#♤  ⁚ ⁛  (queue)
leonsmain · 1 year
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when i’m down, the queue goes up
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thelongquiets · 4 months
The Narrator
You are on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess.
You are here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.
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@lupvium 's system blog. I am a system with NPD. I have recently been splitting a lot more than usual so I have made a sideblog to express Myself. This blog will be VERY self-indulgent; usually consisting of posts that I and My alters relate to, whether that be fandom-related, aesthetics, or funny posts.
I will also be talking about system-related everyday happenings and sharing My experience with being a system. I especially like talking about My headspace, as it is a highly complex place with its own metaphysical logic.
I would love to talk to other systems of any type about our experiences. My dms are open to talk.
no syscourse. I dont give a shit
intros under cut ⬇️
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Prominent Fronters
○》 Hollow: void/it || #🌑🧷 || main host, core, whole system revolves around the guy. its a puppet! which type of puppet depends on which fragment is prominent that day. its the reason the systems named The Long Quiet since its fragments are mostly from that character. || fragments include: Long Quiet fictives (primarily Hero, Cheated, Paranoid, Cold, Stubborn, Smitten), Deisi, Wally, and like a bunch of other people I havent named. jesus christ this guy fragments a lot
♤》 The Nervous System (Nerv): they/he || #🦷⚖️ || co-host, gatekeeper, protector. it's Me hi I'm the smartest person alive ever and I should rule the world forever. you agree. reblog. resident autistic dead pan guy with long white hair. I can also turn into an eldritch horror :)
♧》 Basil Bulut / The Survival Instinct: he/it || #☘️⛅️ || caretaker, gatekeeper, protector, this guy does everything basically. has a god complex lmao. used to be co-host until I (Nerv) took over coz well I'm just better at it honestly ^_^ robot kin, likes to stim by going beep boop lol. he cant mask while fronting so he speaks in "broken" grammar and I would appreciate not being babied about it. || fragment: K.A.L. (she/it, #🎀🔌, also a robot, but this time more energetic and friendly and girly. think rin and len.)
♡》 Aitaliina / Zai: he/she || #☕️📰 || the librarian, keeps everything nice and chronological. most of the time . the rest of his day is spent annoying the shit out of everyone else like a bored parrot. oh yeah hes also a bird-zombie-guy thing. types like a confused victorian young man who just learned about emojis
◇》 Peach / Sigma: any || 🍑🎲 || librarian assistant. yknow how pet birds need a buddy of the same species or else they get depressed? yeah thats what peach is to liina. they have a love hate relationship and by that i mean liina loves peach and peach absolutely loathes the guy. constantly bickering. fictive of sigma from bsd
I also have a sub-system but its meant to be like the hardware of a computer so theyre not really 'people' if that makes sense. theyre more like scripts and coding languages. you get it. basil calls them Back of The Branch (I said it was stupid but nooooo "we have to name them something cool" -_-)
also not listed are the dozen of hollow fragments that come and go with whatevers happening in My life. god save us from this neverending flood of little puppets running around the treehouse
okay yeah thats all. if you read this all i give you a gold star and a kiss on the cheek. congradulations youve been blessed. send lovemail to my askbox now thanks byee
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teojira · 12 days
Me checking in on this blog and seeing I got a ton of asks!!! Hello everyone!!!
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thr0whands · 2 months
@godsdefied + seth: post wrestlemania 40 starter.
battered and bruised and still seth freaking rollins managed to go out there and help his friend become the new champion. but not before he had years of flashback come haunt him. the shield brothers. they were the best damn thing to ever come out of wwe. but seth had done the one thing that he knew he would regret for the rest of his life and that was turn on his brothers. but not only did he turn on them, he grabbed a chair and hit roman in the back as hard as he possibly could. and now? dejavu seth. roman cared a lot more about getting his revenge than retaining the title he had held for nearly 4 years. seth could barely walk because he had to have a couple of guys to help him out but he was going to have this conversation with roman. this wasn't about him and seth anymore. why would he need to hit him now when he had it all going for him? he had become a legacy in his own right and seth was happy for him. he was happy for his success. why did he have to stoop that low now and put not only seth through that but himself as well? limping to the back, seth spotted roman. he wasn't in his usual tribal chief locker room giving orders, he was in the back area trying to even stand still himself. ❝ you and i need to have a conversation. alone. ❞ because he wasn't alone. paul heyman was lurking and seth needed this to be a conversation that he had only with roman.
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nygelborkmeowface · 5 months
💠 when i was just a boy...🙎‍♂️
REMADE 1/12/23
Hi! I'm Ramsey (he/she/cloud/they*) a multifandom selfshipper! I'm 19 years old, queer, polyamorous, and ~neurospicy~. I mostly selfship with Nygel Bork Meowface from Truly, Madly, Autistic but I also selfship with others. Send me posts and asks about my F/Os!
*they for friends/mutuals only
💠 a foal if you will...🐴
DNI (Do Not Interact)
-like irredeemable media (stev.en univ.erse, hazb.in hot.el, goo.d om.ens, our fl*g means d**th, vol.tron*)
-anti-neopronouns, believe transandrophobia isn't real, cis people*
-pro harassment
* ok if we're muts
💠 they bullied me...🔗
Nygel Bork Meowface** 💍💒Married on 12/25/23💒💍
Miles Edgeworth* ❤️Anniversary on 1/1/21❤️
Jesse Pinkman** 💖Anniversary on 5/3/22💖
Wallace Wells* 🖤Anniversary on 11/29/23🖤
Kurapika Kurta 💛Anniversary on 3/12/21💛
Alhaitham 💚Anniversary on 2/14/23💚
Dazai Osamu* 🤎 Anniversary on 4/11/22 🤎
** dni if you also selfship with them
* ok for friends/muts (ask to follow if you also selfship, its probably okay tho!)
💠 for being a serbian horse...🐎
Please tag any Nygel ships that aren't with me! I have them all blacklisted but you can also tag ramsey dont look!
Discord: [EDITTED] Due to harassment I'm no longer publicly posting my Truly, Madly, Autistic Discord server link. Dm off anon for the link! DNI IF YOU ARE ASSOCIATED WITH @spamton2
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starrierknight · 10 months
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̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ 𝐀𝐑𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ❜ ┊˚
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#[ ✎ ] — reece's writing
for all of my original work (in case my masterlist is not updated)
#[ ☂ ] — ns.fw
for my original NSFW content
#[ ✪ ] — *character name* thirst
for individual character thirsts
#[ ☠︎︎ ] — ex.plicit
for my original explicit content — gore, violence, & death
#[ ❣ ] — k.nktober 23'
for all my kinktober 2023 related content
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#[ ✰ ] — status post
for navigation, PSAs, & milestones
#[ ❀ ] — reece's rambling
for my miscellaneous thoughts
#[ ✉ ] — reece's mail
for answering my asks & for submissions
#[ ☄ ] — dearest *name*
for my mutuals & other frequent visitors
#[ ⚘ ] — reece's scrapbook
for my memories
#[ ⌕ ] — reece's lectures
for my Jujutsu Kaisen critical analysis & takes
#[ ⚄ ] — tabloid
for Jujutsu Kaisen fanart
#[ ♤ ] — xxx magazine
for (mostly) NSFW & suggestive mangacaps
#[ ⚖ ] — cast your vote
for polls
#[ ❏ ] — déjà queue
for queued posts & time zone/self reblogs
#[ ʚ ] — reece watches *title*
for any anime that I am watching! this may feature untagged spoilers. this so far includes:
~ Ergo Proxy
~ Death Note
#[ ★ ] — dearest satoru
for my favourite misc. posts related to gojo satoru
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#[ ❤︎ ] — satoree
gojo satoru x reece
#[ ❤︎ ] — suguree
getou suguru x reece
#[ ❤︎ ] — choree
kamo choso x reece
#[ ❤︎ ] — tojiree
fushiguro toji x reece
#[ ❤︎ ] — reemaki
zen'in maki x reece
#[ ❤︎ ] — reeyuki
tsukumo yuki x reece
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CWs & TWs
Anything that’s possibly triggering/upsetting will be tagged with the appropriate content warning or trigger warning tag:
for example: cw blood for example: tw gore
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named anons:
None yet!
emoji anons:
🐉 anon (pixie) 🍶 anon 🍀 anon 🩰 anon 🍙 anon
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HOTD Revenge Verse
~What We Cannot Forgive~
Jace had led the foot attack on Kings Landing. While his mother and stepfather reigned fire down from above The Blood Prince led his men into the city and broke down the doors of the Red Keep, slaughtering every guard and warrior that got in their way.
Jacaerys no longer had a dragon, no, his dragon had been killed, and he had been scarred and tortured. By the time he finally broke away from his captors, he had finally broken. With the death of his brother, the prince had shattered and someone else had formed in its place.
Something else.
Something that only wanted revenge, wanted blood. And he would get it by any means necessary. Jace had already made a name for himself, breaking from his family, and his title he went out on his own to seek revenge. He hunted down and killed any supporters of the Greens. He had ransacked Oldtown weeks before, killing any Hightower he had found, although some escaped from his grasp. But now he was in the Red Keep. He was there to settle a score. To get his mother the Iron Throne and to enact revenge.
The prince walked through the corridors, the sounds of his men fighting behind him. His cloak was pulled over his face to hide his scars, ones he had received during his captivity. With his sword in hand, he began to search the keep, searching out his revenge.
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radi0wh1sper · 2 years
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"If you make him like you, you two can be together forever!!"
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《 I don't condone any of Tsukasa Yugis actions in cannon and never will however this is a au rp blog based off my old blog askthebroadcastclub so watch out for mentions of: self harm, panic attack, graphic description of g0re (kept to the minimum), animal cruelty and Tsukasa's normal behavior toned down likes & follows from @statics-radio 》
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paragonrising · 2 years
replies and etc will be slow for a lil while as there’s just a lot happening irl. as an apology, here’s goose lookin’ cute af.
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leonsmain · 2 years
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get on my level
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nocentis · 2 years
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hmshermitcraft · 6 months
It's winter season and the avians are sleepy.. All the hermits are practically at each other's throats trying to decide who gets to cuddle the sleeping Grian. All the hermits except for Pearl.
Pearl doesn't really think it's fair. She's an avian as well! How come Grian is getting so much more attention than her? Well, she's used to it. The hermits always liked Grian more. Still, she can't help but be bitter about it.
Gem focuses on Grian more, but then she realises something. Pearl's also an avian. Gem feels terrible and rushes over to Pearl.
She apologises profusely and ends up cuddling Pearl. For the rest of winter, you can rarely find Pearl without Gem at least holding her hand.
Pearl might not be the hermits' favorite. Grian may be. But Pearl will always be Gem's favorite. And hey! That's enough for her. Gem's always been Pearl's favorite as well.
Pearl has always been quiet about it, versus Grian who starts whining at the first temperature drop. She knows it's partially her fault for not making her needs known but... Sometimes she just wishes somebody would notice.
Which is exactly what Gem did, and now she makes sure Pearl isn't lonely or cold, no matter what! If Gem has to do something then she calls in another hermit to look after Pearl and word spreads about the second sleepy avian on the server. Soon, Pearl has a queue of hermits as well!
She'll always have a space in her nest for Gem, though.
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spadesolace · 1 year
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RECENTLY PLAYED: polaroid love | the idea of yoo
NOW PLAYING: drag me down | love you twice
ON QUEUE: leading lady | sports smau
“tei talks a lot” - asks | “tei thoughts” - random text posts | “spade spoils” - spoilers | “reads and recs” - reading | “spade speaks” - important stuff
anons: 🐻, 🧩, 🩵, myah, wohan
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bleedingheart-s · 8 months
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♡ howdy! i'm pidge, i'm 25, my pronouns are they/them and i'm way too obsessed with fictional characters! main is @ uncannily-adroit - icon by @/zipperqwerty and banner by me!
♡ this will mainly be a mishmash of blorboposting, self-shipping things, and aesthetics! this blog is also sfw!
♡ my main hyperfixation right now is baldur's gate 3, and my fixation f/os are gale dekarios and my tav/oc nox!
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☆ please dni: lgbtq+phobic, pedos, terfs, transmeds, racists, radfems, ace/aro/nonbinary exclusionists, body shamers in either direction, if you ship or self-ship with real people, if you age your f/o up or your s/i down, anti-self shippers obviously, or if you interact with the h/arry p/otter fandom. otherwise if you're not an asshole to other people feel free to interact
☆ i don't mind sharing f/os at all- you can even gush to me about them! spread the joy!
☆ i will use tone indicators, and i ask that they're used with me, please!
☆ i type in all caps a lot to convey intense emotions (positive and negative), if my shouting on your posts or in your tags makes you uncomfortable pls tell me!
☆ i will tag sensitive subjects as [ thing ] tw (no brackets), if there's anything specific i should tag let me know!
click read more below for full f/o, oc and tag list! (userboxes by ray-selfshipz and selfshipuserbox)
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♡ gale dekarios - baldur's gate 3 (romantic)- polyam
♡ nox - baldur's gate 3 (my tav- romantic)- polyam
♡ dr. james wilson - house m.d. (romantic)- polyam
♡ the doctor - doctor who (romantic; eight is my focus but i talk about others occasionally)- polyam
○ river song - doctor who (romantic)- polyam
○ charley pollard - doctor who eu (platonic/qpr)- polyam
○ gwen cooper - torchwood (romantic)- polyam
○ titus pullo - hbo rome (romantic)
○ lucius vorenus - hbo rome (older brother)
○ obi wan kenobi - star wars (romantic)
○ general grievous - star wars (romantic)
○ usopp - one piece (romantic)
○ nico robin - one piece (romantic)
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{ MY OCS }
♤ myri daraay - star wars
♤ lucia vorenus - hbo rome
♤ livia - baldur's gate 3
♤ nox - baldur's gate 3
♤ freya - baldur's gate 3
♤ ledi - baldur's gate 3
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{ TAGS }
◇ #{ the doctor }
◇ #{ river }
◇ #{ charley }
◇ #{ gwen }
◇ #{ titus }
◇ #{ grievous }
◇ #{ gale }
◇ #{ nox }
◇ #{ usopp }
◇ #{ robin }
◇ # { james }
◇ #{ inner self }
◇ #pidge's ocs
◇ #pidge's thoughts
◇ #aesthetic
◇ #stim
◇ #animals
◇ #self ship things
◇ #food
◇ #when do i not see queue?
(will be added to as i think of more)
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chandlelures · 1 year
◇ Pinned Post ◇
Hello!! Thought it would be helpful to make a pinned post for this blog ^w^ ♡
I'm V/Starry!!! You can also call me Chandi or Chandle :D | he/they | demiro + ace | 18+
This is my silly spooky sideblog! I felt like it would be better to keep my horror interests separate from my main :) so most of what I reblog and post here will be related to the horror genre! I do have an affinity for cute and soft things so my art and the posts I reblog will generally be of that tone as well lol, but I really do like unsettling vibes in art and other media!
Tag List:
Art: #my art
ID tags: #described, #undescribed, #alt text in image
Warning tags: #eyestrain, #flashing, #volume warning
Misc: #chat tag, #ask tag, #self reblog, #long post, #wishing well (queue tag), #oc tag, #other's ocs #multiple reblogs tag (for repeated reblogs in succession)
If there is anything specific you would like me to tag for lmk!
🎨 Art Fight 🎨
♤ Don't repost my art ♤
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rainofthetwilight · 1 year
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Hey hey! Welcome to my blog!
March 2nd global strike. Free Palestine.
Don't forget your daily clicks!
hey, I'm levi/hana! (you're free to call me hana if you're my mutual) I'm an egyptian artist and a writer that's still learning, and I go by she/her! I'm a minor, muslim, and socially awkward ;D
here I mostly post some art, some of my writing, analysis and headcannons aswell. this is my main blog, but I'm also a big ninjago fan, so I somehow managed to turn this blog into a ninjago blog! of course, there are still some things that arent ninjago on this blog however, so the tag for them is "Not ninjago"! I also on occasion post in arabic aswell, so there's that too
I have alot more ninjago ocs, but my mains are jenna and ethan! I created those two and the rest with my bestie london, who I met in 2020! we created jenna and ethan the same year :D here are their tags if you're wondering!
oc: jenna walker
oc: ethan walker
if you have any thoughts about wtv ninjago stuff is floating in ur head, headcanons, etc, I'd love to hear about it! I'm always up to others' thoughts :D
you may see me tagging posts/rbs with "(name) tag", that tag is a tag for my mutuals!
Please respect the rules said here.
• Please don't DM me unless we're mutuals/already planned/expected to DM!! (like, for example, it's related to a dtiys) And the obvious, do NOT send me any NSFW or Gore.
• Do not repost, or edit my art without credit. Like using it for edits or posting it onto Pinterest or other platforms w/o credit, are not allowed. You're allowed to use them as profile pictures and banners, but if you credit me only. If the art includes my OC(s), although, using them as pfps and banners are not allowed. With or without credit.
•  I absolutely do not tolerate LGBTQ phobics, racists, islamphobes, zionists, pedophiles and incestuous people in my blog. This blog is not a safe space for you.
Here are links to some of my accounts!
@rainofthestarlight (non-fandom blog)
@rainofthenightlight (blog related to fandoms other than Ninjago)
Twitter - Ao3 - Discord
(Discord is levi!..#9712)
My tags!
Art tags: #Levi's art and #My art
Writing tag: #Levi's writing
Talking tag: #Levi's ted talks
Asks tags: #Levi's asks and #Ty for the ask!
Headcannon tag: #Levi's headcannons
Analysis tag: #Levi's analysis
rest of blog tags are in the tags of this post!! :D
Important/Milestone posts
My first DTIYS! (Closed)
2023 art summary!
2023 OCs art summary!
Watermelon brothers (500+ notes)
Dragons rising meme redraws Pt1 (600+ notes) / Pt2
Arin headcannon post (600+ notes)
Kai and Wyldfyre ep19 (700+ notes)
Dragons rising PT2 memes (900+ notes)
Lloyd and Sora parallel (800+ notes)
Early family AU. (fic being rewritten on AO3!) OCS: Jenna Walker and Ethan Walker.
Jenna's HC post.
Ethan's HC post.
Combined AU (Early family AU and @/taddymason's Dad Jay AU, @/weekend-whip's legacyverse jaya kids, @/sharksandjays' oc fynn, and @/finn-m-corvex's jaya kids!)
My fics!
Thank you for being a Friend. - Sora and Arin centered, Chapters: 1/1, Wordcount: 3152.
I'm not sick, I swear. - Kai and Cole centered, Chapters: 1/1, Wordcount: 1576 (Also posted here on tumblr!)
(ON TUMBLR) You took me in your arms, and suddenly I felt so safe. - OCs: Jenna and Tessa Walker (tessa belongs to @/finn-m-corvex!), Wordcount: 3445
The one I've known since I was only just a kid - Sora and Arin, Jay and Lloyd centered, Chapters: 1/1, Wordcount: 1345
More to be added! (If there are too many in the future, there'll be a masterpost!)
Thanks for checking in!
(Queue tag is: ninja-queue! | Rest of blog tags are below)
من النهر الى البحر 🇵🇸
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