leenaevilin · 3 years
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[Announcement] BROADWAY MUSICAL「GLORY DAYS グローリー・デイズ」
the show will be running from September 17th, 2021 to October 3rd, 2021 (Tokyo) @ 博品館劇場 (Hakuhinkan Gekijou)
Yata Yuusuke Hino Shinichirou Katou Shou Kido Yuuya Kazama Yuujirou Ishiga Kazuki Luke Yosuke Crawford Eric Fukusaki
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itshumingyay · 6 years
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演劇集団 砂地『Hamlet』
Essentially everything I could find pertaining to Engeki Shudan Sunaji's 2016 production of Hamlet, starring Kido Yuya in the title role.
Sources are Sunachi’s homepage and facebook.
Cast: Kido Yuya Nazuka Kaori Fujinami Shumpei Iwano Michi Matsumoto Kousei Imakuni Masahiko Umemura Ayako Sakai Kazuya Izawa Rei Kobayashi Ryota Takagawa Yuya
Directed by Funaiwa Yuuta
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save-the-data · 6 years
舞台『モブサイコ100』 / 舞台
This title will be released on May 16, 2018.
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[Video] 音楽劇「ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-」(ongakugeki lord el-melloiII-sei no jikenbo -case. hakurijou adola)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released on July 8th, 2020☆ ☆ ☆
☆ DVD  ☆ Blu-ray         ♪ Amazon ☆ DVD  ☆ Blu-ray         ♪ CD Japan
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[December] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ December 1st
◎ Tomotsune Yuuki 友常勇気 1985
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♪ December 2nd
◎ Funahashi Hiroki 船橋拓幹 1994
◎ Kurofuji Yuuki 黒藤結軌 1986
◎ Shiraishi Kousuke 白石康介 1996
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♪ December 3rd
◎ Fujiie Kazuyori 藤家和依 1984
◎ Goku
◎ Takahashi Fumiya 高橋ふみや 1993
◎ Usui Masahiro 碓井将大 1991
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♪ December 4th
◎ Asato Yuuya 安里勇哉 1987
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♪ December 5th
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♪ December 6th
◎ Hayashi Kento 林遣都 1990
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♪ December 7th
◎ Masui Kento 桝井賢斗 1994
◎ Sakurada Doori 桜田通 1991
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♪ December 8th
◎ Fukazawa Taiga 深澤大河 1994
◎ Kimura Tatsunari 木村達成 1993
◎ Saotome Jouji 早乙女じょうじ 1986
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♪ December 9th
◎ Kajimoto Daiki 鍛治本大樹 1983
◎ Yamazaki Masashi 山﨑雅志 1979
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♪ December 10th
◎ Kobayashi Katsuya 小林且弥 1981
◎ Yuuki Kousei 結木滉星 1994
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♪ December 11th
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♪ December 12th
◎ Doumoto Shouhei 堂本翔平 1993
◎ Kominami Kouji 小南光司 1994
◎ Watanabe Takahiro 渡辺貴裕 1996
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♪ December 13th
◎ Eita 瑛太 1982
◎ Hasui Yuuma 蓮井佑麻 1993
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♪ December 14th
◎ Isono Dai 磯野大
◎ Yagami Ren 八神蓮 1985
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♪ December 15th
◎ Baba Ryouma 馬場良馬 1984
◎ Okui Nagato 奥井那我人 2000
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♪ December 16th
◎ Anzai Shintarou 安西慎太郎 1993
◎ Kobayashi Ryouta 小林亮太 1998
◎ Raita 雷太 1993
◎ Seto Keita 瀬戸啓太 1994
◎ Tanaka Toshihiko 田中稔彦 1983
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♪ December 17th
◎ Hashimoto Zenitsu 橋本全一 1987
◎ Maekawa Yuuki 前川優希 1997
◎ Someya Toshiyuki 染谷俊之 1987
◎ Tamaki Yuuki 玉城裕規 1985
◎ Yoshikawa Sumihiro 吉川純広 1982
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♪ December 18th
◎ Furukawa Yuuki 古川雄輝 1987
◎ Sagawa Daiki 佐川大樹 1991
◎ Tmy 1992
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♪ December 19th
◎ Tateishi Toshiki 立石俊樹 1993
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♪ December 20th
◎ Arai Yuuya 新井雄也 1995
◎ Kuranuki Masahiro 倉貫匡弘 1982
◎ Mizuta Kouki 水田航生 1990
◎ Yajima Yakumo 矢島八雲 1990
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♪ December 21st
◎ Yanagi Koutarou 柳浩太郎 1985
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♪ December 22nd
◎ Higuchi Yuki 樋口夢祈 1984
◎ Sakamoto Kenji 坂元健児 1971
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♪ December 23rd
◎ Akutsu Nichika 阿久津仁愛 2000
◎ Komatsu Junya 小松準弥 1993
◎ Masada Naohiro 正田尚大 1991
◎ Okazaki Kazuhiro 岡崎和寛 1987
◎ Tanzawa Seiji 丹澤誠二 1990
◎ Terayama Takeshi 寺山武志 1987
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♪ December 24th
◎ Takahashi Kensuke 高橋健介 1994
◎ Tanaka Ryousei 田中涼星 1994
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♪ December 25th
◎ Maeuchi Takafumi 前内孝文 1985
◎ Nakayama Masei 中山麻聖 1988
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♪ December 26th
◎ Kawahara Kazuma 川原一馬 1990
◎ Oguri Shun 小栗旬 1982
◎ Okutani Chihiro 奥谷知弘 1994
◎ Shirota Yuu 城田優 1985
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♪ December 27th
◎ Matsumoto Ukyou 松本享恭 1994
◎ Washio Shuuto 鷲尾修斗 1987
◎ Yasukawa Aiji 安川集治 1992
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♪ December 28th
◎ Kanno Yuuki 菅野勇城 1987
◎ Toyoda Yuuya 豊田裕也 1988
◎ Yoshida Yuuki 吉田邑樹 1991
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♪ December 29th
◎ Arata Shihou 荒田至法 1994
◎ Matsumura Ryuunosuke 松村龍之介 1993
◎ Suzuki Katsuhiro 鈴木勝大 1992
◎ Watanabe Takaki 渡邉駿輝 1999
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♪ December 30th
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♪ December 31st
◎ Hashimoto Shouhei 橋本祥平 1993
◎ Kawasumi Bishin 川隅美慎 1992
◎ Oosone Keita 大曽根敬大 1985
◎ Takamoto Gaku 高本学 1993
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kazuho-so · 5 years
音楽劇『ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-』出演【終了しました】
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音楽劇『ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-』 に、壮が出演します。
【Introduction】  とある極東の地方都市にて行われた魔術儀式・聖杯戦争。あらゆる願いを叶えると言われる万能の願望機・聖杯を巡って行われたその戦いを、征服王イスカンダルとともに駆け抜けた少年がいた。その名はウェイバー・ベルベット。  時を経て少年は青年となり、かつての師が冠したロード・エルメロイの名を受け継ぐこととなる。魔術師たちの総本山・時計塔で、「ロード・エルメロイⅡ世」として教鞭を執る彼の元に舞い込む様々な事件。現代の常識でははかり知れない、魔術の世界で引き起こされる出来事に、内弟子の「グレイ」とともに立ち向かっていく─。
【STORY】 『時計塔』。 それは魔術世界の中心。貴い神秘を蔵する魔術協会の総本山。 この『時計塔』において現代魔術科の君主(ロード)であるエルメロイⅡ世は、とある事情から剥離城アドラでの遺産相続に巻き込まれる。 城中に鏤められた数多の天使、そして招待者たちそれぞれに与えられた〈天使名〉の謎を解いた者だけが、剥離城アドラの『遺産』を引き継げるというのだ。 だが、それはけして単なる謎解きではなく、『時計塔』に所属する高位の魔術師たちにとってすら、あまりにも幻想的で悲愴な事件のはじまりであった─。
【原作】三田誠/TYPE-MOON 【キャラクター原案】坂本みねぢ 【スタッフ】総合演出:ウォーリー木下       脚本:斎藤栄作       演出:元吉庸泰
【出演】ロード・エルメロイⅡ世:松下優也     グレイ:青野紗穂
    フラット・エスカルドス:納谷 健     スヴィン・グラシュエート:伊崎龍次郎     ライネス・エルメロイ・アーチゾルテ:浜崎香帆
    ハイネ・イスタリ:百名ヒロキ     時任次郎坊清玄:木戸邑弥
    フリューガー:松田慎也     少年従者:木村風太     ロザリンド・イスタリ:ソニア・種村梨白花(Wキャスト)
    ルヴィアゼリッタ・エーデルフェルト:玉置成実     オルロック・シザームンド:花王おさむ
    化野菱理(あだしの ひしり):壮 一帆 オリエンタルな民族衣装と眼鏡に身を包み、優雅な物腰の中に爬虫類的な冷たさを秘めた謎多き魔術師。時計塔を管理・監督する異端の学科「法政科」に所属しており、神秘を追求する多くの魔術師にとっては相容れず、畏怖すべき存在である。
〈プレビュー公演(千葉)〉 2019年12月15日(日) 市川市文化会館 大ホール 〈東京公演〉 2019年12月19日(木)~23日(月・祝)なかのZERO 大ホール
〈大阪公演〉 2019年12月26日(木)~28日(土)サンケイホールブリーゼ
〈福岡公演〉 2020年1月11日(土)・12日(日)久留米シティプラザ ザ・グランドホール
〈東京公演〉 2020年1月17日(金)~19日(日)新宿文化センター 大ホール
・11月27日(水)発売、『STAGE navi』vol.38(産経新聞出版発行)に、インタビュー記事が掲載されます。 詳しくはこちら
・ エンタメ情報サイト『ランランエンタメ』に、インタビュー記事が掲載されました。  前編はこちら  後編はこちら
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sandreeen · 5 years
K -Return of Kings- Stage Play Cast & Ensemble
Cast:  ♔ Isana Yashiro: Sugiyama Mahiro 杉山真宏 || 1998.08.05 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Yatogami Kuroh: Kishimoto Yuta 岸本勇太 || 1993.07.09 || [Twitter] [Instagram]  ♔ Neko: Shiba Konona 柴小聖 || 1998.02.14 || [Instagram] [Twitter]  ♔ Kushina Anna: Kuwae Sakina 桑江咲菜 || 1992.05.06 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Kusanagi Izumo: Juri 寿里 || 1981.02.16 || [blog] [Twitter] [Instagram]  ♔ Yata Misaki: Shiina Taizo 椎名鯛造 || 1986.06.17 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Kamamoto Rikio: Takata Makoto 高田誠 || 1995.06.24 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Munakata Reisi: Ono Kento 小野健斗 || 1989.08.09 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Awashima Seri:Marimura Kaoru 茉莉邑薫 || 19??.02.20 || [Twitter]  ♔ Fushimi Saruhiko: Kido Yuya 木戸邑弥 || 1992.11.09 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Hisui Nagare: Yoshitaka Sion || 1999.07.02 || [Instagram] [Twitter]  ♔ Mishakuji Yukari: Sasaki Yoshihide 佐々木喜英 || 1987.10.04 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Iwafune Tenkei: Izumi Shuhei 和泉宗兵 || 1977.10.11 || [Twitter] [Instagram]  ♔ Gojo Sukuna: Toman とまん || 1993.09.14 || [blog] [Twitter]
Ensemble:  ♔ Hinata Akihisa 日南田顕久 || 1986.02.20 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Murakami Wataru 村上渉 || 1995.02.20 || [Twitter]  ♔ Takashi Yukiya 高士幸也 || 1993.03.09 || [Twitter]  ♔ Matsuki Riku 松木里功 ????.07.01 || [blog] [Twitter] [Instagram]  ♔ Nagai Ryo 永井良 || 1993.09.14 || [blog] [Twitter]  ♔ Sato Yuki 佐藤佑樹 || 1996.11.01 || [Twitter]  ♔ Nakanishi Tomoya 中西智也 || [Twitter]  ♔ Po 新保瑞陽 || [Twitter]
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jgfiles · 6 years
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So, after a series of teasing photos, we’ve the cover image for the new Joker Game stage... which will clearly be based on “Double Joker”.
The cast as of now is listed as:
Kido Yūya 木戸邑弥
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Yamamoto Ikkei 山本一慶
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Okutani Chihiro  奥谷知弘
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Matsumoto Gaku 松本 岳
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Saigawa Kōji 才川コージ
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Maeda Takeshi 前田剛史
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Taniguchi Masashi 谷口賢志
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and more…
Although there’s a promising ‘and more’ so far the  big names that were in the previous stage and are missing in this one are:
Suzuki Shogo
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Omi Shoichiro
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Abe Kaisei
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Now... Miyoshi is dead, so unless we’ll have flashbacks there’s no hope to see him and the author who played him... that or Gamo Jiro is going to turn out as his twin or something.
Sakuma... well, this one is hard to say as Sakuma came back to D Agency but we don’t know when exactly.
Odagiri... well, the previous stage completely forgot about him after he left D Agency (they had Sakuma came back but not Odagiri) so I don’t really have hopes for him.
It’ll be interesting if Muto were to show up. He wasn’t in the plot of ‘Double Joker’, of course, but the same applies to most of D Agency so we can never know.
As for Gordon... he said he would turn into a double spy and that he hoped to show up in the next stage so... well, I’d like to have him back... or at least Orakio. I loved his performance in the first stage!
Still, it’ll be interesting to see how this will develop but really, I also would love a new anime series... or a movie... or an OAV... or something... I miss my boys and this time we don’t even have an anime version of the cover, they just jumped to the stage one...
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ratiocchi · 6 years
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舞台『ジョーカー・ゲームⅡ』 木戸邑弥 インタビュー
I think this stage could expand the genre of 2.5 dimension.
A new stage of Joker Game, which got the audience excited last year, has been decided. This time, the stage will be set in Double Joker-hen which is very popular in the original work. Jitsui’s actor, Kido Yuya, will continue as the key person in this stage.
Kido: In the previous stage, I had this feeling, “The original work is really fun. If this was to be a stage, I’m sure it will be fun too.” The casts and staff—everyone was confident and looking forward to the stage. Everyone talked about how they want to do it again. Now that those hopes have come true, I’m really happy.
Fans of the original work also cheered in delight. It was said that the secret behind these fans' delight came from the very cool vibe that’s only found in the stage.
Kido: The spotlight of the previous stage—of course—is the opening. The moment all of D Kikan’s spies assembled, it was really cool that we as the actors shivered in excitement as well. The theme song was also the same as the anime, and from that alone, the audience’s hearts were captured in one blow. This time too, I’m sure the stage will bring out the same cool vibes.
D Kikan, an organization consisting of resourceful spies who have passed the super human selection test. The previous stage got the audience excited with the poker scene as the key scene.
Kido: Clapping hands and tapping the table, following the rhythm. Nishida (Daisuke) -san the director said that it is something we should try by ourselves, so we (the actors) created the idea (to clap hands and tap the table along the rhythm). But when we tried it, it was harder than we've expected (lol). If there’s even one mistake, everything will be a mess. I’m sure the same nervous feeling will appear in the next stage.
This is the second time you act as Jitsui. Your attachment for this character is special.
Kido: Among the cool D Kikan members, Jitsui is a cute character, yet he can act like a guy or a girl. He’s able to bring out each of his personality really well and doesn’t put his hands in his pocket. He’s also an actor who likes to make up various schemes out of trivial things. Although Jitsui is cute, there is a side of him which are ruthless and malicious. Maybe I resemble him a bit (lol)
Among entertaining scenes in the stage, you can also have a taste of action, deep battle scenes, shade of adulthood(?).
Kido: The charm is to enjoy the excitement of the stage. I think that this work could expand the genre of 2.5 dimension, so this time too, I will fight with great spirit.
Original link: (x)
Note: This is my first time translating an article. My English and Japanese are still bad so I’m sorry if there are a few mistakes here and there. Thank you for reading~
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【地震速報】2021年5月14日 8時58分ごろ福島県沖
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発生時刻2021年5月14日 8時58分ごろ震源地福島県沖最大震度4マグニチュード6.0深さ40km緯度/経度北緯37.7度/東経141.8度情報この地震による津波の心配はありません。震度4 岩手県 矢巾町  宮城県 石巻市  名取市  登米市  栗原市  大崎市  松島町  利府町  涌谷町  宮城美里町  福島県 相馬市  南相馬市  福島伊達市  楢葉町  富岡町  大熊町  双葉町  浪江町  震度3 青森県 八戸市  七戸町  六戸町  東北町  おいらせ町  五戸町  青森南部町  階上町  岩手県 盛岡市  宮古市  大船渡市  花巻市  北上市  久慈市  遠野市  一関市  釜石市  八幡平市  奥州市  滝沢市  紫波町  金ケ崎町  平泉町  住田町  普代村  野田村  宮城県 仙台青葉区  仙台宮城野区  仙台若林区  仙台太白区  仙台泉区  塩竈市  気仙沼市  白石市  角田市  多賀城市  岩沼市  東松島市  富谷市  蔵王町  大河原町  村田町  宮城川崎町  丸森町  亘理町  山元町  七ヶ浜町  大和町  大郷町  大衡村  色麻町  宮城加美町  女川町  南三陸町  秋田県 秋田市  横手市  大仙市  仙北市  秋田美郷町  山形県 米沢市  中山町  福島県 福島市  郡山市  いわき市  白河市  須賀川市  二本松市  田村市  本宮市  桑折町  国見町  川俣町  大玉村  鏡石町  天栄村  猪苗代町  泉崎村  中島村  棚倉町  石川町  玉川村  平田村  浅川町  古殿町  小野町  福島広野町  川内村  葛尾村  新地町  飯舘村  茨城県 水戸市  日立市  石岡市  常陸太田市  北茨城市  笠間市  那珂市  筑西市  東海村  大子町  栃木県 宇都宮市  高根沢町  那須町  千葉県 印西市  震度2 北海道 函館市  帯広市  厚真町  新冠町  様似町  十勝大樹町  青森県 青森市  五所川原市  十和田市  三沢市  むつ市  つがる市  平川市  蓬田村  外ヶ浜町  西目屋村  藤崎町  板柳町  鶴田町  野辺地町  横浜町  大間町  東通村  三戸町  田子町  新郷村  岩手県 陸前高田市  二戸市  雫石町  葛巻町  岩手町  西和賀町  大槌町  山田町  岩泉町  田野畑村  軽米町  九戸村  岩手洋野町  一戸町  宮城県 七ヶ宿町  柴田町  秋田県 能代市  大館市  湯沢市  鹿角市  由利本荘市  潟上市  北秋田市  にかほ市  上小阿仁村  三種町  五城目町  八郎潟町  井川町  羽後町  東成瀬村  山形県 山形市  鶴岡市  酒田市  新庄市  寒河江市  上山市  村山市  天童市  東根市  尾花沢市  南陽市  山辺町  河北町  西川町  山形朝日町  大江町  大石田町  最上町  舟形町  真室川町  大蔵村  鮭川村  戸沢村  高畠町  山形小国町  白鷹町  飯豊町  三川町  庄内町  遊佐町  福島県 会津若松市  喜多方市  西会津町  磐梯町  会津坂下町  湯川村  会津美里町  西郷村  矢吹町  矢祭町  塙町  三春町  茨城県 土浦市  茨城古河市  結城市  龍ケ崎市  下妻市  常総市  高萩市  取手市  牛久市  つくば市  ひたちなか市  茨城鹿嶋市  潮来市  守谷市  常陸大宮市  坂東市  稲敷市  かすみがうら市  桜川市  神栖市  行方市  鉾田市  つくばみらい市  小美玉市  茨城町  城里町  美浦村  阿見町  河内町  八千代町  五霞町  境町  栃木県 足利市  栃木市  佐野市  鹿沼市  日光市  小山市  真岡市  大田原市  矢板市  那須塩原市  栃木さくら市  那須烏山市  下野市  益子町  茂木町  市貝町  芳賀町  壬生町  野木町  栃木那珂川町  群馬県 前橋市  桐生市  伊勢崎市  太田市  沼田市  館林市  渋川市  板倉町  群馬明和町  千代田町  大泉町  邑楽町  埼玉県 さいたま北区  さいたま大宮区  さいたま見沼区  さいたま中央区  さいたま緑区  熊谷市  行田市  加須市  東松山市  春日部市  羽生市  鴻巣市  深谷市  草加市  蕨市  戸田市  久喜市  八潮市  富士見市  幸手市  鶴ヶ島市  吉川市  白岡市  毛呂山町  川島町  吉見町  宮代町  松伏町  千葉県 千葉中央区  千葉花見川区  千葉稲毛区  千葉若葉区  千葉美浜区  銚子市  船橋市  松戸市  野田市  成田市  千葉佐倉市  東金市  旭市  習志野市  柏市  市原市  八千代市  鎌ケ谷市  浦安市  四街道市  白井市  富里市  香取市  山武市  いすみ市  栄町  神崎町  多古町  東庄町  横芝光町  長生村  白子町  鋸南町  東京都 東京千代田区  東京墨田区  東京江東区  東京大田区  東京渋谷区  東京杉並区  東京荒川区  東京板橋区  東京足立区  東京江戸川区  調布市  町田市  神奈川県 横浜神奈川区  横浜西区  横浜中区  横浜保土ケ谷区  横浜港北区  横浜戸塚区  横浜緑区  川崎川崎区  川崎宮前区  平塚市  藤沢市  茅ヶ崎市  厚木市  寒川町  神奈川大井町  湯河原町  新潟県 新潟南区  村上市  阿賀野市  南魚沼市  山梨県 笛吹市  中央市  富士川町  忍野村  山中湖村  富士河口湖町  静岡県 御殿場市  震度1 北海道 札幌北区  札幌東区  札幌手稲区  札幌清田区  室蘭市  苫小牧市  千歳市  厚沢部町  留寿都村  壮瞥町  安平町  むかわ町  日高地方日高町  浦河町  新ひだか町  十勝清水町  厚岸町  標茶町  白糠町  別海町  標津町  青森県 弘前市  黒石市  今別町  深浦町  田舎館村  中泊町  六ヶ所村  佐井村  秋田県 男鹿市  小坂町  藤里町  八峰町  大潟村  山形県 山形金山町  福島県 下郷町  只見町  南会津町  柳津町  鮫川村  茨城県 大洗町  利根町  栃木県 上三川町  塩谷町  群馬県 高崎市  安中市  みどり市  榛東村  吉岡町  神流町  甘楽町  東吾妻町  群馬昭和村  玉村町  埼玉県 さいたま西区  さいたま桜区  さいたま浦和区  さいたま南区  川越市  川口市  秩父市  飯能市  本庄市  狭山市  上尾市  越谷市  入間市  朝霞市  志木市  和光市  新座市  桶川市  北本市  三郷市  蓮田市  坂戸市  日高市  ふじみ野市  伊奈町  埼玉三芳町  越生町  滑川町  嵐山町  小川町  鳩山町  ときがわ町  横瀬町  皆野町  長瀞町  東秩父村  埼玉美里町  埼玉神川町  上里町  千葉県 千葉緑区  市川市  館山市  木更津市  流山市  我孫子市  鴨川市  君津市  八街市  南房総市  匝瑳市  酒々井町  九十九里町  芝山町  一宮町  長南町  東京都 東京中央区  東京港区  東京新宿区  東京文京区  東京台東区  東京品川区  東京目黒区  東京世田谷区  東京中野区  東京豊島区  東京北区  東京練馬区  東京葛飾区  八王子市  武蔵野市  三鷹市  青梅市  東京府中市  昭島市  小金井市  小平市  日野市  国分寺市  東大和市  清瀬市  武蔵村山市  多摩市  西東京市  神奈川県 横浜鶴見区  横浜磯子区  横浜旭区  横浜瀬谷区  横浜青葉区  横浜都筑区  川崎幸区  川崎中原区  川崎高津区  川崎多摩区  川崎麻生区  相模原緑区  相模原南区  横須賀市  三浦市  秦野市  海老名市  座間市  綾瀬市  中井町  新潟県 新潟北区  新潟東区  新潟中央区  新潟江南区  新潟秋葉区  新潟西区  新潟西蒲区  長岡市  三条市  新発田市  小千谷市  加茂市  十日町市  見附市  燕市  五泉市  上越市  魚沼市  胎内市  聖籠町  弥彦村  田上町  阿賀町  出雲崎町  刈羽村  関川村  山梨県 甲府市  富士吉田市  大月市  南アルプス市  山梨北杜市  甲州市  身延町  長野県 飯田市  諏訪市  茅野市  佐久市  長野南牧村  軽井沢町  御代田町  富士見町  静岡県 静岡清水区  沼津市  富士宮市  富士市  伊豆市  伊豆の国市  松崎町  西伊豆町  静岡清水町  小山町  防犯・防災対策情報ならsave-family.com Read the full article
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leenaevilin · 4 years
[Reminder] 音楽劇「ロード・エルメロイII世の事件簿 -case.剥離城アドラ-」(ongakugeki lord el-melloiII-sei no jikenbo -case. hakurijou adola)
the DVD/Blu-ray will be released tomorrow (July 8th, 2020) (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))♡  [will get my Blu-ray hopefully on Saturday^^]
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save-the-data · 7 years
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21/? Japanese Butai/Musical actors 
Kido Yuya (木戸邑弥, Yuya Kido) 
Part One
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mobu100 · 6 years
Some pics of the stage play has been released on twitter
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[November] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ November 1st
◎ Hashimoto Taito 橋本汰斗 1991
◎ Ochi Yuuki 越智友己 1990
◎ Shirasu Jin 白洲迅 1992
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♪ November 2nd
◎ Menjou Kentarou 校條拳太朗 1990
◎ Mizue Kenta 水江建太 1995
◎ Ryusei 1994
◎ Takane Masaki 高根正樹 1993
◎ Tomita Masanori 冨田昌則 1972
◎ Yoshida Shougo 吉田翔吾 1992
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♪ November 3rd
◎ Sakiyama Tsubasa 崎山つばさ 1989
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♪ November 4th
◎ Matsukawa Daisuke 松川大祐 1997
◎ Nakashima Daichi 中島大地 1988
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♪ November 5th
◎ Nakajima Takuto 中島拓斗 1994
◎ Taniguchi Masashi 谷口賢志 1977
◎ Tawada Hideya 多和田任益 1993
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♪ November 6th
◎ Kento 健人 1993
◎ Sunaga Fuuta 須永風汰 1992
◎ Watanabe Daisuke 渡辺大輔 1982
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♪ November 7th
◎ Hagiya Keigo 萩谷慧悟 1996
◎ Nasuda Yuudai 奈須田雄大 1994
◎ Tsukamoto Takuya 塚本拓弥 1975
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♪ November 8th
◎ Shimotsuki Yukari 霜月紫
◎ Shirakashi Judai 白柏寿大 1993
◎ Tominaga Yuuya 富永勇也 1994
◎ Yamaki Takanori 八巻貴紀 1992
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♪ November 9th
◎ Hayashi Akihiro 林明寛 1987
◎ Kido Yuuya 木戸邑弥 1992
◎ Ogasawara Hiroaki 小笠原大晃 1982
◎ Ookuchi Kengo 大口兼悟 1981
◎ Yamaguchi Kei 山口渓 1996
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♪ November 10th
◎ Ayuba Shuri 阿由葉朱凌 2004
◎ Kikuchi Shuuji 菊池修司 1995
◎ Machida Naoki 町田尚規 1992
◎ Yabuki Takuya 矢吹卓也 1986
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♪ November 11th
◎ Chiba Kouta 千葉冴太 1997
Kiyama Ryuu 輝山立 1992
◎ Yasukawa Junpei 安川純平 1992
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♪ November 12th
◎ Ikegami Shouma 池上翔馬 1984
◎ Mikami Shun 三上俊 1981
◎ Takasaki Shungo 高崎俊吾 1992
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♪ November 13th
◎ Ishida Shuusaku 石田周作 1985
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♪ November 14th
◎ Oono Takurou 大野拓朗 1988
◎ Taka 1993
◎ Yamauchi Keisuke 山内圭輔 1991
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♪ November 15th
◎ Hongou Kanata 本郷奏多 1990
◎ Iizumi Manabu 飯泉学 1986
◎ Zaiki Takuma 財木琢磨 1992
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♪ November 16th
◎ Arata Makkenyuu 新田真剣佑 1996
◎ Nagayama Takashi 永山たかし 1978
◎ Yata Yuusuke 矢田悠祐 1990
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♪ November 17th
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♪ November 18th
◎ Hirano Masafumi 平野雅史 1985
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♪ November 19th
◎ Yuuki Kazuya 結城伽寿也 1993
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♪ November 20th
◎ Aomine Yuuki 青峰佑樹 1991
◎ Matsuda Gaku 松田岳 1992
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♪ November 21st
◎ Ishii Mark 石井マーク 1991
◎ Yokoyama Masafumi 横山真史 1986
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♪ November 22nd
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♪ November 23rd
◎ Date Kouji 伊達幸志 1987
◎ Ichinose Ryuu 一ノ瀬竜 1997
◎ Iwanaga Hiroaki 岩永洋昭 1979
◎ Kako Rion 加古臨王 1980
◎ Sadamoto Fuuma 定本楓馬 1995
◎ Soejima Kazuki 副島和樹 1993
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♪ November 24th
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♪ November 25th
◎ Itou Sumiya 伊藤澄也 1993
◎ Shitara Ginga 設楽銀河 2002
◎ Yoneyama Yuuta 米山雄太 1981
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♪ November 26th
◎ Atae Shinjirou 與真司郎 1988
◎ Izawa Yuuki 井澤勇貴 1992
◎ Miki Takafumi 三木崇史 1985
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♪ November 27th
◎ Hayashi Shuuji 林修司 1979
◎ Tsuji Ryou 辻諒
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♪ November 28th
◎ Kanegae Kou 鐘ヶ江洸 1992
◎ Matsumura Taiichirou 松村泰一郎 1986
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♪ November 29th
◎ Furuta Kazuki 古田一紀 1995
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♪ November 30th
◎ Yuasa Masayuki 湯浅雅恭 1993
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jgfiles · 7 years
Jitsui/Morishima Kunio’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
Jitsui/Morishima Kunio’s character profile: Part 1 (Joker Game Universe)
(Very tentative version as no translation for ‘Double Joker’ novel version had been released)
Spy Surname: Jitsui - 実井(じつい) Spy Name: Unknown Real name: Unknown Rank: Army Second Lieutenant (陸軍少尉 - Rikugun-Shōi) (According to the novel) Role at D Agency: Spy (スパイ) Direct superior officer: Lieutenant Colonel Yūki (結城中佐 Yūki-Chūsa) Affiliation: D Agency (D機関 D Kikan) Height: Unknown (165 cm according to the Anime) Age: Unknown Impersonates: Military Police Superior Private (憲兵上等兵- Kenpei-Jōtōhei) (Anime only), Morishima Kunio/Ikeda Kunio (森島邦雄/池田邦雄) (According to the Anime) Appearances: Novel: Vol. 1 Chapter 1 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) D no Maō manga: Vol 1 chap 1-5 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) Anime: Ep 1-2 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game) , EP 9 “Double Joker” (ダブル・ジョーカー Double Joker), EP 12 “XX Double Cross” (XX ダブル・クロス XX Double Cross), OAV “Adventure of Black Cat Yoru” (黒猫ヨルの冒険 Kuroneko Yoru no Bōken) Joker Game The Animation Manga: Chap 1, 2, 3 “Joker Game” (ジョーカー・ゲーム Joker Game), 5 “Miscalculation” (誤算 Gosan), 10 “Asia Express” (アジア・エクスプレス Asia Express), Chap 14, 15 “Double Joker (Part 1)” (ダブル・ジョーカー(前編)Double Joker (Zenpen)), Chap 16, 17 “Double Joker (Part 2)” (ダブル・ジョーカー(後編)Double Joker (Kōhen)) Drama cd: “Joker Game” Drama CD Metropolitan Police Department D Section Investigation Files (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 警視庁D課捜査ファイル “Joker Game” Drama CD Keishichō D-ka sōsa files), “Joker Game” Drama CD Go For It! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD それいけ!2年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Sore ike! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei ), “Joker Game” Drama CD Return! Year 2 Class D Sakuma Sensei (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 帰ってきた! 二年D組佐久間先生 “Joker Game” Drama CD Kaettekita! 2-Nen D-gumi Sakuma sensei), “Joker Game” Drama CD Parody Box Full of What Ifs (「ジョーカー・ゲーム」ドラマCD 〝もしも″だらけのパロディBOX “Joker Game” Drama CD “Moshimo″ darake no parody box) Voice Actor: Fukuyama Jun - 福山 潤(ふくやま じゅん) Stage project actor: Kido Yuya - 木戸 邑弥(きど ゆうや)
Brief introduction
In the novel Jitsui is mentioned merely as one of the twelve (twelve, not eight as in the anime) D Agency students belonging to the first batch of trainees, and he probably took part to the search in Gordon’s house (though we’ve no confirmation about this). The D no Maō manga doesn’t mention him at all.
The anime though (and, as a consequence of this, the ‘Joker Game The Animation’ Manga) decided that Jitsui is also Morishima Kunio, the spy who appears in the novel chapter ‘Double Joker’ giving him his backstory. ‘Double Joker’ isn’t transposed in the D no Maō manga therefore Morishima Kunio doesn’t show up in it. As for the novel… nowhere it’s said if the two are the same person. Might be, might be not.
As ‘Double Joker’ isn’t translated yet, I’ve no idea if it added relevant info about Morishima Kunio’s backstory and therefore I will go with the anime version of it.
Jitsui is one of the students scouted by Yūki, who passed the selection and enters in his spy school. His real name isn’t Jitsui, Jitsui is just the surname given to him when he became a student in D Agency.
Later he graduates from D Agency and he’s told to keep under observation Shirahata Kiichirō.
In order to do so he pretends to be an university student named Morishima Kunio and starts working at the Shirahata villa as houseboy. While he’s working there he’s then contacted by Kazato Akimasa who has no idea he’s a D Agency spy and tries to black mail him in order to use him as spy. He pretends to comply. Once Kazato got the info he wanted he tries to drug him and have him killed but he manages to fake taking the drug Kazato tried administering him and defeat the one who wanted to kill him.
He then shows up to Shirahata’s villa to support Yūki against Kazato. He’ll then leave the villa with Yūki.
Morishima Kunio’s past, which Kazato used to blackmail him was fake and deliberately constructed so that people would try to blackmail him and this would work as some sort of alarm that another spy agency was targeting Shirahata. In the novel Morishima Kunio is supposed to keep hidden the fact he was half Korean, in the anime instead he’s hiding the fact he skipped military service.
In the movie Jitsui is a spy tasked with supporting a spy named Katō in retrieving the Black Note. He seems to die in an explosion but it turns out he survived and merely faked his death as he will meet up again with Katō. Later he will be assigned for a mission in France.
He smiles often and looks gentle and friendly however he can show a sadistic ruthlessness against enemies. Generally he uses ‘-san’ when talking about other people.
Physical appearance
In the novel is said that Morishima is fair and beautiful.
In the anime Miwa Shiro said he gave Jitsui round eyes that make him appear like a rodent and that he designed him so that he could either look weak or strong instantly, with the Morishima “Double Joker” episode in mind. His official profile confirms he also has an androgynous body, with black hair and brown eyes.
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When in D Agency Jitsui wears a brown three piece suit with a belt. In his mission As Shirahata’s villa he switches to a student uniform.
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In the Live Action Movie Jitsui has a slight bear, moustache and always wear a hat. He seems older than Katō Jirō and smokes a cigar.
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In the Stage Project he still seems to wear a three piece suit.
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The two never interacted but we know that Mutō finds D Agency a thorn to his side and sent Sakuma there in the hope one of Yūki’s students would make a mistake that would allow him to close the place.
We don’t really see Jitsui or Morishima Kunio interacting with Yūki although he was with the man when he faced Kazato Akimaza and later on he drove the car on which they left. Still Yūki is the man who trained him and taught him how to be a spy and that assigned him to that mission.
Sakuma’s interaction with Jitsui is extremely small.
In Novel Jitsui is merely listed as one of the D Agency students while Sakuma is being the liaison but we don’t know if they ever interacted. He’s never mentioned in D no Maō.
In the original script for Ep 1 Jitsui is the one that manages to anger Sakuma the most during the Tennosei system discussion, to the point that, if Sakuma had had it, he would have pulled out his sword.
In the original script and in the Anime Jitsui is also one of those who play the Joker Game against Sakuma. In Joker Game The Animation, after learning that Sakuma will act as leader when they’ll investigate Gordon’s house Jitsui expressed concern for Sakuma, claiming that if he repeats the same mistake he might end up being stripped of everything he has.
According to his official profile he cared for Sakuma… though in one of the cards released for Joker Game, although he excused Sakuma for never coming out with them by saying it was because he’s diligent he also says Sakuma is an “Ishibekinkichi Tetsu Kabuto” (右部金吉鉃兜 “man of incorruptible character with an iron helmet”), so serious that they’re stubborn, have no interests and are boring.
Miyoshi and Jitsui’s interactions are extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if Jitsui also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house as Miyoshi did.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In a card set Miyoshi and Jitsui talk about blossoming flowers (sakura and ume) and agree to come drinking under the sakura with the others only if Kaminaga and Amari promise they wouldn’t get drunk.
Kaminaga’s interaction with Jitsui is extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if Jitsui also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house as Kaminaga did.
In D no Maō Amari isn’t mentioned as one of the spies. It might be he’s one, it might be he’s not.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
Kaminaga and Jitsui will also be involved when Yūki will go to Shirahata’s villa but their interaction won’t be shown on the screen.
In the Live Action Movie Kaminaga, along with Yūki gives him the task to cooperate with Katō and Jitsui to retrieve the Black Note.
In the Preview to Ep 10 Hatano tells Jitsui an English expedition has gone to Egypt to which Jitsui replies one should be prepared for consequences if one goes tomb-raiding as sometimes the mummy hunter might end up becoming the mummy.
In a manga cover we see Hatano and Jitsui talk as they are likely planning to drink together. In another Hatano is carrying many books, possibly moving them to where Jitsui is saying.
In a card we see Hatano and Jitsui talking about how Hatano finds Sakuma is unsociable as he doesn’t want to get out with them to which Jitsui replies Sakuma is an “Ishibekinkichi Tetsu Kabuto” (右部金吉鉃兜 “man of incorruptible character with an iron helmet”), so serious that they’re stubborn, have no interests and are boring, though Hatano doesn’t get the reference.
Jitsui’s interaction with Amari is extremely small.
In the novel they’re merely two D Agency students who trained at the same time. It’s unknown if they also took part to the mission at Gordon’s house.
In D no Maō neither of the two is mentioned as one of the spies. They might be among them, they might be not.
In the anime also there’s little interaction between them two, making them two D Agency students who trained at the same time and took part to the Joker Game and to the mission at Gordon’s house.
There’s vaguely more in the manga, where we’ve a scene in which, while he and Jitsui are carrying some boxes, Amari is singing something and Jitsui asks him which song is it. When Amari replies it’s Bizet’s Farandole” the two talk a tiny bit about it.
Tazaki and Jitsui’s interaction is extremely small.
There’s no character named Tazaki in the novel. Although there’s a character named Seto Reiji there’s no known interaction between him and Amari.
Characters named Tazaki or Seto Reiji don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when Tazaki talks about “The demon king” song before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
It’s worth to note though that in class they were seated at the same desk.
Interesting enough though, Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with occasionally draw Tazaki and Jitsui together, which might imply they get along.
Fukumoto and Jitsui’s interaction is extremely small.
There’s no character named Fukumoto in the novel. Although there’s a character named Shiozuka Hajime/Kusanagi Yukihito there’s no known interaction between him and Jitsui/Morishima Kunio.
Characters named Fukumoto or Shiozuka Hajime/Kusanagi Yukihito don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In the anime, fundamentally, although they appear in scenes together (when the boys go out to drink, when they play the Joker Game, when they’ll be in the dormitory before Miyoshi will join them to tell them they’ll inspect Gordon’s house, when they inspect Gordon’s house) they’re never heard exchanging a word.
The only time they talk to each other is in the preview for Ep 4 Jitsui notes that Fukumoto had been really into gambling lately and asks him why, to which Fukumoto reply ‘for the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat’.
There’s no known interaction between Jitsui and Odagiri in the novel beyond that they’re both D Agency students.
Characters named Odagiri or Jitsui or Morishima Kunio don’t appear in the D no Maō manga.
In Ep 1 Jitsui was one of the spies who used Odagiri’s signals to beat Sakuma at poker. In the manga it’s implied Odagiri ‘betrayed him’ and made an allegiance with Amari when he asked Amari for a cigarette.
In Ep 12 Jitsui points out that Schneider’s suicide note was written by Schneider himself, since it seems Odagiri is supporting the idea that Schneider was killed.
In the Live Action Movie Odagiri and Jitsui support the investigations of Katō in order to retrieve the Black Note. They seem to get along well together.
Gamō Jirō
In the novel it’s unsaid if they ever met while studying at D Agency or not.
In the preview for Ep 8 Gamō Jirō is playing chess. Jitsui observes him and claim that was a tough move to which Gamō Jirō replied chess is a violent sport and asks him if he wants to play a game.
In the anime Gamō Jirō was there when Morishima Kunio was recruited, possibly he was the one who pointed his name to Kazato Akimasa and, later, he was tasked with killing Morishima Kunio, who had supposedly been drugged by Kazato Akimasa. The plan backfired though as Morishima Kunio, in truth Jitsui in disguise, only pretended to be drugged and easily got rid of Gamō Jirō by causing him to faint. Gamō Jirō didn’t though much of Morishima Kunio before he knew of his true identity. Jitsui also think Gamō Jirō doesn’t amount to much as he was hoping, with his disguise, to catch a bigger fish.
John Gordon
John Gordon is merely the target of D Agency’s investigation. The two don’t really interact, Odagiri was merely just one of the D Agency men who inspected his house (it’s unclear if he did the same in the novel and in D no Maō).
Shirahata Kiichirō
Officially Morishima Kunio is a student who works in Shirahata’s residence as houseboy. Shirahata Kiichirō seems to appreciate him and allows him to spend time at the inn with Oharu. In truth Morishima is a D Agency spy who’s taking Shirahata Kiichirō under control.
Oharu dotes on him and worries for him when she believes he could end up on getting reproached due to the other customers getting him drunk. As for Jitsui/Morishima he’s probably being friendly with her as part of the role he’s playing while working at the Shirahata estate.
Kazato Akimasa
Kazato Akimasa tries to blackmail him taking advantage of how he’s supposedly half Korean and if people were to know this, it would put him in troubles. Morishima pretends to cooperate with Kazato, only for Kazato to attempt to drug him and then have him killed when he doesn’t need him anymore. However not only Morishima manages to survive but reveals him he was a D Agency spy and that he tattled out all of Kazato’s move to Yūki.
In the anime Kazato tried to blackmail Morishima by using the fact he didn’t make military service.
Katō Jirō
In the Live Action Movie Katō and Jitsui cooperate to retrieve the Black Note. Jitsui provides him with info and scolds him occasionally.
He knows how to drive. In the manga it seems he’s not visibly affected by truth serum.
Itazu Yoshimi, the author of the end cards, said that when instructed to draw the end cards he was told to “Draw the spies in their daily lives that aren’t seen in the main animation” and that Director Nomura gave him information on the character’s personality and whom they get along with. In his end cards we see Jitsui in the Ginza Lion Beer Hall with Amari, Kaminaga and Miyoshi, at Tokyo station with Kaminaga, in front of Shibuya station with Tazaki, Odagiri and Hatano and in Nihonbashi with Miyoshi. The last card he drew is a ‘group picture’ of some sort as all the spies, Yūki included, are in them. Jitsui is definitely drawn more frequently with Miyoshi and Kaminaga (3 times). It’s worth to note he’s drawn with Fukumoto only in the last end card (the one with the group picture). While this is no proof, we can speculate Jitsui was meant to better get along with Miyoshi and Kaminaga and had the worst compatibility with Fukumoto (ironically in the 3rd drama cd Fukumoto seems to be the only one who can scare Jitsui).
Jitsui is the only spy who’s never shown smoking a cigarette (or that did so in a drama cd).
Jitsui always uses ‘-san’ with the other D Agency boys.
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hoory · 6 years
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