#(and idk what the significance of the neck injury is specifically i just wanted to show that ford was super fucking battered)
ferretwhomst · 16 days
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ghost brothers healing arc real?!?!?!
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buginateacup · 3 years
Alright fandom we’re twelve fics in now its time I got some thoughts in order. Specifically the thoughts of Damsel as Sacrifice
I want to talk to you about the idea of a damsel as the Acceptable Collateral Damage.
Something my brain keeps throwing at me again and again is the question of why there has to be a damsel and why they have to be regulated and why any hero/villain who may not even be interested in the damsel themselves still agrees to keep one in the picture. To take on the role of damsel basically means you are signing a waiver for the next three years of your life that you might die and there is nothing you can do about it. 
To kidnap a random bystander is dangerous, its like sending someone with no training in to fight a fire. They don’t know what they’re doing and they’ll make it a danger for everyone else.That’s why there are things like orientation and why cities want to use Official Endorsed Damsels who know what they’re getting into. 
If you live in a world where every major city has some form of superhero/villain rivalry that can run the gamut from streetfighting to giant lasers, you could threaten anybody. You could threaten half the world and then what? Half the point of the battle is showmanship and the higher you reach as a supervillain the more your role becomes that of a solo apex predator. our space, your rules and here’s the thing. Villains are active, heroes are reactive. A villain run city is capable of being a safer place to live than a city purely run by heroes. But a villain must stay active. They cant reach ten years in charge and go “Nah, I’m good, you lot take care now” someone new will try to take them down and for a villain to become reactive means they are no longer in charge. Then the city has to go through the whole rigmarole of building itself back up again. This is also why villains tend to die young as well.
When it comes down to it. The damsel is there for the really really bad times. The absolute worst of the failsafe’s failed or the badguy finally really loses it because if there is no way to win then its the damsel and not the rest of the world that loses. 
If you cannot save both then you let the damsel die. This is drilled into every heroes head time and again. It doesn’t matter if they’re the love of your life, if the choice comes down to the school full of children or the woman tied to the bomb then there is no choice.
You save the city. Every time you save the city. 
There is no damsel, official or otherwise anywhere, anytime, who knows if the clock really does run out that they are not leaving in anything other than a bodybag.
That’s also why so many of them finish after only three years, its a short brutal time of being constantly on call that wrecks your social life, your family life (and is why marrying the hero is an automatic out) and if you are lucky. If you get out without permanent injury and spend many years on the talk show circuit promoting your book so you can earn enough money from probably not having a real job for three years and retire somewhere you know you wont get kidnapped every couple of weeks and try to learn how to wake up without screaming.  
That’s why Roxanne hates the mentoring part in TWT-verse. As the villain/hero thing becomes more commercialised these new kids are getting into it for the benefits. Roxanne made the choice going in (maybe not the wisest choice, but a choice nonetheless) that she was going to drag her career upwards by doing the equivalent of reporting from an active warzone. She knows Megamind, she might trust him in a weirdly roundabout kind of way but he’s still the villain.
Megamind does not want Roxanne hurt, but that does not mean she is not at risk.
So under the cut for example, is a snip from one of my fics that takes place a significant amount of time from where its up to currently that leads on to a kind of reminder that this game has stakes and the stakes are the damsel.
IDK, just needed to get some thoughts out I guess...
"You are supposed to save her!" Megamind hissed.
"There were three schoolbuses!" Metro Man snapped, "She's the damsel! She knows the risks!"
"Damsel does not mean sacrifice!"
"Yes it does." Roxanne said quietly, interrupting the argument. "Megamind let me up properly right now I need a goddamn hug."
Megamind didn't even bother untying her, he just slipped a knife out of somewhere and slashed through the ropes around her waist and feet. Roxanne stood up, slapped ineffectually at the coating of dust on her skin and threw her arms around his shoulders, uncaring of the spikes. 
Megamind clutched her tightly, "I am so glad," he breathed, "That you are the worst damsel in existence and I had to spend the last seven years building every fail-safe into that chair I could."
"Me too," Roxanne mumbled. She turned her head and flinched.
"Careful," Megamind guided her back and pressed his forehead to hers, cupping her face in his hands "Spiky bits"
"I know." Roxanne leaned against him and focused on slowing her frantic heartbeat.
Metro Man slumped to the ground beside them, "I'm sorry Roxie," he said into his hands, "I was pretty sure you'd be safe. I-" he looked anguished, "They were kids!"
Roxanne sighed and stepped back, "I know, you made the right decision," she turned and leaned down to hug the superhero as well, wrapping her arms around his neck and patting his head, "We're all okay". Metro Man made a pained noise and nodded.
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approximately7bees · 6 years
 1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
i just like aesthetic things so like my laptop’s background is crumpled up paper and my phone’s backgrounds are a picture of glitter and a picture of one of the golden ratio dogs lol
2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?
hmmmmm i feel like i have but i can’t actually remember any particular instance
3) What was your last text message?
i won’t type it all out because it’s really long but the gist of it is my friend who just turned 21 and i were talking about how we need to hang out more lol
4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?
so i’ll be almost 32 at that point, so i don’t know except i’m for sure going to be a proud dog mom and will hopefully be moving on up with my career
5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?
probably by the ocean. it’s a really nice day here but no bodies of water in sight
6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?
i was a genie one year when i was little and my mom made the costume, i rewore a lot of costumes because money so there isn’t a whole lot of excitement there
7) What was your favorite 90s show?
I’m gonna say Boy Meets World
8) Who was your last kiss?
lol, the gay guy I met last night who asked me to be his first hetero kiss 
9) Have you ever been stood up?
not like for a date or anything, but sometimes plans end up not working out with my friends
10) Favorite ice cream flavor?
marshmallow :3
11) Have you been to Las Vegas?
12) Your favorite pair of shoes?
i have these black and blue glitter platform sandals that i like a lot
13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?
i have not
14) What is your favorite fruit?
banana, but only freckly ones
15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?
no i don’t talk to people :/
16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?
i guess ideally i’d like long term but i’m kind of at a “take what you can get” stage
17) Do you smoke? If so, what?
18) What do you do to get over your anger?
normally vent on social media and delete it after a little while. 
19) Do you believe in God?
20) Does the person you’re in love with know it?
well i’m not in love soooo
21) Favorite position?
cowgirl lol
22) What’s your horoscope sign?
23) Your fears?
i don’t really have tangible fears.i guess i’m afraid of information getting into the wrong hands like there is just stuff i don’t want some people to know. and i’m afraid of failing i think.
24) How many pets do you have? What kind?
i have 2 cats, but I would also say the pets at my parents are mine so 2 dogs and 2 more cats too
25) What never fails to turn you on?
neck kisses???
26) Your idea of a perfect first date?
the person i’m with is capable of carrying a conversation, but i feel comfortable enough that i don’t actually need to worry about what to say. we go do something fun that they have prior knowledge of so i don’t have to be the one like planning stuff. idk, i don’t have one single thing that i would want to do on a first date, i’m more concerned with the social aspect lol
27) What is something most people don’t know about you?
i probably wouldn’t call myself straight anymore i guess?
28) What makes you feel the happiest?
when it’s stormy in the summer and i don’t have any responsibilities at night and i can just do anything i want. preferably also a dog is there
29) What store do you shop at most often?
dillon’s lmao that’s where i get groceriessssss
30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?
i really like giving, receiving would be nice but i have like such low expectations :/
31) Do you believe in karma?
mmmmno i don’t think so
32) Are you single?
33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?
better way to apologize than what? i do think gifts can add to a verbal, authenticate apology but i think one of my main love languages is gifts
34) Are you a good swimmer?
i’m decent, i did swim team as a child/ pre-teen so i have some of those skills still
35) Coffee or Tea?
36) Online shopping or shopping in person?
online shopping bc i hate people, but also it’s really hard to know if a clothing item will fit when you buy it online
37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?
my dude i’m fine where i am 
38) Cats or Dogs?
D: i’m going to say dogs bc i love dogs but i love cats too
39) Are you a competitive person?
situationally. a lot of the time i don’t care enough
40) Do you believe in aliens?
41) Do you like dancing?
no, i might if i was good at it but sadly i’m white
42) What kind of music to you listen to?
lots of kinds, i like folk rock a lot 
43) What is your favorite cartoon character?
ummmmmmmm i might say ice bear from we bare bears
44) Where are you from?
45) Eat at home or eat out?
i love to eat out. or more accurately, i love to use the drive thru and then bring the food home
46) How much more social are you when you’re drunk?
oh my gosh so much more social. which i learned last night . but lowkey right now at least i feel like actually more comfortable being social after last night because like i know i have the capacity to do it? which would be cool, bc one of the reasons i was feeling worried about drinking was bc like what if i start believing i need alcohol to function socially and like whoops i have slipped into being an alcoholic bc like that’s somewhat in my family. but i think that that isn’t the case
47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?
i mean i bought a soda earlier but i’ll say it was a case for my mac so i can stop carrying it naked
48) Why do you think your followers follow you?
well a lot of them are porn bots, and a lot of them are people who don’t use tumblr anymore. the rest i would say are here because i post a lot of different things and i have good taste ;)
49) How many hours do you sleep at night?
lately it’s been real bad maybe 6 hours or less ?? but that’s because i’m kind of a mess, i usually aim for 8 hours
50) What worries you most about the future?
i’m worried for like the future of the country, the world etc but not really worried for my own future
51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?
actually probably a while, i have been a lot more positive about myself lately i think. and i keep doing these dumb inside jokes with myself so i feel like that would be fun (ex. lately i have been thinking about something and i’ll be like “oh yeah, that’s what we in the business call *the common name of whatever i’m thinking of*” and it’s like dumb but i’m amused by it so like me and myself are getting along swell)
52) Are you happy with yourself?
yeah i am!
53) What do you wish you didn’t know?
probably stuff about my ex, like i sometimes will look at his page and find stuff out and regret it
54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?
a lot of good stuff is just luck
55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?
probably like one of the fancy homes in gossip girl or something
56) What’s your favorite Website?
it’s probably tumblr, even after all this time
57) What’s the habit you’re proudest of breaking?
i don’t really have a lot of bad habits, maybe like picking at stuff or something
58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?
going home for easter but that’s lame so i’ll say going to Atlanta for the ncaa tournament
59) What’s the best bargain you’ve ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?
probably just some of the nicer sweaters i’ve found
60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?
depends where i go but i really like getting sesame chicken, white rice, and crab rangoon at my go-to place
61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?
62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?
hmmmmmm i could probably teach like editing in a writing class or like basic coding
63) Favorite kind of chips?
probably like baked lays. they taste so good and they’re healthier???
64) Favorite kind of sandwich?
i really like the chicken bacon ranch from subway
65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
no i have not
67) What’s your favorite form of exercise?
lately it’s weight lifting, like exclusively
68) Are you afraid of heights?
69) What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
maybe my politics of women of color class
70) What’s your favorite breakfast?
toaster strudels? i don’t really eat breakfast anymore
71) Do you like guacamole?
72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?
lol no
73) What/who are you thinking about right now?
i’m hungry 
74) Do you like cuddling?
yes, tho my back is super sensitive so there are Factors there
75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
probably yeah
76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?
77) Favorite city you’ve been to?
probably San Francisco, though i was only there for a day
78) Would you break the law to save a family member?
Depends on the law probably
79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?
my life . lol. um the thing is i’m bad at telling stories and bad at remembering things (specifically negative things, i block that shit right out) so i don’t know
80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
yeah like basically all causes surrounding how people are treated
81) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i think when i was little i conked my head and got stitches maybe? part of being risk averse is that you don’t really get hurt, plus i’m like not clumsy
82) Favorite day of the week?
i like fridays i think
83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?
not particularly, but i’ll try some stuff
84) How do you feel about porn?
like ethically i know it’s wrong
85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?
harry styles asd;fjas;dkfsdf
86) Who was your hottest ex?
lol uh of the whole two of them? neither
87) Do you want/have kids?
88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?
89) Do you get easily distracted? 
yeah sometimes
90) Ass or titties?
ass i guess, i like a booty but i’m not really the demographic for this question i think
91) What is your favorite word?
humdinger (i don’t know if this is my favorite word but that’s the word that came to mind)
92) How do you feel about tattoos?
i want one and am going to get it when i reach my goal weight (and i even have an obtainable goal, an eating plan, a work out routine, AND a scale) but like idk i feel like some people get dumbass tattoos
93) Do you have any pets?
............didn’t this questions happen earlier.. yes. 2 cats.
94) How tall are you?
95) How old are you?
21, just about 2 months until i’m feeling 22
96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
my hair, my eyes, my nails (i guess)
97) Is there anything you’re really passionate about?
i get passionate like politically but i think in general i’m not v passionate
98) Do you have trust issues?
i probably trust too much idk
99) Do you believe in love at first sight?
100) What are some words that you live by? Why?
there’s no harm in applying for things. like the worst thing that will happen is you won’t get it, and also you won’t get it if you don’t apply.
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