#//fens going try to mine her for everything lol
chazukekani · 3 years
Thank Letter
Hi Kani,
I very love all your work.I’ve joined fandom Bungou Stray Dogs recently  ago.Thanks to your blog that i’ve have know more about character more deepful and understanding.Hoping all the good things will come to you,my dear.
You’re truly have a big heart for BSD,i can see your love in your work on every post you post on it.Every post you done have particular and full detail in it.
And very talented too,i cannot imagine that this tumblr is running by one person.Because all the work to post have a lot things to do:translate,analyst,scan,typeset,clean manga,…
Very impressed,girl.Because if that is me,i will not sure i can do a lot work like that.
And one thing i want to share with you:“Have you have reading Gaiden yet,i meaning the lightnovel not manga?If not here is the link have it,the translator will update more in future,maybe in a few month.But it’s worth to wait for it,isn’t it?
Here is the link:It on facebook of course,but you can translate it thank to google:https://www.facebook.com/SChiiMeo
The other source is:Darkestjay868,she still translate “Strom Bringer” in English,but in future,she said she will translate Gaiden too.
You can find her work on Twitter.
Actually, there is something,i want to ask you for a long.But too shy too ask for.Because I'm affair that i cannot do it beacause the of lack of confident and i’m not talented like you.But i truly love your work and want to share it by translate it in other language,to more people who love BSD like me to know more.
But i still want to give it a try.
So i want to ask for your permission,can i translate your work “Gaiden Manga"into other language,in mine lnaguage is Vietnamese.Can i?.
Please,let me know your answer about it.
That is all everything,i want to share and want to let you know.
P/s:The epidemic situation is very dangerous these days, remember to take care of your health,my dear,.I’m truly sorry if my English not good.Thank you for spending time to reading to here.
Hi Fen!
Thank you very very much for this letter! Your words surely bring me to tears. I am more than grateful to have people like you supporting me all along and it is my pleasure to receive your appreciation. I am going to be honest that running a fanpage will be occasionally tough, but it is something I enjoy and committed to after all so I have fun doing it despite the workload is demanding! I am indeed very very very delighted to receive your letter! I am just nobody but a random person online sharing my mere thoughts and efforts to the series henceforth I didn’t expect to receive that amount of love and support from you. It is surely very encouraging and heart-warming for me. So once again thank you so much for the support. I will continue to deliver better quality content in the future, which hopefully you will like them!
Have you read the Gaiden novel?
Thanks for the link! Yes I have read the Gaiden novel. I finished reading it quite a  while ago, probably in 2017 iirc so honestly I have forgotten many details of the novel oops. But my memories are recalled since I took over the Gaiden manga translation. I got a few (of course ‘a few’, it won’t be ‘many’ lol!) request of doing Gaiden analysis and introduction, which I will consider doing these types of posts in the future as well. 
Can I re-translate Gaiden Manga to my own language?
Yes sure! Thanks for asking me by the way, I really appreciate the courtesy. If you have encountered any problem in translating the series, please do let me know. Sometimes my interpretation/phrasing in English is not the best so it would be the good if you can check with someone who is fluent in Japanese as well such to give you an alternate interpretation, but I am more than happy to offer my interpretation and explanation if you have any problem. Good luck to the translation! It is surely a big commitment for you so I hope things go smoothly for you.
Last but not least, thanks for the best wishes, and likewise. Stay safe and drink more water! Your English is absolutely fine and understandable so don’t worry. I should be the one who thank you for sending me this letter! I will treasure it forever.
Take care!
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riviae · 4 years
so this is long & rambly but i’ve been working on this for awhile now.... anyway, starts out very introspective!regis-y but becomes geralt/regis fluff real quick lol. hope y’all enjoy: 
Before crossing paths with a witcher who proved himself to be a man worth following into the very jaws of death, the seasons hadn’t meant much to Regis. 
He knew the cycle of things--life and death, warmth and cold, planting and harvesting--but he was an outsider to these things just as everything else on the Continent. Time passed. Wars were fought. Blood was shed. Empires rose and fell. All the while, Regis remained, burdened by an immortal life lived alone. To take part in humanity, to love it to some extent, but disappear into the shadows when a curious eye took interest in him. When a hand reached out--something that rarely occurred, unless holding a sword, pitchfork, or torch--he knew it was time to pack up and leave, lest he get too attached. 
Self-preservation, for higher vampires, was confined to the affairs of the heart and the mind--their bodies were not in danger of ruin, but memories and emotions were often ruinous for his kind. 
Yet, whatever contentment he could find as a bystander to the world’s happenings and goings was dashed the moment he met Geralt. All those years ago, Regis had fled from Dillingen to his home in Fen Carn, a cottage in the midst of an elven cemetery, in an attempt at avoiding the ever-encroaching war. 
And in perhaps the same cosmically infinitesimal chances of the Conjunction of Spheres occurring, Regis’ entire life changed at the sight of milk-white hair and amber cat-like eyes. He stepped out of his hiding spot, brushed away the stray leaves that clung to his clothes, and faced his destiny with a reserved, tight-lipped smile. 
He’s a witcher, Regis thought, the wolf medallion at the man’s sternum sparking a tiny flame of uneasiness in the vampire’s gut. Then, a more logical thought followed: I’ve always wanted to meet a witcher under amicable circumstances and now, here one is, practically at my doorstep. What luck! 
As his journey with Geralt and the hansa continued, as they traveled and fought, bled and healed, wintered in a land akin to a fairytale, Regis had a startling realization. Something had thawed inside him and he was fairly certain it was the stirrings of love. Like a change in season, like the subtle shift from winter to spring, where one wakes in the morning and sees that all the snow has seemingly melted in the night, unaware of the slowly melting ice with each sunny day until it was completely gone, so Regis was caught unaware by what he felt for the hansa--by what he felt for Geralt in particular.
Just how far would he go for these humans? How much would he sacrifice for these flickering beacons of light, here one moment, gone in the next? It was the ghost of himself--the monster he once was--that would have asked these questions. But the Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzeiff-Godefroy of the present loved his friends even more for their fragility, their tenacity in the face of a world that seemed at the ready to send them into an early grave. Love, he decided, staring at the smiling faces of the hansa at their breakfast table in Beauclair Palace, was a good enough reason to die for--and a good enough reason to live for, when he was on the cusp of nothingness. When any other sentient being would have longed for death in the throes of agony, Regis held on. For them. 
Memories spilled from his head at the first touch of magic-touched flames, nails clawing helplessly at the air. Fear burned him alive, ate away at his flesh until nothing but a pillar of ash remained. It was a pain worse than anything he had felt before--worse than anything he could have ever fathomed. He was neither alive nor dead, but something grotesquely stuck in the middle, unable to pass on to the comforting abyss of oblivion. 
Between the coldness of fear and not-death, between the pain of a body futilely attempting to regenerate from nothing, Regis did find some respite. He dreamed. And dreamed. And dreamed. He was transported to memories of the past, and while some were happier than others, even the painful recollections felt better than the aching emptiness that threatened to swallow his consciousness whole. 
Angouleme’s encouraging laughter whenever he used one of her... unique phrases. A warning pinch from Milva when he veered too far off topic, followed by an apologetic, but brief pat of his hand. A comfortable silence between himself and Cahir as they stayed up to guard the group during the night, sharing a small tincture of mandrake hooch to pass the time. Dandelion’s rapt attention to Regis’ stories, one time so transfixed that he caught his sleeve on fire as they all sat around the campfire and didn’t even notice. Geralt telling him about Ciri, voice warm, eyes crinkled in a rare unguarded expression of fondness. 
He thought back on his journal entries, the once severe, cerebral scrawl now sprinkled with mentions of the hansa. 
Angouleme somehow stole a dozen baguettes from the last tavern we stopped at and took only a quarter of one for herself before distributing the rest to the unfortunate people living in the slums of the city--and I never would have noticed (her prowess as a bandit is not something to be dismissive of, regardless of her youth) if she hadn’t also tried to search through my satchel while I “slept” in the hopes of finding olive oil to spread over her bread. For a child raised by cruelty, her morals are far better than mine when I was her age--or, rather, when I was developmentally at her age. Well, better in certain respects. She’s been quite a menace to the echelon of Toussaint... 
Milva means to show me how to hunt like humans do, meaning that I must learn how to be an archer. I don’t have much skill with human weapons--for nothing is as deadly as a pair of claws or teeth built to pierce and bleed flesh--but I will try my best all the same. Perhaps after this we can continue our reading lessons. For as much as she bemoans academics and learning for the sake of learning (as in things not readily helpful in her everyday survival), she is a naturally charming and brilliant pupil. Her “common sense,” as Angouleme often calls it, has kept us from harm plenty of times--which is why her ability as a student doesn’t surprise me. Now, if only she would stop climbing up a tree whenever our lessons start to bore her... 
Cahir, to my surprise, has taken on the role of doing the laundry for the group. Granted, we all have very few vestments to spare, but what clothes we do have that can reasonably benefit from a soak, Cahir takes and washes in the lake. Which, while I appreciate the sentiment immensely, I still found myself mildly panicked when I went to dress in the morning and my trousers were nowhere to be found. The man is quite young, probably no more than twenty-two years, but he has an old soul, as the saying goes. I would not be surprised if he finally grows sick of war, having grown up in an Empire where bloodshed is the status quo, and decides to make his living as a fisherman or farmer after we reunite Geralt with his ward. I sincerely hope that he gets the chance. 
Dandelion, ever the poet, has shown me his latest ballad. And imagine my surprise when I realized it was about me despite my immense caution on writing anything regarding higher vampires at all. It’s incredibly vapid--a shame, since he is quite the wordsmith when not preoccupied by romantic affairs--but I admit, if it were published, it would become popular within a week. He took the story of my youth and twisted it into something nearly unrecognizable, save for the titular character being named Rex. A two-crown romance with the nominative case of my name attached... perhaps this is a caution to everyone: never make friends with a writer if you value your privacy. 
Geralt dozed off beside me with his head on my shoulder. Now, him sleeping close to me is not all that uncommon--we spent many nights as a company huddled around a dwindling campfire together. What was uncommon was that he sought me out--practically barged into my room--to take his late afternoon nap... all the while I remained as still as a statue, attempting to process the sudden show of affection. Toussaint had softened Geralt in a way, so much in fact, that he apparently saw no harm in falling asleep next to a higher vampire, his swords still leaning in the corner of his room. I don’t think I’ll ever tire of his unusual straightforwardness. Where others might embellish their words, dress them up (or down) to suit their agenda, Geralt forgoes words entirely, instead letting his actions speak with a refreshing honesty. I heard the “I trust you, Regis,” as clear as day.
He thought back to all the times were his cowardice had kept him from voicing his feelings and it paralleled to his past, as if he were the same blood-abusing fiend of his youth. Centuries had passed and glimpses of the same shy, timid vampire who drank blood to be accepted, to make friends, only to lose himself in addiction, still rose to the surface. Blood was no longer a problem, but the fear of otherness, of being ostracized by those he cared about, still tempered his actions. And he was absolutely tired of it.
It was then that Regis made a vow to himself: If I live, If I become whole again, I will tell him the truth. He got his chance almost a decade later, when he was as whole as anyone could be after regenerating from nothing but dust and a drop of blood.
After Dettlaff was placated, no longer a danger to himself or others, Regis visited Geralt at Corvo Bianco. It was summer then, a season that saw him at the witcher’s door just as the last of the rows of sunflowers turned towards the sunlight in the midday heat. 
He knocked on the front door, politeness dictating his actions. A disheveled witcher opened the door, familiar cat-eyes widening marginally at the sight of Regis, as close to a slack-jaw moment of surprise as anyone were bound to get from Geralt. 
“Expecting someone else?” Regis teased, clutching the strap of his satchel as he crossed the threshold into Geralt’s home. He gave a cursory glance about the homestead--it had been decorated fairly well since the last time he visited to drop off the mutagenerator. In fact, the interior was downright cozy, a far cry from what he imagined a witcher keep to look like. 
No matter what Geralt says, his years spent on the Path have influenced him. Only someone who expects to wake in the morning would bother to decorate their home--or to have a home at all. 
The witcher shook his head, long, tangled locks spilling over his shoulders as he scratched tiredly at his beard. “Wasn’t expecting anyone. Thought if it was you though that you’d let yourself in.” 
Regis held his tongue, wanting nothing more than to sit Geralt down and trim his beard. He knew from their time with the hansa that the witcher preferred to be clean-shaven, but hated trimming it himself. The vampire pushed the thought aside. “While I could have simply misted through your window, I didn’t wish to give you a fright.”
“How considerate,” Geralt said, voice rough but teasing. “You chose to wake me instead of letting yourself in.” 
“I assumed you’d be awake. I didn’t realize that respectable vineyard owners slept in until noon.” 
Geralt rolled his eyes at the well-natured jab before walking to his room, leaving the door open behind him. Regis remained in the foyer, focusing his attention on the rather impressive collection of witcher armor that Geralt had acquired. Yet, his supernatural hearing made it impossible not to eavesdrop to some extent; he heard the rustling of fabric and the soft thud of an article of clothing hitting the wooden floor. 
“Hey, Regis,” Geralt drawled. 
“Yes?” he replied a beat too quickly, turning towards the open door. 
“...Gonna get in here? Or do I need to invite you into every room?” 
Scrambling somewhat, the vampire entered just as Geralt tugged a clean white linen shirt over himself. At meeting the witcher’s gaze, the man gave a wide grin. “You came at a good time. I’ve actually got something for you. But close your eyes first.” 
“Geralt, what are you--” 
“Shh. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.” 
A brief flash of fond irritation flickered in Regis’ expression as he gave a long sigh, but obeyed, shutting his eyes. He listened to the tempo of Geralt’s heart-rate, the usual slow and steady rhythm having quickened by a few beats. Ah, so he’s excited, Regis mused. Even witcher mutations couldn’t rob him of the biochemistry of his sympathetic nervous system. Then, a sour thought: I hope this isn’t the last time I get to witness such a jovial mood. 
The sound of his heartbeat grew stronger as the man approached, some sort of fabric draped in his arms, if the rustling earlier was any indication. Gently, Geralt placed the mystery item in Regis’ arms and backed away, the old floorboards creaking under his weight. 
“Happy birthday, Regis.” 
The vampire opened his eyes to see Geralt smiling warmly at him. Peering down, he couldn’t stop the look of absolute surprise upon his features, mouth agape.
“This is...” Regis trailed, fingers running delicately over the soft fabric, briefly pausing to rub his thumb against the black fur which lined the inside. 
“It’s not the exact cloak, given what happened at Stygga Castle,” Geralt paused, briefly wincing at the horrid memory, “But I thought you’d appreciate a new one.” 
Regis opened his mouth and then immediately closed it, unable to find the words to express how much the gift meant to him. You remembered... years passed and you still remembered. 
“I know you can’t feel heat or cold like humans do, but...” he shrugged, a hint of sheepishness in his posture, a hand rising up to rub at the back of his neck. “It’s been weird not seeing you with one. You never took that damn thing off so I thought it must have meant something to you.” 
“Geralt,” Regis finally replied once he found his voice again. It was the only warning he gave before the vampire laid the cloak on the bed and moved to seize the witcher in a tight embrace. 
Geralt looped his arms around Regis’ back in return, chuckling. He made no attempt at ending the embrace even as the time spent pressed together stretched on. “So... guessing you liked the gift, huh?” he finally asked, leaning into the gentle swaying of their bodies. 
When Regis spoke, it was barely past a whisper, but Geralt heard him all the same. “Thank you. Thank you for listening to me--for knowing me. Thank you, above all else, for being my friend.” 
“I think I should be thanking you. All I got you was a cloak--but you helped bring Ciri home. Almost gave up your life. Can’t imagine that... risking your immortality for someone like me.”  
“Geralt,” Regis started, pulling away to stare the witcher in the eyes, expression serious, “You are exactly the kind of person that inspires sacrifice. You have a noble heart and, despite your best attempts at proving otherwise, it is a heart full of compassion for others. I know you would have done the same if our roles had been reversed.” 
The witcher was silent then. When he finally managed a response, he did so while clasping Regis’ shoulder. It was something the vampire had noticed ever since meeting Geralt again--the man was more tactile than he’d been before his regeneration. As if he was making sure that Regis was real. Alive. Of flesh and bone. Not something that would crumble at his touch or slip through his fingers like a ghostly apparition. 
“I don’t know if I deserve your kind words, Regis. i haven’t always been... noble. There are things I haven’t told you about. Things that pertain to you.” At this, Geralt’s grip on his shoulder faltered and he pulled away suddenly, as if he were expecting to be hurt. “Truth is, I’ve been keeping a secret.” 
Regis blinked in surprise, a retort resting on the tip of his tongue, but he paused. He noticed, for the first time, that Geralt did look genuinely nervous. Geralt had never looked nervous in his presence--at least not because of Regis. The thought left a sour taste in his mouth all the same.
The vampire took a step forward. If Geralt was also planning to tell him a long-kept secret, then he wanted to tell his own confession first. While he still had the courage to do so. “I too have kept something from you, Geralt. I hope we can still remain as close as we were after this... revelation, if you will. But I understand if you’d prefer some time away from me afterwards.” 
“I doubt there’s anything you could say that would make me want you to keep your distance, Regis. Not after Stygga.” 
Regis gave an attempt at a half-hearted chuckle. “Hearing you say that really warms my heart--especially the certainty in your voice--but I’m afraid that what I need to say will change the course of our relationship, for better or worse. You see, Geralt, I’m... quite fond of you.” 
“I’m fond of you as well...” Geralt replied, confusion twisting his features. “Is that really your big secret?”
“Oh, for the love of--” Regis cut himself off, reaching instead with one hand to encircle Geralt’s wrist while the other cupped Geralt’s cheek. “I love you, you stubborn witcher. I’ve loved you for awhile now, really. Even before Stygga. You’re incredibly easy to fall in love with, though I see now that you’re completely oblivious to this trait.” 
Regis’ hold was gentle, light--something Geralt could easily pull away from if he wished to. But he didn’t. Staring into his own reflection within the coal black of the vampire’s eyes, Geralt closed the gap between them, answering Regis’ confession with his own: a kiss. 
Between kisses, Geralt paused, huffing out a short breath. “...You know, I’m feeling like a fool for not telling you that I loved you sooner, Regis.” 
“Likewise. Which is not something I feel all that often.” 
At this, they both laughed before resting their foreheads against each other. It had been a long road to this--to love--but it was well-earned. Later, Regis’ cloak found a home within a closet in Corvo Bianco. Though the weather in Toussaint was rarely cold enough to warrant a fur-lined cloak, Regis wore it as often as he could, but Geralt left an empty hanger in the closet all the same--just in case. 
Seasons hadn’t meant much to Regis... but now, watching the morning sunlight from the bedroom window pool against the witcher’s back, he felt a tug of warmth at the first touch of Fall, at the chance of donning his cloak and the memory of the day it was gifted to him. He didn’t want to replace the painful memories, the memories of those he loved but lost, but he also knew that somewhere, surely, Milva, Cahir, and Angouleme were smiling down at them. And that was a sense of peace with his past that he wouldn’t trade for the world. 
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empire-of-wildfire · 5 years
Whatever It Takes - Prologue
Okay guys, I’ve been working on my first multi-chapter fic for the last couple weeks and I finally made myself actually do some writing instead of outlining lol
Anyway, let me know if you want to be tagged. Eventually I’ll come up with a decent title, but for now it’s an untitled mess
masterlist / next chapter 
A loud ringing woke Rowan up. He rolled over to check the time and groaned when he saw the clock reading 6:19am. He quickly answered his phone before it could stop ringing, rolling his eyes when he saw the caller ID.
“What the fuck, Fen, I still had eleven more minutes of sleep before my alarm went off.”
“Sorry man, I figured you’d be up already. I thought you got up at six?”
“Six-thirty Fenrys. It hasn’t changed in two years, I’m not gonna change it now.”
“Oh, my bad. Well, since you’re up, I called because we’re all planning to go out drinking tonight and you’re coming with us. We’ll meet at the regular place at nine-thirty. See you at training!”
With that, Fenrys hung up, leaving a half-awake and mildly annoyed Rowan to grumble to himself. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and sat up, knowing there was no point in trying to fall back asleep for less than 10 minutes. He slowly made his way to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee and mentally going through the list of things he needed to get done today. He had training at eleven, but still had to run by the grocery store and start laundry before that. And now Fenrys wanted to go out drinking, and was probably going to drag Lorcan, Gavriel, and Connall along with him. Rowan sighed and grabbed his coffee, knowing there was no point arguing with Fenrys. Once he could feel the caffeine in his bloodstream, he walked back down the hall to get ready for his day.
Rowan walked out of practice that afternoon and sighed. Murtaugh had really cracked down on them today, pushing them harder than usual in preparation for their game against Morath United coming up in two weeks and as a result Rowan was even more sore than usual. They still had to play Perranth and Briarcliff between now and then, but Morath United was a much bigger game, being their rivals. That game would probably decide who won the league in the end.
Suddenly a voice interrupted his thoughts.
Rowan clenched his jaw. “What do you want, Remelle?”
The blonde pouted. “I just wanted to ask if you had plans for tonight. I thought you could use some fun.”
Rowan sighed through his nose. “Yes actually, I do already have plans.” And before she could say anything else, Rowan climbed into his car and drove away.
Aelin Galathynius was used to waking up to hearing her roommate getting ready for classes. Lysandra had never been a particularly quiet person in the mornings, so usually she ended up dropping something, or slamming a door on accident, or just generally making some loud noise that woke Aelin up earlier then she planned on getting up for class. What she wasn’t used to, however, was waking up to Lys banging on her door.
“Aelin! Open the door!”
Aelin half fell out of bed and yanked the door open, blinking against the bright light in the hallway
“Lys, whats wrong? Why the panicking so early?”
“I need to borrow your printer. Mine just ran out of ink and I have a paper due in twenty minutes.”
Aelin stepped aside and let Lysandra almost sprint towards her desk. “Why didn’t you print it out before now? You finished that paper two days ago.”
“I changed some things earlier because I didn’t like the way I phrased some parts. You know I always do one final edit right before I turn it in.”
Aelin rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know you’re a perfectionist. I’m surprised you haven’t gotten any gray hairs from how much you stress over everything.”
Lysandra laughed and shook her head. “I can basically change my appearance at will, I refuse to ever have gray hair.”
Aelin just laughed to herself and went to start getting ready for class
Six hours later, Aelin’s brain was completely fried. She’d had a biochemistry test at 9, followed by a rough lecture in immunology, and to top it all off she was just walking out of her advisor’s office, where she was grilled on graduate school applications for half an hour. She needed a drink. She called Lysandra, knowing she had a break after her class at 11.
“Hey Aelin, what’s up?”
“Wanna go to the bar tonight? I can feel my brain leaking out of my ears and I need a night off.”
“Sure, sounds good. I’ve been wanting a night out so this is perfect.”
“Great, I’m going home to take a nap. Wake me up when you get back.”
“Lysandra laughed. “Will do, sweet dreams.”
And with that, Aelin headed home to prepare for her night out.
@highqueenofelfhame @starseternalnighttriumphant @myfeyrelady @kandasboi @westofmoon @schmlip-scribble @city-of-fae @nalgenewhore
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death-by-degrees · 5 years
Girls Girls Girls Tag Game
Back into my tag games of yore lol, this one was from March again. I was tagged by @jaywrites101​ and got to read about her amazing female characters... I thought I would use this to have fun with and basically create a couple of wonderful women in my new WIP Tempus Fugit - The Time Creature.
Characters - Alawin Thess (A) and Keril Parrah (K).
Rules: Answer these seven questions in the voice of a female OC and then tag others.
Who was your mother and what did she teach you?
A: My mother is Shalara Thess, teacher of everything. Haha, no, well, kinda. She’s the head of the Harmonium, the school in our home, Holdring Fen. She’s fifty-five and has pretty much taught everyone in Fen for their formative years. What has she taught me... She’s my hero really, she taught me everything honestly. How to be strong, how to look at the world and find the treasure wherever it’s hidden, how to learn, how to treat others... My mother is amazing.
K: Oh come on Alawin, really? You haven’t left me anything to say. So, Shalara has pretty much raised me too because my parents were too busy running away from the Orderfolk and stealing things to actually take care of me. She taught me that blood doesn’t make you and thanks to her I ended up in the raphern apprenticeship program. If it wasn’t for Shalara I would never have had the chance to find out that I have a talent for raphei magic or that folding starril was what my hands do best.
Do you have any sisters (related or not)?
A: Keril is my sister in every way that matters. I wouldn’t be half the woman I am without her. I do have a kin-sister, but she’s almost six years younger than me and she went to live in Holdring Dell over by Eastlake a while back so we never see each other.
K: Shadows save us! Winwin! Are you trying to make me cry? Hush your mouth and stop making me blush. Seriously though, Alawin is my sis from Shalara-miss. She’s been beside me through everything and just between you and me, she was the one responsible for talking the whole Harmonium into singing off key that one time, I had nothing to do with it.
A: Nightghosts take you Keril! How old am I going to be before you stop calling me Winwin! I thought you grew out of that...
K: *smirks triumphantly*
How has your gender shaped your path in life?
A: Being a woman has been really helpful in my life as a future-hunter. The time creatures of all kinds are well known to respond better to female hunters as a general rule. No one really knows why, and there are male hunters who are very successful, but all of the scholars who study Timekind agree that women are more likely to enrapture them and be gifted a futureview.
K: Having small hands is good for rapherns, so that’s played in my favor. Being a woman... There are a few who reckon that men are better at magic in general, but that attitude is way better than it was and seems to be dying out for the most part.
What does the woman you admire look like? Who is she?
A: I think I ranted about my mother in a previous question. And Keril. And I better not talk about Keril any more because her head will get too big to fit through the archways in the Holdring Main Circle. If you’re after a description, my mother... She has curly dark hair that falls to her shoulders and blue-beaded plaits behind her ears that are almost down to her hips. Her skin is darker than mine, but I didn’t inherit the golden tones she got from the Yilliren blood on her father’s side. She always wears the red head-scarf that signifies her status as a teacher in the Harmonium. As long as I can remember she has dressed in practical leathers coupled with earth-toned wraps.
K: You know what I’m going to say Winwin. Nothing you can do about it, nope, covering my mouth won’t work! 
*Brief pause for scuffling*
Alawin is the woman I admire! Hah! Said it and I’m not taking it back. She’s got long, black, curly hair that hardly ever goes frizzy and dark brown eyes that are almost black. She’s got gorgeous deep brown skin and the biggest smile ever. And she’s short and tough and... Hey! She didn’t describe me as her most admired woman! Oh my wounded heart... How dare she say that someone as awesome as me has a big ego!
A: Just ignore her, she’ll go on like this for a while. *whispers* Honestly, I do admire Karil, Dammit. Okay, so I admire Karil. She’s so tall that she gives me a crick in my neck sometimes and it’s great that she can get things down for me from high places. She’s got long pretty light brown hair that reminds me of autumn and greeny-blue eyes. Sometimes I worry that she’s so skinny, I’ve seen her forget to eat for a couple of days, but then I see her inhale a whole loaf of bread in one sitting and I don’t worry so much. Oh yeah, and she’s so pale that I’ve seen her get sunburned walking between patches of shade. I think that’s about it.
K: There. Was that so hard? Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go put something on my sunburn and eat a whole chicken. *sticks out tongue*
Why do you think women are considered the gentler sex?
A: Gentler sex huh? I like your sense of humor. I haven’t met anyone tougher than me except my mother. Oh and Keril definitely isn’t any gentler than any of my male friends.
K: Yeah, that sort of thinking fell out of fashion a while ago. The last guy to try and treat me like a delicate flower got pushed in the lake. Admittedly that was when we were about four years old.
What is a piece of your personality that you’re proud of?
A: I’m generally pretty proud of myself really. I’m a good person and I try to make other people’s lives better as much as I can. What can I say, my parents are a couple of great role models and Karil doesn’t let me get away with being an ass for very long.
K: I’m wonderful too! Better than Alawin, that’s for sure! Haha just kidding, honestly I’d say it’s my fantastic outlook on life and my sense of humor. Even Winwin will admit, I’m just a ray of sunshine come to earth.
A: *muttering darky* I’ll give you blood Winwin.
When did you accept your own body and its strengths/weaknesses?
A: When I was younger I was a bit jealous of Karil and the other girls who could wear dresses and not look like a dressed up marlcow, but I got over that when I was in my mid-teens. Being strong and tough lets me do things on my own and I’ll admit that I like being able to rely on myself and my strengths.
K: Now it’s my turn to give Alawin a big head. She kind of knows this, but I’ve always been a bit envious of how strong she is. And fit. Oh spirits preserve me, she could run rings about me while I’d be busy passing out. That being said though, I believe I’m doing precisely what my body is made for and I’ve never really been terribly critical of my physical shape and that.
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loading99percent · 6 years
Exclusive 2/3
Pairing: LYJ x OC (Melanie/Li Xiangjun) || CXK x OC (Serena/Jiang Yingyue) Genre: slice of life, college!au, fluff Word Count: 4,901 Summary: Lin Yanjun openly flirts with Melanie, yet she’s tired of his games and can’t take him seriously. Cai Xukun and Serena chill on a daily, but there’s gotta be more than that between them. Eventually enough, the boys just want the girls exclusively to themselves.
part one.part two.part three
Warning: matured content as in college related stuff. swear words. NOT MOBILE FRIENDLY! not sure why, but it has all the breaks and stuff while on a desktop. (teach me if mobile is different and it can be done!)
Part 2! Not sure if you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it, but hey it is what it is. Sorry if you guys get confused with the usage of names here and there. I wrote it and am too lazy to go back and like change them and so it is what it is. LOL Anyways, so yeah, this is part 2 of 3 and happy reading! kthxbai, Admin Lia~
After helping Xukun complete practically almost everything on his list, Serena finally entered her second class of the day. She waited for the rest of her group mates to join her, but none of them showed up as the rest of the class filed in. Serena wondered if there was a memo about something and she missed it as everyone was gathered in their respective group.
The professor finally arrived and began recapping their last session two days ago shortly afterwards. Serena anxiously looked about her hoping that at least one of them would show up. After telling the class to continue with their group work, the professor went through his files before calling out Serena's name. Serena became alert and slowly made her way towards the front of class.
"Yes, Mr. Hung?" Serena asked once she was besides his desk.
"I'm sure you have noticed that your group members aren't here, correct?" Mr. Hung stated as Serena nodded. "Well, Miss Jiang, I'm sorry to inform you that Mr. Song Shuijiao, Mr. Wang Youchen, Mr. Zhang Jinming, Mr. Jiang Dahe, and Mr. Liang Hi have all been expelled from Langfang since yesterday."
Serena's eyes widened with disbelief at the fact that five of her group mates were expelled and would no longer be attending school.
Mr. Hung continue on. "As for Mr. Li Xinyan, he has been dismissed due to serious medical reasons." He shot Serena a sympathetic look. "I know that it wasn't easy being paired up with a group of males, but I knew you handled it well. It's just the concern that you're the only member of your group now."
"So, what's going to happen to my grade then? Do I continue it solo?" Serena asked a moment later.
"No, Miss Jiang. I have decided for you to team up with my other class where another group is also doing the same topic. You'll work with them to receive your final grade for your last group assignment for my course."
"Does that mean I'll have to attend that class instead of this one?"
"Yes, you will. I know we're already in the second semester of the school term year, but it's the only way you'll pass this class for attendance. It's a Tuesdays and Thursdays class and it's at two-forty. Will that clash with the rest of your schedule?" Mr. Hung asked as Serena tried to recall her weekly school schedule and shook her head afterwards. "No and it's fine. Thank you, Mr. Hung."
He smiled at her. "No problem, Miss Jiang. Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow instead."
"Yeah, tomorrow. Bye."
Serena bid the professor goodbye before returning to her seat to gathered her things and left the classroom soon after. She was planning on returning back to the Nu Chi Phi house to take a nap, but she felt the vibration of her phone and answerd the call after looking at the caller ID.
"Hey, BinBin?" Serena answered her friend, Zheng Ruibin.
"Aren't you supposed to be in class instead of answering my call?" Ruibin questioned instead.
"I was, but something happened." She answered while walking off in a random direction. "What do you want?"
"Well, NaNa, I have a favor or two to ask of you."
"Is it for the stupid scavenger hunt that I-P-T is doing?"
"Yeah, how'd you know?"
"I just do. So what's the favors?"
"Well, we wanna use you in our photos."
"We as in...?"
"Jeffrey and I."
"Go figure." Serena rolled her eyes despite making her way towards a familiar direction. "I'll meet you guys at the basketball court at the park then."
"Thank you, NaNa!" Jeffrey thanked her from the background as Serena chuckled. "You're welcome. See ya."
"See you in a bit." Ruibin said before hanging up.
"Why am I being so nice today and it's not even noon yet?" Serena mumbled to herself after letting out a tired sigh as she headed towards Xinfan Park.
Melanie had just sat down in her seat when she was surrounded on both sides by her two friends, Qin Fen and Han Mubo.
"Guys, I just sat down. Can you give me a minute?"
"No." The duo answered as Melanie groaned. "You guys are so annoying. What do you want?"
"You already know what I want." Qin Fen answered with a smug look while wriggling his eyebrows as Melanie cast him a disgusted look. "Gosh you sound greasy and I knew you were secretly a little pervet. Don't do that again."
"If you give me what I want, then I'll leave you alone."
"Dude, you can practically ask any other girl to do what you're asking me to do. So go do it."
"It's not the same. They're expecting a date or something afterwards. You don't think of that of me."
"I wonder why, but that's not my problem. Besides, there are other Nu Chi Phi members who aren't like that. Hell, you could've asked Junyi, Zixuan, or Qiuyan to help you guys out instead of me."
"Qiuyan already helped me with three and both Junyi and Zixuan each helped me with two. All three said they wouldn't help me anymore than that." Mubo informed as Melanie rolled her eyes. "You guys seriously need to go find some more female friends. It wouldn't be that hard since you guys have quite a bunch of fangirls."
"Like I mentioned earlier in case you forgot-"
Melanie interrupted Qin Fen. "I didn't forget."
Qin Fen continued like he didn't get interrupted. "They don't want to be just friends, Jun." Qin Fen clarified as he cast her a look. "How many times do we have to keep reminding you this?"
"When you guys stop bothering me about stupid shit."
"That was uncalled for." Mubo stated with a look as Melanie shrugged while casting them an annoyed look. "It's whatever. I'll only help you guys two times, but that's it because I've done so much for you guys last time and I regret it." She glared at Qin Fen. "And you better have bought me a new bra already. Like forreals, Fen."
"I got you, JunJun. I got you." Qin Fen beamed as he set a white rectangular box onto the table. "You're welcome."
Melanie's eyes lit up as she inspected the present while slowly opening the gift. Melanie went to check the tag, but frown upon seeing the incorrect size while shutting the box and passing it back to her friend.
"What's wrong? You don't like the color?" Qin Fen asked worriedly as Melanie shot him a look. "The color's fine, but it's the wrong size, Fen."
"How can that be? I double checked."
"It's the same size as the one that you tried to give me that wasn't even mine. You're hopeless."
"Haha, I knew it." Mubo laughed while pointing a finger at Qin Fen. "I told you that wasn't her size."
"Shut up." He blankly stared at the box. "What should I do with it?"
"Give it to one of your fangirls." Melanie mused as Qin Fen elbowed her with a sheepish look. "Stop."
Jeffrey was currently serenading to Serena as they held hands, but her other free hand was slightly shielding her face from the camera's view. When it was over Serena quickly removed her hand from Jeffrey's and glared over at Ruibin who pulled Jeffrey's phone down to look at Serena amusingly.
"Are we done now?"
"Depends. Do you want to continue?" Ruibin smiled at her as Serena shook her head with a frown. "No. I basically did like fifteen of those on the list and even doubled them for the both of you. Took like two hours for some dumb reasons on your guys' part." She then placed a hand on her stomach while making a cute pout unconsciously. "Plus, I'm hungry and it's way passed lunch time."
"Then let's go get some late lunch then since our precious NaNa is hungry." Jeffrey suggested as he swung an arm around her shoulders with a playful smile as Serena slightly nudged him. "Didn't you want to try that 99 °C Bakery Cafe a block from here?"
"OMG, yes, Jeffy, but you're buying as the favor you owed me." Serena grinned as she looked at Ruibin. "And the favor from you, BinBin, is that you can owe me is getting that Totoro bedroom set."
"You live in a dorm room. You sure you want it?" Ruibin asked unsure as Serena nodded. "It's for my room back home. I ain't using that here."
"I mean, Jeffrey's richer than me, are you sure you don't want him to get that for you and I pay for lunch?"
"Oh, you right, you right." Serena nodded. "Jeffy pays Totoro and BinBin pays for lunch. Set and done. Let's go."
The trio began heading towards the bake shop.
"Off topic, but about NiNi," Jeffrey began, "How is she and Yanjun?"
"Nothing since NiNi just hates being involved with his dumb shit."
"Well, NaNa, a little birdie told us that Yanjun had NiNi become his pretend girlfriend again so that one of his crazy stalker fangirl could back off a few weeks ago." Ruibin explained with a small smile while placing a hand upon Serena's lower back to steer her out of the other people's way as they crossed the cross-walk.
"By little birdie, you mean your girlfriend, also known as Qi Yandi, also known as one of Nu Chi Phi's member gossiper, right?" Serena chuckled as Ruibin shyly laughed and nodded. "Yeah, something like that."
"Also, Ziyi told me that NiNi almost beat Yanjun up, but he prevented her from doing so." Jeffrey added upon remembering it.
"Yeah, she almost did. Actually, she's still pissed about it all because she was used three times for Yanjun's selfishness, but mainly she's just done with the other girls who were involved and wants to put out a restraining order on them."
"Dang, what did they do? Do you guys need protection?" Ruibin asked and offered as Serena shook her head. "Thanks. I'll ask her about it. But anyways, the girls keeps calling her names and what not, but when NiNi is about to confront them and shit, they run off scared."
"We can talk to Yanjun about it." Jeffrey offered. "Since we know him and he's definitey trying to stop using NiNi in those situations."
"I mean you could, but who knows how that will go since NiNi said she'll slap the shit out of Yanjun if he did it again. Anyways, these girls just talk a lot of shit, but won't do nothing. NiNi can handle that bit."
"I'm pretty sure it has to do with you guys being a part of Nu Chi Phi." Rubin stated with a knowing smile as Serena laughed. "Somewhat, but they're also part of Epsilon Nu Sigma."
"Ah, E-N-S, the crazy and party-goers sorority house." Jeffrey recalled as he affectionately patted her head. "Don't worry. They're all bark and no bite."
"I know. I've dealt with a lot of them without embarrassing my house, too."
"It's because you're a low-key N-C-P member and they don't know it." Ruibin remarked nudging her as she nudged him back. "It's because I do enough to stay under the radar from the public, but enough to get noticed by the sorority house to stay a member."
Serena then locked arms with her friends and hurried them along. "Anyways, guys, let's forget that. Let's get food instead because I'm hungry and I have a tutoring session in like an hour."
After bidding her two friends goodbye once they finally got what they wanted on the list, Melanie casually made her way to her next class. She settled herself towards the back of the classroom. She brought out her materials to review for the practice test on Monday. If she did super well on the test, then the teacher would allow for the practice test to help bump up their grades to replace a previous test that they scored poorly on.
Too focused on the reading material, Melanie didn't notice Zhangjing joining her and placing a dual boba cup near her. It wasn't until she felt a poke to her side and slowly turned to look at a smiling Zhangjing.
"I'm not talking to you." She stated while returning back to reading again as Zhangjing rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. My peace offering is your favorite drink."
Zhangjing pushed the drink closer to her and Melanie automatically took a hold of it to drink both flavors before putting it down again. "I'm still not gonna forgive you for your stupid antic with Yanjun this morning."
Before he could defend himself, Melanie shot him a look. "And don't try to say you couldn't come, because I saw your fast ass run off."
"You knew I was there?"
"Of course. Your broad back is so obvious."
"Wow, Xiangjun. Thanks for attacking my figure. You're a great friend."
"I never said we were friends, You. Zhang. Jing."
"Seriously, you're so rude, dude. I even pay for you whenever we eat hotpot together." Zhangjing scoffed as he angrily sipped on his own boba drink.
"Psh, it's because we made an agreement." Melanie reminded him while sipping on her own. "You pay for hotpot night and I pay for dinner hangout night." She then shot him a look. "Besides, Zhangjing, we do hotpot like three to five times a month while we do dinner hangout once or twice a every so well. Now think about that."
"Okay, fine. You win. My bad and I'm sorry."
"Gosh, you're such a little brat, I swear." Melanie commented with a smile as Zhangjing playfully stuck his tongue out at her.
The duo were later joined by Yanjun and another friend, Lin Chaoze, to who Melanie greeted the latter happily.
"Chaoze! Hi." She stood up to the hug the male as he returned the gesture and taking the seat on her other side. "Hi, Xiangjun. How are you today?"
"I'm good. You?" Melanie totally ignored Yanjun when he opened his arms ready for a hug from her, but she sat back down causing the male to slightly glare at her behavior towards him while he sat on the other side of Zhangjing.
"Lin Yanjun, zero. Li Xiangjun, nine thousand and one." Zhangjing muttered mischievously as Yanjun mocked laughed at him before glaring and reminding him of his little threat. "One eye open tonight, Zhangjing."
Zhangjing turned away to finish his boba. Yanjun glanced at Melanie to see that she was too busy talking to Chaoze about the upcoming test so he focused his attention on to the teacher who entered at that moment.
The tutoring sessions were being held on the first floor of the school's library in its own designated area. Today, along with two other tutors, Serena was tutoring seven of her fellow schoolmates in various topics.
"You write this word like this. That way the sentence flows better." Serena spoke in Thai to Huang Shuhao who was a Thai transfer student.
"Ah, okay. Thank you." Shuhao smiled at her as he erased his previous answer and replaced it with what Serena had told him.
"I mean, you can work with Sunnee a lot better since she's more fluent in Thai than I am."
"Oh, it's okay. I also don't want to disturb her."
Serena chuckled and patted him on the back. "I'm sure she would rather helped you with than deal with math right now. I'll go get her for you, Shuhao."
'Okay, thank you, Yingyue."
"You're welcome. Just wait a moment."
Serena made her way over to Sunnee who was teaching Sun Fanjie and Huang Ruohan an algebraic formula with no luck. The two girls switched places with Sunnee mouthing a quick 'thank you' before rushing to help Shuhao. Serena chuckled with a shake of her head before asking the two boys what they were exactly having issues with.
Once she helped them out she made her way over to Zhu Yiwen who beckoned her over.
"Yeah, what's up?"
"Ying Zhiyue needs help with his academic schedule next year," Yiwen began to explain, "And since you've worked with him the most throughout our tutor sessions, you think you could help him sort it out for the next school term?"
"Oh, yeah that's fine with me." Serena agreed while looking around for Zhiyue, but didn't spot him. "Did he already go down to registration?"
"Yeah. He just left to go talk with an advisor. I'm not sure when he'll return, but I'll let him know you'll agree to help him."
"Okay, cool, Yiwen. I should be free Friday afternoon if he's available."
"Got it. I'll keep you posted, Yingyue."
Just then, Serena felt her phone vibrated. She ignored it at first since it was only a text message, but when it vibrated several more times she went on ahead to check it out. She received several messages from her sorority's president, Qiang Dongyue, and upon scanning the last one it was telling Serena to report to her right now.
Class was about to end in less than half an hour when Melanie received a message from Dongyue. Contemplating if she should leave now or wait a few more minutes when she realized that she had friends in the class and that they could fill her in later. Melanie patted Chaoze and Zhangjing on the shoulders while asking them to message her later if she missed something as she gathered up her things.
Yanjun held out a hand for a high-five him which Melanie high-fived him unconsciously after passing by him causing Yanjun to grin at her in satisfaction. Melanie rolled her eyes at him, but quickly left the classroom and made her way towards the Nu Chi Phi house.
When Melanie neared the house she ran into Serena as the two looked at one another curiously while pointing at one another.
"Don't you have tutoring right now?"
"Aren't you supposed to be in class at this time?"
"Dongyue messaged me." They chorused at the same time while entering the house and making their way to the conference room.
"Hello, ladies." Dongyue greeted them with a smile as she motioned for them to sit as the duo did so with the rest of the sorority council. "We apologized in advance if you're missing on anything academic-releated."
"Take a breath and slowly exhale. It's nothing bad or serious, so don't stress about that." Kimberley, the vice-president, chuckled as the treasurer, Lucia, smiled. "Yeah, it's only to discuss about attendance for the social gatherings this school term and we're doing it by roommates."
Both Serena and Melanie relaxed and looked at their fellow sisters calmly awaiting permission to speak when prompted to.
"Anyways, Melanie," The secretary, Yamy, began with a grin, "You've done well in attending all the events that Nu Chi Phi has hosted thus far and have been invited to as well. And for that, we're awarding you this set for doing an outstanding job."
Dongyue stood, walked around the table, placed the small box in front of Melanie, congratulated her, and then returned back to her seat. Melanie then opened the small box and her face lit up upon seeing the new bracelet and necklace insignia set of Nu Chi Phi's symbols for this year.
"Thank you!" Melanie beamed as she closed the gift and put it into her bag.
"Now, Serena," Yamy began with a gentle look in Serena's direction, "We know you wanna be low- key and we're okay with that."
"Yeah, like super low-key under the radar type." Kimberley added with a laugh before speaking again, "But we would appreciate it more if you attended one more event before the school term's over."
Lucia nodded in agreement. "We acknowledged the fact that you do do your part as a fellw sister of Nu Chi Phi and haven't caused us any scandals or embarrassment since being with us." She then cast a look at her fellow council members. "Still..." She trailed off as Dongyue continued instead.
"As president of Nu Chi Phi, I'm ordering you to attend one more social event as per socializing with those around you not in Nu Chi Phi. Plus, you will actually need to stay for more than an hour. Not just make appearances to several attendees and leave soon afterwards." Dongyue smiled as Serena made a face causing everyone else in the room to laugh. "You don't have to mingle much, just chill or relax and eat the good food. Just stay for a bit passed an hour and you're set."
Serena nodded. "Alright, will do, Dongyue."
"Think of it this way, Serena, by joining a sorority you're committing yourself to a lifetime of network connections." Melanie nudged her friend as Serena nudged her back. "I know. You've been telling me this since you made me pledged Nu Chi Phi."
The others laughed before dismissing the girls as the two roommates headed up to their shared room to relax since they didn't have any other classes to attend for the rest of today. Serena had dozed off and so missed the calls and text messages due to her phone being on vibrate. Melanie had just returned from the bathroom when she saw her phone light up and went to answer it.
"Yo, wassup, bro?" She answered coolly causing the other person on the other line to laugh. "Sup, Melanie. You and Serena busy?"
"Well, Ziyi, Serena just fell asleep, but I can wake her up if you want me to."
"Do it!" Melanie heard another voice yelled through the phone. "Is that Xiao Gui with you?"
"Yeah." Ziyi confirmed. "Anyways, I mean if you don't mind. Xiao Gui and I are on our way to the I See Darling amusement park if you guys are down."
"Hell yeah. Just the two of you?"
"Mhmm. Xiao Gui basically forced me."
"I did not!" Xiao Gui yelled through the phone again. "But come join us, Xiangjun, and bring Yingyue along, too!"
"Alright. We'll see you guys in a bit." Melanie agreed. "Just let me convince Serena to come."
"Gotcha. Just message me." Ziyi told her with a chuckle.
"Will do. Bye."
Serena found herself sitting in-between Xiao Gui and Ziyi on the viking ride so that she couldn't escape with Melanie sitting on Ziyi's other side. The quartet held onto one another for dear life as the ride went back and forth. Of course, Serena had wanted for them to sit on the edge since it would make the ride more thrilling, but Ziyi refused and they ended up in the center of the ride instead. Once the viking came to an end, they all got off of it with Xiao Gui holing onto Serena's shirt.
"Ugh, Xiao Gui, I'm not gonna run away." Serena stated for the nth time today. "You don't gotta worry."
"I dunno." Xiao Gui answered a bit wary. "I remember the last time you said that to me, you also ditched me to ride alone on the roller coaster."
"Because I had to pee."
"Yeah, that's what you said, but you came back with a big ass corn dog and didn't share it with me."
Serena rolled her eyes. "Because you weren't hungry."
"I was lying." Xiao Gui admitted as Serena shook her head. "Gosh, you're hopeless."
"Anyways, what do you guys wanna do now?" Ziyi asked trying to direct the conversation somewhere else.
"Let's eat. I'm hungry." Melanie suggested as she pointed to one of the food stalls. "A corn dog sounds really good right now."
"Xiao Gui's paying since his bitch ass forced us to come here." Serena declared with a laugh as Xiao Gui shot her a weird look. "Dafaq? You think I'm made of money or what, Yingyue?"
"Guys, I'll pay if it gets you two to stop fighting." Ziyi intervened as Serena shook her head vigorously. "Nah, bro. Don't do that. Make Xiao Gui pay for our meal for once since he's always freeloading and shit."
"This bitch. Fight me, Ying." Xiao Gui said as he annoyingly bumped his chest against Serena's side as she pushed him away with a roll of her eyes. "Ain't gonna fight you, dipshit. Calm down."
"Hey!" Melanie snapped her fingers together while clicking her tongue. "Stop fighting like little kids. Sheesh, can't take you two anywhere."
"Psh, I didn't want to come in the first place." Serena reminded her. "I wanted to sleep instead."
"Bro, you sleep like all the time. Be more productive, lazy ass." Xiao Gui stated as Serena elbowed him. "Get outta here before I throw your ass into the gold fish pool, you big-mouthed frog."
"These two." Ziyi shook his head at his friends' bickering while smiling as Melanie sighed beside him a bit annoyed. "Och, I swear these two act like they grew up together when they only met like last year."
Ziyi placed an arm around her shoulders as he led them towards one of the food stall. "Let them fight, Melanie. I'll buy you that corn dog."
"Oh, please and thank you. I only ate oatmeal and a grilled chicken sandwich today."
"Then I'ma buy you a whole meal. Can't let my home girl starve."
"Thanks. I'll get you next time, Ziyi."
Both Melanie and Serena were given piggy back rides from Ziyi and Xiao Gui, respectively, on their way back to their sorority house down Greek row.
"So why are we doing this again?" Serena asked as she wanted to walk on her own while feeling uncomfortable with stares from the others.
"For the scavenger hunt, dummy." Melanie answered reminding her friend. "Weren't you listening before we agreed to do this."
"What else is new?" Xiao Gui snorted with a laugh as Serena tightened her hold around his neck causing Xiao Gui to choke out his words. "Ack, loosen up your hold, girl."
"Stop talking shit then."
"I'll stop when you start being nicer to me."
"Isn't allowing you to piggy back me, nice enough, brat?"
"Are you two done arguing over there?" Ziyi asked the two as the duo replied in-synced in a playful manner. "No."
"You guys are so childish." Melanie stated with a laugh as both Xiao Gui and Serena blew her each a raspberry.
When they neared the Nu Chi Phi house that was when the girls got off of the boys' back.
"OMG, about time. It was starting to ache." Xiao Gui held his back making a face as Serena rolled her eyes and playfully pushed him away. "Shut up or I'll get Bu Fan to hit you in my place."
"Don't you dare, Yingyue." Xiao Gui's eyes became alert as he cautiously looked around him. "I've dealt with him too much today. I don't need more."
"Seriously, you guys fight like siblings." Ziyi remarked with a chuckle. "You sure you guys weren't separated at birth?"
"Nah, bro." Melanie dismissed the topic. "Don't bring that up or they'll start arguing again."
"Ugh, whatever." Serena threw a hand in the air to dismiss the whole situation. "Forget y'all. I'ma sleep now. Bye."
Before she could actually make her escape, Ziyi took the hem of her shirt to prevent her from leaving.
"Just let me go." She whined as everyone laughed while Ziyi pulled her closer and locked her under his embrace. "Just hang out for a bit more."
"Why? You guys already got enough stuff for your list from me."
"It's about attending another event." Melanie informed Serena as Serena looked at her warily before shifting it to the two males. "What about it?"
"Saturday night we got a little karaoke thing going. You down?" Xiao Gui asked with a smirk. "Or nah?"
"Hell nah. I ain't down."
"Don't be like that. You'll get to witness me and Ziyi have a rap battle."
"And so?"
"Don't be so stubborn." Ziyi told her while squeezing Serena a bit as she made a face at him. "I feel like it's a trap."
"You think everything is a trap." Melanie remarked with a roll of her eyes as Serena glared at her. "Because it usually is whenever you're involved and it's not Dongyue or the others doing when it's concerning the sorority. For you it's plain entertainment of my misery."
"I don't know what you're talking about." Melanie feigned aloofness as Serena scoffed. "Sure you don't, but fine, whatever. I'll go. Just let me go, Ziyi."
Ziyi smiled as he playfully held onto her longer while squeezing her causing Serena to squirm within his grasp before letting her go.
"Ugh. I hate when you do that." Serena huffed as she fixed her shirt.
Ziyi smirked while ruffling her hair. "Don't lie. I know you secretly like it."
Serena stuck her tongue out at him in response.
"Anyways, just make sure to bring a plush doll on Saturday night for karaoke." Xiao Gui reminded the two females.
"Why?" Melanie asked with a questioning brow.
He shrugged. "Something about a raffle or something. I don't remember. Gotta ask Zhou Tengyang about that."
"Well, we gotta go." Ziyi informed them. "We still got stuff to do before the scavenger hunt ends in a few hours."
The quartet bid one another goodbye with the girls entering their house and the boys walking back in the direction to their house of Iota Phi Theta.
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eternaltchotchke · 7 years
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Aight and here's all the shit I got plus all the badges I could find for the years I've been to Sabo. 
I'll put a read more about like. Everything because I admittedly wanna talk about it, like Sabo as a whole because like I said in my last post, I think that's gonna be the last Saboten I'm going to...at least unless I do a booth. But that's besides the point. So yeah read more if you wanna read all my nostalgia shit. Stop here if you're good, lol. I’m warning you, it’s fucking long AF.
2009: My second ever convention. I actually got to go because a friend of mine got tickets for her birthday and she invited me to go with her. I was, like, the kind of person I think her parents wanted her to be like? ‘Cause at the time I was a nerd, but I was introverted and I think they were under the impression that I was a good christian straight girl(™) and well. Lol, neither of us were. This was way before I ever tried doing cosplay, and well, technically I did a really shitty Misty at PCC that same year, but like. OMG. It was terrible. I think this was the year I did a ‘lolita?’ outfit? But really it was just me trying to be edgy. It was kind of cute, but man, I would never wear it today.
2010: So this was senior year of high school and the con was actually at the Hilton just down the street from my school. It was my third convention and I got tickets for my friend and I invited my cousin, but he got food poisoning on one of the days he was going to go, so I ended up soloing it for the rest of the weekend. I went as Miki from Shugo Chara and...it was...bad, lol. I tried making the hat, and well, it was a craftfoam hat and everything else I just kind of found around the house. I don’t remember much else from this con to be honest, just that...I went as Miki for at least one day.
2011: This was the year that I got a lot more into Hetalia. I had just graduated from high school and was still kind of...figuring myself out. I dragged an, at the time, friend there with me to a Hetalia cafe and that was fun. I think that was the first time I’d had a con squish? Crush??? The America was mega cool and ooh, I know that was also the year I went to the Eyeshine concert! I was really into Johnny Yong Bosch’s voice ‘cause I was watching Code Geass and Bleach at the time, and well. I like voice actors a whole bunch? And the concert was really cool and I still have the video I saved from it...and yeah. Good times. Actually, p great times, heh.
2012: This was the year I finally went with con friends! God, it was such a good time because for once I had people to hang out with the whole weekend. I’d met a good majority of them at the last PCC and one of the main people I remember is Maddi who’s still one of my best of best friends. There’s also Sabby and again, one of the best friends a person can ever have. We weren’t close at the time, but I do have a pic with her in it? So. She was there. And I think one of the people in it is Hanna who is an awesome person and I love her so much. She’s great like, the coolest person and dang it all, I love my friends?
And then there are a lot of people that I hung out with at the time that...admittedly, I want to forget. One of them, I hate so very very much. Because they were a toxic person and terrible to my best friends and fuck, I wish I had actually stood up for my friends when I was younger and called out some of the shit they pulled because I should have. But. Well. Hindsight...and then the other? Well, I don’t hate but...I guess thinking back on things? It’s awkward and I was awkward and man, that was a...time. I see ‘em sometimes and it’s like, sweet bajeebus you haven’t changed at all.
There was a lot of shit that happened on the last day and like, one of it was there was a panel that didn’t go well and then the other was someone was kinda mega rude to a friend? And while yeah I understand their stance on things, they said things in a rude way that just...could’ve been said a lot better or at least in a kinder way.
But as a sidenote, that was the year I got Laboon! And I still have him, and I still love him. He’s a good whale.
2013: ...this was...the year of kind of an end to some things. But, the beginning of some really REALLY great things. This was the year I became really good friends with Jed, who is like, one of the best of best friends a person could have. He’s such a cool dude, and nerd, but also cool and I might not say it often enough but I’m really lucky to have become his friend. I gotta say that for all my friends, especially Sabby, Maddi, and Jed. I love y’all so much and really, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without y’all?
Anyway, this was the most stressful con I had ever been to. Admittedly? The first day was p good, I went as Cecil (here we go, Cecil version 1 lol) and Jed was Carlos and we had a good time all around. Theeeen Twitter ‘cause at the time, there was a lot of like...sonas for the websites and I was like, I have all that, I’ll be twitter! ...but I ended up having to wait a….long time for my friends to arrive and god, there was just...nothing but drama that day. It was not good.
Day 3 was 1000% better because me and Jed went back to Cecil and Carlos and all around that was just a dang good time. I think someone had actually told me that I was their headcanon Cecil? Which like. Literally made everything that weekend so much better because I was using my real hair (which at the time was sort of long) and I played up my brown skin. There were quite a few other Cecils, but from what I could remember, most of them were the blond white ones and that kind of helped me stand out.
Oh, and that was the first year we attempted flower crowns! Well, I tried, I literally got two garlands of roses and wrapped them around each other. We lost them on the first day, but another Carlos and Cecil found them, which was hilarious to me and I was really glad that happened actually, hah.
2014: HELL.
2015: --god no do you really wanna know about 2014? Okay one sec.
2014: So. I didn’t wanna pay for a ticket. I REALLY didn’t wanna pay for a ticket because also I was flat broke and honestly cons were so far out my price range at the time I shouldn’t have done it.
I did it anyway.
So 2014 was the year of volunteering and doing panels. It was also the first year we did a photo shoot, which was really fun and Maddi’s and Sabby’s were great. I still do love the ones we did for me and Jed, but there was something really nice and bright about the X-Ray and Vav stuff. To be completely honest? I don’t remember much like, for specifics of the con, just that we did panels and that I met a p cool Garrus cosplayer (who still cosplayed the same Garrus at PCC this year, and from the looks of it, it didn’t seem he made it at all more comfortable and I was like, DUDE. MAKE IT SO YOU CAN FREAKING SIT HOLY FUCK).
I’ve admittedly been going back through all my social media accounts to see if anything could jog my memory, and the only thing I remember clearly was that someone thought I was master chef in my Geoff cosplay and that was funny to me.
...I was also apparently America for a day. Which was p alright because I was admittedly a dang great America. Funny story, the only reason I know I was America was because someone from my past recognized us and snapped a pic. I’m like, looking at it and it’s just so funny to me that it turned out as good as it was for like, a really quick throw together thing.
2015: SHIT I HAD TO GO BACK TO MY OLD SHIT TO SEE WHAT THE HELL I WAS AND I FORGOT I THREW TOGETHER A CASUAL!DORIAN FOR THAT. Good fucking god, that’s hilarious, I was always somehow left tiddy commitee...even though it was a v casual Dorian, I guess I just had the right amount of hair for it, lol.
Also, it was the year that we did a panel for the Ladies of Hetalia and then we also did a Youtuber Let’s Players panel with prizes and I only remember spending the night before making those prizes, but the one that everyone really loved was the Geoff picture, which also was a fucking pain in the ass to make because would you be surprised that that picture was really hard to find a good enough quality one to print out? The best thing was though, that I kept running into the people who won the picture and I think some sort of cult formed around it. I’m not sure. I worry for that picture frame sometimes…
I think that was also the last time I cosplayed Cecil. Sabby was my Dana, which I mega appreciate her for, and I took a lot of liberties on my outfit...and based it much more heavily on the weirdness of Cec rather than the button up and tie version that was really popular. It was more fun just to do a Cecil cosplay TBH, and I actually can’t tell if Jed was there or not? I’m also not sure if Maddi was either...uhhh, most of the stuff I can find are selfies of me and Sabby which...I’m not sure of a lot of details actually.
2016: Man, that was the year of Undertale, Dragon Age, and Hamsteak. Er. Homestook. HOMESTUCK. Also the year I got a really nice camera to take pictures with. It was really fun because I got some great pics of our God Tier outfits and I’m still p happy with my Dave cape. Special thanks to Jed for making 99% of that hood. I still owe him a fuck ton.
This was also the year that me and Sabby went to a really fun quiz panel with an awesome Mettaton who is still p dang cool. I wasn’t sure if there was another this year? I don’t think I was able to make it to it, and I know that there was just so much work put into it, I was super blown away.
I also brought back Fen one last time, and that was fun. I dabbed for a dude and that made him super happy, then I just fucked around for the rest of the con. Ooh, also there was Naruto running. Late at night because also, sometimes you just gotta be a fucking loser with your friends. We...kind of started a whole thing? And I feel a little bad looking back on it? But it was at least, at first, just me and Hanna that Naruto ran down the empty hallway to Haruka Kanata and that was just. Such a fun time.
We did another photoshoot that year too, got some legit pics for hamsteak cosplays which was awesome. Then I had a lot of fun editing them. I’d say there’s more to say for this con, but...not really. Oh, but we did spend a lot of time in the activity lounge? Which I love the activity lounge ‘cause they have crayons and hang up your drawings on the walls and I did a ‘great’ drawing of Dave and Karkat that someone took home.
2017: So here we are, eight years later. To be honest? I was actually sort of dreading this con. There was so much just...not happening and I was feeling kind of eh...and I should’ve definitely gotten more done on Gabe but I didn’t. So instead I did Boxerwatch which was still fun, and my armor actually held up really fucking well. Which I was mega happy abound.
Saturday was kind of...a time. Like, I wanted to have fun, and I know I looked cool AF? But it was so hot and humid and I was in like, three layers of clothes and craftfoam and I didn’t bring a change of clothes. Which was stupid on my part. But! Jenny lent me her hot dog costume? Which literally made my day and it turned the whole thing from an /eh day to a THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER sort of time. I’m not gonna lie, I love wearing those mascot sort of costumes because the shenanigans you can have while wearing them. It’s just so good.
Sunday was awesome because I got to hang out with Clyde, Sam, Ray, and I met Keyboard who is p dang cool. Also, I met my hello new person quota of one, so, double accomplishment. On top of that? My armor held up ridiculously well that day and so did my shitty painted on beard and I was literally. So fucking comfortable. I know I was missing a fuck ton of things for Gabe but it worked out alright since I went with a mega casual version. I’m definitely gonna make sure I can wear that jacket anywhere I go though because I love it a bunch? And it was mega comfy. Plus I’m thinking of making the shoulder pads something permanent to the jacket so I could have my own Gabriel Reyes jacket to just. Wear and feel cool in. Well, not cool. More like fucking sweltering because also I live in AZ.
Monday was just a casual day. I think I’m coming down with something and I wasn’t gonna kill myself by wearing Hanzo so, I edged it up. I was kind of really bummed because the Eyeshine concert was cancelled and it was sort of the main thing I was looking forward to all weekend? But I think Sabo might have messed it up p badly because on the website they set it for Sunday at night, which would’ve been perfect ‘cause then all three of us could’ve gone. But the schedule moved it to Monday and I was sad ‘cause it was their farewell tour...and I kind of felt like it’d be just...one of the perfect ways to end my time going to Sabo.
And so yeah, that’s kind of it? Like, I definitely did have fun over the years, there was stress AF during some parts, but then there were some really really great times. I’ve sort of...lost a lot of interest in anime since I started going, and while I will admit, I do still enjoy watching it, I’m so choosy about what I like and what I’ll watch that a lot of the main things available at Sabo don’t interest me nearly as much. There’s one more anime cosplay I wanna do, and admittedly it’d be really freaking easy to pull off...just gotta get the stuff. But other than that single cosplay, I just...I would like to focus on different things. Plus, it’s just so hard to get stuff together because of the timing of it all. Working as a teaching assistant means that I have very little time during those weeks leading up to the con to do anything. The week before was kind of hell, as I had to stay on campus until at least 5:30 most days and god, I couldn’t work on really anything. That and I didn’t have the mental capacity to work on Gabe over the summer, plus I’d planned to have Cyberninja!Hanzo at least started but that just couldn’t happen.
But anyway, that’s it really! This turned out a lot longer than I meant for it to be and I’m probably going to cross post this onto my DeviantArt. So thank you Saboten-Con, it’s been one helluva ride. There were some ups, downs, turns, and spins and while some of those times really really sucked...there were many others that were just so great and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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jenmedsbookreviews · 7 years
This has been one very long week. Productive in work terms but very, very long. And to cap it all off I have decided to try and get myself back on the diet which means I am tired and irritable right now. Which in fairness is my default mood/status so there isn’t actually anything unusual in that fact.
Funny old week. We have had go live with the first set of victims, sorry drivers, using the new proof of delivery app at work. Seems to have gone well all things considered. A few minor glitches, but nothing we couldn’t fix so happy days. It has meant early starts but that has also meant earlier finishes so I have been able to get to reading much earlier in the day than normal. This means I’ve had an unusually productive week on the blogging front too clearing a relatively high number of books (for me) without resorting to one audio book (or Mr Men) to help me out. Who knew?
I also had a bit of a surprise earlier in the week when this happened:
Yes. I recieved an email from Reedsy informing me that I’d been listed as one of their recommended best book blogs of 2017 over on their website. A great honour, especially when you look at some of the other blogs on the list – there are some really high profile blogs with massive viewing figures making mine look kind of tiny in comparison, but I am very chuffed and humbled to be up there considering I am just a babby in blogging terms. It’s been a very long time since that statement applied in real life…
I have tried to be good on the book purchase/download front this week. Failed miserably but it’s the thought that counts right? In my defence, some of the books I have bought in preparation for a forthcoming Christmas feature month on the blog, currently pencilled in for November. I blame Mandie as we came up with the idea while on a walk yesterday morning. What started as a couple of weeks of Christmas posts is now a whole month of madness, espescially when you consider that neither of us actually likes Christmas. 😉 Other books (namely the Netgalley download for which I blame Bookouture) are books I need to read for blog tours (well one is) so it doesn’t really count. That’s right isn’t it?
Books I ordered: Murder Game by Caroline Mitchell (preorder); Thorne at Christmas by Mark Billingham;  Dying For Christmas by Tammy Cohen; Frost at Christmas by R.D. Wingfield; and six Mr Men Christmas Books. Audio  book wise I only ordered one which was Perfect Prey by Helen Fields. Netgalley wise I only downloaded Hide and Seek by Richard Parker (blog tour fodder I promise).
I also received a lovely bit of book post this week in the shape of Santa Claws by Gabriela Harding. Can’t wait to dive into it and it’s part of what inspired the Christmas posts mentioned earlier.
Isn’t it fabulous? Send in the clowns lol. Blogging wise I’ve been quite productive too. I had, how shall I put this, a backlog of unwritten reviews – a mere nine – nothing to be concerned about. Much. I managed on Saturday to get six of the nine written … then promptly read another book so I am back to four to write but they will be done imminently. I probably would have completed all ten reviews but I was a) running out of new ways to say ‘really bloody good’, and b) starting to get my sarcastic, comedic head on due to blogger fatigue which is never a good thing ;). Reading wise, as I said, I’ve had a pretty good week clearing four books off my tbr. And four corkers they are too.
Books I have read.
I Know A Secret by Tess Gerritsen
I have a secret.  And someone wants to make sure I never tell . . . 
In a house decorated with horror movie posters, a young woman’s body is found. She lies on her bed, two bloodied objects clutched in her palm. Detective Jane Rizzoli and Forensic Pathologist Maura Isles are called to the murder scene, but even faced with this gruesome sight they are unable to identify the immediate cause of death. 
Their investigation leads them to a high-profile murder case that was seemingly solved years before. But when another body is found in horrific circumstances, the link between the two victims is clear. Was the wrong person sent to prison? Is the real killer out there right now, picking off new targets? 
One woman knows the killer is coming for her next. She’s the only one who can help Rizzoli and Isles catch him.
But she has a secret that she has to keep . . .
Confession time – I have a secret too … I have never read any Rizzoli and Isles before this book! I know. I should hang my head in shame. I have seen the TV series on occasion but not read any of the actual books. Until now. I shall be heading back to the first eleven books as soon as I can as I absolutely loved this and have no doubt fans of the series will love it too. Sucked in from page one I raced through to the conclusion. You can see my thoughts as part of the blog tour tomorrow but in the meantime why not preorder it here.
Hide and Seek by Richard Parker
The sun is out. Your little boy is smiling. The next time you look… he’s gone. 
When Lana and Todd win a trip to Blue Crest Adventure Park, their four-year-old Cooper is ecstatic, but when Lana goes to meet them, Todd is out cold, and Cooper is missing.
No one stopped the man carrying the sleeping boy. The cameras don’t show where he went. Then Lana receives an anonymous message, telling her to visit a local school with a horrifying history… 
This is no random attack. Whoever took Cooper is playing a twisted game, and if Lana wants to find him, she must participate. 
What is the link between the school and her missing son? Can Lana uncover the kidnapper’s identity and save Cooper before it’s too late?
Now it may come as a surprise to some, but I absolutely loved Richard Parker’s last book, Follow You, so as soon as this appeared on NetGalley  had to have it and as soon as I had it I had to read it. Did it meet my expectations. Well, the cheesy grin on my face while reading may have been a give away, but yes. I enjoyed it. Muchly. You can see just how muchly next month when I post my review in the meantime do yourselves a favour and go preorder it here.
The Good Sister by Jess Ryder
Two sisters. One secret… A lie that could destroy them both.
When her father dies, Josie is devastated to uncover he led a secret life: another house, another family and a half-sister called Valentina.
Both with red hair and icy blue eyes, Josie and Valentina could be mistaken for twins. But the similarities end there…
Josie – Sweet, reserved, jealous, thief.  Valentina – Care-free, confident, dangerous, liar. 
There is a perfect life here for the taking. But which one of them wants it the most?
Two sisters. One survivor. 
I thought initially this may have been a biography about me as I am clearly the good sister of all of my siblings but turns out I was wrong. What it is, is a twisted tale centred around long held secrets which have deadly repurcussions. What it also is is extremely gripping and a fluffing good read. My review will be up in a little over a weeks time, in the meantime you can preorder here.
The Big Dreams Beach Hotel by Lilly Bartlett
Wriggle your toes in the sand and feel the warm breeze on your face when you check into the hotel that’s full of dreams…
Three years after ditching her career in New York City, Rosie never thought she’d still be managing the quaint faded Victorian hotel in her seaside hometown.
What’s worse, the hotel’s new owners are turning it into a copy of their Florida properties. Flamingos and all. Cultures are clashing and the hotel’s residents stand in the way of the developers’ plans. The hotel is both their home and their family.
That’s going to make Rory’s job difficult when he arrives to enforce the changes. And Rosie isn’t exactly on his side, even though it’s the chance to finally restart her career. Rory might be charming, but he’s still there to evict her friends.
How can she follow her dreams if it means ending everyone else’s?
I loved Lilly Bartlett’s Carlton Square books so when asked by the author if I wanted the chance to review her new book, how could I possibly refuse. I’m very glad I didn’t as this was a wonderfully funny book and having only recently been on holiday to Yorkshire when we spent a day over in Scarborough, where this book is set, everything about it made sense. A great cast of characters and some heart warming romance to boot, if you love rom-com you’ll love this. I’ll be reviewing on release day 18th August but you can preorder the book here. You can also watch the promo video below – make sure to leave the sound on …
So that was it reading wise. Four books. Are you impressed. Believe me when I say I am as I have never felt so tired as I did last week and I am pretty sure the books are partly to blame as they were too good to put down. Blogging wise I had a full week with a mixture of reviews, a couple of impromptu cover reveals, and the good old #booklove features.
#BlogTour: Review – Red is the Colour by Mark L. Fowler
#BookLove: Carol Cooper
Cover Reveal – @Bookouture & Tracy Bloom
#BlogTour: Review – Long Shot by Jack Steele
#Blogtour: Review – Till the Dust Settles by Pat Young
Cover Reveal: @Caroline_writes @Bookouture
#BlogTour: Little Bird by Sharon Dempsey
#BookLove: Lorraine Rugman
Guest Review: Stalker On The Fens by Joy Ellis
The week ahead is just as busy. I have two blog tours this week, both tomorrow. First up is I Know A Secret by Tess Gerritsen and then I have a guest post by Jo Huey, author of Transition. I will have a selection of reviews and also #Booklove posts from Louise Walters and Abbie Rutherford. I do hope you can join us. I also have a very exciting afternoon and evening planned on Thursday, but more about that next week.
Have a fabulous week’s reading all and I’ll see you same time next week.
Rewind, Recap: Weekly roudup w/e 06/08/17 This has been one very long week. Productive in work terms but very, very long. And to cap it all off I have decided to try and get myself back on the diet which means I am tired 
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