#*speaking as a trans jew who also hates jk rowling
avi-on-jumblr · 1 month
i am so fucking infuriated that the same leftists who have been posting the protocols, and reblogging news literally direct from hamas, are now acting all righteous because they get to call out j.k rowling for her latest bout of transphobic antisemitism. they feel so good that they're "standing up for victims of the holocaust", while they've spent the past six months weaponizing the holocaust to attack jews.
if you're only calling it out when the poster is a terf or right-wing bigot posting misinformation on twitter, but not when jews are being stabbed in the streets, then congratulations, your activism is worthless! you can stop trying to convince yourself you would have been against the holocaust when you've been dead fucking silent about the jews who are dying now.
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rantingcrocodile · 2 years
I don't get why you a *bisexual women* feel the need to comment on lesbians and their feelings about trans women for them? You do realize you have no actual say in that right? Because you're not a lesbian and a LOT of lesbians have said time and time again that non lesbians should stop talking for them (also ignoring the fact that trans women have been welcomed and accepted by lesbians for years especially in the beginning of the lgbt community.)
Its kinda sad your obsession with being transphobic like do you have no life? If not maybe go outside more and make friends, maybe then you won't an irredeemable transphobe defending a racist white woman ;)
You mean like this kind of "acceptance" from lesbians?
Literally every single actual lesbian who respects lesbian boundaries and hasn't been browbeaten into repeating the male party line is happy for anyone to point out that they're only attracted to other women, and that males pressuring them into relationships and sex is coercive rape rhetoric and echoes conversion therapy, sir. That's called "actually being an ally."
JK Rowling isn't perfect, but she isn't a racist.
You homophobes and misogynists love abusing Jewish people to claim that she's "racist" down to looking at her goblin characters, pointing and going, "There's a Jew! Therefore JK is the racist!" despite Jewish people saying that no, she's not antisemitic, just because you hate women speaking.
Read another book, seriously.
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maybeshesnaped · 3 years
I don't support jk rowling, I don't think she made a good deal to speak publicly in that way. But. I don't think she "attack" anyone. I'm nonbinary and I don't feel attacked by her, other queer and trans don't feel attacked by her too. Then, ALL you stated about the "proves" in her books that she is the awfullest being on earth is internet trash exaggerated by haters.. And bit racist too. Bankers are goblins, so racism, because all Jews are bankers...??? I would feel offended that people assume I am a banker because I'm Jew... Chang is a common chinese surname, Cho maybe not a good choice for a forename (I checked with some Chinese friends), Rawling is not Chinese, and publishers didn't correct it. They have their responsibility too on this type of mistakes. HIV IS A SERIOUS ILLNESS that caused the death of thousands of people, especially in the late 80s / 90s when HP was written, it changes the life of someone for the rest of their existence, personal and work relationship, etc. Negate that is denial. Then I don't think licantropy is as much a metaphor for that, but still, I don't see a bad representation in Remus Lupin. He is one of the most positive character in HP.
At last. Yes. I will unfollow you. But I gave you my opinion. And I add an advice. Being so hateful to jk Rowling brings absolutely nothing. It's a huge lie that the WHOLE trans community is against her, and this war to her is another (yes, another cause she has being hated from a while before this transphobia thing) rumble by haters. And online there's a lot of people who have to find something to be hateful, a reason for their hate to spread.
Again, I don't support her, she didnt make her mind clear before those statements. Her fears do not involve trans people, but criminal CIS MEN. And no, she never addressed trans as criminals, but she gave the impression to do that, which was the mistake. Everybody has fears, phobias, she was abused, has a trauma, pretty understandable she fears men. But her personal fears should not have carried her to write those comments publicly. Then if you feel angry for some reason jogging in the park is much more healthy than rumbling on the internet.
whew, there’s a lot to unpack here
while i do agree that not all trans/queer people took offense at jkr’s stance, that doesn’t take away the fact that the majority did. in addition, what i disagree with in your post, is that jkr’s harmful opinion is solely focused on criminal cis men.
jkr is a person who wrote a whole ass book about a man who dressed as a woman and killed women. she really and shamelessly went into such great lengths to vilify trans women.
“One wonders what critics of Rowling’s stance on trans issues will make of a book whose moral seems to be: never trust a man in a dress,” Jake Kerridge writes in his review.
she is also the kind of person who praised a woman who compared being transgender to doing blackface as i showed in this post
she is also the kind of person who promoted an anti-trans shop that sells disgusting anti trans items. a shop that sells pins saying “trans women are men” and “notorious transphobe”. 
Other items they sell include pins that say “Woman is not a costume” and “Transmen are my sisters” and “Sorry about your dick bro” and “XX (female)” and “F*ck your pronouns” and “Transactivism is Misogyny,” some of which even display the trans flag just in case their hateful rhetoric wasn’t clear enough
it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t only target criminal cis men, yes???
and don’t tell me that she might not have known and all that naive bullshit. she knows what she’s doing.
the few men who take advantage of trans people’s struggles should NOT be the talking point on whether they, as a group, deserve rights, love, and acceptance. PERIOD.
the fact that you can’t see that she targets the entire trans community and that you say you don’t support her only because she voiced her opinion publicly, tells me that you do in fact support her, if only she kept her views to herself. so i’m glad you unfollowed me.
as far as her use of stereotypes in HP are concerned, again, you are mistaken. you “don’t think lycanthropy is a metaphor for that” you say, but jkr herself says it is. comparing an illness like HIV/AIDS to being a monster who actively harms others is not okay, despite the author’s intentions. it’s simply a very poor-thought out metaphor.
lastly, jkr may not even have realized that she uses anti-semitic tropes in her work. but that doesn’t mean it’s not there.
Connor Goldsmith, a literary agent says: “Rowling’s goblins are nakedly anti-Semitic caricatures — a race of gnarled, hook-nosed misers obsessed with gold, who believe they own everything they’ve ever produced and wizards who purchase things only ‘rent’ from them. They appear to run the entire wizarding economy, and trust no one but their own kind. It’s suggested that secret cabals of goblins work to undermine the wizard government. The fact that these creatures appear in a book series which is ostensibly an allegory for the Holocaust is as distressing as it is bizarre; one hopes Rowling didn’t intend to create such a caricature, because it really undermines her project, but intent isn’t really what matters at the end of the day.”
i and many others agree that she did use anti-semitic stereotypes. and there’s plenty of arguments to support our position. do with that what you will. sadly, you seem to make a lot of incoherent excuses about all the unfortunate elements she used in her books.
i’m not by any means saying we should cancel the books and reject them because of all these problematic features. i am saying however that they need to be recognized and discussed, just like jkr’s militant and very evident transphobia. 
i am angry, and we all should, because her views are dangerous and harmful. gaslighting us and saying “go for a jog” simply because we express our very legitimate anger and dissapointment regarding a beloved author who shaped many childrens’ lives and ended up invalidating their very existence, only makes you look like a jerk, not someone with an argument to be taken into account.
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