#*blows kisses to the sky* for hannah and her brushes
jackshiccup · 4 months
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello to all :)
My free time is so limited lately, I barely have any time for wtiting :( And it's so frustrating!
Anyway, here is the next part of the story.
Wish you all a nice and relaxing weekend! :)
Mayas POV
In the following days the calls stopped. Nothing was happening actually, and I didn't know what to think of it. Was that a good thing? Or was there something worse coming my way? I did feel a bit calmer with the calls gone, but that sinister feeling was still much present with me. Jake left when we woke up, saying he has to go do something, grinning at me before leaving. He seemed less worried too about everything, but I had a feeling something else was bothering him. I dont know how long it passed, I was lost in my work, when he entered the room, smiling at me from the door „Right where I left you.“ „Hey you.“ I said smiling back, taking my headphones down. „What you been up to?“ „Wouldn't you want to know.“ He grinned „Come on, get up and get dressed.“ „Oh god, not that again.“ I said desperatly, and he laughed. „Dont worry, nothing happened. Just do it.“ „All right.“ I said, getting up and dressing. „What's this all about?“ I asked curious when I was done, and he just walked to the doors, opening them „You'll see.“ „Ok, mister 'oh-so-mysterious'.“ I was about to take my phone „No,no, leave it, you dont need it.“ I turned surprised to him „All right, now I really want to know what's this all about.“ I said, crossing my hands at my chest. He rolled his eyes, walking to me. He gave me a quick kiss, taking my hand pulling me towards the door „Just trust me, and come on already.“
Leaving the motel, Jake lead me to the car, popping the trunk. He took out the blanket handing it to me, and a big paper bag filled with stuff, I couldn't see with what exactly. He closed the trunk, and started walking towards the woods. He turned to me when he realized I was still standing confused by the car. „Coming?“ he grinned at me. I raised my eyebrow „To the woods?“ He smirked „Awww, dont be scared, angel, I'll hold your hand.“ He winked and continued. When did he get so cocky? I quickly followed after him, and he grinned as I catched up with him, holding his hand out for me. I stuck my tongue at him, he just shook his head and smiled. „Whats in the bag?“ I asked after we walked for a while, trying to peep in it. He just shifted it under his other hand „You'll see.“ „Fine, I wont ask anything anymore.“ I said making a pouty face. He looked sideway at me „That face wont work on me, I'm still not telling you anything.“ „Come on, thats not fair.“ I protested, but he just laughed again „Can't you just be patient a little?“ „I can“ I said „I'm just too curious of a person.“ I grinned. „You do know what they say of 'curiosity' and the 'cat'?“ he said teasingly to me. „Ah, but the cat has nine lives.“ I countered and grinned again. „And besides“ I said „ going for a movie, or dinner would be less..uncomfortable, then wandering through the woods.“ He looked at me grinning „ Admit it, you just desperatly want to see that new movie with Chris Hemsworth.“ I laughed „I'm surprised you actually know what's playing in the cinema at the moment.“ I said teasingly. „Why so surprised? I do watch movies.“ He said and grinned. „Good to know your whole world doesn't revolve arround computers.“ I said grinning back at him. „Oh, I can assure you it doesnt.“ He said. „But, yes, computers are my biggest passion for sure, been that way since I was a kid.“ I was taken aback by his words, he never before said anything remotely similar, so I just stared at him. He turned to me „Why are you looking at me like that?“ „Like what?“ I asked, still surprised. „So astonished.“ „Well, to be honest“ I said „Because I never heard you talk like this before. About yourself.“ „Well, Maya“ he said and smiled „You never asked me anything about it.“ „And if I did, you would tell me?“ i asked surprised. „Ofcourse.“ He said without hesitation. „Anything I ask, you would answer?“ I asked again and he stopped walking, turning to me. „Look, I know you are curious, and yes, you can ask me anything. I might decide not to answer some questions, but it wont mean I dont trust you or anything like that. So, please, just keep that in mind, all right?“ I just looked at him for a moment. „All right.“ I said finaly. „Good.“ He said and continued walking. „Can you tell me now where are you taking me?“ I asked teasingly and grinned coming beside him. He looked at me and groaned „Dont make me regret this.“
After walking for a while longer, we finaly emerged from the woods, and I stopped and stared at the sight in front of me, smile widening on my face. The Blackwater lake was even more beautiful seeing it with my own eyes. The sun was out, making the color of the water silvery, soft wind blowing making the ripples on the surface sparkle like diamonds. The woods surrounding the lake and the singing of birds gave a serene atmosphere to it. It was amazing, so I just closed my eyes, the sun warm on my face, making a mental picture of it in my mind. I opened my eyes, turning to Jake. He was looking at me with a smile, his phone in his hand. „Did you just take a picture of me?“ I asked, walking towards him. „Yes I did.“ He said, and I groaned desperatly „Ugh, delete it, please, I turn out terrible on pictures.“ He smiled, his eyes sparkling „Nonsence, you looked beautiful just now.“ I blushed a bit, I was never good at receiving compliments. „I think the sun is making you delusional, maybe I should be the judge of it.“ I said grinning. He laughed „I'm not showing you the picture, you will just delete it without looking at it.“ „Fine“ I said, squinting my eyes at him „I'll just do it while you sleep.“ „Ha! Good luck with breaking my password first.“ He grinned at me. I pouted my lips „And its not fair, why do you have your phone, but I couldnt take mine? I like to take pictures, too!“ He smiled, hugging me arround my waist „Because, you are here with me, and nothing can happen to you, so you dont need your phone for me to be at peace.“ He leaned and kissed me softly. „And besides“ he said and smiled „I wanted to have you all for myself, with no distractions.“ I smiled. „But, what if something happens to you, and I have to call for help?“ I said all serious. „You have to tell me your password, it's for your own protection.“ I grinned, and he sighed and shook his head „You so ruined the moment.“ He said, taking the blanket from me, spreading it on the ground. „Oh, I'm sorry, don't be cross at me.“ I said, feeling guilty for it. „I'll make it up to you.“ I said, as we both sat down. He streched on the blanket, leaning back on his elbows „Hmm, I dont know, you would have to come up with something really good.“ „Something really good..“ I said toughtfully. „What could that be..“ I said, biting at my lower lip, my other hand playing teasingly with the zipper of his hoodie. His breathing got heavier, and I leaned slowly to him, stopping so close, my lips barely brushing his. „How am I doing so far?“ I breathed it out almost whispering, looking him in the eyes. He swallowed hard „Pretty damn good.“ I smiled, kissing him softly and unzipping his hoodie. His hands wrapped arround me, and he deepened the kiss, laying me on my back. He broke the kiss after a moment, his eyes sparkling „And you are lucky, because I just cant resist you.“
Jakes POV
„Are you really asking me that?“ I said laughing. She was laying with her head on my stomach, eyes closed, and I played with her hair. She turned to me „Yes.“ She grinned „Why? Are you embarrassed to give me an honest answer?“ I chuckled „No, but are you sure you want to hear the honest answer?“ I raised my eyebrow „I was pretty wild when I was younger.“ „Ugh“ she groaned „Alrighty, next question.“ I laughed again „Come one, dont tell me you wer and 'angel' back then?“ She blushed a bit, averting her look from me. „All right, all right, I said next question.“ She asked after a moment „Ok, where did you grew up?“ Ah, here we go, I thought, personal questions, but I didnt mind, I was expecting it. „Well,not that far from here, actually. My mom moved back with my grandma when she found out she was pregnant.“ „You said before, Hannah and Lily are the only family you have left, so I persume she passed?“ she asked. „Yes, when I was 12.“ „Oh, im sorry to hear that.“ She said softly. „Its fine.“ I said. She was silent for a while „Do you think your life would turn out differently if she was still alive?“ „I dont know“ I answered honestly after a moment. „I was always fascinated by computers and all this 'hacking' stuff, so I can't really know if something would end up different.“ „What was she like?“ she asked then. I was silent for a moment, memories coming back. „I'm sorry if its too personal.“ She said to me. „No, it's all right.“ I smiled at her. „She was amazing. She was firm, but soft when needed, she always stood her ground. She was tough on me, but showed me nothing but love.“ It was strange for me talking about my mom to someone, but it felt nice. I was amazed how easily it was for me to say all this to her. And she was genuinely interested, intensly listening to my every word. I smiled again „She would always say to me 'Jakey, my boy, always listen to your heart, not your head, no matter what. The heart knows best.'“ „It sounds to me like she was a wonderful person, and a great mom.“ She said to me, smiling softly. „She was.“ I said smiling back at her. „She would have liked you very much.“ „Wish I could have met her.“ She said and smiled. Her face got serious „What happened to her, if you don't mind me asking?“ „I dont mind“ I said. „She got sick, it was getting worse fast, and she passed some months after we found out about it.“ She turned, staring at the sky. „Its not fair.“ She said after a moment. „What isn't?“ I asked. She turned to me „That good people like that leave so soon.“ Her eyes got watery so she turned her head away, and my heart skipped a beat. I turned her head back to face me, her eyes glazed. „Dont get sad on me now.“ I said smiling softly at her, tucking the loose hair behind her ear. „I'm sorry“ she said, giving me a small smile „I'm soft on things like that.“ I just stared at her. Her emotions surprised me once more, her sadness was so real, so sincere, I was amazed. And I knew, right here, right at this moment, my heart belongs to her forever. I knew I was in love. I pulled her to me, kissing her gently. „You really are an angel.“ I said to her, and she blushed a bit before smiling. „Dont praise me, or you might end up disappointed.“ „Thats not possible.“ I said kissing her once more. She smiled again before moving to lay back. „What happened after she passed? Did you stay with your grandma?“ she asked. „Yes“ I said „Until I was 18, then I left.“ „Where to?“ „Well, I found a group of people who shared my interests, so I joined them. I was with them for quite long, and learned much from them.“ „I'm sensing a 'but' here.“ She said and I smiled at her „You are right.“ I said. „But, they became a bit too extreem for my taste, so I moved on.“ „So you joined someone else?“ she asked. „No, I was on my own from then. I did meet some new people after it, but never joined any groups.“ „What about friends?“ she asked serious. I laughed „Yes, angel, I do have friends. Some of them are really good friends of mine, the ones I trust.“ „Thats good to hear.“ She grinned „Maybe I will meet them one day.“ „Hm, if
you stick with me long enough, maybe.“ I said and winked. She smiled, before getting serious again. „How did you find out about Hannah and Lily?“ I sighed „Well, I didnt get along well with my grandma after my mom passed, so after I left I havent really seen or heard from her much. I found out later some lawyer was trying to contact me when she passed, so I met with him.“ „What happened?“ she asked curious. „He told me my grandma left everything to me, since there wasnt any other beneficiary. So I went back, collected important stuff, and sold the house. It wasnt really till few years back, when I went through some old stuff from my mom that I found out about them.“ She turned to me „It must have been hard finding out like that.“ „It was.“ I admitted. „I was really angry at first, at my mom, and my grandma, for not telling me anything about it. It took me a while to cope with it.“ „What happened then?“ „Well, the rest you actually know.“ She looked puzzled at me. I sighed „After I cooled of, I decided to contact Hannah. I was curious. At the same time, thats when i ended up in trouble. And all the other things that happened. So there, that's it basicly, now you know the whole story.“ „All right“ she said „But, can you tell me anything about the trouble you got in? Or why you are so mysterious about the 'people' you do things for now?“ „I had a hunch you will ask that eventually.“ I said. „Can you blame me?“ she asked „It worries me. If I knew more of it, I might get calmer a bit.“ She looked so intensly at me, I knew I had to tell her at least something. „All right“ I said „I wont go into much details, and I want you to promise me, you won't ask anything more then what I'm gonna tell you about it after. Can you do that?“ She just looked at me for a while. „All right.“ She siad finaly. „And I need one more promise from you.“ „No, I won't tell anyone about what you will tell me.“ She grinned. „That's no it.“ I said, and her face got serious and worried. „Then what?“ I sighed „You have to promise me, you won't feel guilty after I tell you this.“ „Guilty? Me?“ she asked surprised. „Why would I? What's it got to do with me?“ „Do you want to know or not?“ I asked. „Ofcourse!“ she exclimed „Now even more then before.“ „Then I'm serious, Maya. No guilty feelings, ok?“ „Ok,ok, I promise.“ She said, but I knew it will affect her eitherway. „All right.“ I said, taking a deep breath. „I got a hold of some information, something that I wasnt suppose to find. And I got caught doing it. So thats when all this shit started happening. I had to move constantly, as you know already. I kept what I found, hoping one day that information will serve as my ticket out of anything if needed.“ „Ok, that doesn't sound that bad so far.“ She said. „Well, my plans changed abruptly.“ I said, looking for the right words to continue this. „Why?“ she asked. I had no idead how else to say this, so I just did. „You.“ „Me?“ she asked, and I just nodded. She didn't say anything for a while. „But, what I have to do wit...“ she fel silent. I could see on her face her mind was racing, connecting the dots. „No...“ she breathed it out after a moment. „Maya...remember what you promised me.“ I said, raising my eyebrow at her. „But..no.. it can't...“ she stuttered. She got in sitting position, hugging her legs. „Me coming here, to Duskwood..you had to do something you didn't plan on, right?“ „Something like that, yes.“ I answered her honestly. „Oh, god.“ She said desperately „I completely messed your plans, didnt I? I ruined everything for you.“ She lovered her head on her knees. „Hey, look at me.“ I told her, and she slowly lifted her head. I moved to her, sitting also. „I don't blame you for anything. It was my decision. I wouldn't do anything differently, belive me.“ „But, because of me, things got even more complicated for you, again.“ I smiled „I don't care.“ „How can you say that?“ she asked in disbelief. „If it means I can be with you, I really don't care.“ She looked at me for a moment, suddenly throwing herself at me, hugging me tight. „I am so sorry for
everything I've put you through.“ She said. I hugged her back even tighter „Nothing to be sorry about, angel. “ She held me tight for a moment more before moving away „How can you still call me that, after everything?“ I smiled, taking her hand „Because nothing changed.“ I leaned, kissing her softly. „Thank you. I really dont know how you can still put up with me, when all I ever did was complicate things for you.“ she said a bit gloomy, lowering her head. „Don't you ever think like that.“ I said, and she looked back at me. „I'm right where I want to be. It's all that I ever wanted since I met you, to be with you. And nothing will change that, ever.“ She just looked at me, her eyes getting teary. She hugged me again, burrying her head to my neck „I really don't deserve you.“ she said. I smiled, wrapping my hands arround her. She wasn't even aware of how much my life changed for better because of her. „Oh, I'm pretty sure it's the other way arround, angel.“ She lifted her head „ You just say that to make me feel better.“ „No, I really mean it.“ I said. „ But if it makes you feel better, then that's just a bonus.“ I grinned at her. She laughed, shaking her head „You're impossible.“ „Hey, don't steal my line!“ I said teasingly. She laughed „Wait, I tought your line was ' You're amazing '.“ „It is.“ I said. She grinned „Then this one is mine now, you can't have both!“ I laughed „Fine, fine, you can have it.“ She got serious again „Ok, joking aside, tell me just one more thing, please. The people you 'work' for now, are they the ones you took the information from?“ „Oh, god, thankfully not.“ I said. „Then who are they?“ „That, unfortunately, I can't tell you. For now, at least.“ „All right“ she said „I won't ask more about it, I said so. But, can you at least tell me, for my peace of mind, what you do now, is it something you detest?“ She actually got me thingking with this question. „Hm, no, definitely not.“ I said after a moment. „I still do what I'm good at, just in a way I'm not used to. I don't know how to explain it better without telling you something I shouldn't.“ She was silent for a while. „Thank you.“ she said „For telling me all this.“ I smiled „No need to thank me, angel. Did you at least get you curiousity satisfied now?“ „Oh, I got more then I expected.“ She said gravely. I chuckled „Well, be careful what you wish for next time.“ I said teasingly. „Mhm, I definatly will.“ She said and laughed. „Well, I do have just one more question.“ „You do?“ I asked, raising my eyebrow. „Yes.“ She said all serious. „Can I see what's in that bag finaly?!“ she grinned, and I shook my head. „What?“ she protested „I'm hoping you have something to drink in there, I'm thirsty as hell.“ I laughed handing her the bag „I'm sure you'll find something to your taste in there.“ „Ohmygosh“ she squealed out checking the bag „You had all this stuff in here, and you let me starve and be thirsty all this time!“ I chuckled „The bag was here all this time, you could just take it.“ I said, reaching in the bag to take a bottle of water myself. She slapped my hand „Hey, what's that for?“ „Wait for your turn.“ She said serious. „That's what you get for keeping things from me.“ „Aww, don't be like that, angel. At least give me the water so I don't dehydrate, I think I deserve that much.“ I said trying to be dramatic and act hurt. She looked at me for a moment, taking the bottle and handing it to me „Be happy with this. I'll think about if I will share the rest with you.. Jakey.“ I laughed „Thanks. And please, don't call me that“ I groaned pleadingly „I never liked it, anyway.“ She grinned „Oh, I'm SO gonna use it just to annoy you from now on.“
Mayas POV
The sun was slowly starting to settle down. I stared at the calming water of the lake, thoughtfully licking my fingers from the melted chocolate we just finished. My mind was still processing all that Jake told me. Even though he left out some things, I learned a lot about him. And I was happy he did it, and amazed how open he was with me, I felt so much closer to him now. My feelings for him got even stronger, I liked him even more now. Liked...is that the right word to describe how I feel? I knew better. A smile forming on its own on my lips, and the warm feeling spreading throuhg me from just the tought of it was a clear sign – I was in love. „What's on your mind?“ he asked me, wrapping his hands arround me from behind. I smiled and leaned back against him „ I was just thinking, how I wish this day could last a bit longer.“ He smiled „Glad you liked my little surprise.“ „Oh, I loved it, belive me. The whole day was like a beautiful dream.“ I said and smiled. But the smile slowly vanished from my face. „Unfortunately, reality is hitting back at me like a wrecking ball.“ He sighed „I'm sorry, angel. I wish things wer different, I really do.“ „I wish that, too.“ I said. I turned my head to look at him „But, I'm lucky I don't have to go through it alone. I'm glad you're with me.“ He looked at me, his gaze determined, the reflection form the lakes grey water in his eyes giving that determination even more intensity „As long as I breathe, and as long as you let me, I will always be here for you. You will never be alone.“ I just stared at him, what he said sent tingles all over my skin, and before I knew, the words just left me. „I love you.“ I tensed and my eyes widened, as the realization of what I said hit me. He just looked at me. I got up sitting, turning to him. „Ok, ok, don't freak out on me now.“ I said. „But it's true, I do love you.“ My heart was beating fast, and the words just continue to leave me. „I know it's crazy, right?! We barely know each other, but I can't deny how I feel.“ I was beginning to sound a bit histerical by now. I dared not to look at him, I was affraid what I might see on his face, so I lowered my head, staring at my hands. „It's just.. I don't know.. Just feels right, you and me, being together.“ I was talking fast, scared what he might say if I stop. „It was like my life was missing something, and then you came along. You wer that one missing puzzle piece in it, and now the picture is complete.“ My voice started cracking. „Dont worry, I dont expect from you to say it back. I mean, who could blame you if you don't. I completely jumped you just now with it.“ My hands started to shake, and I clasped them, nervously rubbing them together, feeling my palms sweat more with every passing second. I stood up, hoping my legs won't betray me from how nervous and terrified I felt. I took a few steps towards the lake, a knot forming in my throath. What have I done - I tought to myself desperatly. „You know what, just forget it“ I started, not turning arround, staring at the lake „ Just forget everything I just said. I take it all back. Just pre...“ „Don't you dare!“ I was cut mid sentence by him, and I turned arround. He was already on his feet. „What?“ I asked bewildered. „You can't take it back.“ He said, coming towards me. „Don't take it back.“ he said stopping in front of me, his voice trembling a bit. „Don't, because...“ he started, his eyes glistening „Because, I love you, too.“ I gasped, and just stared at him, as the sound of my heart beating frantically echoed louder and lounder in my ears. “From the moment you entered my life, I knew things will change. You made my head spin. A complete stranger.“ He said, and I just continued to stare at him. „ But I was so drawn to you, I couldn't think of anything but you. It was driving me insane, I could barely function normal!“ He paused for a moment, catching his breath. „ And you wer, you are, the best thing that ever happened to me. You changed my life for better. With you, I finaly feel alive again.“ He was looking so intensly at me, his eyes
glowing. „ And I can't find the right words to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I love you .“ My head started to spin, and I threw my hands arround his neck, feeling as if the earth beneth my feet was dissapearing. But it was my own feet giving up on me, I didn't realize I was holding my breath all this time. His hands quickly wrapped arround me, pulling me tightly to him. „You all right there, angel?“ he asked, not taking his eyes off of mine. „Im fine.“ I said after a moment, my feet steady again, air coming back to my lungs. „Good.“ He said rising his eyebrow „So, you won't faint or something if I kiss you now?“ I smiled, shaking my head „Oh, shush it, and just kiss me already.“
As we walked hand in hand back to the motel, I couldn't shake off the goofy grin from my face. This day turned out to be perfect. I was happy, and nothing, nor anyone could change that. Whatever happens from now on, I knew I will be all right, as long as I have him by my side.
How little did I know.
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kayr0ss · 4 years
A Tactical Approach
[Diakko Week 2020, Day 2: Hand Holding / Cuddles, Fluff] AO3
Happy to participate in Diakko week 2020! @dianakko-week
Akko had never considered herself a strategic person but sometimes life led a girl into situations that felt like war.
And this was a battle she was determined to win.
She assessed the setting—it was important to know your surroundings and use them to your advantage after all. What could she possibly do to make the most out of this situation? What was the ideal picture of a victory in her mind?
Victory was sweet. Like plums.
It would also be warm and absolute, full of conviction and with no space for hesitation.
And hopefully victory wasn’t sweaty. Oh by Jennifer—please—she hoped victory wasn’t sweaty!
Why were her hands sweaty now of all times? She sighed, wiping her palms along the fabric of her skirt in an attempt to alleviate the problem. Satisfied, she returned to assessing the terrain of her battle. She was in Diana’s dormitory, sitting on Hannah’s stolen study chair so that she and Diana shared a desk, huddling themselves shoulder-to-shoulder. It was eight fifty-seven in the evening and she had been waging this war for all of seventeen minutes by now.
Yes, she was counting since eight forty.
The opposing party of this skirmish just so happened to be the object of her affections. What were her motivations? What would her next move be? Akko squinted at her foe, watching as she flipped another page of the Ancient Runes textbook she was examining. She brushed back blonde and green tresses behind her ear, the candlelight of the lamp on her desk flickered playfully across her features and oh my god she has it bad, doesn’t she?
Akko exhaled, releasing a breath she didn’t know she was holding. Diana looked up, blue eyes softer than usual, and tilted her head in inquiry.
“Is everything alright, Akko?”
Ah. She really had it bad.
“Yeah.” Akko said in a quiet voice. It was so unlike her that Diana’s brow quirked upward. The movement was subtle, but they were near enough to each other for Akko to notice.
“Book.” The blonde chided, pointing downwards to the (very much ignored) Divination textbook lying in front of Akko. “You’re getting distracted again.”
Akko simply huffed. “Like it’s my fault!”
That won a small chuckle out of Diana, who turned a little pink if Akko wasn’t seeing things. This meant the implication didn’t go over her head—and that was all and well. Akko didn’t want it to go over her head. She knew that Diana knew that she… felt things.
Many, difficult to describe things that she frankly didn’t have the vocabulary for, so she’d much rather express it in actions. Diana leaned in a little, bumping their shoulders playfully. Akko giggled, looking back towards the pages of her book with no intention of reading. She felt her face heat up but she still smiled, appreciative of what was such a small yet meaningful gesture of affection from the normally aloof Diana.
She bumped her shoulder back. They were both smiling into their books now.
These little interactions had brought her back to the essence of her battle—of the mission she was on, and the victory she aimed to secure.
Now wasn’t the time to get distracted! The setting was perfect: quiet, candle-lit, with the rest of the room glowing softly in yellow and without Hannah and Barbara in sight. The curtains were pulled open and, despite it being a little cloudy, the view was just as wonderful as a clear night sky.
Akko examined her artillery options. She already used the 'shoulder bump'. Was  it a good time to…
To maybe… lean her head on her shoulder?
She huffed while shaking her head and pretended it was because of the book. That wouldn’t work. She’d have a hard time reading and would probably fall asleep. She didn’t want to put Diana in a situation where she’d have to support her weight too much.
Displaying affection was such a difficult war to wage.
Her most distal appendages might work though—she had a whole two hands with fingers and thumbs! Right. She should use those. Maybe. But they were sweaty! Gods, did this have to be so hard!
But she was Akko Kagari and so far just doing it had worked wonderfully for her! And so she threw caution to the wind, and… placed her hand on the desk.
It was a strategic move. If Diana picked up on her cue, she should place her hand within pinky-reaching distance, right? Right? Akko swallowed, trying her best to look disinterested in where Diana’s hand would fall next.
The blonde had finished the words on her page, and motioned to flip to the next. Akko watched in her peripheral vision, almost in slow motion, as Diana’s hand fell back lower, lower and finally—yes!
She put it on the desk. Beside Akko’s hand.
Akko picked up an extra quill and flipped open her notebook, keeping her left hand obviously still and available, hoping that Diana hadn’t started learning Japanese because she decided to write her notes in her native language to ‘aid with recall.’
Never mind the fact that she was nervously scribbling ‘please hold my hand, please hold my hand, please hold my han—” over and over again.
Ah, but Diana seemed engrossed, and Akko took it up on herself to take initiative. Again.
It was time to deploy stealth tactics.
Slowly, and with no small amount of nervousness, she inched her pinky finger a whole centimeter to the left. That was progress! Diana hadn’t noticed. Perfect. Emboldened by her success, she went and moved in closer.
Shit. Diana pulled her hand to scratch an itch along her chin and—that was illegal, it was so cute! To Akko’s relief, her hand returned to its original position except this time it was… closer?
Was Diana picking up on her stealth tactics?
Suddenly losing her nerve, Akko ceased her slow advance. But then why would she? Reciprocation was a good thing, right?
She took a chance, looking towards her notebook to scribble a little more nonsense, and then brushed their pinky fingers together.
Surely such a small action should not have such a profound effect on her—felt from the tips of her ears, down to the pit of her stomach. There was fluttering, fluttering everywhere and this slow exchange felt like it was going to drive her insane!
Wasn’t Diana supposed to be the overthink-y one?!
Then she noticed that Diana had gone remarkably pink. Her eyes were still on the book, but there were details that Akko finally picked up once she let herself stare for just a minute.
Diana’s eyes weren’t moving. They were intense and boring a hole into what must have been the same passage on that very same page[3]  for the past two minutes. Her eyes fluttered prettily, and Akko swooned a little.
She hooked their pinky fingers together—Diana had obliged willingly.
It was fascinating to watch the way she tried to steel her expression, but the way the column of her throat moved as she gulped was something Akko didn’t miss.
Oh, this was going to be the death of her. She pulled her own red eyes back towards her textbook.
Was Diana nervous too? Looked like it, at least a bit. The thought of it made the fluttering grow stronger than it ever did before, and Akko figured she was probably a raging shade of red by now.
But she loved every minute of it.
Diana—god damn it—pulled on the cuff of Akko’s sleeve to bring her hand closer, and pried her palm open, facing upwards.
And then she began to gently brush her fingertips along the inside of her palm, still feigning interest for her textbook, and Akko wanted to set herself on fire.
Akko never wanted this to end. Her heartbeat was going into overdrive, and she was pretty sure her palms were starting to sweat again but it was too late to care about that now, wasn’t it? Diana’s breathing seemed shallower, and that was a sentiment she could relate with. Somehow, it was comforting to see that she wasn’t the only one so nervous about this whole ordeal.
Praying to each and every one of her Asian ancestors, Akko steeled her nerves.
She’s going to do it.
She’s going to move in for the winning blow.
She splayed out her hands, gently, doing her best to caress every inch of skin Diana had in contact with her, before catching the spaces in between Diana’s fingers to fit her own hand snugly into a hold.
Diana was done pretending to care about the book. She had gasped, softly, and looked downwards towards their hands. She was blushing wonderfully, eyes wide, and the small smile that grew on her lips was an image Akko wanted to remember forever.
“Shall we take a break?” Diana finally broke their silence. She looked up towards Akko and—by the nine the look she was receiving was so tender it felt almost unreal.
“That’d be nice.” Akko giggled, dropping any pretense of disinterest as well.
Diana looked a little shy and hesitant, and Akko was about to ask why but then Diana leaned forward, snuggling close as she settled her forehead on Akko’s shoulder. She was trying to hide a grin. How sly!
“I can see the smile on your face, you know.” Akko’s giggles didn’t end, and she rarely spoke so softly.
“Can you blame me?” Diana’s speech was muffled against her shoulder, smile evident in the sound of her voice.
“Gotta admit, I can’t.” Akko’s grin was just as wide.
“I could get used to this.” Diana admitted, running her thumb against the back of Akko’s.
Now that they’d finally gotten to holding hands, they might have some trouble learning how to let go. Diana definitely showed no intention of doing so anytime soon.
Akko’s chest bloomed with warmth, affection, and something more.
Victory was sweet.
It was also a little sweaty and involved a lot of nerves and—
(Akko watched as Diana pulled herself upright again, bringing Akko’s hand closer towards her)
—it felt like a kiss to the back of her hand.
A/N: Thank you to Tototops, who did a wonderful job beta reading and correcting all the little errors I made in this chapter! I appreciate you so much, you did so good!
Also yes hand holding is a BIG DEAL guys
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great-ben-810 · 6 years
「This is bad. This could be addicting.」
Summary: Diana is the kind of person who tries something at least once before she judges it, so she tries Akko’s thing and Akko loves her for that. Akko POV.  
On top of her bed.
Fast breathing, blushed cheeks, anxious eyes turned upwards.
Such a rare sight to see her like this early in the morning.
This delicacy calls for a thorough tasting—slowly and carefully.
One that requires no forks or knives. 
A restless hand weakly pulls on my sleeve followed by a faint voice that barely reaches my ears.
“Akko, quickly…”
An order that fades away into silence.
She sounds like she’s about to break.
I wonder where the usually confident and dignified Diana is right now?
It’s tempting to tease her more but…
Thinking about the consequences later, it might be smarter to not push her too much.
Then, at least.
I’ll have Diana obey me.
“Open your mouth.”
Her blue eyes glance to the side, her mouth opens with hesitation.
It won’t fit at all.
This time she opens her mouth the way I asked her to.
Although she closed her eyes shut…
Oh well.
Using my fingers, I slowly brush mine against Diana’s lips before gently pushing it into her mouth.
As expected, Diana tried to push it back out with her tongue.
I lightly place my hands against her white cheeks.
“Don’t let it out. Your voice as well. Unless you want Hannah and Barbara to wake up?”
Diana quietly meets my eyes.
From her sky-blue eyes, two raindrops spill.
Is it bad that I want to make her cry more?
But it’s her first time and she’s working hard, so I have to praise her.
She was struggling, but a kiss on the forehead should take some of the pain away.
“Thanks for listening to me. Just a bit more okay?”
I think she’s getting used to it.
After I wipe her tears with my thumb, I saw her throat move.
She swallowed…Maybe I can go to the next step?
“Try rolling it around. Like candy.”
Diana starts moving her mouth.
“Good, just like that. Next, try sucking it. Don’t bite okay?”
As Diana continues, her eyes darken.
I wonder if she realizes that her voice is leaking?
A minute later, her face starts to contort as she struggles again.
It’s the toughest moment for her.
“Diana, just a little more…!”
Seconds later, Diana opens her mouth to show me what’s left.
The aftermath was on her tongue.
I reach my arm to get a tissue from her desk and bring the tissue towards her mouth.
With a plop, it drops from her mouth into the tissue, which I wrap up and throw away in her bathroom’s trash can.
I also pour her a cold glass of water while I’m standing.
When I returned, Diana was lightly coughing as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
She gulps down the glass of water in one go.
I sit beside her on the bed, waiting for her to calm down.
“Diana, are you alright?”
“Yes…It’s just the taste wasn’t what I expected…”
“Ah, yeah, that one was soaked for a long time…did you not like it?”
Diana becomes quiet.
I become anxious.
I don’t want Diana to hate me, but
I also don’t want Diana to hate something I love…
“I didn’t not like it.”
“Oh, I see…”
Wait. Didn’t not. Did not not is a double negative, so she liked it?
“Y-yes. It was a peculiar...addicting? taste. May I try another pickled plum?”
Diana blows away all my worries with that response.
“Yeah! Do you want to try pickled plum tea next!? All I need is hot water or roasted green tea to make it!”
“I’ll leave it all up to you, Akko.”
“Yay~! I love you, Diana!”
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darkjanet2 · 3 years
Drusilla’s Soul Ch. 15 Part 1
Drusilla was tossing and turning in her bed, she was whimpering and moaning in her sleep that she was having a nightmare.
Monstrous Angelus killed her family right in front of her. He tore her Uncle’s intestines and coiled up around his neck and hung it. He was suffocated until he died. He tore her older sister’s dress so that her back was bare. He slit her back with the machete and her spine was revealed and pulled it out. She plopped down the floor dead. Angelus smiled wickedly at her younger sister as she was terrified and tears rolled out of her eyes.
Angelus picked up the bolt cutter from the table and he began to cut her fingers as she was screaming and wailing in agony. Angelus laughed even harder and continued what he was doing. He plunged his hand into her chest and tore her heart out. She died from her last breath.
Lastly, Angelus raped Drusilla’s mother over and over again. She screamed in agony, but he kept going. When he finished, he slit her throat, forcing Drusilla to watch. Drusilla turned her back and refused to watch anymore. She just cried harder and harder. Angelus laughed harder and harder.
At The Convent
Angelus murdered all the nuns, he snapped Mother Teresa’s neck in half and she died instantly. He killed Sister Mary Thomas by breaking her back and neck. She was dead.
And then the beautiful woman, his sire, Darla came in and kissed him. Angelus kissed her back until they heard her whimpering and mumbling. They looked at her, and Angelus decided to sire her. Angelus and Darla were making out on the floor, Dru laughed insanely, and then she cried.
Angelus bit Dru’s neck and fell into darkness.
Drusilla bolted up from her nightmare and she was covered in sweat from her sleep.
‘Oh. It was just a dream.’ thought Drusilla. She wiped her sweat and tears.
Drusilla opened her iPhone X, the screen said it was 4:34 AM. She sighed dreadfully and plopped her head onto the pillow. She couldn’t sleep. She missed her family very much. She needed to get some fresh air.
Drusilla went outside the cruise, the wind blowing breezily and the sound of the ocean waving through the ship. She looked up at the night sky, the night was so young and serene. The full moon shone brighter in the night and the stars were dazzling.
‘Angelus is long gone after I avenged my family’s death.’ thought Drusilla.
“I miss you, Mother, Uncle, Hannah, and Stephaine. Since your death had avenged, you may well rest in peace,” said Drusilla as she walked back to her room.
7:35 AM at Odaiba, Japan
A burgundy-haired boy was snoring loudly. His room was a bit messy, the blind shut as the sun shone dimly through the blind. There were wallpaper soccer players on it.
A small blue creature hopped on a boy’s belly as he was waking him up.
“Davish! Davish! Wake up!” said the creature called DemiVeemon.
A boy named Davis Motomiya groaned as he awoke from his slumber. DeeiVeemon smiled at him.
“Good morning, Davish.”
“Ugh, good morning, DemiVeemon.” groaned Davis glanced at the digital clock. His eyes widened so he was going to be late for school!
“Aah! It’s morning already?! Crap, I’m going to be late for school!” Davis dashed out of his room and went to take a shower. He washed and brushed his teeth. He put on a blue shirt with white and yellow stripes, a pair of brown shorts, blue socks, a navy blue vest, and goggles that Tai had given to him.
A toaster popped up a PopTart, he took the Pop-Tart to his mouth, grabbed a backpack, and finally put on orange boots before he headed out to school.
“Bye, Mom!” he called out to his mother as he ran out to school.
He was running late for school, he had to hurry or he wouldn’t make it. He didn’t want to get tardy.
Davis could see the school building up ahead and he glanced at his watch which was 7:55 AM. He cursed under his breath, he had five minutes left before school started. He stopped by the street traffic and pressed the button, the traffic light would change for a moment.
“C’mon! Change!” said Davis, impatiently pressing the button. The traffic sign changed into a walking sign. Then he quickly ran across the street. And he finally made it! He put his hands on his knees, panting. He glanced at his watch again which was 7:58 AM.
‘Better get to class.’ thought Davis, quickly went inside the school.
Davis made it to class and spotted TK was talking to Kari. He was pretty ticked, but he took a seat.
When a teacher came in, he greeted his students and began to lecture on algebra.
At Basketball Practice
A coach blew a whistle and the boys gathered around.
“Come huddle up, guys,” he called out to his students to gather around him.
“What’s up, coach?” asked Davis.
“We have a game this Friday against a team from out of state,” said Mr. Ueta.
“A team from out of state? Who?” asked TK.
“Someplace called Sunnyville or something,” said Mr. Ueta.
“You mean Sunnydale, coach?” asked TK. and
“Yeah, that’s the place. You heard of it?” he asked.
“I heard it’s a place that had lots of weird occurrences. When will they arrive?” he asked.
"Friday and they will have a tournament with us for the remainder of the weekend to show no hard feelings, win or lose." Mr. Ueta said.
"Ooh, when is the game?" Davis asked, he was interested.
"7:00 pm, they mentioned preparing their hotel reservations and something about a couple of school players having a medical issue with Ultra-Violet Raises." Coach said.
"Okay, Coach,” TK said.
“Now, let’s practice. ‘Cause we’ll start a tournament Friday night,” said Mr. Ueta.
“Sounds fun.” smiled Davis.
“No way! A tournament?” asked the boy.
“We haven’t played a tournament for a while.” said the other boy.
‘A tournament, huh? Well, I can’t wait to meet them.’ thought TK.
At the end of the school, all the kids walked their way home from school. TK wouldn’t forget the gig, he would be there tonight.
“See you at the gig.” TK bid farewell to his friends and walked in the opposite direction.
4:34 PM in Princess Cruise
The Cruise had arrived in Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan at the port. All the passengers were decamping to Tokyo. Drusilla stayed in the shadows to avoid the sunlight, so she ordered an Uber ride so that she had to find a hotel.
Five minutes later, an Uber driver arrived at the port. She got in the car and rode to the hotel. Ten minutes later, an Uber drove to the Shinagawa Prince Hotel. It was a quiet tall building. She thanked an Uber driver and gave him a tip.
She walked inside the hotel and greeted the receptionist and asked him if she needed a room. He nodded in affirmative and gave her the keys.
She found room 601 and unlocked the door and she peeked inside. There was a well-made queen bed, nice furniture, a blackout drape, and a Smart TV. She found a way to the bathroom, partially open bathroom, shower/tub combination, slippers, and free toiletries.
‘It’s been 20 days since I rode on that cruise. I need to relax for a while.’ thought Drusilla.
Drusilla made herself comfortable and turned on a TV. She watched a Japanese romantic drama. She called room service to order some wine.
5:52 PM
Drusilla had already showered, she was dressed in a red stretch lace sheath dress, black pantyhose, and black combat boots. She also wore a velvet red choker, lavender eyeshadow, and red lipstick. She brushed her brunette hair. She was ready to go out and explore. She grabbed a velvet red jacket and locked the door.
She strolled down the city which people were strolling along, laughing, and joking. And the couples were holding hands while they were walking. Drusilla frowned; she wished Leon was there, but she still had a mission trip.
Just when a girl appeared in front of her and asked, “Excuse me, miss. Would you like to come to the gig?”
“A gig?” Drusilla asked.
A young girl had pink pigtails, blue eyes, fair skin, she wore a pink and white school uniform, white knee socks, and a black Mary Jane shoe.
“Yeah. A band called Teenage Wolves. Yamato-Kun is awesome! So, I give you this poster.” said a girl who gave this to Drusilla.
Drusilla took a poster, a boy in the middle was a guitarist and a vocal leader had blonde hair. This boy was so young, she could tell.
“The gig will start soon, you won’t be delayed.” said the pink-haired girl.
“Um, okay. Where’s that at?” asked Drusilla.
“It’s across the bay shore. You should take transportation.” she smiled.
“Alright, I’ll go. Thank you,” said Drusilla, waving at the young girl goodbye.
She entered Oimachi station and paid the fare for a ticket. It took 32 minutes to ride the train, and she walked up the stairway. This city was called Odaiba.
‘I wonder where the concert is? This girl told me she invited me to the concert.’ thought Drusilla.
She looked at the address on the poster, she didn’t need to ask them for directions. So she fished out her phone and opened the Apple Maps app and named the address. And then she proceeded walking in the direction.
Dru saw a lot of people lining up to the ticket booth. It was very crowded. She decided to stay in line. She wanted to see Teenage Wolves. A few moments later, she paid for one ticket and entered the arena. She took a seat in the 14th row.
The band grabbed their instruments, loaded them up in the amplifiers, and set up for a soundcheck. Matt peeked out from the curtains, the audience was crowded, he could see TK and their friends. However, his crazy fangirl, Jun, was there. He shuddered, but he shook it off.
“You ok, Matt?” asked the keyboard player.
“Yeah, Jun is here,” said Matt, he was a bit uncomfortable.
"True, but remember unless we work together we can't reach our end goal, Matt." The keyboard player said.
“He’s right. You have to stay focused on the gig. Think about the practice.” said the drummer.
Matt sighed, “Yeah, you’re right. Let the gig begin.”
The lights went out. Red, blue, and purple flashes pulsated through the darkness, following the rhythm of an ominous beat. The curtains parted, thick fog, colored like the rainbow by the light show, streamed over the stage. The LED screens flicker until the illuminated silhouettes of the Teenage Wolves appear.
Matt stood in the spotlight in the middle of the stage with a microphone stand.
"Are you ready to ROCK!" Matt yelled.
The crowd yells "YEAH!"
"We're sorry, we think you can be a little louder than that," Matt said.
"Are you ready to ROCK!" Matt shouted.
The crowd screamed again "YEAHH!"
As Matt smiled the band began to play, the crowd going wild as Matt began to sing......
You've got a boy, you've got a girl,
Sitting underneath a tree
They sit there every day
And even though, you may think
this is the way the things should be,
It may not always be that way
You can't take nothing for granted,
You've gotta live life today
I turn around
and I can see what's behind me,
I turn back around
and I can see what's ahead
And if you don't believe
I'll be here all along,
Just turn around
Just turn around
You wanna get you gotta give
There is no other way to be
So give it a try
If what I say is really so
you gotta let somebody see
You can't just keep it inside
You can't take nothing for granted,
You've gotta live life today
I turn around
and I can see what's behind me,
I turn back around
and I can see what's ahead
And if you don't believe
I'll be here all along,
Just turn around
Just turn around
The concert started to rumble above the sky, they could feel the ground shaking underneath.
“Aah! What’s going on?!” the guy cried out.
“Was that an earthquake?!” the girl cried.
Drusilla didn’t know what was going on, she tried to figure out where the earthquake came from. A black foot of the dinosaur was stamped on a stage and the band fled. The audience was screaming and running out of the concert. Drusilla had to run without tripping over. There are no locks on the doors or windows and only one route of egress in the case of an emergency.
Drusilla got outside of the concert, she then looked at the giant creature roaring and blasting fire out of its mouth and destroying the buildings.
‘What the hell is that thing?! And how do dinosaurs exist? It doesn’t make sense!” thought Drusilla.
More creatures were flying above the sky, they were dragon-like demons clad in black, with four red eyes, several wings on their back and head, they had long tails, they had buckles on their arms, and tips of red fingers.
“Oh, you’ve gotta be kidding me,” said Drusilla.
0 notes
*giggles at your approval, knowing you loved to kick back and relax, following you with our bags down to our spot again and laying it all out as you grind it up and ready it for me* Of course you don’t, addict. *teases, knowing we both only really used recreationally, feeling like I needed it today to let loose with the stress I had going on* *watches you inhale, you always making it look quite sensual as I grin and take it from you, pressing my lips to it as I take a hit as well, breathing in deep and closing my eyes before blowing out the smoke and smiling* Just what I needed. *lies back next to you after I’d passed it back* \ *relaxes a bit at your smile before being completely caught off guard as you kiss me not once but twice, your second lingering and knowing I couldn’t hold back on this one, I wanted to kiss you properly* *i sigh into it as my eyes close, wrapping one arm around your lower back to pull you closer to me as the other cups your cheek and then back of your neck, pulling you closer as we kiss softly and in sync, licking just gently across your bottom lip but not pushing anything as gently pull my head back, breathing heavily and our noses brushing as I stay close* You’re making it hard to leave. *he whispers, kissing you softly before pulling back properly* I guess I’ll see you and Aubree on Monday? *smiles*
*Louis smiles at you and takes a few more hits, weed not effecting him as much and as easily as it does you. After the two of you have passed the pipe back and forth a few times, he lays back on the pillow, both of you on your backs and looking up at the sky* I missed smoking with you. Smoking with the boys is always so obnoxious. Niall eats everything, Liam gets paranoid and Harry gets too deep.
*I keep my hands rested on his chest as we continue kissing, smiling up at him, pouting a bit when he pulled away. I was going to invite him in but since he seemed like he wanted to go, I just nod and smile again* Yeah, Monday. Aubree will be very excited to see you again after her weekend away. *I awkwardly tuck a piece of hair behind my ear before unlocking my door and opening it, taking a step inside* I had a great time tonight, Louis. Thank you again. I’ll see you on Monday, bright and early.
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