#(the waterworks came out of nowhere fr)
sleepanonymous · 22 days
I just wanna say that watching Mr. Vessel Sleep Token the First lay down in the middle of The Summoning tonight at Red Rocks was the most relatable thing I’ve ever seen him do. The Vessel/Mother Token fued may be over. I haven't decided yet, gonna sleep on it 🫡
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ninjabobanekokyrie · 4 years
Undertale: No More; Chapter 7-Forgiveness
Frisk's eyes widened. He looked down to see Sans, Undyne, Papyrus, Alphys and Toriel standing in front of him. Toriel spotted the noose around his neck and gasped.
"Frisk! My child!? What are you doing?!"
Even Sans looked horrified at what the kid was about to do just like the others. However Frisk was unfazed by their terrified grimaces.
"I'm leaving, Mom" he stated colorlessly. "I don't belong here."
"What are you going on about!?" Tears filled Toriel's eyes. "Get down this instant, you are scaring me!"
"It's okay. Soon you won't have to deal with me anymore."
Undyne glared at him. "Squirt, I refuse to let you go through with this!" she spat. "Not again! Get down before I make you!"
"No. I have to do this."
"Fr-Frisk p-please.." Alphys begged. "J-Just g-get down.."
"I don't get it!" Frisk exclaimed angrily. "Why do you guys even care!? What do you care if something happens to me?!"
"Pap is right squirt," Undyne said, choked up. "We really care 'bout ya and we'd be nothing if something ever happened to ya. Including this, so just..get down, alright? Please."
"P-Please d-don't d-do this.." Alphys begged and felt tears forming in her eyes.
"My child," Toriel sobbed, tears already streaking her furry face. "Please. Please, I can not lose you too...I love you too much..please get down..please.."
Frisk looked at everyone with a poker face.
/What do I do Chara?/
/Once Mom gets started on the waterworks, yer screwed. Just give up for now. We'll come back later. When no one's around./
/You sure?/
/Trust me./
Frisk swallowed thickly. He sighed and slowly took off the noose before climbing down the tree and walking toward the group, Toriel running over and hugging him as she fell to her knees, sobbing.
"O-Oh...*hic* O-Oh t-thank G-God, m-my child... d-don't y-you e-ever d-do that a-again, you hear m-me!?"
Frisk nodded mutely as Toriel merely cried harder. Undyne, Alphys and Papyrus went over and joined the embrace. Undyne looked over at Sans and motioned with her head. Sans glared and shook his head. Undyne glared as well and reached out, yanking the skeleton into the group huddle. Sans groaned quietly and put one hand on his brother as everyone except Frisk cried softly.
Sans looked at the kid. There was no emotion on his face; no guilt, sadness not even anger. He did however notice the slight glint of red in his eyes. Sans frowned. Maybe Undyne was right..was there really something going on that Frisk never told him before?
Awkward silence filled the air as Frisk sat alone on the couch, Sans and Pap shared a chair, Alphys and Undyne shared another and Toriel was in her usual armchair. They all stared at the child. It was Undyne who spoke up.
"Frisk.." She swallowed. "Squirt..is there somethin' yer not tellin' us?"
Frisk colorlessly gazed at the monsters surrounding him. "..Yes, but I can't tell you." he stated in a monotone voice.
"What's that supposed ta mean!?" Undyne exclaimed desparately. "Why not?!"
"I just..." Frisk sighed. "I just can't..."
"Why would you?" Frisk riposted colorlessly. "You all should hate me..."
"I know you remember, Pap..." Frisk choked, cutting him off. "I know you all remember. I don't know how, but you do. I wish you didn't. It would be easier that way."
"Easier for who?" Undyne questioned, fists shaking. "You? Frisk, you should be happy we can remember! Now we can save you from doing something stupid!"
"Don't you get it!? I don't wanna be saved!" Frisk exclaimed with tear-filled eyes. "I don't! I wanna die! Don't you understand!? I'm a nuisance! A complete waste of space! I'm nothing but a danger to you all! Why do you even wanna help me?! I've killed you all! Multiple times! C-Can't you see..." Frisk broke into broken sobs. "C-Can't you see I'm a monster? Can't you see...that I'm trying to save you? I'm tired of doing this. I'm tired of doing the same cycle over and over and over again and getting absoloutely nowhere! This is the easiest way! You guys won't have to deal with me anymore! I-I know you had high hopes for me, you had hoped I would save you, break the barrier, give you the happy ending you've always wanted every since you were sealed down here in the Underground! But I can't! I just can't! I'm not a hero! I'm not that kid you've been waiting for all these years! I'm just not! I'm weak! I'm too weak! I'm not strong enough! And I'm sorry, but.." he sobbed harder. "I just can't do this anymore..." he squeezed out.
It was deadly quiet as Frisk sobbed. Everyone gazed at him with a solemn expression.
Toriel attempted to reach out to him. "My child...-"
Frisk jumped and backed away. "N-No!" he choked.
Toriel put her hands to her mouth, tears filling her eyes.
Papyrus tried next, moving close to him. "HUMAN..IT'S ALR-"
"No!" Frisk sobbed again, pushing Papyrus away roughly. He gazed up at Pap's hurt expression and more tears flooded his face. "P-Please.." he croaked. "I don't wanna hurt you anymore..."
Frisk let out another broken sob and ran up the stairs and into his room, slamming his door behind.
Frisk had ended up sobbing into his pillow for an hour straight, and eventually cried himself to sleep, officially exhausted. After a while, Toriel got concerned and went to check on him, but her expression softened once she saw his sleeping form after opening the door. She placed the blanket on him and kissed his head with a sad frown before placing a slice of cinnamon-butterscotch pie on the floor for him, and left the room.
Once outside his room, she locked him in. She sighed. "I am sorry, my child, but I am doing this because I love you. I cannot bare losing you. I've lost so many...I refuse to lose you as well." she choked tearfully before walking away.
A few hours passed and Frisk finally awakened. He yawned softly as he sat up. He looked to his right and saw the butterscotch-cinnamon pie that Toriel had left on the floor for him. Frisk gradually climbed out of bed and went over to it. He saw a note in front of the plate. He picked it up and read it.
Here's your favorite. Eat up, my child.
-Love, Toriel
Frisk couldn't bring himself to smile. He just sat down and slowly ate his pie bit by bit. When he was finished, he got up and went to the door to open it. His eyes widened and his heart pounded once he realized it wouldn't open.
No. No No No No No No.
She didn't. She wouldn't. Frisk desperately jingled the knob. He had to get out. He had to get this over with. So they didn't have to deal with him anymore. So he didn't have to deal with himself anymore.
After a few more futile attempts, Frisk backed away from the door. He panted, clenching at his hair with tear filled eyes.
She did. She locked him in. Why? Didn't she understand that he was doing this to protect them? Didn't any of them understand!? This was the easiest way.
Frisk desperately looked around. His door was out of the question, so he needed the next best thing. His face nearly lit up when he saw the window.
He ran over and unlocked it, getting greeted by the cold winds when he opened it. Frisk went over to his bed and took his knife out from under his pillow. He then went back over and slowly climbed out. It was time to end this.
In the living room, Sans was the only one awake. Everyone else was in their sleeping bags on the floor, fast asleep while he was on the couch, wide awake. The events from just a few hours ago replayed themselves in his head for him, making him feel more uneasy.
Sans was abruptly pulled out of his thoughts when a cold wind passed through the room. He frowned, feeling a chill run up his spine. Why did he have such a bad feeling?
Removing his head from it's resting spot in his hand, Sans stood up and teleported himself in front of Frisk's room. He pulled out the key Toriel had entrusted to him and unlocked the door, pushing it open. A grimace made it's way to his face once he saw the window wide open, the source of the cold in the house.
"Damn that kid!" he muttered, going over and making sure to shut the window before teleporting himself outside.
Sans wandered around in the snow. He didn't bother calling out for the kid. He would find him anyways. He's found him before.
"Well if it isn't Smiley Trashbag." Came a familiar voice.
Sans froze. He spun around and saw Flowey.
Sans glared at him. "What're you doin' out here, cabbage patch?" he questioned.
"I'd like to ask you the same thing." Flowey riposted with a glare of his own. "It involves Frisk, I'm presuming?"
Sans folded his arms. "So what if it does?"
"I might have some information about him. If you're willing to listen."
Sans looked around. He didn't have time for this, and the last person he wanted to hear about was Frisk. Going against what he wanted, he sighed.
"Fine. But don't take all night." he said. "What 'bout the dirty little killer?"
"You're calling the wrong person that," Flowey hummed, causing Sans to give him a weird look. "Frisk hasn't been the one comitting those kilings."
"That's the same thing the kid said in the last timeline," Sans growled. "Whaddya mean it hasn't been him?"
"It hasn't been him." Flowey repeated. "Frisk hasn't been all there when these murders were commited. He also wasn't all there on his suicide trips, especially when he's around me."
Sans glared at the flower. "So you've been making him do this to himself?"
Flowey rolled his eyes. "Um, no, Trashbag. You've been making him do this to himself."
Sans glared harder. "Wh-"
"You never found it odd?" Flowey cut him off. "How he went from kind and sweet to bloodthirsty and malevolent? Hm, let's actually think for a moment, shall we?"
The flower's eyes abruptly narrowed. "Chara."
Sans raised a brow bone. "Chara?"
"I'm not surprised you've never heard of her. She was here long before you and your idiot brother moved to Snowdin. Not only that, but Mo-I mean-Toriel kept quiet about her every since the incident and her death." Flowey sighed before nodding. "But yes. Chara is the only logical explanation. Before you even ask, Chara was the very first human to ever fall down here in the Underground. Like Frisk, she was or should I say, she is DETERMINATION. When she was first found, Toriel nursed and took care of her just like she did Frisk and every other kid before him. Except Chara was different. She wasn't gentle like KINDNESS was, or patient like PATIENCE and she sure as hell wasn't righteous like JUSTICE. She was...malicious. When Toriel tried teaching her with the dummy, she didn't want to TALK. She wanted to FIGHT. And FIGHT she did. Chara had ripped that thing to shreads in record time. Mo-Toriel was shocked, but she just figured Chara was messing around and so she let it go. She really shouldn't have. Not even three days later Chara wanted to leave and Toriel refused to let her do so. She begged Chara to stay but Chara refused to listen. She ended up running away and never came back. Toriel never saw or heard of her again. That was until two weeks later... when the massacre happened. Chara had killed monsters left and right all over the Underground including Snowdin. Toriel wanted nothing more than to stop her, but Chara already reached the kingdom and started attacking Asgore. By the time Toriel reached them, she was too late. Asgore was forced to kill Chara. That was the first part of the downfall of their marriage. Now Chara is repeating the cycle." he explained grimly.
"How is she even doing this if she's dead!?" Sans demanded.
"Simple. She and her soul were reincarnated into his body. She's able to take control because she's stronger than him. Her DETERMINATION to kill you and everyone in her path is stronger than his to protect everyone and give them a 'happily ever after'."
Sans swallowed thickly. This was becoming too much for him to process. "And what exactly does this have to do with his suicide trips?"
Flowey smirked. "Finally, we get to the juicy part." he snickered. "So, Frisk hates himself, right? He finally got tired of going through the same loop over and over again for nothing. Got tired of watching everyone die, got tired of trying, got tired of you hating him. Just tired of everything basically. So Chara saw this and decided to make a deal with him. A deal that Frisk agreed to."
"What exactly did he agree to?" Sans croaked.
"Chara told Frisk that if he went through with the suicide trips, then she wouldn't harm you or any of the others. However, if he didn't she swore to him she'd make everyone's lives miserable. Of course being the selfless moron he is, he agreed to go through with it. So the others can be happy. So you can be happy. He agreed so you wouldn't have to deal with him anymore, wouldn't hate him anymore. He couldn't stand the hateful look you gave him each and every day so he agreed. Shame really. He favored you and loved you the most of all the other monsters. Ohhhh wellll..." Flowey hummed.
Sans stood there, guilt and remorse ripping violently at his soul. He felt like an asshole.
"He's not dead yet," Flowey spoke up. "You might actually be able to save him this time if you hurry."
At this, Sans' head shot up with wide eyes. In a second, he teleported away.
Flowey sighed. He glanced over at Alphys' lab and smirked, burrowing into the ground and leaving himself.
Frisk stood in the snow, gazing down at his knife. One stab and this all would be over. He won't have to deal with this pain and torture any longer.
No more hurting his Mom.
No more letting the people he loves down.
No more destroying Sans.
No more...
Frisk inhaled shakily and exhaled, closing his eyes. He raised the knife, feeling his adrenaline run and he lunched it towards his stomach, preparing himself for the pain afterwards. His eyes snapped open and he paled when the knife didn't hit his stomach, but something hard.
"Enough is enough, kid."
Frisk slowly looked up at the person's chest. His eyes wouldn't go any higher.
"Look at me, Frisk."
Frisk felt tears of fear fill his eyes. He slowly met Sans' gaze. It wasn't cold or unforgiving, not even hateful like in the past. It was...gentle and sorrowful?
The skeleton yanked the knife away from the small brunette and threw it far into the clearing. Frisk yelped and tried to run after to go get it, but Sans prevented it.
"Stop it. I said enough." he growled slightly, pushing Frisk back. His voice and gaze softened slightly at the sight of tears rolling down Frisk's golden cheeks.
"I need it." he insisted colorlessly.
"Like hell ya do. No ya don't, Frisk. Not anymore. You're not gonna put the others through that. Not again. I'm not gonna let you hurt them with the same cycle."
"I'm trying to protect them. This is the easiest way."
"For you. Seeing my brother and our friends bawl their eyes out over the reckless shit you've been pulling is not for me." Sans stated. "Now we can do this the easy way which involves you cooperating and going back home with me so the others don't have a heart attack, or we can do this the hard way which involves me draggin' yer ass back home. Which I promise you will not be fun. Yer choice."
Frisk merely shrugged and stepped forward, placing a shaking hand on Sans' shoulder. What was the point of fighting or running? It'd get him nowhere.
"Good choice kid." Sans mumbled quietly and they teleported away from the area.
They popped up in front of Sans and Papyrus' house, much to Frisk's confusion.
"I thought the others were at Mom's?" he asked, voice void of emotion.
"They are." Came the skeleton's curt reply.
"Then why are we here?"
"Everyone's sleepin'. Don't wanna take the chance of wakin' 'em up or anythin'. 'Sides, we'll head back there in the morning anyways before anyone even wakes up."
Sans approached the front door and walked inside, Frisk hesitantly following suit. The skeleton switched on the lights and walking further inside, Frisk noticed his room. He thought that was gone...that he lost it...
"You still keep my room here?" Frisk mumbled.
"Why wouldn't I? You live here." Sans riposted bluntly as he pulled put the First Aid. "Don't get me wrong, I've wanted ta destroy it plenty of times, but...never got around to it. Wouldn't have done any good anyways."
Frisk plopped down onto the couch as Sans walked over to him with the first aid kit.
"What's that for?" Frisk questioned.
"You know exactly what it's for, kid." Sans answered gruffly, reaching out and grabbing Frisk's arms.
Frisk's eyes widened in alarm and he gasped in fear, heart pounding rapidly. "S-Sans no, w-wait-!"
Sans froze. Countless cuts and scars occupied Frisk's arms and wrists, reaching almost all the way up to his shoulders. Sans ordered the brunette to take his sweater and tank off, to which the boy was hesitant at first, but quickly did so after Sans sent him a glare.
There weren't any on his back or any other areas on Frisk's body, which was slightly relieving.
It didn't change the anger that flared up within Sans, however.
"You did all this!?" he exclaimed, startling the child. "Just to keep everyone alive?! You chose this!? Are you serious?! There were a million other ways, and you chose this!"
Frisk froze before beginning to shake. "How did you-"
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