#(for people who have it blacklisted i hope that's enough bc i don't wanna tag him but i'll tag the trigger warnings)
sonego · 4 months
i'm sorry for angie that i'm so pissed off about germany winning but zverev is an abuser and literally shouldn't even be playing. every time he plays, let alone plays or even WINS a final, i feel so much anger and frustration. it's like a constant reminder that the atp doesn't give a flying fuck about victims of domestic abuse, about zverev's victims. it's easy to talk about "wanting everyone to feel safe" and make empty promises but when a player involved in the atp tour, a prominent top 10 one at that, is IN FACT involved in more than one REAL case of domestic violence it's silence at best and outright support at worst. it's letting him play, it's fake "concern" and "investigations", it's all a loud statement of what they actually care about (money, saving face, never the victims). a constant, sickening reminder that powerful men will always walk away unscathed when women accuse them of abuse. there's never enough evidence, there's always too much at stake for the man. women are never believed. at this point, even after another woman has come forward more recently, and nothing's been said or done about it (oh wait, they gave him a fine), if you still support this man, if you still pretend it's not related to tennis, if you still, still can't stop rooting for him... you are a disgusting person.
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hi! very confused, who’s Molly? why blacklisted? what’s going on???
It's actually not a big deal !!! Im not gonna speak for Molly bc I don't believe we're even mutuals . Idk if she'd want me to tag her or not........
She's a fellow tumblr swiftie. She has indirect connections to Taylor's team (she doesn't know secrets and she's not gonna tell you if she does). She's saying that we (everyone in general) need to mind our own business and stop speculating about Taylor's personal life. It seems that Tree is mad. If you get blacklisted by Taylor's team it's bc you did/said smth bad enough that they DONT let you meet her or anything else.
At first I was concerned that me thinking/slightly posting that it seemed like Taylor wants to change the narrative of The Great War to be about the ticketmaster situation bc of what she said tonight was crossing a line. Also I have Anxiety™ so even if I had never spoken a word on this site I would be worried I had done something wrong 💀 so don't freak out bc of me.
Molly (@youweremycrown I hope you don't mind if I tag you im trying to not drag you into stressful drama you don't wanna deal with lol just trying to state the facts so we don't have to talk about it anymore 💀) clarified that those discussions about tgw/yoyok weren't the overstepping of boundaries she was talking about. She was talking about people who are deciding now that Lavender Haze gave """"easter eggs""""" to the break up or there were So MaNy HiNtS in Midnights.
Bc that is invasive and rude and for the record I don't like it either and have made a conscious effort to avoid interacting with posts that even IMPLY anything like that bc it makes me uncomfortable.
In conclusion there's nothing giant going on!! Don't be creepy towards Taylor!!! If you're not being creepy towards Taylor you have nothing to worry about!! I worry about everything but that's just me!! I apologize for vague posting and causing any confusion or drama!! That's just how I get my thoughts out sometimes. And I apologize to Molly for this discussion being taken to my blog bc I know it's stressful and you shouldn't have to explain yourself!! Ok bye
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villains4hire · 2 years
(Flame Emoji) Worst Fandoms to write in and why? Worst characters and why?
//Hoo, I would not click the readmore for fandoms further below if you don't wanna hear my takes. A lot of graphic content warnings. Remember, blacklist 'spicy goopy' as I'm not gonna tag everything as I will be talking about pedophilia/r*pe and other really graphic things.
Worst Characters: Stella from Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss: you could replace her with a cardboard cutout for an abusive wife and you couldn't tell the difference. She's incredibly one-dimensional so far and is just a plot device for Stolas at this point. A shame bc she has a banger aesthetic and possible personality, she's an unfinished character, however, so my opinion may change overtime, but I'm honestly not impressed with her direction. The Designs of the Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss Characters: a good portion of them look like sticks or their limbs, make them thicker. I just feel like... this is worth mentioning as I really do dislike the paper-thin style at times, as there is some 'thicker' designed characters but to me they just look normal otherwise than just paperthin which is a shame. As the characters do have good design concepts but are just so bad looking lol. Lapis Lazuli: Oddly enough, I did rp this character as well, but I just disliked how weird the fandom was with her at times or the writer for Peridot and Lapis Lazuli clung onto them and fueled the fire (Not Sugar, it was... someone else p controversial at the time but I forget who). I've considered taking her back up at times tbh, but eh, fandom dead and I don't think anyone would be interested at this time. Elder Maxson: Literally the worst character in the Fallout series that Bethesda ever conceived before Obsidian/Black Island Studios lost control. It is everything that is awful in another villain that Obsidian wrote and it was on purpose in contrast, as Elder Maxson was not intentionally a villain and that's what makes it so much worse, as he's so much dumber than his Counter Part Elijah who was just so good as a villain. So even if Maxson was meant to be a villain, he just feels like a copy of Elijah and... for some reason was portrayed as a hero. Ayano Aishi and her Mother: Written by a man who does not know how to write mental illness even if fictional and created a fandom that made them think they know what mental illness is/demonize or sexualize people with ASPD or ASPD-like qualities. David from Camp Camp: He was funny but often written in the way of being stupid enough for certain things to push a narrative or plot along, then smart at other times. Just inconsistent as a character but had a good concept. Daniel from Camp Camp: One-Off idiot that had a lot of potential squandered to put it bluntly. Alistar from Dragon Age: I think his emotionally charged actions make him such a wimp that after everything you go through together? As yes, you can keep him if you spare Loghain or w/e his name is, he gets pissy and leaves even when your teacher Duncan probably would've converted Loghain as a political move. I actually like him at first, but it kind of came out of left field for me that I couldn't convince him/explain my reasoning to spare Loghain. Garterbelt from Panty and Stocking: Weird dynamic, was a pedo and subtly... hrm, possibly racist at times with how he was portrayed? I wasn't too sure. I really hope he's different for the apparent s2 that's coming.
//I could probably think of more... but that's all I could really think of at the time of fandoms/series I was very involved in and had a few honorable mentions possibly, but it was getting long to begin with.
Worst Fandoms: Southpark: Edgy af, drama galore. Rick and Morty Pre-Smut Tumblr Ban: Yeah, the things I saw with people shipping Rick x Morty made me blacklist that tag and the most of the people with it altogether for how many pedos it had. Camp Camp: Also suffered the same problems as above for Rick and Morty but not as bad though also was a breeding ground of really toxic behavior. Warhammer 40k (Not Fantasy): These guys are literally 4ch*n neckbeards half the time, but they're a dying breed thankfully. Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss: I'd say it's probably where a lot of pedos, rape apologists and toxicity is rn in the RPC. Thankfully, anything pedophilic is mostly confined to discord servers I've noticed, but it does exist on here... at times. Dark Souls/Souls-Like Games: I've had some good experiences but a lot of the RPC in it aren't the type of peeps I'd hang around usually, v elitist. Some are cool tho. League of Legends: YEAH I WROTE IN THIS FANDOM, but god. One of the worst but also first experiences I had for rping. I was... an edgelord (granted I mucked it up even then as a joke) but people loved me and fed my ego in it for a good while which it really was bad for me as I was considered 'THE CHARACTER' rper of that time period which was really bad to fall into that mindset, granted I was 18 compared to being 29 at the time. It was probably my most successful blog right next to this one where I sat at around 1.2k followers before I finally moved in. I grew a lot from League and I no longer play it or write for it anymore... but I've considered maybe a few characters from it. I just have a lot of GOOD and BAD memories with it.
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soulrph · 3 years
So. This is something I desperately dunno what to do, but I saw you accept questions soooo... What's your tips for getting people to follow and write with you on Tumblr? I've never wrote here, I'm on Twitter primarily but I'm really scared because this is a whole new environment and I'm seeing a LOT of different things - Icons, promos, tags. . . It's a lot to take in for a newcomer. Much less to the Dead By Daylight RPC - Much less as an OC writer. Probably don't help I'm stuck on a phone as I don't have a computer. . . Tips for making friends or getting follows/interactions??? I know I'm repeating this but god, I'm scared because a lot of blogs here I peeked at are intimidating me with "selective" and stuff thrown everywhere...
hello my love!! okay, i'm gonna start by just. god, congratulating you, i guess, because tumblr is terrifying. like it's the most nerve wracking experience for people who haven't written here before!! so well done for reaching out, bc it's so so easy to bottle it up out of fear of people reacting badly, and i can promise you, anyone who reacts badly is NOT someone you want to be friends with. we've all experienced everything you're going through, and for someone to sneer at others for being brave and sensible enough to ask for help? we don't vibe with that.
now! i'm gonna be boring for a second and add a few handy definitions here, okay? okay!
selective: they only write with mutuals.
semi-selective: they write with mutuals, but also if a non mutual wants to send them a few things, they might respond.
highly selective: they only write with mutuals and they're very selective about who they become mutuals with
mutuals: someone that you follow who follows you also.
promos: promos are just banners that you reblog in order to find new followers. they have your url, maybe links to a rules page or bio, a cool quote maybe? again, not essential, but if you like using them, go for it! many people can commission you one if you don't fancy wrestling with photoshop!
tags: literally tags are just the hashtags you add at the bottom. see that little # button? that's where you throw in some tags! it's not very vital, but people usually put in the url of their writing partner, or any potentially triggering content in there. lots of people have special tags just to help them find their replies and wishlist stuff and all the rest!
triggers: basically any content that might trigger a strong negative response from someone. a few basic triggers that i always tag are guns, hospitals, blood. if they're visual or written, just hop them into a tag so new followers can blacklist them!
icons: icons are absolutely not necessary, but if you want to use them, they're basically screenshots of your character's fc that you crop down to a specific size, and you can change the lighting and stuff in photoshop! many people are starting to no longer use them though, so it's entirely up to you whether or not you wanna use them!
now. here's the main thing. this site is challenging on many levels. if you scroll through my rp advice tags, you'll find a lot of people who encounter these challenges and need advice or help in overcoming them. the most important thing is that you know you're not alone. everyone, including you, is always welcome to send me a message! but there will be good days and bad days with this site.
my best advice would be to make a post, introduce yourself, then ask if people might like to plot or chat with you! in your tags, put in things like "oc rp" or "dead by daylight rp". it DOES get easier, but it's like when a baby learns to walk. you'll trip over a lot, you might feel like you're crawling, you'll need a group of people there to help you along the way. but one day you'll be sailing through this! you'll be offering ME advice before you know it!
i hope this is helpful, and as always, if there's more i can do, feel free to shoot me a DM or an ask! i might be a bit late replying, but i'll be around as time and energy and schedules allow!
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