#(tagging k|pop like that so it wont show up in their tags but knowing tumblr it propbably still might.. hello k|pop fans. i am sorry.)
khihi · 8 months
i know people said no but i'm here to say i can actually understand the joker out/kpop thing?? jo have a less clean image but i'd argue they're STILL very aware of their image and they're arguably pretty "clean"/cute as far as bands go (kpop idols also drink and smoke like crazy sorry to say lol 💀) the fandom demographics and behaviours are also pretty similar (and i've seen a lot of kpop/former kpop fans in the fandom). it's not 100% the same but i kinda get it idk
i kind of get what you're saying, but like... i don't think making sure your image is just about "clean" enough to get brand deal/sponsorship money as a growing younger band is that unusual for non-kpop bands
idk how else to explain it so bear with me here, but the left is how i think of kpop bands trying to fix the cracks in their clean image and the right is joker out "fixing" the cracks in their "clean" image:
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the-skrunkle · 4 months
intro below the cut <3
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sideblog of @the-skrunkle so feel free to apply this there too c: stuff abt me!! i use she/her pronouns, they/them is okay too as long as its not used exclusively or for the majority because then it feels like its purposefully avoiding the alternative, obviously for ppl who dont know though that doesnt rly apply c:
im demi aro+ace! i also find relationships very cute in like shows and books and stuff (well um as long as they're done well..) despite finding them kinda gross and weird when they involve irl people (including actors...) sorry,,
um. i would talk about my interests but i feel like they're a bit random sometimes. ill like basically anything if i enjoy their vibes which is so vague that i dont think i can elaborate. i guess i like any creative works, in particular music and art!! (generic i know...) my favourite book series atm is skulduggery pleasant, my favourite show recently is saiki k and my favourite visual novel is starry flowers :3 i dont have any favourite artists though (musicians included). erm . . i like celeste!! i dont play it that often anymore but thats just because ive kind of been losing interest in games in general,, i still play it sometimes though. same with genshin but the main reason i like that is cus i like the characters a lot
idk what else im meant to say tbh- ill block people who's vibe i just dont really like, or sometimes if its just something i dont really wanna see and tumblr keeps showing me for some reason
oh yeah. since this is my blog for like. more personal stuff, there will be vents sometimes. sorry. ill tag them with #vent (or #mini vent if its something less serious!) so feel free to block that tag if you dont want to see them, thats totally ok!! ill also end up deleting them after i feel better so hopefully they wont randomly pop up too much - i might also use #not a vent sometimes for things that might be kinda negative but not actually venting!!
yeah thats kinda it i think-
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char-lotteral · 3 years
People are pretty crazy over there lol that's why I have a twt acc just to get some wholesome fanart and twitter fic au 😂
the term "crazy" is honestly too generous for the naruto fandom over there tbh😩😩
Im gonna make a longass rant because gAHH i just--- I need to vent for a sec xD
So like, here are a list of things i fucking hate over there
Sakura vs. Hinata discourse (whY????)
people are too sensitive 😣
they complain A LOT
some of them are too comfortable with using slurs, (even though theyre non black) 😐
CANCEL CULTURE EXISTS?¿ FOR SOME GODDAMN REASON (instead of educating someone privately, they just take screenshots and post it everywhere, humiliating the account owner in the process)
Blocking people doesnt do shit because they always make it back to your timeline if one of your mutuals qrted it. I mean, at least here on tumblr you get to filter out the anti posts with the anti tag but like over there, they just pop on your timeline regardless and ruin your whole day. (there was this one dude that accused Hinata of guilt tripping Naruto into turning feral 😐)
cyber bullying is heavily mormalized there, i can understand why some ppl wish to defend their fav and then have a a HEALTHY debate but to the point of calling someone a dumb bitch for disagreeing with your opinion is petty as fuck
some off them have this "woke and edgy" aura "i'm better than you, youre wrong, im right." "im the anime judge so i know whats a good show and what isnt" (this can be seen everywhere actually, but you can find more of them on twitter :DD)
you get #cancelled for having a different opinion
The death threats O_O (D!3, K¥S)
---shit like that isn't funny at all.
Legal GROWN adults fighting with minors 😆 Im not even kidding. There are fans who are like in their mid 20s and quarrel with minors over drawings AHAHAHA
shipping sasunaru and sasuhina is somewhat illegal?¿¿¿?? (I shit you not, one of my mutuals and i were just making up headcanons about sasuke and hinata being besties and there were like 5-10 people *coughs ss shippers* who jumped in our conversation and spammed us with shit like "ohh but sasuke doesnt know hinata, sasuke doesnt care abt hinata, sasuhina makes no sense" I JUST--- I GAH-- I JSHDAKHF
if you make fun of sasuke being gay, they *coughs ss shippers cough* will spam you with "SASUKE IS STRAIGHT! SASUKE WAS INTIMATE WITH SAKURA! SASUKE AND SAKURA RE MARRIED! SASUKE AND SAKURA FUCKED!" and then spam you with some manga panels
not to generalize an entire fandom but the ss fandom over there is a bit.... rabid
Shipping Sasuke with anyone except Sakura is a crime 😃
there was that jacksepticeye incident where he tweeted abt being 31 episodes in and he made fun of sakura being useless and sakura stans were not having it. They started spamming him with spoilers about the show and everything on anitwt just spiraled downward from there O-O
I love Hinata, I really do but some of her fans have this desire to always shove her in the spotlight and overhype her a bit too much "Hinata is the real heroine of the show!" "Hinata can beat Sakura!" "Hinata can beat Tsunade!" "Hinata shouldve been the female mc not Sakura!"
Now, you must be wondering "But Char, if you hate Narutwt that much, why wont you just deactivate and leave?"
--Well, to be frank, I use twitter as a platform to share my fanart (since I get a lot of clout there hehe~) And in spite of the cesspool, there are still some really chill people over there that i interact with so meh. Plus there are some awesome twitter aus too. I try not to waste too much of my time there to perserve my sanity but its still somewhat enjoyable. But over all, its a shit storm over there--just, just don't do it 😔 save yourself
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redfacedtomato · 5 years
How to Tumblr 101
I have been on tumblr for 5 months at the very least, When I first started I  wanted a guide but i never had a set one that really went threw everything i was looking for so I decided that I was going to make my own instead. I am spliting this guide inside of 7 parts 1: Tags 2: marketing 3:Posting 4:Content 5:Blogs 6:How to start. And the last part is just  some tips I've learned over my time. I really recommend if you decide to skip everything else look at the last paragraph. 
1: Tags  Tags? Tags are a word or a phrase that describes your post. People put tags on their posts to help others find it. When people are looking for something they will look up that phrase and then bingo you'll post will pop up.  “ How do you put a tag?” You can put a tag on a post by simply clicking on the grey text below any post your about to make and write down key words. An example of how this can be used is if you are posting something aesthetic and it happens to be purple you can put down “Purple” Or “aesthetic” I recommend that for EVERY post that you put at least 5 or more tags so people can find it. If you think that people don’t like tags, You don’t have to worry because everyone uses tags and its really normal to use them, We love tags! But tags don’t mean instant fame or success you'll also have to market yourself. 
2: Marketing Marketing? Marketing is advertisement. For this section i will give you advertisement strategies to help people find you. A good way to be found by others is to work with people who share the same interests as you. An example of this is if you an Artist you can do an art trade with someone and post it on your blog.  If you are in the Gacha community you can make a video with someone about gacha. “Ex: Gacha pet peeves with [INSERT USERNAME]’ You can even reach out to an artist and commission/request them to draw your character for you, Make sure they do requests or you can pay their prices before you ask them to do it. Lets say your an aesthetic blog you can ask people to promote your stuff like a re-blog trade, You can also just re-blog there stuff but [IF SOMEONE SAYS INSIDE THE POST THAT THEY DON’T WANT ANYONE TO RE-BLOG THEIR STUFF THEN DON’T RE-BLOG IT] and that goes for everything. You just have to think and it'll come to you soon enough. I bet that on tumblr/youtube/twitter/instagram go viral out of nowhere right? Well you can have that same effect for yourself. No one likes a copycat though so what you can do is you can have that idea and just build off it to make a good post You cant make a building without a good base/foundation! Just keep thinking and it'll come to you soon enough. A lot of people don’t take this inside of concentration when they post something but it is always important to look at whats trending, For tumblr it is easy to see that because it gives you a list of things that are popular, If you see that one of the things that is popular right now is something that you like you can post about it and it will get a lot more traction than a normal post because more people are looking for that type of content. 
3: Posting Posting? Posting is just what is sounds like, I have some tips on posting. First things first, Quality Over Quantity. Not many people want a bunch of really badly put together posts. Most people like good posts that had time put inside of it or at-least a want to post it. Another point to that is to post as much as you can but don’t overwork yourself. If feel as though that you need to take a break just make a text post and inform them that you need some time and most of them will understand, And if they don’t understand then they aren’t true fans.To keep your audience invested and excited for your posts is to show sneak peaks of anything that your working on, Like a big project or something, it will keep them wondering and awaiting for it to come out. 
4: Content Content? Content is the stuff that you post.You might post updates, Study material, Art, Aesthetic stuff but it matters how you post it, It is recommended to post your content in a way that is noticeable and that people wont just scroll past easily, a good way to make your content noticeable is to make the colors bright and contrasting so when someone scrolls they will stop to look at it. If you have an idea but you don’t know how good it is go to people who support you and want to hear your ideas, [EX: Friends, Other people in your niche] and tell them everything, Once you say it get their feedback and ask them if they can help you brainstorm, Before you plain out a content idea i recommend you plain it out, If you have an idea for a series or a type of post write it down till it sounds right and have other people look over it to proof it and allow them to give you more ideas and criticism. Once you have other peoples feedback and input you'll have your Oscar winning content idea. 
5: Blogs Blogs? A Blog is what you are using right now to view this. If you don’t know what to turn your blog to i will give you some ideas here and some examples of good blogs that represent that community, there is a blog for literally anything that you can put your mind to. I will give an Example of a Aesthetic blog, Study blog, Art blog..etc. An example of a Aesthetic blog is @tealspill and @rosegoldenblood. These blogs represent most of the community and what they do. @tealspill is  a blue and purple aesthetic blog so if you only like blue and purple you can look at that blog and find exactly what your looking for. A good Study blog is “studyblr” which literally represents almost every single study blog. An Example of a well put together art blog is “k-scribblz-fanart” . Some more types of blogs are fandom blogs, A fandom blog could be about anything that has a group of supporters [Voltron, Marvel, Yuri on Ice, DC, Homestuck, Gacha] They will most likely have it TAGGED so you can find it. And if you make anything about a fandom make sure that you tag it  
6: How do I start? I cant exactly answer this question with a straight cut answer, It determines what you want to do. And if you don’t know what you want to do surf the internet for things that interest you, You don’t have to stick to just one thing as well that’s the wonderful thing about tumblr. If your still not satisfied  you can have another side blog if you feel like that not everything fits onto your main blog. 
7: Conclusion If you have any more questions or concerns about anything make sure that you DM me and i would be glad to answer what I could and post it on here as well. All of what i just taught you doesn't have to only be used on tumblr, It can be put for any type of social media. I have so many more tips. Here ill give you one that i used.. If you cant think ANY ideas go inside a room with a piece of paper and right down anything that comes to your mind Once you have that idea, Do what I said inside the the end of section  content:4  TL;DR Go read it trust me its worth it and gives you help if your literally just now starting out or if you want some help. 
If you have any questions please DM me and i would be happy to answer 
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