wary not to wake the three boys in the bed next to them. You choked on practically air, and winced at the thought. “What? Don’t even try and cover anything up, Y/N!” she said, raising her voice slightly.
You ‘shh’ed her and exhaled deeply. “We didn’t kiss, Bev,” you said solemnly. “Let’s just sleep yah?” you said, shifted in your spot on the bed, and turning the lamp off that illuminated the room.
Bev rolled on her side to look at you in the dark. “But you do like him, yes?” She whispered, still hungry for answers.
“Bev, go to bed,” Ben groaned from the seat across the room.
“Sorry!” she whisper-yelled.
You fell asleep, the sounds of the shower water running in the room behind the wall lulled you to sleep. It was hard however, with the moment you and Stan shared floating in and out of your mind.
You were going to make this the best god damn road trip ever for Stan if it’d kill you.
PART 3???
TAGLIST🌈 @eddiesshorts @loverss-clubb clubb @fiestatozier @neibolthoes @juliroseennis @makloveswriting @aizeninlefox @nel-ida @multi-parker
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swinginparker · 6 years
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when your mom meets Paul Bettany at the Solo premiere :,)
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swinginparker · 6 years
Shuri when she finds out Peter fought Capt: How did you take down Captain America?
Peter in a terrible German Accent: I shot him in Zee legs because his shields zee size of a dinner plate, and he’s an idiot.
Steve: *looks down sadly at his shield*
Tony, dispite still not understanding that refrence:
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swinginparker · 6 years
Okay but what if Peter and Shuri are at the Avengers Compund and Peter asks Shuri if she wants to watch a movie with him in the screening room and she says yes. So they go in and Peter turns on Star Wars and half way through the movie he jokingly says how she should make real life SW tech. She tells him to pause the movie and she walks out of the room and comes back 10 minutes later and is like “I made these when I was 11!” And pulls out 2 functioning lightsabers and hands one to Peter, who is in shock and they start running around the compound fighting with lightsabers. T'Challa is annoyed because he told Shuri to leave them at home and Tony doesn’t know if he should be impressed bc Shuri made actual lightsabers or worried that two 16 year olds are running around using ACTUAL lightsabers.
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swinginparker · 6 years
Tom: some people are like slinkies
Harrison: what?
Tom: not really good for much but makes you crack a smile when you push it down the stairs.
Harrison: please don’t push Harry down the stairs.
Tom: you can’t stop me.
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swinginparker · 6 years
I’m sorry but this is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen
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swinginparker · 6 years
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swinginparker · 6 years
Going to Disney with Tom
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a/n: the semester is over and now I have more free time to write so if you guys have ANY ideas whatsoever, message me. I already have a few messages and I can’t wait to get to them! I got home from the disney college program in January and my friends just finished their extensions so as you can imagine, I’m really missing my home. the gif is my own video from watching HEA and if you really want to get into the hc, I’d suggest listening to Happily Ever After by Jordan Fisher while reading this xx
• Going to Disney with Tom is something you’ve always wanted to do
• He wanted to go to but because of conflicting schedules, it was hard to work a trip around then
• You guys had been dating for almost a year and Tom said he had a surprise planned and he wouldn’t tell you anything
• He said it was a trip and you were going somewhere hot and to pack shorts and bathing suits and stuff
• At first, you had the thought of Disney in your head but you figured there was no way Tom could pull that off without you knowing
• As you were packing, Tom came up behind you and hugged you
• “Are you excited, babe?”
• “I’d be even more excited if I knew where we were going.”
• He smiled and kissed you on the nose
• “You might find out when we get to the airport. Now hurry up, flight leaves at 6 am tomorrow.”
• He playfully smacks your ass
• You rolled your eyes, knowing you were already done but he wanted to “rush you” because you hate being rushed
• The next morning, you guys get up to go to the airport, still unaware of where you’re actually going
• Tom checked in your bags so that it would stall on you finding out where you’re going
• He also kept hold of your boarding pass that little shit
• When it got time for you to board the plane, you noticed everyone was wearing something Disney and that’s when it clicked
• You looked at Tom and he just smiled at you and already had his phone out to record you reaction
•“Happy Anniversary, darling.”
• You’d kiss him and just be too thrilled to respond to him
• The flight seemed agonizingly long because you just wanted to get there
• You kept asking Tom questions and he wouldn’t answer them
• The plane landed and you practically ran off just because you were too excited and wanted to hit the parks immediately
• But you had to stop at the hotel first
• Which of course Tom wouldn’t even tell you that
• You got on the Disney Magic Express that lead you to your hotel
• Low and behold, you guys were staying at the POLYNESIAN
• One of the most beautiful Disney resorts
• You went to check in but of course the rooms weren’t ready yet
• So they stored your bags until your room was ready, but in the mean time you were able to go to the parks
• Your first stop was Hollywood Studios i still call it mgm @ me
• Tom managed to get you guys fast passes for Star Wars, Tower of Terror and Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster
• You didn’t stay there very long though because you guys wanted to go to all four parks your first day
• So your next park was Animal Kingdom
• You guys decided to wait in the two hour line for Flight of Passage
• And boy was it worth the wait
• You guys headed over to Expedition Everest and went on that once as well
• Tom screamed so loud when he saw the yeti you were on the verge of peeing yourself from laughing so hard
• After you left there, you guys headed over to Epcot to do Soarin’ and Test Track and drink a little
• Going on Soarin’ terrified you though because you hated heights more than anything
• But you held Tom’s hand during it and he knew of your fear of heights, but still thought it was adorable
• You couldn’t have been happier to get off that ride honestly
• Going on Test Track with Tom though was amusing to say the least
• He took FOREVER designing your guys’ car because he wanted to make sure you guys win
• “Honestly babe we’re going to have the best car ever.”
• You would smile and just kiss his cheek
• When you guys were done making your car, you had to wait in line for about another 10 minutes.
• When you got on the ride, Tom was so confident in the fact that your car would win
• “These guys don’t even stand a chance.”
• You looked at him
• “We’ll see babe.”
• At the end of the ride, the points were calculated and your design came in second
• Tom was not happy to say the last
• But you were cracking up at him pouting
• “Tomorrow’s another day.”
• He’d look at you and suddenly the pout would turn into a smile
• You guys noticed it was about 7:30 and need to leave Epcot immediately to catch Happily Ever After at Magic Kingdom
• You guys decide to take the monorail considering it’s much faster than any other transportation
• Tom started laughing hysterically when you said “Please stand clear of the doors” in Spanish, repeating the announcer
• Getting to Magic Kingdom, it was packed
• You guys just decided to wait for the fireworks and do more rides tomorrow
• You guys waited for like a half hour, which benefited you because you guys didn’t have to wait in lines and you we’re finally sitting down
• You knew Happily Ever After by heart and you cried every time when the love scene displays on the castle and also when they sang go the distance from Hercules
• You didn’t want Tom to see you like that but he knew how much you loved Disney and knew to expect some form of tears eventually
• Suddenly, the music all around the park faded out and the lights on the castle faded downward and the music started
• You started singing the whole show and when it came time for the love scene, you were a mess
• Tom knew that you weren’t sad, just happy about it all.
• When Rapunzel and Flynn started singing I See The Light, Tom grabbed you by your waist and pulled you so close to him there was actually no space whatsoever
• “Happy anniversary, I love you so much y/n.”
• You’ve always wanted something like that happen and the fact that it finally did made you so surprised.
• You kissed Tom for so long and heard the people around you saying “aw”
• When you pulled away, it took you a few minutes to finally speak.
• “I love you too, Tom. You are the most amazing person in this whole world. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
• “I ask myself that same question everyday about you.”
• You kissed again and realized just how magical your favorite place really was.
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swinginparker · 6 years
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Tom Holland outfits: suit (& tie)
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swinginparker · 6 years
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swinginparker · 6 years
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Tom Holland + Spider-Man talks
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swinginparker · 6 years
Me: *ugly crying, slamming both fists on table* whY CAN’T TONY STARK BE HAPPY
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