#( love me dctv muses )
sophiainspace · 10 months
Random number time: 4, 13, 27, 31, 39 if you haven’t done them yet!
Checking very carefully that I have the right numbers here... :D
4. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Not many! The muse hasn't been very active recently. But, other than the ongoing coldflash fic, I'm also working on-and-off on a Leonard Snart/Faith Lehane (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) friends-with-benefits-and-they're-both-tragically-in-unrequited-love-with-other-people fic. This is going to be very niche and will probably get two whole readers, but I'm having fun playing with the idea. Shove your random unconnected blorbos together and see if they want to kiss and/or hang out. It's fun!
13. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever come across?
This one. (Seriously. The problem is always about 10 lines back.)
27. How do you feel about collaborations?
They're great - with the right person! But that's the hard part. I co-wrote a book with someone else (non-fiction, so it's different but not that different), and it was a serious challenge, but doable, because good choice of writing partner. In my fic writing life, I've co-written with exactly two people where it's gone well, and it was great. Beta reading is another kind of collaboration I enjoy, but again, only with the right person - good beta readers are like gold dust (I am never letting @achangeinpriorities or @blueelvewithwings leave this fandom, because then beta reading for each other will end - *ahem* I mean they can leave if they really want to, but I will cry. A lot). On the other hand, if you work with the wrong person, good luck - collaborating is really hard and you'll probably end up hating them, or yourself, or both of you. I've done that too :D
31. Do you take liberties with canon or are you very strict about your fic being canon compliant?
Have you read my fic? I want to say I'm more canon compliant than the DCTV writers' room (like it's hard) - but maybe that's not as true as it used to be. There was a time I refused to write dead characters coming back to life because it felt cheap. I gave up on that eventually. because how else are you going to tell the fun stories? I even write a few AUs now (but almost never fantasy AUs because I do not want olde English all up in my superhero stories. but that's just me). But I still really love my canon compliant fic. It's an oddly rewarding challenge, trying to make sense of the mess that canon has thrown at us - like trying to solve a crossword puzzle with half the clues, or something. Um, that does not make it sound fun. Never mind.
39. Do you ever get rude reviews and how do you deal with them?
I've not had lots, but I've had a couple - complaints about my neurodivergent headcanons, mostly. I used to get very upset about that kind of reaction, but now I'm just, fuck 'em. If you don't love me at my 'reading all the characters as neurodivergent - pretentious one-line paragraphs - tiny 300 word fics randomly thrown into one fic as unconnected chapters and call it done,' you don't deserve me at my 'almost coherent 110,000* word coldflash series with lots of UST and quite a bit of resolved ST.' Or something.
*JFC. I just looked that up - I would have guessed half that. That is too many words.
(Thanks for the asks!)
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flyingupward · 2 years
okay ! so first step in my revamp is establishing what muses i’m going to be writing ! first and foremost, i’m doing myself a favor and NOT really having primary, secondary muses, etc. muses are weird. sometimes they’re loud, sometimes they’re not. i’m going to write who is loud and when muses go quiet, i sometimes might not write them for a while. i apologize if that happens to be someone you want to interact with. PLEASE know that i love and adore you and i will reply as soon as they wake up again. i’m always happy to plot aus so if you want to do that with someone who is awake, let me know !
i’ll be making a more fancy muse page and stuff, but until i have the spoons to do that, i’ll be posting A LIST under the cut. i’ve almost definitely forgotten at least one muse so if you followed me for someone and they aren’t on here, know that i probably still intend to write them and just forgot. feel free to ask. i will also write certain muses on a request only/private basis so that also works, though mostly for partners i know really well !
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so without further ado, here is my current working muse list ( in alphabetical order ):
JOANNA BEAUCHAMP - witches of east end HELEN BLACKTHORN - the shadowhunter chronicles CASSANDRA BIANCHI - the blacklist DELILAH BRIARWOOD - critical role JOYCE BYERS - stranger things SAMANTHA CARTER - stargate JUSTINE COOPER - angel/buffyverse THERESA CULLEN - westworld KARA DANVERS/SUPERGIRL - dctv CASSANDRA DE ROLO - critical role JOCELYN FRAY - the shadowhunter chronicles ALMA GARRET - deadwood the archangels: GABRIEL, MICHAEL, and RAPHAEL - angelology TINA KENNARD - the l word/the l word: generation q KEYLETH OF THE AIR ASHARI - critical role LAUDNA - critical role LIL LOVELL - coyote ugly HELEN MAGNUS - sanctuary PATRICIA MAGNUS - sanctuary ABBY MCDEERE - the firm ( tv ) JULIA MCNAMARA - nip/tuck SUSAN MILLER - swingtown MAGDELENA MILLS - once upon a time ( oc ) RAQUEL MURILLO - la casa de papel NALI - critical role ( oc from call of the netherdeep ) PERSEPHONE - mythology MAUREEN ROBINSON - lost in space ELIZABETH SINSKEY - the robert langdon series ( mixed portrayal ) JACKIE SHARP - house of cards JACK SLOANE - ncis CALLIE STEVENSON - goliath ( divergent ) MYFANWY THOMAS - the checquy series CAROLYN TYLER - proof ALLURA VYSOREN - critical role STACY WARNER - house m.d. EMMA WHITMORE - timeless
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feargone · 2 months
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only i will remain.   independent, selective, and private multimuse. featuring mainly canon divergent and headcanon - based characters.  as loved by joy.  low and sporadic activity. rules and muses under the cut.
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rules + regulations.
as stated before, this blog has low and sporadic activity. drafts and replies are far from my top priority, it’ll take time to get to them.  please don’t interact if that doesn’t work for you.
i do not follow or write with people under 20 years of age.  no hate or hard feelings towards anyone, i just don’t feel comfortable interacting with minors.  please respect this.
heads up that i’m not the best when it comes to plotting.  once the ball is rolling, though, i will feel more comfy exchanging ideas and building on what we have.  i’m always open to aus and other ideas, so feel free to approach me with one !
this blog is duplicate friendly ! i don't mind if we have one or more muses in common, it just means i can gush to you about a character we both enjoy. i do my best to check if another blog is okay with duplicates before following first, but i may mess up from time to time. go ahead and block me if that's the case, it's all good.
i am open to being ship exclusive.  meaning if we’ve plotted extensively and write our characters together romantically, i will not ship with someone else who writes the same character. feel free to float the idea out to me !
i am pro-callout culture.  there’s a big difference between having personal drama with someone and warning others about dangerous individuals.  i may reblog callout posts from time to time, as i see fit.  i will tag any i reblog as callout / if you want to block.
this shouldn’t have to be said, but i hardblock those who write or condone any of the following:  incest, rape/noncon, pedophilia, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and other disgusting behaviour.  while there is nuance when it comes to depiction versus endorsement, a majority of these are hard nos regardless of whether you, the writer, don’t think the same as the character.
i tag any potentially triggering content with [trigger] / or [trigger] mention /. not safe for work content will be tagged as not sfw / for those who'd like to block.  reach out if you need me to tag something.
a little general info about me:  i go by joy online, am desi, and use she/they pronouns.  i’m over 21.  mutuals, ask for my discord !  :^)
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muse list.
major details for characters will be linked when pages are complete.
reid garwin.  the covenant.
iris west-allen. dctv.
sylvain jose gautier.  fire emblem.
beidou.  genshin impact.
kaeya alberich.  genshin impact.
haru miura. katekyo hitman reborn!
jaehee kang.  mystic messenger.
scott mccall.  teen wolf.
kate bridgerton née sharma. bridgerton.
chase collins.  the covenant.
martha jones.  doctor who.
claude von riegan.  fire emblem.
jean gunnhildr.  genshin impact.
inej ghafa.  six of crows.
ruby. supernatural.
abby clark. 9-1-1.
howie "chimney" han. 9-1-1.
af flowers. cinderbrush: a monsterhearts story.
cameron solomon. cinderbrush: a monsterhearts story.
guizhong.  genshin impact.
daniel le domas. ready or not.
emily davis.  until dawn.
clara oswald.  doctor who.
jude duarte. the folk of the air.
dokja kim. omniscient reader's viewpoint.
sooyoung han.  omniscient reader's viewpoint.
bonnie bennett. the vampire diaries.
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ofluthorcorp · 1 year
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dctv based. independent, private, and highly selective roleplay blog. oc & fandom friendly. muse and mun 21+. must be 18+ to interact. mature themes are present in this blog. please read rules before interacting.
loved by nys
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main rules
♕ be respectful. disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated on this blog. treat me and my muse, in the same manner, you’d like to be treated.
♕ godmodding is a no-no with lena.
♕ shipping requires chemistry.
♕ ic ≠ ooc. all actions and words by lena will always be in character. don’t take anything to heart.
♕ memes are always available to be sent in.
♕ ooc drama or any form of hate will not be permitted towards myself or my followers.
♕ i reserve the right to choose who i follow and interact with so do not take it personally if i don’t follow back.
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Natasha Romanoff | @rcdlcdger
Wanda Maximoff | @scarletxcrown
Thena (Eternals) | @wxrbxrn
Sara Lance | @whxtecanary
Pamela Isley | @shepoisoned
E2!Laurel Lance | @prxttybrd
Multi-muse | @beycndredemption
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banners and promo done by the talented @supergirlrph
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ricochetingtears · 1 year
name: angela nickname/s: angie pronouns: she/her preference of communication: i’m always on discord if online and i don’t always (or ever) get IMs notifications so most active muse: it depends on what i’m watching or have more threads/plots but usually it’s lois lane, that bitch lives rent free on my brain. stella kidd is now a close second! experience / how many years: oof, i’ve been rping since my 14/15 years and i’ve done many platforms! hi5 which no one will know is how i started, text messages, ask.fm, some forums i think, tumblr is the longest place i’ve stayed and discord for some private things! best experience: i haven’t had many or any bad experiences despite my long years tbh. i looooved tvd fandom so much, it was how i gained confidence in my english and playing canon characters, i also loved teen wolf. dctv/arrow was a bit trickier due to the state of my life/mind but sara lance will always hold a special place in my heart and honestly having lois lane in her own blog might have been the best for real! rp pet peeves: too much aesthetics that you can’t read, see or understand anything, people who complain about not having threds/plots but don’t give anything in return, the general lack of interest of connecting with people and different muses regardless of being canons or original characters fluff, angst or smut: angst 200%, i’ve done a lot more fluff in the last few years and it’s a no for smut long or short replies: short replies never stay short are you like your muse/s: this is a trick question, i never know how to answer because i have so many/have written so many over the years. usually i’m not i don’t think? i can never identify highly as one mainly because i dissect them a lot mentally and emotionally and that’s hard to do with yourself lmao but usually i go for characters that i aspire to be like in some sort.
tagged by: @sindicate tagging: anyone who wants to do it! steal it and tag me <33
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jademight · 2 years
*  knowing  your  partner  well  can  potentially  make  writing  a  lot  easier,  repost,  do  not  reblog.
name : Nerdy
pronouns : He/Him
preference  of  communication : Discord is easier to keep track of, but IMs are also fine.
name  of  muse(s) : the current roster is something like Bruce (you are here), Vision, Eobard and Victor Freeze. The latter two are basically dead muses though but I like keeping them around for fun. Shoutout to my Spidey muse who was my go-to guy for years before he died in a tragic snowboarding accident.
experience / how  long  ( months / years ? ) : I started on Twitter in the first half of 2011, moved to Tumblr towards like, November / December of 2011 I think. And I’m STILL here for some reason. (hopefully not for long lmao)
best  experience : I’ll be honest, rewriting the entire DCTV canon with Larry and Kris back when COIE was a thing is hands down THE most creatively fulfilling experience I’ve had on this site.
rp  pet  peeves / deal  breakers :  just don’t be a dick tbh. I’m pretty chill.
plots or memes : healthy dose of both. plots feeding into memes, memes feeding into plots, vaguely winging it, the best.
preferences  fluff,  angst,  or  smut : a bitch loves some pain, bruce unsurprisingly lends himself well to those kind of plots. Fluff admittedly I don’t write that often, I don’t think, unless the word means like, non romantic fluff stuff, then I wrote those plenty, those are fun too. and I love me some smut. Embrace the Horny. I’ll write anything and everything, I’m a bit of a slut that way. 
best  time  to  write : during the dark alongside other creatures of the night.
tagged by: @lettherebemonsters thanks bud tagging: steal it from me uwu
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fatedtruths · 3 years
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𝚖𝚞𝚕𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚝. 𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚎𝚗 . 𝚍𝚌𝚝𝚟 / 𝚍𝚌𝚎𝚞 + 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗 𝚋𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍.  𝚋𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚎
                                         𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝗱 . . . 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗶 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗮 𝗹𝗼𝘁
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codedhonor · 4 years
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                𝙰𝙻𝙻    𝚂𝚄𝚁𝙵𝙰𝙲𝙴    𝙶𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙴𝚁    𝙰𝙽𝙳    𝙵𝙻𝙰𝚂𝙷    !         an independent multi-muse feat. the human torch,    johnny storm.
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chngjr · 4 years
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originally from earth - 2, mike chang lives in the small town of lima, ohio. all is normal, relatively speaking, considering he’s part of a prize-winning glee club set to win it all by the time he reached senior year, and at the end of his junior year, starts making his rounds around the country on various college visits. there’s the standards; harvard, yale, princeton, the usual that his father had been grooming him to attend since he knew what college was, but there also were a few wildcard universities he ventured off to visit alone, looking into julliard, nyada, and ithica in new york, the joffrey in chicago, and a few others out west in california. 
he ended up attending the joffrey, a severe disappointment to his father for pursuing dance instead of law or neuroscience, and during his sophomore year, he participates in a sort of campus switch program, sending him to a partner conservatory in california for his fall semester.
it was a layover and plane switch in missouri mixed with a cancelled and rescheduled flight for two days later while on his way back to ohio for the holiday season that put him in position for a perfect storm of events. 
december 10, 2013 : 
flight from california to ohio with a layover and flight transfer in missouri.
layover prolonged and flights cancelled due to atmospheric changes potentially indicating severe snow storms
mike stays overnight near the airport in case a flight opened up in the night
december 11, 2013 :
confirmation that flights won’t be taking off for another two days just to be safe considering the strange atmospheric changes still lingering
mike ventures off into the nearest city in search of something to do for the next couple days ; central city
s.t.a.r. labs particle accelerator explodes, sending dark matter throughout the city
mike is within the range of the first wave of dark matter, having gotten a hotel room in the city for the two nights he would be in the state, having been practicing a few new dance moves he had learned during his semester in california before turning his attention to an action movie playing on the room’s tv
december 12, 2013
mike begins to feel ill, and heads to the nearest doctor’s office
is the victim of an attempted mugging, but somehow manages to defend himself with unknown combat knowledge that is eerily similar to some of the fighting moves he had seen in the movie he had watched the night before
gets to the doctor and is only diagnosed with a small bout of allergies, free to fly
learns that all flights within a certain radius of central city (including the airport he had flown into and would be flying out of) had been cancelled until further notice due to the s.t.a.r. labs explosion
mike then learns of said explosion, having not paid attention to the news within the last eighteen hours
the first appearance of meta-humans comes to light
it’s a few days later that mike gets back to lima, barely making it home in time for christmas, but he still can’t get central city out of his mind, especially as time goes on and he returns to school, suddenly able to pick up everything demonstrated to them with only one time watching the combination. months pass, and as more news breaks about meta-humans, mike looks into them more and more, learning of what was going on in central city with zoom and the flash, the meta-humans attacking more and more around the country, and also looking more into his own ‘condition’, leading him back to central city (though warily due to zoom’s dominating presence in the city) to find answers. 
while searching for answers, mike finds himself accidentally traveling through a multiverse breach, ending up on earth - 1, though also, at first, thinking he’d died and this was his own type of purgatory. instead of opting to return to his earth, the younger meta-human opts to instead use this as an opportunity to learn more about his abilities, begging those at the earth - 1 s.t.a.r. labs to help him while also dealing with their own problems.
meta-human abilities :
adaptive muscle memory
can copy any/all movements/actions after seeing it performed once, including acrobatics, martial arts, and other physical stunts. With these skills, they can become masters and incredible at what they do, by combining what several forms and movements in rhythmic motions instead of using the same thing over.
can copy how a person aims, giving themselves incredible marksmanship; however, if they wanted to use certain weapons, they would have to watch a person fire that weapon in order to be able to copy it (such as how to fire a rifle, as opposed to how to fire a bow, or how to throw knives or darts)
Must be able to sense (usually see) what they want to mimic.
Won't have access to any skills/abilities they don't sense, so they could miss vital abilities. For example, gaining skill to high-dive without the skill to swim.
adaptive temporary power replication
temporarily able to replicate and use another’s powers/abilities/mutations, usually restricted to, at max, one hour after exposure
does not gain knowledge on proper use of powers, but can use adaptive muscle memory if he has seen the power/ability/mutation used before
must be exposed to power/ability/mutation either through touching an individual or experiencing the power/ability/mutation firsthand (i.e. being exposed to speed force by a speedster)
**gonna be honest....most of the time i have no idea what’s going on in arr*wverse anymore since i need to catch up but i’m here and trying my hardest. can establish a full timeline to fit into anywhere in the current arr*wverse timeline if need be.
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ageless-aislynn · 3 years
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Hi, everybody! It’s me, Evy, Ais’ muse and occasional OC (but you haven’t met me in that capacity just yet 😉). I’m here to interview some of the various Eobards, Caitlins and Frosts as well as a few other fun members of the gang to see that all of their fic needs are being met! Snowells Week 2021 is going to be here before we know it and I want to make sure that everybody gets their requests in early!
Here I am with the DC Collectibles Reverse Flash! (You may have seen him around before? 😉) How’s life treating you, Mr. Thawne? Any requests for Snowells Week this year? 😁
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Ooo, interesting! I’ll jot that down. Ais is going to want to remember THAT! 🔥🔥🔥Thanks for your help! 😎
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I’m here with Bleacher Creatures Reverse Flash and Funko Mopeez Reverse Flash, who are requesting LOTS OF CUDDLES. I’m sure we can accommodate that! Sorry, Bleacher Creatures Zoom, this is Snowells Week, after all, so... Aw, don’t be sad, Mr. Zolomon! It’ll all work out, I’m sure! 🤗
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Kawaii Cubes Reverse Flash and the Flash are also requesting cuddles! Oh, and I totally hear you, Spin Master Reverse Flash (chase figure) and Injustice 2 Reverse Flash. Ais, they WANT OUT OF THE PACKAGING, PLZ! I’m sure she’ll be right on that, guys! She just got, you know, busy... 😳😉
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Yes, even the LITTLEST of opinions matter around here! I’m getting lots of great info from Pin Mates Flash and Reverse Flash, Imaginext Killer Frost and Reverse Flash, Heroclix Reverse Flash and Killer Frost, Nano Metalfigs Reverse Flash and Ooshies Reverse Flash! Thanks, everybody! Ais is going to love reading all of your thoughts! 👍
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Uh-huh, yep, I’ll jot that down, Mr. Mezco Reverse Flash! Yeah, Caitlin, I think Ais is definitely going to want to do something in that time frame in s4 where you sorta dressed like Cordelia Chase in Angel!
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Here I am getting ALL THE GOSSIP from Killer Frost in her Marvel Legends Silver Sable cosplay 😜 and DC Essentials Reverse Flash! They are seriously spilling the tea in here, wow! 😲😁
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DC Collectibles DCTV Reverse Flash and Caitlin in her best Marvel Legends Scarlet Witch cosplay 😁 have been telling me some-- Hey, wait a minute. Mr. Thawne, WHY DO YOU HAVE THE COSMIC STAFF??? 😲😲😲
On that note, I guess I’d better go. 😵😜 Hope everybody’s having fun figuring out their Snowells Week stuff and I’ll see you then! It’s going to be so awesome! *waves* ⚡💗⚡
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You are just SO handsome, Mr. Thawne. *sigh* 😍
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rxwords · 3 years
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MAE GOVANNEN ! welcome to my MULTI-MUSE rp blog !  ( est. 02 december 2021 | updated. 15 january 2023 ) 
❧ independent. very private. highly selective. multi - verse & oc - friendly. 10+ years experience. literate multi-para to novella but adaptable writer. slow paced replies at the moment. ( former rp blogs @laikehend / @volitardor / @duccorde / @amrefevr / @algidlegend / etc. )
❧ fandoms include : the lord of the rings , star trek , teen wolf , 007 films , dctv , hornblower , star wars , final fantasy xv , the musketeers , the witcher , doctor who , good omens , broadchurch , etc. 
❧ current fixation : teen wolf & lotr
❧ please read my rules , muse lists / verses (under construction ) for further information. if you have any questions then feel free to ask via askbox or IMs.
❧ written by bayze ( a 25 year old shy nerd who loves writing , reading , & the woods ) they / them pronouns please ! discord is available to mutuals.
❧ thank you for taking the time to read this & all my pages before approaching me to roleplay. it’s much appreciated ! 
                                               interest tracker  | permanent starter call | promo 
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sophiainspace · 3 years
6, 8 and 12 for the WIP ask meme~
6) If you had to delete one of your stories and never speak of it again, which would it be and why?
I’ve already orphaned a couple of my early fics that were really terrible, so I never have to speak of those again, hurray… but I co-wrote a coldflash fic that is still one of my top-rated fics, but it’s my worst piece of writing (co-writing is hard, and this was a fun exercise in writing a sentence each till a fic was finished… that we should not have published, lol). Ah well!
8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
Honestly, mostly from the show itself. Special interests are self-sustaining! (Which is why, sadly, I suspect my Arrowverse fic writing days are coming to an end. The special interest has stopped interesting me, and that’s when the muse tends to die. Alas.)
12) Who is your favourite character to write for? Why?
Leonard Snart remains the most interesting character to write for DCTV (and I’m finally getting close to *why*, after many years), but he’s not actually my favourite - he’s just endlessly compelling. Zari Tomaz will always be wonderful to write, but my Legends ideas are pretty thin on the ground in my head right now, so she’s sadly not getting much love (though she was in a ficlet recently!) Iris West and Barry Allen are characters where I’ve slowly had to shape my own muse of them (because their writing is so inconsistent), but I love writing what I’ve ended up with. And Mick Rory is… a problem, because I will always love writing my version of him (you know - autistic, sensitive, good dad, good friend, good crew member, all in his own unique way), but I can’t deny that a combination of Dom and recent Legends writing has put me off writing him. I hope he’ll eventually come back around, because I discovered my version of him during the time when I was getting my head around being diagnosed autistic, and he has meant more to me than I can say.
Thanks! Writer asks
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shesquiinnsane-a2 · 3 years
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@goddamnmuses grabbed your attention:       🌍       ☆ — MANY WORLDS TO EXPLORE MEME — ♢
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Due to them being main comic continuities NEW EARTH (PRE-52), NEW FIFTY-TWO, REBIRTH and now INFINITE FRONTIER won’t be mentioned as typically they can be adapted for all muses far more easily than the rest of the worlds due to them being main comic canon worlds.  They’re like go-tos when I first try and plot with people and this meme was created to expand beyond those worlds.
CONSTANTINE Our current thread is placed under WORLDS OF DC ( Birds of Prey ) due to the live action nature of the verse and it’s the verse I typically use to slide into DCTV.   BIRDS OF PREY ( 2002 ) , according to the Arrowverse Wiki is technically a part of that world so if you wanted a colder/calculated Harley that could be a potential.   Stepping away from live action completely   ( although I am more than happy to use live action fcs )   JUSTICE LEAGUE: GODS AND MONSTERS with Harley as a vampire could be interesting as it’s sorta similar to Constantine’s expertise.   A final thought would be DC ANIMATED ORIGINAL MOVIES   ( I think that’s the world name it’s currently under but if it’s not then it should be )   either just generally or Justice League: Apokolips War if you wanted a specific verse within the world. A Justice League Dark & Suicide Squad clash could be introduced there.
KITE-MAN  HARLEY QUINN aside   ( renamed from DCU HARLEY QUINN or at least it will be when I actually get around to it )   let’s think of a few other suggestions.   My immediate thought is some form of Suicide Squad   ( say WORLDS OF DC because the others are mostly main comic canon but any would work ).   Say Waller’s been having a dry spell with new recruits and reluctantly enrolls him and Harley does her best to make sure he survives because she always wants the Suicide Squad to defy the name or something like that anyway.   In his bio it also mentions him being unable to regain his sanity so HARLEEN is a possibility with Harley being his Arkham therapist if you wanted to explore that idea too. 
BATMAN Without just saying throw Bruce at Harley here’s some plot ideas for worlds based upon the BatQuinn ship specifically since we have that going on.   For the ask I have drafted I’m using INFINITE FRONTIER given the current direction that comic continuity is going but since that’s a main world let’s think of some others.   Go with this idea or not but I am curious to explore it and feel free to just ignore but I’ve had this idea way longer than I should have but it’s based on INJUSTICE ,   at least the build up to Injustice 2 if you want specifics but I love the idea of Harley getting the Brother Eye job for Batman because she’s dating him.   I know it’s AU because she’s technically married to Ivy but I like trying to work with Batman ,   the Joker relapses in the first film and then she builds herself back up and Batman trusts her and he is one of very few people that do and just building from that because also Ivy is on the wrong side in Injustice 2 so I can see them growing distant and then Harley and Batman get closer.   Say he gives her the job to keep an eye on her and then they spend so much time together that it becomes something ??   Okay I’mma stop babbling on that idea now and also offer you a complete curve ball of JOKER/HARLEY: CRIMINAL SANITY. Here Dr. Harley Quinn is a criminal profiler for the GCPD.   The Joker kills her roommate and then vanishes for five years ,   then comes back.   Say Bruce wants to get involved as Batman so comes to the woman with all the information on the Joker, since she vowed to steady every piece of information on his case as it had gone cold ( until now ).
I’ve written this just for muses I currently write with but if you want me to offer any suggestions for any others feel free to send in again and just let me know. If there are any verses that I have mentioned that you are not familiar with, I am more than happy to discuss these with you. 
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livingprophecy · 3 years
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@fcmilyloved​  asked:      📝tell  me      /      send  📝  for  muse  pairings  i’m  interested  in.    
okay  so  other  than  the  100  muse  combos  we  already  have?   i  could  definitely  see  some  really  interesting  things  with  elijah  and  yusuf  al  kaysani  because  they’d  be  immortal  buddies,  same  with  melpomene  because  she’s  probably  older  than  he  is.   obviously  for  nick  and  jeremy  i  want  to  throw  kol  and  john  constantine  at  you  still  because  of  all  the  supernatural  shit  they  could  get  up  to,  but  for  nick  i  could  also  see  laurel  lance  /  a  few  dctv  muses  working  because  it’d  be  fun,  and  same  with  david  xin  (paranormal  investigator  oc)  because  he’s  the  type  to  get  involved  in  werewolf  stuff  on  accident.  for  jeremy  too  i  could  throw  erika  a’ashara  at  him  because  a)  daughter  and  b)  she  has  a  wolf  best  friend  so  she  already  loves  wolves.   and  then  for  reese,  i  will  throw  peter  parker  at  her  no  matter  how  many  jokes  i  make  about  it,  because  the  two  of  them  would  be  so  fucking  chaotic  together  and  i’d  love  it.  also  dr.  strange  for  multiverse  things  because  he  is  one  of  the  protectors  of  it!
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
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(( Wow, that was...Fast 0.0 And I got a similar on my main blog too. Not that I’m complaining, I’m just...stunned that someone has so much interest in my stupid footnotes...or in my ramblings in general! This is genuinely heartwarming >.< Thank you so much, guys :D You totally made my night <3 ))
(( Back to the question! ))
John Constantine / Demon John Constantine. I’m pretty sure that whoever has been following this blog for a while knows that I ship the hell out of those two. It’s weird? Yep. It’s confusing? Yep, also because Demon John is a character that appears only in the original Hellblazer run, so most people don’t know where the hell he came from. It’s unhealthy? Pretty much, especially considering the amount of self-loathing John has for himself. However, I’ve found their dynamics very captivating, as they switch from being enemies to being allies and then back to enemies, even if the lines are always blurred because...well, once they were the same person. With all the implications of the fact. And that also makes Demon John the only character that gets to know John fully, down to the dirtiest bits, even the ones John himself denies. It’s just the sort of thing that sends me on a good kind of bad trip and...what can I say? They are my fave ship for John. Plus, I did meet someone who likes the ship too, so I got the chance to explore it out of my head and that only strengthened my interest.
John Constantine / Nick Necro. Nick is another canon character not everyone knows, also because he doesn’t appear much in the DC universe. He was John and Zatanna’s mentor back when they were younger and the three of them ended up having a polyamorous relationship...before everything went to hell (kinda literally too). We aren’t showed much of the actual relationship, just bits and piece, but I truly enjoy the power dynamic Nick and John have, especially considering that this is pre-Newcastle John, so he was quite different from the person he grows into be after that mishap. There’s a lot to explore, also because Nick is a complex character, smart and skilled but with dark, very strong inner motivations. There’s a lot of conflict, a lot of teasing, a lot of tension of every kind, but also brighter, better sides. Acceptance, understanding, John finding somewhere he feels he belongs to. As for Zatanna, I don’t mind her and John or the three of them together, because they had created a good balance, but I still think John and Nick had a better chemistry.
John Constantine / Chas Chandler. I honestly adore them more as best friends, but I do love the idea that, deep down, the two of them had always had feelings for each other, even if they were never truly spoken out. Chas would literally do anything for John (and John at times really takes advantage of it), but the fact is that, canonically, Chas is the one person that is there with John till the literal end. They have always had each other’s back, no matter what, and they always come back to each other. They’re basically are meant to be. Also, there’s a page in the comics where John muses about how Chas has to be a bit in love with him. Just saying. In my own canon, I sort of imply that the two of them had a very complex, kinda angsty thing in their younger days, but it died off after Newcastle and John’s time at Ravenscar and they silently agreed to keep it to friendship from then on.
John Constantine / Oliver Queen. And with this I step into the TV adaptations, I guess. John appears only in one episode of Arrow (even if he and Oliver have a lot of good flashback scenes) and then they kind of run into each other during a couple of crossovers (if I’m not mistaken). I found it interesting how, even if they are from different worlds, they have quite a lot of similarities. They are both survivors, they tend to see the people they love and care for dying in front of them, they both seem to carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. There’s chemistry and it’s a pity that they didn’t got more interactions because it would have been great!
John Constantine & Sara Lance. I don’t ship them romantically per se, but Sara and John had a lot of chemistry and a great bond. It starts off with him literally saving her soul and they just go from there. In Legends they have quite a lot of bantering and you can see that they have an understanding of each other and that they are comfortable together. I tend to see Sara as John’s new Chas, since in the Arrowverse Chas’s character isn’t present (I patch this up in my DCTV verse with the events of “City of Demons”). So, not a real ship, but best friends with occasional benefits?
(( I have a few more, mostly strictly out of RP interactions with specific people (like John & Lena Luthor with the wonderful @.ceolenaluthor or some crossover dynamics I’m building with @.storieswrittcn and Miss T’s blogs), but this five are my top shippy dynamics for John, I guess! ))
(( As for crack ships...I still haven’t had any, I guess? Even if I guess that John flirting around with pretty much everyone (remarkable example, Glitch’s Dean and Dragon’s Len and Mick) might count as such! ))
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liightningchosen · 4 years
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THAT’S RIGHT, i’ve just hit 100 followers on barry! it’s actually the first time in over a year that i’ve hit this milestone, because i have consistently blog jumped and archived/revived muses for awhile. but being back on barry is like being home, and i really can’t thank everyone enough for welcoming me back into the dctv fandom and the roleplaying world in general, since i took such a long break.
i am going to get a little sappy under the cut, but the TLDR version is that i’m so thankful for my friends. AND! i am going to be doing a small giveaway to celebrate, so as long as we’re mutuals you can just give this post a like / reblog and i will add you in, ending on sunday 5/3! details under the cut. but thank you so so much everyone for allowing me to write my speedy son again, and just like barry i’m jumping for joy at the chance to be back here!
this is going to be a pretty small giveaway, but i want the chance to make things for my friends since Graphic Design Is My Passion. so out of everyone who likes this there will be three lucky winners: 
first place: a promo + dual promo, as well as an edit of our muses! second place (2 winners): a promo or an edit, your choice! 
as long as we’re mutuals, i’m happy to do this giveaway and i cannot WAIT to make some amazing things. 
i wanted to thank a few people specifically, and while i’m so grateful for everyone on this blog, i have a few people that really deserve an extra spotlight. 
most importantly, @thexhoodedxvigilante​. without nick i wouldn’t be back on barry, because i really did not realize how much i missed being on here without plotting with them. nick and i have a thousand ships across a thousand muses but the fact that olivarry pulled me back into a full revamp on this blog really says something about us plotting together. nick, i’m so glad to have you in my life, and i really can’t imagine barry without oliver. 
next, @resurrecticn​. aelin has been in my life for almost three years now, has come and stayed with me in real life, and is my platonic soulmate. our threads have been developing for years and barry has always been so devoted to each and everyone. aelin, i love you with my whole heart, and i can’t wait to see what else angsty we come up with. 
then there’s @visitortm / @fcmilybonded​ and @fcmilysacrificed / @quicklylearnt who come in a package for me at this point. nerhys and justyna and i have been the angst trio for so long, and throughout all my blogs they have supported my disasters. nerhys, i’m so grateful for reese, because now i get to call you my best friend. justyna, no matter how much salt you have for the cw, i still love you the most, and i’m so happy we can write together in every form. 
last but not least, @chaoticals. char and i used to write three years ago, before i was even on this blog with this url. though we drifted apart, we are back and stronger than ever, and every single one of our muse combinations is a thread i look forward to writing about and then screaming about on discord. char, i love you so so much, and i’m so glad we found each other again, because you were my first major friend in roleplaying and now you are still here, cheering me on. 
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