#[ * It's gonna come in handy ]
prince-liest · 15 days
I got a government grant from a clean air project for turning in my '97 Corolla for a very hefty chunk of money off of a new (or new-ish) hybrid vehicle from an approved dealership, finally went to purchase my new car today with my dad, and ended up getting a 2025 Toyota Camry SE.
Sorry, Alastor, I think I'm with Vox on the front of technological advancement, ahaha. It's almost a 30 year jump in car technologies and I damn well feel like I've upgraded into the new century (or, well - millennium, technically)! This car does so many things and they all manage to feel like they are actually convenient rather than useless technology bloat. I think this is technically what Nietzsche meant when he said that to live is to suffer, LOL. Can't appreciate the good stuff if you haven't experienced the alternative! Also, y'know. My breaks lost pressure on me in the middle of a winding mountain road with no cell service last month, so. That was the sign to move on.
It's so wild to go from a car that's got a plain metal key, a phone charger operated through the cigarette lighter that only succeeds in making my phone lose charge more slowly, an AC system that would vibrate the whole dashboard alarmingly if it had to work too hard, and music that I played through a casette tape with bluetooth connectivity...to a car where I get in, put my phone down on the wireless charging pad, and watch the touchscreen automatically turn on with my Spotify and Google maps. Never again am I going to accidentally leave my headlights on and drain my car battery, LOL. Thanks, battery-attached jumper cables, you served me well. The car is so damn quiet and smooth, too.
Also, it's a very pretty car! I got it in white. Sorry, "windchill pearl."
Anyway, I'm just experiencing a delightful bit of awe and joy. Happy graduation and early birthday to me! <3
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ccarrot · 1 year
Asagiri likes to base his characters off of the protagonists of the literary works by the authors they're respectively inspired by. Ex. Fitzgerald shares Gatsby's charisma, wealth, dubious business ventures, and overwhelming desperation to create the ideal life for his loved ones. In Anne of Green Gables, kindhearted orphan protagonist Anne has a combative relationship with her primary love interest Gilbert, and her stubbornness and pride leads her to frequently beating him up and giving him the cold shoulder. This is most likely the source of our kindhearted orphan protagonist, Atsushi's, relationship with his primary love interest, the stubborn and prideful Lucy.
Another aspect of the way Asagiri writes characters is Dazai. He is undoubtedly Asagiri's favoritest boy, so there's a sizable chunk of the cast that is actually constructed to be a foil to Dazai.
Why'd I mention that? It's because That is a precursor to who I actually wanted talk about, FYODOR! Fyodor Dostoevsky was created to be the ULTIMATE foil to Dazai, his very anthesis. The reason being Crime and Punishment.
C&P follows Raskolnikov, a down on his luck and VERY unstable resident of St Petersburg. Fyodor from BSD is definitely based on him.
Raskolnikov has an ubermensch complex. He sees himself as the dealer of divine justice, a servant of God. Sound familiar?
Raskolnikov believes the pain and suffering in his city being caused by the corrupt pawnbroker. Fyodor thinks that all the sin in the world of bsd is caused by ability user. They both draw a false conclusion. Perceiving the evil in the world is rooted in something that's only a small contributing factor.
They both take. DRASTIC action. Raskolnikov commits murder. Fyodor.... starts an international terrorist organization i guess.
Crime and Punishment is divided into two very distinct parts: The crime - the Murder Raskolnikov commits, and the Punishment, everything he has to deal with afterwords.
Raskolnikov is also! suicidal. it's a notable part of C&P. He frequently thinks about ending things, and wants to drown himself in the river, but then ends up disgusted by the notion when he witnesses someone else attempt.
Basically Raskolnikov is suicidal. Yozo from No Longer Human is suicidal. These are the characters that Fyodor and Dazai are based off, and it can't be a coincidence
Important to note that Both Raskolnikov AND Yozo end up living to an old age by the end of their respective novels.
Dazai and Fyodor are REALLY similar, but their differences are very very striking. Dazai likes people, when he dies he wants it to be a suicide that doesn't inconvenience anyone, he doesn't believe he belongs with humanity. Fyodor believes himself as a man on God's mission, we've only ever seen his ability kill ordinary people, AND he wants all ability users to not exist anymore. But, doesn't killing all ability users include himself?
Basically, I have a theory that Fyodor's ultimate goal with the Book is really an elaborate suicide plan. Because Fyodor doesn't have a GOD complex, he has an UBERMENSCH complex, he sees himself not as the ruler of humans but a CHAMPION of humanity. He's using his belief that ability users are the Root of All Evil as grounds to eliminate them all and himself. He thinks he's taking one for the team. Not only does he want to die, he wants to drag the world down WITH him.
But BSD is about people finding a purpose in life, key word: LIFE! Dazai WILL NOT die because he hasn't found what he's looking for. Fyodor's plan WILL fail. After that what's in store? He'll have to face his punishment, right?
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Okay but after that flight twitter threat. Do Eddie and Steve see that threat at some point? Who shows it to them? What are their reactions? Do the gossipy news pick the story up? Does Eddie get asked questions about it in interviews?
I Love it and I have so many questions
They do see it!
Steve actually sees it first because Robin saw it first. She sent him a screenshot of the thread, but conveniently left out the tweet where the person realized it was Eddie and Steve. She texted him like, “This you?”
Steve’s like, “Whoa, you can’t have a conversation anywhere nowadays. It’s worse than when the FBI was actively bugging our phones.”
Robin texts back, “Hi to the FBI agents currently bugging our phones.”  
Steve says, “Yeah, hi.”
And that’s that for Steve.
Eddie, however, tracks down the original thread and Corroded Coffin’s official twitter account responds with a picture of Eddie’s ‘vintage’ SpiceWorld Tour t-shirt that he got in ’98 when the fruity four went to their concert. He’s like, “Yeah, they’re not very metal but are you gonna tell me that The Lady’s a Vamp isn’t an absolute banger? I think not.”
Then he goes to bed.
And the internet does what it always does and jumps to a conclusion that’s based in nothing. People are trying to figure out if Eddie was sitting next to his husband or if there is a cheating scandal on the horizon. The OP doesn’t remember what Turtleneck looks like and Eddie hasn’t posted anything since he reminded people about his interview.
By morning, the gossip sites are running stories about his rampant cheating. Eddie is throwing away ten years of marriage to his sick frail husband for plane sex with – gasp – a woman! Or a younger man! Or John Travolta of all people.
Eddie responds to all this with a Tiktok.
In the video, he starts out filming an article on his laptop about how he’s in New York right now cheating on his husband. He pans from the article up to Steve shoving their stuff back into their suitcase. Steve’s hair is a mess. He’s half-dressed and clearly tired, and there’s a line of hickeys tracing up the scar on his neck.
Eddie zooms in on them before panning up to Steve’s face. Eddie says, “Babe, did you see this? I’m cheating on you.”
“What, right now?” Steve asked, clearly just humoring him. He deadpans, “I’m devastated.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. I thought I was coming to New York to do a silly little interview and spend some time with my husband but, nope. I’m currently having sex with – Matt Damon. Really? If I’m blowing up my marriage, it’s not with actor equivalent of plain toast.”
“I’m embarrassed for you.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”  
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cemeterything · 1 year
i think the funniest thing about me as a person is that i'm often a nervous wreck and terrified of trying new things or screwing up, but my disrespect for authority is so strong that the second someone tries to suggest that i can't do something because they won't let me or don't believe i'm capable of it, it completely overwrites my anxiety and makes me determined to prove them wrong right then and there. unfortunately combined with my general impulsiveness and impatience this used to make me very easy to manipulate if you understood this about me as well as leading me to take some really stupidly dangerous risks (until i started working on my self awareness and critical thinking), but it did also lead to several very funny moments in my life where someone misplaced a lot of confidence in my inability to fight back and got their shit rocked when i stepped up and called their bluff.
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librawritesstuff · 2 months
10 x 4.5 = 45% Naked Wednesday.
Close enough 😂
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punkkrat · 1 year
I got a little help with it (they wrote it all)
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(Response) @ask-team-misfit
Warning: The following contains some sensitive topics such as bullying. The post is not gonna be tagged, however the images contain those topics are under the cut (as rest of the post).
Rimi listens what Lief said. As far as it goes, her face frowns and she feels a little bit sorry for him. She sits near him.
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To be fair with ya I've saw way worse Pokémon. Mostly at my school days.
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I saw many kids got bullied very often. Those bullies are not better, they said bad things about them, they did some hurtful shenanigans like you did with guests. But…unlike ya…they punch kids, they use some offensive moves against them...
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I really wanna punch them back, but…I'm not powerful enough… I was still a kid… And I got threat from them… Be glad it didn't happened to me, because they apologized a few days later after that. Let's talk 'bout your situation. Yes I would punch ya for this, but what's the point? Does it change everything? It's now complicated… Very complicated… We barely knew each other and I already hate you after our "small" talk. But...
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So, I'll ask ya honestly…Do you really want to change for better to make new friends…or…do you want to stay the same friendless and pathetic buggie as you are right now?
Rimi makes sure her words are gonna be always remembered by Lief assuming that he is drunk and wouldn't say a positive answer. But only time will tell if Lief's really ready to have a heart change.
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br1ghtestlight · 18 days
living alone & sick for the first time and have come across a difficult question: who washes the dishes when you're too sick/tired to do them for days at a time
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the-kipsabian · 4 months
todays free tip to any fellow creatives or literally just whoever
if you get an idea, write it down
even if it feels like it might be stupid. even if it just a word or a line or piece of dialogue or a simple concept or whatever. just write it down
even if its not enough to stand on its own as a full piece, maybe you can add it as a part of something later. even if it sounds stupid now, it might be the most brilliant thing when the time comes to use it. or maybe someone else will love that little addition when you add it in. even if you might think its above your skill level, there might be a day when you look at it and actually say to yourself "im ready" and you know you are and you can work with it and be happy with it
just write it down
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monocaelia · 10 months
genshin but im the traveller and all i do in fontaine is ask “est-ce que je peux aller aux toillette?”
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catboypawjob · 9 days
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suit eyes wip...... .... i makea da ref....
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nicoscheer · 9 months
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He not only taught him Alex’s smirk he also taught him his half closed eyes 😭🤣🤣💅
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aeide-thea · 8 months
die eigentliche Frage: wie viel Duolingo muss ich noch machen, bevor ich hoffen kann, hier auf Deutsch zu schreiben?
(viel mehr, bevor ich etwas Interessantes sagen kann! aber die Katze sitzt jetzt auf mir, was nicht interessant zu hören, aber ganz angenehm zu erleben ist. 😽)
#lol i need 2 know SO many more words.#like. great that i have now solidly incorporated ‘Zeichentrickfilme’ in2 my working vocab#but uh#pace our friend Duo i gotta say i’m not sure how much use i’m gonna get out of that one#vs i still dk how 2 say like. ‘depressed.’ ‘genderqueer.’ lol#at least thx 2 C— i’ve got ‘dicke Katze’ down. Kaffee- und Katzeklatsch: ein Blog#also like. do i gotta caps properly in a blog context. like i will if i have 2 but like. does not spark joy#everybody wants 2 teach you standard orthography which is great but like. some of us want 2 understand the stylistic impact of rulebreaking!#anyway. in unrelated conclusion it IS maddening that i know basically 0 swedish BUT when i reach for eg ‘nothing’ i sure do end up at#‘ingenting’ before ‘nichts.’ similarly ‘och’ before ‘und’ sometimes. deeply unuseful!!#however i guess maybe someday the like. 2 phrases i remember will come in handy 4 me#‘du är vacker. jag vill knulla dig i röven. vill du också det?’#one can only hope 😇#anyway. peut-être que demain je bloggerai en français. qui sait#my mission‚ should i choose to accept it: ​bastardizing ALL languages i only half-remember 🤘#in conclusion i vaguely remember that in the construction ‘something Adjective’ you caps the adjective but not why lol#i mean i assume it’s for Substantive Reasons but like. if it’s modifying a pronoun why is it a substantive. however.#ours (whomst suck at deutsch) not 2 reason why‚ &c.#right. okay. good morning!!
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asexualbert · 8 months
Does anyone have any tips for very gently building leg strength other than like "just walk"?
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hirak0s · 4 months
Nicht dein Blut? (cont'd) || @brokenalmighty
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Ayame would look at the hollow dissolving and tilt her head to watch it before looking at the other watching the reishi dissipating... just who was this she wondered. Ah, she'd get an answer, likely here soon.
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"Oh, ya're not injured then?" She was going to take care of wounds if he was.
"I'm Ayame Hirako. An' I'm not sure wha'cha mean by with them?" There were a few things that could mean. Squad Five, A shinigami, anything. "An' who're ya?"
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laesas · 10 months
I can't say that I love the miscommunication trope but the amount of vitriol against it sometimes feels based in "I didn't like that, it made me feel frustrated!" while ignoring that "frustrated" is a perfectly reasonable target emotion for a writer or filmmaker to want out of their audience.
Coming out of a story saying "Nooo! If the character hadn't misunderstood that then they never would have done XYZ! If they were a bit more emotionally aware they would have asked for clarification instead of acting out of hurt! if we just changed this ONE THING nothing bad would have happened!" and concluding "Therefore this story sucks!" is just embarrassingly poor media literacy.
That's not to say it's not fun to explore the what-ifs or critique whether or not the miscommunication was consistent with the characters as a whole. There are instances of it being used lazily, yes, but often it's a great tool for crafting a conflict and imbuing its consequences with a sense of dramatic irony.
The blanket statement that miscommunication is "lazy writing and unrealistic" relies on the assumption that in real life everyone instead communicates perfectly and behaves predictably under pressure, leaving no critical information unsaid, and making sure all their emotions are easily understood and resolved. And at that point it's like... Are you a real human person? be honest.
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