#(idk i feel like doing basic research before reblogging a accusatory post is a better idea imo)
queenofarms-blog · 2 months
Hey just wanted to say please look into things before having an opinion on them. Especially if it's potentially harmful.
It's good to assume that the accusations are false at first.
Since this is a common thing that happens to trans-women, they get accused of stuff (mostly of sexual nature) that they didn't do in order to ruin that woman's reputation. If combined with doing research on the topic and then coming with a conclusion it's great. Just the issue is doing this blindly.
With eevee and g/lip it's pretty obvious (once you look into it) that they're in the wrong since they have decades worth of receipts. Posts they've made themselves that prove the accusations to be true, and a WHOLE ASS SITE showing off how abusive and dangerous of an environment they cultivate is. That when you look into it it's pretty telling who's lying and who isn't. (BTW don't take my word for these I do recommend looking into the situation yourself and having your own opinion about it.)
But most of the time these type of accusations are made up on the spot to damage a users reputation or just straight up hurt them. Sometimes it's easier on the internet to just blindly deny or agree accusations but that's just not healthy, critical thinking is important for your sake.
Also for the love of god don't harass users that use cohost. I don't know what it's like there but there's definitely users on there that don't know about any of the issues cohosts has/had. Or know anything about this situation. For all we know it's also like tumblr where unless you follow someone who's sharing stuff about the situation you won't hear about it.
TLDR: Use your brain and look into topics like these especially if it's a huge life ruining accusation! Thanks!
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flange5 · 7 years
i noticed that you reblog sixpenceee sometimes, which i was a little surprised by since she was originally controversial for her nazi apologism. now she's controversial because she recently made a profiteering scheme offering to give unqualified advice to mentally ill followers for $30 (she's since apologized but only reblogs posts that come to her defense which makes her appear pretty insincere). isnt rebloggin someone like this a bit hypocritical? im assumin you just dont know about her though
I have not heard these things before, don’t know the person being referred to though I’m guessing they were an OP on something I reblogged(?) bc  I like many of us do not research the provenance of a lot of the posts I reblog and I’m always a little … perplexed as to how to take these types of vaguely accusatory but also unsourced anon messages. On the one hand If I’m spreading a bad message or promoting a harmful person … yes I want to know, (like holy shit, nazi apologism). 
But there’s got to be a better dynamic for this type of interaction, because the setup is incredibly asymmetrical and ripe for bullying, even if (and I don’t know if it is) the information is accurate. So I’m really ambivalent about these types of messages, especially when they’re anonymous.
Because right now, I have in my inbox an anonymous callout of a person I literally don’t follow and must have reblogged without looking at who the op in a long chain of reblogs was (I have no idea what post this is referring to), who it appears has had a series of scandals, some of which were apologized for (but not enough or apparently sincerely enough for tptb), none of which accusations are sourced, and … idk what I’m supposed to do or feel about that. In the absence of facts, all I have is social pressure. 
The dynamics of the anon callout are … this weird diffuse asymmetrical accusatory stew. Effectively, I know that someone, unknown to me (bc anon) has made accusations about another person, also unknown to me (bc I don’t follow them and don’t know anything about them), using no sources/evidence, but because a post/posts of theirs has (presumably) been reblogged by me (idk which though I can remember seeing their name in the past, so it seems likely) I can either be tangentially associated with their alleged crimes or perform public contrition while promising never to ‘sin’ again, all on the basis of basically anonymous rumor. 
I have no idea if I’m expressing the weirdness of this or its anxiety-provoking dynamic right. I feel as if there’s a sort of expected script, a performance of social shame and conformity that I’m now supposed to go through, but the entire dynamic is based around me accepting the authority of unsourced anonymous asymmetrical proclamation (rumor) ‘-this person you don’t follow but reblogged is a baddie, trust me and the chain of other people you don’t know who are saying they’re a baddie, because we’re willing to believe just this one time that maaaaaybe you’re not a “hypocrite” (about…something?) but if you don’t give in to the demands we’ll know who you reaaaaaaaally are.’ 
I mean, I know the script is that I’m supposed to say ‘oh wow I didn’t know and I’ll never reblog that terrible bad person again, thanks for letting me know,’ and part of me is thinking damn I *didn’t* know that (and to be honest, I actually still don’t, bc no evidence, but I believe you’re acting in good faith as you understand the situation) and I don’t want to promote bad things, but I also loathe this dynamic because callout culture is basically about leveraging social fear in order to compel behavior--from the safety of anonymity. 
So I don’t know whether or not any of this is true but I effectively must act as if it is, while meanwhile an anonymous person trundles off with no responsibility or accountability. It’s … a very gross dynamic. 
So on the one hand, I don’t want to be spreading nasty shit (and am now googling this user), and there definitely are times I’d want to be told that a source or OP is not one to be associated with but on the other, I want to really strongly suggest that if we want to make this site a kinder place, we consider the dynamics we contribute to it, and the power dynamics and environment they encourage?
Anonymity in these types of situations is a power play and an attempt to evade social responsibility while demanding it from others. 
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