#モーニング娘 '21
lachatalovematcha · 1 year
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Today is the anniversary of the release of Morning Musume's 11th single, "Ren'ai Revolution 21".
Happy anniversary!
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momusu-jpop · 2 years
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Morning Musume '21 - TIME IS MONEY
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raiinsoakedart · 1 year
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some mouse doodles i did of 9ki and 13ki of Morning Musume ♥ I really loved these outfits but my tablet hadn’t been working at the time, so I opted for some cute simple doodles.  I think Erina came out best though, something about her was sooo captivating for this tour!
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acousticolateral · 1 year
モーニング娘。'21 (Morning Musume.’21) - ビートの惑星 (Beat no Wakusei) instrumental
つばきファクトリー (Tsubaki Factory) - 涙のヒロイン 降板劇 (Namida no Heroine Koubangeki) vocals
in the event of removal, here’s a Box link!
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mrmoonlightcovers · 2 years
This is my version of "Teenage Solution" by Morning Musume '21. モーニング娘。'21 『Teenage Solution』 This video has not any commercial purpose and it's only for entertainment. All rights are for UP-FRONT PROMOTION.
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koch-snowflake-blog · 3 months
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佐々木 ほのかは、日本の女性アイドルであり、女性アイドルグループ『アップアップガールズ』のメンバー。好きな色は赤。 特技はダンス・空手。 福岡県出身。公式ニックネームはほーちゃん。YU-M エンターテインメント所属。 ウィキペディア
生年月日: 2006年1月30日 (年齢 17歳)
出生地: 福岡県
所属グループ: 青SHUN学園; (2010年頃 - 2016年); アップアップガールズ(2); (2018年 - )
現年齢: 17歳
青SHUN学園 初等部に所属となる。
「モーニング娘。'16 『新世紀』オーディション」に応募するが、3次審査にて落選。
4月21日、東京・新宿BLAZEで行われた「アップアップガールズ(2)1st LIVE #アプガ2サプライズ」で、中川千尋とともに追加メンバーとして加入することが発表された。
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momuse · 1 year
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―― 外の世界で感じたことについてもう少しお話を聞いてもいいですか? 佐藤優樹:世の中には本当にいろんな人がいるんだなって思いました。仕事を頑張りすぎて泣いちゃう人もいれば、つらすぎてお酒に逃げてしまう人もいる。そういうことを今まで知らなかったんです。ある日ごはん屋さんに一人で行ったんですけど、立ち上がったタイミングで隣の席の女の人にぶつかっちゃって。そうしたらすごい怒られちゃったんです。でもどう見ても普段からそんなことを言うような人には見えなかったので「どうしたんですか? 大丈夫ですか!?」って逆に聞き返してみました。 ――すごい展開ですね(笑)。 佐藤優樹:そうしたらその女の人が急にワッて泣き出しちゃって。「大丈夫ですか? お姉さんおいくつですか?」って質問して。そうしたら「21歳です、もうすぐ22歳になります」って言うので、「きっと私たち同じ学年じゃないですか!」みたいな感じで返したらそこから会話が弾んでいきました。どうやらその女性は仕事がすごく大変みたいで。すごく頑張っているのに、それに見合ったお給料がもらえていないと。なのに、おうちまで火事になっちゃって、もっとお金がなくなっちゃったみたいなんです。 ――会話をしていて、佐藤優樹だということには気づかれなかったんですか? 佐藤優樹:はい。でもそうやって話しているうちに、自分の話もちょっとしたりしました。もちろんモーニング娘。のこととかは言わずに。そうしたらその女性が「なんでそんなに変な話がいっぱいあるんですか? 孤独っぽい感じですけど彼氏とかもいなかったんですか?」って言うから「そもそも今までいたことありません」って返したら「それは悲しすぎるー!」と今度は同情されて(笑)。そもそもぶつかっただけで人から怒られたことがなかったし、その怒りを探っていくと“悲しい”という気持ちに繋がっていくということをその女性を通じて知ることができました。そしてみんな気をつかって生きているんだな、私って意外と今まで何も気にしないで生きていたんだなと気づきました。 ――体当たりで世の中のことを知ったわけですね。 佐藤優樹:はい。途中からその女性の彼氏さんが迎えに来たんですけど、そこで落ち着くのかなと思ったら「来るのが遅い!」ってさらに怒っているのも衝撃的でした。好きだから怒るんだとか、付き合うってお互い自分の価値観を壊して一緒に作っていくものなんだとか。そういうことをその二人の会話から知ることができましたね。
-- Would you tell us more about what you've experienced in the world outside show business? Sato Masaki: I've realized that there are so many different kinds of people in the world. There're people who work too hard and that makes them end up crying or quaffing liquor to escape from the stressful reality. I had never heard of such things before. One day I went to a restaurant by myself, and when I got up from my seat, I bumped into a woman sitting at the table next to mine. She got really angry with me. But she didn't seem like the type of person who would usually say such a thing, so I asked her back "What's wrong with you? Are you in any trouble?" -- I didn't expect the situation to develop that way (laughs). Sato Masaki: Then the woman suddenly bursted into tears. I asked "Are you all right? How old are you?" She said "I'm 21, soon to be 22". As I replied "I bet we're in the same grade!", we started a lively conversation. According to what she had told me, her job was pretty hard and she didn't get paid enough for it. And then, to make matters worse, her house caught fire. So she was left with even less money.
-- She didn't notice that you are Sato Masaki during the conversation? Sato Masaki: No, she didn't. But as we kept talking, I told her a bit about myself. Of course, I didn't say anything about Morning Musume. Then she wondered and asked "Why do you have so many unusual stories? You seem being kind of solitary. Didn't you ever have a boyfriend?" I said "I've never had a boyfriend so far". she responded "That's too sad!" and got sympathetic to me just like our roles got reversed. In the first place, I had never got yelled at just by bumping into someone. But as I looked into her anger, I understood that the emotion "sad" could lead to "anger". I've learned it thanks to her, and I also realized that everybody lives worrying about others, which I've never paid much attention to throughout my life so far. -- Now you've learned about the real world through your own experience. Sato Masaki: You can say that. In the middle of our conversation her boyfriend came to pick her up, and I expected it would help her to calm her anger. But she got even angrier telling him "You're coming too late!" I was shocked once again. Still I I've learned many things by listening to their conversation, such as, she gets angry because she loves him, you need to get rid of your own values to build up a common values between you and your partner, and something like that.
【佐藤優樹】ソロデビュー記念インタビュー後編 未知の世界と向き合うきっかけになった心の成長
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sekaiichi-happy · 1 year
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Renai Revolution 21 (13.12.2000) by モーニング娘
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compassionately · 2 months
R and F [batting my gigantic cartoony eyelashes]
R- reason to smile?
I think that the changing of seasons from cold to warm and the sighting of new plants growing is really nice. It makes me happy. (-:
F- favorite song?
『恋愛レボリューション21』by モーニング娘。is one of my favorites! (I have too many favorites)
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hotarutranslations · 4 months
2023 FNS Song Festival!
"2023 FNS Song Festival 2nd Night"
Morning Musume '23 🎤Suggoi FEVER!
Morning Musume '23 "Suggoi FEVER!"
Kashiwagi Yuki-san x Morning Musume '23 🎤Renai Revolution 21
Morning Musume "Renai Revolution 21"
We got to perform these🩷
Thank you very much!
It was fun! right! Did everyone enjoy it!
I wonder if Kashiwagi-san had fun too~~~🫶🏻
We met for rehearsal yesterday but, The reaction from when we were like…thank you very much, I could tell that she liked it a lot,
Since you can also watch her on YouTube as well so! I know that she likes Hello Pro but,
Directing that toward us now,
It was kind and warm🫶🏻
She has been an idol for 17 years, Before graduation, she go to go on her last FNS Song Festival, For a dream to come true,
She chose a collab with Morning Musume,
Really! We are really happy about that Thank you very much for the wonderful meeting
Ishikawa Rika-san also made an appearance, The surprise was a huge success!!!!!
I was able to see a beautiful moment, uwaa
Everyone, thank you very much, for your support today!
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I think that FNS-san is amazing but, During the last RenaiRevo WOW, They assigned everyone to take a shot of each of us…… huhhh, I'm really happy about that…… I want to give you a great one……
Thank you very much!
Lets enjoy the show up until the end---!
⋆͛📣December 13th (Wed) Fuji TV 「2023 FNS Song Festival」
Now, the first night is airing, I'm especially interested in the dance project!!!
⋆͛📣December 16th (Sat) Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
December 21st (Thurs) 11:30PM~ Hello Pro Dance Academy Season 10 #5
December 22nd (Fri) TV Asahi "Music Station SUPER LIVE 2023" We'll be appearing with a special medley with the OG-san!
⋆͛📣Around New Years…… It seems Sendai Broadcast's "Sugo! Job" will be rerun👩🏻‍💻
Definitely read the serialization, ok
#134 I'm now the oldest in Hello Pro✍️
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" If you missed, "Ishida Ayumi Goes!" its being streamed on,
#Ishida Ayumi Goes!
There is also a YouTube version of the Making, so by all means
see you ayumin <3
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loverintranslations · 5 months
『Michishige Sayumi-san ♡「SAYUMINGLANDOLL~Ozora~」2023.11.20♪*゚』 Makino Maria (23.11.21)
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Kansai TV-san🌈11/21 (Tue) 2:59am~
Please watch it💕💕
Closing Day💗💗💗
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Cute Michishige Sayumi-san💕💕💕
Maria wants to fly through the sky with Miyu-chan too❣️
More performances have been announced、which makes Maria super happy💖
Her visual book is super duper cute💗💗
Kyaーーー🐰💕💕💕💕 Cute Michishige-san💖
Meeting Michishige-san、
Energises Maria🌈🌈🌈
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Michishige Sayumi-san💖 I want to see her every day💕💕
I love love love love love love Michishige Sayumi-san 🎀
From Maria
Today is 11/21 (Tue)・・・
I have matching key chains with Michishige Sayumi-san⚡️💛
I couldn't attach mine to SHINJO(phone case)、but I forced it on💕💕💕
I showed Michishige-san🐰
「Mine's on my phone too💕」by Michishige Sayumi-san💗
Maria was super happy🌈🌈🌈🌈
・・・etc etc。
But I'll talk about that another time🦊❄️
To be continued
Take a look at MariSta 🐰Makino Maria's Instagram okay 💗
🍀Makino Maria🍀
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nanamizm · 2 years
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(モーニング娘。’21【牧野真莉愛】圧倒的美ボディの秘密を語る!【悩殺写真満載】 vol.3【VOCE×ハロプロ #ハロビュー】|美容メディアVOCE(ヴォーチェ)から)
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complete-turnover · 2 years
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モーニング娘。'22マネージャーさんのツイート 【15期 Blog】 写真集の詳細&綺麗な景色&10期さん!! 北川莉央: ٩( ᐛ… https://t.co/5KoYGyPX2g #morningmusume21 #モーニング娘21 #ハロプロ https://t.co/6LYOBSs8fJ)
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damnlocks · 2 years
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音楽ナタリーさんはTwitterを使っています: 「モーニング娘。'21加賀楓の写真集発売、スイートからビターまで多彩な表情見せる「メープルシュガー」(コメントあり) https://t.co/GJ4eBEFykI #モーニング娘21 #加賀楓 https://t.co/pYtEBYHfAk」 / Twitter
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hamdistance · 1 year
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I have no choice but to believe
I have no choice but to commit to the end
I'm not doing it for anyone else
I'm not doing it for me, right?
モーニング娘。'21 - 信じるしか!
Morning Musume '21 - Shinjiru Shika! (No Choice But to Believe! )
(song / live / translation)
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