metal-cn · 8 months
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yamada50 · 2 years
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引手力命神社の御神木 一名夫婦柏槇(ビャクシン) 大瀬神社ともいわれる引手力命神社が鎮座する沼津市琵琶島には130本以上の柏槇がありますがその中で随一を誇る樹齢1500年以上、幹周り7mの柏槇が大瀬神社の御神木です こちらの琵琶島は南海トラフ地震としては最古の記録となる飛鳥時代天武天皇の御代に発生した白鳳大地震の際に突然隆起してできた島です その際土佐では多くの土地が水没し消えてなくなりましたが、神が土佐の土地をここに引いてきたのだと考えられて引手力命を祀ったのが大瀬神社の創建とされ、駿河湾の漁民を守護する神様として厚く崇敬されています ちなみに引手力命という神は伊豆独特の神で他の地域には見られない神です 琵琶島に柏槇が自然に群生していることは全国的に稀なことからこの島一帯の柏槇が国の天然記念物に指定されています 琵琶島の遊歩道の柏槇が群生する様はまるで異世界に迷い込んだかのようで、ぜひおすすめしたいスポットの一つです #引手力命神社 #大瀬神社 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ 引手力命神社(ひきてちからのみことじんじゃ、ひきたぢからのみことじんじゃ) 鎮座地:静岡県沼津市西浦江梨 主祭神:引手力命 社格:式内小社 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ #神社 #神社巡り #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #recotrip #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #神社仏閣 #パワースポット #沼津市 #大瀬崎 #わたしのこころの名木 #名木伝承の日 #銘木総研フォトコン #神社巡拝家 (大瀬神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfH6QxPFRR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bizenwakakusa · 3 months
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引出珈琲碗(高力芳照) 火襷珈琲碗(高力芳照)
  高力芳照作 引出珈琲碗 1点
高力芳照作 火襷珈琲碗 3点
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chiveburger · 11 months
I have so many things to blog about regarding my vacation, but one thing that was really memorable for me was this one take off we had at the airport. I experienced probably some of the worst turbulence on this trip and on couple of occasions I straight up thought I was gonna die... first flight from vancouver to japan we were hit with such bad wind in narita that the pilot couldn’t fucking land TWICE and he’d be 200 ft off the ground and he’d like “nope!” and he’d fly back up into the sky. the plane was doing somersaults when we tried to touch the ground. I sharted but eventually we made it out alive. then when I flew back from japan to vancouver, it randomly started storming outside right before we were going to take off. so when we took off the plane was going bonkers and I could see how bad it looked outside and again, I thought I was going to die. once we hit ~10,000 feet the plane evened out and everything else was fine but ma’am? I was scurred. those were “memorable” but those were NOT the good core memories I wanted to remember, but one of the flights were. nobody gave a shit when I watched this, but a couple months back I watched “flight to you” which was a chinese drama that depicted the life of pilots and the career of flight. so there’s a scene where the main pilots would depart for a flight in the cockpit and the crew outside would be doing the final checks for the plane. they give them the clear to leave, and when they do they stand outside and wave goodbye to the plane and I know it’s protocol or something but there was something so sweet about that to me... so on one of my flights from japan to taiwan where I was sitting window I saw first hand the crew outside doing that. so when we left they all stood there and waved and I CRIED. I fucking teared up and all the memories of this drama flooded back, and it wasn’t even a sad show but I think it really gave me an insight into people who dedicate themselves to aviation. before we took off I listened to their soundtrack and I felt so emotional to be there, apart of this journey with these people who have probably been flying for years now. everything felt so sentimental and the intentions of the drama, showcasing all the goodness in those who chose this field really shined at that moment. long story short something about this moment struck a chord with me and made me appreciate the act of storytelling and showed me that this world is filled with humanity and love.
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yuexuan · 6 months
[Review] 万有引力
Title: 万有引力 (Forces of Temptation)
Author: 骑鲸南去
Length: 320 chapters
Tag: infinite flow, supernatural, horror
Summary: [Taken from Novelupdates]
The world’s shared, open interactive communication game ‘Forces of Temptation’ went online and quickly took the world by storm.
There was a perfect ecosystem, a physics engine that was completely close to reality and game instances that opened up dimensions that could be chosen. In particular, the supernatural instances received rave reviews.
Almost everyone thought they were playing a normal game until one day, millions of people saw a dialog box that appeared in the sky.
[Sun.exe isn’t responding. If you continue to wait, the program might respond.] [Do you want to end this process?] [End Process / Cancel]
Novel| Novel[translated]|Audio drama
Comments *contains spoilers**
Per the summary, the game ‘Forces of Temptation’ became a sensation in the online gaming world. Things changed when higher dimension beings intervened and turned the game into reality. All over the world, people began to disappear mysteriously. Turns otu, they were transported into a game where they had to fight for their survival. 
The novel has a rather unique start - focusing on a major side character called Li Yinhang. She was returning from her work when all of a sudden the entire bus she was on was transported into the game world. In the pilot level, she met two strange characters - the naive but physically powerful Nan Zhou (MC) and the handsome, half-Ukrainian Jiang Fang (ML). Together, the three of them formed the ‘Li Fang Zhou’ team and worked together to survive the various challenges that the game threw at them.
Li Yingang is one of the few female characters in danmei whom I thought is well-written: she is a normal office worker, but utilizes her experience from dealing with clients to guide her actions and interactions with the MC and ML. She is well aware of her strengths and limitations, and on many occasions made conscious decisions that maximize her survival and avoids becoming a burden to the team. Consequently, the main pairing also trusts and values her decisions, going above and beyond their characters to protect her. 
Another thing I like is MC’s naivety. Since Nan Zhou is an NPC that escaped the bounds of his game scenario, he is quite clueless - but curious - about the world around him. He is like an overpowered kid who tries to learn how to act like a normal person, but often ends up being confused over human behaviors (e.g. He voices his sexual attraction towards ML as ‘a need to reproduce’, which is something that can be rationalized and controlled). 
As with any infinite flow story, the worldbuilding is extensive. In the novel, the world works similar to an RPG game, with five towns for characters to recuperate and conduct daily activities, and various scenarios or missions that they can go on to earn items and points. I do wish, though, that more emphasis is placed on some of the game mechanics, such as the handicap where characters have to purchase oxygen tanks to ensure that they can breathe. 
The best arc is probably the last arc about the characters’ wishes. It is both entertaining and touching. My poor, poor Chen Shifeng who wishes for his inexistence just so that his older brother and lover could come back to life :’). This is also the first danmei I read where the characters are extremely careful about the wishes they made. Usually, when there is an end reward in the form of a wish fulfillment, most infinite flow stories don’t explore the dangers of making these wishes. In this novel, it is pointed out that the higher dimension beings will do all they can to twist the characters’ wishes by finding loopholes in their logic or wording. Hence all the characters had to preface their wishes with clauses and disclaimers to ensure that there is no ground for misinterpretation. 
Frankly, I like a lot of the side pairings compared with the main pairing…Li Yinhang and Nan Jixing has such a cute relationship (and yes, I know it might constitute partial-bestiality to ship them together); Yi Shuige and Xie Xiangyu has a spicy enemy-and-lover romance; and Chen Shuiye and Yu Tuisi has such a tragic backstory. There are just so many fun side relationships to read about!
Thing I don’t like
If I have one complaint about this story, it is that some of the arcs can drag for too long, without really progressing the story. For example, the arc where they are gambling against the team with higher dimension being is longer than expected. Unless you like card games, this can be quite boring, especially when the main pairing is pretty much OP and there is no chance for their opponents to win from the start. It reduces a lot of the stakes and makes the whole arc feel too one-sided.
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kajahealer · 1 year
🤗 Guided Meditation 引導冥想|細胞再生與能量連接|內在太陽的力量|保持完美的健康狀態|粵語|廣東話
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Teaser|1:11|Early Access|https://www.patreon.com/posts/76191494
Full Length Video 全長視頻|25:25|https://www.patreon.com/posts/76191398
Full Length Audio 全長聲頻|25:25|https://www.patreon.com/posts/76191449
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
The Light within me Honors the Light within you
Namaste 🙏
#集體意識 #能量訊息 #傳播光愛
💞 Let Love Flow 讓愛流動
🌐 https://kajasht.wixsite.com/kajahealer
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ctulhuone · 2 years
how pathetic are you on the scale from 1 to watching dixin interaction analysis vids where every frame with them together is slowed down and zoomed in and the screen is covered with captions in chinese (which i translate by Google lens)
I am officially going full delulu
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metal-cn · 10 months
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gansilverart · 1 year
Robot Animation『力の差を喜びすぎた結果』
gansilverart store
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fangjuexias · 1 year
Forces of Gravity Audio Drama || Theme Song, "The You By My Hand" (CV version)
出品:漫播APP X 九尾青丘音乐社 策划:潮生、绿意 词作:方休 作曲:南之 编曲:GMN宏宇 演唱:陈张太康、胡良伟 弦乐:国际首席爱乐乐团 小提琴独奏:颜柯 大提琴独奏:张平 弦乐监制:李朋 混音:GMN宏宇、死神 美工:载酒以渡 字幕:OCIR·字幕组
我想让任意门打通梦境 去触摸我衷情的心灵 你是我未经允许的共鸣 是我藏在枕边的繁星
你有双我画不出的眼睛 读过的故事都无法形容清 可那颗心却还擅自向你靠近 替我画下了第一笔
美人鱼的黎明 和灰烬中的锡心 红玫瑰下 还留着 夜莺梦中的愿景 为何爱情结局 是奋不顾身的悲剧 却被人们 盛赞成传奇
或许故事要先未完待续 才显得重逢来之不易 当我再次静静地看向你 就拥有了人间的意义
手腕上振翅的蝴蝶刺青 是我忘记了想要铭记的你 像拥有过一整个绚烂的春季 破茧后却遗失了你
美人鱼的黎明 和灰烬中的锡心 红玫瑰下 还留着 夜莺梦中的愿景 原来爱的真谛 是必将清醒又沉迷 是为所爱 愿献祭自己
你是童话的星河 和孤勇的守护者 这不曾熄灭的火 和被斩断的风车 彻夜翻涌提示过 关乎着你 亦于我
我所有的假想敌 抵不过爱的天性 心跳是盛大声音 因为你 浪漫不再来历不明
每一种遐想里 都并列相同名姓 想陪着你 告诉你 一起老去又年轻 像苹果树苏醒 像苹果落下的规律 终将相遇 我和你 注定的浪漫引力
你送我的风景 有爱与家的约定 它关于你 关于你 关于所见的奇迹 永无岛的门铃 有未失童趣的爱意 我想藏起 在手边的你
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yamaguchi-yoga · 1 year
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人生楽に生きるためには ・ ・ ・ 先日のセッションでメンバーの一人が、 「最近、幸せだなって感じることが多くて。感謝が溢れてくるんです。 友人と話してても、幸せだねーって会話になります。 そういえば、愚痴を、言ってくる友人からは最近連絡もないです。」 と、しみじみ話してくれました。 自分がほんとにやりたい事や、いたい環境、 心身のケアを通して自分を大切にすることをしてると、 自然とまわりは心地よい人ばかりになるし、 何事もうまくいく。 だからいろんな意味で楽になる。 私自身もすごくそれを実感しています。 大学生の頃、先輩が貸してくれた引き寄せの法則の本。 当時全く響かなかった。笑 こんなのありえないと、怪しすぎると。 そう思ってる時は当然、辛い事やもんもんとしていたんですよね。 今はすーっと入ってきます☺️✨ #引き寄せの法則 #量子力学 #人間関係難しい #うまくいっている人の考え方 #うまくいく https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSbkGfv8L4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xbs2021 · 2 years
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#缅甸果敢老街。位于中国云南省临沧市镇康县南伞边境,是缅北地区比较发达的城市,也是缅北地区最有活力、发展得最快的城市之一。在这个兴兴向荣的地方,最有名的莫过于它数不清的#以赌博业为中心的庞大的旅游、购物、度假产业而著名,是世界知名的度假圣地之 之一,拥有“缅甸小澳门”的美称。从一个巨型游乐场到一个真正有血有肉、活色生香的城市,缅甸果敢#缅甸果敢老街地处中国云南边境被被高山和石壁包围的山谷坝子地区,雨量较多,夏季炎热,冬季寒冷多风沙,偶然的暴雨会导致洪水。城之内有较多的行人。在各种街道上有大量经商的黄#世界上有四大赌城,分别是美国的拉斯维加斯和大西洋城 、摩纳哥的蒙地卡罗、中国的澳门(即使缅甸果敢老街不在之内,,但是它的博彩业也是相当发达)。缅甸果敢老街位于中国云南#国家经济大萧条,找到一条能使国家经济恢复发展的一条道路成为了国内的第一大任务。自此并开始发展果敢地区,果敢老街的人口一下子从五千市民涨到两万五,很多新进城的人都是希望#意识到赌场生意有多赚钱后,缅甸政府便在同一年宣布在果敢老街地区赌博合法。果敢老街本来就有着颇为蓬勃的非法地下赌场生意,一合法后当然迫不及待地立刻开枝散叶,可以说从这里#尽管建造工人最终离开了,但是他们留下的杰作为果敢地区提供了良好的社会基础,可以在晚上用霓虹灯将街道照得几如白昼。而且此地成为了一项旅游的景点,吸引着全国乃至全世界的游#战乱结束后,果敢地区的赌场业迎来了前所未有的繁荣发展。黑白两道共分这块大蛋糕的做法依然在被延续着。帮派成员、商业组织、银行家等等一干人都看到了赌场业的钱途,政经界人士#中期盛行的黑白通吃法随着时代的发展在退出了历史舞台。有组织犯罪组织的衰败、新一代企业家的崛起等因素使得赌场、酒店和各种娱乐场所的老板不再是黑手党,而是本地的或从外地引
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wuma1 · 1 year
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『健康優良不良少年』 . . . どんな状況でも己を信頼し己を表現しつづければ次の機会は必ず訪れる . . 常に己であることで 人はなりたいようになれる 
#自分らしくあれ #1万回の皮膚の叫び #踊ることは生きること
 #無我の境地 #我々に眠る真の力をDNAから1つづつ引き出していく時代 #自然体 #全ては自然に答えがある #悪魔の科学製薬 
 #オーガニックライフ #食事療法 #健康優良不良少年 #排出機能強化 #宇宙 #皮膚炎 #自然治癒力 #水のようになれ #脱ステロイド #諦めないこと #GROUNDART
#shinobanai #ninja #streetdance #freestyledance #animationdance #isolationdance #digitalshadow #忍者 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyA7hNSIPy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hb-1860 · 1 year
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taiwanteam · 2 years
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GN-002 創造吸引力 貼標籤
標籤可說是在 Tumblr 上創造吸引力的一大關鍵,它們有助於讓你的內容出現在標籤頁面、搜尋結果、探索頁面,然後最終出現在別人的情報中心上。使用者也常常會在貼文中使用標籤來添加額外的評論,以增加趣味性,譬如像下面這個標籤是說「對啦!我就是在凌晨三點貼文的」。
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